HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-1-16, Page 6O s •0 • 9 January 16th 1919 Clinton News -Record pies plant , . Of Interest :*0 You and Me „ "They 1 'a' • 1 Germane," fia1yS Pi 1 15.1 11 ), ie `loreeto Star, " a laintlyt sue- restive of a fight at 1a (Tinder table t' t see who will got !1 a led t}1111 alt U ., b he theCls, The s meoe Reformer (Liberal) 1 1r> (- a}'s , A Tory Is a' Man SO 1)1StiI1L •ve ' r �inliiitce that h0 wishes .to t ly ! l e0 all indefinite continuance of lathy-. ivalletic oapitalisna, And iller0•wotdd irobably be more of them ata Con- 1'tit:tar • Oaltion of so-called Liberal pp ! id hen at any other sort of gathering 1101 could" be assembled (0 Eastern 'anada. • + Thieves broke into the office of the l v s icens0 inspector at Guelph hast week nd stole about fiftydollars worth £liquor which bod. been seized a uuple of days before. Clluton could each the Royal City ]low t0 .take are of wet goods. About six hum- red dollars worth of liquor was Cored in the lock-up in Clinton for ver two years, not a spoonful be- ng missing when it,, came to be re- iove4 a few months ago. Some horticultural societies in Can -n- da are importing poppy seeds from 'ranee to plant in 1lpnoar of the Cam- les I soldiers s ored lie under the pop- in the, sacred bide , of I Fraue4 ad Flanders, . IU is a pretty sauti- aent. The Poppy will ahvays be as. °elated in our ' minds with those ;raves so far away. But is it ]visa 0 import and sow broadcast in can- (da a weed which may a6 time goes n, rove a source of .trouble and p Fggravation to our farmers and g0xd- nexs 7 lie could commemorate our oldiers bythe 'planting of males or p g p he English oak,.' or, if we wish to ay a compliment to France, we could ultivate the lily, France's national tower• The Dominion Agricultural Depart- ant ought to look into this matter Ind find out just what sort of a the poppy is before it is strewn broughout C'.anada, There is a movement on foot to ,ave a system 0f [pothers' pensions n Canada. It is a worthy movement aid ought to have the support of the ;neat majority of the people,. 'Scar- ely anyone but can recall or point 0 a mother who ought to have..assis_ ;duce in the rearing of her family. ,To Homan can both earn the living or herself and two or three children 01(1 at the same time properly train care Pox theta. Bt many a woman has bravely tried it and has ..am so bear succeeding in many a ase as to call forth the admiration f the {hptigtrain But it is too such of a strain and in the end she it the, children, or both, and cense- ]neatly the state, suffers, The law If self-preservation, 10 so far as the irate. is concerned, will best be kept IV the providing of assistance to pothers of small children whose oat- iral breadwinner has been taken may from them. The Medical Health Otfi., Appeals for Soldiers Tgbtl Otlt+ eA.OP)tPa y y g etI Johnson -1e is a Food, reeollatioll fov til a Feet', would appri3ciaC(1 y!pllxa hI1 6 yail1Tr, -yo aro doing ey by . de ling with you ante niupey dealing oath 416, „ n,IPI$QN OIPE't5UN5 fres asalns or destroying property 0!1 tht vlelnia0�i of the estate Of , the late 'Mile N. VY,00ds will be t w 1)v eent64 t1 uoi;(ling 9 ht t, I. M. W.o4 0s, I30yflebL 75 -tr-p •.••w 1 . _.. I 9 cer Speaks Right Out The following letter was recelr tl3' b sent to the public Sellooi Beard by the lope] Medical Weer of Health, .. ' tl at Clinton will' It would appeal 1. 0000 bo faced, It 11 is not already facing it, with the neeeesity Ot erne ri * 1 ' 1�U.111P $Q 01, buildxllg : ply leg a f e11 l "TO the Chairman and Members "T> .OF th0 P4lblle school. Board ' Gentlem1ee,--Perhaps no time ill out National s the value et health I1atu»ani life has been so clearly brought to our 0tte11 tion as tile present, The terrible forfeit tilO ree011t war ]las started from the croon] of our ma'dllood ]las served to stimulate us to a keen consideration of the best merbhods for preserving ourselves and p' b our children -a healthy people, life ie, the l n �„ A is y r .:x -:. k F-. �r., a: £ v Y ,'.;; , ', ., r q b. , t<, s 1?„ s fa y ; >t�Ta ?*�` s 'z:, rl'ai> Tai.>y . ,:.. ,.: , .,, ., ` �.:' x� X: s rA« 8 A :a � ., :` t, '* :... ''' .,:•. t .; s ?�' a ,,, C i' f s l ;` "�a is , 3 art r, rt; Y 2+a F: a� tit � t �t i a: R a� s° t a# : t "t rr :rtes s .,: . ,..,.;.. Seeded Raisins aol'1)kg leo. l .1..pan. 1, AalaatAes '2Qla .,....-,...,�. Seedless Katsina peztlb Zee Se6clleas 1iticelai3per lb 18c Valencia 1 aielne 2 iba 25o 5lb pall corn syrup 00o 10 1b )ail Poly]] syrup 'i,DO 1. t+ •'n Bulk cove syrup p lb 8 o 4 lb: pail jam 80e alloy) tin apples les Oue g. [ p Saturday only -2 bars Golcl A Happy A11t lnrosperous it New Year to all - seal) ]5n 1 plcj;' Telly 1 Part Coral - • 22q ib.4#1:++ Nevi,.'E'pa 820 1 lb speoinl blend .t08 650 3 bare Botip ,e' Moores 9Dc n Bright Rel1 y b'. (kitchen cleanser) 100 Potvcler llc -between -3 and F, . --. PAI1111 FOR AALL7.nONE BUN, died acres, best of edit t goo() buildings, close •to school and. . church ; dl- n11(Os. IroIm. lJlint011. Apply A. E• Kethespn, Il.• R, NO, 3 Seatorth, none 17 on 014, ' Clinton Central, -01 OPENS . WITH 117 nIO: 'FISH l3'I'..T',Iz FOR US, WE ITAVbi HUNDREDS ' Q IF° POUNDS OF BEAUTIFUL .CIOVERNMENT FISH AT 4 min„ Saturday only. RAW leUltS WANTED -WILL PAY QuiefeItefeerJNT Prrxc s, JOHNSON & G'Ol!lIPANY Phone ti's high prices for properly handled furs,-lt, A. Hovey, Clin- Retail Grocer License No. 8-7241 Phone orders promptly oared tor. prime ton' -70 . �. - l5c Perms' Climb. Wage earners their usual two weeks. .'.•o -n-- �� ..M. YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED • R1; _ Pressed and at the Fresh Haddock ea: per !b, Fresh B.C.R C (D r It' FresSalmon Bap ). i i 'J 9 DAIRYMEN g� W8111t t0 Tiny Your dream paired and sliortest possible notice. Roth Lad- les' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good wprl{• T ala prepared to French Dry Olean Ladies Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds c pitman 13addio 20e n+ lb. per Fresh.Oysters, �.. As it now stands human cheapest and least thing in the whole world,WQ There never leas a-ttiimp whine the struggle for existence not only, among individuals but between nations was keener ,than at present. It has. been said that we will have to wait until 1940 to prove who has won the war. WO must reuse a healthy, vigorous We and intellectual race, must havecan men and women who can adapt theist- selves to their environments and not merely have an environment adapted for the maintenance a the unfit, We cannot maintain an Al nation with a C8 population. The first step to- wards securing a nation of Al men wards and woolen is to improve the•health of the present generation. The Can- d en of the future men anwomen Rev. C. E. Jenkins President of the Ontario G.W.V,A, and formerly rector of St. Paul's church, Clinton, .who has sent an op- en letter toacting premier, -Sir q'homes White, protesting against the cecluctiou and ctdRting oil of pensions to disabled or partially disabled sol- diers and dependents of those who have been killed. "Tile finest 'monument Canada can provide for her soldiers," says MI. ,Jenkins, "is an adequate and Mate- mus pension scheme. No memorial of stone or marble 0r iron can. ever pleasure .up to this?' ♦ of Woolen clothing including Sweat- Our prices are alway the highest --others follow.- Our service_ is always prompt and securer ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Hunniford's grocery store -Wet• .T. Jago. -00 .. O'Neil Our markets are established and can assure you'halt you; make no mistake in patronizing us. Price of Fat from Jan. 1st to 15th, 500. , Clintons Leading JeWel.erd StOCe Tg he Canada Food a Hub Grocery Board License �(]��� `!��;, The Seaforth Creamery Co,• No. 8-2405 Phone 80. C.A. BARBER, Manager _ - g - l WANTED -WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework. -Libby, Rattenbury St. E. • -70 FARM FOR SALE -THE EICECU- What Beautiful Gems ! tors of the Estate of Joseph Iz- zard, deceased, oiler for sale 120 From medieval daye women Wishing Our Friends and Patrons must be better equipped, mentally and physically, than those of Ilse present generation to retain tele higlx standard of citizenship, The- greater part of a child s ln$ is spent at school, which means the building and its surroundings proper. A. child demands from the authorities a suit able building and. playgrounds that will not injure his health but fm- prove it. You, as trustees, are the representatives of the people, are morally and financially responsible for the future of the children of the town of Clinton. At present you are riot fulfilliu that dut creditably to g Y Y ourselves or the citizens and far loss to the children of the town of Clin- ton. Evt ry year you are rendering out children less able to nom Pte p with outsiders in the field of Indus- try and education. The school building, so called tatenoon Model school, which half s century ago may have been entitled to the name, but has long since lost its The school has been the Tuckersmith Township William J. Ross, who died at his home in this tptvnshlt on Sun day, was a son of the late Alexander Ross of Brucefield and a grandson of the late Neil Ross, one of the early settlers in this district. Neil • Ross way one of those who helped survey and riot out. the London Road when it was opened up in' the early days, The deceased has,heen residing on the old homestead, He is survived�by his wife, who leas PO 11 y Miss Gilmour, daughter of the late John Gilmour of Stanley township, and a family of three, two sons and e faI two so dau• ghter. Be is also survived by his mother and one brother, Daniel, residbi at Bxucefield, two brothers, g y of thrnd Hugh and John, at Swift Current, Sask., and Neil, also in the 'vest, 1'he funeral took place on Tuesday to Baird s cemetery.,the T A CATTLE SALT. CORDWOOD, best all body rock elm, maple and beech, no ]hobs. Building timber, used lumber various sizes. -john Ransford. . 70-2 acres in Goderich township ppm have loved jewellery, and per - prising Lot 37, Con. 14, and south y, p half Lot 37, Con. 13. On the prem- haps there never has been fres are a good frame house, a bank anytime when such real] �' barn, driving shed, 3 good wells, a spring creek and 2 acres of • or- Artistic Jewellery chard. There is an and A Happy New Year FORdark red bull 10 monthslold, GOThis OD is a low set calf with a good mossy, coat of hair.. Come and.see him or write E. H. Wise, R.R. No. 3, Clinton ; Telephone 12-605. -76 ,excellent very parcelcould' be purchased for such consistainua b 12u acres of hardwood modest sums. g on one parcel and 15 acres of cedar on the other. The soil is cls loam We want you to call and see' YTHOS. on the parcel first mentioned and our beautiful stock there are about 68 acres fit for..... e�'y- it HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces . - "MTOETTNG OF HURON COUNTY Council. -The Council of the Cor- poration of the ()minty of Iluron will meet in the Council Chamber, cultivation about one half: of which is seeded down ; on the secondpar- - cel the soil is black loam and is R. H. JOHNSON excellent grazing land.. The pro- J e w e1 e r a n'd Optician is located on a gravel (Next to Hovey's Drug Store) ?HONE d3, . Shop over Rowland'. Hardware: • Goderich at 3 o'clock in the after- party good road 3 miles iron] Clinton. For "' • of Tuesday, the 28th day of Jan., 1919. All accounts against the County must be in the hands of Clerk not later than :1londay` particulars apply-COichael Flick, -^ R.R. No, 2, Clinton, or W. Dry -I done, Clinton,75-4 Gs Sl A FULL LINE OF_ deed Council. - preceding the meeting of C'ouucil•- Geo. W. Holman, County Clerk. Goderich, July 10th, 1919. 76-2 TIMBER FOR SALE -20 ACRES of elm, ash, etc. -Apply to Robt. Clinton, 'ate and significance. chief cause of many a child's had eye- sight and bring compelled to weal glasses, 00 account of the illy lighted MOMS. Abominable system of ven-ADMINISTRATOR'S tilation has also been the cause of many cases of diseased tonsils, adea- olds and bronchial conditions. I)e- Merle), in heating, causing rheums-. tient ear diseases and aggravating tuberculosis. Lack of accommoda- tion for toilets, encouraging dirty and filthy habits add irregular atter_ tion to health requisites laying the foundation for future diseases. The playgrounds have become most an- after almost half a century of constant use besides it is only large enough for .one room instead of eight. It would be futile to try and remodel the present building so the only solution to the present problem is a new school erected on a suitable. site and having modern facilities to enable the teachers to turn out heal- shier children morally, intellectually , 1 and physically. The undertaking will require some time to procure plans, submit con= tracts and decide upon a location, I would advise immediate action as 1 Deaths MILLER -1n Hamilton, on Jan.Freeman, 10th, Jantes Saunders Miller, ag- ed 53 years and 7 months. ROUTLEDGE-In New Liskeard, on Jan. 12th, Elizabeth Webb, wido�y of the laic Edward .Routledge, aged 76 years and 9 months. HOLMES-In Goderieh, on Jan. 8th, 1301100 Sneyd Holmes of Goderich township, in his 38th year, FURRES'rb.R-In Clinton, on Jan. 10th, David A. Forrester„ aged 69 yearrand 10 months.. McC00L-fn Mullett township, on Jan. 12th William 14'cCool, In his , 63rd year. CRAWFORD-In East Wawanosh, on Jan. 12th, Robert Henry Craw- ford,in his 28th year.tett, Y ROSS -In Tuckersntith, on .Jamtaty 12th, William J. Ross, aged 148 years and 5 months, WALLIS-In Niagara Falls, N.Y., on Jan. 4th, Arthur 0. Wallis, (bus- hand of Mae Biggart, formerly of Clinton), aged 35 years. SALE -THE administrator of the estate of the R.R. No. 4, WE CAN GINE 74-2 EMPLOYMENT TO A ALWAYS ON HAND •as late Victor Dale has instructed Mr. Elliott to sell bypublic auction at the premises, Lot 9, Con. 5, Stan- ley township, the farm, farm stock and implements, on Jati. i Tuesday,with 28th, at 1 o'clock. Terms for Faun -.10 percent. down at time of sale, the balance in 30 days. Terms for Stock and Implements -All FARM FOR SALE -173 ACRES, FEW MOREKNIT- Lots 28-29 Huron Road, Goderich Tp., good buildings, abundance of TERS, ETC. APPLY water, water in barn and. house, bath. 2 orchards, consider AT. pa�TCE. . . able .timber: ; 16 acres new seeding Clinton Knitting Co. lucerne,' acres 2nd year hay, 50 acres readyfor aprin crop, 6 LIMITED g acres fall wheat. -Apply S. T. Wal- Car load of Government Standard ^ 'r -'aa F. D 11 �i L++rf HOGFEED �� • two Recent Deaths in the Crawford Familysanitary Robert Henry Crawford, only, sou )f Mr, and Mrs. Edmund Crawford of ['ullett, died at his home in East 1Vawanosh on Sunday last atter only shout a week's illness. The ytoung man had contracted in- luenza which was followed by pneu- none and in spite of all that could 30 done for him he succumbed: He vas born in Mullett township, and ]ad, spent all his life in that town- ;hip until about three years ago when le went to East Wawanosh to man- 150 the farm of his another -in-law, Ylrs. ,John Daer. Ile was. twenty- seven years of age en the 9th of Vovemlier last. IIP is survived by pis wife, who was formerly Margaret Daer, and two little children, His parents and one sister, Mrs, A. S. Kunkel 0£ Niagara Falls, also sur- vive, All were with him when ' the end came and he was perfectly con- acinus and professed his entire reslg- nation and willingness to depart. g p funeral took place on Monday, Interment taking place in the Union cemetery, Blyth. The services at house and raveside were conducted s ny the Rev. Il,r. O'I�oll of Auburn. by Beautiful floral offerings were sent by a brother-in-law and cousins at Niagara Dells, Mrs, Daer and lanai], gAUCTION and others, . sums of $10 and under, cash ; on over ed that amount 9 months'es, or allowed on approved joint notes, or ,, ter, R,R. No. 2, Clinton. Phone 10 on 6D1. -74 THE CORNER STORE HIGHEST PRICES FOR GRAIN ' - - 5 percent. discount for cash on credit amounts. Grain and hay cash. There will be no reserve as ANY PERSON UR PERSON trespassing or destroying property Live and Let Live on Lots 12 and 13, Con, 9, Hul- • .. the estate, fs being waund.up.-Jas• A. Delo, Administrator ; Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 76-2 will be prosecuted according to law, Following a dog or a dog running at large the owner is gD ERKGRSI FOOD iu' r • LYO SCHOOL 'CRUST`Ll3 ELECTION,� St, John's Ward -Notice is hereby liable to damages. -J, cC J. Hes- selwood. 66-24 License No. 9-2109 given that a meeting of the elec- FARMS FOR SALE -LOT 56, f oR COLO WEATHER - tors will be held iu the Council Chamber on Friday, January. 24tH, 1919, between the hours of 7.30 and 8.30 in the evening for the nomination of candidates for the position of School Trustee for St. ' Johns Ward, and if necessary the election to fill the above named position will be held on Friday, January 31st, at J. B. Levis' of_ lice, Isaac St., commencing at nine o'clock am. and continuing, until 5 o'clock p.m. by le. G. Courtice,- Deputy Returning Officer, and the result will be publicly declared at the town hall on Saturday, Feb. lst, at 12 o'clock noon. -D, L. Macpherson, Returning 'Officer. 70-1 Maitland Con., Goderich Tp., con - taining 90 acres, on which is a comfortable Frame house, good bank barn with good stables, all cement floors ; new cement silo, pig pen, driving shed, 10 acres bush ; well watered ;good orchard ; MaitlandPoultry River runs at back of farm ; tele- Phone and rural mail. Also lot 36 on the Baso Line, Hullett, con- raining 854 acres, on which is a barn 36x56 and shed. A firstclass pasture farm with good creek run- ning through. Will be sold to- getter or separately. -Apply to Thos. X. Mair, Londesboro, R.R No. 1. 06-4-p OAT MEAL,, ROLLED WHEAT, TILSON'S fluent OATMEAL RALSON'S WHEAT FOOD CREAM OF BARLEY ROMAN MEAL CORN MEAL. S, -P -E -C -I -A -L -S FRESH HALIBUT, FRIISH SALMON, - FINNAN HADDIE, FTLLET'CS CIISCOES, FISH, FRESH WATER HERRING. • Live • • - WANTED WANTED 1,000 HENS 1,000 CHICKENS - each week at our Poultry Feeding have been informed that higher auth- oritios will enforce their powers in this direction if your -hoard sloes not show a desire to begin operations soon. I feel sure that patents of school children will be behind you, in the project. Respectfully yours, • -J. W. SHAW, M.O.H. Clinton, Dec. 21st, 1918," - ANNUAL MEETING. -THE AN- anal meeting of the. members pf the McKillop -Mutual' Fire Insur- once Company will be held in the town ball, Seaforth, on Friday, Feb. 7t11, 1919, at 9 p.m. The bus- mess of the meeting will be•to re- cei.ve 1010 annual statantent and auditor's report, tale electing of, three directors and two auditors and other business which might be considered of benefit for the Com-'1he --4' • The New Council Has Good Program for 1919 patty. The retiring directors are Join G, Grieve, Jantes .Evans andCOD John Bennct100.rvies, who •are ' nno bre forPr re -election. -James Connolly, President ; .Thos, E, flays, seers- tar 76=4 Y• AUCTION SALE OI+' COWS AND Young Cattle, -The undersigned has been instructed .to sell by public auction at Lot 47 Maitland Con., Goderich township, on 'Thursday, Jan. 23rd, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following : 2 cows due to freshen 1t1 Jan., 4 cotes due to freshen in Feb. GARFIEL'D Mc14fICJHAEL--LTCENS- _ ed Auetioneer.for the County of r Huron. Sales conducted in any I. part of the county Charges mod- E. E. HUNN[FORD Canadian Food Control -License state and satisfaction guaranteed:tie% Address t Seaforth, R. R. No. 2, No. 8-3123 Phone 18 on 2,39, Seaforth, Central, P It 0 0 e 4 d -G3 rir Plant for the balance of 1918. Frio- es paid according to quality, and fancy prices paid for large properly) fattened milk -fed chickens,• 1.1 NEW LAID EGGS . (Continued from page 1) during 1919 to the treasurer of the Clinton Band as an expression of ap- predation of the services rendered. Paisley-McEwan-That we offer the farmers tvhatovel surplus soft coal we have on hand at the price of $9 per ton. Councillor Johnson thought the' salary of $25 paid the fire chief was insufficient and ought to be increased. He explained that the duties of the office were not light end that no competent loan desired the job at the price. As chairman of the fire and water committee Cotmcilloe Johnson wa.S recommended to look into the matter and report at next meeting of council, Reeve Ford, as mover of the yup= tion regarding * , "rant to the band said g b 6 his idea was that the grant last year should have been Jiffy dollars larger and that twenty-five dollars per month for 1919 would provide p P for the grant for the current year: and the payment of the extra fifty dollars which should have been in- eluded in last year's grant. Bylaws No. 1 and 2 were given a first, second and third reading I anti passed, Bylaw No, 1 appointed W. trydone as trustor, of the 0,0,-f. for three years ; Dr, Shaw es -member of the Public Library Board rot -three years ; J. Wiseman and 1'. C!antelon town audi tors,:, and D. L, Macpherson -rte member of the hoard of Health, I.lylaw NO, 2 provided for the her- rowing of 210.099 from the ],sole Un- 111 taxes aro paid in June. SALE OF FARM STOCK and Implements -Mr. Amos 'P, Cartwright has instructed Mr. T. Gundry to sell by public auction at Lots 17 and 18, Con. 9, Mullett, on _ Wednesday, Jan. 291)11, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following : Horses -1 gray mare rising 4 years old in foal to Balmerino, 1 12 -year old mare in foal to Balmerino, 1 driving horse 4 years old, good driver, not afraid of cars ; 1 'aged mare. Cat- 1,10-20 stock steersrising3 years old, 18 steers and heifers rising 2 years old, 7 steers and heifers riff- in" 1. year old, 1 heifer clue at time b y of sale, 1 cote clue at time of sale, 1 cow due Feb, loth, 1 cow due 10 April, 1 cow due in May, 2 farrow cows. Pigs -1 sow with litter, 1 sot, due March .15th, 6 shoats 8 weeks old, Sheep -12 Loicestee 0005 6 Leicester ewe lambs. Implements -1 Deering binder, 1 Deering ]stow- et Deering rake,1 wave, 1 set 1 gg, sleighs, 1 rubber tire hitggy, 1 01- Iver walking plow, 1 twin plow, about 10 bags potatoes, 10 cords green wood, 250 sap pails with link and splice, also large storage tau](, 1 Chatham • incubator and brooder, 1 set scales 240 lbs, cap- achy, All will he sold without reserve as the proprietor has sold his fano. Terms -All. Simla of $10 end under, cash ; 01I over that amount 6 months' credit ,Will be given OS furnishing approfed ,joist notes or 8 percent. elf fol.: cash on Mat amounts, -Aloes Cartwright, Proprietor ']'hos. Gundry, Atte- Unbar. ''6--•2 - (hi Now Year's Day, at Dauphin, Man,, Robert Crawford, an; old Hu1- township boy, passed into the Great Beyond, aged fifty-Iiime years. Ib is twenty years or more since Mr, Crawford went t0 Manitoba. He is survived by his wife, Who was form- erly Miss Elizabeth Hughes of Hui- tett, and one son, Two brothers and two sisters also survive, Edmund and Charles of Hallett, Mrs, Bedford of Killarney, Man,, and Mrs, J. Stephenson of Ethel, Mr, Craw- ford's death was due to appe dieitis, A 'brother died at Dauphin -in July last, Meatless days are making very 2 cows due to freshen in Mar„ 4 cows due to freshen in April, 2 cotes due to freshen in May, 1 cow due to freshen in Sept,. milking well now, 4 heifers risings 3 clue to freshen in Feb, and March. Regis- tered,Stocic-.1 heifer rising 4 years "Faifiview Flossie" No. 123780, due to freshen IPeb. 10th, 1. cow rising 7 years old, "Princess May" No. 107773, dire to freshen, Mar., 10th, - HOUSE FOR SALE -000D FRAME • house on Rattenbury street, west. 4,4,+++++,1,444,,++++++++++�`�"'�� 8 rooms, sleeping porch, summer kitchen and woodshed. Good col- Our Wive ]lose Flour is one of the tar, furnace, electric lights, town best, and soft water, Garden with fruit trees and a chicken house. -Apply ISVr aakcwttiof dins White Seal,test, on premises to Miss Southcombe. Y i _52 Also a sack of out "Victor Oat- Meal."Ni high prices for eggs: Although gram prices are high it will pay yoku to k H of e special care o[ your oo tataks and pullets. 'a' GUNN LANGLOIS CO CLINTON W. Trewattha Pliou i193 Cattle -5 steers rising 2Manager Young S Years old, Polled Angus grade, 2 Ayrshlre heifers rising 2 years old. Sale will be conducted in doors, FARM FOR SALE -994 ACRES OF splendid farm land in good state of Our Listowel Flour, the "Golden cultivation. On it are a comfort- City," able storey and a half brick bouse If you have not tried it, what a pity 1Nana er or Holmeavllte 4 oil 140 Canada Food Board -License No. 7-001 Good aecommodatiou for horses.roof, Terms --Cash, or approved joint notes for 8, 6 or 9 months bearing interest at 0 percent, Guarantee- Any cow sold to be in calf not. Proving to be 111 0110 month from time 01 sale 10 percent. of purchase money will be refunded. -'W, H. Lobb, Proprietor ; 1.. (iundr y, Auc- tioneer,, 76-4 gcellar,very good with new steel a good, The "Jewel" is another ood a barn 40x00 and straw shed 22x28 brand, ' with foundation under all, room to All of these flours, we have on hand. tie up 28 head of cattle and 5 horses besides 3 box stalls, root Since the Raiser and the Crown room, feed room, separator room Prince lied, and barness room. Cement floors You need buys no substitutes for throughout except 2 box stalls and your bread, root house. A stone pig pen 24x24, GUnn's"Easi0rst Shortening" is A a hen hoose 24x10 and a drive shed No, .1, failing Son. '-' CREAM WANTED CALL AT D., N. WATSON'S GROCERY AND GET A CAN, 6, 8 OR 10 GALLON, AND ,'+ILL 011 PARTLY. FILL IT. `VILE TEST. AND PAY FOR Constance bIt: and Mrs. Chas. Riley of Tuck- ersmith spent Sundayas the guests g of Mr. and Mrs, Adam Nichelson, 'No mail from Clinton on Rural Route No. 1 for three days last Week. Impassable roads the cause: The ladies of the congregation are meeting in the church on Thursday .afternoon to sew for the Belgians. Miss ,Jean Cook of Gabriel' town- ship 15 spending a week or so With her sister, Mrs. Joe Riley, ' Mr, 'Thos. 11110' and Miss Jean l Cook spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Fred Stephenson, of Brussels, Miss Margaret Love has ref/0000d b to C. McGregor's after spending a pouile of weeks with her parents • at Val toe. WOULD T1111 CITIZENS OF OLIN- ton who are Acerly out of Malan- cite coal leave their order with 111r. Holloway or D. L. Macpherson with 20x80. There is a never Sold by the firm of Jenkins it spring creek, a good well and cls- • tern, about .14 acres of orchard.+4. « +. +4,+,h.f.+..::.t,4t.,( +l, This is a desirable property 2•k from Clinton, gravel .,.. EACH CAN S 1'ARATELY EV GRY WEEK AND GIVE YOU IS ICE FOR FOLLOWING W>rL.... R HIGHEST PRICES AND .A a written statement oftheamount they have on heed. Drayrnen will be instructed to examine coal bitty, Anyone it,aking false statelnerits will be penalized, We desire to servo those most bit '000d. lVm, A. draut, Pilot Com• 16'4 miles good read. I Went to sell at 01000 ap �: i! Son health makes It necessary for me W. Jenli;in$ int . ' to give up farming for the present. Would sell stock, lniplenienbs and FLOUR AND FEED. crop If so desired. -•>Apply Leonard ticvator 'hone 199 Residence 9442'. E. Weir Let 271 I-uCon. 4, llott, Retail License No. 9--=2368 Cfintofl'F. 0. ' 49 1 Wholesale 1LiCena° t'Ta, 12--+89 SQUARE DEAL GUARANTEED. CREAM RECEIVED AT SUM- J> STORE ANY DAY: 161) tiRITIL 'P k CDc Price this wee T i:. MASON PHONE 8 Oe 638 Caitada Fo(ad Board License N. N-19538.;