The Clinton News Record, 1919-1-2, Page 3• eeieeeloreeL 1.4 ° KTAI TO E RESENT DOMINIONS AT PEACE CONFERENCE Allies Decide Against Further Intervention hi Russia for the ' ..• Present at Least, A despatch •:from London says:— A despatch from Paris says:— 'The 11lanellodor tivartiitul Believes le The Allied ,Governments have decided. has been decided regueding the re- against j'urtlter intervention in Res - presentation at the Peace Ceenfeeetice site, at .least for the present, accord: - thee eaeh. of the four great powers big to indications from official cis- will . probably have five seats at the tiles. . Great Britain and the 'United -Conference, ba. these will not neces- JStates, it is represented, while re- sarily aiways'be occupied by the sane cognizing that Russia should be ae- :men., The -Dominion representatives, sisted in a way to permit her getting The Guardian understands, willbe back to normal monditions, point out in the Grand Committee; of the In- that military lntet'vention en a er- 1liccl C nferenee,-hut will pro- large scale would involve difficulties tie A a sent their case as sinall nations be- and'dangers of all kinds, .fore the Cenfet•ence, and ewill, o1; Stephen Piehon, the'French lrhreign •cameo, be in close touch all the time Minister, -explained the situation ate with rho .Imperial Cabinet. The length to the Committee on Foreignl Guat•tiian further understands that Rolaions, IIs said be solution at • Labor will not be asked 'to nominate present favored was to guarantee; .a representative, but a Labor man moral support to the governments lulls probably be asked to go to Paris which have sprung' up at various to sit on ono or mare of the Com- points on Russian and Siberian, tee • - ' Atom,.- - SPMN WANTS GIBRALTAR BACK -Proposal That Britain be Otiered Ceuta in Exchange. A -despatch from Paris•says:—Dur- • ing the recent visit here of Count •liemauones; the Spanish Premier; ex- tendell consultations are reported to have-been•held by. the Premier with French and American statesmen re- garding the 'Moroccan question, which the Russian Embassy from the. Omsk -was discussed in both its military and Government. The message said the financial phases. The future status disorganized Bolsheviki were retreat - •of Gibraltar le said also to have -conn ing northward toward Perm, and that •up for eotsidoration. this was the first independent action On his enit'al at Madrid Premier of moment against the Belabored, and Rontanonee • is understood to have part of e campaign that was expected expressed great satisfaction over the to unite some of the local districts of emelt of his conferences. Russia and Siberia. Much war equip It was reported in 'Paris on De- meat and booty Was captured. cember 23 that Premier. Rontanones Tho Embassy also wae informed planned to return to Paris in the near that Attaman Doutoff, Commander' -future to confer with allied and Am- of the Cossack troops of the Oren - oilcan representntives over questions burg region, had asked Gen. Semenoff vitally concerning Spain. In connect- to submit to the authority of Admiral tion with the status of Gibraltar, it Koichak, Dictator of the Omsk Gov - BOLSHEVIK ARMY BEATEN IN URALS. • Disorganized Troops Retreating Northward Toward Perm. A despatch from -Washington - says: nefeati of the Bolshevik . c arm y on the Ekaterinburg front in a decisive battle by an army of loyal Russians was reported in an official despatch to The Canadian Pioneer—This Is a photograph of. the 8,100 ton steamer launched at Vickers yards in Montreal, 'the first of the fleet being con- strneted by the Federal -Government, This was taken just before the ves- sel was launched; since then she has been got ready for seai'in record time. 'She will be operated in connection with the Canadian National System of Jtailwayc. WISH TO BECOME a 4 A��EKED TO ITALY )<talian Deputies From Redeemed Provinces Present Memorial. A despatch from Paris say s:—It- alien deputies of theredeemed prov- inces who represented their districts in Vienna and Budeipest•Parliareents and came to Paris expressly for the pur- pose of submitting their case to the American mission, have been received by Col. E. M. House, Through Col. House the deputies presented a mem- orial to President Wilson. The dapn- tie's• are Pitaeco for Tri''tie, Bennati SAti�.�a ED �� KIJL�DR 1 LEADER BY FRENCH GERMANS HEAR HOW MANKIND VIEWS CRIMES, Mainz People Silent Like "Criminals In Dock" While General Fayolle Tells Them, the Truth. Three infantry regiments of the Te11111 French army, ns well as cavalry engineers, artillery and armoured cars formally entered tho garrison town of PEACE PARLEY MAY BE DELAYED Appointment of Delegates 'Likely to be AnnotWeed Within Ten pays, A, despatch eromParie says;---Of- fielal n00'11eatien of the appoint>nont of the vete:ems delegates to the Peace Cenfei'enee, it is believed, will chino within ten days, nithongh It is` Mt— We-ed that the British delegates may not be chosen until the elections are out of the way, The coming of the German dele- gates is still In an indefinite stage, while eta question of Russian re- presentation has gone no further than some informal discuselone between the American commissioners .and prominent Russians here. Millets aro being. expressed by some dijj'.omatiats that the conference actually can be- gin work the first week of January, as expected. Some of them aro in- clined to' think that the first meeting might not be held until' February. • CAPTIVES PRESSED INTO ARMY From Erin's Green Isle RTlssian Prig Sonei..s From Ger- ' pmany ,loin Tiolshesiki• • A -despatch from Warsaw says:— The flocks of released Buneian psi- Boners who are. making their way I homow'nrii through Poland, all 0f whom appear to be tainted with Bol- shevism, and- aro recognized as 0 danger in this respect by tbe Polish entllorit'es, are in fact, already caus- ing much 'nimble by their lawless- ness in their search for food. The 13olehev'ki -are taking advan- tage of the plight of them first thou- sands of reeved. prisoner,, whose total numhet• is actinialed at 2,000,- 000, and have pfeked •up several thousand of them for their army by offering the nein clothes, food and money, of the. last of which there is plenty, since the holshoviki control • the printing pte,ecs for the penduc- Con or rubies. Mainz. on Der, 14. Generals Etienne, elangin, Lo Compto, Tatin nnd Gour- CELLULOID d wore 'asent. No crowds with was deelored in some quarters that the ernmentt. It was indicated in the f;. I.tr', Zanella for Gi.�me, an•i au pi The story of the greatest bluff of Spanish P1'etnier contemplated raising cablegram that the people of Siberia Ghiglo Arcivch for Zara, The mem- " ens- flags appeared: no cries of welcome the war is told by the Blanchester the question of in return to Spain, were united in support of Kolchak, o c is that t .. country were hoard. A great silence brooded. After ,,, restew, General le ynna re. Guardian, a well informed newspaper N17,.ws '$ Y MAIL FROM ensu• #>s1N11'S S}IOXiUL Irappeninga in the Emeretd,• Islx of Interest to eriah. men A piece of land containing six and throe-gniertea' acres, near Newton- • ;deme, was sold lately ter i0GG0. A successful house-eahmnse collec- tion was made in the Dungannon dis-. trice in aid of the 1'teti Cross Fand,, Tito Arm Lgh: •history Society have decided to start a donee' war mesa= in came -Mien with the society. Letters formerly sorted at.Ballybey for Creevo,and ether places will now be sent direct from Portadown, -. Private ,iuhu Locke, Canadians, who died from wounds, was the sou of tree late W. H. Locke, Lucan Co., Dublin. 13. II, Thompson, Ultimo Howie, • Omagh, has been appointed to the Commission of tho Peace for County Derry, - Ex -King Manuel of Portugel recent- ly paid a visit to Belfast, incl was the guest of Lady Shaftesbury at Belfast Castle. Mr. Shortt. Chief Secretary for Ire- land, reland, presided at an exhibition of Irish standard goods, held In Molesworth hall, DuUlin. "" The farmers, of Randalstown have puased a resolution asking for an in- crease of five shillings a stone In the price of flax. About four hundred tons.. of crab- apples, whorte and 1'aspberrles have ni, Eng- land r been sent from Cannelnei district to I�- land for jatn malting. It is believed that Laurence O'Neil, thee preseut Lord Mayor of Dublin. will seek election for a. third term as Dub- ,s c:itief mn.Bistrato, Tice total tonnage of vessels arriv- ing in Derry Harbor in Soptcnnber was 17,349, as against 20,119 in the swine month last year. Tho Armagh Soldiers' Federation lave asked tho Clovornlnont for a larger separation allowance, as the presct't 0110WatlCC to inadectnate, GREATEST BLIMP OF THE WAR Paper Barrage of Straits of Dover Stopped Germany for 6 Weeks.. vial re it' t heir• unt ' has ctaI.rtnarinc campaign begs An Extremely L'>tetul untie Whose Basis ie Cotton. that Conroy oxpresnng Its willing been for 2,000 years Italem; that tress, if necessary. to concede Ceuta, on —...—..„1, 'Mese° suss esufeerea under Austrian ceivecl the municipal and ecelesfasticel r n. the strait to NO. FE:1.R OF ACOAL dignitaries in the palace of the Duke ihe 1lioroctan sr ]e f > oppression for five ceuturiee, and Dal - f feat• Britain fn exchange for Gib- FAMINE IN CANADA of Hesse, receiving petitions on behalf matin since 1797 has sto i 1 all kinds of the inhabitants. Paint; holding: that poesession of of persecutions to defend its nation- Csntee by the British ' would afeord A despatch from Ottawa says: i alit'. The leo rle of the disciiris esus General Fayolle took occasion far equal strategic advantage in -modern The return to peace conditions, and t t the fleet time since the war began to o especially the exceptionally mild; tell the enemy's representatives face o p y p 1 01 celluloid collars it Inas bean cus- tomary- to speak derisively. Bat it really deer seen, possible that, in a net. _and impeeved form which they have assumed, they may find accap- tanw by well-dressed men for summa.,• weer. They < entetfelt linen so per - \''hem her . in entlncst, t;crniany was getting many submarines through the ;traits of nova -despite tall the British anti -sub marine boats could do againet them ie .s n g, A wonderful fired baragc' was the tha memorial, have -ou; ha in all wars c. s,gt ed fir the Straits—aniy de warfare. m t fcr Italian independence and partici- to,face, plainly and with cold dignity, fectly that closest i�s ection would cede -Mitis extra y y - +--•• weather so far have greatly lessened rated in the 11 Controller. I 1 present war with 4,000 what Frenchmen of high atn'nling in • 1 'the difleren e• and while appliances, alarm signals,. contact killed in action, was a 6011 of H. R. famine this winter, and unless Jan- thought of what Geimanv hacl done iu I 1 undermg A brief scrub with a „ ,. .ecxrt clevl et cont - A despatch -from Washington shys: nary should prove to be a very severe Stveepinp� relaxation of restrictions -on the exports of-food'stufs, fedders . and feed to the Pan-American repub- . lies, Canada, Cuba and the. West In- dies has been amtounced. e.. 'Chair- , man McCormick, of the Wer Trade Board, The list of exceptions name:, only ' wheat anis what flour, coffee, sugar, fated production and transportation, corn, batter, cheeso, eggs, linseed but greatly lessened consumption. A meal and eel e and cotton seed meals and- cake. To avoid any misappre- pension as to the amply of these articles to the eomntriee namad it was emphasised that - medially all of them are available in desired mantle" ties • through Goi'ernment channels. RETURNING leIONLY STOLEN FROM FRANCE NEWS FROM ENGLAND w+•r•, NEWS Ux n141L, ARO'OT JOHN IlW44 MW UIS PI OVLB Occurrences In the Land That ltei ai Suprema fa the Comm.), els; Wo:ld, • ced 'eee 1y Tlta dealt was announced t ni , of Sir Joseph Towsei', British Ceneul at Milan since 1902, Partially disabled minters aro to tie taught gardening In lfaw C9ardons, ]Shack scab lets 1>oelt discovered 11 1110 potatoee grown in the:Layton al; lotinonts, Actcal'dittg to an ofllcbtl uotlee 10- eoived ht the Cheshire salt district. salt exports aro to be stopped. Dr. Janos Iters been installed Os Pro - Yost of piton College with cite usual ancient cerouioni(tl. Pour German prisoners who `escap• ell from the ltowiltgOtolt lutei'ltme nt camp ltal'e been recaptured. Among the donations to the Ring's Punch :for Disabled Soldiers, was one of 111,000 from Loris Farringdon, At a mooting held In Manchester over 410,000 was subeerihecl to the Fling's Fend for disabled soldiers. To attract lads into the Mercantile Marine, hostels are being built by the Seamen's Mission at various; ports. The Kingston -on -Thames T o w n Coancll, by vote of 22 to 3, have do• clined, to elect a woman member. Site London County Council hits of- fered 260 trade scholarships.forboys . between the ages of twelve and . six• teen, Mr. Clyne] states that the Food Ministry has not considered any pro- posal to set up national or municipal bakeries. The London County Council Tram- ways Department distributed ,01,614 • among the drivers and conductors 111 a bonus, Queen Alexandra has sent to .lira, 'Lloyd George a beautiful Welsh doll for the Welsh section of the Doll Ex- hibition. The Mansfield Co-operative stores have been destroyed by fire, but the flour mills and warehouses were saved, The Lord Mayor of Bristol handed 'to Sir John Taverner te2,000 as Bris- tol's contribution to the Italian Rod Cross. Sir John Dickinson has consented to continue es chief magistrate at Bow • Street, London, although now past the n li it age m . The new general secretary of the Navy League is Rear -Admiral Robert - Edmund Ross Benson. The Town Council of Folkestone n have for the' twelfth time elected Sir - S. Ponfold as their Mayor. aldinar electrical Lieut. R. Mansfield, R.F,A., rocentl 1 sTRICT70NII ON EXPORTS the problem of the Fuel mets- Re 'aiding the annexation of no n etea i , TED BY ILS. WAR BOARD .There is now no likelihood of a coal Franco and in the world generally perspiration prcnf, they need no mittos, electrical wires and ciore:,;, of Mansfield, A1,P. for Spalding. REMOVED P'r eerie.. meant The cl,eatll tool[ place t e month, little difficulty in pulling through is anticipated. At• the same time,- there is little prospect of any Iet up in the restrictions fa some time at least, The requirements of war in- dustries for coal has naturally de - craned greatly or disappeared, while the fine weather has not only facili- rpt. despatch from Paris says:—The Germans hare returned stocks taken from the banes in northern France amounting to six billion francs. Several safes weighing from five to seven tons each. which the Germans did not open and. are now in Brussels, will be brought bttck'sllortly to Valen- diennes. • 1 X20 b (f'atablislted-May,. t000.) iingt•ued-January. 1019,) great many people have been able to heat their premises so far with soft coal or wood. leaving comparatively over resulting fluid y cep Banal Law has su Governments a propos• et their allotment. of anthracite. part of the Dalmatian Isles. Austrian have done us," he declared, "but we ! over' a thick and densely woven cotton had testi foisted upon Germany. Ent; al to the Dominion Governments with inn statistics,- the memorial show will never hold women and children ! land had neither the right mines nos No "heatless days" are looked fcr, says'cloth, which is thatch} convet.ed.inta regard to a Gallipoli decoration, "Unless January proves particularly that the majolity of the population responsible or destroy for the morn inn artificial leather, One ecce time- the. rteshaniem to make them ready at are Slays in Spalato and Sebenico, but Pleasure of dafng damage. the time. This+story is not uaran- severe My worries are about over," re- 1 days trnvehn; hags, women's S hand- g , marked Fuel __ Magrath .. they are actually as markedly Ttnhnn , The war' GArmean• had forced nnmt _ ,,._t. _ _.e -,u..e ..•,4:c7.,. teed b._ ,.s,.. Manchester Guardian. a$ the populetion really is predomin- France ;said General Faye:die THE NAL sHoT. Trentino, Trieste and 'Istria the mem- mea says fere is no question that can be raised, but adds that Plume l there f tl t a r. the lest four years, As lie was speak- theist towel nnd they arc' b wi anal rem: designs fell into the hands r.'f} York of William Wallace Hargrove, Ing he would move two or throe steps, ever. German > being a fres city, similar to Bremen ; first to -one side gee then to another. clean as and Lubeck, has the right to eecido iTia baso of ccllulotd is, of cnut•cc, g No ono hero in the roam stirred a of cotton.Net baled •Catton, f however, its own governmelil and any contrary ger, The row of burghers in front of 1 but the lint (formerly a wa.;tc. pro- o Des en, Thin we btu•ragc--on pa- C1ecISlOtt would be against the pull-' 1111:1 stood as motfonloss as criminals ; tinct) separated from cottonseed. )'ce—wne too formidable and complete cmles proclaimed by President Wilson, in the clock Ti.q tto i- soaked ins 1 tt t trc fee the German submarines in that 1 n secret agents. .tt r.•as sn' owner of the Yorkshire Herald. German' had paid $20,000 for them. Dr, J. G. Shipman, Radical M.P. for Germany Northampton from 1900 to 1910, died Then there was peace in the Straits recently at the age of seventy. • 'mile Queen attcl Princess Mary re. coney paid an informal visit t0 Pap• Fiume already has shown -by a plehis Can Rely on French Mercy •` ttco ds td by it acid.- Nis .t,na of their development. Germany WOrtli House, tuberculosis colony, cite hew determination to be united . General Pavollo assured the Ger• • f being e tt id the 1 nes -al their est .ho <net w of nitric an. ' p c I v— hen The death took place recently at 1 process thus far ini .x r batt Honingllans, Norfolk, of W. 1,, Boyle, with Italy. Y mans that, although they hid feared , same as that used for making sal c'ke- site wa1 beaten, and .o_ more t • Dalmatia has 310 miles of coast, of reprisals for all their ot•hnes, they •less gunpowder, which is tin rxplosiv^ six tter;ka titer,^ was no attempt to 11I.P. for West Norfolk since 1910. which Italy deims les than 1.00 nvles, !might sol unol rho traditions of During one week the London h y celluloid. It is then clissolti:d in rm71 break through the barrage, comprising the cities of Zara,' Seben- Y.M.C.A. shipped to soldiers in France ice and Spalato, besides the greatest I'ra.nce for mercy. There :vas. hotve.er, na harts e, e.�- "R o cannot forget the evils yeti acetate, to render it nOnexplos,e'c• g no less t • han 11,001 packages. fl'd may 1?e poured t as it existed in the designs vrhich• tl French those districtsf AI j most unjust and cruel humanity hadh' ' any 'rencn 1n cos 0 - sace-Lorraine, where German sta- ever known, marked as it had been by serviceable and of handsome appear - PRINCELY ASSETS -- tistics show 87 per cent. of the popula_ ? refinements of barbarity such as the ancc. OF ROI7.ENZOLLERNS tion as German. Besides the ports of ++ whole world had contlemued. The The same celluloid proems slightly modified Andvari and Daleigno, formerly be -1 Germans had.ravaged Belgium and the produces a celluloid dough which may A despatch from Basel says:— longing to Montenegro, and eventually i northern provinces of Preece, he con- be used in a great variety of ways. Seizure of property owned by the that of Scutari, the districts will hare 'tinued, carrying off to Germany -any- ' It may he pr000csl i fir brusheshieh nd Prussian Royal family (the- the excellent ports of Pontos-o, Buceari, thing upon which they could lay their aro cut up into Holten- Segni, Metcovieit Ragusa— Gravosa hands. It was simply robbery by hand mirrors. knife bandies, Combe, the sum of 900,000,000 marks, accord- and the military port of Cattero, ing to figures compiled by The Frank- capable of sheltering the entire Italian fort Na'chrichten. army, Furthermore, it says in con- clusion that Italy is ready to make NAVAL SIGNAL. ' .�j> tt4T'd1 24( 4 i P.O. of Watch - Read ly- /d neporoad by - Palmed by- Logged by- Syelam- �p Data` -.'dl Ae ie,/zeind Al., oat .rte /tizetme:of �gar! O O° C• /, .-.Atee.ehJ, , Z 12E /342/0t'4L'%0'it, - Ag. f Al 441(Z .Cl/d.. v7 ...:Re .� -.4f,tom. 111. 1704/00. fila. 5/14, Are Historic Message ---Facsimile of the naval signal sent from the 'slueon Elizabeth by Sir David Beatty on Novetn•ber 21st, telling of: the iurrendei' of the German fleet. It will become as historic as Nelson's !armies message at Trafalgar. 'e ear,` MOW. THAT'S )tv Whips -1 CA1:.L 00 CLA S' • Oxy Trieste and Fiume free ports for every country. Battle Trophies. Tho War Marmara, under the chair- manship of Sir Alfred Mond, M.P., looks 0s 01.0ug11 it is going to ilevelep into a very elaborate collection, but there aro many who, having lived so close to war clueing the last four Yeats, will )lrefer. Madame Tussaud's, biros; .quite oontont to learn the battle and t peaceable rl •faits o trophies to tacit c t1 descendents, says a London writer, Among the relics which at present figure in the War Museum are the log- book- belonging to Rs'uplia Yacht, eon. tabling the ax -'Kaiser's autograph; tho locker from H.M.S. Good Hope; a Gorman dispensary waggon dated 1563, but not captured until 19:17 on the Somme; and ovor 10,000 autographs of distinguished Mail. Visitors may also see a. complete col- lection of tho old raornitingyiostora (how differently they will view them ce. 7 o -day L'r nice anti Bel- picture fromos.. ,jewel boxes and all n,urou iva glum had thousands of families home- saris of toilet. nrticles. Lsualiy it is loss and without resources. I white, but it may be made to coun.cr- "Thitt is the situation which the in fait tortoise shell, m elle, amber unci iquity of your cuss has created." even another -of -pearl, Since July 15 last. General Fayette For collaus it is pressed white raft proceeded, the German armies had against linen, 00 as to acquire the de - suffered an uninterrupted scrim of de- ceptive appearance of linen texture. feats, in the course of which s:voral Nobody would guess tbe fraud. hundred thousands of prisoners and ---..'.- --- thousands of gininto ls had fallen i t tl 1 An old rule for cooking sweet cern l hands of the Allies until standing on eays it should be only half QM Both the; brink of a•iinal disaster, the Gor- from the fneid to the table.. mans -had asked for peace. "Now," Bald the general, "we are on tho Rhine." DETACIIMENI S FROM CRIMEA TO REINFORCE ARMY AT ODESSA„j A despatch from Odessa s•iys:--• The volunteer army which is holding Odessa, unciar French command, i to be increased by detachments from the Crimea. The main force of the re- publican army, which la now ten miles from Odessa. is reported to have received reinforcements from Kiev, who carte in an armored train. More than 200 persons were killed in the street battles here on December . Ono - numerable toicalt), portraits of'V.C's, and in- third of these were civilinow that their interest is merely hie -118, a revised count shows. ans. Several other relics or the war, school childt'en were wounded. enentemennee le'( GOLLY 'el fE'LCOKE L) astouisilieg than some authenticated 1.;;;cu<le of the great war: The Casualty List. Tach letter of your mono was strt.nge- e ly lit Be all the glntnoue and the glory of it, 'rite itcrolc splendor of your sacrifice. Iliad not lemeg•ht that you would have to die, Nous look, your smile so recent to my eyes. I st'sn then still, "And now you must be proud And glad." I heard a woman say aloud With heartbreak in her voice -and It was I. neeneenemenereen. ; '! Ir SHE OLD FU(ZNc\CE DRAWS litCC,LY $(k a' SANTA n, us 0..CsAN1:U OUT TNE C1-1fMNE.'( II •:i .THE MODERN WAY. eeennee Who Fired the Last Volley in the Great War? So far no one has come forward to say that ho fired the last shot of the Great War, and seeing that the Front extended over a record number of miles, it is not likely that tate dis- tinction is. likely to be ever seriously claimed. Conditions were different during previous wars. Thus we find that the last shot of the Franco-Prussian 'War appears to have occurred a few tnotnonts before midnight of February 13th, 1871, and a certain M, d'Autry elatinod the dis- tinction of having fired it on the French side, the soldier who replied fol' tiro Prussians being unknown. This gentleman wrote to a Paris newspaper some years ago during a contravene on the subject stating' that about six o'clock the order came to cease fire at Midnight, and that shortly hefo'e that iiour ho trained and fired the last gun. The last shots in the Russo-Japanese War toolc place after peace was signed in eine remote part oa tate field o1 operations, which had not received the tows, and skirmishes took place in Sotitlt Africa after the peace of Vereeitigon had been made known, Before the days of wireless made oomnmatication easy at sea, fights of- ten took place after paace was de- clared. As an instance, tho end of the war with the United States in 1813.14 might be mentioned, Pea•co was sign- eel in Deeeusber, but on March. 28x[1, 1815, there was a fight off Tristan d'Acunha between two light vessola, the British Penguin and the American Hornet. The last. shat of the Spanish; Annie- = War took place at the capture 01 Manilla, although an armistine had ham signed the day previous; bet there eves 110 wireless int those layer, attd the cable from Ilon.1 hong hiui been cut, 1)llt the end creno 111 Cuba with detunntio scenes. Thus, while the rl.ntevieans were bombarding Mao- aitnlhto, the Spanish fort nee. battesles hoisted. the white flag. Thinking it nteattt sitl'rentlel`, the attackers i•e- 3oice,y and sent od cos ashore to take the capitelation, schen they were con- fronted with a telegram t,ts- s t.clni the oil of hostilities. Even more dramatic wee the amain atoll of the Peniesniar War, NS'ellinin ton itnd just wan Itis !eat triumph ei T,mlanse, the cacntoltles on both Wee ttuntbrl'hn. Seine fifteen- ihr,nsand, alai the armies were rejctalnd ti1' ttOt'mt>w• ;nee whole le tired ceurler rade up to shat+muse that Napoleon liar] abdlcated eve 001,4 betero, find elle wen Was over,