HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-12-9, Page 1Ostabltshed 1865, Vol, 55, No,24
W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers.
Has a wonjderfpl etss9rtment,Pf Ivory Goods, Brand New
Leather Pocket Books, Auto Strop; Satiino, Gillette Safety
Razors, also Brushes, Strops, etc.
Beautiful Odors in neat Packages of Perfume.
Ligget's Chocolates (the better kind) ;"Cigars' in boxes of 10,
25 and 50; A itew assortment' of ,Pipes, Kodaks,
Albums, Calanclar Mounts, Hot Water Bottles, and
other useful gifts, 'An asso'rtnent of Stationary,
in Lord Baltimore Linen and Cascade Linen.
We haven't room to say more. Come and see for yourself,
W. P.
LG1 Fhm .B, 4
"STORE r•' 4 "
. t
ri. 1
Capital and Reaerve $9 090,000 •
Over 130 Branches
EncoHrage Thrift in Your children
Theopening of a Savingsi,ceount fora child its
THE MQI:_,SONSBAINIK encourages him tp save.
It is a step towards that traditional, first thousand
dollars. Savings Departments at all Branches.
H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent..
Tile Royal Bar*
incorporated 1869.
Capital ...$97,000,000
Reserve Funds ....$18,000,000
Total Assets $587,000,000.
700 Branches
Special attention to Farmers' r equirements. Interest
paidon Deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent.
R. E. MANNING, Manager . Clinton Branch
t ! �
.a I
commepocing Sat® 11 th
ending g Pricy 2.4:.1b
An opportunity that comes in the right tune to make
Christmas skoppingeasy. We have cut the prices of thousands
''' fMen's and Boys' Clothing of.dollars Worth -0 g to such an extent
thatou will save mouCh
money by doing' or .t"i`stinas buy
y ing A,t•>'
this store.
-TERMS ¢TR**C^T Y rAS�-Money refunded .if :goods not
...,L•. .rYr, .17' .4`• w.h4.,:•41•,1 ma‘n ' a444 c� •hi^eu•
Men's Overcoats at 25 % off.,
Boy's Overcoats 25 % og.
Boy's Suits 20 % oo.
Men's Suits / 20 % oif,
Men's Odd Trousers 20 % off.
Men's fats and Caps 20 % off.
Boy's Sweaters
Men's Underwear 20 % off.
i2 only Men's Suits, grey tweed, reg. $22.00; Sale price $95,00
2.0 cjnly Men's suits, broken line, any size, reg. $25 and $30.00
Sale price ..$99.50.
5 doz. Men's black pants, all sizes, reg $2,50; sale price $2,00
Men's overalls, extra reavy cloth, $325 and $2.50 tar $2.75
Stanfield's underwear, reg, $3.25; sale price $2.65
Stanfield underwear, reg $3.00 sale price $2.50
Heavy Ribbed underwear, reg, $2.00, sale price $1.50
the l o'r'e th Cl thing
. y.,, 9..r Y'f
wd `' SiDtlinto ?teal Iatr Every MINI
eaesaweo., ,,.xawr ne4,mu
Ann iLwi ..,tt1A411.%%1<.t f
O. to
I6,l st,.Q ficers'
The fifth Anniversary of,tate Pat-
talibn :Held Here on Monday
• Eveti;t►
r z r• e
Tile Fifth Anniversary of the Organi-1
zation of the 161st Huron Comity Oyer.
seas Bat,talion, was held in the rooms:
of the Clinton .Club on Monday evening;
The following officers were present;'
Lit. -Col. H..13.. Combe,
Lt. -Col. H, Y,Ranee,
Hon. Lt, -col. J. W Shaw,
Major H. C., Deplop,
Major W. J, Heaman
Major R. S. Hays,
MaJ Sloan,
R 1�. S
Msjor i Ifether igton,
Major M. D. McTaggart,
Capt. H,.C. McLean,M.C.
Hon Capt. S, E.' Mc*egney, M.C.,
.Capt T. ,R. Rundle, -
Lieut. Ball, -
At ,tlate dinner, Lt. -Col, H, .B, Combe,
acted as president, and Major M. D.
McTagglant as vice-president- After
ample justice had been done to the
good things of an excellent dinner, • a
great part of the war was held over a-
gain, in song and story.
The First Anniversary of this event
was celebrated in Upper Dibgate on
Der, 6th, 1916, The second anniver=
sary was held at the Old Chesschire
Cheese in Old London, and also
Hapiincourt, France on Dec, 611i, 1917.
In 1918 the Battalion was broken up
and most of the members overseas, no
anniversary was held. In 1919 the
anniversary was held in Clinton. it
is the intention of the Officers of the
161st to hold a reunion on Dec. city
every year:
* 9E 1F M; it p is is 4 *- of * * a• i} iF a
1F as If. .,e ar 1 :w s
4 aE ti a a1 11 a4
council net. on Monday evening
iwlih Mayor Cot,tie jn the c.ha<ir • and.,
!Reeve Miller and Councillors, Mrddle
ton, .Langford, Nediger, 'McMurrsY
..johuson, and Wiltse ,present.
Minutes of last meeting were read
and confirttted,
The Muskoka Tree Hospital asked
for a .donation and on motion of Coun-
cillors Johnston and McMurray be left
over until next meeting,—*Carried.
Mr. C. B. Bale asked for that inter-
est .be ,thrown off taxes o" some pro-.
perty and he .would pay the amount of
'Colincillbrs Wiltse and Johnson; re-.
communication of Mr. Hall that inter-
est e• be reduced to six , er ,cent
closet tax deducted for years if House
,was vacant. ,Carried.
By Lasa No 121, ,1920, was read and'
passed to fx the ,thine and place for
Nomination .and Election for Municipal
Officers and to appoint D. R. 0, and
Poll Clerks:
Finance Minister Wiltse reported that
as the appropriattoi trade .to Library
Board has been paid and found to be
insufficient to meet their requirements
we recommend that the, Treasurer be
authorized to, pay to tlient the sum of
$1.69,00 which represents the premium
of Debentures bought with the thuds
of the Stavely Estate and which has
been in the Sinking Fund. The grant
was made.
On motion of Councillor Wiltse and
Councillor Langford,—Carried,
Dr. J. W. Shaw, M. 11. 0., made his
annual report and may be read in an-
other column. The report was receiv-
ed and fyled on notion of Councillor
Wiltse and Reeve Miller. -
The Street Committee recomended
that portion of street, south. of G. T. R.
station and North of Mr. Mustard's
coal office, be graded and gravelled;
that Whitehead Street be graded and
gravelled between Maple and Beech
and Mr. Durnin is supplying the gravel
for the latter street. Report adopted.
The Cemetery Committee reported
that the Superintendent was making
good progress in collections.
'rhe Property Committee reported
that old furnace was repaired and new
one nearly completed.
The Finance Conimitte made Their re-
port which may be read . on another
'C'ouncil invested 54,000 for the
Sinking Fund in Province of Ontario
and Debentures.
Council adjourned on motion of
Reeve Miller.
0 - e
Opening Dance Friday.
The opening dance at the Norinandie
Music Hall -wilt be held oo Friday even:,.
ing of this week..
As To Stickers..
As the Christmas season is ap-
proaching the postmaster invites at-
tention.tothe fact that'. the postoftice
department does not pertnit the affix-
.big on the face or•00 the address side
of 'letters or any other mail matter,
of stamps issued in the interest of
charitable institutions, papers sealers;
stickers, etc, but there is no objection
to' such being placed on 'the bick of
letters or otper^`'items df mail provid-
ing they—do—not resemble postage
stamps; in form and design; anti. do riot
bear'ltunlerals.or indications'bf vallis.
Fire Underwriters Association
Issues Warning of Increased
Danger Through Christmas
Tr � The New Era
for Job Work in
With the approach of the Christmas
season and the increased danger to life
and. property through fire resulting
from Christmas •tree•decdrations, the
Canadian Fire Underwriters Associa-
tion issues' a avarnin1 to sine -guard
against ,fares ;front ,this cause, pointing
out't7lat'tlie SteNtary_coliditions of in-
surance• policies read in part as follows:
"Any change material to the risk,
and within the contrpl or knowledge
Of" the:assureii;'sttall`void'tlte p'blicy as
to thenpart affected thereby, unless the
change is promptly notified in writing
to the company'„Or ,,,re lopal agent."
The use of Christmas greens, har-
vest specimens and other inflamable
matenais' tich as drapories,'-'scenery
cd`tton`.to re'pr'esent 'Snow and the like,
decideiy an 'ihcrease of haaard,`it
being impossible to stake displays of
this natiifQ perfectly safe. The danger
to' life ii'crod,:'ded stores acid' meeting
Plias by reasoii'bf a"panic occhsioned
byfire'thoul`d also be'kuavded'iagainst.'
Ontario Legislation, _ .1
Leader last Thursday of the Ontario
Conservative Pairty,
ays More
• Local
Bread' Selling at 12e.
Bread dropped a cent this morning
(Thursday) and is retailing at 12e a
Canada's Crops for 1920.
Canada's field crops'for this year are
estimated at. $1,636,6'64,900 by the De
partnrent of. Agriculture, ,
Divisiox Court.
Judge Lewis held a short session here
,last Saturday afternoon. The case of
Baker vs. Clinton, was up:
Hydro Was Off.
Hydrowentout Mast Thursday even-
ing for half an hour or so and'again on
forward at Christmas time and donate
pillow or two? The Hospital has been
Officers Friday. filled alfnost to its 'capacity the past
County Treasi,rer Lane was in town
on Monday.
Dr. Maybee, of Goderich, was in town '
ort Weednesday. i
Mr. Col. Hoare was a visitor in Brus-
sels over Sunday.
Mr, Peter Henderson was in Kitch-
ener over Sunday,
Mrs, W. R, Counter was a visitor
in Wingham this week , i
Mrs. Rubloball was visiting with rein- ,
tiyes in Winghanc this week, i
County Clerk Holman was in town on
Monday on County business.
Reeve Miller is attending County •
Council at Goderich this week.
Mrs, Peter Henderson and son, Alfred
of Kitchener, arrived in town on Tues-
day. We Welcome then to town.
Little Eva Betts went under an oper-
anon this week at the Clinton Hospital!
and is doing as- well as can be expect-
ed. ,
Exeter Advocate.—Mrs. R. N. Rowe :phone tint of Order.
has been tinder the doctor's care this i Commends School Improvements:
week. owing to an attack of rheunra_ I To -day (Thursday)—al'•ove :try day, —Suggests School Nurse -46
tism. our phone is cut of commission. If �r
Deaths and 34 Births in Year.
Stratford Beacon:—Miss Amy And- f
any of our friends have phoned, ,kind- --
iy gear this in mind, that we could not
revs returned to her ..hone in Clinton December 1st, 1920
after spending fete Ret your "ring" and therefore could
p g a Clays with Mr, and (,tot take your luteretsing Itenns.
To the Mayor And Councillors:—
Airs. Alex. MacEwen, Mercer Street. GENTLc^MEN—
Dr, Fowler went to Toronto on Tues- A Delightful Evening.
day of this week to see itis brother, 1 Last Thursday evening the music f beg to submit for your consider -
Dr, Wilfred Fowler, who is seriously loving 'people had their heart's desire, atop the Report of the Medical Officer
ill from, pressure on the brain. Two when they attended th concert given for the year 1920,
We have been particularly free .from
specialists have been called in consul- I e the Great Laes of String Ql1.' Auxiliary,
un -
y, sickness and contagious diseases during
der the auspices of the Girls' Auxiliary.
the Past year originating within the
Town though the death rate is higher
than usual. This is accounted for by
several deaths. in . the, Hospital and
from outside centres: -
One case of Typhoid Fever of a mild,
type, one fancily with scarlet fever and
two with whooping cough were the
Only cases of contagious diseases re•
ported during the year. This excell-
ent result was due to the strict quar-
antine and the splendid co-operation of
the families infected.
Our'effortsof years in connection
with the remodelling of the Public
School has et last been crowned with
success. The improved lighting, heat-
ing, vebtilatioe, 'and installing of sani-
tary lavatories should next year show
progress aid :better health among the
Children. To perfect those improve-
ments 1 would strongly advise .the em-
ployment of a School -Nurse fora time
'to. discover those pupils suffering from
Eye Strain, Diseases of the Throat,
Nose,'Ears, and thus prevent many.
cases of infectious Diseases having their
nidus in those parts. A Nurse could
be procured from the Hospital.
Citizens still persist in installing sep-
tic tanks without permission and ap-.
prove' of the^Board of Health. Though
repea'te'diy' notified ' and warned. 11
heavy fine is attached to those offences.
An example of the haphazard method
of installing those systems caused the
Board much trouble and litigation re-
cently, all of which could have been
Tuesday morning fora time:
Installation of
The newly elected officers of the L week or so,
O L will be installed ou Friday even-
Sold His House
Mr. Samuel Kemp has disposed of his
house and lot 011 01itario Street, oc-
cupied by Mr, Richard Gooier, to Mx.
Robert Roberton, of the Bay,fleld Road..
Possession will be given in March we
Hospital Board Meeting
The hospital Board held its monthly
meeting on Monday, December 6th at
8 p. m. The' donation of $to.ao irons-
the Summerhill Ladies was gratefully
acknowledged, This was to be added
to the Bazaar Funds. There is need,
for a few more nice soft pillows at the
hopesomebody '• ill some
Hospital. We so b y w
iitg of this week. All members are Minor .Locals
asked to attend. , The Snow King ruled on Sunday,
Committee Met Here. Council met on Monday evening,
Only 13 more shopping days until
The House of Refuge Committee met Christmas,
here to finish up the business of the County Council is meeting in Gode-
House for the year on Monday, and to .1 1 111 veek
prepare reports for Co. Council. ; Not much stir in town on Saturday
last with the wet weather.
Even the "Wets" would hall with
delight a spell of dry weather.
About that Christmas shopping
matrimonial knot between Mr, Fred Don't you think it high time you got
Wm. Ohm, of Riverton and Miss Rosa
Erma Garbutt, of 'Clinton. They will Old Santa, before starting Dula
reside in Milverton. would do wet" to provide his rein-
Vdiil Retire in June. deer with raincoats.
We understand that Rev, S. J. Allis,
of Ilderton, and a former pastor of the
Ontario St. Church, will retire this M
DR .', M. D. EL-
coming June from the Methodist pulpit, syIlll 9 +va
It is likely iaur. and Mrs. Allis will move
IV,iarried Here.
At the Wesley Parsonage last Sat-
urday, Rev,- D. N. McCaxtus, tied the
to Toronto to reside.
Mr, J. McEwau, of Tisdale, Alberta,
is visiting his brother, Mr, Murray Mc -
Evian. The visitor,. ,who several years
ago was tatloing here, has, now a section
about 2 miles from Tisdale and has done
well. This. season was the worst yet
and they only secured half a crop. He
may spend'the Winter down East.
Tearing Frame School Down
Mr. Johnston, of Varga, who pur
chased the 2 room• frame'' building on
the School Grould'S is tearing the build-
ing down •this week, and removing it
t6 Varna ,to be used in" a house next
year. The'•pupiis which were occupy-
ing a room in the building are now
quartered in the Agricultural Office.
$ligagement. announcement.
Mrs: Louise Swarts, Wingham On-
tario, announces the engagetnent of her
daughter,, Mabel Florence, to 0. Mor-
ley Counter, son of Mr, and Mrs. W. R.
'Counter or Clinton, Ontario, the mar-
riage to take place'quietly In Decemit-
2o er,
Notes on Legislation Considered arid Enacted
during the Session of 1920
Continued from Last Week)
ATHLETIC COMMISSION.—For the better encouragement of ,
athletic sports and in recognitionof.,ihe importance of building up the
physical strength of the population, an athletic commission is estab-
lisped, the objects of which will be to assist, promote and encourage
amateur sport and recreation. Among the powers of the commission
are those for liceensing and regulating professional boxing and
wrestling contests. The expenses of the commission are to be pro-
vided for by a tax on gate receipts for exhibitions of this kind,
COURTS:.- Numerous measures for the improvement of the •
judicial system of the Province were introduced. A Bill to prevent
appeals to the Privy Council from Ontario tribunals was inti''oduced
by the Attorney General and withdrawn in order that there might be
opportunity for fuller discussion and with the promise that the 13111
will be re -introduced next year.
The County Courts Act is amended so as to facilitate the trying
of actions with the consent of the parties before county jjudges'and
rnahihir, the fudge to award proper acts. As the law stands one ob-
jection to making use of the county Courts for the trial of supreme
court actions was that solicitors and counsel, no matter how much the
matter involved, were limited to county court fees.
The Surrogate Courts Act is amended by providing that the fees
payable to the Crown shall be calculated upon the value of the whole
estate,including the real estate as well as the personal estate, 'this
will not increase the fees of the officials, hitt will materially affect the
revenue of the Crown,
The .judge is empowered to r_; :t>l 1.y skilled assistants in investigat-
ing and auditing intricate aCC0unff and in order to avoid any evasion
of The Succession Duty Act it is arrovide,d tlia•t probate or letters -of
(Continued c e' 1`r tge' 25 - •
11110•19 iike$1S!Y•49.10 oSoitia.
PotP!IPmists®ofr f! "ate
,,. ,• 1.v �- ^.: d
Wesley Church
Missionary Anniversary next Sunday
'12th inst. Rev, Dr. Hazen, of Listowel
will. preach in the morning and Rev.
Eric Anderson in the evening. Sub-
scriptions and collection' for the Gen-
eral Missionary Fund,
Ontario Street Church
The ,work of the four was excellent
and encores were demanded front the
artists. Their, recital was the best
that .has been in Clinton for many
works of the new Masters were played
along with the old classical inusic.' The
celloisl• was the only artist to give any
New Heating System.
• On Sunday, services were•resu'med in
• •
St' fa't's church,. as the new h
system was completed last week and a l
fire started•id 'the boiler on' Saturday
and on Sunday everythnig .was cosy
and waren. '• -The• Beating plairt is the
Royal Steam `Sectional boiler of 2,650
feet. capacity,' aiid was made by the,
Steen:Carfd Radilitor Co., Toronto.
There are 4 pipe coils' in the 'church,
and 10 radiators and the S,ipcday School
Will shortly be heate'd• b'y Stearn 'too.
S'intter'etl Perdue, `of town, hid the coil
tract'of-inist'alling •the system uud are
being congratulated upon the good job
they- have made.
C. C 1. Commencement.
"The arraignment of Paris" a pageant
of Queen Elizabeth's thine will be pre-
sented at the annual commencement on
Dec: 170. '- This pastoral play was act-
ually performed in Abingdon near'ox
ford Eng, on the occasion of Queen
-Elizabeth's visit"to Etre town in 1584,
The theme of the play is that Ate
the Goodess of Strife brings in the
Apple of Gold, which Is the- Prize of
Beauty: The competitions are the three
Goddesses, Juno, Pallas and genus.
They decide among themselves that
Paris the Trojan shepherd, shall award
the prize. After hearing their several
Missionary' Services on Sunday next claims Paris awards the apple to Venus,
will be conducted. Rev, E. L. And -
Juno and Pallas being jealous of the
ersoRev. will preach in the morning and,, triumph of Venus, thereupon AmigaRev, Dr. Hazen, of Listowel, in the Paris before Jupiter and the other Gods.
evening. Rev., Mr. Anderson will con- 13y the advice 6f Mercury, the Gods de-
termine tinct tate ultimate decision shall
be left to Diana, in whose kingdom the.
Godesses to abide by her judgment and
forthwith awards the' apple ' to Queen
'Christian Endeavor Department. A Elizabeth as ntore'deserVicrg the'pi'ze
1 splendid service with over 50 in at- 'of beauty' than any other. The Queen
dance, enters and receives the prize 166 the
i Tite W. M, 5, met In the Church on Revels Fallow 10 celebration of her
Wednesday afternoon with a good at- triumph,
Itenidance' Other features of the grog
duet the Young People's Class Sunday
morning at 10 o'clock.
The Epworth League on Monday
night was [Ender the auspices of the
grans foll-
Union Prayer Meeting services held.
In Ontario Si, church next Wednesday! ow, including the presentation of prizes
'evening. The Prayer meeting heeds and diplomas, ,fluud 1 numbers, .a pt,t
you=yon meed the Prayer Meting,: citatory0yaddress, and a one act farce put
on by
the boys athletic club,
The proceeds of 411e eoiiunencement
New York Sun: if a ratan says what exercises 'wilt be deft/tied this year 10 -
we think, we feel as much c'Itisfactioh the improvement of the equipment of
ss It v't had said' it, ' file gymnasium,
avoided had the Boards sanction been
previously obtained.
Along with th'e Sanitary lnspector''I
made inspections of the Restaurants,
Laundry, Bakeries, and Factories. point-
ing out improvenceitts • etc., all of
which have been attended to, Our
Bread is being handled better than any
Town in the 'Province. Milk supplies
inspected and they tested the minimum:,
The offices in the Town Hall could be
made much better from an optics,?
view as well as for a•sanitory aspect,
The yard at the rear of the Fite Hall is
not exactly a beauty spot.
'l'lte Deaths have been 46 and births
34: Though our duties have been
arduous 5011 often unpleasant there is
satisfaction in that results have been
achieved and in most cases our efforts
have been supported by the citizens.
1 must thank the Sanitory Inspector
and the Members of the Board of
Health for their hearty co-operation
attiring the year,
All of which is respectfully submits
ed, ti
J. W. SHAW, M. 0, 14,