HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-12-30, Page 91 The 01 .00 New Era t. maamoom .5 • r — 1.17 Lecemkor Nth, 192.4., 1I4iiP44 l41Ui1; .11111111/I:I'M, , � I do •''' I ° • iV , L ocaLoc41 NewA ��imi�m�m�i���mur'agmmmimciu��Q�'�mou®umum�oiuu�iuuumummuumu�am�mummom�ivoumummmuuummuu�uumw>iw� Hold a New Year's Dance. The Pastime Citib will hold a•fVetia' Years bee tl:itive In tte.T0Wn Ball On Friday evening of this week. The Club held one of their Club dance on Monday, evening. ,0,' Meeting : The U. F, 0., will hold a nubile meeting in the Town Mali next Wed- nesday evening when Mr,J. S. Morri- son, Provincial Secretary. of, the U. F. Q will address the meeting aitisted by Mrs, Glenn, U. P. W, 0.,Director for South I•luron. The publio is invited to the meeting. Public School Opens Monday, The Clinton Public School will open on Monday in the School and all the pupils are requested to be present. The Board and Principal express their appreciation for the kindness shown theta for the manner in which the various places about town were open to ahem during the fall term, while the school was being remodelled. Married Christmas Day At 4 o'clock in the afternoon on Christmas Day, a quiet wedding took place at Willis Church Manse, when 'Rev. J. E. Hogg, tied the matrimonial knot between Isabel Agnew, youngest daughter of Mrs. Sara Agnew of town, and Mr, Hilliard. McQueen, of Detroit, son of Mr. Geo. McQueen, of Stratford. The young couple left on Monday afternoon for Toronto and other points before settling in Detroit. The bride has spent the last four years as a stenographer for the Government at Detriot. The best wishes accom- pany the young couple on their journey through life, A New, Smokestack . The JaeksoA' Clothing • OomPany have erected It pew smoke, stack at their factory • . Getting the Rink Ready' j Mr. French is getting the arena reedy for' New ,Year's night and it is hoped Ithat there will ben good crowd there, Minot. Locale Well It was not a Green Christmas. 'EIeeVo'n On Mgndey: ' A Happy New Year to Alit. E' LiHARDWARE and ELECTRICAL ,�:..wer.rn - _ * ' lYir -.,,,..,.pas C S MEN'S STORE Custom Tailortat Men's Furnishing Phone 103 Opposite ,Public Library. matexmaceeasateaceatemeasmavasswestaneasersea— SE rown ICE WISHING OUR CUSTOMERS AN iI FRIENl,'3 A PROEC,PERQUS AND A HAP Pel' NEW YEAR' Corless Verner Phone 53 MERRY XMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL Hawkins Plumbing and Heating '''Phcirie 53 Wishing you . Merry Christmas Fr Artdi WOMAN'S STORE ,Dry Goods and Hdusa Furnishings. Phone 67 Next Royal Bank Piano Factory Running The Doherty Piano Factory resum- ed' work this week Getting the Arena Ready Mr, C. Fleming has been getting Has Broken Ankle An accident occurrel last Friday. night when Mrs. 1i. W. Gould, slipp- ed on the foe iii front of the Rattan - bury Hotel' and received a broken ankle, We hope for a speedy, recov- ery. r' Choir Entertained The members of Ontario Street Church Choir with their husbands and wives to the number bf about thirty five went out, to the home of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Leonard on the 16111 Con- cession of Goderich Township some on foot and some in sleighs on Tuesday evening of this week. After an oyster supper an enjoyable evening• was spent in games and music and Social Chat. Officers of Court Prosperity 9863 Ancient Order of Foresters P. C. R.—Bro. W. J. Nickle, C. R.—Bro. F. Fremlin S. C. R.—Bro, H. F. Sloman •S. W.—Bro. A. Sloman J. W.—Bra J. Appleby S. B.—Bro. J. Sloman J. B.—Bro. W, Sloman. Treasurer—Bro, J. Derry dd the arena ready for New Year's night Secretary—Bo, A. P. Cudmore Counter Swarts Weng and it is hoped that there will be a 1 Organist—Bra W. 1', Herman, 1.. A pretty home wedding took place good crowd there for the first night. Trustees—Bro, W, C Brown, Bro, at the Bonne of Mrs. J, E. Swartz, of Appleby, Bro. F. Fremlin Shute' Street, of Winghant at noon on Tuesday, when her youngest daughter, Miss Mabel Florence S•a'us'ts, became the bride of Mr. George Modes Counter, of Buffalo. and a son of Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Conter, of Clinton. Only immediate relatives and friends v,dg • Qi. ` SC Et tL, If F r � R LI^E�. VnP�' ice., It is hard to keep the children from cold,the • will run out of doors catching } InnIcoX not' properly wrapped, or .have too much clothing on and get overheated and cool off too suddenly, they get their feet 1 wet, kick off the. clothes at night. The mother' cannot watch them all the time so what is site going to do? Mothers must never neglect her children's coughs or colds, but must look for a remedy on the first sign, A great many mothers ere now giving their children Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, as it is so pleasant and nice for them to take, and relieves the cough or cold in a very short tame. Mrs. S. Crowe, R.R. No. 5, Truro, N.S., writes:—"Two years ago my little boy caught a severe cold which left hits with a very' bad cough. He could -not rest ab' night., and became very thin and weak. .Phe, prescription our physician gave me did not help him; and I did not know what to do. My setter, in Norway Pine Syrupwrote eto I went'right to town and purchased two bottles, and before they were used toy' boy's cough had disappeared, and he became strong. and well again. 'We always know what to use now for' coughs and colds." Dr.'Wood'e Norway Pine Syrup is 35s. andr60e: a bottle at all dealers. 'M'anufactured' ditly%bine''T. 'Milburn POULTRY WANTED WEEKLY J'I dig AaIC 'Tam 3000 Chickens 2000 Hens 500 Ducks •--0 Top prices will be paid by us for all kinds of Poultry taken at 'Clinton every day and at Holmesville every Wednesday morning. We pay three cents more per ib. for properly fattened, milk fed Chickens. GUNN LANGLOIS &,CO, LTD. ' Clint on, `Ontario N. W. Trewartha Local Manager erous ew ear .11`x. U. MUSTARD Clinton & Brut sSeld. Ptlone for Clinton No. 74. 'Phone for Ilrueefield 11 of '61 ', The'uo-to=date Firm 'SUPPLIES•FOR CHRISTMAS • Order Your Candies, Nuts Or- anges, Grapes, and_.Layer Raisins from us. Our stock is fresh and the price low consisted with qual- ity. Cake Icing,' Candied Cherries, and Wintergreen Berries for lour Christmas Cake Decorations. A Teapot,.a piece of China, a Set of Dishes, or an O'Cedar Mop Makes,a very acceptable Christ- mas Present, when bought. Fred. W. Wigg The - Chrner Grocery Phone 45. SCRANTON 'COAL arid` Wood 'for Sale e Q, any who wish to leave their oder for Spring delivery' can do so by'leaving their orders at my residence, H'arott St, or Phone' 155. • i orms. Strictly' Cash ---Phone 155. .5 E. WARD r 1,ftESID,Nt E= HtiltON'STfEEt Co., Limited, Toronto,'Oiit. • Death of Rev. W. W. Sperling Rev, W. W. Sperling, for 44 years a minister in the Methodist Church, and formerly Pastor of Ontario Street Church, Clinton, died at his hnnte, Ferndale Avenue, Toronto, on Christ- mas Day, after 10 day's Mites w''th pneumonia. He was born in they Coun- ty,her , • ' of age. his tat arta was t+ years' 4 being one of the earliest settlers in that County. Fourteen yearsa go he super- annuated, and has since resided in 'r, T- onto, being a member of the Eat n Memorial Church. In aiidilian to his wife, who was a daughter of the Rev. Thomas Cosford. of London, he leaves live sats, one son having been killed overseas. Elliott—Gibson Wedding At the hone of the bride's father, Mr. Alexander Elliott, of the Bayfield Road, 'at high noon on Christmas day a quiet but pretty wedding took place, when fvliss Lillian May Elliott, was united in marriage to John 'Phomas Gibson, of Ashfield, Huron County. They were ,unattended and the cere- mony was performed by Rev. S. Ander- son, of Ontario Street Church. After the wedding ceremony, Mrs. Alexander Eliutt, assisted by cousins of the bride, served a beautiful , wedding dinner. were received dated up' to the z2ud The bride looked very charming in r. and none spoke of any tlliness dress of toupe silk poplin and carried SnnElower Mills a corsage bouquet of sunburst Cos. buds ,and were married under an arch A Calgary Despatch says:—"Alber- of ,evergreens surmounted by 'a large ta,s newest fodder crop, the Sunflower, white wedding ball, ass made its debut into. the"movie, the Fox Company having 'bad 500feet of George Emerson's farm near Edmonton filmed to show the sunflower'from the seeding, through the cutting and silage choppiftg'stages,'and lastly being 'con-' sinned -by milclt cows. One year's ex= perinienting .coiivinced 'Alberta's farm- ers that this was one of the most pro- fitable fbdder crops they could grow." ' Mr. George Emerson will be renteinber- i ed as a former resident of 'Clinton, (carrying on Isere for several • years a Music and Bleycle business, Later be engaged in the real estate business in lydntonton, where he is said to have made considerable money, At the time of the real estate slump in Atte, West he found himself with consider- able property on his hands, and in order to save it took up his residence thereon, cultiyating It ip a, limited way. 1 -le introduced, by way of experlmeat, the Sunflower as a 'substitute for corn. for silo filling, and it is said to have. been more successful than anticipated. Last Fall a Public Demonstration of gathering and cutting the sunflower, was given 'on itis farm, a number of prominent Edniotton business mien be- ing•present at the time. . May Tho Yet n ring you sterol !issp r y and happiness • Often the cheapest--TAtWiys the Best SANTA CLAUS Invites You to Make Our Store Your Headquarters; „ He ,will be in our Window. Wishing you all A Merry Xmas. We will also have a . Choice Assortment of Xma9 Fruits and Confections, Let This Xmas be - Merry. Choice Assortment of Sweet Juicy Navel Oranges SPECIAL PRICE 59c and 69c Per Dozen Others According To Size SPECIAL FOR XMAS Table Cranberries, Celery Table Figs GET ". We take this Oppor- tunity of Thanking Our Friends and Patrons For Their Past Favors and Hoping For the Same For 1921. We Wish you all a Merry Xmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year . F.OM JOHNSON & CO. Choice Assortment of hristmas Confectionary Our SPECIAL MIXED andies and Chocolates At 39c and 49c Per lb. FOR XMAS MORNING GET SOME OF OUR LADIES' DELIGHT COFFEE TIIE IIABIT OF DEALING AT .S0 Ithe (h .'.d a }.'..t`w� THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY' PHONE 1.11. were in attendance and the ceremony was perforated by Rev. Horace W. Snell. Mr, and Mrs. Counter left on the afternoon train and after the wedd- ing trip will stake their house in Buff- alo. The young couple will carry with them the best wishes of a large circle of friends. Died In California Word was received here on Christ- mas day of the sudden death of James Ferguson, of Re !lands, California, who had passed away suddenly Christ- mas eve• at the age of 76 years and 9 Months. Ile was a former resident of Goderich Township and in Clinton and 18 years ago went to California, lie -is survived by three daughters; Mrs, •W. J. Carter and Mrs. Thomas Caldwell, of Clinton, and Miss Clara Ferguson, of Stratford and one son, J. C., nosh, in California. Mr, James Ferguson, of Bayfield is a brother of the deceased. He will be buried hi California, More particulars'' are ex- pected later, as Christmas cards 3 1 Cite a Time Sever Electric Washer' for a Christ4ttas present. It extends the good 'cheer of Christmas to'every 'ri.Sh•dtiy be the 'year. ''No 'direr 'Present ',can MAO wife or mother 'so happy. See the, Time. :Sarver 'Our Mote SUTTER & PERDUE • Ctraton Mr. :'fir Owner 'l'11is is to'remind you cold weather is with us. and you must care for your Battery. Send it to us and we will keep it in a spring all for gow work. in the ' 'n � read {oto condition, charged r�'•ad rr cl a S1.5o. \Vc repair any snake of Cattery and carry a full line of parts. Have us give you a price on 3 or 5 coats when you ' want your car painted. All work done by experienced workmen. Clinton Garage and Battery Service Station PAXMAN H. Phone 30 . Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. MUSIC IN THE HOME adds immeasurably to life's plea- sure. You can have it at once, even if you are not a player of any instruments. Our talking Machines reproduce all' kinds of music from the latest crashing starches to the softest of lulla- bies. Let us prove it to you in person. Then if you want a piano; why we are handling a piano which musicians say is the best buy on themarket today. Make it your business to have me call on You to demonstrate the Bell. It will cost you nothing to have it done and if I can't prove to you where the Bell possesses more strength in build; sweetness in.tene;'and'has - the easiest touch; and the best irked piano. ;containing those points. will give you one at one-lihlf the price -4o get busy and call me up' you stand a" chance to'save some money. n :•+ Jonathan uii1 t MUSIC STORE, SEAFORTH. ONT. BOX 229. P11011e 216. C A ST' I For Infants and •Children In Use For Over30Years Alwa'Is'bears ` 8igpaturc of ..16 %, , 5t. Loins r l )be-Delhocrat— One trembles to think what that town of PzasnySa would tie without Its "a". Associated. Editors: EChluago): Chicago boasts of having a five-ceist cigar. Alt cities 'have then, Uul- tjie price -tag say's quartev, -. rYrada1emesBr 'A:siniv Y;sitrimoz elei .SE 7.tkvaiA tF' 3: 'rSit6 6 `)i'1Hi T SSA rISFY"-.