HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-12-30, Page 7rims
:apse C'l ttt txi3 New Drat °
The best and greater( thing we
cap do in fife is to be sure that
we are instrumental in waking
others happy, when we have
learned perfectly this lesson we
have plastered fife's biggest pre -
Mese. rh 'There ere special lines &'d
sons especiallyadopted to this
purpose= -such as the XMAS
SEASON; and there are helps that
are esfecia$y adapted to the sea-
a • ra—such as a good Jeweller
a stere lull of good jewell-
ery and kindred • lines... You will
never understand how specially
adapted to your Xmas require-
ments .this store is until you Kaye
seen our display of JEWELRY
of QUALITY which we are show -
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
phone No.4'•74w, House 174 j
WE Extend
To .All Our
Best Wishes For
A Happy and
Phone 48
'Ergs 2-v
-Rutter 50 to 53
s.:dlegs $14.00
wheat $1.95 to $t.98
Oats 85c to 87re
rEa.ey 40c to 41c
•buckwheat ......... $111k5 to CO
'..Hay $19.00 to $10.00
iter n $'45 ton
its $S5. to $J56
I Reed ;IA.
iPo'tatoes r $2:00 bag
Newspaper Wit
London Fuse Fules5r—A town is as.
1lthy as its arterige—water seavage
.,and. transport.
London Free Press:—M'acSwiefey i
now eligible for tine fast set.
Long lsla4nd City Stir:—The world's
hope Iles in the little anti -Red school-
Baltimore Sun:—Modern cars have
every needed refinement except a
place to keep the mortgage.
One of the things that ought to
become fixed habits in every house-
hold in Clinton Is that of sending
The New Era the news items that
y may know of; tell us of your
ws and any neighborhood or other
.pis that will be of interest to
yourself, your neighbors or your
friends. "'n..7+61;141
, Every lodge, church body or
social organization should have some
representative who will promptly
and carefully after its news report-
ing. If you think some organization
has better, news service than your
own; It is probably because that or-
ganization looks after such matters
Write your items and send them
In when possible. Or telephone
them to No. 30, but please don't ask
that long lists of names be taken
Over telephone, as It not only re-
ghires much time, but ie frultfMl in
possibilities of error.
Above all, be early. Nevrer wait
till late on Thursday to send an item
that can be sent in days before..
The New Doi telephone numberi s
30 anal at ninhts °5. ,Fix them In
your 'la l
.-.,ate Dews of thePis:trict
Mr. Geo, Chelew, of Toronto, Is
the new manager of the Sterling Bank
here, taking the place of Mr. Wickens.
Miss Jessie Bell, . who has been
visiting her mother, Mrs. James Bell,
sr., for the past few weeks has re-
turned to Toronto, where she wilt re-
sume her duties as a nurse,
Cidldren Cry.
The local butcher firtn known as
(Ruby & Johnston have dissolved
partnership and Mr. Gideon Koeh.-
ler'has purchased the interest from Mr,,
The local skating rink is being
flooded with water and a good
lay of ice will soon be .made. Sea-
son tiokets have been sold in targe.
numbers, and with favorable weather
conditions it will be a bumper season
on the rink for sport.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Pearson are
spending the holiday season with their
son, George, at Wayne, Michigan.
Not much excitement over Election
this year.
Mr. James Mann, Mr. and Mrs.
Adam Nicholson, spent Ch'ristnias with
friends in Toronto.
Mr. Andrew Snell spent Christmas
with 'his sister at Leamington.
Master Clifford anui Miss Vere Col.
dough spent Christmas with their
Grandmother, Mrs, Thuell, at Brussels,
Mr, and • Mrs. Charles Riley and
children,. of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs.
John Riley and children of Seaforth,
spent Christmas with their parents Mr.
and Mrs, Ben Riley in the village,
Mr. Charles Spooner of the West
spent Christmas with his cousin Mr.
Bernard Hall.
Mr, and Mrs. E. Britton and Mis Mar-
garet Love spent Christmas with their
parents at Walton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams and child-
ren and Mrs. Wm. McIntosh spent the'
Christmas holidays with Mrs. Mills, at
Mr. L. Taylor, of Lucknow, spent
Christmas in the village with friends.
Children Ory
Dr. Peter McEwen, of Detroit, is 'FOR FLETCHER'S r
spending his holidays with his bro- G► A'•S T O R I A
ther, Mr• John McEwen, of the Bay-
field Road.
Miss Kate McGregor, of Toronto,
and Mr. Will McGregor, of Vars,
near Ottawa, are spending the Christ -
etas vacation under the parental roof,
Mr, Robert Baird, of Pasqua, Mr.
and Mrs, Williams Baird and Thelma,
are spending a few days at the old.
Miss Jean Mustard, of New York,
is home for the Christmas vacation.
Miss Ada Reid, of Brucefeild, is the
guest of Mrs. A. McEwen,
Miss Violet Stephenes, of Arcane,
is spending her vacation at home•
Mr• Taylor has sold his farm to Mr.
Cantelon, of Goderich Township for
Edwin Morrison, of 'Clinton, and
formerly of Stanley, has bought a
farm near Clinton. He still thinks a
farm is alright.
An excellent Fowl Supper is held
In the new Town Hall on Wednesday
29th, which of course will be over
before this gets to press but we will
vouch the fact that the hall will be
filled to its entire capacity.
Our town has been ratter saddened
from the result of two deaths which
Occurred during the week. The
first was Mr, Foster an aged man of
72 years who has been, ailing with the
sleeping sickness for souse time past
passed away on Tuesday last,. the re-
mains being interred in Varna ceme-
The next was Mrs. Kerr who also
had been ailing for some time past
after undergoing an operation, and to
wkotn the public has shown tke great-
est sympathy during her illness and
winch still:continaes to the bereaved
{, {F
You aro not
OZEA ing when
yon use Ur.
Otnase's Ofnt-
mest for Eczema and Skin Irrita-
tions, It relieves at once and gradu.
all, heals the skin. Sefigne box llr.
c you mention this
er and aetrci 2e. stamp 0er postageo• eoc. a
ail tactors or EUmanson, Nacos & Co„
Ohase's )hltanent freo if y
bLlmltad, Toronto {E ac
—The Brussels' Post last week refers
to the death of a former resident of
this section who died at Craebrock on
the lith:—Mrs. Elizabeth McKay, an
aged and highly esteemed resident of
this locality, paid Nature's debt on
December 11th, at the advanced age of
79 years as the result of a broken hip.
She was born in Scotland and came to
Canada when 6 years old. In her ear-
lier years she lived at Brucefield and
was a great admirer of Rev. Mr. Ross,
the well known Presbyterian Divine of
that place. Go years ago the subject of
this notice was married to her late hus-
band who died over 20 years ago.
For many years slie was a minister-
ing angel in this community and the
professional nurse of to -day would not
be in it with this busy woman as at
meagre cost she waited on the sick
sad helped into life many a kiddie
who profited by her care, ability and
readiness to help. A large family
was born to her home; viz Adam,
Seaforth, Isaac and Hugh, Niagara
Falls, N. Y.,; William aind John, deceas-
ed; Mrs. R. L. McDonald, of Cran-
brook locality; Mrs. Jas. Atkinson,
Asquith, Saskatchewan,; Mrs, Alfred
Box, Seaforth; and Mrs. Will McDonald,
Scollard, Alberta. Mrs. MdKay was
a Godly woman and gnew and practis-
ed the truths and principals of the
Good Book and died in the Leith, A
favorite expression,,, of hers was "No
one need be left behind, God's Mercy
is for all Mankind," The funeral sek-
vice was conducted by her paster„
Rev. Mr. Kennedy, end burial was
made In Kitox chuck cemetery here,
?aHbea:ors were Chas. Alderson, James
and Alex, reale, John Perrie, John
Cameron, John Steles, and John Hun-
ter. Tlius has Passed off the scene of
action one who has served her day
and generation loyally, loved her'
Savior with implicit confidence and
thought ndt of herself when opportun-
ity to render service to the needy
cane to her. Her name and kindly
womanly life will long be remembered
by many who esteemed her highly.
Mr. Will Manson, who has been
attending Pharmacy at Toronto, was
successful in passing the Junior ex-
aminations with 2nd Class honors.
Out df a class of 192, Will stood
24th , 21 having secured first-class
Mr.. W. J. Carling, who has dis-
posed of his farm at Brighton, . is visit-
ing with relatives in town. Mr, 'Carling
intends moving to Exeter as soon as he
can secure a suitable resldence, His
mauyttriends welcome him back.
The funeral of Mrs, James- Hackney,
of 'Thames Road, took place to the Ex-
eter Cemetery. She was in her 83rd
year and some time ago had a fact, in
which she suffered a broken hip, the
shock of which resulted in her death.
Mrs. Hackney had been a widow for
some years, and is survived by one
daughter, Mrs, Alex, Macpherson.
The election of officers of Lebon-
on Forest Lodge, A. F. & A; M., was
held Motirinny evening, when the fol-
lowing officers were elected: Wor,
Mas., Bro. E, M, Dignan; S. W. Bro.
R. W. Fnke; J. W, Bro. J. M. South -
colt; Chaplain, W, Bro, M. E. Eacrett;
Secretary, Wor, Bro, R. N. Creech;
Wok. 1316, C. H. Sanders; tyler, Bro, S.
Sweet;,Auditorst---Bros, T, S. Wood4,
and A, •Hastings I
6th. The subject "The Hot School
Lunch in Rural Sultools," by Miss S. G.
Barr, Reading b3 Mrs. J. Shobbrook.
A Social will be held in the Township
Hall, New Year's Eve, A good apro-
gram will be given.
' Mrs. era Merrill and son, spent a
few days with her mother, Mrs. Philips.
Dr. G. Beaton, of Winnipeg, vlsited at
Mr G. Barr's on Sunlay.
The Methodist' Sunday School En-'
tertainnient and Christmas tree which'
was held last Friday evening was a
grand -success,
Rev, Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer spent
Christman with Stratford friends.'
Miss E. Mans, of Chicago, who spent
the past ' week ,with her mother has
Dr. L. Brigham, of Star City, Sas--
katchewan, arrip'ed here Shristmdn day
after an absence of ten years. We
welcome him back. . He intends
spending a month with his parents
Mr, and Mrs. W. Brigham.
Miss 13. Brodgen, of London, spent
Christmas with her parents.
Dr. Beaton, of Winnipeg, spent a
few days with friends here.
Rev. Mr. and' Mrs. Fingland, of
Toronto, spent Christnnas with his
. The Misses M. and S, McCool, of
Toronto, spent the holidays with their
Miss 0. Brigham, teacher in the
Amherstburg High School, is spend-
ing her holidays wtih her parents.
Rev. Mrs. Abery, is spending a fow
weeks with Monkton friends,
Mr, A. Braithwaite, of Detroit, spent
a few days here this week....:
Mr, Stalker, teacher in Ingersoll, is
spending the holiday at the home of
Mr, D. Geddes.
Rev. Mr. Abrey is spending a week
with Tordnto friends,
The Woman's institute will hold a
Social in the Town Hall on Friday,
December 31st. Everybody welcome.
A good programme will be given.
Come and enjoy a Social evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Brantford,
spent the Christmas week with the
latter's mother Mrs, (Dr.) Young,
The two Christmas tree entertain-
ments, one at the Presbyterian Church
and one at the Methodist Church were
well attended and the children all! did
their parts well.
Dr. L. Brigham, of Star city, Sas-
katchewan, where he has been prac-
tising for the past 15 years with great
success is hone for a month's visit
with his parents and mane friends here.
As Dr. Brigham is one of our former
Londesboro boys, we congratulate
hint on his success in the West,
Miss E. and J . Maines were home
from Chicago for their Christmas hol-
The Misses McCools from Toronto,
spent a few days with their mothers.
Mr, and Mrs. Awde, of Woodstock,
visited the latter's mother and bro-
thers oyer file holiday.
Mr. Alvin Braithwaite, of Detroit,
spent Christmas at his kome here.
. Miss Brddgen, of London, and Mr.
and Mrs, Flaody, of Blyth, spent
Chrlstntas with Mr..aifd M'rs. Brogden(
M. Jain* Webster, of Tontonto,
spent the Christmas holidays wibh,
his mother, Miss. James Waebster and'
other friends.
The death occurred Christmas Eve of
William Marlton, a well known and
highly esteemed resideiilt of the town,
in his 5Mh year, He had enjoyed his
usual good health until a week ago,
whenh e suffered a paralytic stroke
from which he did not regain con-
sciousness. The late'Mr, Marlton was
second son of the Iate Henry Marl-
ton, well-known shipbta lder here,. and,
like his father built many fish tugs.
Among these were the Jones, Manitou,
Caribou and Minnie M• He also built
the schooner Seplrhe, which is still
trading on the Atlantic Coast. He was
half owner of the Marlton Dredging
Company, which for many years
operated here and in other harbors on
Lake Huron. Deceased, who was un-
married, is survived by his mother and
one sister, Mrs. Spence, bf Toronto.
Cboo&°s Cotton ooC,Cone gunk
d safe, reliable regnaatirfl
mediaane, Sold in three de,
:trees of atrm,gth•-No. 1811
No. 2, $31 No, 8, le par bon
Fold by ail diogtsieta, or cont
'prepaid on receipt of ;price,
Irmo pamphlet. 44 Addressl
s g'
retsina, 085. rename Wktnn}
The regular monthly
Woman's Institute will
Forester's Hsil On Thu
meeting of the
4 had in the
(ditoral Paragraphs
Municipal Elections will Me held next
You get something like the pro-
per • order of things in Municipal
affairs when the office is found seek-
ing the man and not the man the office..
T. L. 'Church is raining as Mayor
of Toronto for the ssvetffh time. This
looks a iybod deal Ube hogging it, bit
Tontnty is not also a member of the
Legislature. Si
—0 --
Mks, Hamneill, wife of the •t'bawa
merchant whose dead' body was recent-
ly found at Fort Worth, Texas, states
that her husband's disappearance and
'deat'h was due to mental depression a-
ribing from efforts to cotnDlle his Dom-
inion taxation. These efforts, she de-
clared, inade him first fatigued and
then utterly depressed, and when he
had finished his tax statements he dis-
appeared. Hammitt is perhaps the first
man who has been driven insane by the
exactions of Dominion tax papers, but
he is not the first man they have driven
to the border -land between sanity and
Mr, Andrew Courtice, of Winni-
peg, spent Christmas with his father,
Mr. A, J. Courtice:
Env, Mr. Fair and daaghter., of
Toronto, are visiting at the parsonage,
Miss D, A. Holmes Is visiting in
Miss Irene Cole, of Winnipeg, is
visiting her grandparents, Mr., and
Mrs. Wmt, Mullholland.
Miss Washington, of Clinton, is
visiting at Mr. A. J. 'Courtice's.
Mr, S. McMath wears a sunny smile
a baby boy arrived at his home en
Christmas day.
The Annual Christmas Tree on
Tuesday evening was quite a success.
{F #
Lawrence ,Reid, of Goderieh, spent
Christmas at home.
Among those who spent Christina's
in our our midst were:—Margaret Ross,
of Wingiaun; Emma McDonald, Grace
Ross, Jessie Aikeehead, and Mable
Ross, of London.
The Annual Christnnas tree was
+J: *• * ii. * R '5 *• tl a• *
* a * * . M N * e *
Bluevale:—Mrs, Jno. King, who has
been several weeks at Mayo Bros, Hos-
pital, at Rochester and who underwent
a very serious operation, arrived hone
this week,
Morris Township:— Everett Walker,
who has been teaching school at Regina
for a number of years, is giving up the
profession and launching out into Life
insurance work with the London Life,
with headquarters at Calgary. He should
make a dasher at his new job. Mr.
Walker is an old Morris Township boy,
a son of S. and Mrs. Walker, Gth Line.
Jamestown:—Thos. Grasby, of this
community, has purchased the fine 100
acre farm of Joseph Ardell, 8th Line,
paying the sum of $5,500 for it. He
gets possession next March,
Now is the time to look after the condor
see that they are )kept waren and dry.
Handling only No. 1 Quality "Dominion
us to guarantee you the best procurable.
choose from.
We carry a complete rani* of Men's and Boy's Ove
and suits and a good stock of Boots and Shoes at Rock
tom Prices.
Pluinsteel Bros,
Small Profits Phone 25 More Business
week. We wish Mr, Willows success. Stanley Township:—A very pleasing
Seaforth—The engagement is an- event was solemnized at the Presbyter-
nounced of Miss Mary Ada Heath, only tan manse, :Lucan,'' on December 8th,
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs• Jabez when Rev. D. Johnston, formerly of
Heath, Brampton, to Mr. Samuel J. Varna, united In marriage Miss Pearl,
Spencer, Seaforth, Ontario, the marr- 1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs.John McBride,
sage to take place quietly in December. of HayTownship, to Mr. John Love,
East Wawanosh:—The sad news was ' son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Love, of
received here on Monday evening of the Stanley. Immediately after the cere-
death in Calgary, Alberta of Capt. John mony the happy contracting parties
A Wellwood, R. A. M. C. The deceas- left for an extended trip to London,
ed gentleman was a son of the late Will- Niagara Falls, and other Eastern points.
tam and Mrs. Wellwood and was born Hay Township:—Miss Etta ,Carrott,
in East Wawanosh and was aged 48 who has been the efficient teacher of
years. He spent his early years on the
homestead in East Wawanosh and grad•
uated ih medicine and went West where
he has resided for some years.
Winghanu—Rev. J. F. Dingman, who
has been Pastor of the Wingham Bap-
tist Church for a number of years will
preach his farewell sermon on Sunday
next, having accepted the call to be-
come Pastor of the Baptist Church at
Ridgetown. Mr, Dingman will hake up
his new work in Ridgetown on the first
Sunday in January.
Walton:—The work of improving
the interior of Duff's Church. was car-
ried out with a zest last week that com-
pleted the job in great class style In 4
days, 66 quarts of paint were applied on
the walls, buff in the ' auditorium and
cream in tine basement.
Grey Township:—After being in fail-
ing health for the past year Elizabeth A.
Fox, beloved wife of John Bray, answer-
ed the Great Roll 'Call Thursday morn-
ing of last week and passed peacefully
away to her reward. The ftuneral took
place Saturday to Wroxeter Cemetery
after a suitable service at the late home
of deceased by,her Pastor, Rev, W, E.
Stafford, Brussels.
Wingham:—Major Pettigrew, a resi-
dent of this town, is organizing and
will be in charge of p unit of the 9th
Grey's Horse. A sergeant of the pea-
manent cavalry is here at present with a
view to opening a training class for both
men and women.
Ethel:—Wednesday of last week Dav-
id Robertson passed away at his home,
Ethel Station, at the Ovanced age of 84
years, 1 month and 6 days. Funeral
,took place to Ethel eenekery on Friday
a'ternoon, Rev. Mr, O'Kell conducting
'the s'ervi'ce. Deegased was tete father
of Mrs. Grover 0131. 11e was a welic
knon residont of ]Rana township for
yearsw, o
—Grey, Townships—It is with sad re-
grets we are called upon to publish
the following death of an old and well
known resident in the person of Hugh
Porter, loth Concession, whose death
came as a great shock to the community
as he was as well as usual up to Wed-
nesday afternoon, when he took a pain
around his heart but not serious enough
to cause any alarm. He arose as usual
Thursday morning but passed peace-
fully away at 8:30 a, irk The subject
of this Eotice is bne Of The pioneers,
coming to Grey in 1874.
Brussels:—The home of Adatn and
Mrs, Smith, Turnberry street, Brussels,
has been quarantined owing to the fact
that the two daughters have contracted
smallpox. Every precaution has been
taken to safeguard the village.
Seaforth:—Mr, John Scott, of Rox-
boro, is leaving to go to Regina to
live with his daughter, •Isabel, who was
recently married to Mr, Novak of that
place, He has been a member of the
Presbyterian choir for almost half a
century and the members mot at the
home of Mr. and' Mrs. A. D. Sutherland
on Friday night to' say farewell. They
presented Mini with a gold ring con-
taining a bloodstone as a souvenir,
Kippen---Mr. Robert Higgins, of
Hensall, this week purchased • large
quantities of poultry for which he paid
very high prices. Mr. W. McCullough,
one of the big poultry men in this dis-
trict sold over $400 worth of milk fed
chickens.. Mr. Higgins paid 25 cents
s pound for this kind of poultry.
Usborne Township:—Mr, Peter Moir,
of the 2nd Concession of Usborne, has
purchased flee 100 -acre farm of Mr. P.
i. Ca the London Road, NorM*, for
,.,, . 'v,• i .ld a handsome figure.,. 'Iphe
•,, , ti, i flit beat la the Tovtfiship;
Cranbrook:—An esteemed resident
of this locality passed away last Monday
in the person of Mrs. Peter McDonald,
aged 67 years. Her health had not
been good for the past year. Me, Mc-
Donald, to whom she was married 22
years ago, predeceased her in 1909.
Funeral took place Wedntesd'ay after-
noon to Cranbrook Cemetery.
Walton:—Maitland Presbytery sus-
tained the call to Kipper from Rev. Mr,
Lundy. induction will take place early
in January.
Grey Township.— This community
was sadly surprised last Thursday morn-
ing to learn that Hugh Porter, an old
resideet of the troth Concession, had
passed away while seated in the rocking
chair near the stove, He hail been as
weal as usual and had arises from his
bed a short time prsvious no one inang-
iniag the end was so near. Mr. Porters
was in his 75th year,
ily°h:—Blyth Municipal pot is be-
ginning to simmer, and alardy names
of Jos, E. Tamtinn, Jamas Dad and Dr.
Milaie are mentioned as possible aspir-
ants for chief Civic chair.. E. Iiiliioru,
G. E,McTaggart, Chas. McClelland, ex -
Councillors James Moody and H. A.
Thomas are mentioned as possible new
timber, kir 1Council.
Brussels(—Bessie, daughter of the
late Thomas and Mrs, Davidson, Bruss-
els, was united in marriage to H. C,
Harvey, of Winnipeg, on, December 4th.
Rev. Mr. Hamilton, of Zion Methodist
Church, performed the ceremony.
McKillop Township:—Word ' has
reached Saskatoon( that Dr. Hogg, who
was for several years head of the de-
partmentof physics in the University of
Saskatchewan, has 'accepted a position
in the research Department of tile
Western Electric Company in their New
York laboratory. lie has already en-
tered upon his duties and Is the recip-
ient of a salary well in advance of that
received from the local Educational In-
stitution, The Dr, was a former tea-
cher in S. S. No. 3, Grey Township,
his parental home being in McKillop,,
Brussels:—The salary of Rev, A, J.
Mann, the well known Pastor of Mei-
held on Monday last when the little vibe church, has been increased to
again saw Old Santa. • $96.00 was ;$1800.
given for the Sunday School Funds,
Mr, and Mrs. Bontron, have re-
turned to Hensaill.
Mrs• Addison, and family spent
Christmas at Londesboro visiting with
Miss Londesboro, of Ctputon, is the
guest of her sister, Mrs, McQpteen,
A ]card tithe dance was held on
Seaforth:-.o he sum or $249,15 was
collected in Seaforth and vicinity for
the war orphans in Central Europe.
..Bayfield:—Miss Fair, Principal of the
Continuation class, has accepted a posi-
tion at Ottawa,,and Mr , Allen Fisher,
of Kippen, has been engaged to take
her place. Mr, Fisher commences his
new duties at the beginning of the New
Tuesday everting In Walkers Hall, ifaiar.
Wililatn Swami, Of Toronto Madsen Btyth:--141r. Fred 'Willows, of Sande
College Is spelttit:tig her vacation at was saccessful hi passing with first -cls •
says Jatsu1 y home:h6laers as firettlan at Stratford leu
the school in No. 14, Hay, for the past
five years, at an increase of 5300 In sal-
ary, which will make lier salary for the
coating year, 51,100.
Grand Bend:—Some unknown person
or persons broke into Mr. Maurice
Brenner's garage and removed the four
tires on 07a Robert Pollick's new sedan
car, and carried them away. No. trace
has been heard of thein since, Mr.
John Stratton's pool room was also
entered recently and quite a number
of cigars and cigaretttes were stolen.
Farmers in the neighborhood have also
reported the loss of grain from their
If you are feeding poultry,
Clogs, Cattle or Sheep try some of
our Kilm dried torn which we are
selling at very reasonable prices.
Now is the time to lay in your
supply of Salt. We have it for
Dairy or Table use and also for
feeding purposes.
As the Flour Mills have just re-
cently been allowed to return to
their Pre war grate of Flour, we
are now prepared to supply you a
high grade Flour for Bread or
Pastry. Try a sack and see for
W. Jenkrns $ISio•n
Phone 199 Residence, 131.
$1$;00 to Winnipeg
Plus 3h cent per mile Beyond
AUGUST 9th, 11th, 16th and 18th,
stations Toronto to Scotia Jct, inclus-
ive; also alt stations on Depot Harbor,
Midland, Penetatfg and Meafgr'd branch-
AUGUST 9th and 16th from all the
stations ins the province of Ontario and
Quebec, Pembroke, Golden Lake, Up.
tergrove, Toronto and East.
AUGUST 11th and 18th, from all the
stations in Ontario, Toronto and West,
Full information 'from -any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or 0. L Horning
District Passenger Agent, Troonto.
John Ransford & Son, city passes
ger and `ticket Agents, phone 51,.
A. 0, Pattison, station agent.
Move Regularly, or Ile They
If the truth were only known it, would
be found that half the ills of life aro
caused by constipation, for when the
bowcle cease to work properly all the
organs of, the body become deranged..
A free fruition of the bowels, every day,
should ,bo the rule of everyone, who
aspires to perfect health.
Keep lyour bowels regular by the use of
Milburn's taxa -Liver 'ills) and you will
have no constipation ile bilious or sick
headaches, or Any ogler troubles arising
from a wrong action of the liver or bowels.
Mrs. G, I3rswn," Lewisville N33.,
writes,—"I have been troubled '-£dt .*
years with constipation, and trying
various so-called remedies, wliith did me
no good whatever, I tvaa persuaded by a
friend to try Whom's Lata -Liver Pills.
'Riney have done nese worlds of good.
They aro indeed h splendid pill and if
oan heartily recommend them to all who
puffer from. conetiJ)ation...
Milburn/6ataxa-Liver PILIN are 25c, a
vial tat all declare, or trailed direct on
eerierpt`_of Price by The T. Milburn 4 di.; ,
Limited, Termite, Ont. f