HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-12-9, Page 6'AOI: The Following At 1 CLE R INC !`ig I . ..:„.......... MEN'S AND BOYS SUITS. AN J .OVERCOAT See Them The Clinton ,New Thursday, cntbeh 9th, 1920'. ,re Offered At MEWS STORE Custom Tailoring Phone 103BrownMen's Furnitthinr; Opposite Public Library HOW CHEERFUL LOOKING -- tine Electrically Lighted Home looks to the home -comer or the visitor. It extends its welcome from afar off, You can have such lights in your home and if you will consult us you'll find the ex- pense is covered by the con- .veniehce and comfort it affords you. Call and see our iighttiig plant in operation. Corless & Venner HARDWARE and ELECTRICAL Phone 53 .nw..�.wa.. ssr ,v,n,.+n ,•ux�. TRY ci eti „s� c� kins FOR PLUMBING HEATING AND ROOFING 1 Repairing Promptly Done Phone 53 -0--- i` y.19 Purnarces ' Lead T iore is a Rea f,pn t44,4 gs. DON'T FREEZE As the genuine Scranton Coal is coin ing across in very limited quantities we are making special efforts on our people by substituting. NUT COKE BRIQUETS CANNEL COAL SOFT COAL WOOD SLABS behalf of We have these in stock at prices that will save you money in comparson. with the ridiculc ss price of anthracite. Orders will be taken and accounts May be paid at H. Wltte's store, Try a substitute for your fall burning we Can satisfy you. JNO. B. MUSTARD Clinton & Erucefield. Phone for Clinton No, 74, Phone for 13race$e1d 11 on 618, POULTRY WANTED WEEKLY 3000 Chickens 2000 Hens 500 Ducks --0--- Top prices will be paid by us for all kinds of Poultry taken at 'Clinton every day and at Hol.mesville every Wednesday morning. We pay three cents more per lb. for properly fattened, milk fed Chickens. GUNN LANGLOIS & -CO, LTD.' Clj}on' Q1040,9 N. W. Trewartha Local Manager The up.to.date First %M u,WLitt,,. NEW pApIT & PErp.. Our stock of Raisins, Peels and i Fruit is just in. Spanish Velencia Raisins $Oc lb' Seeded Raisins, large pkg....33,cj New Currants.25c lb' Pigs, cooking . , .2 lbs for 25c New Orange, Lemon and Citron Peel, Shelled Walnuts and Al- monds for fail baking. Fred. W. Wigg The Corner Grocery phone 45. SCRANTON COAL and Wood for Sale any who wish to leave their order for Spring delivery can do so by leaving their orders at My residence, Huron St. or Phone 155. Terms --Strictly Cash -•-Phone i5&. E. t SIDFia10E--HIJEtlbf•I plum' WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings. Phone 67 Next Royal Bank Old Huron Boy Re -Elected Ona of the successful candidates is the British Columbia elections on Wed• nesday was Mr. M. A. Macdonald, K. C., ' who was re-elected as one of the mem- bars for Vancouver. Mr. Macdonald is a native of Ashfield, and his old friends here are pleased to know of his continued success ,in the political field. Do nob anter another de with IteItingg,Bleed- ing, or Yrotrud- ing Pilos. 140 surgical oper. anon required, Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve yen at once and nlro •d lasting benefit. eae, a box; all dealers, or ,Ldmattsoii, Dates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Sample Box tree if you mention this paper and enclose 20. stamp to pay postage, ft,:t.1........_,______v- . k it • r IP ettimse. I I I II III I I IIII 11 1 11 II uln i iI Loca 'ancomasumnumiranitoang III III IDm II III uioi u III III Ili News 1101 !uu MIIiIIIMImmMaIM11mmlmmmllllllmm311111om1019 im Short Houya, The Clt37ton Knitting FaStory are now rulnning four Jaya a week for the time being. AT LAST YOU WILL SEE IT '1111 proN T U SDAY DECEMBER 16TH The Moralty Picture Which Has .Stirred AH Canada -"The End of the Road." Throughout the .great cities, one following another,, has played the inost sensational picture that has been seen On the screen. The End of the Road" 'has opened the eyes of the public' to the vast' need of strict inorals and more hygienic ideals, A Short time a',g s if anyone had suggested that the people of the Anier- icaii continent would receive their fist great moral enlightenment frojn the medium of moving pictures. they would Have been scoffed - et, but to- day it is a fact, as the first of the feateres of the public Health campaign, "The End of the Road," so positively illustrates. It Was at first thought that the picture would be of too truthful and revealing nature for the general pub- lic, and that it would not be feasible to allow it to be presented'as a screen attraction. But The government con- sented, making this one condition, that no one under sixteen must be al - 1 wed to witness it under any cir- cumstances. Treating a most delicate subject which has long been debarred from the conversation of polite society, "The End of the Road" handles the sex problem, and the tragic fate of the inmioralists in a frank but 'inof- fensive manner. It brings to light at lest the worst evil that modern civ- ilization has to battle against. The laws of nature are unbreakable, and to those who dare conies the direst punishment. Doctors, public health officers, ministers. all endorse "The End of the Road," Give a Time Saver Electric good cheer of Christmas to every rvesh•datr of the (y, -car. kip f her ppppnt ;can make wife or amther 'so happy. 'See the_ `Time IS ver m oar -store: rest►,. tom Photographs fur liriotroao The• l;. JL tiw.n .o . Gift P antero PHOTOGRAPHS carry the personal feelingthat no ready made "gift" can convey. Mak .t that appointment to -day An Enlargement made by us of your good I5ODAK FILMS makes an excellent XMAS .GIFT. ��$*.1aL , Phone 6 holograph er Buy Homo Mr. Jahn Diehl, of Stanley Township hos purebased tate house of the late Alex, Hulls, and will take possession shortly, , ,Gets Wiring Cantreet, . Mr, W, J, Nediger, bas secured the wiring coutravt"for die new Memorial Haji'at• Blyth and will start work in a day or so. ' Judge Dickson i<(ere Saturday, Judge Dickson will hold tate Court of Appeal for the Voters' •List ,here on Saturday'at 10 a10., and at 11,30 a,m. will hold a session for the appeals of the Assessment- Roil. C. P. 1. Pupil Taka Srd Prize Mr, John R. Townsend was a winner for the Carter Scholarship for Huron County, Miss M. J. MacEwen, of I Goderichowon 1st prize; William Wall- i ace, of VWingham, print prize and Mr. Townsend third, The values of these scholarships are, respectively, 5100, 1 560, and 540. IA Popular Preacher . - I On Senday last West Presbyterian , Church, Toronto, celebrated its dna- ' mond jubilee. For half of ibis time- 30 years- it has been under the sole pastorate • and supervision of one Ciergyivan, Rev. J. A. Turnbull -It I speaks volumes tor the that and ability . of a minister that he should be able to retain the undivided confidence and support of his people for this length of time. Mr. Turnbull was born In the southern part of Huron, and his wife (since deceased) was a daughter of the bete John Steep, of Clinton. He took his Collegiate course in Clinton, and together with several other Toronto clergyman born in Huron, has made a /lathe for himself as one of the most successful pastors in the city, I do -ad Fede of Council 0 ' 0 0 :k a 0 .. 0 44 The pay sheet for November fur Street work was 552,48. 54:25 was paid The Huron Special ty Casting Company for casting. Robert Jones was paid 59,25 for grates, ete., for street contracts. For repairing tools etc., J. F. Was mann was paid 53,90, $4.30 was paid S. J. Andrews for tile and ,cement. The Public Utilities Commission avas paid 5134.08 for street lighting for November. For lighting Hall and Lamp account 21.67 was also paid. I S. J. Andrews was paid $4. 03 for tile charged up••to • the Property ac- count. 0, Ward was paid 5105,70 for 9,500 lbs of coal at $22,25. , W. T. Hawkins was paid 52,20 for repairing Hall roof; • • , T, McKenzie was paid' $6.52 for lum= ber, .etc, for Hall. For rebuilding. furnace J. Ryder was paid 550.50. D. L, Macpherson was paid $t00 for leaving office 'cleaned. 57.40 , or Sundries was paid Corless and Penner. J, Carrick was paid 554.17 for Novemher'r salary, R. Hunter was paid 558.00 for sal- ary for November, 512,65 was paid to J. A. Ford & Son for seed. ' 0.'W, Potter, was paid 51,00 for re- pairs for lnower. R. B. Fitzsimons was paid 554.17 for November and 52.00 for collecting war tax At Hall. Wni. Gurd & Company of London, was paid .$3.45 for dog tags, 59,00 was paid W. Brydone for legal services. Miss N, Bentley was paid $1.50 for tpyewriting by -latus. The G, :N, W, Telephone 'Company had .an account for 62 cents. The Public Utilities Commission was paid 56.30 for lighting hospital and 51,.91 for 0. W. V. A, Hall. J. e, Mustard was paid .512.35 for fuel at G, W. V. A., Hail, C. tiellyar was paid 51,00 for repair- ing hose; Dr. J. W. Shaw, M. N, 0., was paid his salary for 5100.00 and 56.42 for disbursements, The Municipal World was paid 51,54 for forms. 0. L. Macpherson was paid 54.00 for stamps. Chief Fitzsimons reported 512.85 for Market Scalesand 555,00 for hall rent, I R. Hunter reported 58.00 for sale of .Cemetery lot; 545.00 care in perpetuity sand 5122.75 for work.. C iq"kT 41 IA jar Infants and .Children An se foo. Ovelr3OYea's Always bears tirow Signature of / e HA urn our sincere thankand We desire to ret s appreciation fpr the business favors and patronage extended to us in our Wall Paper Department "'Org. the past tWpnLy$$ve years and to anno nce that MESSRS. WOOD & TYNER, have talon over our entire stock of $urieps, $orders, Trimitllerfa and Wall Hangings and we bespeak for them your cordial sup., port and co»aperOon. - e W. fe Fair 0. Often the eheepest7-241' roi*s'theitest • ARE YOU READY For Xmas. Time Flies. You know we offer you Quality Fruits at Lowest Price Possible this year, Below \ye offer you Prices For this 'week. Buy; your Xmas Wants at our store, • !pkg. seeded Raisins 30 / BUY AT HOME Montty Saving Prices In 1 Ib Seedles Raisins 30c 1 lb Valencia Raisins30c 1 Ib Currants 22c Special Prices in 5 Ib Lots, WATCH FOR OUR 1021 CALENDERS app GET t rs a PHONE tit. 4 lbs R Oats.......250 2 pkg Corn Flakes -250 250 Toilet Sono Palen Olive Soap at 10c 2 lbs Tapaico 250 Per Cake Infants Delight et 10c Per Cake Special Prices on 4 or More Cakes 1 Bar Gold Soap sic tib Quality Elk. Tea.50f 1 Bar Comfort Soap 110 TILE HABIT OF DEALING AT NSEM. e :0 THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY' ' Mr. Car Owner This is to remind you cold weather is with us, and you must care for your Battery, Send it to us and we will keep it in a charged condition, ready to go to work in the spring all for S1.50. We repair any make of -Battery and carry a full line of parts, Have us give you a price on 3 or 5 coats when you want your car painted. All workdone, by, experienced workmen. Clinton Garage and Battery Service Station J. H. PAXMAN Residence 140 CLINTON, • ONT. jaavra a�rs�nvsrn:=vxxs�o-,**** Phone 80 : 1 MUSIC IN THE HOME adds immeasurably to life's plea- sure. You can. have it at once, even if you are not a player of any instruments. Our taping machines reproduce alt kinds 'of MUSIC franc' the latest crashing marehes to the softest of Lulla-, bies. Let us prove it to ygu person, Then, if you want a piano, why we are handling a piano which musicians say is the best buy on the market today,' Make it your business to stave me all on you • to demonstrate the Bell.- 1t will cost you nothing to have it done and if I can't prove to you where the Bell possesses More strength in build; "sweetness in tone; Ind has the easiest'touch; and' the best rrlced piano boiitstiiing those pbiSits, 1 will'glve you bite sit brie -half the price -so get 'busy'and call me up you stand a chalice to saVe some'money. i jQnatban !TWO!' � 4: .1 BOX 229, Phone 216. MUSiC STORE. SEAFORTH. ONT. o.'1 .. o.r e.,.... xw u,,n, ,x.xn, �a C lt.::.'., rr "" '-ir- 0.4• The D i f f erence ti S'1�►es The Difference between the sort of Shoes we Seli and the "other Sort" will be perfectly apparent to anyone who com- pares our "Grade of Shoes with "Just Shoes." he J1sckson Shoes are built up to a Standard and Not Down to a Price! The re- sult is that our Shoes are more economical than uncertain Shoes. They wear so much longer and look so much better than "Bargain Shoes" that they are a better Investment Dol- lar for Dollar, .than any Shoes which sell for less money. The true test of Shoe value is not the first cost, but. fhe final cost --not what they cost per pair, but what they cost per year, It is upon this simple test of Value that the successful grown„ it of our Shoe Business is based, FREm. J t .S N -"SHOES TONI a SA'1 !SFX"- ..ar...,,..-.,m.. ,un ,r,,.sws ye�•.e eax��eaa+,.p...mm+ur,+rn ms•'1r 4