HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1919-1-16, Page 4- —.. � - -, =-� - , � �= - r7 - - " � j � - - 7 - - �- , - � - � , , - 1 7�- i - , � ,
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, I I I . . I . . : I I I . . I % I , I , 1� .
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1 1
, ' PA �
tapostries and Turnititiro, ,,a ... 0 to
'111twes at, sagoty durl)Ig, tbo lil"a"A10111
, - �
L . I
Piro vow boing, init knoR, Ill tbo Kclr�
clans tile eanlouflage coverings 611 60
'tieing tile
' 'TOP
I . L � I
— I
1: 4
stottes are removed, allil
ormQiform grAna oanal, three-clu,arters
� �,
VUAT Tur� WEEIrLm", PROvill,mi
. � . I ----- . .
. . xkc,p'
There Wfillwal W. Prossla ftic Proolillawd �Qwkpfnvx, of' tile (
of a mile lolig and its arp,js toget,19"
I .
Motherland N4 Weakelied b.Y
. I I - � ..�
I W Revolution, Sve Formar Danjob Minister
.Jifulgel, oil it orld
.- �
. I
. . lulm Vederation on Jullitutry 18, 1671-Skefie of
half a Jong, whiell bad Won
, ,,Tile ,
Cal -dor to Prevent Ictili
riouflaged M at
A10 '
. re -Clwif Two Thowand
- - � � JuSt Arrived in Lfindoii Vrom Russiti.
� �
. .
. I
1. IIII � . 24mv Other 114storle rwelits, I
I � . .
plano raids, Is being rest orod",
I .�
I MUD R5. � .
0 �
'ondon say -
A dospatela frdan 14 ,si'
. .
A dospat from London Says,- by Supplying' tile Germans with more
ProVeys o
If (110 GUM West T014
In .
, .
I Ver.,*111cs, the mae-Ung-paaaa of limp
of Europe and coo,31daring Ale
� . I
I � ��-0- --. ,
The Oliserver, wbiph is well Mforlined
ilmacial nubjects, -(lay UP., Seavenill.1, ,,former Danish Mln�
oil f to
food an(] Sending It HufflOont; fump to
,a polaw I
I Ole Powie Conference, is citbout Late
fate oil Im-mer, l(fliger Wl"Jillelhil Lot
%, *
-!(,.Is Publishes . t r, IAIQ has just arrived in London
a significant art '()IT poSt.,Arer ilk- " 0 .
expel Vlie Bolsbevilts from Petrograd
, ,
I Rome Size its Loucl,on,'Onta,rio, Twelve
Totter, auuthwq'it of ParIS"With which iiielti.5,41t,O,L,IQls�t-bttiifji!t��r
Germ,any, IS the strilduc- llrlstorteftl
)'e -81's agOI
— ,
I , I
tionlational hilaccoo, which has d1reet VOITI Rustdit, interviewed by Routor
. Is
and Moscow, Saab a force need not be
big because the whole population was
Vicitovia"m lee skating arona, wb leb
has 1400n. oloqail for (b(, Past three
- vilty iii; ic; eoiinoa�teld by rail andi triuo,
It was at Versa',11link during, tile
500 Little patients Irietbrili of Wa . r
lateiiest for Canadians, After To- correspondent, said that tile Slolutloill
to ,.tile Itro0overable ill Russia
Opposed to Bosheyism, As soon am the
years, is opened agal.n.
I I 1. it �a tho Calittal of the Departmptitof
] -
1P"r&rTpO-Prw;s1Al1 wor of 1870-187:1
atJ Hunnish Cruelty,
:foicrhig assets" was Lopeless as long a,
i has -at command, tile writer tile Allies Wok no steps to BoI-
Bolsbevists were expelled from Potro-
Potatoes were chig from the Framer
Kein"t,Oiso, and hats -a populationof
i 11 JULY Or slxLy tliollsaald� �111)o, itiown
that L, Kb4 DUAIrlanill, at
the head of the German Xoroes, b,a
,334tain and.
Through villages sw�rrnlng wiffi, goes oil to sayl; "Behind lie tile prob- shovisnip w,hlah was a real interns.
grad and Moscow the move-
mont would collapse, He was move fill
V8110Y gardens ill December, so Inild
was the ,weathor.
1� is we,`,J laid vcit, ,and owes ,its existence
bl.$ 'boatlituarters, and A lyin's I tailere
,troopli and pliaked NArith-ordnance we lame of tile r
, ,lim that will ultimately tional danger anti grmving- stronger
n"rivoli at an Old OR3017110, which bad be in repayment of 6iir loan day for
r rrangemQnt Qoula be made with Fia�
Great (Inniage is being clone by
I � to the wonderful Pitaile-e built by Louis
` I I -
(10,13-1715), a6bation Of
tlivt lie wa% proorai'llcoll Kinporor of
Geplaq,ily on J , 8', 18'?L Thexe
anicary I
prodci�ocl every . , the BolsJIovIQt3 were
be IT -onvelpd into the ehlldvoli?�q to Allies and dominions, and of'. the marvelou,j Propagandists and 'were'
land to fiend volunteers for till$ Pur-
The great danger was that it!
barh booties to tile timbel, of British
NIV. . .�ho
� I I's Grande MonaTIfule was to' coilstruot
aaso, oil avary 26, 1871, tile Pror
I Felp
,,t� . To district, Say%
hez S, of - amount Nye Shall get out of Geinnin
0 ly working It, all countri ' as with the a))-
0`06411 writer, TbAs in Charge Of Oita against ur bill for daniages. All Jap -t of causlog
Bolshevism Avon that Germany would
In tile seven clays between Decem.
a an 41ny contemporary
� � Ifill larger 0 -h . to;lie ,,I rosidence
� bu�ldtng, IAg or,oug .
. I
Valillaries of penjue were signed
t�veell Yrance, Jglld� Germ"Illy .iaftor
Q world revolutlo,,I,
f the first of Amoricals , childroll those ulleartaintleg effect not only the lie 'was Sure tile ]JOIShovists would
specialists, I bow nl the Government in Germany
join RuPishi and Europe would ])a
without Pasco for a long time. That
bar 50 and 1.1th, live persons mile-
cumbed to automobile ,Accidents ot
for'63 Gou:rt and o seat Tog -his Gov-
ernment. ,Illereupoll, ale 6jeeted thits
Townly paignalit inittivaoms between
DII.-marelt and Thl'.am. A.1-Ule later,
. (111ohii071of will ,,,,less
Here are 500 little patients. This will have to Taise every year in taxa- tooli; inlinedinto , the Allies
, � steps to SLOP then,
was why it was bripoktant to fillish
,widi Bolshevism immediately.
Vancouver. .
Victoria Schools, oNN,hlg [,a Lbe ill.
I grci%t rovidence, a4zig, the ol.'d huilb-
- .
hko) -eeted front
MaVsiral 1l, Mahon, diL
"Verim-LI-les ,of G,OY-
barracks' Converted into a, 11040tal is, Lion, but also the larger problem of - --=- t- � ;-----.
-----.- -
full of blibles,, the yolingest being our position in international finance,
fluenza spill emie, have again been
. . dlig 'ZI, Latest] of'LOUJIs XIII. Z* a Central
. Point, No fe,wea: -than t1iirLy-!4x
there the 'I'Tilly"
ernment t"OOP's NvIl.-oal Sup-13,201,51SAKI
1:110 Commune Al P'tiris-, Illitil 1879
only six days Old when I was there,
� and, of our power.to maintain our
Many of the children have no 1)ar- I prestige kind to contivol, of the oz. Market's of th World
e4rTIS, $18,75 to $19,00; (10. X.q,b,
montry VIo,'qi[.%, $1.8.25 to $16 5 0.
closed, not to [)a re -opened until after
the bristmas Holidays, �
thousmid horziis were engriged, iliwil
Ol;llers have lost their mothers; I I �
Mon1re-all, Jan. 14-C)boite obverri,
A r�i-constrootion league lias
I . tile C-oinit-ruction of the
building, ,wil-ich iis oapablL of occoin.
Alorma.Liqug was the sea,1; 09 the 1prelich
. .
theh -% aTO Sft ill the
- fathal 'YhI9
. chaligQ." . � .01,11 \ .
I III � the 'cluestion 61 , Breadsttiffs .
$12 to $18; pood, $10,50 to $13,11)0;
miedium, $9.50 to $10; olivice buteller
organiY0 al; Vancouver to consider
housing ltiroblems, immigration, Ili
"I Inodscting. oicj! tell thousand 1��ersolis,
Referring to ille interLor k - ,aw
Palace VbTs-1611IRS, N �J% Baalli.eIn
trenches. It is not always easy to
find out bow tboy canie to be orphan
wli altlil!'1111111NIiI.2111, " tile writer Says:
"We ar I . Toro,rcto, Jum, 14-Malliftba wheat
(I on paper, still very much 21111KI'lum,
bul'as, $') '&O $10; G�Ood 1100, 8-50,
$7-50 -to -K Chilitao but-
dusti-los, and natural resources,
kiii(i caist pvok it hunchrod millIll,on dol,
xna. . I
I k -
of .
says� ..
there, are such plentiful chances
, .-No. 1 Northern, $2.2141A; No.
creditor Courtly. Tile Chaneello' Northern, $2%21;�; No. S Northern, cql.e,r oows, $9.60 to $10,50; good, $8
I'leut. James IT. Hampton, of Port
Hammond, -who A�am last mean spin-
, � Alyart from. ,tile Palar'o, t1lare are,
"Un[oss 'we .p,as�,Ibty cLicapt the
tile eynatt-
I , to $9; Ined;lum,, $7 .to $7,50.
losing parents who live continually; boosted, wiLIA very just pride, in his $2.173/a- No 4 vAlloa,t, $2.111,?j To. $(;. Shiecill, $9 to
,,,,,,,,,,, ,:,4 "
re. �One little be till we Stove Voll, tax. I ..O
under Shell it Y, On., budget speech last April, that l; Witl4lam not bidudin�', " "a '
r"I'a' '
ning down Ili flanies'frohi a height
oo bu-11din-gs of dritereat in Versail7e.5;
I . the Chwell, ,of Nava Dome, bililit by
Gaillay Of Patlilc,j, of eal
i Va
ca tale ,C des
ments ir% file PR-1� ,
� ... * ra I I k-feld
,ked where his mother was, had borrowed abroad during- the war Manitoba ofctg—�ko.. 2 .'�W,, 7`8% ; - '
bs' $11 �o .$14'1 d, $0 itiO
being as $I', I.- t $15
-I.,,.-,,, . gt S- lu
" 'my is:
of 2,000 feet, is reported laissing,
Uout. V. J. Kane, of Povt Moody,
.. �
- to Prote
his gzain,ason; il aotailt olturall
. , I
Gllams I's the In oat st.liking. Ciertlihi -Y
matallia, she we had borrowdd in order -to reload No. 8 O.W., 74c; extra No. l,.,,fceA, �12
IJ �,
replied gravely: .. It
- '. a I.,
�p , -ar4,
�,. G , &,,, oft (;
while in Mesopotamia, mot Howe, a
. 1,
. a14 tAUD E41:141 Chapea being in no
. .
- If
it IS the�mast bjImtQrrq. pj,s Irsigna, I-
as ilgaitea -on ono-slidle by
a up
dead. Las booties, they Put 9 to
ler head. She "a finished. I have no
to At So that with ,regard to oqx: 751/4,0; No. I food, 74lie,
lies ) in . Obor
I rt WAll I a
own war-aast we had been self-suj& E, 0, am.
$18 to $18.60; ,others, ,accoirding
quality, ,down to $14, - "a
Turldsh prisoner there,, whom be
Nw,w reclicarkalile.
, Tho aelohraUd. talmls court '(Jell da
Paume), the Deputio-s the
cent room
seventeen igrest -,vda,d,oq4 6,11 whate
On the ,other .sado
mainnit." ,
The unchildlike Stoicism of these,�'
Ing. The figures ofileially published, Alnexiectin. mrn- No. a yalb.,
in so..Xar as they call be understood, $1.75; No. 4 yalliow, $1,7D, Janua,nj
recognized as the proprietor of a
fruit Store in Vancouver.
� I qvilere at
' NI-ilibionaq A,ssembly took the o,T.t.11
marble areades;
seventeen ctomar,pondilig avelftlae 4 urs
ebil'clren is appalling., I spent two
Anailit. . I
: niore than beat- out this Statement " Oti,tacrio oats, racc, crop -No. 2
Lance -Corporal VY. J, Murdoch, a'
tile Vancouver Daily
. never to dlEigolve untp"T the�,'had give]]
Irundred bev-
flillut -%vilal over three ,
Sit,rarigilianed. ltaIele
I days among them and heal:d no tery-
I . i
ing. Those ,%%,lie are Rick lie me tell-
I The article Bug cists that Great wbibe, 71 to 74o; 'No. ,fl ivb`b 70 t
9 ' 0
Britain should entirely %vipe out her Tic, alicording to frailghtIs .uZ&1da. ' 0
Will Float About oil Ocean Curren s
After Peace Arrives.
compositor oil
World , has been awarded tile Military
France, a corstituiblon, is now itzea am
".1111"", a coluscium. - I I'whi"-
eliad mn'Trors. .1.)),
marble onvironanoilL, bhey less as waxel� image$ in their cots -1
loans to her Allies, Russia, France, Ont"lo whimit-No. : iv
- Long
1 The Prince of Uonacu, Ili exhibiting
Medal for bravery overseas.
Twice wounded and awarded the
----—.-. �- .------.,-.--
I I , . . � . I . .
Those .,vli6'are supposedly well sit 211 Italy, Belgium, Sorbia, anti others car .,'lot, $2.14 be $2.2,1
' - Z
day brooding and saying nothing. ,$21.11 to $2.19; No. 3, do, .� U7 to;
I "making a present to our late bro
his chart of Ocean currents, told the
-1 8
Military Modal, 11. F. Park IT , of
. --Ill �W;!J�t
. .
, i s
- Olences in Parts that the
When Arst they arrive their faces all � titers in,�trms, much harder 11 it than $2.16; No. I Spr:iag, $2.09 to $2.17; Academy of S
to NO. 3 as-
Port Kolls, has now ,won his coal TITS"
., 1!
, 51.
earth colored. The first thing they -,.a are, of their promises to pity. 1� iv, 2 opring. $2.06 $2.14;
N7 Spring, $2.02 to 112.10 f.o.b., shilp-
Germain mines, may float about,
In tile for 20 years.
Stan in the althougb notlyet
twenty years of age.
NA"I, -
i i
a I
Jr, - I
have to be t - is how to lie chil-
ought '-We do not seem to have weakened pitig, pollit�, necordiling to frel-whts.
, draii. They.hay.% to be coaxed and our international position to the ex. Pea.a--No. 2, ir,-,;.ou
peelally .Atlantic,
Mines from the channel will float west-
Development work oil the PILL'
, ,
19 .
Il., ,�, ,I
It il i�l
qq to
, induced to play; even then they 9001) I teat of much more than 2,000 rail- B,x4ey-Malting, new crop, 2
word until they most tile Cult StVeLLITI,
which will.caIrry them Southward along
Moliclows Oil Wells, Ltd., is proaced-
ing favorably. The official dvill
�N' :
` ""; ...... l'i
grot�'wearv. They seem to regfird lion�, by borrowing abroad and sales 97C, ACO&I'ding to frOliglIts OlrbAde,
_ as frivolous slid in- says the article, "and Buckwheat -No. 11 $1.39.
tile coast at Irrance, Spain and -Ivru-
depth is 1,987.6 and the solid cou:Wn-
mIL'I 11;1%
1-1. Playing
decorous-, and so it is Ili the light 01
of securities,"
2;000 millions is Only half the SUITI Ryci-No. 2 ,$1,54. nonitilia(l.
Manitoba flour crop, war
11000, to the r,lanarips, and then to the
)Text c) and
Antilles and tile Gulf Ot i e
ad in the last samples looks Promis-
,'4 1
r . I.,
�,%Illl I
the tragedies they have witnessed.
Child -ran of seven have seen more Off
that wag usually aecepted before the -Old
quzilailty, $11.36, Toronto, .
war as',the amount of -bur overseas 0 aric, flour-Wex
nt quai"rity, Old;
eastward again past the Bermudas, the
Azores and Madeira. The entire Or`
That the death raLe in Vancouver
has been during the
. �
lli,, .........
mqi'!, . .. ��
41�,R. �
ears than most
horror in three V old
ilivestillents. So that we are Still
crop, $10.25, Ili ba-gs, Montreal wid
cult may talce four years.
by the
past tv, -a niontIls is shoyal, -
.. .
. I iill
- !�,l
mail have rallid � lifetime.
- about in a
JIlany of them have beell captured by
,,early half cis much a creditor eoc�n-
try as before the war, even after 14-113-
'rolionto, prompit sillipment.
Allilifeed--Car lets, clo',livar--4 Mont-
mines released north of the Straita
be tuward-Nor.
large number of afiplications for
img 1, �'
" ii ..� i
and reoaptur�d from the Hung. They
have been !it villages where the clead
ilIg out our loans to Allies. Relative-
the weakening is
reslil freight,%, bags indki-ded. B
$37.2Z par ibon; sh . arlts, S42.25 per Z:i
OL Liuvor will carried
way and ill. Arrtlo Ocean, Ships go-
probate being filed.
Members of tIfo Burnaby Council,
1. i� ..i I
Ill �i I 1
.mIll 11I. -I -4 . . . . . .... ,
lay Ill piles and 'lot even the women
,qy of course, great-
, -
or, because America and many nou
Hay -No. 1, $21 to $22 pie'r ten:
� '
$3.9,to $20 per too, track TOT-
Ing from Europe to the states.
FA tell ld pass northward
the Price says, I
tile police commissioners and repre-
, aniatives of the municipal staff at-
� '
'41,11. oyu�
1. 11111 -ill.. 1;�
were spared, They havelison preslm�
while indecencies were worked. upon
trals have inerea%ed their wealth very
rapidly during the war, while we have I
,,b, .
Siilcailr-Ca, 11ts, $9.110 to $10-50,
of a line running from the outrunce of
the Channel to the fiftieth dervee Of
tencled the funeral Of the late chief
)constable, William Parkiiison, at Ed-
their mothers. They have Spell mail
bay6netted, and filing
been Lshig; but there Seems to be no track, Toronto.
north latitude slid follow this line to
monds, D.C.
. �,
. . "
11I 1, - -
I R Ill
li'� , , ... , Ill I. h
hanged, shot,,
to roast in burning houseS. The pie-
reason for the view that we are no
I npi - it creditor country, especially
— . -
Call try ProdiaceWhole�.Iale.
the thirtieth degree of ,west longtitude,
. outhern.
then swinging down to the 9
. Gladys Carvolth, a
_Nursing Sister
formci.L Victoria nurse, has recently
1. I
.1. .. I I..;
, I
tureu of all these thl"98 hang in their
When they it is out of
!is ��,,,a have another foreign account
E ggn11No, I stolrage, 55 to 56a;
oxtrolivity of the Nowtoundiftna bonds.
returned from overseas and is now
11+"� ilii
. .1,
eyes. Play
politeness to the kind Arifticalls, not
clailit oil Germai
.1. -1 I , ly.
-1 -.I,.—
g elaol,ed, st,orage, 58 to 60c;carton.s,
new laid, 75 to 178c.
Ships coming to Ouropo from the
United States ruit the ki,e4test risks
attached to the staff -,it Shaughnessy
Heiedits Military Hospital, Vancouver.
� , .
I.I ghl
,!III . , . i
because they derive tiny pleasure
Tile Mine-Strowil S cap.
ButteT-Croancary, solids, 51 to 53c;
do. 53 to 65c; ell"ce fililry
near the coasts on this sideand fit the
Chief Batiste . George, Of tile Ink -
I .11 11111ililh 11-
: I
I !. In �i
I 1i ii
from it.
-Night is tile troublesome time. The
The sinking of tile British worship
is illus-
prin-w, 45 -be 47c; ordinary da,'Iry
prin;ts, 38 be 40c;' bakers', 30 to 38c;
Atlantic archipelago, Will be Safest in
following a line passing north of Ma .
amip Reserve, is probably the largest
sidiii.criber cimong the Indians of Can -
�Iy iffil
A 1 i 1*
1:1W, I
ebildren hide under their with
terror. The nurses have to 90 the
Ulassandre, by s, inine anothor
A f .eo
tration ol the danger froin thi, out
Oleomargarine (lip -it grade), 32 ,be
delra and South of the Saragossa Sea.
— 0 --
-,ada to the Victory Loan, having in -
1. I I
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 0 ...........
....... . 11 ������� . . . . . . . . . . . .....
ii - . .
,.t. f
............... . . . . . . . I .............. ............ ... - .,�,f
.. , .,� 11 I -1111111
roulldd oontillually. If tile childreil
to which ve%sels will be expo-od fur
' 4C *
Chae,pe-New, JlargL, 27�L be 28a;
-created $21.000 of his own savings.
Mr. D. IIardy. postmaster at Camp -
I 't GaRe�i all, The Meeting place of th 0
, y of Battici�--, Palace at Ver- sailil
Id only cry.. tile would give
,von Y
But instead they creep
filme time to police, After the Russo-
war disa,i,teliil 01! tile Itincl Ov-
tiviiiz,, 28 to 28%c; spring iniade, liarge,
2,91ti, to 29c; twilos. 20 to 291,ic.
British, Isles Will' Replace Timber
bell River, stlec'umbed to Spanish in-
1.0cace GoTiCerionee. .
----.- -. ------- I -- ' -
silently out from between the sheets
C.arrad now raut Men for it number of
(Tomb Hoiloy�Choival, 16 oz., $4.50
Growths Sacrificed to War.
Word has been rdoeived at New
-- "', '
. . Loix,s XV. (17154774). Yplio lived
d9241nely refibct the light and,give
d Crouch against the floor like
ill is %,,,list they'
'Tumb aniiinalsi* That � .
years. Con"'Ittons intry.elially ))a worse
;10)S !, itor the GLirnioug, Ili Planting tile
to $5.00 per clozenj 12 OR., $8,50 .to
$4.00 Per d0zell. �
England and Scotland are, proper-
'Westrainster that Lieuteriatt J. .
and dkid ill the Pabuce, earitracLed the
its itante to the halt. Here i ,was tile,.,
fivs� they ar�
minos, c1lisregurded till the rules. It
M-ali-l- ST -P-111 6-galan thm,
Ing to rGDIant forests which have been
H. Crispin, of that city, has lost both
- �-hreo treaties of VersailleG Nrith Aug-
tFa there. - Louis XVI. his
a elviric Once said of the asminblages
are when
Their Trest. Primitive instincts tor the
I was determined ill The Rogue thut "a
cut to provide wargpliofi. They are
legi and the right eye when wound-
in France.
and W-Ife,
I � I Tdarle Antoinette of Austria, also re- i
wh'�A used to go.theT within these
walts.- "StIatesman 'Wilo Sit in. a glaf�s
beginnings of olearditiess ,seem to belligetralot sboulit unancliored,
They have been fished automatic, contact willes except, when
not waiting I ence is concluded,
but are doing it now. Never before
Everett W. Ilogan has been -lip-
� . Acted there. - Vh6u-s'e
� .
ehould not be eurpriscd iT na,
have vanished.
of eaves, rubled clugouts, broken � t hey'ai,e so constructed as to become
Baxnellied Monts - Pickled 1,crk,
$48-, ineva $47.
have those countries been so bare of
poia4d chief inspector of the soil and
, Arith the pa -sing of years ani ;tile
French Pvevolu.t,:oTo enme Eniparor
tions tllxc,lv stories," 'rile g1reaL rMni
is further deco -rated by traphia-5 In
on,. � 14- I harlilloss one hour Lit inost after those
houses. They ,,ire full of Skill di
I Arho laid. tilelli 11two lost volltrul 01'
Green Menitis'--ouit a picklio, le less
thliber. HIT ting ranges and sporting
grounds have been sacrillood to supply
crop division of tile Depar!-,ment of
Agriculture, B.C.
N\apb.I,&6)k 1. (1804-IsI5), who ,visited
gilded a -ad phased copper, aud ,on tile
cases as -the beggar who sat outside
"I'll' (met'() red 1111to-
than smoked.
�mokocl Mciats--Roills, 82c to 33c-
munition factories at home and armies
TI in production of spruco in Brit -
Veirmule� very 'infItcluelitly, Then,
calling rare Paintings trac;ng Louis
Dives, gate, Ill'y tile, have bad no i thent.," or sbolild .
They have - IftIktIU C -0111110t 1111110s At'lliell (10 not lip-
II.,uns, Trisdium, 38 to 39L; heavy,130 to
11broad. These foresti; were neither
ish Columbia for airplanes will be
. uncler the galso ,of restorhip g1t, 11touls;
XIV.'s milrkavy irliNtory, ,paintings
dogs to liell their wres.
lived offal 30 long that; they have i collie harmless as soon as they have, 31c; cooked li,ams, 51. to 52c; bach.s. i larg� nor niany but they were suf-
curtailed owing to tho signing of the
PhIll-ppe (Ilsinat4led the Pe-laeo, gract- 'MA61i
filMy, but, paracroxically., lie did, re-
took nal:e
Le Brun four yL , to
Oxecule. 11, -the Grand Momirifilet's
oil ;
. broken lease front thale woortuge. I I -plialn, 46 to 47a; books, boinelescs, 50 flaiGnt to tide over the time of peril.
the�faces of the wUremely aged. And , (,roat liritilin will, to 52c. Broal,fwlt; ba,con, 42 to 47C. The replanting will involve certain
(lermaity churgPd
' i
The Arro-w Lakes District havino
� . c4oxe R in gaiieraT to something of
� CIOT by a liverbilig
. . .1 R fol call ,a it
ik 'Mer pip
thile tWs hall mu*t have bean Spa-
Oiall. WOTt1l �
-N 500171,", for all the furill-
their liatredl Diiiectly You cl tter the i . I Cotita.ga rolPls, 35 to 36c. Ichanges,
word I'lloche" 611 L,Ile night-gowriod I flowing tile waters of tile North,, Sea I Drq Salted Meats -Long c'mars. i'm The cutting is not yet all done. but
Iviti, milles. Aut Oreat 33ritaln took clear bel-
curse. tons, SOL; in
doubled its number Of Subscribers
and trebled its Victory Loan over last
. -into a in-usourn. He collecited an im.
turo-t-be tables And 01hat'rs ari'd
,the tubs for the
fin,es sit up in their call$ and
a dolle Cursing of their
when they" have
easeg, IiOl/.c;
oTery precaution to .�oo that inereliont, plans for planting new forests are IT
ile'a, 28 tD 281hei fat blacks, 25c, I n,
kept, to tile, lanes. The 1� I der way. The old forests were pr -
year, has won nine crowns.
Lieut. Rolalad ThealoSell and Lieut.
. ra=v, nunibel- of paintings and scil,ill-
I tarais, wibivh, asidefroin the ali-Storipal '(whiall
stools, oiange J,t�es
wero his de�dght), tha can<le-
Own accord they ,,I ng, the "Nifarsail-
Ships safe Lard-Pirre, Itlerces, 29 to Book
operations of thO GOITAT'll .plillelt'Yers tubs: ,SO -to 301/--c i artly ornamental and Incidentally IT
- s' 30"11 'to Sotyle I
Hugh"I'llemnson (brothers), of Vor- .
portraits in the Palace and certaCm 'lab
-1711, QJXI 0imideNers-were of soilid
NVCVe 111300111W)' illdISCrI%ffiJt0, lie tile P111111-3, 31 IbO S Shortening, fill, but those which are now being
non, B.C., have both been awarded
pleces of iscillpticre ill tile gardens,
all ve r and en-tillef.
I I ---- ,�,---
lov,ses In inerchant toutiago showod. tievaes, 25�4 to 25%q tab� 25% to
� liberately lirovicled for will be primari-
tile Military Cross overseas.
have. no gveat antisLic merl't. This
"It was Ili this room that the pro-
I �
The AIIIII(I 31FIVIPS will have their worl-, 26c; palls 26 to 261,f&c; 1-16. PThTts,
27 to 27�'C.
YI useful and Incidentally ornamental.
Fliolit Lieutenant Derrell Te,noor-
I I v.-.QrIT. of re-storatioit aa�-,t $6,000,000. �
liminary agreement of 1871 NAW,
- I
out out for them for settle tinie it,
This will conform to the spirit ofthe,
ten, 'Vancouver, is the latest of tile
I . To Britigh and Arecii-,ican touriNto
signed, anti bove it was that William
I .,
hunting down aud dostroying these
to navigation.
i Montreal Markets
times after the war, Forests will 110
longer be planted and protected for
R.A.F. *,as, slid has won distinction
leader on the Italian front.
-Varsall;Cs is nios.vt Interesting as the
I . , lilace, liobere, oil November 30, 1782,
of Prussia was pi-oclailliod Ge-
Emperor, Perhaps in this very
— "
Montreal. 1an. 1.4-Oats-F\trill
the benefit of a few hunters and
as a loatro'l
Flight Lim -A. Leonard Caple, of
. �. �. bhe preliminary artirles of Peace Ife-
tween Great BrR�dn and the 'United
place a new treaty of pence will ')a
Signed -which, while bringing, law
A despatch from London says:-
At a nieeting of the Imperial Gravos
No. I fee -d 90c. FLIDUr-NoW 2.6331-
dard grad,L, $11.25 to $11.35. ROH'
gentleman of leisure, but will be made
,ad maintained fur the profit of tile
Vancouver, was killed in Franco ten
davq nfter the armistice 'was 81010d,
I .
I I Ski,tes were signea. by Benjamin
-in . d order to the ,cvloolb world, will
commission over which Right 14011.
Walter Long. Colonial Secretary, pre-
a do-imt-s-baga, 90 Ilia. $4.25 to $4�50,
Bran. $37.26. Shorts., $42.25. Uoulale,
people as a whole and as delightful
Witli the death'of Mr. John Henry
. F xnmiklfti. Ili the follo.-iming year, on
. '
� Septemaibar 3, Britain, F4 rance and
signalize the and of the Carl it
n It Eill. Sided, and at, �%,blch till British over-
pire. It thus will have found its at-
I —
A despatub from London says:-
$0.00 to $70.00. Hily-No. 2,
tan, car -lot,&. $20.00 to $21,00. pacr
places of rotreat from the dirt and
noise at cities.
MeLachlan; who died at St, .Ioseph'r
'HORD! ,ill after all attack of heart
, .
I � . Spain sv:gitail the treaty which eridlad
., theiT war, whi'41a on. the same 'day
I ucar, rePromentatives werO Pro 011i",
ficial beginning and offlolal end In Lhe chairman stateg that till Overseas
this place.
Canadian ordnance stores oil this side
have been Sold to the Imperial authori-
Obeese-r-14nest on-Aerns, 24 to 215c.
Blibbei-Cho-icest creamery, 52% to
—..- - .
Three Canadian Delegates
trouble, the coterie of retired Prairie
furiners who reside in Victoria lose$
I - � .
Britain revvni7ed the ilidepend4nee I
. Goverliments hall unreservedly agreed
41F,aT P time the great ,palacci of to bear their share of whatever ex-
ties nodpa! all arrangollierdinsuritfIr
I that tile Canadian Government should
113 3 lk a. Eggs-ISetlected, 56 to 57c;
No, I Vtocki 50c. Pobatbos-per
At Inter -Allied Conferences
one -of its best known members,
. . . of the Unitedi S-tatft by the -treaty of
. P11.1 -1k, BeIIJ11311-in FT1111101171, John
ra Iles, nd not Paris' was t1f
' � Pause was irlvol�,ed Ili worthily lionor-
real Cap*al *11frAnce. To -day, TOT the inewary of their de4d. The
receive :too pal, cent, on all inew
I .
bag, irAT 10tR, $1.70. Dresised 11098
-A0)iz01io,.';r luilfled, $25.50 -to $26.001,
A despatch front Paris says: -La
Liberty says it undqrstands that
. --..---
.. I .1 Adams and John Jay baffir tfie, ilign-
the nonce, it, may become the Capital
connnission, tbovefore, was Trao to
* , . . I
leard-Pure, wood pails, 20 Ibs. itiet,
Great Britain -will 'have three special
.. erg.
Of esipscial interest at tile present -
of the world. I-.Tere and there work-
men are invading apartments Nlpllieb
discharge its Laqk in no ungrudging
I --4
31 be 32%c. --
delegates for each of its Dominions,
Brutal Treatment. of Girl Who Gave
I 1"Ov V -me, When the raprosentisitivell of the I
or nl ardly Spirit. The commimion
hith.rto have seemed to be inhabited 199
the recommendation that tha
An Inspired Definition.
Live Stock Markets
including Canada, Australia, New
South Africa. The
Crust to British Prisoner.
. victorious. al-k`es are remaking the
: I
but by the ghosts of kings. Precious I adopted
most suitable method at honoring
A teacher was reading to her class
the "unaware."
Toronto, Jan. 14-Chiclice heavy
Zealand and news-
paper asks why the French protee-
A letter lie% beeen voceived from
....... ...- -.-.------. . -- -- ---------- - -�-- - -
those whoso graves could not be found
when alto come to word
She asIzed it anYone knew the mean-
sibeara, $13.00 to $18.50; butchers'
eaftfL, choice, $11.75 to $12.50; do,,
torates of Morocco, Tunis find pos4i-
Corp, ,�v:,. Sullivan, Canadian Signal -
4t'h Division, France,
Germany Fails to Turn: Over
Huge Quantities of Gunis
or identified.wovId be to placel .1 tall,
let, r[jipropriately instribed, in a cierrl,e-
ing. One little girl tinildly raised her
6o,ad,, $11.00 to $11.50; do, medium,
" 00 to $10,25; do, oommon, $8.25
bly Algeria, has ,to Special reprosen.
ling Company,
wali,11 contains this significant para-
I —
-- '
tery near the sl)ot where it i�,belleved
band and offered the followine defint,
to . ,50; bulis, Choice, go.25 t,O
gl�apll: ,
. � A despatch front. London says: -.1
Capta I in John MacCragor, of the Call-
A' despatch from Londoit, says:-
aermany has fallen behind in the last
the mail were,killed. it is estimated
I that ,.here will be at least a thousand
tic)ll: I
"It's what you put oil firit and labe
I9 00-0 do, loredhini buililts, $9,00 to
.50 ; (to. rough bultils, $7.50 to $8.00;
A Promisi g Recruit. --
During life tour of daty, the offloor
"The civilians ,Ill have the same
story as to the LVeatilielit of our pri-
adian Mounted Rifles, who was To- 11
month in turning over material `
anio" i ri,a,s.-The commission decided
' 'to
off last." �
---i§-- .
butekers' cows, ollociao, 1.0.25 'to
$10,76; (To. '10.00; do.
of the day Vanued to question tt seiitry
sonp�r, alid it makes one's blood boil
I an
. I cently awarded the Victoria Cross, I
I waa a native of'Cawdor, Nairnshire
quired by the terms of the armlstil,';Le.
'k checking to date shows a shortut go
,,a Pill ,nment
apa, Indi, Govoi to
�Toynlulnto proposals for Clio establish-
, � Chinese Women Soldiers.
med-him, $8.50 -to $8.75; do. common,
$7��OO to $7.75; $S.'OO to
who Nvaq a new recraft.
,, if you shouid see till armed party
to hear thani. will give You
idea as to the Dun methods. Our
. . . Scotland, where his mother llves6 ;�i
685 heavy gong.. 7,000 inaelil
of pe
man a an agency in India for the
t t
'.British The
China had. women soldiers long be .
$10.00; foaders, $10.50 ito $11.50t
approaching, what would you do?"
prisoners were all in a state of sonli-
it was I crime pull-
� 41 the outbreak of tile war lie sno,w8hoed
100 miles to enlist. For leading the
gans, 1,000 trench. martar.,45 600 air-,
planes, 4,736 engines, 5,000 motor
care of graves there.
eommission -Time -warnily thanked the,
fore they were known In -Russia. Dur-
Ing the Tae Ping rebellion 1,850 women
aft-illievs, $6.26 to $6.50; milkerg, good
to eiroice, $90,00 to $140,00; do. cent.
AAROd tile Officer.
"Turn out the guard, air." �
Starvation, and .
isbable with imprisonment to give
� �
charge at Vinly Ridge in 1917 be re- I
lorries and 180,000 railroad cars. *
I Union of South 'Africa Government
to meet
as well as man served fit the ratilm. Ili
and med., $66,00 to $75.00- palring-
ers, $90.00 W $140.00; lli�-t owes,
11��ery well, Suppose you saw n bat-
tieuldil, coming iterosH the
it prisoner anything to sat, and the
I -Tans lived up to this to the letter.
. calved the DiC.M. and big commission,
and in January of last year won the i
Do not a`Z -palt to the soup Ili cook-
1 for its most 9011bTOus Off0l'
I the e`lith-o cost Of e8m6tOTles find far
Nanking, fit 1853, till army of 500,000
women were reorulted. They were
$9 00 to $10.50; vearling " "", "'
�iim; ilig liambs,
5s-fii 1L.
ground, what would you do?"
O� a (Illy I mms shown a little Child
Military Cross and a captainck for I
. .
ing Until' it is thoroughly skinimed.
!tho provisiol) Of 7110111014111-5 to Of"Ic"s
i divided into brigades of 13,000 each
$16.1550.t calves, good to el -$
,,I should roport'at once to the ties-
six years of age whom. tile hod
I - I
I % his determination and gallant; -y at I
- * actim froln
The salt ,will )Irevoint
! and n'lon of the ThIlleriftl 1`011-05 dYlIT
I* land wore. ooninninded by women offi-
,I', ,., .t�uo,lo
to $tS. 00; 1lois, X -ed al
nitat for examination, Sir," was the
, . A f 1. So hours for giving
1 0
. . � . Hill 70. I rising, , I �
. I � I
I withill till., Union. --1
I ners. - $18-50 to $18.76; do. , prompt reply. . . I
t� ,2 11 11
, , , -,
Elil= n crust of broad.
I ti Ova they had of &-
- - -I .. . .. � r!.�i�� � . , � , ., ... . . I . . . . .. - .. . - - - . - � , . , ,. � - - ------ � . � -, .. .
I � I
I I . 3mmxivoOclve� ram- .-rcr.&&.,:v3r-x:0mt ..
ii,,:,)(1,11'e,oll'Ilit.111.111,�""Vli food was to Sweep
�.p-.'A,. peelings and Clusts of bread
. I I
. I I
� . . . --- -- -- , --
, �
iaf�, tile , a .
" . _ OR our prisoners
I . g. " t
I . I
5��f ileie4b! WIIAT I I wOULDN'T L�F'y
-- ---------
. J JU5T LIKE,. ,-,)1uI,AAN 50114el �
NON4 - Vilt-IhT I 1b TI -IE POOP, Li I TTLF-
w To illovC a( 0 - t
.. �
. . .
or ,N.DO4 I b Ti-I)N'r 'four � 11IN'T Doe,l )m M'f
I houbF -
914HT- 50-�&
.. I 11rR taTTL'r.. V'10�5ra Nd,&,',, COLD
HiNT TER - wl-IF-Rr- "FIFO 15 ILL -
ib TiwT qQo � !�'Hia I,C;0XEt3 1 r,W'� bi.cE IiMb /\ FcvEp, . -Ol.it
L ( TI-IlNei .,v4t,_ MUbt
411'r TME. DOCTOR-
I'M 4I.AD ,�au
Aloi,ro Ag�,CPUI`
'%T�Jnv- of ovir prisoners Were with-
WIFE lb Li�il,i,f)11`1' AR .
=Nb- I
Ur�AX ME WlTli . I IQ.MIMN,� 'ro mr-,
.. IIEI-,-
. ., Sell to
out shirts. still tile etvilian" 11,
I TI -10001T I)- WU7 - \(
--� A 6t.le.:
Fi011ie MIT
. ! - MUT COUL�oiv,r -
"FIRI 5MY-f 3LUE�- --� .
77i7v - -i�.I-
L.Toop '011 to theil. callips of it nif'.11t,
. I . .
7 --�
S -
--- IT
Y .
e -Z,
F --,(E12. -
- .
eh, <-) ...
" ,
and throw shirts a,mong,.zt them.
-r �
ll,',, - I t.. -
. � 11. 11 -� 3
Nearly all tile Women of One town.
r - -�A 'Is.,.
el 1
1. `1 . - I
d .
: f�,, -
11" "
bad boLn imprisolw(l TOT disobeying
I �
. . I d '-,�\
.- .
I �", .
I r
... - I -s enneernhIPr ibe
.. .
0 1
: �
'- '.
prisollo,; I " ..
-.-.-4.----- .
. .
%� -
Fill% ,bould W li:tIA Ill a oild ))]'Leo
� I
� .1 .
'Irring tile winter I'lliell fliev ar.01
. -
-m-ymtT ( -1
,�,Z --,-.- 7,,r-%�,,
,. 01,�q'
g � '1� -
_ . �
%.�.�', j,) .�,
). �,s�,
0 0) ','�,��.�
Inora 01.1 10,,*q,� collstaldly ill 11"li,
.-A V ..
" ---�,
�j,il) 11111�
I , � Z ,
I 0
q. ., I
�L .� � ,
... ".. �.V 4 . I -
,�;; --
- . I
Sei#-,It*x,t4 who lla,cq� !lI\-,o.",io;LL0 a
t.0 0
- ; �.
� 1; .�`
. :,i.. ,
I & ,:,., �0
contend that fish that, livo Ill till'
, "
11, -
OOL'all enter fro' -,11 'Water r;V,Z:r-8 to
�-- . .
I ,
, �
,.!4;-! Io
iipawii beeatist, in,,,, X1Z 21-1111-- "
I .
� .:1 . .., ..
, .... .. ..
I ,�;,
�- 7 .
.11 - . -
* �
, � ��
Ip . .
- Is and alkillic.4 Ili ,wa i,,nter, I
-net( I
. ..'.."
1; 1,, ` " ": �.��
I I ., I
I . I . .
I . . �. I
�� � � 4! I
.. ..
-1� .......
( III ."
I �.
The blatt-Io8ld -(lay ran it)
ps of to
. .. I . ..
1. I 1.
. . . , . .. � . . . . . ... '. . .
,,, ". `�,, ,. ..
f I �. ,. .
I . , . ,
. ,�,,�
two shot$ (list llal,go Its grant a NATIght
I . v
, � 10 . ' . . - "', .,:
. .. 1. . r . ", ,,�,
,�'. . I 1. - ...�. .,�,I ...
.. �, , , I , ,. :� �te, -
. , �'t
, .
: . . � 11- -
� , . . :1 I
.11tire broad;tih at
of metal as till k ,
I I'll
� 4- . —, '-*A;�, ,i%–.
I . -
.-�-*O-,qq�.,L* ,
'. � ,
4"-t-J"----,r�� , � .t�!,�, , . �, �10 I. 1 4 '. - � I. -
��I,tlt- .� . , - �,gm -w - 14,�.i-,5,�a IM, -,,I,�z
. 10�-111 -1 I
-"r., 4 " I
- 91,llk ...,
11 . , I . I .�� - ..-.-.J'
� . *
... - . , I lft=-Ili"�
1401601114; grcatp.A I
I . .
. �- ,
. ,.., . ��, V;
4 .1 , 11, - � . . � 'WW' 69A�11f-'�N &Mtkw
ii�,,� "I `
, ".1. ,� , " . I � --0'��A,
. I �."t"', , -,..,. , ' , 1, : 0". �. � I � .... I- .... � I .
. , .
. . � .'�
I . .,;;� I
.. , . .. �4