The Clinton News Record, 1919-1-23, Page 2et D. leisiTAGMere M. D. IiIitTAGOAK3 McTaggart Bros. RAW KE le A elleNERArreleANK Teeee BU BESS.. T RA N S 'VOTE OT DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS INSUED ANTERnteee A Lleoweeo ON Dere ?Mein SALE NOTE "'" in BANCO NOTAP.T ?Urine), CONVICT" eteleVet, EINANCIAL, BEAU EnTATR ANT) FIRE INSTIen ANC!: A"GENT. REPRESENT- ING Li FIRE eNALIIIANCI4 COMPANIAS, PelnleiON nOtelen Q.101411, W. ItIlYDOME, BARRISTER. MATPTTOK, CliMeRY PUBLIC, ETC, Office-- Sloan !Meek TDB - •leiReGUNN ' 'Office Mees at his residence, or. Iligh'and 'Kirk streets. DR. J. C. CcANDIER *Office Hours: -1..20 to 3.30 pm., 7.80 to 9,00 p.m. Sundays 12.80 to 1.30, Pm. • Other hours by appointment only.. Office and Residence—Victoria St. CHARLES B. HALE, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURA.NCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, — CLINTON. GARFIELD eleMICHAEL„ Licensed A.ucticeneerer for the County of „Huron. Sales con- ducted in any part 0 the county. Charges moderate and satisfac- tion paranteed. • Address: Sea- fortb, R. 17. No. 2. Phone 18 on 236, Seaford,: Central. a fro ft f7 ELT,I TT Mooted A aotIonere for the County of 'Heron. torresponde nee p rent p tly enserered, Imenediete arraegements can be etade the Snit. Data- at The Nevi 21.11ov-ern, Clinton. se' ne wellerig Mose 1 os 711. timeline moderide eatlefeetese genera n teed Sole Agent for Scranton and D. U. L Cog We are going to give every person a load of coal as the names appear on the order book and must insist on pay- ment being made for same imme- diately after delivery. This is necessary as deliveries will be extended well on in to the fall months. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. We also have on hand a stock of Canada Cement. A. J. HOLLOWAY. B. R. HIGGINS Box 127, Clinton • Phone 100. Agent for The Heron & Erle enertga.ge Cor- poration and The Canada Trust Company Comm'er H. C. 0 J., Conveyancer, Fire and Tornado Insureince, Notary Public Also a numbeev of good farms for sale, M Brucellele on Wednesday each week. 10.444:4=44.ccalsserocecaumconecnunts=copr 4.1111414.41.4 ---7 TABLIn—, Trains will arrive at and depsan from Clinton Station as follow: BUFFALO AND BOBER/CU DIV. Going east, depart 6.18 a.m. .. 2.58 p.m. Goirig West, an 11.10, dp, 11.10 a.m. " ar. 6.08, dp. 6.45 pm. . 11.18 p.m. LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DM Going South, ar. 7,38, dp. 7.80 a.m. If 4,15 pm, Doing North, depart 0.40 14 CI 10.30, 11.11 am, .77 3y grommet, ride Department for the use cf Otn, farm 'readers who want the advice $ Of an expert oh any question regardinn eel!, seed, crops, etc. If your question le of sufficient general Interest, It will be answered through thie column/ 11, rteMPed end addressed/envelope le enclosed with your letter, a comPleto Silswee will be Mailed to You, Addrese Agronernien care 0 Wilson leublightee Co., end., 73 Adelalee Ste W., 'Went*, teined by pulling out 'awl destroying diseased plants as bhy appear from .bieneiio teine duieng the ,ermeing ;gee - son. - $0 far speayeng beans nes nee prov- en a commercial. eticcess Init prebably logo acre,s ar, planted yidang con_ migslit be used 130 eeme extent in beep- sidexably ovee gee neetenn euebeee, isle to Prevent the ePrend a dcgeouse Destruetive diseases hove aceomeernee, mail plots, , thie ince in eutitination teed unless Cultivating, hoeing or peeking beans the fanner 'Weft peecautioneto dlimiti. Wheee the fonage is „wet 'should, be ete desesise the crop will not continuo avoided as tee niseme es readily car - to be as popular eroneable ee it ried from diseased to beelefley plants snoted, It ee safe to say that pee- under such ecinditions. baby 25e/o of the crop is frequenbly lest through the attacks of one •oe Winter Work Foe TheHeekeeper. .neore clisemee Whieb might be largely Now that• the most active pant of prevented by planting (ilsgasse free seed. The more important diseesos tyre as follows:— Antheamose M probably most des- tructive M the Maeitime Provinees and Quebec and some years in Ore- tareo. It ie mimed by a seed -borne fungus whicill attacks stem, leaves, BEAN DISEASES. e„. , many eections oe ine .1.40iniknien burh beanseime now recognized as n profitable epecine crop, end the acre - ago he been greaten inermeed during the lost few years. The lieKillop •Mutual Fire Insurance Gompainy Head °Pee, Seaforth, 012t4 DIRECTORn' • President, ea;nes Connolly, Goderleb; Vice., James Evans Beechwood; Ste -Treasure, Then, 'E. Bays, Sea. ecath. Direction: George McCartney, Sam foeth• 13. F. McGregor, Seaforth; 3, G. Grieve, Walton; Win. ;Dna Sea. forth; Me MeEwere Clinton; Robeek Ferries, Ilarleek; John Bennewoir, Brodbagen; Jels, Counolly, Gottcrich, Agente: Alen Leitch, Clinton; J. W. Vet) Goderich; Hmehley, Seaf0y1b) elin Chesney, Egmoncleiffee IL G. jet. meth, Brodbagehe r Aen Morale' el; el, ellid al meg fee to llecioreth Olothrne Ce,, Clifitetit Olt Oates aroce7,71 Obeli/Via. Vartica tering to effect itismianroa D'ainnee abet businees Velli be mein* ateended ell epnligatIon to fly 0 the aboir4 officers acidrosood to eir et:Outlet pest office. Leeketi , :spooled kdy tho ditOotot spho, 4ar,013t the OP% , :the yeae es over end tete bees are 'sole- ly packed away in their winter quer- i that the breeder has used in produce tore, the beekeeper eboul'il turn lies eit- ing it, and also all of the improve - tontine to elle preparation eor next ment 'which can -ham& in tbe home seasons activities. As the honey.. fieek clueing the next twe or Heves g'athering .seaseen is comparatively 'sheet 'things 'levee -very impeller dutheg that Lime, suceees &seem% maineetnion having everything en It Pays to bad the, lions• that ere tO held over *for breeders so that the net year they een be dietinguishe el 11,1'00410 Otherwise good imilets may bo Aimicated• for old 'hens one game of the old bone may be tee tabled for n Yee)" longer than et in profitanle neap Mein' on', the tfarnl, If yea elessing Pere-beee poulery and have A GutPlAs to sell in the fan, do not -menet ehem eaeitily with the Meal butcher but find- out if ,the neigh - Imes need good eounclatien oe your pertieulair breede'Veelff•eettent- ly enemy ofethe yealiefeed nthe ean Old as brethere peal; heme at a prim twiee 'high as thee will bring 00 the marled. A. nein ley tee side of the roan will be profitable. If -there is a le;tge flock to soli, advertising in local Papers' eirrr Joional, wile be profitable. When developing a poul- try business it pays to istudy the local , Food Control _Corner Tee:even stionelleted -the eSpOrt trade 10 Ognadlen aloe -stone Proneees `a degree damned well nigli • leeposenble five yearn ago, Exporte tie beet ele creneed,6796%, of bag= And pork pro- ducts 571%. Total experts of live stook peoducte in the fleed year onl- ine March 31st, 1818, Worelvalitled at $172,743,681 ge ctimPal'ee to 1ee in 1914. Canasta has the enPerialnity ofjiold- ing tbis trade ane inerefineng. etn foe our meat preetiets won a 'epithelia' re- pietetion Eurolgi dering the war, find Oande 45 in the position of the femoved eaeion. The price of feed hag been lifg.k. and the cost of prodeteing Bye skaek hae been correspendiegly high. But the market elite) el finithee linemen's bap also been high, 'The price may de- cline greenelly, but the price 0 feed wile decline also, and the peementage dementia iand supelly them etheriever„et neofie to the Xermer thawed thus ie per:Bible. , eromeinn•thout the same, Indeed if -A piece of $10' is *et tea much to the coot of eend •declinee first, the pre- pay for a ceekerel of a CrIO exeibileon 4 tit.° Eth. o letraertulhoelu'rlYeafr beEtittirdfroerldis,°6611t. oe beet -Tete -lay -stream The femme • ,-,-'' bees ef the mreemea-bion coneerned, ea enad-e by volunteer warkerse, the who neak.ee Guth a purchase Is not who won the first Prize fox eepore' ea - Guelph, 'seye' that with the relative. " F,ai-r at ,Taebe:;,ehhiebettl,..1110''tialeo.ifeetiiitise 81i77uiPleSdO0'4floermanitis small amennb of money required for only buying one bird but all the skill ten hoes 10; the Winter incidental expellees can be raised by the products grown by les -school chill- ethsereption - ov by the nate of adver- pricee of feed end bacon then pertain- droll. From o, ,,,,,, , . ,,, ., ,:„ ing there was a good profit. ne demo'. law, ween its tieing space in the e.attelegue or on -the oe menetnity-wi-do interest, it is an program. There should be no entry "With stand -Aid feed at $57 e ton emy step to inelvele the produets of fees or item -lesion charge. and, hags at $16 live weight, I make leere older •gerls and boys who are not The management of county fairs In ethool, and entimetery the -preclude are beginning to realize the value al and evern 0 all tem menthere. of the the community exhibit es a factor in einninuni by. m.alcing the county leer serve its pee - The first step toward heeding a coin- Pose as 00 ' agricultural exhibition. merifity. fair is to got together the 'Liberal peemiums have been offered leaders of the ,defferent organizations for those community exhibits, either In the community for the purpose of in cash or in sueh form tie to be of considering. whether or •not it is •acte community use, as, for exiimple, re- visable to hoId.e. community fain It ferenee bpoks on agricollunal -subjects is well to present et this meeting a to be kept en the ocrinenunity library, general oneetne of the method of pro- a -watering trough ,conveniently locate e ed, or a drinking fountain. An interesting county fair,. renal.' ly bold, was nen& up of seventy-two communiby exhibits. There wen 110 races or sideshows. The ten thou- sand people in attendance spent their .blme for two days an visiting and in- ed.:meeting the eirhihits and in -whole- some recreation under the supervision of an expert recreational director THIIJ COMMJNITY •mul. PREVENTS DISEASE PURE RIM BLOOD ocannunit,y fair ,ta a mina tal imnptituqe, blooroal;ptoltriirs41,101)2)oolliiii)Im'itu,147 coeneY fair cOnduoted by pooPlo oe pelin—is reeponsible for more, oil- conanitnitty 'to Promote -eoelee -And mann) teen Anything oleo; eeonente nee, 11 'arouses interest It Offeete ()eery organ and function. gave Miele en local ethievement by de In„abnie eases it causes catarrh; in 006100 an nnieorteinitn ed the exihine- Ohm, dyspepsia' in (Aimee, 71100100 - tion 0 -the best proeuels ,the coin- lisnenend still 0711015, weak, tired, meaty, fosters the spirit 0.1 co -opera- languid feelings ante worse troubles, tion by bringing tile pee* Weather It is !responeible for run-down In fete/WY rlealrY, end AffOres oonditious, and is the mese eornalon e/PPortineity :far wbodeearne committee anise of eisea5e. ty eeereei.tion, Hood's feareeparilla is the greatest matzo' hell% eeen ineo,,,,,e &Bone, meriller and enricher 0 the blood thie flclecee4;e11,tetPswn'tleeegjeltiennle,VieeYeefetoleileede18:ter110(1 i1117 ,11•Igobveii°1g11 eyab The feel eesiereee, serofula nett othee !minors, inereathig harve5t boineeneeen,neeee end fere., theAld-bleeie corpasclese and bufleing up nie wecee system. feet ib teeny. eneeeteeeere—ecereen— .e—enee. lime, and sch•ool feet:ivies, wenth are held 'in certain kmailieles, are adapea- dons 0 the seine general Riese Ilte commuidty, township, or dis- lead fair makes ite ceppeel dimectly to ael members el the othennenity, While the fair eonnueted by the farmers' clue anpeal.e esemeially to the mem- prenelems ribbons are uanaley award - eel, rather than oath payments. In ' $eam: 0 g the- exhibits the main vure pose ehottld be to secure'. othibite !rein as many peeeons es poselbee, As most of the preparetion lea 'ale fair years. . Farmers buyeng fine cotheeela for a profit of over 20%, Said Mr. breeding purpohes should strive to Bind:holm "It ,is the profit that pods ante, -seed, peodueing dark brown save the hest of the yeareold hens to counts net the selling price, and pro - to eliment bleek sleeken ends on the readiness befere it is actually needed. use in the next sPringn mating's. 'Too fit depends upon the eeletion of the stem and pod e and A blackening d the Muth of this week ca -n be done during muelt emphanis emend be placed. on Price of feed to the market priee of veins in the leaves. When severe the the winter months. the value of a good male but et the the enished enimal."-- plants may be completely ilefoliated One of (the meet vaquable eseetseof same thne it is the Ilene that:Jay the Mr, 'Reber% Theoveei Phief 0 the or even completely destroyed leaving lie leeekeeper is a geed mangy f ' eggs and. they &nuke be vigoroue, United State* Food Administration, Bacterial Blight is a eerious prob- the semen end great care should b birds of exceelent preamble abelley.' who es at Ptheent in Europe investige skips in bhe row. empty combs at the commencement .of taken to preserve t'hem during the -e It hardly pays to buy a gooil cockerel a•ting, -conditions -at first Ileand, cables 'Am to Die bean growers -of Ontario . and Ise it W111 heirs lacking On vigor.. as follows: and to -a less extent elsewhere. The en. end ,,, , q b tt • t ' , the male' "Every pound of park prOdndS IVO . t r ni nth from the r,avagee of nere iwee en • good11 0 . the hest 1.3001, 'I'M them0 en et before next Jul Europe . e to produce ea • Po y the plan is .approved by thlie group, a cedure nor the conduct of the fair. If bit -dente or gems musing this disease moth A I thee ote seedeborne and attack the dem, es to peace the combs in supers and eel I i good results and thus it is neeeesary will nee.d, and ae soon as the initial Dee the supens up one above anebie• comertunity meeting' is melee, at which leaves, pods and seed, producing on to use care in selecting the bens, I cheer" of *Le "Men 00011011'1e 6.lallge full explanation ismaderegarding the the seed light yellarcblotehes some- with a ehebt of paper bahveen each l from war to ennistice can be over- times involving the whole seed. In- and a hive Cover on top of the time come there will be over -demands." fected leaves develop -small iirreguke this will peevent the mice from, get, Atethoretie•s any that this demand waiter -soaked areas-, Villial Tatee turn in the cos.e d beef, even more than tine at them, The meths should lie stored in a dny cold piece. Ex - brown and fall out. The spots on notture to zero weather wile diestfoy .. the stem and pods argeof a rimmed, Waiter soaked appearance evith a yel- eow to reddesh amber colter, uthallY smeller and not so nark ee Anthrac- nose spota,, Runt -and root rots of beanenoccur Mse -frequently, bat nevertheless are canable d eaaSing neeieue keen In If any new •surpplies are eequi red, many casee •bee -se meer alsolee caeriee order them as early oe Poesible and e 1 t 1 h .prodiced- e s, men sure y - even -era nee • Mlle 1 3 soldier of the Black Watch were MoseM: Thres 45 a new disease sending• early oreeren-you not' only fat records is one of tine places where. less. Feening' for milk anclebutter- brought to England on the same ship, The German who had been a London on the seed. • ' get them made up before wine. By which was reported as -common in benefit youreelf but you are aiding, the brains •and experience are inclinpensa.-i waiter, did net know the Highlander Southern Onterio last year. The ' manufacturer to fell ,ale orders in Bele. ble. The feeder niust not overlook al Wae wounded, and Wanted to know the larvae of the wax moth. Fumiga- tion with carbon besulvende 'will al -aa destroy them but care must be end- reeed •bandling this materiel as it is highly inflammable. All supplies &mild. be thoroughly gone over and put inte working thape. '151 ;ie dl by posters, newspepee notece,s, and that of park, wen be abnormal for mature and •pnrposes of a community fele and tbe methods of conducting it. Thee meettIng should be well ,advertis- pest cants ea -deemed to each family • Given tyro cows of equel dairy cave- msny years -owing to the feat that calling -attention to the place and date city, the one conditioneel as s'ne should Europe is estimated to he short of be, and the other rather thin in flesh, over 115 000,000 head of live stock, 0 and nemphastheing the' importance of from a neighboring cety. Bath come and the oee in tete best -0(121th-teen will, whith 28,000,000 represent cattee ire the rreetlng. enunity had its booths and the several - make the best reoore °verse time. Not- replaceable in Zees than five years. The fair- should be wen -advertised communities vied with eeth other in only this, beit eendetien enables many making _attractive exhibits of the pro - breeders to break a Meek anel butter- r bet eernee with a. cow that conditioned no better than these -which she ex - His Reason. A Gersnan prisoner and a wounded leaves on Infected plants develop a peculiar mottled appearance. Diseased 'aunts produced a few small peas as compared to healthy plants. Little is known concerning it. Its natures would indicate that seed from affect- ed plants would probably prience a diseased crop therefore the use of such -seed theuld avaidee. Control Measures Plant only &Meese free end on soil vehle•h has not lately been planted fo in•g the entrances be the venter easee beans. This can be best accomplisb, reduced too smell or by covering with ed by selecting, at the time of hare a 'screen too -snide for mece to get vestieg, (Incase free pods trim vig, thretigh, but large' enough to Meow mous h'gh yielding plants. These the bees to pews through freely. The selected pods ellened then be immersed entrances of tlee hives in t:he miler foe not more than Seminutee in die- can aleo he closed by this screening. infectieg solution, allowed te dry off The tempdature of -the cellar should • 5 d ------------------------------ It ee net advisable to put foundatiOn eagle fatter in his work; Meet -0 all why he. Wae -coin rig at. i.. , y is tbe frames till spring as it bee can he Memel to begin feeding test. ken," said the ,eoldiev, "it's the law canes very Mettle in tile need weather without having he cows hi as good . that when a man's killed two thou - and there is .diuygor a breaking It in condition es his -con-Mentors, for eomee Send -Germans he has twa months' handeting. 11 you have any old broteen if not al, of them will put on test' holidays, eine I'm no' ganging back till Chrietnitas!" X-ray apparatus has been invented for the tiny pa.rasites that eat emelt helve in led tonacco. combs, cappings, ete,, noiv as a good &menses in the best condition it is time to get them renderer], using a possible to get them. Wax press for this purpose and to ---.3----- have the resulting wax made into Ke -op y' our temPer, It is worth foundation. more to yen than to anyone else. Protect yam bees front mice by have WHAT SHALL 1 GIVE Wily BOY? By Edger L. Vincent Thee le a question asked by every to pase en .to his boys. n ' has lns coming tong Right in line with this, the fernier and effort should be mnde to secure enhibits of exceptional quetity, For elects' of the berm, home, end scbool. GOOD HEALTH QUESTION BOX 13y Andrew P. Dr. Currier will answer all signed question Is of general Interest it will if not, it will be answered personally closed. Dr. Currier will noe prescribe Address Dr. Andrew F. Currier, care St. West, Teraina , Cataract. This trouble is such a commoneene, effects no disastrously the most im- ported% of the senses -of the body, and is so often susceptible of cure that it is very deserahle to lenow something about it ancl what steps iney be taken grey or. glisten ng e, ec Currier, M.D. letters pertaining to Health. ff your be anawered through these columns; If stamped, addressed envelope iS 011' for individual caSes or make dlagnoSis. 0 Wilson Publishing Co, 73 Adelaide to read without glasses, giving thern the so-ealled eseeenn eight." There mey be nothing in the ap- pearance of the eye to indicate Hee disease to the ordinary observer or the area, .of the pupil may be dull i hit • be k 013 to get evee sit, brown. It is not neceessavy et this time to go into- the details of the complicated. structure of the ,eye but it is eisen- Dal to abate teat beleine he beautiful curbain called the ere: which'. gives color to the eye, black, brovm, blue or e•rey, is a b3 -convex 'ens 0 soft 'm- other desease free container. !melee should be dark, and even insulate towaranood"Whale give may tell Inc boy hew to grow every r ,, , " scull, nerd at the centre or nucleus and stared in a clean muslin bag er . e ele The seed from these -Pods thoeld be !ed against change; en temperatuve, my boy ilmt veill better fit him for the erep that is native to the part of the c used the foleowine,e serene to pliant! 11 'the bees wore nlmeed in winter life he dg feeing?" And two,oe three cometsy where he lives and lead teeand covered with a fibrous membrane ' a bean eeed peat While this is not !quarters -rather Ogiht l'i. .stores.,,, it thin.gs come first, in the minds of way to its succesa eful malleble. We or apsule called the crystalline lens. sufficient to 40055t41'5 131 -obtaining of may become neces.eary to feed them most men. One isthat they ought ere Teeing out.elere el big life for the op`e.riliiie4styms tiftllifIliotrpauslse iithisreatingdh athree disense• free stock the first year, it before bringing them out in seeing, to place at the commend of their boys farereee oho is a father, and that is e 1 wile 'i2. prectiseel mgelerly reduce die- For this purpose, candy '0111(10 as fol- as inuch of meter:al goods ea poeeible, sne„,t we hem „ere emnen ie worthy 1102330110(1 or bent as they pass ease to a minimum, and thus longeiy lows is recominended:—Stie 6 pounds reasoning that without these lee will of deing 311101cl -being, 'mm, through this lens to be spvead upon ete is adi the seesitive ranee, eight or vlsion reenove the cause for poor yields, White gramBated sugar bete ono and begin his comer. baneicappeil. If greater week than that ofebeing Where pod -selection bas not been one eighth pints of boiling water. the father can give every boy a piece fine, anerouncieearmer; and the fart -heed being the ultIrnat.e result. o peeviousey .practised 'the first et -art When the sugar entlemoughly -(1(55010-v- d lend. 17 15 usually hekl- that he has who 410113himself what he can dWhen this lens r its capsule be- o for 1 ehould be made by enuring seed from ed, .a.clei 1,4 teespoonftel Di -Allele acid given theni a "good tart" in the h's boy cen make no more satisfecd einntehs Peletila, leyf or completely °Peelle Don5. a field rele.tively free front disease, and boil -at aetemperature of 240 de- workl. Anel them meet fathers like tag taonis,cerlyae‘rv thhaentatlemsafyra, ni"Ibwieglilmhienipg. The beam' the general tonal -lien of This stock e.hould be vary carefully ' to end." propory or cannot pass through. at the patient the more probable !that that the light cannot pase through hare -selected, removing all espotted-or all, sight is pertly or completely de- the result will be -a successfur one, even slightly discolered Seed.. After mintelee to 0001,,th 180 degrees F. and deem The man that Is looked up to, Finally, the farmer who wants his dp3reoVeltehde always that thte (ele ,...lee.eum etroyed and this condition es called this has been -done the seed iney be then still tee it begins to whiten. to these men think, on amount of the boy to wm ant. and loveihe farm can - immersed in solthion of capper sol- Than Pour clUiehly (into moulds, make money he has accumueated or the sue- not do better than to give him a , ,or. is no only ....i - petate 1:100 for :3 minutes or in a ' 1- le et One inch in thickness. case he hes bad in les businees, does thence to operate eveey neacInne on formenn se:anion 1:300 for 5 minutes, When cool, these cakes um be placed much toward ensuring a good future the farrn. Boya have a nalenay elk. the aged ae the result of the degener- also possessed of rare 5engeneem, I01. the lens swell as the estorect , develops there will be pain in the eyebalis apd intolerance -of light, and 'colored glasses will be required. It is important to wait until the cataract is matere or ripe before 0..t- temptirig any operative procedures, and evhele this does net take long in the young it may talee years Jel the need. , There is aa -id to be lie way to cure this disease but by operation, drugs will not do it and it is -.mid that treatment by message is likely to do more harm than good. There havelmen eases in whieh the cliteease Ines desappeared epontaneouse ly but 'ehese are the rarente of excev- gems F. over a hot fire for 8 to mi- nutes without stirring. Allow the to feel that they etane well in -the community foe the eake of their chile It is meet frequent in the eyes of ful M whet is -one of •Lhe meat deli- catamet. mite =meet:lent:us in surgery, but all te dry end planted'. on the top ef the frames above the for his bays. knowing When to overate and hoev to ing for mathinery. It fascinates eatiee Oranges Which come with old Beneficial remits might also be the cluster. take proper cave on the patient after - but it may come at any period • These are both all eight enough in them to steely and handle tools of ailing°, of life, en fact one may be born with ware, thee, 'ace as fee es elle-y go lent keues. They do not Me to feel thet it and lee blind from berth owing to infected again_ frOcal old scabs and —•••• beily do not go far enough. Money they ore not permitted to know the may be the worst thiug be the wand "feel" -of the benclen, the gasoline on - for n boy to itherit. No man can Ina or any -ether farm implement, pass his geed name on to a son tient: land it certainly is not the part oi mine other ebaracter 03: may fol- low or accompany nonee disease like does not -Appreciate integrity to the wis.done toleeep thern sin ignorence of fullest poseible extent': That is, a these tools; for the time eve° Bright's diseeee or diabetes or cer- tain varieties of sliin diSea.sek Ulan is what he poetesses lintiself of when the father will not be able to It may be eue to the influence of real woeth, The money yr theeetiem -do the work that need's to be done. It certain erns like ergot or rtepthalin, 01: -tho good .standing be paddy count may, be on accaunt of •seekness or ab - to the effect et lightning or electricity only ne- ailitinete to the semen of melee evoin .seene mop will need and or em prolonged hest in an accupation the sell. What can a farmer do, then, attention. The- boy is there, like that of glass blowers or wohees that wi-----------------------orkready te ,do what mese be done; but neeese.and the •en tree filename. woof of the boy's life end 'etert ben whet itf he does net u Not infrequently it is the result of on the.road to upright cemeacter ane workiegs of bhe partimear implement been; or ether injuried to the eye it - make hem the best possible Citizen? -that must be called into -operation? One thing to begin With, every fothe He ma3r think, "7 0(111 do this. r14 self er to the heed ot temple, or it • may foeloev inflammation and ulcera- tion of the transparent convex dise in the front of •the eye melee the eornen. Heredity may play an important No longer is it safe to say, if it ever valualefe =minim myeeee, et may ives, "He does`not eine anything else, be spoiled. Ale for leek of tbeeneede Pert en catriing it, some indivklualA wo Make a feigner of eime ed instruction while father was at and solne families be:ng mere sus - To be a good enamor, the boy ought home oe able to ,thow his boy weat to to have just as tench ability as if no do, 1Veapy -a fine isupP4ment has been wor'e to be -a doctor er lawyer. It thinsedennagecl, and et may be ,the boy meet -th he the pride of evory fanner comoe in for a scolel•ing -that will never to rmrd,cret ale -he can about the nee Lie -forgotten, but evineh may lead to e, of his form, how 'best to get the most; lifelong estrangement. nut of It and to let his boy ;hove ibhis For better ;would it be fee the inifonnation -at first band. He cen- oic eay, Solni ZS his boy is de not get from a book --os- :Cram the lips of any teacher lin a 'whoa room Rpm.% :etain the fa-rin, the actual, Ore 1 -hand knowledge that will thable thira 10 Wee is. tam end operete et semi-ne- in:11y. The farm, muter the teething of 'the faithee, ie the best 914105 in the wand t,0 loath foaming. le-ooleseetrid scheole well supplement the horne bighting, bere that, is else 'They eane rot -Mike:the placie ee And teem the earineremay give his boe he knows about the care and keeping or stock, To cto this the beet; poeeible atereielage, he. should staitiy hones ancl cable 4.)imself, Et - cry. filmier man 'of nocossity, 1)01 fird'bel)k4.51 jgd 04;11): roe 11 age: Ilettllin. ,ceevie:s istvol enough to food them le beet ad.- iitittego, Ito frandt hove re 'Avir„tcnowir- 1,c!ittitt5{41011,eieftixosettio; etoorrp.ivivitithola when needed., These beetle ele .theitt Many sheep loso their wool, es- pecielly teward isnrir.g, from other causes than the effects •of scab. In fact, if seab is present 'the emernals are just as liable to lost their weal at one time of the ;voile es at anothee. Became sheep begin to rub and bite tine pea -off wool, is no evidence that. they bothered with oath, ate they will do that if dnritated witle ticks of anything else. Beat in melee to find out what is the matter it es AVell to make en examination at -once.. It may be well -to -give some of the swangtoms, Appearance and effect of scab. How.ever, the 01011 wlio has ,onee• seen its effecei end he noticed it particularly, well never anis-bake scab for any•thing enybleing else ior it. 'nem ,ecab insect weeks between the inner tend outer skin. wool that; may ha-ve been vebbeci eff. defeetiv-e develepment of the lens. SeMetimes it fellows eye•diseaee of ••••••,,c—, elhitgara News - Record In warm weather the scab insetlts that leave been rubbed ofkwith the seines 'and wool will eueveve for a con- siderable p-ereed• of time eine if they CLINTON, ONTARIO. come in contact 1.sith ellevp they are - .... very likely to infect them again. It Terms of subscription -1.50'110r year, is very ease( to piek out -a eheep that in advance to Canadian addresses; ,$2,00 to the U.S. or other foreign scabs have been the Wool will neveecountries. No paper discontinued Is -as onto had scab, for where •the •geoev again, no neaten how evol•I theuntil all arrears are paid unless at . the option of the publisher. Tho gore spots were ceree. , date to which every suleseription is , its wool ethen wenn vie -ether mimes as Advertising eates—Tra»sient advere paid is denote(' on the label, It is es natural eel' -a sheep to shed lor a horee to shed ite hair although tiseinents, 10 cents per nonpareil man has mineved that ten'elency ale line for first insertion and 5euents neose ettively. led ef -sheep eire not per line for each subsequent inser- kept en ,a bondition of continual theta, tion. Small advertisements not to the wool notebeing veepeely eupeeiee exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., insert - with otiriehineeit steps growing. ed (ince for 85 cents, and each subs°. This beeales In the wool may be only 40 part the fleece in pi -ace or poesilely Communications intended for publiene quent ineeetion 10 cents. . alight, or so pronounced as to almost tell over' the annual. When the alai- Hon must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of IrW. Bri.tenr.A1,/,0 H. P.. CLARK; 111 Editor. Preprietor. . ev may give ens on. Mat is, a ten ut ete 4mes e el up 1111-01100 ko know all he himself lumens with something 02 2001' end 'trembling about farming. It es a great thing. after all. Things stare—then ',they in these days to be -a good femme doe! Something gives way, A Stathing• at some point, usually in the male begin to get more nourneenent flank, the ineeets worn 'outward Irene a common -centre aeed *IS they thrive and nnittply [they 'keep spree -ding, and some get to Other portions of the body And start a new colony, ee it wore. Vhatr work causes a yer- lour matter to forM in theee emote and this in turn will seam into et scab. Of CO131,40, Sttell aemb inetates the ani- mal anti 19'1Vid1 rub and pull et its' Wool', Mid whatever sold) has formed there well come off with the wool,. Elven if 'they did not meal or rub the ecobe off, they evened fall -ofe 411 timo, Sheep are voneetemes affeictect With eimeler ambit fient ether =Uses. Por this reason, it is best -to procure a strong snagivil yin glass, when it aux be readily determined whether tho troubleis qinv4n.0 ,Ifoib or not, InlOp 11civb 110 not a, vas?' i1t5136 ease to eradicate, es is usually sup- posed by those persons who have no expelience with it. A ocasiile 01400d clippings wiithi a dip curt the dis- ease it Om alo tr* pie ettity eepplied. HoWeeele serno 1)713019951 9515 95 11e055 - 0a17 ko2"the nipple from heovni- arbund the border, the wool will agaah start to grour, but the old end the new growths ,6.Te so slightly 'connected that the old is easily robbed 07 or even will some- times drop off. Overheating in any way, -will ailSO Callao NV001 70 come off. For in - silence, seeep get too arruOh corn, es- pecilay if they shave had none befowe, it will cause a feed Which wen eanee the 'animals 13o lose their evool. Sheep will d comae, pull and nth ,the Wool off in spots if afflicted witle tithe oe lice, bat thig enly affects the build -tee -or :imbibed off ane (Mee noir loosen !the vest e -f the fleece. Where wed M shed from any cause except senb it will grow ,out again, but in the Case of scab it never does. A Creeping 'Blanket ercoging blanht can be made a veritable faloland to a young wive*, tater on his knees if. the adjustable cover is of' basket 'weaved canvas em. breiderNi 111 deUcate colors with cross stitch animals and -flowers parading coptible to it thou others. When' it occurs inethe young it is genstally the reetnt of eeme °thee disease OT of %hwy. There. are in -any different kinds, fames -and tie -green of opecity of the lene and hence (he sight 'is affected vateously in differed individuals. enough tine ,strong eneegli to hareem 11 75 apt to progress revpicley when the various faim machines, "Iiiirrab, 113 Tollows injury or Inflammation et now, my Is41 Come ard take yont elie eye, espeeinilly in the voting, and first lesnon in using this toolti na very elowly When due to the degeneeell show you ititlet to do. Mind> right up Alive changes of cre -age. on. "We'll malco it, all eight." Thee The eympbonee epend upon the ex. encoteragect, e'he boy Zoete enfidertee 10 tent, The chara.eter and the density ne hineeelf even tiekee hoed of things few- the opaque portion of the lens end leecely. Fathee is rigor end ef mem- the 'eight ie effected coerespondingiy, thine goes wrong he wili help out. The %%city may take tile form ef Not muly 40 41 good working knOWledge SPots or str,Aies or 11135975 411101 as it de. of ;tile ditreront tours gained, hut the volops there may seeni to bo 'hazes or tie of 'affection benalug genie. elle ethWebn, et veils befeee 13l, seta. int .1e: -eteengiblientell, Ube more oeingtio -nee lenS btoOlneS, haVe,00114 .11tble 'APIA the more ',obscure the vision until at that belong to the finer side to farm len4rtli orgy the sense ete eight lied tem sueh an good -e•oolose, !tete -there() detknoes weinaipe. 95 -go Ito !school Witt itilo brow Tam, if there ite no aense at ale et eight Vtleees lienattally bolong-ie'the or-Shodow. the vision will probably' be beef; fern) Mel We teed 70 Abele rof irretalovably lostj alt these things, let lift ris nian3'095d01d Whon cataract isdeveloping in the Amil A Welnerounelte teinietettic deleetiese egad ths clirangcs, 111 Ube 'shape Of 1410 11Pon ths tho boY Brtiatera, go. at Ions anast be stteln that they ewe 44)110 ji Ostingtila11 near objects ond 0060 tlie8 caCoreitt fteitiot Tee Don'lletit run booJ g,ibwill 8198 to cl ronic ndigostio 1. In the meanwhile you suffer from miserable, 111 ck headomitee, 11ee11 - 00050055, delves-. e sion and 0811 ow eomplexionStiattry STOMACH& LIVER TABLETS, Thoyee- !Mee nenrientatien, mdigeetiori tee fierey li,,51,90 the ogotoM IceeaIte ,i135051 111,53 liOgeint.cdmot Wooing, ordor. arty irom 11 Cheraboriain dcaloinoC,Toroeie •461,