HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-12-23, Page 3The
Office Phone 30.
House Phone 95,
By Alvah Jordan Garth
((cry, ICE, western Nowepepni' Union./
T WAs days before Christ.
mns nail ,Netts Doane had
been left tl4one In the house,
except rar the servants. Us•
un11y her favorite playmate,
Cora Wallace, living near
by, called for her, and they
took a stroll, er visited a
neighbor, ar inspected the
shops nn the next street. Cora had
not appeared, and taking her dolly
Netta wandered shout the uppet..P0f-
tion of the house In a desultory way.
it was In her .sister 11'I10ifred'S room
that Netta. received a suggestion that
she proceeded to carry out, That
young lady in her haste to Join her
mother in o shopping tour laid left
Iter .Jewel case open In full sight.
"I'll fix you all uta for it grand party,
i) Ily," prattled Netto; mid then and
thane in turn .11 sunburst, n necklace
nryi1 a diamond pin were attached to
t1ip nothing of the dull, Innocent, nrt-
less Netto never realizing that she
was playing with a small fortune.
"Now, well ride to the party in the
• Ittonlobile," announced Netts further,
1F *.—...•1F ';4 * n * * ...y **
:. 41
•r ,• %•. * # •s * 44 * * * *
According to the census of 1911—
the latest complete census in Canada—
the inhabitants of British origin.num-
berered 3,896,985, being 54 per cent
of the total population,
The Census Branch of the Federal
Department of Trade and Commerce,
has estiinated the population Of Can-
ada to be 8,835,102. This estimate
shows an increase of 1,623,459 during
the past nine years, A complete cen-
sus will be taken next year.
According to the census of 1911 the
rural population numbered 3,925,679,
and the urban population 3,280,964;
but the urban population was increas-
ing more rapidly than was the rural
In 1917 the value of the creamery
butter produced in Canada was 829,-
336,882, the Provinee of Quebec lead-
ing with a production having a value of
$1 1,404,337, - •
The Indians living under treaties with
the Government of Canada. hold 2,231-
971 acres of land' Cleared, but not under
cultivation, and 178,Q2t.,acres under
cultivations. The • value of this land is
estimated to have a' value of $45,057,-
The average annual income of these
Indians is about $7,200,00% of which
the sum of $2,350,000 is derived 'from
farm products including hay, Their
wages earned amount to 1,759,000.
During the year 1918 the Fire Insur-
ance companies doing business in Can-
ada received in preiniunls the suns of
$517,240,495. The losses paid a-
mounted to $307,980,299, being al-
most 60 per cent. of the premiums re-
During the past fifty years the fire in-
surance companies doing business in
Canada have received i0' premiums.
$517,940,495, and paid in losses $307,-
980,299, being 59. 4 per cent of the
amount of the premiums received.
The gross amount of fire risks taken
during 1918 was $4,606,035,056. The
premiums chafiged 'tlie?ee! i trainted
to $48,770,111, being 1.06 pet cent
of the risks taken.
During the last fiscal year the fruits
and nuts exported from 'Canada had a
value of $4,151,787, ahnost three
million dollars worth going to Great
The export of apples in a natural
state had a value of $2,041,076. The
quantity sent to Great Britain was
345,5 67
barrels, having a f
value c
$1,806,561. The other principal
buyers were Newfoundland, New Zea-
land, Bermuda and the United States.
The milk and cream ,exported last
year had a value of $7,882,799• Great
Britain buyingto the value of $4,530,-
933. Condensed cream and milk to
the value of $800 were sent to the
Straits Settlements and to Iceland to
the value of $304,
The exports of butter had a value of
$6,140,36., and the exports of cheese,
$35,223,983. Great Britain bought of
our butter to the value at $4,530,177;
and of our cheese to the value of
Jnr •cue tail 2(u Dolly's coal. covering
op her opulent ndurtimeut. Just then
•110+1•e 10114 a 01111 outside and Hotta
dastene,1 downst[tir* to join tura,
waiting for her at the door. Passing
her mother's roots Neth tlOilced nu
•,pen hoz tying ria the bed, It held 11
lovely new doll, and i2( til instant she
knew that it was t0 be her Christmas
present, for t1 new one hurl scan prone
iserl.. Impetuously she snatched it tip.
•'011. Cora l" exclaimed Netto. air
peering before her friend, "look 1 look!
7Iy new Christmas dolly. We'll got
right over and show 1t to Alice Lisle.
The old one is no good naw," and she
recklessly flung Ir, .into rho street, with
• no thought of the Jewelry it wore.
INV* minutes later a rugged little
urchin picked tip the, discat•ded doll.
"'That'll be n tine present for sister
Lou," he (teetered, mud: made for the
tenetitc'nt—six squares distant-010y-
ing his find to a home possessing 11
narked contrast to the, elegant' Man-
sion that had housiad 'trite' discarded
pot of capricious Nettn Doane.
I .There was a vast cotnytotion at tine
Doane home that evening. Willis lrrere,
with Wns the .aere1?tfd Ip' er nf. pretty
1\'itilfre4 Donut:, mule llis usual call to
be met with tents by his fiancee:Some-
one 1,521 entered the house 111(1 had
rifled her (Jewel easel Father had re-
ported it to the police, but the re-
covery of,.tlte „gents seemed hopeless.
Willis condoled with \V1Ilfred hot
hada professional call to matte and left
early. He was a young, rising plhysi•
clan, and arrived at Grey's tenements
to receive good news as to a patlent,,
of loud standing, firs, Mary Stendley.
He found her on the rood to recovery,
and told her so, and her daughter anti
the other children and Paul ,Martin,
a regular visitor.'iot the house, were
made happy at the thought of the
donvalescence of their loved one.
"There is the balance of your bill,
Dr. Frere," spoke Martin, taking him
Into the next room, "The doctors who
operated I have paid, too, and the hos-
Children Cry
A TO I `',
, The Ontario Tobacco crop is re-
ported to he over 10,000 tons this
year, but is reported to be below
last year's standard in yield and
Yon ars not
ing when
yen 1140 Dr.
flint -
emit far 11nzetta* ann. (a.. r 1tr11ar-
lyxilrititon nt:l 0:.o.
Outsets L•ament tree 11 you theiIlen
ynllutF nt(11 send to.snr,tp forg,o1la55 tar, r.
211 5(1 555,2 or .(tnmtsan, Bates br.Co.
Ll)sde•o. Tw a.. a,
< +Mtf .,.•.,+MHi1mwF>G�ai�.''r..a
The Clinton' New Era
.111,'h r01a
December 23rc1, 1920
i7ittIe) tFOWIC
I'I'I`�� .IOL.
�Vorrdgeb j �ISI[O P[uszeJity
FRELiriIPbR,OOKS'S 'oo: C N1rJfZA1t
C co P Y R, I G H T .L.i7 'W m. A• ' 0 21-1:1 e,. Go.
vaec BY 88.1-1151810/.4...
ByBvelyn Cee
(n, 1520, Woo(o ( Nowopaeei• Union.)
HRISTMAS conies but once
it year," said Hugh Power's,
'` "and it's right upon us Just
now. You're going to spend
the clay with us, Dalziel,
that's settled. I'm waning
on you to act Kriss Kringle
—chubby, handsome, full of
pep, you'll Just capture the
fancy of the assembled guests."
"Now, see here, Powers," interrupt -
ell. Ernest Dnlzfel, "Pm a modest, un-
assuming man and verging on t0 an
old bachelorhood where sense and dig-
nity usnalJy becotne n well-balanced
Ernest Dalziel would have ,liked
to have asked Powers an inlpot•tant
question. Tt would have been, ,if ut-
tered: "And Miss Po•tin Moore? I
haven't seen her for n year. Does she
still go to parties?" And Powers
would have answered: "Oh, we
couldn't get niing without Poeta.'
,And then ilalrael would have sought
some plausible excuse to prevent his
own appearance of the scene,
Iio,,was sensitive shout Miss Portia
112(00(1. She Was, lilac himself, past
thh•ty. For S0111e 111011 111S 111 the years
postthose two hall been I2( consider.
able elddenre al :octal felicitous, and
the gnsslpers predicted 1111 engagement.
it (1111 not come about, however. Ab-
ruptly the two portions apparently so
adnt'Ied to 0110 another drifted apart.
BO 11nIz1o1 11(1s unexpected ending to
the ono 10501y day t10011 III of his ex-
istence had colic as n seemingly [wart-
, 1, s1', cruel plow, Effectively \Ilse
.N1 00, atha tiny 111(1 shot heart and
home against hint. There Wns 110 ex-
cuse of explanation given.
"She had Just fired of ale. 1 dau't
Wonder. I'tn not Mush," Dalziel snlilu-
(mixed to himself in o fit of depression.
lent' a time he threw himself In the
tray of the Indy in cpu`atIn5, but she
gave Ilhn no encouragement. Iia(ziel
did not go about wearing Itis heart on
Ills sleeve, but he 1114 not quickly tiet
over the hurt of an incident that ton
hint (vary and suspicious of woman's
So with no 11111mal0a of the fact
that in his breast Hugh Powers guard -
cd a secret he world have given Worlds
Licensed Auctioneer
14 Years Selling Experience
Residence—Dinsley Terrace St,.
TELEPHONE -4 on 619
DATES can be' arranged at
UMW -!*M rll�Il�e Ilierl�r �tr�e�
1. 0 lit . f e town of '.Beth- le- hem, How And sill we all thee lie, —
2. For Christ is born of Ma - ry, gath-ered a v'hl_
' 3. Ho' si - lent -ly, how si - lent -lyl The wondrouagift .:; gi
4. 0 ho - ly Child o . Beth- le - hemi De - scend to as, we pray; —
H oil:1i7.� 1 ■IINERrININ11111es.fl112 MIEN Si r
A -bowg thy deep and dream -lees eleep,Tbe si - lent stars go by;
Waiio'n1! ?'-tale sleep, the ' an • gels keep Their watch of wond'r • ing love; _
So AGA im- parts to hu-man,hearts The bless-ings of His heav'n..—
Cast out our sin, and en - tar in,,. Be born in us to • day. —
r r
a thy dark streets shin eth The ev - er • las - t 116 light:—
morn-ing stars to • ,geth - er Pro -claim the bo - ly birth:
ear may hear his cora • lag, But in this world of cin,
hear the Christ. - mas an - gels The great glad tid - tags tell. `
pital hill 1s all settled It's t he only
Christmas present we s tali see around
here this year, but isn't it enough to
make our hearts gond—mother well
,once more( You know, I had saved up
enough to marry
Martha this Christ-
mns, but have gladly stood the
ex -
pease of her mother's sickness, so
there will have to be a postponement."
"We win cult the hill equttt'e 00
y555 former last pnyatenl," insisted
Dr, Frere, touched by the fntthfnlness
of the young man. re th021'?"
"What a
be added, as Martin lifted a box from
e stolid.
"Tt Is something I wanted In nsk you
about," replied 'Martin "This morn-
ing little Ned found n 4011 In the
street anti brought It .12)111(1' for Lon,
who noticed all that .Jewelry pinned to
•It, \'re 1100 honest 1)40111e and 1 1111111
you 10 atvise nu' how I shall go (Mout
finding the owner'," •
Or. Frere 1011111 seareely believe his
eyesight. 01 an I11sIsnI he recognised
Ow Jewels belonging to 1110 liter t e. It
was too intro e n eiremm!nnee to
analyze all ai °nee: Its sirtut;'•ne•s;
Ifs impurunu•e, ole hurried hock to
the. Doane Manse and told the story
of Pnul 'inrtbt.
".1 worthy, honest nuul," Observadl
\Vbnlf'rc(1'a Inkier. "'I'hei,c poor people
interest me. What do you say In This
grand Ainrth) ntnn having his wedding
51151 ns he expected this thr!stuuns?"
:Then brick to Martin wont the doc-
tor, The poor fellow's apps((1nlirn
of what the litanies designed fairly
overcome hint, Next day \\"luifl'td and
her mother spent d(Oara'ting the hnm-
ble Metonym rooms and arranging fur
the wedding,
11 *0114 a royal gift 10 '11000:1 110011,
511d the most 00010111 VC hands in 1111
•1111 great city that I'brisliti s night
were those 111111 bel bestowed 4421011
signal lumpiness upon a worthy, Bratty
fill family,
poop ra !,
0 come to us, a • bide with us, Our Lord B • man - n - ell
The hopes and fears of all the years. Are met in thee to - night.
God the Kia
aao to mon on o P
ie.ee sin tg
And pro g
Wheremoeksoulswill re- ceiveHimstill, The dear Christ en. tars in
Live stock and general Auction re"
Jrwatitbb,t pales s spemalt/. Orders si"
New ERA office, Olinton prowrt,y sl1b088s
• TOMO reaeonahle, - Formers' sato not,
Better Pay
The 'Price
Don't bo tempted to chuoee cheap
Jew( lery. Mir better to paa,y a fair
price and know exactly what von
are gettinZ,J
Yon will never be sorry,— for as a.
matter of money, it is easily the
moat eeonomieal.
Ttat has been said 50 often that
everybody by this time should'
know Jt—and yet; there is no
scarcity of cheap jewelry 'in t-te
Now to get personal -If you wou.,T
like to miss that sort altogether—
If you would like to buy where
nothing but high qualities are
dealt in—OOMI rif.Ri+:
And even at that, no person ever
said our prices were unfair
Jeweler and OptiCsitn
C. I' Of Marriage Licenses
For Wheat Oats Barley and other
Maple, Beech and othez• var-
to learn, Dalziel 1110110 due preparation
for having n royal' good time with the
fmnily. If Dalziel had only known it,
clever, friendly AL's. Powers had pur-
posel,y, pur-
poseinvlled''tllist"Moore to the
house to once more sheet him -and
Fortin leas willing! It was only n few
weeks before 'Christmas that Portia
had learned of a fatal error, she had
committed. She had so coldly dis-
missed Dalziel because of a stogy told
by a jealous friend. It involved Doll-
ziel in an escapade of nhick he could
never have been guilty, but the false
story was so well formulated and car,
rietl conviction. Then, at a late day
the truth of the motive calve out• Por-
tia Moore felt ashamed and humili-
ated, a sense of her deep injustice to
Dalziel, a sorrowful belief that her
folly bad cost her th love worth .the
"You roust mend it all up under a
Christmas tree, dear," AIrs, Powers had
advised, but Portia shoots her head for-
lornly. Shewas busy during the first
Hour of the evening assisting Mrs.
Powers with the arrangement of the
festal table, and entered the library
on her way to the parlors, after Dal-
ziel had roused up all hands with the
frolic 021(1 jollity for which he was fa-
mous. She half turned to steady her-
self for the anticipated meeting. Dal-
olel saw her, but slid not at once recog-
nize her. Hugh Powers stole up to
on the
like mistletoe
l ol:s
"That o
Iibrnry chandelier, Dnlzl ,I e," he whis-
pered. "Pretty girl, Great chance. Do
yourself proud," and Dalziel exuberant-
ly darted forward.
lie clasped his (10115 about the Indy
In the hull shin -lowed runm, and Im-
printed gentle d.:
upon her lips.
"iaow dared you!" cried Portia.
"And It isn't mistletoe at nil, just a
piece Oi' groan paper trimming. I say,
Dulrtel you've done it now!" shouted
Powers giecruiy.
But, who Ulan Ihal he was, he left
the two plane, and diverted the nater,-.
on of onlookers. Dulziel •510od Itke
o to stunned, regarding Portia, "1 211(1
not know," he stnunn •red, "1 tau al-
ways doing the wrong thing, it seems.
Won't you forgive me?"
Der eyes were tilled with tears. "Itl
is I who needs forgiveness," she sob-.
hod. "I hoe wronged you ell these'
yea's. I have sot:m.1)1ng to tell you,"
Mrs. Powers tiptoed into the room
Lotti cloned tiro eommlmicating Moor to
the parlor.
"Now, Porta, free confession!" she
spoke, end diwnopeat'ed.
And (144(1, like TWO wounded doves,
those ardant lover; faltered forth, the
repressed love so nearly destroyed,
with yuletide glory all abbot theta.
L/4>FonU Son
Phone 123
DR. J8': E. AXON
Crown nod Ibrldge Worit *Specialty. '
raduate of C.O.D.S... Cbies o. and R,O.D,B
ayneld on llruudars, slay let to 0
Offices over O'NEIL'S snore.
Bpeolal care taken to make dental Bret
mantas painless as noseible.
Piano Tuning
Mr, James Doherty wishes to 1D -
form the public that he is pre•
pared to do fine piano tuning.
tone regulating, and repairing
Orders left at W. Doherty's phone
61, will receive nromnt attention,
1,30 p. ns. to 3.30 p. m.
7,30 p. m. oto 9.00 p.
Sunday 12.30 to 1.30
Other hours by appointment enlp,•
Office at Residence, Victoria Street
H. T, RANG•E0.
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Betate'
14 Firm
en u
ranaa Cont anise.
Division Court Office..
O, D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar
v cTa g4 t'd r'osa
*1111,11K1B RS
AL BE RT ST , CLIN'!`4.1/
t.veuernl Banking Tiurris.,i::p
Drnfie Waned. Interval allowed m
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance (° )
Pants end isolated Town
arty Only tnsus'041,
Blend Office-- t etatoriIs, Out
J. Connolly, Godetich, Pr shientt Jas.
Evans, Beachwood, Vice-1?resldentu
rhos. B. Hays, Seaforth, 'Secretary'
Alex. Leitch, No. f Clinton; Edward.,
Htnchley, Sgaforth• Wm. Gloomy, fig
nhondvillel J. W. `leo, Goderklbt &. 0
Jarmuth, Brodhagen.
W•m. Rhin, No. 2, S22:0r1Lo.lohrt
newels, betadhegen; James livens, bencit5-
wood; M. Msliwan, Clintons J*nbea'
Connolly, Goderlcht D, 1', McGreeetf
No. 3, Seaforth; I. Cl. Grieve, Rat 4'
Walton: Robert Perris, Harlock; Grit
itledAaT8ne, no. 3. sextant.