HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-12-23, Page 5Page Fja'e The Clinton Now Era XMAS CHAT The best and greatest tiring we can do in life is to be sure that we are instrumental in malting others happy, when we have •E learned perfectly this lesson we. 9i have mustered life's biggest pro- blem. There are special lines and sea- ( sons especially adopted to this purpose --such as tae XMAS SEASON and there are helps that are especially adopted to the sea- son—such as a good Jeweller with a store full of good jewell- ery and kindred lines.. , You will never understand how specially/ adapted to your Xmas require- ments this store is until you have seen our display of JEWELRY of QUALITY which we are show. ing W. !i. DEWAR JEWLER & OPTICIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses phone No.174w; House 174 1 /t - SANTA CLAUS at O'NEIL''S Santa will arrive about two , g, o'clock, on the 22nd and 23rd, trHe is •ver), anxious to meet all the Bog's and Girls, Uncles, Aunts Parents and Grand Pareet`s. He is advertising Huylers' Bon Bons Chocolates for Christmas Gifts and -wants you to b.e sure and i'et him know what you want in good time. W. T. O'NEIL THE HUB GROCgk Rhone 48 NAwpbT IMPORTS Eggs ..axe. puttlir ' • - „ 50 to 5.3 Hogs .. a$14,0Witlt'1..••a.:.••.eii.!'Stoit.93 • lSo tie fns eaiiey48C to 1135 fraikwbtestALIAS to PM .y '.a... . testa 'inti' r ; .. .. /4S ten 3 to •••SS5JS testi' M4o..0 YK iB :zt 70c Kingston Wig: Wheresoever•tw,o+ or /three loafers are gathered together there is .a soviet. -• I Detroit Free I $ess, Neat a pity. Col- 4;ouel Theodore Roosevelt was wet here do see and rejoice. • t', The Star; .Rumaeage sales, it is an- 5nounced, are getting popular Maybe ,,folks tike the sound of the first syn- abte. Detroit Free Press: Sometimes w.e wolttder what a man would do if he had tto get up tlfree meals a day for his wife ';and vary 'sen right along. CULTIVATE HABIT OF S END ING l� NEWS Al t. )9eecnlber 23rd, i920 ° gate News of theDistrict GODERICH TOWNiSHIIP Mr, Ernest Warning, of Winnipeg, paid a short visit at the home of his sister, Mrs. George Crooks on the Base' Line, He was as accoup,ailed by his father, Mr. Fred Warning of Delhi, Alvin K. Leonard is spending the vacation under the parental roof, Mr, J. R. and Alvin Townshend, who are studying at Queen's are hothe for the Christmas holidays Mrs. L. 0. Lashbrook and Miss Reta, of Mitchell, are visiting with relatives at Hohriesville, Miss Cora Jervis who is attending Toronto Normal School is home till after New Years. There is hardly enough snow for sleighing as yet but cutters are running' as well as the buggies. Name W. A. Galbraith Clerk of Wingham Winghanl. Dec, 15.—The Towns Council at a special meeting last night appointed W. A. Galbraith Town Clerk. Applications were also received from W. H. Haney and H. J. Thompson, Mr, Galbraitih is the eldest son of Mr. George Galbraith, Merchant here, and has been a resident of tke town all his life, Collector Fralick reports this year's taxes as being promptly, and vary little remains on the roll, Charles E. Leppard, of the Farmers' hion4se, made his payment with . the 436 half -dollar pieces. KIPPER The sad news reached Mr. Thomas Mellis on Friday of the death of his e daughter, Mrs. Mary Ferny, r, of Kinder- sley. She was 111 for some 'tate with `yphoid fever and pneumonia set in, and death followed. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved fritinds. She leaves a husband and one child; her father and sister, Miss Margaret of our village, and one brother in Detroit, and one at hoarse, two sisters in the West. T4fe remains were taken to Kippen and interment at Baird's cemetery. One of the things that ought to become fixed habits in every house- hold in Clinton Is that of sending The New Era the news items that they may know of; tell us of your news and any neighborhood or other tents that will be of interest to yourself, your neighbors or your friends. ' • oteie Every lodge, church body or social organization should have some representative who will promptly and carefully after its news report- ing. if you think some organization has better news service than your own, it Is probably because that or- ganization looks after such matters better. Write yea items and send them in when possible. Or telephone them to No. 30, but please don't ask that long lists of names be taken over telephone, as it not only re- quires much time, but Is fruitful in possibilities of error. Above all, he early. Never watt In late on Thursday to send an item that can be sent in days before. The New 'Bra telephone number is 30 and at r'uttts ni. Fa'r them In year mind Taken 111 While on a Visit Miss Violet Laithwaite, of Goderiah, Dias in Bragtford. Goderich, Dec. 1S.—News was re- ceived to -day of the death in Brantford of Violet Martha Eleanor, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, George Laithwaite, Huron Road, The deceased y.oung lady, who was in her 25th year, was_very popular Meng her many, friends in town. Silenced been 'n Toronto for a short time and while ,visiting a frieiaLi ks B•,raestforet or her way houue was suddenly takes IIi wi)k appendicitis An:;oper;ition was performed, but de- spite every 6 (oedipal attestiion she died this mor -sing. Besides the parents two sisters and brothers survive. The funeral, took place o Mony t dao Clinton �em- eteryt. •'' H£NSALL On Monday morning, while Ass Esther Moore was returning from tke post office:after receiving ker mail, site suddenly fell aatl expired beWre medical aid could be sunemoned. Site was ap- BRUCEFIELD. Miss Jean Murdock has been engaged as organist and choir leader in the church of our village, Miss Grainger, who Inas 'held the position for some years has resigned. Rev. Mr. Roberton, of Tiverton, will preach in our village on Sunday. Rev. W, D. McIntosh and family will visit relatives at Bruce County. Mr. George Simpson, of Hamilton, is visiting relatives in our village. 'rine school east of here was closed this week, owing to the death of the teacher's sister, Mrs. Ferry, of Kinder sley, Sask, MAJOR EMMERTON IS GAME WARDEN In Charge .of Territory From Windsor To Niagara Rahe,' Major Richard Emmerton, formerly of Kincardine, has been appointed Game and Fishery warden for District No: 1 with headquarters in London. This announcement was made by In- spector Cox, Toronto, who opened an office here some weeks ago and has been acting as Warden until an,,ap- poiutment was -spade. Mr, Emmerton has been placed in charge of the territory reaching from Windsor to Niagaaa Falls. He is well known to many citizens of this city. 5nspector'Cox will return to Toronto and continue his duties as inspector f+or She Province, BAYFIELD Geo. W. Young, one of the oldest of the staff of railway mail clerks in the St. Thomas district, died in the Amasa Wood Hospital following an operation. He retired a couple of years ago, and had been living on a smell farm near Port Stanl'ey;. Mr. Yourg was in his 61st year and is survived by his wid- ow, Mrs. Fanny Young, a daughter of Riv. Mr. Ifynd, Baylfiet'd, Ont. The remains were placed in a nlousoleum at Woodland Cemetery, London on Thurs- day afternoon. Nomination meeting next Monday. No coansiderable stir in Municipal natters yet. Use Pickard Block for IP at Exeter Exeter, Dec. t6.—Tke committee in charge of the seouring of a snjtablp le - cation for tke local Y. M. C. 'A. leas rented the south kali of file James Pickaril block, now owned by the Jack- quartets by Mee Raneie, Erastus Ran- son Menafscturing (eonipaiy, and witl Die, W. A. %rotates and W, O. Good - commence at dace to deoorate end fur- will. Mr. (o win, who is a former nisk the inferior. Tke bowling alley 1st Battalion mac, also gave a fine on the ground floor has also hien pm, cornet solo. chased. Tke eve meat furnsited by Guan- Walter Keddy, one of the oldest and ingltam and Pryde, of Exeter, steads 15 best knew.n farmers in Usbarne Town- feet ih height. The base is of Scotch Ship, lies. disposed of kis ace -acre farm g an the 2t>+d concession to' Mr. George Jsifroy, of Times Road. 'like pence � paid was ii Hte.netgiiba?kaed of $9,09'0 This is an expellent farm and Mr. Jeffrey owns now two fine farms h the same township. W. J. Statham, wko has won several red ribbons at London and 'Hamiltons wipter poultry shows, was sitteesetul in winnnig the first and titled at Guelph with Hdudeles. liggs ane advertised kere selling at patently in good Itq�11,th a.nd her un- $.1 per donee timely demise is asetibed to heart trouble. Miss Moore was acting as a companion for Miss Hogarth. She More Hydro Power Leaves no near relltdves so far' as can be ascertained, bat distant relatives in the West have been notified. The malty friends of Miss Dora Sher - Ott regret to hear of the accident' which n Miss befell her on Saturday morning. Slierritt was on hash way down town and when near the Presbyterian church she fell, sustaining a fracture of her ankle. She wets conveyed td her home and the injured foot attended to. A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday at high noon at the 'home of Mrs. Geo. Fairbain, Spruce A -venue Farm, 12t11 con. Tuckersmith, when her daughter Olive was united in marriage to Mr, Jbseph Hudson, of HensaN. The ceremony was perform- ed by Rev J. A. McConnell, of 'Carmel Presbyterian church, only the immed- iate friends of . both families being present. Tise bride wore a Handsome gown of navy georgette crepe with steel bead enibroidery and was given away by leer father. Miss ina Hudson, sister of the groom, played the wedding March. During- the signing of the re- gister, Miss Hudson sang a solo. After the ceremony a very dainty repast was served, after which Mr. and Mrs, Hui - son loft on a trip to Leindon, Sarnia and other points, On their return they will rekide in Ialencall. SII {. !'T IN MEMORY OF HURON HEROES MONUMENT UNVEILED AT .HENSALL BEARS 35 NAMES.--L73lCOL•BROWN S SPEAKER—CHURCHES UNITE AT SPECIAL SERVICE IN TOWN HALL. Hensall, Dec.. 19,—ii spite of un- pleasant weather, citizens of town and district filled the town hall to over- flowing this afternoon at a gathering addressed by Lieut. -Col. W 13. Brown, of London, in connection with the un- veiling off.; tine granite monument to the memory of Huron boys of this neighborhood who gave their lives is the late war. Following the service, necessarily held indoors of account of the weather, Thomas Sheritt, a re- turned soldier, withdrew the Union. Jack which draped the statue, while Hensel! Citizens' Band played' the Na- tional Anthem, It was much regretted that Lieut, -Col. H. 13. Combe, of Clin- ton former commander of the 161st Huron Battalion, was unable R? be present. Col. Brown gave a splendid address, including a narrative of the party played by Canadian soldiers in tile war. These had made a name for themselves, he said, in fighting for the greatest eni'pire the world ha,d seen. The Baitish Em- pire, said the speaker, had given free- dom to the nations and had most of any followed the teachings of Christ. He emphasized the fact that God had been with Britain in the war, for though facing great odds and an enemy thoroughly prepared and bringing 141 new tactics of the war, yet under Prov- idence Victory had been achieved, 'Carmel c onnell of� J. A. M C Rev,. J with an Presbyterian Church, followed interesting address. Reeve, G, C. Petty, W110 is also warden of Huron, oabupied the chair. Rev, Mr. McConnell pro- nounced the benediction at the close, Mold Union Service Anglican, Mefhodrst and Presbyterian Congregations united this evening in a big Union service, also in the Town Hal, when addresses were delivered by Rev. A, R. E. Garrett, a returned man; Rev, G. W. W. Rivers, Methodist pastor, and Liept.-Cel Brown. The last-named took for his subject, "The Spirit of Canada," The wr, he thought, had done much to make main unselfish. Mean had endured great hardships sencoRl- plainingly and set a noble example. Canada, he predicted, wbudd occupy a greater place among the Nations of the Earth than ever before. Solo numbers wore given by W. 0. Goodwill and Thomas Sharritt, and for Gddvrich Goderich, Dec, 17,—The local water and light commission reeds, - ed word from the Hydro Electric Power commission that the town would be permitted to increase Its day load to a maximum peak of H5z horsepower, and the night load to a maximum of 435. This is an in- crease of 150 foe• the day load amid 100 for the night. Goderik'h. -Tine first cargo of sew rain to arrlKe at the Goderich elevators etriveel ot1 'Tuesday ,;i4e Glencaire, the cargo cc:emitting of wlt;eat west flax, PLACE ST. MARYS IN GROUP NO. 11 Goderich Opens at Exeter on Janu- ary 11 and St. Marys in Goderich January 4. a sohft er ratite. Tke figure, that f a g standing at ease, stands six feet five inches high aed is a wdrk of art from Itself/. it east $2,500 8f,whtcti $1,0S0 was subscribed in Rensalt and about 151,900 in Ilay and 1'uckersmith and elsewhere in the neighborhood. With Collections taken to -day the balance will probkbly be fortkeonting. The monu- ment stands in front of the Town Hail, 7k. 'fin Who Fell Goderich, Dec. 17.—The following is the schedule for district No. 11, in the Intermediate 0. 1-1, A. At St. Marys hag been entered In this district it will not necessitate a double sched- ule, as was previously arranged, January 4—St, Marys at Goderich Januaey 1 tSl—•Godeeteh at 1:•xeteI. Jaaualry 12—Godeai•eh 'at St. Marys. January i'9,—Exeter at .St. Marys. Jai uta* 21—Exeter at Goderiolt Jaselary 24, -•-•>St, Marys of LTate tt. The names of soldiers inscribed on its ba9e•follow Nursing Sister Gertrude Petty, 6, Hannon Petty, William A. McKay, Will'Nam L. Wilson, Edward Cecil Ditling, Arthur W. Porter, Jdhtn Deegan diticLaren, Thomas 11. sea, George George P. Mulholland, George Reichert B. Brown, R. 0, Angell, It F. 'Cla't•k, A. L. Clark, F. Coker, F. Rich- ards, R. t ..:,:;more, George Welsh, David Davis, Case Croyer, rood Yogi - tot, G, R. Johnston, Orwell Buchanan, J. McP. MacArthur, R. M. Yuill, Joke H. Stoneman, Robert H. Vollick, Temple- ton W. Acheson; E. F. Butler, August J. Hartung, W. C, Cook, Peter 1'. Moy- er, ,a. ti _l. A CHRISTMAS HAVEN T. B. Alderson By en, 19.25, western Neivapaper 0150.) N ULI) wan sat dreamily gazing into the fireplace of n richly furnished room. II was Christmas eve and Marvin Hughes was looking back over the years of his life and was grave npd sad- dened tie he realized that he had neither chick nor child of his own, ns the echo of Music and the voices of rollicking chil- dren In the apartment overhead were . borne to his ears. The recognition of the fact that he was getting old, that ho was missing something In life that night make him better and happier, appealed to- ttiln powerfully this Christmas eve. He had mechanically distributed the usual Christm;ts largesse at. the office. Homeward bound herhnrl neglected no appeal front the. street mendicant. 'Phis was not soul -satisfying, however. 11 had dawned upon 'hies that Ise had brought his isolation upon himself; tlol there were at least two persons In the greet city who were of kith and kw and he set to summing up the Jury he owed.them, "1 have been no closer to them than r 1 were an utter stranger," Ise solilo- quized. •'1t is my fault, I suppose, for' I have enco,graged neither; for years I have siwpl7sent them lire usual 1101 - 'day check. \Vhen 1 ate through with shat 1 have it must go to others. Which or the two deserves recogni- ,len--1atn Hiu•nes 0,' Alberta Noris? The first named was a alslow and second cousin. Hughes had supplied th0 N11111111 to start her in a boarding house at- her urgent request Dent she, nod managed to make n living out of It. For 11 time he culled and she had y- ... put htt,eli out t 1 Ire ninon him 1111 0 p P 1 , 1 I s- r i it swu of shim-ifitblon of els st . I cessl'ul business record, of gratitude Ivor Is fin;tncht1 co-operation, of her love and devotion for him, the last near relative she had in the world. Then, too, she had appessletl to ham in lt•strorlg way. Once she had talc - en him tii a draperied niche'toff the sitting room, and had showed' him a life-sized oll painting of hisend 'mother. She was like a sister to Inc,' said Mrs. blames pathetically, "and yon know brother Willis was quite a por- teat' artist. , L hav alga s treasured 1•t as the one preciov5'niefynento of myr H•aathes was duly touehetf, but the wlioresait was not hating. There wass solnUtiog areldcial and inslrwere abent lEtts••Igarnes. Under the'Inge- elniee'of his press t eai.teona.*hoeiev- er kias,,softened,e lrlt, lotiled•for loy- al'e aione�llp. "P o MI" -spoke,ll(eghes. "1 shall eon' on Mre. Burnes and Albeit*. Bee or the ottter•1 wii1 endoxr't61t1;, 'fortese end I bore to trace out some real algtCtteoter me; a genuine gd- la defib to weIej*ejme as• a ntelnberoof th.ir k.ttebkild dollar ray, reetaluil g few yeaia," to pens Uttar be entered the-h'ome .f Mrs.;l*XRraes.f Be was told that site was .¢t .awhen:nd and Was .drown let*.-•a-;•sttBef raoaa, Iavelwoteelly rimilery dtrect.f him to the' niehe where t? btd vi wed his ludttser's por- trait. Ir net in .place. Then as ke, ,jplaaced lenge ..the room beyond Warnes saw it lyhtg aeress'two.cttirs, aved'as a* tt,.1eg.board. The shock (Hews him to lits feet. He hid fath- omed the laelacerlty of this unworthy relative... ]'Le was ball-mtaded to re- turn home, ' A menaery of the last time he had sees Albert*, her hus- band and children, however, influ- enced him to follow out his prescribed plan. T.hey.tltad always lived humbly, hal respectably. Frem the day that Al- den 1',prrls had ; mairiert datteete, he Mai but cite th'ingbt•In Ms Initindalier comfort and contentment and that of the little ones who oame to them es the years passed on. -Well kIughes knew. the house, the room brilliantly lighted, whence ech- oed sounds of jollity and excitement. It's v,Indow was open for ventilation, and tits eyes dimmed as he viewed the happy-fnectl Albert:: and her Mishima, Close of Navigation Goderich, Dec. 16,—Navigation dos ed with the arrival this afternoon of the steamers Colliugwood and M'itr'tian. These, in company with a number of others, were lying at anclfor at Detour for two or three days, while Use gale was cf}s, and cleared yresterday after- noon. Navigation closed - about the same time last year, but under different weather conditions. Last year the boats had to fight their way and ex- perienced considerable difficulty in making Phis port, Hamilton Times: Lloyd George may visit Canada next year, lits good right hand Will have to be in good taim to stand glad bends that will want to shake it, c05 the two little gi is, and a baby crawl - 'ng about, cooing with animation, "Keep Marvin away t,'onm the can- lles, Alden," he heard Alberta speak, Ind Ole heart thrilled. di -his last child hen wits Ills namesake! I3e carne into the hose to receive lie usual earnest welcome always be- stowed 'upon him, "Alberta," he sairi, 'I am lonely rind unhappy. I have•re- solved to seek some congenial haven where love and sympathy will bring ane peace and contentment. Is 16 here,']" aPu With open arms she greeted him, and 1imtd Christmas cheer and the lov- ing tenderness of true, honest settle, that Ohristtha9 eve Marvin Efughee was awairded the longing destre'of Idle heart. • . r 1 RUBB ERS Now is the time to look after the comfort of see that they are 'kept warm and dry: Hal -Idling only No..4 Quality "Dominion your feet and Rubbers" enables us to guarantee you the best procurable. A Full. line to and Boy's Overcoat choose 'from. We carry a complete range of Men's and suits and toll] Prices, a good stock of Boots and Shoes at Rock Bot - Plumsteel Small Profits Phone'25 i Bros. More Business Railway Mates to Come Down After Holidays Toronto, Dec. 17—'lit simply means that after January 1, there will be a 10 per cent. reduction on all tickets sold over the lines of the Canadian Rail- ways," said Mr. H. A, Boulier, District Passenger Agent of the Canadian Nat- - ional Railway, yesterday, in speaking) of the tariffs covering passenger rates, "'lie tariffs go in effect persuant 1 to the order of the Board of Railway Commissioners," he said. C. P. R., G. T. R. and C. N. R: 'they are being used this weak by the C. P. R•, the Grand Trunk and the C. N. R., and they provide for a 10 per cent decrease from the 20 per cent. increase granted by the Dominion Rail- way Board, 'which went idto effect September 16' last. "Does the d'edrease of tickets apply to Pulllrtan service, chairs, etc?" Ire was asked. "This reduction applies solely to transportation," he said. blot For Holidays. - "Is it not regrettable that she new tariffs do not go into effect *ore Christmas?" he was asked. "Yes, but that has nothing to do with the railway eompel/les; thee' simply obey the DoRsinion Board's order." ke said. Mr. Beurlier announced that there would' be no special holiday rates kr the Cleristmas season. "The regular rates will be is effect till January 1," he said, WINGHAM Mr. W. F. Vaistane sold his timber butt' in Algoma, near Thessaloa. - a Mr, J. A. McLean is making several changes in *e oldhotel neat' the G. T. R. sthtion, sing ihtends titi open up a p'lses6og mill in that%lima ding is the %ear future. • Mr. Ches. Leoard dearly loos a good joke and ke kat it oa Tax Collector Franck • one evetttigireceatly. Ye walked to Mr. Fralick's house with a iteayy box and asked for ;ten cents, which he seceived and in return kand- ed the Beet sustaining 436 Silty oent pieces, lite tan oehts, wki. s he got was net borrowed but change as his taxes amoutrted to oiily $517.9°0• Beer Ilrewe4, Fn Abbe Westaaineter ,Abbey has •, been put to many strange .,uses, during the thousand yearn oi• so of its ,existence. In eronawell's time it was turned into a barracks. In pre -Reformation datvs,it was utilized as a Parliament house, and a brewery and a bakery Were eatebliehed by the monks for t iots,g�QQpvexteace within the sa'cr'ed last cen- tury ass theearlyvof In .ee.s it occupied in popular estima- tion the place now taker: by Madame Tussard's, a visit to tine "Abbey' Wax- works," tis the collection of effigies of famous people there ]rept was call- ed, being one of the treats reserved for country cousins and children on their holiday. Here, too, William Caxton set up the first printing -press. Ansi because it was his cusl:om.lo discuss, all mat- ters connected with the undertaking et. a meeting in the abbey chapel with the Father Superior in I:he chair, any organized gathering of workers in a printing establishment to -clay is a "chapel," and Hs chosen chairman is a "father." .ti The Polito -Retort. Mlgglel.on is an extremely good- tempered young man, and he makes a point of nice speaking. One'•da leo was cycling along a broad road ••n y, Yclic g, s lady, alsoxc he es>yted ''head who was wide of figure, and. uncer- tain as to steering. Fearing an acci- dent, Migglelon reluctantly rang his bell, gently and politely, of course, The lady ahead promptly wobbled frantically, and enclofl up by dia- maunttng with More speed than grace. 1bliggleton hurried to her assistance, to be met with the epitp- ful rentank, "Do you want all the road?" "No: madam," replied Mig- gleton eoull:eously: "I abominate sel- 1lghness. 3 was simply desirous of being, poranitted to make udA;of the ens' .i > o '41' ''rhieh you a not HOW YOU CAN TELL GENUINE ASPIRIN, Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross' are Aspirin—No others! i There is only one Aspirin, that marked with the "Bayer Cross"—all other tab- lets are only acid imitations. Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin'', have been prescribed by physickns for nineteen years and proved safe by mil- ]i ons for PainHeadache, Neuralgia,ural is w Golds Rheumatism Lumbago, Neuritis. Handytin boxes of 12 tablets—also larger .Bayer" packages, can be had at any dru)e store. Made in Canada'. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada)., of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetieacidester of Saticylicacid. While it is well known that Aspires means Bayer manufaeture, to assist tile. public against imitations, the Tablets of -e- Bayer Company, Ltd., will be stamped. with their general trade mark, the, "Bayer Cross:' FRED CORN If you are feeding poultry, Hogs, Cattle or Sheep by some of our Kilna dried Corn which we are selkg at very reasonable prices, SALT Now is the title to lay in y.ur ' supply of Salt. We have it for Dairy or T•abie use edit -also for fiiieding purposes. de FisOUR As'tdre Flour Mills 1ra e.jtSt re- centty been alilowed to return to. their }ire war grade of Fleur, we t are noty prepared to supply you a high grade Ftour for Blind or P.:astry.,a Try a sack and see for, Yourself. ..se W. Jerskrns &&oa , ?LOUR AIA I • rheas WO Widnes, illi. r,14449,I_WAv' HARVI'LRT Alt., vict1RSIIlf8 $15.011 M Menhir Plus tuna par mils I.yond AUGUST stb, 11th, i6tb and 18th, stations lore** to Scotia JM. Indus - Me; also alt Dations onIriDepot Harbor,, Midland, Peneteng and Meaford branch. es. AUGUST 9th and 16th trona all the stations in the province of Ontario and s' Qae9bec, Pembrdke, Golden Lake, Up- tergrove, Toronto and East, AUGUST 11611 and 18th, from all the stations in Ontario, Toronto and West. FuN information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or G. B. Horning • Distri"t Passenger Agent, Troonito. John Ransford & Son. city passe* `1 ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57b A. 0. Pattison, station agent. PII�PI. a d BLOTCHES ALL OVER HEIl6 FACE. Pimples„eblotehes and all other un- sightly skin troubles are caused by the blood being in an impure condition. Those little festering sores, appear on the. forehead, on the nose,5nu•tdle chin, and other parts of the body, and although thcy,are'not a dangerous trouble they are very unsightly. There is only enc. way 10 get rid of them, and that is by parilying the blood of all its impurities. Burdock Blood Bitters is without, n. doubt the best remedy for this purpose. 'Phis valuable medicine Is been on the market for the past 42 yraa;a aur' it' re:a:- 0tation is such that you tiro net experiment- ing xp en m m- illg WW1 some now and ssisirled remett3'. MVliss Marguerite l,rig:'y', 01 1 ;i.11o Ave., Halifax, NZ., writes:—"I have suffered. very uch, do ringithe,last two years, from pimples and blotcahcs, having them all over my` face. I tried cLfferenh remedies without any, relief, I was advised to, try l3urchl'cic Blood Litere, which I,did, and atter taking just two bottled I hp,ve boa, as I believe, permau- ently relieved, no I Haven't had a pimple or blotch since. Is can hi�j'fly recom. d Bitter mond Ai1'rdbolt,I3lbo a' :. via p�su��t 'app os{F by Tito Mil' " CO., Limited, Toronto, OM, j '1'