HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-12-23, Page 8Page ] .iiggh The Clinton, New Era lalepemher 23rd> 1920 M., 01,1III IAIIL611111 u• aF•,tr:V4; 4Mti. • d<:tlf:4l i>aiCJd:p6AAA9j1:i :AOTC J0p 111111gl1VUlllllpplVIIVIVn a i qua 1, rn loom! Ila, Local News ,.:,r-.,rc«..�.•,.m�s:a+.,••mw>..+„Mk74mY..'rF'1,""4r'Y"'ew?,�n°":•'Aa19Prt'r'iii N 'WSAF• W 1 4 M 4 i�S � �f'��Y--. . ggMMKM 4, ..;Mi. i4.A i, \ L4"r r• • F�iLi:l:eattis'•rt*r(cs e- es 1— `. ., u' MF4�'�4«7�l''"F":,i.'.�t;c �a.�i•'•�' +'s; tit' r* ,;, a+n tj;.-.�......,,: vy,:.....^,,,,rw'.r^.b COATS A F 'wz.teasig. '9th"-"" ; --. 2•,w-"xa s+s,,i ah ES' Mairs* �9el tlz'rk7afer2t'lag+ rt¢aMr!? PIT/g1ZE f ICagffii�"SEa 1i CASH PRICE SEE :1►'FF'4;Sy'S'STORE Custom Tallorint Men's Furnishing' Phone 103 Opposite Pubttc Llbran own s WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings. Phone 67 Next Royal Bank HOW CHEERFUL LOOKING— the Electrically Lighted glome looks to the home -comer or the visitor, Itextends its welcome from afar off. You can have such lights in your -home and if you will consult us you'll find the 'ex- pense is covered by the 'con- venience and comfort it affords you. Call and see our lighting plant In operation. Corless & Venner HARDWARE, and ELECTRICAL, Phone 53' J i17ERFloY XMAS •F YEAR TO ALL 1 . Hawkins Plumbing and Heating Phone 53 Wishing you A Merry Ch ' istin. s, A A Hap an Fr 1-Sper WYear MO. ItIPSTARD Clinton & Brtaedield. `Phone for Cifntan' No, 74, Phone for Bruceftelol 11 ori OM. POULTRY WANTED WEEKLY, 3000 Chickens .2QQQ Hens.............. 500 Ducks Top prices will Ge' paid by us for all kinds of Poultry taken at 'Clinton every day and. at Holnesville every Wednesday morning: We pay thteir"'.ts more per ib. for properly,fattened, milk fed Chickens; ,L4_• GUNN LANGLO5,4 CO, LTD. ClintonrOntario N. W. Trewarllia" Local Manager The up•te-date Firm • SUPPLIES FOR CHRISTMAS Order Your Candies, Nuts Or- anges, Grapes, and Layer Raisins from tis. Our stock is fresh and the price low consisted with qual- ity. Cake Icing, Candied Cherries, and Wintergreen Berries for your Christmas Cake Decorations, A Teapot, a piece of China, a Set of Dishes, or an O'Cedar Mop Makes a very acceptable Christ- mas Present, when bought. ` Fred: W. Wigg The Corner Grocery Phone 45, bemesiakittsiffiimiiieithigidainizonainikilitosithitanatitattitigur SCRANTON COAL and' Wood for Sale any who wish to leave their order for Spring delivery can do so by leaving their orders at nay residence, Huroit St. or Phone )ISS. Terms- niwrictiy Cash—Phone 155. E. "` A,•c, Di RESIDENCE %1Ll tolaf STRUT Sent Up For Trial al l 1111111111i1 a, as IIIf�p�pl +IDlf�( Ii��VEIIIIVQ➢�aflnull�lh(InelUV»I�UI1VVIpIIImIQV11191UdI11618110011 plil@11901pV513,1I1UN11111 �V158111 Students Home r Nearly all of the students who are attending Normalschools and 'Colleges iu Stratford and Toronto arrived Pohle on Friday night In time to be present at the Commencement which wasdeclared by rliern1 to be the best they had ever seen. A number of those who gradual - ed last year receiva their diplomas, Gets A Cef To Calgary The,Milverton Sun refers to a gentle. man well known to many in Clinton:— Rev. J, F. Knight, M, A., B, D,,, of Mil- verton, has received a unanimous call to Wesley Church, Calgary, As Mr, Knight has long had the desire to min- lstrin the great open spaces of our Canadian West it Is altogether likely, if the call does not inconvenience any- one else, that it will be accepted,by him. Mr. Knight is one of the most forceful personalities in the Lyndon Conference and his transfer to Alberta'veD1 be e distinct loss to that body. Presbytery of Huron The Presbytery of FIuron held its December meeting at Clinton on Tues- day, the 14th. The following. were present: Mr. McConnell, moderator: Dr. Fletcher, Messrs. *cLean, Hogg, McIntosh, Carriere, Foote, Telford, Abery, Ross and Hamilton, ministers; and Messrs, Gemmell, Mitchell, Fer- ris, Lindsay, Moir, elders.— The mat- ters remitted to Presbyteries by the General Assembly were considered, and the appointment of a chief exe- cutive officer and the appointtttent for magistrate Andrews sent up a young ' a probationary terns of three years of fellow from Goderich Township, on Frt. church officials were disapproved of. day last to 'stand' trial nett session for The consideration of the report on set - stealing, Bail was granted, • tiement of ministers was postponed. Minor Leonia. A Merry Christmas to Ml.. Renew for the New Era, ton, into the charge of Kippen, Hills Dominion and Provincial Parliaments • Green and Blake, were made and the are slated to meet early -in 1921, induction will take place shortly after ...-.Christmas Saturday of this week. the beginning of the new year, Mr. ,; Tuesday was the shortest day in the' McLean was appointed convener of the year:' _ ti i committee on Sabbath schools in place of Dr.-..tken. The next regular meet - The rain on Wednesday certainly did++ ing will be held at Hensall on Feb. not ltelp the'Christmas business. I - , , a. 22nd, 1921, 51 10 o'clock a.' m. Dr. Robert Johnston was nominated , for the chair of Homiletics in Knox College, Toronto, Arrangements for 1 the induction of Mr. Lundy, of Wal - Give a Time Saver Electric Washer. for •a• Christmas present. It extendi' the good cheer of Christmas to every washday of the {year. No other present ;can make wife or mother 'so happy. See the -Tune (Saver in our store. SUTTER PERDUE Clinton Entertainment To -Night The Baptist Sunday School will -hold their Christmas tree Entertaimnein (to -night) Thursday, • Public $choot ARS Extra Holiday The Public School closed hast Friday and have an extra week's holidays but when school resumes, classes will meet in the new School, Holiday Hours. The Posto:ee will have the usual holiday hours on Staturday. (Christ- mas Day), Boxholders can get their mail any hour. May Go Up Higher John Joynt, M, P. P., for North Hur- on, is being urged to run as the'Con- servative candidate for East Huron for the House of Commons. Met Here Saturday. The Telephone Commissioners -of the Goderich Township Telephone System, met here on Saturday to close up their year's business. A Sneak Thief It is reported that a sneak thief cap- tured $35.00 at the. C. C. 1. Concert on Saturday evening. Strong'suspicion points to a certain party in town and more news may be given later; . Had A Big Time Wesisy Sunday School held their 'Christmas Entertainment on Tuesday evening and was a big success. The children certainly admired Santa Claus when he arrived. A Last Minute Xmas Gift, The Clinton New Era for 1921 shakes a dandy 'Christmas gift to an absent friend and calls you prominently into their thoughts at least 52 times a year. A number are doing it. fi No Special Rates. There will be no special rates on any of the ralways daring tite Christ- mas season. Lighter traffic than ustfal 15 anticipated by the railway passenger agents. It's A Close One. Wrecks may come and wrecks may go, but there never will be such a close shave on the London, Huron and Bruce again, as the one which cut off Poet Bill Sneath's moustache, a few weeks ago. '`1:1'114,3, ' i'.i 3l Was Chosen 1st Vice President Miss Adelaide Clayton, B. A., of Listowel, was chosen first vice -Presi- dent of the Provintial. Liberal,Conser- vative Association at the amine' conven- tion in Toronto., --Miss ' Clayton Is a former C. C. I., teacher, and spoke here a few years ago at a,Political meet- ing. Old Conductor Serious*: nil • Duncan McCallum, one'bf the oldest conductors' on the G.T."R.'is seriously ill in Toronto: Mr: hizYCallum has been running on No. 16, the eastern flyer, foe many years; and is well known to all ofticitls of the loch! division. He is Feported:'to be sfuffernig from: concus- sion''of the `•brant: -He was a former Conductor :f n the 1:. H. & B. No Word Here.-. There has been no word received here concerning a general Sunday ap- peal forts collection in ail of the famine sufferers in China and the Armenians, although it is expected that Jan. 9th will be set apart for that purpose, when the children will all be asked to con- tribute, through the Sunday schools. Choice Christmas Meat Mr. S. G. Castle, the butcher, has this year put in a very choice lot of choice beef for the Christmas trade which in-. cludes:-2 Fat Baby Beefs, fed by Frank Tyndall', 1 very rat Heifer Fed by Fred Tyndall; 1 Baby Beef, Fed By Marry Car- ey; 1 fat sheep from Ed. Rodawayl_ 2 pigs fed by Ii, Snell! 1 Pig fed lay Wm, Gay Clinton and chickens, Geese and Ducks Fed by William Fear and ri'•1 • Joe: Reynolds, Hullett, Frank Powell, Roy Tyndall, Mrs. Shotlrook and others by S. G, Castle. Next Year's Warden. Photograti fii Ear tiES The SAUDI ski of Pit Floble PHOTOGRAPHS carry the personal feeling that no ready made "gift" can convey. Make that apipointment to -,tray An Enlargement made by us ac your good KODAK FILMS !makes an excellent XMAS GIFT. Phone 66 Ds 0 [Photographer i' There is already considerable specu- lation as to who will attain to the Wardenship of Huron county for 1921. Next year will be the Liberal's turn for this position and .among those men - 'firmed are; Reeve' Crich, 61 Tuckersmith Reeve Young, of Colborne; Reeve Arm- strong, of Mullett; Reeve Doig of How - ick and Reeve Beavers of Exeter, Ml of these have been in the County Council for a number of years, and any one of them would stake a good presi- ding officer, CASTORI. .Fol Infants ani Children - In Use For l�a�a�t': tAY Always bears/d- the �nt Signature of d'= ar THE GIFTIYOU �IANi� AT THE PRICE Y0LI WAST TQC., PAY WE MAY HAVE IT FOR OLD MIDDLE AGED OR YOUNG. The W. D Fair eo. Often the Cheapest --Always the Best SANTA CLAUS ' Invites You to Make Our Store Your Headquarters. . He will be in our Window. Wishing you all A Merry Xmas. We will also have a Choice Assortment of Xmas Fruits and Confections. Let This, Xmas be Merry. . Choice Assortment of „ Sweet Juicy Navel Oranges SPECIAL. ,PRICE 59c and 89c Per Dozen Others According To Size SPECIAL FOR XMAS Table Cranberries, Celery Table Figs J PHONE emataaagaiismoymoomanzmmowassemsv We take this Oppor. tunity of Thanking Our Friends and Patrons Fdr Their Past Favors and Hoping . For the Same For 1921. We Wish you all a Merry Xmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year . - SROM l JOHI SON & CO. GET THE HABIT Choice Assortment of hristmas Confectionary Our SPECIAL MIXED andies and Chocolates At 39c and 49c Per ib. FOR XMAS MORNING GET SOME OF OUR ' LADIES' DELIGHT .COFFEE ' OP DEALING AT NSON ee. THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY Mr. Car Owner This is to remind you cold weather is with us. and you must care for your Battery. Send it to us and we will keep it in a charged 'condition, ready to go to work in the spring all for $1.50, We repair any make of Battery and carry a full line of parts. 1 -lave us give you a price on 3 or 5 coats when you want your car painted. All work done by experienced workmen. Clinton Garage and Battery Service Station J. H. PAXMAN Phase 80 q 4Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. i MUSIC IN. THE HOME adds immeasurably to life's..plea. sure. You can have it at„ once, even if you are ,-not a player of any instruments,. . Our talking machines reproduce all kinds of music from the latest crashing marches to the: softest of lulla- bies. Let us prove it toyou in person. Then' if you want a pfano,.why we are handling- a piano which musicians say is the best buy on the market•today,, Make it your business to have tate call on you to demonstrate the Bell. It will cost you nothing to have it dotie and if 1 can't prove to you where the Bell possesses more strength in build; sweetness In tone; and has the easiest touch; and the best frlced piano containing those points. 1 will give you one at one-half the price—so get ' busy and 'call me up you stand a chance to save some money. Jonathan ' Hu,gll BOX :'229. MUSIC STORE. Phone 216. SEAFORTH. ONT, aomosommaaramsevese "0001410 ERRY CHRISTA/14S When the problem of something to give for Christmas • confronts you turn to this store for relief! We offer our trade the most practical and sensible of all CHRISTMAS Gifts! C hoice Footwear'' } We've'everything that's good to meet every Foot Re- quirement of every Man, Woman, Boy, Girl or Child. There are Shoes for Street Wear, Shoes For Dress Occasions, Shoes In Conservative Styles or the limit of Footwear, Style and Luxury! t a Slippers of every description all sorts of cold and wet wea- ther 'Shoes. ea-ther'Shoes. Kozy Korner Felt. Slippers, Poot. Warmers, Leg- gills, Rubbers in every Style, Etcl Etc! COME HERE JOR PRACTICAL GIFTS "MERRY CHRIST 5AS TO ALL” rautimarxtrkmaltamaisaasadraza Tali S;T1Si'Y" . _ - _- �oaniw.ua5ns,cwm,.�Yrrt. Ertn a.d �; u.xrwr tadiw.eweNa.. _ :aaax.Yr,�.tt«w,.d�eArvr.•.m ' _- ;,,,; i r,