The Clinton News Record, 1919-1-23, Page 3:A FLIGHT ACROSS ATLANTIC
Trip IS Feasible €ts There are Airplanes Now Available Weak, are;
Capable of Making the Tourney --Mail Service. Between
1ingiand and thlited States in 1920.
A cltvspate'h from Louden eayst-
'Gen, Beaneker, who is giving tip his
poet ate Master -General of Personnel
in the Air 14lmisttry ''ta clevo'te this
time to commcrci'al aviatron, ill an
terview with tete Dail'y. Exp'rese as-
serted that a fl gleCtucross the At•-
Ilantie. probably would be peewit
p]lieled in May,' He lidded that tit'e
trip wa.S feniblo at the present mo-
ment as 'there Nemo three or font
types of ah•p+lmees available evllitcih
were oapab1e •of malehig the flight.
Con. Branelter tbhe time was
not far distant when adrpi nes would
le owned and driven as automobiles
ase to -clay. III said itt probably
would be neeese ry to establish an
aeedel police force, the ditty of which
ward be to waach over ear routers
and frontiers.
The Eveniu News says de has been
affirabad:y info'rmel that the. British
Admiralty is =hawking on a tilt pro -
gramma of iii.^ahiip eenstrecttiOn, Aire
ships• are being buiit with a gas ettAft•
e•11t7 of 2,500,000 cubic feet,' The air-
craft will leave' e large lifting caps-•
Gity'as>ci will be'able to :make between
60 nand : 70 niitles aaY deur, tent they
wall mew crews of 55 sued,
Steil Negev ewe -hips aro• 1)1"m-cactiand. flights- with passengers -care pre-
dicted for the near. fe'ttle'd, Several
+tairajitipa width- Will be. equal to size
and capacity to the ng.eet•Zeppol'ins,
and which are -of a aibn lar rigid typo
•are being latiltthe Primarily.they are
being e:on'strueted for sea tverk and
g net'ad ob erve:teen dusty .:for the
navy, 'fteeso airsdlips, it is ,sada, evitel
be eapabde of" Tenlaiiiing in the :Via'
for a week.
The new'spa ter ayt, tt regular air-
ship mail service between.' England
and the Unfted Skates during. the
summer, of 19120 de regarded as cer-
tadn by airsildp 'builders,
Effective in 1.920 -Remaining 8 How Germans Controlled Indus -
States Expected to Fall try Before 1914.
in Line. A despatch from London says:-
A despatch from Washington Sir Eric Geddes, Minister without
says: -The American nation was Portfolio in the new Cabinet, in an
voted dry on Thursday by constitn- address before the Associated Chain- No 4 yellow, $1.70, January shipment,
tional amendment; effective a lstit i_ hers of Commerce, said' the biggest Ontario Coats, new erop-No. 2, charge,
mately ayear hence, when the.Legiet thing that had been learned in•the white, 70 to 73e; No. 3 }elite, 69 to The raising of the Vindictive is the
latuee of Nebraska,'.the home o4 Wil- war. and the greatest' benefit that 1,72e iseeercllitlg to freights defends, biggest jolt and may take some
liam Jennings Bryan, one of the foto- could be gotten from it was that rho- {Intario 'wheat -No. 1 Winter; per months. It seems clear that she was
most champions- of prohibition, tali- British people had iseoveie aril car. let, $2,14 to $2,22; No. 2 do,, shifted to where she now is by the
fled' the proposed amendment. Ratifi- ntttiawhat they coo d do if they p 1 2 07 t
-cation of the amendment by 36 of the led together.
4$ States was necessary to make it They had imegoved machinery and
a valid part of the A.merican•constitu_ methods and also
zer electric power, the
tion. Nebraska was the thirty-sixth great modernizer of industries, They
Veterans Give Addy -•Messrs, W, 13. Tait (1), David Leugitrtan (2) and R. 33, Maxwell (3) have been
named by the Great War Veterans' Association, et the roqueut of the Dominion Gov'ernmend:,''to set see .00 ad-
vesony council to the Repatriation Gomn saes, of wthtich Hon. J. A. Calder lis chairmen aaltd Mr. 13, J. Daly chief
executive of ams,, plisse dihres, all of ivhon saw service early in the war, and have been home in Canada loatg
enough to havci a grasp of the new eondrtione the war has ltr'ougfat about, 0110 ilegatnng their whole time to
coleferi ng tivallh the committee, upon its many ,problems, Mr. '1 it who as u graduate of Da.luous'ie and Hax-
'Vard Univorsett:ies, And krior to going ovel'seas,wes. 05a1italnt professor of. psychology at McGill' Undvereety,
served a.s major with the 7111 Cenitddati Stege Battery. Mr. Maxwell, who belongs to Winnipeg, enlisted early
enou'g'h in 1914 to receive the regimental nuonbee "723", served with the 8th Battaalon, the "Littee 131aek
Devals", and was St -minded at the saconel battle of 'Ypres. He was twice president of the Winnipeg G. W, V.
A, Me, 1oughnan •ser erI overseas 'with the 16111Battalt:011 and was wounded at Ypres; Since hie return to
Canada he has been honored With many' offices lin veterans'.. organizations 'and tie now editor of "`.Phe
Markets of -the ork 1
Toronto, Jan, 21, -Manitoba wheat
-No, 1 Northern, 52.241/s; No. 2
Northern, $2.21; No. 3 Northern,
$2.17%• No. 4 wheat, $2.1114, in
o $$ 80 to 8:25. cllaice select BJ. TI 'IP TO
hogs, $18 to 78 26.�i'� !
Brave Old Hulk May Yet Be Towed _
Back to liondou.
The Admiralty Salvage Department, Olympic and Aquitania Will Also
store Fart William, not ancludang tax', under the direction of Commodore
Manitoba oats -No, 2 .,W, feed, Young, has acted with such vigor at
No. 3 C.W., 68e; •extra No. 1 feedd,
08%; No. 1 feed, 660, in store Fort
American corn -No. 3 yellow, $1.75;
be Loaned During February.
A -despatch from New York says: of the war.
Ostend that a waterway has been
No-rJls Or INTEREST ';t'R(11'i IE, ;Xi
What is Going On to the 1315hl01010
end Lowlancls 07 Auld
St. Donald Main, reported missing,
IS a son of the late Capt. 'W. S. Main,
commander of the Fhnpi•ess of Bri-
A bar, the ascend, has been Added
to the Itiilitery Cross awarded to
Major Roj ert Masson Greig, of Par -
The Presbytery of Selkirk sent
congratulations to A'lise Thomson,
Edinburgh, to her on her one hun-
dredth birthday.
Lieut. James Robertson killed in
action, was the only son of Henry
Robertson, headmaster of Ayr Gram-
mar School,
The Rothesay School Boarcl have
asked for religious instruction in
schools, and that it be made man-'
Lieut, A, G. Montgomery, Cameron
Highlander, killed in action, was a
grand -nephew. of Bean Montgomery,
of Edinburgh.
The Order of the British Empire
has been conferred on Lady Helen
Munro Ferguson, and Lady Steel, of
South Africa,
Major Angus McPherson, Argyles,
gassed, rose from the rank of private
to that of major since the beginning
-Nino British veasele resell 'a total' Burns' Cottage and Museum at
cleared allowing vessels carrying been carrying capacity of 27,750 meal lieve Alloway was visited by over fifty
about 700 tous, of cargo to go right, been placed at the disposal of the thousand persons during the year
up to - the deep water quay and dis- American Goverlunent for the trans- ending' September 30th,
potincedu •of troops home, it was tan-- There was a big demand 111 Glas-
Mcntioed liege en Tuesday by-Britishenti' streets for the flags sold in aid
Mitvrthe of Shipping', These vessels of Harry Lctuder's Fund for Scottish
are the Cic, Ca, Adriatic, Iliines-
lvwhdat, Cedric, Canonic, Saxoni'a, Pan- Sod d
52.11 tq $2.19' No. 3, oto., $ ° enemy opening the lock gates higher. amnia, Cedric and Orca.
$2,.15; No. 1 Swing,5206to $2 4 $2.17;.upand sendingdown a tremendous In addition, it is announced the
No, -2 Spring, $2.06 $2,14; No. 3 ,
Spring, 52.02 to $2.17 f,o.b., sdiipping ,volume of water. When the cement Olympic, Mauretania and Acquetaeie,
pants, aoeordng to f1•eaigltto. is taken out of her and the hull thus three 'of the dargost Br'rtisth troop
Peas -No. 2, ,$2.00. lightened it is quite possible that shops, will• `bring additional American
Begley -Malting, new crop, 85 to buoyancy will he established by corn- troops hont•e during February.
mans controlled British industrybo- 90 c, according to fre:rghts outside,
-Buckwheact-No. 2, $1.25.'
fore the war, Rye -No. 2, 51.45, nominal.
As an instance, Sir Eric mentioned Manibaha flour -Old. crop, war
apelter and tungsten, which, though qualty, .511.85, 0101110.
controlled through Germany, came al- Ontario flour -War quality, old
•rely from tit. Brit{sh Em- drop, 510.25, in bags, Montreal and
had learned much about German
Only eight States remain out in the "key" industries and the way the Ger-
cold'through failure thus far of their
legislatures to approve the amend-
ment. These missing Commonwealths
are New York, Pennsylvania, New
• „Jersey, Conueetieut, Rhode Island,
Minnesota, New Mexico and Nevada. ",V'U • Toronto, prompt shipment,
• Five of these missing States are pare, while file whole monopoly of ronto, d• -Galt lots, delivered Mont -
magneto manufacture, indispensible real freights,ba
among' the thirteen original. missingbap included-, ` Bran
States. Prohibition leaders expect to modern development in steel $37.25 per ton; shorts, $42.25 per ton.
most of these eight States to ratify plants, was held back by the dumping Hasy=No, 1 $23 to $24 per �on.
Tor -
before the end of the month, The of pieces of apparatus, suole as crank maxed,. $21 to $22 per ton, track o1
Legislatures of all eight of these castings' on the Tyne and the Clyde onto.
States, except that of Nevada, are in et prices lower than the cost of the Straw -Car lots, 510 to $11, track
• . session. Nevada's Legislature will
meet January 20. • '
Enables Britain to Admit Repre-
sentatives of Dominions.
A despatch frons London says: -
According to the official statement
given out by the Governments taking
part in the preliminary peace conver-
sations, the meeting adopted the fol-
lowing two general principles:
One. -Each delegation being a unit,
the number of delegates forming it
shall have no influence upon its status
at -the conference, -
Two. --In the selection of its dele-
gation each nation may avail itself
of the panel system, This will enable
each state at discretion to entrust its
interests to such persons as nanny
• designate.
The adoption of the panel system
raw material.
Provisions -Wholesale
Barrelled Meats-Piekled pork, 548;
Ars Now Busy Clearing Fields Outside mees•pork, $47,
German Territorial Waters. Green Meats -Out of pickle, le
less than smoked.
British mine -sweepers will have Smelted. Meats -Rolls, 32 to 33e;
their hands full for some time in car- hams,
medium, 38 ,to 39c; liesuy, u0
Tying out clause 24 of the armistice, to 312; cooked hauls, 51 to 52c; backs
which provides that the associated to 52c Bre-ablest b 46 to 47M aconks, 42 42 ttosd 50
Governments shall have the right to Cottage ,ell's, 35 to'36c.
sweep up all mine fields anti obstrue- t Dry Salted Meats -Long clears, in
tions laid by Germany outside German tons, 30,:• in cases, 33301/ c; clear bele
territorial waters, the ,`positions of lies, 28e fo 28%c; fat backs, 25c.
which are to be indicated by tate Ger.,I Lard -Pure, tiea'ces;-291ee to 30c;
mans, , tubs,'' 30 to 309110; pails, 301/1 to
Throughout the war these mine- 8094ci prints, 31 to 3139.c. Shorten-
ing, testees, ?b1Ji to 25 2; hubs, 2Gs/1
fearlessly, a notably work, When the �° 26e• pails, 26 to 2614c' lelb prints,
war• began the British navy had only t- 7 to 27%c. ^-
a small fleet of sweepers, but the : Montreal Markets
nine -laying operations of the enemy 1 Monti al Jan, 21,--0ats, extra
and the counter -mining of the allies No. 1 feet• 85e; hour, nee standard
made imperative the employment of a grade 511.25 to 511.35; reeled oats,
n1uc11 •larger number of vessels, As bag 90 lbs., 54.00 to 54.40; bran
fast as possible, small craft of various 537.25; charts 542.25; Mouil1ce
kinds wore put into the service. 563.00 to 570,00; hay, No. 2, per ton, i TMs done, the skeleton falls again
Around the British -Isles alone about ear lets, 519.00 to 520. 00, Cheese,,to pieces. The strange clock has, of
700 vessels have been used. ;finest Easterals $27,60 to $28,00; but- ectrse, many admirers. Thus, len
ter choice -Creamery 511/ to 53e; eggs,
Each month the Wane-stvespors have selected 57 to 58c. No. 1 stock 52 English -.banker recently otTmed
combed 40,000 miles of water. To do .t aeo. Potatoes per bag, car lets $5,000 for it, but tate pwner could not
be induced to sell it,
pressed air and the brave old hulk
towed to London.
The clearing - of Zeebrugge pre -
The Olympic and Aquitarea :have
been employed in bringing home
Canadian troops during the past
sented a problem which did not differ months, `r
much from that at. Ostend, %Iere lay - _,e,_ -__-,-
Capt. Fryatt's ship, the City of
Brussels, at the outer entrance to the TO CANADIAN BOYS
harbor, and near by were�the Iphi-
genia, Intrepid ani- other British
naval"craft. Not fat' from these the A. despatch from London says:--
A movement is afoot in Buxton, the
enemy, bete leaving, sank two small beautiful little Derbyshire towtt where
vessels and a tug which have been so many Canadian woultdecl and in -
of theup and taken away. The stern capacitated have been cared for, to
of Iphigenia will have to be.ent „
to give a deop-water passage to the give public expression to the feeling
litho?. that we are grateful for the excellent
At Bruges all sorts of craft are ly- behavior and management of the
ing in the docks and canal in almost ti Public reference is made to the.
indescribable confusion. They are ni .ones; in which Canadian officers rf Tobcrmory ill recognition of their'Winchester'
mostly submarines, 501011 gunboats, died at from an article
have endo,,onred to interest tele in- leaving• won Military .Medals,
hiRll'S 18Y '81A.I( 4510777 ,X481.
Osecarrcnces in the Land That Reigns
Supreme in the Calmer,
Out ii olid.
-New laid eggs are being sold el
Convent 0513511 at six shillings per
There frac Only seventy-eight words
in the hill 'which allows women to sit
in parliament,
The tree given by the Duke of Bae-,
clench for the lied Cross timber sale
realized 4,1,800,
A shorthorn yearling bull belonging
to C. In Raphael brought 41,575 (57,-
560) at Birmingham.
Ovor i2,000 was raised for the Red
Cross Society at Woking by the sale
of "Our Day" flags,
Fire did £100,000 damage to the
Colonial Combing Company's works
at ••Keighley, Yorkshire,.
A Bristol girl born on November.
the llth has been registered with
the Christian name of Peace.
Alderman William Paine has been
chosen mayor of the city of Chatham
for the seventh consecutive year.
The pauper's of Swansea are allow-
ed to remain in bed three-quarters of
an hour later to economize fuel.
During four days of armistice cele.
braticns the London ambulances had
three hundred and seventy-one calls.
While towing a German field gun
on a lorry to Croydon, a soldier fell
under one of the wheels and was
crushed to death.
Mrs. Max de Bathe, of Hartley
Court, Reading, his collected four
hundred thousand eggs for the
vmunded soldiers.
The Buffery Colliery Company, of
Worcestershire, was fined d50 for
failing to supply' a monthly return to
Soldiers and Sailors. the Fuel Controller.
The death has been announce ofThe Ecenntrie Club entertained at
the Albert Hall ten thousand of the
British, Colonial and American woun-
ded soldiers.
The supply of beef at the Newport
Cattle Market on a recent Saturday
showed an increase of over one hun-
dred per cent.
The late. Alfred Reclean. a Deal
lifeboat mane fs credited with having
Lady Naesmyth, of Posso, mother of
the present Sir 3. Tolnie Naesin 1h,
seventh baronet of Posso.
Major Colin Arthur Jardine, 14 T.C.,
who has received a bar to his D.S.O.,
is a son of Sir John Jardine, M.P.
for Roxburghshire.
Mrs. Sophia Lucy Mackworth
Connal, a sister-in-law of Dr. Connal,
Glasgow, has been apointed a mem-
saved over five hundred lives from
the Goodwin Sands.
Three hundred and twenty-twd wo-
men have entered for the ,prelimin-
ary exciminatiotl of the Institute of
ber of the Ceder of the British Ern.
ire. •-
Although seventy years of age Sir
Henry Jones has crossed the Atlautic
to tell the.poople of the United States Bankers.
about the British effort in the war. Theteitizens of Ellistown, a mining
The trustees of the state of the Village of 'Leicestershire, presented
late George Dickson have presented each of the 175 local soldiers with a
to Glasgow corporation the oil paha- guinea at Christmas.
ing "Falls of Dochart, Killen' by Sir Captain Sir George Lloyd was re -
Alfred East, R.A. ceived by the Ring on his appoint -
Lance -Corporals A. D. Cameron and ,trent as Governor of Bombay.
D. Maclntosh, Argyles, were present- Bernard Capes, author of "The
ed with wrist watches by the citizens lake of Wine" and other romances;
and motor -boats, which were destroy- habitants in the troops by shorts and I.iaut: Cal. A. G. Scougal, 14I, C.,
ed by our bombs And added to by Hospitality, Royal Scots, killed in action,• was a
enemy destruction before he fled, son of the late Dr. Scougal, inspector
of training colleges.
An Uncanny Clock. A Worth -While Purchase. The Admiralty has awarded 13,500
The most uncanny clock is in the Alaska has been worth ouch more to the Duke of -Buccleuch as compete,
its cost to the United States. A stttiou for the use of a part 01 Gran -
possession of an Indian prince. It half-ren1nvy ago 'Alaska 'was per- ton Harbor.
has ltd dial, 011y a round disk to chased at a cost or 57,200,000, and that Cloathridge Town Council presented
which numerous little bells are ail- original investment has been returned Capt. John R. Lamberteu with a gold
tached. Its mere sight at every full to the nation more than seventy fold, watch in honor of his being awarded
hour is sufficient to strike an awe for from the products of the land e111:1 the D.S.O. and M.C.
into 0501005 persons, For this 1111- sea Alaska has added to the national Sergi'. William Stevenson, who
canny clock indicates the hour by w•eahh upward of
$500,000,0e0, .the
uniting, as with a tragic hand, into greater part of which. hos been pro-
f a skeleton e number of bones heaped duced daring the last 20 years. Two
:About it. This skeleton then seizes sources of large and steady income cite
a bone and strikes with it at the bell copper ore anti the 4shcries.
as often as are hours to i;e intlieatbd, ^_ -
will in particular enable the British this they steamed a total of 1,132,000 $1,70; ' dressed Bogs, abattoir Weed
Empire to admit amot3g its five (tele- miles. $21.00 to $23.00; lard, pure, wood
gates representatives of the Domin-
In 1916, 21,000 mines were removed pails, 20 lbs. net 31 to 32tge,
ions, including Newfoundland, which
has leo separate repregsentatio,p, and
of India. -
. despatch from Vladivostok
says :-The troopship Protesilaus, with
Lieut. -Cole Bickford, 96 officers, and
1,669 other ranks of the Canadian
Siberian Expeditionary gorses, ar-
rived here on Thursday.' Rifleman
Butler, of Peterboro, Ont., was killed
(aboard the steamer by falling debris
during a severe storm encountered' on
" Jan. 1. The death of Butler makes
a total of five to date in the force,
;Sergt, Winn, Engineers, who cue -
climbed to exposure at River Camp
,yesterday, being 910 fifth, The lat-
a' tee's death is the second to occur at
't that camp, '
A despatch front Panama says: •.-
The British troopship Empress of
Asia passed through" the Panama
Canal on Thursday on its way igen
England to Vancouver with 1,400 dis-
charged -soldiers oil board. -
with a loss of fifty-one minesweepers, 1 -
In 1917, 43,000 mines wore swept up Live Stook leteekrots
and 59 mine -sweepers wore lost, In I Toronto, Jan. 21..-Gleoice heavy
1913, up to the end of September, 1,- . steers, 513.00 to 513.50; butchers'
400 nainos were swept up and 19 mine. `cattle, choice, 512.00 to 512.50• do.
sweepers lost, . I good, 511.00 to 511.50; de, medium,
510.00 to 510.25;; do. common, 58.25
GUILT OF STARTING WAR'to $8.50; bulls, choice, $10.25 to
FIXED ON KAISER11.00; do, medium 'bulls, $9,00 to
9.50; do, rcuglh'bulls, $7,b0 to $3,C0;
`butchers' cows; choice, 510.25 to
A despatch from Berne says: -A 510.75; do. good, 59.50 to 510.00; do.
German commission appointed to de- medium, 58.50 to $8.75; dto, common,
termine the former Kaiser's respon;i- -87.00 to 57.75; stockers, 58.00 to
Unity for the war has of3i daily 1'6_ 5.10, 00 feeders, 510.50 to $11.50;
commended that he be .hriught to canners, 56.00 to $0.50; m{:kers,
trial, according to information lee- good a elto eco, ,$90.5.000 ' 5140.00;o575dc,
cam. and nted. $Gb,00' to $75.00;
calved from Berlin. See'irngers, $90.00 to $140.00; light
The recommendation was i mouncnd ewes, 510,00 to 510.50; yearlings,
by Herr Eautsky, who was appointed 512.75 to 51e.25; spring lames,
by the present 'German • (3,veinment 515,25 to 510.00; co:taes, good to
to direct examination of doeu1uents in choice, $16,00 to '$17.75; !tags,
the archives of the(Foreign'Office, waieie off caws, $17.35; do. fate and
"Marginal notes in the Kaiser's watered $17,00; do, f,o.h, country
point/, $16,25,
own handwriting 011 the moat import- Man•trcal, Jan, 21, -Chaise steers,
ant papere in the Foreign Office prove $12.00 to $13.00; ,good, 510,50 to
he was one of the principal war intik- `711.50; medium, 59,.00 to $10,00;
era," Kautsicy reported. " It 'is nee choreic butcher bulls, $0,00 to $10.00;
essary to bring hint before a tribunal." good, P.O. to $9,00; m,ecldunt $8.00
to $8.50; cmeo butches cows $9.50
Don't Fold Rugs- _ tq $10.50 �g+o°d, $3.00 to ''$9.00
mecbi•uun 7,00 to $B.Ob• oannersy
NEver fold a rug, as it makes a.
crease that does not to conte out, Al-
ways roll it up,
The British Agricultur:el Wages
Board recently issued orders mixing
of i,,duenZ.t.
A new extension to the Albert
Docks- system is to be completed at
once for the anticipated shipping• as
tivitiaa after the war.
London milkmen made an appeal
to their customers on behalf of the
Bed Cross, using quart earls as col-
lecting boxes.
A civic monument has been un-
veiled in a London area in memory
of twenty-one citizens killed by Ger-
man bombs.
Lord Furness has presented Turn-
eonthe of Mr. nitd Mee, Stevenson, Pul- tra1111112 home for disabled soldiers
lokshaws. and 041101' .
Sir Hugh Stewart, Deputy Lord -.0.-_--
Lieutenant of Renfrewshire, present- The Ilcart of Woman.
ed to Sergeant William Leggett, Gor-
dons, the Military Medal awarded to When down the mud -black Flanders
him road
The ranks file by,
You know not that 1 walk with you,
But there. me 1.
You limp a little --laugh, and do not
The velitun of the Royal Humane
minimum and maximum rates for Ivo- Society has been -awarded to Miss,
men workers for the whole of Great Margaret Caird, daughter of Profes-
sor Caird, for a heroic rescue ill St.
Abli s Bay.
Captain Guy Anderson Herbert, It 13 my feet that. leave the blood -
who was awarded the Croix de Guerre stains there.
and 'palms iii July last, has 'tow been. Through all the fury and the flame,
awarded the M.C. Be is a native of
Owing to the coal situet ort the
Ardrossan Town Council lues-•e='c•om-
decode-cl the early closing of strops
and one service a Sunday in ,:hurehes.
Sergeant'. William Llutche:;on, of
• Ardros0, who was awarded the D.C.M.
about three menthe ago, has since
- been awarded the Military Medal.
The death took place recently` at
Towuhead Far'nt, IIoksteburgh, of
James Caldwell, a well known breeder
J' 1 hire cattle and Leicester
The hate and wrath,
Through all tele ways of dread and
I share. your path.
You lake it as' the tilty'x work undis-
It is my fiesit that shrinks and rs
'There is no burden On your strength
I do not bear,
'There is no horror that you :face
But 1 am there,
There ds no wound that you may ever
o. 4• yrs know,
sheep. 13ut that my heart was shattered by
Argvlshire's recent efforts on be- the blots',
half of the Reil Carder funds I -calmed
nearly ,'10,000.
And 11 freul out the sower's hand
Your life is thrown
A seed against the harvest -there
33y using various co'.:,rc to mark I, too ant sown.
clothing', 55011 child heal ng
1(1 own You will attadf5 the grail in that last
color, much 3intf,nlay he saved in egret -
c,rt- beeatll,
ing and putting' away clothing, 1311 1 shall only lmov. the sting of
"14 ; Pall or winter pruning of grape-
ewe:: , • 0;11.41,.,, ;.,, ,,,,•,a,, a .!.10A.,..,,,;,%. 1,% ,, vires ntn, be winter
at: any time tiro'- And if at nasi -ut last you 001115
of: lean'' iug mild weather frim November to To }Ones -to me,
511.00; lambs,
sheep, 59.00 to A New Stunt -New tways Being aero lemee are Stettin
March, while the °:elle.? are In n (101'• 0017 the woman that you left
Sambs, 511.00 to $'13.04; mil: every day, This flying machine uses ship's .gums as its Stettin plat-
feel salvos, $12.00 to $15.00; grass- 1301•111. t plant comitiem 'Your eyes will see,
,.,g�.*•sea .,^ • etA.,,1 you will never know I enter, too,
.a T �w...y And share the rapture of .return with
.Cru�...!'''ifr+' �.l.J "�L�° 'C'�'.r."twa,.�::�G, ter. �.w+ you,
The Roll of: Honor,
V,Tr read .the list at sunset, When the
Wit all a -stream with ehlcndors
Rule-t01or lit to 1101110, that still
swept by,
Bright Spirits thronging froth lite e
Against tiro royal purples of the east,
'.1'110 pride of our grea mourning', fair
they glowed,
Our hsroos 't'rom all agony released,
• Speeding to honor's beautiful abode.
Still eager with their youth's uusiaked
i3Oautug the clouds with feet foe iight
to Tall,
Beneath a • many-bsultcred arch 0l
tiro • t
"Chose gtorlee raved like bon to.'
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V,Tr read .the list at sunset, When the
Wit all a -stream with ehlcndors
Rule-t01or lit to 1101110, that still
swept by,
Bright Spirits thronging froth lite e
Against tiro royal purples of the east,
'.1'110 pride of our grea mourning', fair
they glowed,
Our hsroos 't'rom all agony released,
• Speeding to honor's beautiful abode.
Still eager with their youth's uusiaked
i3Oautug the clouds with feet foe iight
to Tall,
Beneath a • many-bsultcred arch 0l
tiro • t
"Chose gtorlee raved like bon to.'