HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-12-30, Page 41. Woe Pb.*. 30. MES tlE! LIFE IB °f&UQ-d-ilYf3" inter Yvette 'ofSultorkeir i.4 lama this Peak MrdiaiaaCwrfasIlii1 i MLLE ANTOINETTC aepcmcn L. 917 Dorton St., Monte*. "1 am writing to tell you thaticare my life to 'Frrita•tires' for this remedy relieved me when I had abandoned, all hope oferer-reooyeringmyhealth. I suffered termly Mirk Dyrpepria. I had it for years and ell the medicine* I took did not do me arty good. I Mead somethinggabout 'Fritts.*. Byes'. being good- for -all Stomach 'Troubles and Disorders of D tiara t,;•,;.., thea so I tried them. dotter fiaiehing a few boxes,1 Was Manly relieved ot.the Dyspepsia and my general heath ' • was restored. • I thank the great fruit medicine, 'Fruit•a-tives', for this wonderful relief." Mlar ANTOLNE9"1E BOUCHER. 60e. a box, 6 for $2;50. trise else We. At all dealers or *twit postpaid by Fruit-a.fives Limited, Ottasea, Oat. • urex-Kaiser, committee stnctee by shooting himself with pistol, 20. Shamrock IV. won -second race for the America, Cup. 21. Americans win third International Cup Raoe. 24. Fourth race of series captured by Resolute. New Government formed in Po- land following \announcement of Bolshevikt•tilat'they wpuld only. discuss terms after capturing Warsaw. 25. French troops entered Damascus, thus ending reign of self -declared King of Syria. 27. Liberals won Provincial election in Nova Scotia, and Premier Mur- ray was returned to power with large plurality. R'solute won deciding race from Shamrock and •retained, America Cup. 30. Gen. Lucas made daring escape from Sinn Fein captors. 30. Whole American continent inter- ested in 'wild eat" financing of Fermi in Boston-. 31. Brest -Litovsk fortress captured by Red Arley. hied Pay MOW. Phone 93. The reD ew Er -a ltusstane Just When position 'of Warkaw scented hoptieme. 19. Soviet army suRered eolrtplete de- feat and Poles announced that they would not make peace uhtll Bolsheviki were driven from the country: , 20. Lord Mayor Mc9winey of Cork started hunger strike, which last- . ed so long that it became an Inter- - national joke. •23, London Times anuouneed Great Britain's intention to recognize ultimate independence of igypt, 24, Gen, Wrangel started offensive, against Boishevikt'armlee. 25. Gen. Wbaygand' honored as "man who saved Poland front I3olshc- vikL • 26, Soviet,committees `planted •Iry Po- land' by Russian 'Reds" court- martialed and shot, SEPTEmBEN. 2. It was announced thea President• Deschanol of Franc.: wojild resign office on account of i'11-hekith and that Premier Milierand would succeed him. :3. St. Simon's of Toronto won the Senior Lacrosse Championship of Ontario by defeating Brampton. ,6.'Three visitors:, to Cave of the ' Wiedeet,Niagara •Falls were kil.1- ed wh'eaf!hve • tons of rock fell on connecting bridge, • 7. Earthquake •in •• Northern Italy wiped, out several towns :end cities,'•ktlling' many people. 8'. Italian workers - take action against, capitalists and threaten to tale over factories. Blare majority workmen of Italy,; •decided not to have .revolu- • ' tion and seize, industries. 13. Small attempt at revolution by Italian "Reds" curbed by. sol - there in Trieste. 14. Gen, Wrangel and Cossack army Martel . carspaign against the • Bolsheviki. 15: Polish 'forces captured' Koval from 'Reds." • 16, Anarchist bomb was exploded at • neon' 011 Wall Street, New. York,. killing 29 people and !naming 3001' 22. Britlah Government refused per- mission- to transfer body of Sir Roger Casement from Prison -Bur- ial Ground to family plot in Ireland. 24; League of Nations bought build- ings in Geneva to become per- manent headquarters of meetings. Georges. Leygues appointed Pre- mier of, France, as successor' to 'President afitler•and. 26. St. Simon's, of Toronto, Ontario Senior Lacrosse champions, de- feated Ottawa for championship o1 Eastern Canada. 28. Premier Venizelos of Greece an- nounced intention of dissolving Parliament and appealing to eoun- try for endorsation°of his policies. 29. The appointment of the Canadian Minister to Washington was in- definitely postponed. OCTOBER. 3, Prof. Max Bruch, famous com- poser, died in Berlin at age of 83. 4. Gen, Wrangel won big victory over Bolshevik, capturing 5,000 prisoners. The steamship Bismarck, the world's. largest vessel, burned at Hamburg, 5. Charles N. Williamson, author who worked cojoffitly with his wife, A. M. Williamson, died in ' London. 6. Ex -King Manuel of Portugal re- fused 'to countenance .coup to re- gain his throne. 8. Canadian sugar, refiners asked Ottawa Government . to protect market, so that price would not fall in Dominion as it had in the United Statee. 9; Election in New Brunswick 'm- oulted in introduction of .group systems in that province, Liberal Government retained scant ma- ' . jority, with r$presentatiree -of both Labor 'and. Fanners in addi- 'tion.to Conservatives. • 13, Board of Commerce termed order barrlhg importation of -American . sugar;, so as to maintain high prices in Canada -Storni of pro- test followed throughout the Domlaien. 14. Federal Government suspend the order of •the Board of Commerce to, maintain price of sugar, ;Alexander of Greece was al suf- fering from blood poisoning caus- ed by bite of monkey. ' 18. Mob of 20,000 unemployed stormed Downing Street in effort, to reach Premier Lloyd George's house. Maj. -Gen. Sir Charles Townshend, hero of Kut -el -Amar, ,resigned from British army for purpose of offering • services to Gen. Wrangel. 20. Prohibition defeated in British Columbia, voters giving substan- tial majority in favor of Govern- ment control of liquor. 22. Board of Commerce of Canada tendered resignations to Govern- ment, 24. Dr. Georges Vidal, famous French physician, made diseovery that Greek plotters had used poisoned monkey to kill King Alexander at instigation of his father, ex -King Constantine. 26. Pour provinces, Saskatchewan, Aluei•ta, A•lttnitosa and Nova Sco- tia, alt voted bone dry, Mayor MacSwiney of Cork died in r..autt of hunger -strike.. King Alexander of Greece (lied from the effects of monkey bite. 25. Admiral P. Coundouriotis elected Regent of Greece. AUGUST. 1, Bill introduced in France to make duelling illegal. 2. William B. Lloyd, Chicago Social- ist millionaire, was sent to prison for sedition. 3. Defence of Polish capitill placed in hands of French general. 8. Bolsbt•viki make formal an- nouncement 'of intention to cm - cepa Warsaw and set up Soviet Government. ,t2. Charles • Ponzi, Boston financial "wizard," plural under arrest„ IdabIlilios $5,000,000 and assets - only $3,000,000, Lord Mayor Macswtney 'of Cork placed under arrest.. 13. Reconciliation effected between Lord Northcliffe and Premier Lloyd George. 16. An attempt was made in Paris to assassinate Premier Venizelos of Greece, but vest of• chain armor saved him. 16; Atteinpt made by citfaeus of Thorold to lynch David McNeal, who saved hinieelf by an eloquent speech. 16. Terence McSwiney found guilty of sedition and sentenced to term of: tete years, ' 17. Poles duplicated float Battle of Marne by mon ab defeat. nr THERE IS ONLY ONE GENUINE ASPIRIN Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" are Aspirin -No others! If you don't see the "Bayer Cross" 'on the tablets, refuse them -they aro -hot Aspirin. at all. lnsiet on genuine "Bayer Tablets of ;Aspirin" plainly stamped with the safeta "Bayer Cross" -Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years and proved tale by 'Milieus for Ilcedaehe, Tootle, ache, :Earache Rheumatism, Lumbago, Colds, Neuritis, wild' Pain generally. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets -also larger "Bayer" packages, Made in Ormaela. Aspirin is the trade mark ((registered. in Canada), of Baer Manufacture of lifonodcrtioaoideeter of Salic lieaeid. While it is well known tl at Aspirin means Bayer to assistpih0 ublie a a net imitations, the. Tablets of Bayer Company, Ltd, will be stamped With . their general trade murk, the °'Bayer Cross. r "d Control or Arnletua. 9. Former King Ludwig III, at Bat varia, war abdleeted atter Ger- man revelation, died in Swatter - land. 15, Col, C. P. Malone, M,P., English Boleheviet leader, platted under avocet. 11. Unknown soldier buried with national honors an Westndnster Abbey ars tribute to the noble. dead. 12. Mildred Chaplin Hanes granted divorce from • Charlie Chaplin. famous moving picture comedian. 14. Gen. Wrangel's army wiped out by victorious "Iteds"e 15. Greek electsens result in Oyer - whelming defeat of Premier Venizelos, and triumph of mon- arehists. 16, Premier Venizelos Sed from Greece following summer of 'hie enemies. 17. George Rhallis undertook to form new Cabinet in Greeee. 18. Attorney -General Raney of On- , torte decides that Rev. J. 0. • Spraeklin must stand trial 19, Italian Chamber of Deputies: • granted auffrage to women to vote by a vote of 240 to 10. 21. Thirteen British officers Were dragged, from their beds in their • homes in Ireland and murdered NOVEeliala.R. 2, Senator Warren Harding elected President of United States, de- feating Governor Cox by ,over- wlieinijng majority. 3. Prohibitionists were defeated in their effort too put Scotland in "dry" 'colilntn, 5, Gitn,n, Wrangel, anti-T3olshevilt lehdea in Russia,' decisively de- feated by "Iced" atuly, 6, Rea, 7. 0. Spra.ekiln, pastor of • Methodist Church of Sitndwieln Landon pree, Press:--'1'be "dress and Provincial Liethee li,spertol', . by Sinn Feinersy Jesse Collings, former TJnionist Whip in England, died at'the age of 91 years. 23. Johli Doughty, secretary, et' Am- tirose Small, the millionaire wb'o disappeared'•olysterlousiy en- De-• cember 2, 1919, was arrested in,. • ,;Dreg , after being a regitive afro • ustice for over ten months. • [ ylj�ein• plot to blow u British inn'k'p • 26.5 Parliament Buildings' frustrated. 30. The Mad Mullah escaped from Egypt, into Abyssinian territory. ' DECEMBER. 1. Liberal Government returned to power in British Columbia ,elec tion. • Kereneky called upon by anti - Bolshevist forces to lead new of- fensive against the "Reds." War was declared on Italy by Gabrielle d' Annunzio, the Finale insprgent leader. 2. Hon. G. Howard Fergtisoii is .chosen leader of Conservative' party in Province of Ontario. 4. University of Toronto rugby team • won championship of Canada by defeating Argonauts of Toronto by score of 16 to 3, 5. Greeks vote by large majority In favor of return of ex -King Con- stantine to the country. 6. French Socialists, one of whom was Rayuiond Lefebre, murdered by Lenin so that they could not report on conditions in Russia. 6. Canadian statesmen astound the world by taking leadership of democratic nations in the League of Nations estimably. 7. New - form of Government In Mesopotamia was annouseed by Bonar Law in .British House, of Commons. 8. Revolt broke out in Korea. Armenia was placed undermili- taly rule by Minister o1 War.• University of Cambridge declined by vote of 904 to ,712 to admit women to full membership. 9. Premier Lloyd George declared martial law in Ireland. Armenians signed armistice with 'Turkish Nationalists. ;'t December LissoN (BY BEV. P, 0. F°IITZWATER, R. B„ Teacher of English natio 1h the Moody Bible Institute of Chieago.) sp, tau, weolern Newapwj ' Onloa•) e' / LESSON FOR JANUARY 2 THE CHILD AND THE KINGDOM. LESSON TEXT -Matt, 1511-14. GOLDEN TEXT-Whets/ever therefore shall humble himself as tide little child, the same shall be *neatest In the king- dom of heaven, -Matt, 15:4, ' REFERENCE MATERIAL -Mark 9:32; Luke 9:88.48; 17:1-2 - PRIMART TOPIC--dSod'e Care for Little, Children, • - • JUNIOR TOPIC -God's Care for Els. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC -Responelblllty for the Younger and Weaker. 'rOTJNO PEOPLE AND ADULT. TOPIC -Our Responsibility for Childhood. It The Greatest in She Kinddohi of . Graven (vv. 1.4): • '1. The disciples' question , (v, 1). The promise given to Neter In connec- tlgn •witha the announeemeht of, llie.pur•, pose to :bund the church, and the pay, Ing of tnlbute 'with the money Id,tlie. Hslt's mouth„provoked jealousy'on' the part of'the,.gther'dtsciples. The trans- iib"uratloit.:seene • revealed the divine person Lend the program Of the king- dom. Seeing that the kingdom was to„- eome ,to realization, despite the 'taiga' edy, of the cross, the disciples thought It beet Makede settled the, place of, rank In the lc -Ingrain). Their behavior betrayed their sad state of,heart. 1n• stead e1 entering lith sympathy with ' Jesus in the dark hour of' his passion, they, were supremely eoneerned with the dignities to be. conferred• upon ,themselves: 2.. Jesus'' answer. (vv. 2-4). He taught them ;eoncretely 'by placing a little child in .'their niid5t. , (1) Condition o1' , entrance into kingdom (v, .8)., lie showed them that the great question wilteh concerned• them is as to wheth. er, they are really in the kingdom. Their behavior revealed the fact that they needed conversion before they meld enter into the kiogdorn Before they could even see, much less enter Into the kingdom, they must be born from above (John 8:3, 5). len• trance into the kingdom Is Infinitely more important than rank therein (2) Whosoever possesses Childidke hu minty le the greatest (v. 4). Th) child is dependent, lowly, and modest Those who have bean born again -von vented, have these characteristics, Th/ principle which determines rank in tit kingdom is lowliness of Meat. In the kingdom we rise by sinking. The Way 1s down, The more one realizes 1118 own unworthiness. the more worthy he Is of the divine •favor and Moot. 11. The Lord's Identjflcation, With His Believing Ones (vv. 5-0), .1. Receiving the believer in Christ's name is receiving Christ (v. 5). Through conversion we become God's children, and so completely is our life interwoven with His that He regards treatment of. its as treatmers:. of Him- self. Those who.welcome into fellow- eldp the lowly believer weleome Christ. If 'this were 'fully realised it would, sanctify our. relatiesshIp with ileliev, ers ler .,Christ, Reeepti )»of .betievere hldud'es all forms of'syntpatliy and ad. To do this in Christ's name is to *pew our hearts to reeeive,Him: 2. Tile awful peril ef. raising a he (lever to :stumble (vv. 6-9).., To stunts hle means to give .eoaelou for a.uwral:' tall ;Phe .particularbreterence was to . the carnality and eelfishbees which ,Was expressing itself In their contest Von 'for pre-eminence, Such spirit and behavior would stifle the tender life of .a babe In Christ Their be- havior was not only seitinjury, but a stumbling block' to others. Avery . yhrietlan should solernnty inquire es to whether tits life would help ,or hie der his fellow -believers: Ant 1 helliing - someone to,s alghel' levet, ,pr ,am f '' pulling liitn down, to a lower? To so sin against Christ's own Is•to meet a' sure and awful' fate.' . His doom will be worse than drowning In the, sea; 'with a millstone arou'bd . his neck ; it will be eternal fire (v. 8). II1 Believers Ara Especially Cared For by the Heavenly Father (vv.•l0.14). `1, They are under .nogelic gtntrdiitn- •slhip (v. 10). So precious is the be- liever in God's sight that angelic nes• sengers have access to the very throne of God, even beholding• his face. So high Is the honor bestowed upon ie• iievers,that the highest angels. are sent to Stiard them. ,x,,: , i'c Vales' 1 l i to save Tao Son CatSie es 1 me a 2. T e [ Y such from , their lest condition (vv. 1144). The Heavenly loather does not Will that tiny one of these Should Ora ish. They are the objects of, Pa - there seeking love. The salvation of the humble believer has been secured by the inearnatinu and the sacrifice of the Good Shepherd, Since God sets such value upon even the lowest he- ilevdr, we sheuid be most careful In our manner of life before them and in our treatment of them. 11. Entire businees section of Cork destroyed by Etre started by Sinn Feiners. • 13. Hon. E. G. Prior, Lieutenant-. Governor of British Columbia, died. 14.,Irish. Home Rule bill passed the Hoose of Lords. • 16. Attempt made by Premier Lloyd George to bring about a trite in Ireland. It was =blocked by Sinn gainers who demanded Chet Met- a& Britieh would accept all, the Irish olafins before the truce took ` place. '�, 17. Allies extended time'for+ first Ger.- 'Man pa,ymeat of indemnity on•ac-. count of financial conditions , in Germany. ' 19. Ex -King Constantine of Greece entered Athens amid great rejoic- ing. 20. Canadian Government reipovedl luxury taxes in an effort to stimu- late business.' 21. Great Britain, France; andaother Entente countries withdrew am- bassadors from Athens, thus re- ducing Greece' to' tank of third- rate country. 22. The Irish Home Rule Bill was' tin - ally ;paseed by the British House , of Parliament. ,_..,-- "MEURlTIS" P" n"FLU. The epidemic of "flu" left is train many weak hearts and hilts nerve troubles,' .. ,__, . •v=ins• pins, L. Wilson, 83 'Iiidout St,, King- ston, Ont., writes: -'Over two years agog was taken very ill with Spanish influenza, followed by neuritis of the head, high blood pressure and congestion of tate braih, and 1 was left m a Vdiy weak state. My heart and nerves were e9 terribly bad I would have weak, faintmg'spell sometimes twice a day. It really seamed to me my heart would stop beating, 1 doctored, and they seemed to do all they could for mc, but, I grew do bad, day after day they thought I could not get better. I had given up all hopes of ever getting well, as I was failing very feet. It seemed to me it was a God -send when I looked in the •paper and read about Milburn's I7eart and Nerve Pills, • I thought that there was a little hope where there was a spark of life left,. I commenced taking theta right away and I am nowt 011 my fifth box, and can safely say. I am a lot better, I f truly think that it t had not been or your wonderful medicine I would not have been hero flow." Price 50e. a box at `alt .stealers, or mailed dircot by The T. Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont. shot: and :killed J3evt rl, y • 1't am- ble while search)n'fot 1ie311t')'. 7. Coroner's jury exonerated ItrV. J, 0. gpraoklin for trilling Truinbie. S.,Y'lolsbarils 'ropi'ettnntative8 mire for dinner" propaganda is having a ire-antoil L + certain elasse aaitie'vog,•, 5in the totted States; among ethers the giies- tion is itowto get a tliuner^It) dress for. Newsprint from Jack Pine Newspapers prooaning under the soar. ing prices of ordinary, newsprint may extract some hope for brighter days front an article on "The Pulping of Jack Pine" in the November number of Can- adian Forestry Magazine. The Waye- SUGAR BEETS BIG CROP. IN S. HURON • Kippen Dec, 17, -Never iii the his, ,tory of this section of the . province have .such bountiful crops been harves- ted as this year. All grain crops have yielded rich returns while . red, alsike and Sweet clover have given phenom- gamack Pulp & Paper Company of enal yields. Dozens of farmers are found: Three Rivers experimented for several with from fifteen to forty bushels of .years in the use of jack pipe instead of these seeds 1j', R. Cooper, of Kippers, spruce for sulphite pulp, and later colla who has been running a clover thresher borated with the laboratories of Messrs. since 'August without a break is still Arthur D. Little, Inc., of Cambridge, going. Off one farm of 100 acres. John Mass. Caldwell, of the London road, one mile The results of these experiments have north of Exeter, threshed 2,400 bush - now been published by the Wayagamack els of oats 400 bushels of wheat over Company, and it is claimd that. the 300 bushels of barley and 35 bushels of "fibres is the jack pine are superior in als{ke clover seed, length, to those of =spruce and should Apples are a fine' Min and because of therefore be an excellent substitute for 'fano high price asked for apple barrel's, the spruce, especiaiily' . in, connection $t.50 each not as many as usual were: with newsprint paper." A. preliminary packed but large •quantities were. ship - examination of jacIe'pine with regard to ped to Montreal loose in car lots.' Five its resit ' contents seemed' to. indicate cars were shipped in one day from Exe-: that the resin was not present in puan- 1 ter, the price paid being 40 cents,per. tities which would prohibit. -its use for eWt the manufaetere of sulphite , pulp or ' 8u ar neaG: r u d. cod and this view is. esu ort- g g ° 3? w Pp ;the Crop per excellence'tele ,season ed by the laboratory, report, which sa s: "Results of anal sis do bot rn ts:;sugar.beets. When the weather,,:,was y y ' l $o pleasant earlier iii the season dozens oleate thatan excessive amount of re in resent and furthermore that -"this of (gads were to'be' seen driven. toward*is ', atmount of resin does not necessarily' the C. T. R..`statloits of Brtcefield, preclude the use of Jack :pine in the 1tpPen Hensall and Exeterr•In the vle-' sulphite -process." . • i inity. of the latter' town 1.50 acres are , grown; The yield. range's from six tons, In the Provinces of Ontario and (jae- bec there are enormous tracts of land to twenty, tons per acre, the latter yield timbered"'almost exclusively being romaere patclies of rich *robed„ y`Ilo,l what hut showing.,what might be secured if is known as jack pine; also called,Bank- i ken to cultivae ana tl 'Sian pine, or cypres and these trees if -greater care were to forid manure'pr.'operly. they could: be used paper, won add enormously to the• wealth of the. Mr, James Cowan of Seaforth is the' • country: representative of the sugar companies 1 South, Heron an has been 'able to • secure growers to raise between 600 r 'S PHOSPHODINE. The Great English Preparation, Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old' Voiw, Used for Nervous Debility, Mental and Bran Worry, and 700 acres. The greatest draw -back, to the growing of a large acreage is the ',great scarcity of labor, this is partly overcome - employment of Bel - , topping of the crop for about $25 per , acre. These men, and women work fila cy , Loss of Ener Palpitation of 1 guim the in I the Heart, iFaffing Memory, 14iiee $2 per 60;43 • guim who do the thinning hoeing and 1 for $5. Sold by all druggists, or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. New• p�aamwpnhlet mailed fro. ME WOOD M5 I6INE CO.,T.RONTO,*Nr. Kingston Whig: -The reason truth lies at the bottom of 211 oil well is because it can't get a hearing among those who lie at the top, Philadelphia North American: Those who declare Scotland will be dry in five years may be ignorant of the fact that two hundred thousand years is the earliest date set so far by scientists for the end of the world. Cincinnati bnqulrer: If the price of gasoline goes much higher, our L 14 Y Raeidenc TELE? • on '19 DATES can be arranged at NEW ERA OFFICE: THOMAS aUNDRY Live stock and general Auction tee QODERNOH ONT tat mdtets eptee a apoolplti. Orta,, at: Naw Nal otBue, Oilman prl a l y atlOeatt.s Terme roweosat,le. �I'ormern .tile wttite mounted Better Pay The Price Don't be to�tpted to choose cheap jewetery. Fir better to pay a fair price and know exactly'what yon are getting,►' Yon will neyer be sorry -for man matter of money, it is easily ti)!b most economical. Ttat'bee been said,so often.tha$ everybody. -by thio tl'tpe should itriow it= and yet' ,there to do scarcity of cheap jewelry in ,tire Iia ld , Now to tot portional-l:fyou:wot t 'like to alias that sort altogether- ' • `CUMH HERB .. if on, would like to buy where Yon •b ' nothing:but high qualities are dealt' n -COME HERE. • • • And even, at that,' no person ever said uur prices,were unfair W.R. reout t r Jeweler and Optician u'c r f• l Marriage Licenses early and late and frequently earn $10 a day. Some farmers hire their own help and go with them to the field in this way better work is done as the best plants are left in thinning and th.e hoe- ing is done to suit the owner. One Man's Experience One very successful grower in Hay Township, Nelson Stanlake, follows this plan with marked success, Last year his yield of eight acres gave hien a profit of $150 an acre after paying for hired help and this year he believes his yield on ten acres will be just as good per acre, ilk -shitted laborers may have to go He puts in his drills 28 inches apart, and o work to support their automobiles. thins out the plants to about six inch- * * es apart. He believes in thorough cult - Do net eager lvation and as early as August this year anotheedn with be was Ploughing and preparing for his Itahin �laed- p S g' P P g �hg, or tTetrud- 1 1921 crop. In next year's field he is hg Pitea, No e rn tical cher= . putting in a large' amount of tile drain - Dr. i )Bs.Chraee Ointment win relieve you ox; all ing in land that some people think aqd. afford luting bona. leu, a box; all d ee» pr aemanenn, Bat ■ s Co ., Limited, wool' get elan* very ,well without. Toronto. temple Dox flee 1f you entioa tett paw the kind of preparation that paper and •a oar 2, atemp to pay peerage. r brings good results every time. One or. two farmers are still delivering beets alldthey have certainly bad a v ery dis- agreeabletime the peal" Pete weeks. This year's experience' proves that thorough preparation of the .soil early Worship and Culture. Worshlp and cnitut•e, of necessity, go hand in hand. There can he no such thing as true cullui'e riper l'i'ne the religion , of our dear lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The tmn:al:,»nt- al principles of true culture are nn. shrived forever in the Sermon on the Mount, the ,v,. 1l.tlns of t11(1 L0rt4 JeslxL. Soolety, apart from the nun. 10ln•hoad of Grace, can disphiy to the world nothing bettor' than a t'teflne• ltle1it which le, 'at' best, 11 veneer,- itr v, ll.eut'y Lorencles •1)rety. WOlitKING,FOk SOLUTIQN earri.r8 Studied Elichange. on; Internatiai al Freight Definite progress .towards a solo= 'sowing„ :careful ,and constant cuitiva- tloa, of the vexeernattd tion Of ex- tion during the summer and early har- ebattgeu on international 'freight charges between the United' States' vesting, plays well in time and money., and Canada seems .likely, as a result, "The company's representative, Mr. oil a meeting of;reppreeentatives of the .,,10.1..1 Canadidn carriers' at Jas, Cowan, of Seaforth, believes there Montreal on Thursday.is no finer section ib the- province for The question, which is 'a. most' itsthe hrpavth 02 sugar beets titan fn South complicated one, angles, as again consider Hron,in a tract stretching from . :four ed from all angles, and a tents u tive plan was prepared involving an miles' north of Brucefield to Centralia. average 'varying surcharge, which, it For that matter it has - been a well - which will be satisfactory to all is hoped, will lead' to a solution known fact for litany years that this is parties interested. It is appreciated, "The-Eldorade of the Province" for all however, that in the working', out of varieties of crops. Mr. Cowan cone this problem it is of the utmost im penance that the integrity of the, tends that if the growth of sugar beets through rates by the different gate was made much more general than it Ways must he maintained to avoid is, tjieti it could. be done mare econ- the danger of a s(incellatiou of all • omically because a larger number of • inOwing1 " fie s. . " Belgians would locate there •10 help Owing T5 the divelsrty of =al.' S tions affecting ti rlo vas clues•'s of with the necessary work, He is' look - t Chief and tt ie fa seaifiirii erfect, {n for a oar a acreage next year. of any action which may be 2a7 1 n L 6 g g a full examintition of the interne- I • `at „1~ tional ciarPes T,:d co lire,'.ftiWitt .;t Unite Stttoa etrrlei sn Coe =r';, Columbia Record+ A rat that look s Thia lied tlNalybe i unciertelco1 1• like'8 lean nro0 ,and barks like .n a eoi'nmittee appointed for the fear pfatiFie-tlae is reported In 'texas, it's pose, and the matter will be pressed alitlut time a new pooh{inion" officer to a definite conclusion at- dieholi- est possible date. • were sent down here. owionammaimissommermeatmogis CARTER'S LITTLE LIR PHLS A Purely Vegetable Laxative; That Keeps the Stomach, Livf,;srand'BoWels in perfect condition Don't take p ul' a,tIves for Constipation --they act liarshly b .; Overstrain the delicate -they membrane. and leave .the Bowels in a worse condition. than �'be:'ore. s If :you are troubled with Constipation, l'ndi gestioll, Sour Stomach,Dizzliiess, Bili- ousness, Nervousness or loss of Appetite E3on t,Hesltato -- Get a Bottle. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS -take one after each heal and one at bedtime. A few days treatment will put Stomach, Liver and Bowels in normal condition, Small Pill Small Doso Small Price tionuine haunt bear signature , CARTER'S tT T LE F. ILLS Phone LL - Flour & Feed ALWAYS ON HAND HIGHEST MARKET PRICE ' For Wheat Oats Barley and othep grains. LOGS WANTED Maple, Beech and other var. ieties. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS 'P' APPLY TO Jr ® ▪ if7s Ford Phone 123 1 OR. F. H. AxeN AENTr8T Crew,' and Bridge Work n Specla[4rs 1 reduale of C.O.D.S,,.. Cblcaeo, and 14,0.15.111 Toronto aydeld en aroadava, May ret to to DR. IL FOWLER, commit. Mau over O'NEIL'S etora. Spadal care taken to make dental iter ment as painleae ee ooadible. Piano Tuning 38r, .)amen Doherty wishes to in, form the public that he la pro- tiered ro pered to do fine piano tuning, tone rrgulatio , and repairing Orders left et W. Doherty a phony 81, will, receive prompt attention. DR. J. C. GAHDiER OFFICE HOURS 1.30 p. ea. to 3.30 p. s. 7.30 p. m. to 0.00 p. so. Sunday 12.30 to 1.30 Other hours by appointaiea2 omen office at Residence, Victoria Sires% W. BICIrIUONE BAI8IIISTER SOLICITOR NO•TAIC PUBLIC, BTO ' mummy H. T. RANCE Notary Pnblio, Conveyaneeri. Financial and Real &tato [Natal ANCB Af4nNT-nepreeentinit 14 Fire enrane0 Oomtianiee. Division Court Office. G, D, MoTaggart 82, U. McNamar McTaggart Bros. Bill I6Eifs ALBERT ST , CLINTON t General •Snnking Bnaine3l5 Granra:c ins .SOTI118 DISCO(JW'FBY)' Drafts iaened, Internet showed e) dement p The McKillop Mauna Fire insurance a s, Farm and Isolated Town Prop' erty Only Insured, Head Office-Settlorth, Out Officers J. Connolly, Goderich, Presidents Jae. evens, Beechwood, Vice-Pee5ldenll rhos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretarys Treasurer. - Agoole Alex. Leitch, No. t, Clinton; BdwafA Hinckley, Ssaforth; Wm. Cimino,E rnondvlile; J. W. Yeo, Goderichl . Jarmuth, Brodhagen. Direetme Wm. living. No. 2, lraforth; Jobe Berle newel's, fi,or, t,'Iett James'Evahs, IfeeC rrroodt M 001113,15 Gt)n'taitnl Inset Connofiy, Gwierleh• D. 11, Me0cogott' ttoto. 3, SSeefort.t .1 1;. (,7r".ever llsi Wai'tont Robert Jot+tit, ltarlockt G& Maatiittttie, No. 2.. Seatiilret.