HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-12-30, Page 6J.11' .• rN .. 1 .... I o '1' ntott rlru . .. �, , , - . .:4. r:.; L -,n.0 u...,:�m? ., ltd , '�*f .. i P,': , . 1411*.., 9 . 0f . gm and it6,,,i4e�0A , , titellt;i,.The �oviot'. $uHa1a, but proved to,401401'1caaieWctAeh-01rtkofl tld vrgiU fi,1a,A Aol g.l b in P o lm u� - ��}°'' 12;'rauoh Afrltf f0hnd0 Govetnhrats4tatit,,otola on (lie whole tit ,Yks00%g'anda of the ,I}qt risk r , •United Stateo ,co6ted off the ns>t.jO- at al91et, pd.ln Bay pfSh3laoay with 505 per: - $olsheviki parts has ]fist'^gr'ound tri other, of the wgl,d: ' Mali who at- sty of the honors et the Olylnpto Games. The soandal In plafasizional ".tions on boat tri, 13. Attempt to raid Getman Par'lin- tompted to oprea,d,it have been ailed baseball Was also au •event of the 014AY peopitd •mow Jx Bgrlin , ilaksiakeki. ; Iiy .o lA ;,; +-• :' ' - CankLda, 'i G}oat Britain,'"•the, UnitVa^ %Otase G01'I11ft1tY Ind FA'atlee, Gli th e ,ysal',.A s,,prtiYed,,as had lon6 suspected, that profooSlonal e944L mud dlbf"s� • 14. United States snidiera killed JA - charge r been of oediticin, and thele have argils of reaction against rev,• baseball ,hktd-•--been il' ;.: jnl... I Rl'.00ireSl'bY g�niUtet'e, Flash with Russians in Siberia; 1 , Enver Posits, Icirmer Turklall -OS I , lutionarY tendencies, The Botahevilti Some Other Incidents, Minister of War, joined the Bol- . I . risco bait strange oxporiencos ars the T31ere were no' events'of'interest a►}oviki, "' ` battle field, 11•helr war of aggression in the litoraty� and artistic world, No, 1g, N., A. It041e, paper coAtroller nbautst A ° a a readied they almost Poland, in which tit WaroaM't ended' ill an over-, deatkte occurred among the 'great Wt3 tiers' of. the day, aiid the .oho out- Canada, i�osigned office,. Sinn Foiners W9lk elect[,. .in • wI)el . ivi 2 ling derpat. It was a complete to • fqr alto Poles On thb other atAuding,cotn q et to ass awftY'waS � h 'had long Ii'.elLnd. Reginald de If,von famous Amer- • a Conttains."na a1'ulm,-, --- er We unhesitatingly jr- Commend commend l'�a' re Baking D der as being the 4, i ' hand, e ." , the Redo auoceeded'tduril g 'tiro Max Bruch, an o el Anna w 0 k • lienee his lleit:vKoi'k,' Reg- , - frail light composer, died in 0 " _ i t and urest, baking 1 )tries p year. r their strength avid rich- Russia, ON Ven d, for iu crushiug'ail their enemies in rrol}i, the ai'ln10S of Gen, ;couipleLed tsar, De I? ovoYt; of ]}ght ;opera $41 zo, h also died dui'inb t e •Year, but he, Cllcago, Clemeneeau decided not to'bo a POW possible to Wrangel 11 '' ,elven, Iingel romaine as great a pi+,Utem also, had Patten Into the Umckgr'ound, The meat faufgds man.to die dui ,', candidate •for Prei,idency of Prance, produce, It possesses elements of food that 1 ae F.• 'eft Of selected }tssams ,., Rose Teat consists Chiefly Americans, over, Financed by lite Irish a Feners stave the Sinn Ing the year was Adfniritl Sir John ptiaher,. $area of.Itllvaratone, genes Premier'. Lloyd George opposed idea of taking military action have, to do the building cies ed •:wit with.; finest Ceylon's. succeeded In bringing about .a .con- ally known as the "tattier of the mod against Bolahevlki. 'Deachanel up of brain and nerve • 2 one ditiou of Civtl GVat' in Ireland, The 2 Cilament ern British Navy"' 17. Paul elected President matter and is absolutely . L - . - Br• ,Rule tl it pissed the Honda l s The Prince of Wales made another Bill late in D camber, but ilio) tri . S[milar to that of last year, He not 1C, j p • of France, 20, Board of Commerce ordered di free from alum or injUriOull , Ir'ish 0 On itebublicaua will Accept the'bkhor' hand; Lite strong niinor� it i visited Australia, New Zealand . and other British Overseas Dominions, s-' French-Canadian ,bakers to s-' solve combine, other •' . substitutes, • rased l h the Prince on Two To to the North• Ireland have res - ever to be ve re, as ' North of their religlous and.received as hearty a welcome as was accorded him In Canada: 21, holland" refuaps to surrender ex- trifler or Germany to Allies Pur �� , „ at ' (JIZ Political -PREFERRED THE CANAWAN TO the mere Y. .and endinfoo In the• South, Alur- JANUARY. - Minister of trial, 22• I{o.lch head of Omak ' WHY I der: • s he King's Photogra her). �' ( (By Ernest Brook , t.,t?, curenees and arson have bee" Weekly 004 country ,wain the in that o y g 1, Major -Gen: Mbwburn, a lied from the Union Militia retired Government, Calla Government., falls intro hands' oL Boishevikl i3ylnpathizers. ' . ' "victim" ei tours acegm Ithold Wlticb. of the two by th e Prince of Wales was weathe u''" d'evelopmg theiq until the w n d'ea el 'cooler:. Daring the the ole year, with each side blaming it or with sane, thein. The other f ng c Government. 2, American authorities arra"sled 24, Hon. Hugh Guthrie' aplei's the Borden Cab[net as Mihistsr of ' ing Allies to take him.as facies, of 1100 Germans d mand'ed for trial on account 'of crimes i i liahed t v i9e •best from your point 'of view.. oY •On many occa Siena Since my return, ha a o' I dreamed."fond dreams .0f g r fines i An tralia,, and an• t pie, x zA., ,q unspeakaUle tilt" trine I. would iish assassins have been guilt of cruelties, and no.'poll- p hundreds of 'Reds" In Uig .cities to;.effort to atgp• growth of Bol- Militia, Z„•A, Lash; fanWus Toronto' law- committed in war.' ' 12. Women were denied right to . #p England, this: gyes ion has been tic end always in reply I working and, pa'tod good dare tical in a well-, dark the. prophet can as Yet nee. what end .of .the bfoodshed ,and horror p gheviaat. Bittish have fierce fighting with yer,..died 0f, paralytic stroke, Pi61$1RUA1ftX. preach by Church of England, 13. Robert Lanaing; aocretai'y of asked.me, " point of view. is that room; , .have said, yo p , P.1�oto¢ a herR and. speak- alas!• p •,;Aoyal>r in cat an li?," tb y ., . ' $ n4Y, drettavf tyerd- rudely. sbatr- though' `.$pt+cial will be, ' Both. aides are .stubborn; Premier Lloyd 'George has tribeemen on Indian frontier. } 4. VtctiisAt eartitquakearoause loss of 2, Enrico MainiSeDta;'leadar of An State in Wilson Cabinet, resigned from office. following disagree- i e $its ,s F .citation in tered i its .such I have no h a wsa that the three months tour . 'fol' oiti the i0al theiti -to; noviaivn,>3rr M•'rePa Photo- Diad@ n P „ leve i atto mpto,to compram e, SPor6LnB IslQen „ . life and property in Mexico. �qir. William Hearst -was appointed "of atchists ; len' Italian Chamber of Deputies, placed, ender arrest. q meat with l resident: ' 16, iEaa. E. C. Drury, f Prime Minister :saying ,,, 1 the best.11, :71lr,Canada was decidedly >ao, .wax; �i possiy�e ka . rJr ', a'dark roe, si a tT'e; journey Eha r 'h v beed•.1ti •tuN awing la Spo a e mettrbor Internatigna'li..�#?faC 3. Bedorl'ins attacked" French, ;; - . A0of.'Ontario; siccing' in $arisen. alit answer haat eVLked no small up and be ln- throua*h,Australia, 'surprise, s , .. , ' acb0m liahed . w li, l win .the ilial f iaglia :again; ,folio , a Pa Commission. ,, Pdifde barracks at Carrtgtahill•, it, Africa. p: W ret storm'in'years Siveegs+the I&. Sir Auckland"Geit'des named as ' to' United islsfonnt of b •variably r esulted Is anot'hbr query „ von :. g ' %ing put- -Why?)' "wealth` y ' trains'. •oven.; •tarying - - railway au ea. 'Each $laic to the Coin on- ipu, . iippecired to me to bale piralyais df "the natigaal &an7 es of hobicey, ldtsrosse and rttgbr -thaC oc- i%ulconx IrelaWL ,MA'S blown UP; " 0. F,eopoid : E, ,. Flourens, French '.. Atlantic sea const. oberts, B,iitish rood Min-. ate British Ambassador States, to'..sueceed Viscount t3'rey.+ 90. Lord' Dories named'as Irii4i 'Visa-, . r a t query I have repliod, B„ . i To the q. Y ado in Canada I' ham excellent ted a different gauge so that eiyt d daatags'th0 tgarr. Tae' . s l n, u em- n the Al C p, Qqf mite wA_ t e ., gtatesirrma, died. ;: : out P•tes,,d;eve � armies u est had from Cabinet:: King's College, VNladsm; j N S:," '.23. a+oyr Wrs sucoesd'viscilitiit French, Rani, ALf:or, y -Gan- reansl! then facilities for.d'oing the work' I went ,,to accomplish, Thanks to tbent useless olliziZ stock of one system MAS o , oxer another s sNem a track. yy Hope of beitag blems,of the Dominion Hockey Chaim pt " iPlp', Mind the, won th'e world Games; ld %annex of"jj-v t�k'arrd •.annexed: city 7. By libav k agitator ' sang: "Tho `itid'est odiioi4tiopal •instltiition ren ' CanailL'" built `tn 178 ',' destroyed t eras of Ontario eleciceet IIP ae- eral. of O clammtCon. Tt obtained far better pie=, I facilities able I was able to obtain, on •quiet, fi+ave'up`al'1 to devG.o ,•and prim; own B , ' champi6whip at •thee Olympic It wap, tbe, }ranites.of. Torouiu whb god'Flag" in;AlbortsAni.l, Iiondon, 8; Detnocratsi In Wasliingloa'dectd'ed bY' fire .. g Gen. Foch 'received by French 24, Lady Astor, first woman tareinber tures than fre¢x._i,'es• ,the last torr wi It `tile Prince of outritsted ,.ring lite journiey �n d t hen the'worl: too beta a won' the Neniar hockey championship of Ontatio;''but'Lh'ay, in trim, were to nuke Loeguc cal Nal;iOns the issue in next election, mud find if' Academy and joined ranks of the „ immortals." ` oP+'British Parllamsnt',, delivered her maiden speech.+ w "Wales. g odious I-could;find Comparisons ,are, I know brief to.under peopie who WerltfYeildy take the,. sk. Heilten`by.the:Sudliu* team, ranked people of Unit,d States Preferred' gal faniea Groat, last survivor of died in 2'S, Formev Premier H. H. Asquith returned, to British Parliament.. mad ,if in the,followtn¢ state- meant. of; facts. I ,draw comparisons '• happened in dark It is a fairly; easy 'matter to find rooms end 6peraters in the as intermediate champloris. History selfish nationalism, 9. NeW Zealand uefeated prohlbi- tioriists..and decided remain first Canadian Parliament, Ottawa:; Ot I Powers sent curt note to 29. Turks. massacred 30,000 Ar.'men- tans after. defeating French. listween events which Canada on the last tour, I trust that lar¢' assisted bourne cities and towns 'like' Mei- and Sydney,•: but it was by repeated itself in the summer., na- eP banal game. St. Simon of, Toronto . .to 7 tents wet. 1.. Germany telling Government that announced that rwho• Lord Northcliffe neared torswpport Premierlr,loyd George.: my friends who so nobly rtI e in Australia and New Zealand, no means, a small nndeitaking When won°the'senioi lacrosse n defeated Ottawap there must: be.no evasion. of re PrI as Cha lee of'Roum nia,It was MARCH. will not take offence. Facilities to Rob the camera man of the " we got•"1A#,'the wilds: 'the' t6ur we seldom ra Qu bee champions, for the champion- Quebec. the quarreled 'with the royal fatally regarding his marriage; ,had be- apousibilit[ee. 8. Sir Glenholme Falconbrtdge, 1, Bela Kun, Farmer Communist dfc- thing:;' �acilittea for taking his picture, hof is for developing, to maYne'd more than . a couple of days to the amaller towns and Ship' of Eastern Canada. Then Ship ins of Orangeville, an antere come reconciled with the King and Queen. Chief Justice of Supreme Court, died Toronto. tator of Hungary, escapes. rola Vienna j^11. I #$e' facilities ylegatives; 'of printingfrom his de- and of dispatching ,near very naturally during our stay. all business was suspended and' every mediate team, defeated St. Simon's and earned the right to ehgg,,Ilenge for I 10. Treaty of Versailles ratified by 1 ermans andees. Entine 9. start Christian churches in Canada ti o toiread- 5. Hon. Dr. H. J. Cody, Minister of Education int,Hearst Cabinet,, an- vele ed ;plates, d mediately his finished prints to ren moment given up to a whole-nearted the! ce the Mann Cup, the i m bre d by Canadian onsh p, Yers ger Robert sailed Richard Bul k known as 'penny drdied nounced his retirement from alba " hundreds of newspapers and inagazines who are clamourin to have "joy -making." Since it was essen- tial that I should ever have my ready. it was obvious' that toric, The game will be Played B.C.he next spring. In rugby, the Canadian Culla to take trip for benefit oP his health.on 111. "D of In "Deadwooel Dick,— died in Los Supreme Council announced in- of tan ures, xeppreduce the pictures, and you • obbed him of his all, Give him T camera I could not' shat myself up in a championship was won by the itinUle Toronto by defeating t hungeFoistrikingstarted amonglt those Norwegian Treaty was signed m pu endtoTurkish defiance..to• facilities for taking the'pietures, and Ieave it at that, you have crippled dark xn"m fox. hours, and since every • man was "joy -making" veraity of Argonauts of Toronto. serving terms in Prison. 12' Victorr Socialist Paris giving Norway Sovereignty 7, Prince Joachim, son of ex -kaiser, in Nein and handicapped him terribly, jSo, �I am afraid I was handicapped it c y to be conceived #hat P w,. ,, -ographer would read- The , chief international event 18 sport was the failure of Sir Thoma Brom Milwaukee,, denied Beat in American Congress. ' 10. Ex --Crown Prince of Germanylsent .ni,�aram In P,•r�,d-,nt Wilson ask - suiting French party while! drunk. 8. Poles launched attack against the , in Australia and other parts of the Empire which I visited on the last at•ey(, ,ire leasures for. the sake , ,,.,.,.4pi,,,g , plates. So came Lipton to lift the America Cup• He won the first two yacliCraces, but Bolshevik armies defeat Gen. Denikine's armies end Cake Cos Ukrainians. 9. Poles scored victory against Bol - Royal Tour. Ido not say that I was intentionally handicapped. Far al. ,. ti,ert: :'. endless delays in gge:, t; m1• I'ra •s to the press. tour I lost the -others. These races became ra,thar a 'inks- ria tr,e yachts ware - AllishowAki on Minsk front. 10. Allies take over contro.11 of all from it. I believe that those re. O£te, '+.i..g lite stralian __ _ _ �� Turkish telegraphs. aponsible for the arrangements in .Australia and New Zealand were as to help in the work of ob- Would rk cad y N. h the camera,�� and ape: all the nig. ` shut up in the dark :oar. . ' -al photo- ®y.• �q fhw $� p� " 11. Trio Syrian Congress at Damascus declared Syria to be an indepen- dent state.. anxious ntaining permanent records in picture grapher, 3 *esst• ,rat 04 amateur, . 8 ql 14. Attempt made Holland to spirit corm of the incidents of the tour Can,- doing m 1, '' ,o m.,: -e. •., . fpr lost, g Y q t the ex -Crown Princeyback to Ber- r the ms were those whom I met in time. I way ve.y one; lrl- aught ® lin, but it was frustrated by .ads. What I say is that largely ow- .Ing to lack of experience, many de- "napping" at . +1-. )v" w; I we met with the act mut. l+ eau •nly . I ✓J Dutch police. Monarchial troops tried to seize tails which by the "outsider" were just left the stats t, th• :rain r.. v- {�rc11 vs„:g,., dali�rr�. _P reins of power iu Germany caret minor details :regarded as purely ,were overlooked; and owing to a 'found in at not more t. ': I0 nti!. 4 g hour when the acs ,':t i� ,peened #yz??a<;etsz;;?j:; ° n I tL '� W!/aterhole, Alt -Riots, that resembled Civil War, broke out in many centres. -variety of circumstances, I Happily at Bridgetot ' h.rd ,io k,.>: 3 ,'�$h esJ,f°. I+ T. C. Robinette, most, famous myself working +Hider very consider- handicap. AAs a Press Photo- exposed all my plates and I '- as Sitting down resting t g g g � ire „cin . ;> ?��;,..� •� �{ t•,rs• �t \i criminal lawyer in Canada, died :able aim to roduce the �rapher it is my P to to the to my sleeping .compar '.,eat to when 1 nmd , 1 %'sar: `il '3?::>' "�. r in3 li s; f j. . . o 1;i vt '' , in Toronto. 16. President Ebert andhis Govern- • beet possible results, give iubl9c and' to hand down to future "speaking" change some plates, ciuions smashing, grinding sin ru 3n Fx as •"° a° 1. :T;>`:;':'`' ,:. a :*fes :t ,.">�::xk�.< went triumphed over niilitarlst revolution in Ge any -Revolt i.cture re- generations apeakin p cords of the incidents of .the histone Then an attendant came " into the carriage shouting: My i Y,w,. ; t•G; •< 4: �_ :3;" <, t a a ' centore elY sh c t ru Allies learned of the first efforts world tours of "Our Young Man." the Cana- the Prince's coach is overturn', I to my. horror sad ;; . ' ... ', "" 16. eece of ex-Tting' Constantine of Greece With the picture results of dian tour, thanks to the splendid jumped up, and that true enough the coach in which . A to uhdermine President Venizelos, King of :Facilities I was afforded by the the prince -of Wales'was riding'was Prince Feisal, elected newly -established state of Syria, C. P. R.,' and all the 'lyOminion of- ^ficials, `I am satisfied •and'tIfe pnb- lying' on. its side. By this .time the train had, stopped and officigis were the 'where the over. 11 invited to Paris: 17, Great. Britain asisumr$ abe•kate ;lie too, I believe, was satisfied. But riRth the'i•esultMliiieven rumhfng to rear turned coaches lay. To my intense .� control of Constantiwopte ;sad regard1b ' on the last Royal Tour I cannot. joy, 3 heard the well. known .voice �- -ISE - Dar ripe' s wereeloet iinrkasultingsbattle speak with such confidence. Frank- illi► S .am disappointed,. but I have of Lord Louis Mountbatten, Shout- tag Where's Brooks? He must get t , ,One„ tmorning lei:,-�9dra &I Ll ago,;a D.•,omintort,,C3tbi Mini®tes,:at .1 Olted' in' SOntl 18. igen. Smuts 'supe . APiicAn election.', ,this coinlolation, I know the pictures `w&twined were the best ander the, a picture of this." I ran along with my camera and was in time to get , ,Of�Lwa interrupted. for bit part of 1.20.1 . Lord ,Mayer of 'Cork shot bj inti .times, ;very. difficult. Fircum- the ,three months 'a senapp. of FIis ,Lordship crawling through the window of one of the, a day the normal eourDe of business to , tittlold to- m• • a slntLPaLhett0. niaeked leen. Damth ordered bl Sinn F einera: ;stances. During hour 'with the Prince of •ales in overturned• co4obes, In 'the exci'ta. travelling Englishman, his .vision of. the ilea North bleat: Unlet States Senate refused •ti Republican'reservations t T,anada, T worked under positively ?ideal -conditions. The C. P. R. Royal meat of the moment .L did a. most un=• heard of thing. I actually exposed He had just returned from along Peace. River accept Treaty. u:1'railicontained a .splendidly equip • dark room, and' everpthm¢ was one plate twice and did'not discover my : mistake'. for- some' time after- tour right .through -the district ug the Mackenzie' Baefn to ; i AIF Duchess of M'ariborougli, Mrmer ly Conauelo Vanderbilt of Nit ped ::so appointed that. at times one for- one was on board a train, travel- wards. •In' the accident, the Prince of Wales was the, coolest of anyone. Fort Ik- arson. 'We have no wish," said he with, york,00tartod suitjfor'divorce. 21. Gt stav Neske makes'. d�cial' an i; got :]ing in the far.west:' Cane imagined in a well appointed He remained until the last itside the overturned and when he crawl. emphasis, "to induce settlers to, en- ter as yet the new Promised Lands' t ..F,. ?, Y notincement that revolution Bertin is ended, one was'back London studio.• Never once did T 'have to trouble • myself, Tegardiag ts.� Once ed oat he was hugging . a thermos flask and' gripping an old and favbx- its brier' - His first r--thia, remember, was in 1810-' I speak of the future only. Bu resetk . aatnsfied that when t p , �t E r na; V j ) nil nal ' C1 [ Con r 23. Several pedple shot during Sin'. Fein riote In Dublin. 26, Alan Bell, resident magistrate�j lila dispatch of my'Pr they ere read willing,hands at- pipe: question Was to know whether anyone had cit prairie lands are All disposed , n : �� neill'We�PrYhtil"e i, • I ofili...:.s Dublin, murdered with utmdl env y,. tended to the duty o£ dispatch. - So been hurt, and on being assured that then this back eountry will be taken pap better 11111 111111111111i'l, llillitillwillimilHanl N t111191111pr1111U1111115ilIM11111111iitalt cruelty by S4n'n; Feiners. Erol smoothly did the arrangements pro- none had even sustained a scratch up, because it will people land there than to ppay the °sports' Turkish Cabinet resigned seed that during the whole of the day 'he lgu¢ed and went back td the wrecked to sort out be. to secure each stn-, terpin sociable, ; earn- prise that will lie ,Shed for the the theory of taking "tak- as in Spirit, River Gen * 28, Gen, Lunderdorff surrendered t Canadian tour not a single psag- ed but.I was, lee night to pTaco Ole coach phis longings While I took dna s to my 'There w$s one pia, work. er there est in play other. a ere washing, though there is "Much work has to be doliq, fret, ing in" of Dome sort, if 'the 'unwary has ,lust had a tivo days' sports ,. from sa German, authorities, but dense with rnilltar3st u] -in the pgace"ss ofet- Royal Suite complete set of the pictures which he c.�ntent, thing both 'in Australia and New e,m however. Rivers have to be mails stranger suffers it. But where the meeting. The eighty is farming the mystery far afield as eighty intima- chiefly any connection rising. .a .I had taken and not once did I miss for which Zealand about -the tour.which to me noticeable and that was navigable and the land has to be occupation aiuveged, 'My jon1 O was . made is explained.. Nowhere or east in autos. There wasn't a bed to bs Men* 'walked the "street all 29, Gen, Sir Wm. Robertson,, form( of British General Stat the mail ,with the pictures the Press of the'World was clamour- ,was most the extraordinary 'free and easy to ascertain if these undertakings have I seen better crops, and last had. be. justified. And my verdict year this district .prospered when night:, OtheUt slept in their cars chief made a Held marshal. ser' ing. One anticipates certain dif- i' cal ' w11��� travellin thousands ' mites manner of the people. They surged round the prince and in many places him; So •enthusias- would is yes. Though this land lies north, others .nearly failed. . One •man or on the unhespitable floors of it is not appreciably colder than the gleaned 120 bushels of oats to the barns, offices and' poolrooms. But Atter King Christian of Demttark ed with' ulituatum -Citizens o him to reinstate prenrii iliffi sties aTd part and b of the PrP era Photographer's arcEl literally mobbed tic were they in their welcome Cc southern portions of the province. acre; and 4'B bashers of wheat. He nothing dxuntedrtheir zeal. is aboutg dared dismissed by uionarch, and threa e arid they have to be` overcome. New Zealand particularly. I remem- "inspected At'Edmonton the climate as and- llOCroaein floats his grain a dace followeduntilthe smart, the the g an to establish republic. War ..Bink one alio5e all else which from • my point of view made the Canadian bei the'Royal train was time andtime again. No permits to oracle as at he to er a ti reason,. together ten cents per bushel; and with a Brous and dashing. Better racing, dry, ,win to the lower altitude; down thereto in scows,. freightage hours. The sports events were nTzhn@ tie 28, Falcone of Winnipeg defeat sty of Toronto for senior amatel tour so thoroughly successful and 5o the con- approach the train were necessary, nor were permits necessary to gam ant! for same seen at with other sup stream timenine 's an frour boys' half-mnot to ile horseback spokwasNell es lose men hockey championship o . Caned take Allen Cup to CiePttal thoroughly enjoyable was t SpicuouS absence of. the "difficulties entrance to the railway stations as hundred mi .furthe he doesn't h couple oY.hundred m 1 P little difference." Just north ofaT?uavegan, on the for the rising generation. And and Manitobm. ,to overcome, a To deal witA my difficulties on was the case in Canada. Some thirty or forty press photographers ' corn- ILoyal Special at country makes In 1914 came the railway' gang, 14th July, I plucked oats, four feet yearn ago, recollect this country, in 1818, when its work was high and upwards by my pocket- wan not surveyed, and a £our -yeah ' to- 30. Mary Pickford married Dougl; Fairbanks. Wedding caused sen 1 Ahe last tour, I must commence with -warship H. M. S. "Re- thew P mandeeredN the Auckland and boarding the train and intervettedy yet done, in pressed the pioneers. This measure. And wheat, rye, timothy world -war has kinds of ha ware da several towns oP one thousand indeed y,� y . atfon because both these expo eats of "clean and wholesom ender nown." When I got aboard her there was I travelled with us as far as Rotura where'we were held up for the year I have followed in their tracks and all and, reflecting on what I have been, luxuriant, Amen may be no agri- residents and upwards, with large one of but 'contribatole moving pictures had recently be • discovered to my horror , no clack room wherein I could work. the assistance strike. At Rotura there was a' little of incident which I do not think has I endorse this wisdom, cnitniist or an . onasoils, populations, First, the country is of can'tthe evi- them, h mjightl uncom and public water- divorced. AP1t1L. Thai>➢m to generous tlAficers of the ship I succeeded „ n u " a dark room in been ,reported. A big country fair a was being held, and the Prince one n'tcmi sake its of Bence of plant mon'harm-great tracts P g with patches of light bush, set The ioneers, lb said, are pressing works, are making history. r fil than the tlMinister is 2. Women made anti-British demo stration in front of Embassy In rnggi g .gun support. Reavensl at's dark steel, evening entered into fair 'riding on roundabouts among low purple , . r ted b belts ofl billsmber end by f &e men&not merely from the Eastwbut 'Cabinet said, these yet to Roads need to be grad - Wasltinaton, room it was. Built of solid the outside to the glare shooting at bobbing eggs, and fling- rivers art, streams. Park -like is the also from the South and West, are, much do. to pick -up the "anaps" ad, trails improved, river transport expose d on of the tropical sun, with no possible ing balls at cocoanuts. Both at the ventilation once the door Was shut, shooting ranges and cocoanut shies, something of descriptive term that springs to nosing around ,no's ppen: Roses flourish every- and, secure their stake in what will i��ttcreased. Most urgent of all, an a by and scent the air, surely -given the subjoined condi- iiitproved and progressive railway �T "t-� ^^^ Mum Is J%A I it was worse than working by, the the Prince created side of a furnace, How many tiincs sensation.HRAwiP Want h shot in the tion rife g amongst where millions, Linea challenge them for grace and. tions -be a rich country. At one' service is needed, glow• A thousnd tinted grass yy, , front of the settlerswilldrift A when symptoms of indigestion Act before .t K as forced when to beat a hasty retreat from my the bobbing eggs and the "running At the cocoanut shies, le there wareev afters registered wise many g add soft undertones, as they ripple in the breeze. Rarely have I bean Brandon, Moose Jaw, VicWia,'see - out again; the fight is too unfair. . occur. quickly esc become obstinate. --' £or breath, I door." one of. dark room, gasping ll ,nor would I after Ii.R.H. had floored three nuts so moved with visions of a country s ramento, Los Angeles, San Fraa- I Bear that the Canadian Pacific dare to to 1?ow York I endon. At Railway liar at length taken ovef Ta ke would not and , r of rates with three balls and decided to try future as when our hutomobile cisco, d T the numbs P ,+ * .----- C I met cam in the o eration of the line. This wilt Clare to rse ota .which srf£ered in consegineoad of 1; xetreat.0 But an even, worse if :£tcult r presented itself han the fur -baee-like dark room, My ahem the ;got warmed up to such an extent often I d'id not ,aro use them, an T could not got a bit of ice on boat the Ship to bring the tompperatul :of. fluids down to anYthing'al 10'r t In nor►nal, So, rather the risk spoiling gcores of valuable hi 11 .for{c negatives, Y was anlitcad 1 ' P his luck again the proprietor of ppoounded alongthe ninety -mile tri shies, not recognizing his Royal fTom'Peace River Croseing to Sph patron observed, ere you, think River, The naked Iprairies of f, s you're lopping bombs at Jerry again. south have their charm -at lea t These is real honest cocoanuts, not under summer skies; but here is d square heads," That evening the country where the eye is rested A- d Prince returned to the Royal -train the soul insplxed; while still t e well laden with cocoanuts and taw- p.6ltot,fills. • o ,- dry charms and prizes from the . end the rocket does fill, sural e" .eine h stances it uzzles one a 1 n various shooting ' sages •and side t• shoes at the fair. a bits, it, is' 4okp to b4 gr,plgip 'A , , gen, Teasing p g, p lack -horse; knife And gun, a prove the surest , pled gge of Pence Beecasecshaatfe Pdilims�tWu1 Pring iclieP isque stranger aha was be- River prosperi'ty,. for ilio unsullied Their success to stomach, liver and his long evenings with Ana- prestige of this great transportation bowel disorders proves the worth of rance'o "Les Dieux ant Soif," company, challenged as it now is byi '� was a titan of ouch ,culture powerful rivals, will not allow of iii. Ei o ectin and ick effici t �C H there? , Pr ap g e P Y• P goo�J things, you bot .your Rist what I have been makes m ' o Bold every I • , and to public utility dosapan� whorail in bo: ' • * pp n t tiers atilt .d., 260„4 :rd tntendi se ee.. Ga PILLS f t1t0�eopie already s ' •' ¢ 1 V M./irli ,ie. ywii ; : flaks Ilaato --4L i3, IES.:. , ' 0 farliar ykrVisilw,0ou, A kanW- y atrpOliftOd. Ct}Ief Secretary Ireland, Sieh crisis, settled by .cAlling ars , tion, , i Folners start eampalgn Of a Awed incell0tirleAl,.,,,, , vbaltou, last of famvus'J'eeoo res gang, died In NlerallblS, ,n, i•, it, , ,. Kuronatkin, Ror•mor coin- ,nl W-11 u,•. ._ _. Governor 09 Tt1'r ten all, , C, A.: B, Blown, president of the Canadian ) National 0411b1tion, - leille'd 'lir Scoiching Ailtoist, who oseanod and Was never, captured. t, Dr. Wolfgang .Kapp, wild praniu,u 1 Ga}mart revolution againstEbert Gov@rnnxentI dy.reoted• 1p Stock- holm. . 3. Gen, French stinounedd intention of resigning post of Viceroy of India. ).'Gen. Donikhie, , mitt -Bolshevist . ]emiler, arrived in London, 3 ex-PiCaillauX ;of 1PruAe0 acquIt.ig4"of high treaseri. Ile was ,'mecuoed 'of bettkayln'g 'his country • during'the Wal•^ ' • 5. Flom: Alex. G. MacKay, Minister 1' • of mj nicipal AftAll's In Alberta � -�k . ;,_ .Kr Ga4Opinent and foi'mer'ly Liberal , isad'erin'OAtarlo,;died in Banton- ' ton.. Mandates of Palestine, and 'Mesb- potagnia awarded to Great Britain_ 'i 6 Siii; lwald'e11y B.' Daly, ttvfca men toh&i}t Govutnpr of , -Nova' Scotia, ' " died in :Hallfax. '' io. pokes s lancli' 'offensie Against ,, $olghovYk '°armies imSo'u'th !, t liftina t .,� ': MAX. 3, Robels, win tr�l•]lf}rtant vlotorts% 1.11 ; Meitieo r S. St"r .''Louis 460s, famous Jurist, ': t,*leo < '• Lieutenant.Governor - 'o8 t Quebee, died an Quebec City, nigh trees occupied Northersk D P S6W:0strlg 'i;estored" to Dettmax4a. � t&tesWt cff';•9eCbtrt'ple6istite."" rse 'Hon, t ti +ills-� 'endo I. 7. Brifisin` Lib i . 1,-'+''pf-'•Asquith as leader, and ' .. 0oalttionistw-withdraw front 'ttle, conf'ereave, . . 8, P61and and 1Rounlania '• fertile&, .., akfRaIle against .Bolaheviki. 9. Marilto,ba''Govef-nilient Aecedeil to, enter' bainking:•business. Revolartianar•y fgrces• gelred Mex- ,S leo C)ty,.a.nd- President `Carranza B�ed. 12. 8'ir; Arthur Currie accepted prin . cipalship of M.GIII University. � 13. Sir Roberti' $orilen arrived in, Ottawa: after taking•trip`for his. health.. Gen, ` ; Alvairo Obregon entered Merica City, in triumph. ' 14.7rench Started evacuation of . Frankfort.. 18. Luxury tax imposed in Canada to - help meet enormous war debt. 19. Admiral Sergleff, former com- mander of Russian Caspian fleet,. banged by Bolsheviks. 20. President Carranza of Mexico, a fugitive from victorious revolu- tionists, shot to death in moun- tains, after surrendering to the enettty. 29. King Alexander, of Greece joined his morganatic wife in Parts, 24. President Depchanel of France, , who had become a victim of nerv- � ous trouble, Pell from window of ; train and had a narrow escape . from death. Bolshevik forces advance against Poles. 27:ySir Herbert Ames announced in- tention of resigning seat of St. Antoine in . Canadian House of 1\ Commons in order to devote lits 11 attention to work as Financial Di- rector of League of Nations. 30. First Czech Parliament. to be . held in 3.00 ' years formally organized. I , JUNE. 1 2. Union hack burned by women In i front of British Embassy at Washington. 6. Antonia Mario Bautista, Premier of Portugal, died suddenly dur- . ing Ministerial Conference. 7. Gen, John J. Pershing annaunced , intention of leaving U. S. ariny. 8., Government returned to power in Germany by small majority. . 9. Premier Nitta and Cabinet resign- , ed .otdce in Italy. ,.. 11. Signor Giolitti took lisp reins of power in Italy. ' 13. Senator . Warren `G. Harding of �tio g d as Republican can- didate *residency ,of U. S.^ ' Essad Pasha; the Albanian leader, assassinated on streets of Parts. Poles evacuated city. of Kiev be- ' i 1 fore Russian advance. 15, ton. Wrangel. successful, in ad- v aces against Bolsheviki. 1 18, $,rest fires in Scotland cakrsed fiver $55,000,000 dafnuge. 1. 20. Desperate fighting took place on streets of Londonderry. , 122, Prince Arthur of 'Connaught ar- t • pointed Govert@Or-General of the Union of Soutli Africa., I '25, Lord D'Albernon appointed Am- bassador to Berlin, 0 2!, It was announced that Sir Lomer d Gouin would resign Premiership �_ of Quebec. 27. Brig. -Gen. Lucas kicyapped by r Sinn Feiners while fishing In f, Ireland. Militarist plot discovered and toiled is Berlin. 28, Manitoba Provincial election held 'r and resulted in Splitting of house I- into groups.' :Premier Norris had strongest following with Farmer- s- Labor group making next. tr1... 1 . JW# - if 1. Sir Robert Borden announced In. - tention to resign leadership of , is Union Party and Premiership' of B_ Canada. ;t- Attempt' was made to blow up i" Jhpanese House of Representa- in tives in Toklo: • 4, Bgql,shevik forces capture Lein- btbrg from Poles, and continued steady advance towards Warsaw, m- 6. Governor J., M. Cox of Ohio, at chosen as Democratic candidate for Presidency. 7, Hon. Arthur Meigtien chosen Premier of Canada. 9. Plans made to evacuate Warsaw 3 on account of continued victories of Russian armies. Death of Lord Fisher occurred in England, 11, New Brunswick voted by 21,000 inajority to go "bone dry." Empress Eugenie, widow of Na- poleon XIL and last Empress of I rance,f died at her home .in Spats at the age.of 94, 15, Bolsheviks refuse to arrange aa' armistice with Poland. ' Lipton wins first race for the America cup• 1g. -Prince Joachim, Youngest ao4 "I is ,('C.tAhiuod on nage 3), -, y f• IIS, ,