The Clinton News Record, 1919-1-9, Page 8• Clinton News -Record January 9th, 1919 .• inforMation Can bo Had For the convenieiceo'of rho general public and the information of the soldiers' parents and .friends, news- papers, municipalities, Great War Veterans' Associations, Soldiers' Aid Commissions and similar societies, a Returned Soldiers Information Bur- eau has been established at the Ar- mouries, London, Ontario, 'Phe tele- phone number is 6660, This Information Bureau is open twenty-four hours a day for seven days a ,week and is in close touch with the despatchers at the railway stations, with a view to supplying information regarding returning sol- diers. This 13ureau is intended to keep everyone informed of all move- ments of hospital and troop trains coming into this district. It is not intended to furnish information' to the returned soldiers themselves, who must submit their enquiries to tree District Depot, but all e)quiries. from the public ,re personnel on trains, the time trains will arrive .and names of soldiers in each party should be der - to t Information ur u, Oeted 110Bureau, Everett Cross, who was diivilg the car which struck tho late J If. Col- borne of Goderich on the night of Dem 29rd last causing his death, was exonerated from blain by the Jury chosen to enquire into the matter, By the evidence brought out it was found that Mr. Cross had taken ev- ery precaution to prevent 1 hu acoi- dent• The jury recommended that a traffic bylaw be enforced and an en- deavor be made to educate the pub- lic on hoiv' to avoid danger.. The Blyth Telephone System sup- plied all its employes with Christ- mas turkey. Who says there is no money in the telephone business ? We are again open for all work Vulcanizing, Re- treading, Electrical Repairs, Overhauling and Paint- ing of all types of cars. All parties wanting tire repairing done send early for spring delivery, E. H. EPPS & SON, VARNA The Best of Rubbers This is the Rubber Season and we offer our trade the Best in Rubbers, carefully avoiding all the worth- less "Bargain" "trash"! Our Rubbers give the wearers lasting and satisfactory service. We've Rubbers for Men, Women and Children formed to fit the present styles of shoes correctly To insure the best of Rubber Service, they should be carefully fitted to the shoe—fitted as we know how to fit them, FRED. JACKSON !'SHOES 'OF QUALITY."• TO ONE AND ALL A Happy and Prosperous New Year Plumsteel Bros. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS, PHONE 28 CLOTHING NEW IDEA PATTERNS, Every. Rug IN OUR EXHIBIT has a charm of its own, Each has an individuality and the variety is so great that every taste can be gratified. Here are ,.rugs of oriental design, others of domestic origin in plain, floral and geometric patterns. But there is only one quality in the entire collection ; the very best that can be obtained for the money. JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 1' Phone Itleb 28 Now. folr I9I9 VICTORY IS WON, 'PEACE IS ASSURED ANI) SOON WE MAY LOOK FORWARD TO PIIS RESUMPTION OF; NORMAL BUSINESS CON- DITIONS AND A CONTIN- UANCE OF YOUR Foluvrn; HEARTY CO-OPERATION FOR WHICH Wil ARID SQ GRATEFUL, MAY' ; TIIE COMING YEAR BE A PROS- PEROTJS ONE FOR YOU. The W. D. Fair Co. "Often the Cheapest Always the Best,'S 0soIii n iunu nnnh,.' 41 ,i trylli4. Mr. Oliver Johnson of Goderich was in town on Monday. Miss Jiottie Sioman returned to Tor- onto on Thursday last. Mr. Jacob Taylor of Toronto has been in town this week. Mr. B. J. Gibbings left on Tuesday, on a business trip to Montreal and Quebec. Pte. Oliver Johnson spent a few days with Clinton and Blyth friends last week. Reeve Ford has been in Goderich this week attending the audit 'of the county accounts: Mr. and Mrs. T„ R. Watts of Strat- ford spent the holiday and week -end with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mason returned on Friday after spending a fort- night in Detroit and vicinity. Miss Viola Hearn has returned to Hamilton to resume her position after the Christmas vacation. Miss Agnes Cowing returned on Fri- day after a fortnight's visit with friends at Woodstock, Innerkip and MVlitchell.. Mr. H. Hunt of Galt is, in town this week, he having accompanied Mrs. Hamblyn and son home the end of the week. bliss Margaret McTaggart returned to Varsity on Monday afternoon after having spent the holidays at her home in town. Mr. Harry. Cantelon of Toronto was in town for a day!or so during the past week, being the guest of his sister, Mrs. Eliza Cook. Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson and Miss Berta returned on Friday af- ter having spent the holiday season with friends, at Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Chowen and lit- tle Miss Betty of Haulilton spent the holiday season in ,town, return- ing to their 'ionic on ,,Saturday. Ur. and Mrs. Harold Wiltse of Win- nipeg arrived home on New Year's Eve and intend spending the re- mainder of the winter hereabouts. Miss Verna Vance of London is holi- daying, at the hone of her uncles, Mr. C. 11. Holland of town and Mr, G. C. Holland of the Bayfield Road. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Owen of. Brant- ford, who were married on New Year's Day, have been the guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. W._ 13. Moulton,, during the past:week., Mrs. F. F. Gillies and little Miss Marion returned to their home. in Toronto on Friday , after, having spent several weeks at .the home of the lady's parents, Magistrate and Mrs, Andrews. Mrs. R. W. King and three children left yesterday for their homey in Hamilton after spending a couple `of weeks with Mr. and Mrs, Walter King., Mr. R. W. King just came up for Christmas. Miss Tillie Tebbutt of Toronto has been visiting, at the old homestead in Goderich township, with her sisters, the Misses Tebbutt, and her cousin, Mrs. C. H. Holland of town, during the past couple of weeks. Mrs. Jack Willis and two children ar- rived last week from the west and are the guests of the lady's mother, Mrs., Leppington. It will be re- membered that Mrs. Willis; lost her husband a few weeks ago, his death being due to influenza, dlrs. (Dr.) MacCallune of Kingston and Miss Margaret Wiseman of Ot- tawa, who spent the Christmas holiday time with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wiseman, left Monday afternoon. Mrs. Wiseman accompanied them as far asToron- to• Mr, Dodds Holloway returned to Toronto on Monday after spending the holidays at his home in town. Dodds is, anxious to get his release from the army as he wishes to re- turn to the service of the Royal Bank but he has not yet obtained his discharge. Mr. George Cook of New York was iu town last ,week for a day or two 'visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cook, prior to leaving for Eur- one, where he goes, as a linen ex- pert to represent the Simpson Co., of Toronto. Mr. Cook expects to be absent four or five years. I1r. George G. Ludlow of Proton Station visited friends in Goderich township for a few days last week and made a friendly call itt The News -Record office. Mr. I Ludlow likes, to return occasionally to' shake Bands with old friends. Ho says he had a bit of a bout with ' influenza last fall but he \looks as if he'd come off best as lie appears to be in .prince health, Coats and Furs at Sale Prices Pcrhaps Santa Claus lMdn't Bring Von A Warni Ooat or a Set of Furs Then here's opportunity your to buy them for yourself, and save liberally on the purchase. Nowa- that Christmas festivities and gift=buying are largely of the past, we may turn our attention to the practical comforts of life, and what more timely subject than the warm coat and furs that everyone requires for the next four months ? WOMEN'S AND MISSES COAT AT CLEARING PRICES A special purchase from a leading manufacturer, as well as several splendid clearing lines from our own stock, makes a fine opportunity to secure a warm, stylish coat at very much less than the. regular price. This season's attractive styles are all represented, CHILDREN'S COATS REDUCED Every coat included in our assortment for children, has lost a generous part of its original price. Smart styles and pretty materials. BEAUTIFUL FURS AT 1-4 TO 1-3 LESS THAN REGULAR The fur section has a wonderful assortment of handsome furs at extraordinary price reductions, And you may choose with perfect confidence whether you know anything about furs or not. Our many years of experience as dearlers in fine furs, will safeguard your buying. FUR COATS Are all reduced in price, and the comfort of a fur coat is unsurpassed by any other garment OUR STOCK OF FUR NECKPIECES AND MUFFS includes all this season's smart styles and unequalled values. Handsome Canadian mink, Black Fox, Sable, Blue Wolf, Persian Lamb, Marmot, etc,, are all represented, every piece marked in plain figures, Come in and let us show you what extraordinary values we're offering Drg Lemmasmeassim . ......................... WOMEN'S STORE Goods, House Furnishings . Bn owN 7s phone 69',. Next Royal Bank MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring and (phone 103) Men's Furnishing, Opposite Public Library, People You Know Miss Elsie Finch has returned to Toronto after spending some mon- ths at home. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hawkins and family have returned from a fort- night's visit with Hamilton friends. Miss Jean Ross is holidaying at her Home in town, that of Mr. and Mrs. Ilugh Ross. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nediger and Miss Helen spent the New Year's holiday with Hamilton relatives. Miss Leona, Hearn has returned, to Toronto after having spent the holiday season ' at her home, in town. Mr. Bert Wiltse of Elbow, Sask.,, is here visiting his father, Mr, H. Wiltse, after an absence of over three years. Miss Delle O'Neil returned to Toren, to on Saturday to be ready to re- sume her :teaching duties on Mon- day horning. Miss, Stella Nelson has returned to Hastings county to resume her teaching duties after spending the vacation period at her ' home. Mr. John Cantelon arrived last week from the Maple Creek district and intends spending the Winter with relatives in town and vicinity. Mr. E. E. Hunniford has been laid up for some little time but we are glad to report that he is improving and it is hoped will soon be as well as ever. Capt. Jones•of the S.A., formerly of the local corps, has been visiting her sister, Lieut. Jones, who had the misfortune to fracture her leg the other day by a fall. Misses Lois Holmes, Kathleen Mc- Connell and Nora Kennedy left Monday morning for Stratford Nor- mal after having spent the Christ- 'n>as vacation at their respective homes. Mrs. Jack MacKinnon received a cable from her husband, Lieut. Mac- Kinnon, last week saying that ha might be home this month. Lieut. Mackinnon is with the Canadian Engineers, Miss Violet Sewell, who has been nursing in France, is enjoying a short leave at her home in Kincar- dine. Miss Sewell will bo remem- bered by many' in Clinton as the family resided here when she left for overseas. MVlrs. A, Cantelon and her daughter, Miss, Lillitan, visited friends in Sar- nia during the past week, They ac- companied the former's. niece, Mrs. Ferguson, on her return, home after spending a few days in Clinton, ac- companied by her son, Winghatn rias several cases of flu it is said, Mrs. Carrick, a nurse, was nursing Mr. Wm. Dawson of that town last week and one day site Stepped backwards into an open col- iarway and was pretty. badly injured. LITTLE LOCALS. Mr. Wesley Walker of Goderich, former citizen of Clinton was elected to the council in the county .town at Monday's election. The Hiiron Poultry Show will be held in Goderich on Jan, 14-16-16. The Girls' Auxiliary will hold their regular meeting in the council cham- ber on Thursday, Jan, 0th„ at 8 o'clock. ANOTHER SOLDIER HOME. Pte. Wne. Cook, youngest son of the late H. W. Cook, returned from over- seas on Tuesday, evening and was given a warm welcome bycitizens and band. Pte. Cook enlisted with the Perth Battalion but was attach- ed to a Highland battalion in France and is wearing the picturesque High- land uniform. He was very severely wounded but is looking fine now, BELGIAN RELIEF, Treasurer's report of Clinton branch from its inception : Credit Girls' Patriotic Society Tag Day Sunday in Park Mrs. Thos. White Mrs. Veitch Mrs. Gandier Mrs. Sharp Miss Doan Mrs. G. D. McTaggart Woman's Patriotic Society Debit Paid J. A. Irwin Conch &I Co. W. D. Fair Plutnstecl Bros Mrs. Axon (Sept.) Mrs. Axon (Oct.) Huron Co. Belgian Relief 825,00 36.74 10.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 3,00 60.00 138.74 14.2 5 7 6.29 1.00 17.71 3..70 3.70 50.00 Balance in bank 843.07 —Julia Combe, Treasurer. "Canadian National Rail- ways" with Headquar- ters in Toronto. Toronto, Ont., Dec. 80.—A circular issued by President Hanna announces that, effective .Jan. 1, all government railway lines heretofore known as Canadian , Northern, including its eastern and western lines, and Can- adian Government Railways, compos- ing, the National Transcontinental, Intercoloniel, Prince Edward Island, will be known and operated under the name "Canadian National Railways" headquarters of . which will be in Toronto, Ml officers are requested to use this name and it Is desirable that the public and railway, connections adopt at once trees, new title in their btiainess relations with the Canadian National Railways. Kippen. Mrs. John Wasman has been spend- ing a fortnight with friends at Flint, Mich. Mr, Joe Ferguson has gone to as- sist his brother Will in Stanley, who has not been well for some time, Mr. Jas. McCiyneont and Mrs. A. Noakes who have both been under the doctor's care, have almost recovered. Mr. Wm. Moore had the misfortune to lose his trusty old horse from an attack of indigestion. Tho Reading Circle will. meet at the hone of Mr. Isaac Jarrot on Fri- day evening of this week. A number should avail themselves of -the priv- ilege of attending those meetings, as it certainly is a most profitable way to spend an evening. Mrs. John Paterson, who spent ' a week with her parents and others, left for her home in . Toronto last Saturday. bIr. Percy Clark and wife of Zur- ich spent the New Year's holidays with the forener's mother, Mrs. Wm. Anderson. Rev. Wm. Martin of London will supply the pulpit in St. Andrew's next Sabbath. Miss Mabel Whiteman of Toronto spent New Years with her parents, Mr. and .Mrs.. John Whiteman. Mr, Wesley French was called to Port Elgin by telegram as his only sister, .Mrs. Chas. Upshall, passed away quite suddenly, bit. French has returned home again. All will sym- pathize with him in his sad ber- eavement. Mrs. John McGregor of FIay at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Soptimus Thompson of London. Arnold Petrie of Toronto Univer- sity spent the holidays at 1VIrs, Jas.. Mustard's. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Dayman of Whitewood, Man., and Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Dalnnau of Outlook, Sask., are visiting their many relatives in and around Kippen. Mr, and Mrs. Win. Sullivan of Tor- onto spent tho holidays , with Mr, Robt. Dayman and wife. Painting -Paperhanging Neat and Quick Work 161years Toronto experience Avoid the spring rush by getting work done now Not necessary to remove car- pets. coverings or pictures— we have plenty drop sheets A. E. WOOD Isaac Street, Clinton BULBS For winter bloom we have: HYACINTHS, NARCISSUS, JONQUILS, TULIPS, FUSCIAS, DAFFODILS, ETC. Good, quality, reasonably priced. Try the new Giant White Narcis- sus, grown in water which blooms in six weeks. Winter bulbs are easily grown.. Let us toll you how. CUNINCHAME FLORIST. Farmers For the Very best Service- and erviceand Highest Prices BRING YOUR CREAIYI TO Clinteu Crea Phone PRICE THIS We furnish Remit If cry 145 WEEK 53c Cans and Daily ANYTHING YOU NEED IN PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, ROOFING, OR ELECTRIC WIRING) ANIY FIXTURES, C -A -L -L 0-R P -H -O -N -E 'Agent for McClary's Sunshine Furnaces. J. A. SUTTER; SANITARY PLUMBER AND, ELECTRICIAN Phone