HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-12-2, Page 4PAGE 6
The Followi
g Are a ; Offered
la di.
0 V ERC 0 A iTf IS ,o
See Them
Custom Taforlat
Men's Furntshtalt
Phone 103.
Opposite Public Ltbrary
Icy Goods and House
own s Fu
rnishPhone 67
Next Royal Bank
Now is the time to select
something for your friends
in the way of a Christmas
What about an "Auto
Strap" Safety Razor. Per-
haps you need one for your-
self, and we have them.
Can't We Get Together?
& Venner
Phone 53
Repairing Promptly
Phone 53
r' —O—
Tieda Furnc es Lead
There is a Reason
Ash Us.
We have now a comptete stock of
Granetware, Tinware, Aluminium
ware and Cutlery
Washing Machines, Hand and the
Cook SOa vhsi, '.Prlhaters and the
Pumps for deep Wells and Cistern
Union Valves, Couplings, Elbows
Etc.., Etc.
- We also carry a full line of
'Electric Fixtures, Bulbs, Batteries,
Irons, Grills, Etc.
Call and tell us your wants. We
wild be pleased to show you
through our Stock and quote
Sutter & Perd ue
Phone 147 ..:z
3000 Chickens
2000 Hens
500 Ducks
—0 --
Top prices will be paid by us
for all kinds of Poultry taken
at 'Clinton every day and at
Holmesville every Wednesday
morning. We pay three cents
more per ib. for properly fattened,
milk fed Chickens.
Clinton, Ontario
N. W. Trewartha Local Manager
The up-to-date Firm
Our stock of Raisins, Peels and
Fruit is just in.
Spanish Velencia Raisins 30c tri
Seeded Raisins, large pkg...33c
New Currants 25c tib
Figs, cooking ...2 lbs for, 25c
New Orange,' Lemon and Citron
Peel, Shelled Walnuts and Al-
monds for fall baking.
Fred. W. Wigg
The Corner Grocery
Phone 45.
and Wood for Sale
any who wish to leave their order for
Spring delivery can do so by leaving
their orders at my residence, Huron St.
of Phone 156.
Terms—Strictly Cash—Phone 155.
Game Warden Was Here
It is reported that a game warden
was her on Tuesday, checking up
fur buyers, but we have not heaerd of
any charges being laid.
Winter Fair now On
Plan, to attend 'the White/ Fair at
Guelph from December 3 to 10. What
about letting the boys or girls go this
year? it would do then. good.
Minor Locals.
Council meets on Monday evening
The ground was covered with snow
on Saturday.
As the genuine Scranton Coal is cont
ing across in very limited quantities we
are making special efforts on. behalf of
our people by substituting.
We have these in stock at prices that
will save you money in contparson
with the ridiculceis price of authracite.
Orders will be taken and accounts
May be paid at H. Wiltse's store.
Try a substitute for your fall burning
we can satisfy you.
Clinton & Brucefield.
Phone for Clinton No. 74.
Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618.
Children's Coughs
It is hard to keep the children from
entailing cold, they will run out of doors
nob properly wrapped, or have too
much clothing on and get overheated and
cool off too suddenly, they get their feet
wet, kick off the clothes ab night.
The mother cannot watch them all
the time so what is she going to do?
Mothers must never, neglect her
children's coughs or colds, but must
look for a remedy on the first sign.
:1 great many mothers aro now giving
their cl2dron Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup, as, it is so pleasant and nice for
thcrn to take, and relieves the cough or
cold in a very short time,
Mrs. A. Crowe, Illi, No. 5, 'Truro,
N.H., writost--"Two yrars o my
little boy caught a severe colla which
left hitn with a very bad cough. He
could not rest at night, and became very
dein and weak, 'lite prescription our
physician gave me did not help him, and
did not know what to do. My e•stcr,
in Manitoba, wrote me to try Dr. Vi.'ood's
Norway Pine Syrup, I went right to
town and purchased two bottles, and
before. they were used my bov's cough
had di4appeerod, and he hesame strong
and well again.
We always know what to use now for
eoughe and wids,"
Dr. 1A ood's Norway Pluts Syrup ik 8Gu.
and 50e. -a bottle at all dealers.
Manufactured only by The T, Milburn
Co., Limited, Toronto, Out.
The Clinton New . 'rci
11 III iu 111111 1 1 111111
11 111 1 1 111 11111
�tomentiongfigmetwougamm monIil uliolBllilmIWmIIilI10VVpW111MItloslUlll
Bazaar A Success
The St, Paul's Church Bellew
the school room hist Thursday was a
decided success,
Went Te Montreal
Mr, William Tiplitdy went to Mon-
treal last Saturday with three ear-
loaiis' of apples for 'Mf. D. Catitelon.
Will , Open Dance 19a11
Mr, S. S. Cooper is opening up the
big dining room and rotundatot-
dancing and several dates have been
reserved already,
A Pleasant Evening y
Last Friday evening after Hhe•Lodge
work was'over the officers of the
A. F. & A. M„ entertained fke mem-
bers -'to a rabbit pie supper, An en-
joyable evening was spent.
Fr. Dunn Cup Presented
On Wednesday at noon Miss Beryl
^Salter was presented with the 1'r.
Dunn Cup for her high standing in
the Entrance Examination last June,
Principal Bouck made the presenta-
Appointed Secretary Treasurer
of School Heard
Mr, 11, Wiltse has been appointed
Secretary Treasurer of the Publie
School in place of :Mr, 7•f. E. Rorke,
who has been away for the past three
Removes To London
(Goderich Signal.) Mr, 'r, T. Lec-
kie and family will shortly remove
to London, Mr. Leckie having been
appointed to the London-Winghant
run in the railway mail service. For
some years,. he has been running be-
tween Goderich and Buffalo. Both
he and Mrs. Leckie have taken an in-
terest in town affairs and their rel
moval will be regretted,
Sella His Business
On Monday Mr. Harry Bartliff, who
has been ie business here for the past Thursday of each month. Visitors al -
1S years sold out to Mr, Peter (lender_ ways made welcome,
son, of Kitchener. The new proprie- Playing the Dolls
for is a practical baker, and has been
'formai.' in the largest bakery in Kitch- Rex. vs. ,McCauley, a charge of ops.'
ever for a great number of years, acing a game of chance contrary to the
Mrs. Henderson and one soli. are ex- criminal code, was before His Honor
petted here next week, Mr. Bairtlilf Judge Dickson on Saturday. This is
is undecided, at present what to -do the case which came up front Blyth,
but will remain in town for the present. where the defendant -started to operate
his game at the fall fair. He was arres-
Presbytery Sustains, Call ted by Chief Constable Whitesides, tak-
To Mr. Lundy • , en before the Pollee Magistrate at Clin-
Fluron Presbytery held a special, ton, and sent up tot trial, but released
session here on Tuesday, Rev. J. E. on his own cash bail, ' In the meantime.
he was working at St. Thomas, and bad
to leave his position to come to attend
the County Judge's criminal court here,'
all of which entails considerable expense
County Council Meets Next Tuesday
Huron 'County Council will meet lin
Goderich on Tuesday, December 7th,
Moving to Niagara Falls
Mr. Harry Nilson, who has been
agentfor the Prudential Co„ is leav-
ing next week with his family, for
Niagara Falls, We are sorry to see
then: leave town, Isut wish them suc-
cess in their nett/ abode,
Was Here Last Thursday
Brigadier Cretchtos, the new Div-
isional Commander of the London Dis-
trict of the Salvation Army, conduct-
ed special services in tlae Arany Hall
last Thursday. evening. it was his
first official visit here.
Women's Institute Meeting
The Women's Institute held their reg-
ular meeting on Thursday last at Mrs.
_L. Paisley's. There was a very suc-
eessful sale of Christnia's gifts and home
made baking. It was decided to send
a donation to the Navy League. The
rejlert of the Convention held in Lon-
don was given by the Delegate. At this
Convention President J. B, Reynolds,
0. A. C., of Guelph, gave a very in-
structive lecture. lie spoke of the
excessive growth of the cities and the
de -population of the small villages and
rural centres, Dr. Mary McKenzie
Smith, Gravenhui•st, spoke on Medical
School Inspection. H. W. Hill, M. 0.,
D. If. R. Director, London, also spoke
on Health problems. Mrs. Watt, Or-
ganizer of English Woman's Institute,
gave an instructive talk. it grieved
her to see the constant stream of money
going from the Country into the cities.
We should keep our stoney to build up
the country. Miss. Emily Guest, organ-
izer of the Women's Institute, in Scot-
land, gave some very interesting exper-
lencs, while in Scotland and England
during tate war, The next meeting of
the Women's institute will be held at
the hone of` Mrs. W. Downs. Meet-
ings are always held on the fourth
Hogg, presiding, and sustained the
cell of Kippen congregation to Rev,
P. A. Lundy, of, Walton. In the
event of acceptance the usual arrange -
meets for the induction will be made on the county in the "administration of
justice," as well as on the defendant.
We are given to understand, the de-
fendant night have been lined a small
fine under the Agricuttural Societies
Act or might have been fined under
municipal bylaw, and this could have
been disposed of by a magistrate forth-
with, in place of the lengthly, and costly
way of bringing him up on a charge
under the Criminal code, The "modus
operandi" of the game in question, was
throwing dice for a Kewpie doll if the
at regular meeting of the Presbytery
next Tuesday. Rev. A. McFarlane,
of Bayfield, is interior moderator of
the vacant charge.
Found Dead
Last Friday evening Mr. Onslow
Crich, a resident of town • for ninny
years here was found dead 0 bed at
his hone by the police, who were
asked to make an investigation at the
request. of as nobody had
noticed any movement all day. Upon dice turned up a total below 12, or a
total over 29, the player won. It was
'a game .of chance all right, with the
odds against the player, but probably
the odds were not as heavily against
the player as in many similar games
which have been allowed to operate in
many places with -out `let or binder-
ance." 9n fact,. as the defendant point-
ed out, such games were in operation
all summer at Port Stanley. And games
of "skill" have been known in which
the odds were very heavy against the
player. However, this was a game of
"chance", and Blyth is not Port Stan -
breaking in Mr. Crich was found' in
Isis bedroom dead and. Mrs, 'Crich in
another room in a serious condition
but 'still alive. Both had been sick
during the past week with la grippe,
but Mr. Crich had been out on the
previous day. Coroner Dr. Shaw was
notified and on Saturday a Jury was
summated and after viewing the
body the inquest was adjourned un-
til Tuesday. The late Mr. Crich had
been for years Superintendent of•the
Cemetery and later worked with Mr,
harry •Bartliff, Besides his wife, he
is survived by three sons. The fun- ley, and the charge was lald under the
eral was 'Heid on Tuesday and the pail- Criminal Code. His Honor takes the
bearers were members of the L 0, F. view that the offence is a trivial one
and- A. 0.•U. W., of which deceatsed and although judgment will not be given
was a member: Messrs J, Cook, J, G. until the coating Saturday, intimated to
Chowen, J. Nediger, S. Pennebaker, counsel that ile will let the accused go.
C. Hellyar and Geo. Cooper, --Goderich Signal,
Ptilithrillh6' '!E rEatniaa The
6 Pxi lutflce of ra#i t N '9: bili
PHOTOGRAPHS carry the personal feeling that no ready
reads "gift" can convey. MMil
Make that appointment to -day
An Enlargement trade by us of your good KODAK FILMS
makes an. excellent :d.I'rt?A5 GIFT.
Phone 66 0 " UAL LPkoto irapher
Deceniher 2nd, 1920
We desire to return our sincere thanks and appreciation
for the business favors and patronage extended to us in our
Wall Paper Department during the past twenty-five years
and to announce that MESSRS. WOOD & TYNER, have
taken ever our entire stock of Burlaps, Borders, Trimmers
and Wall Hangings and we bespeak for them your cordial sup-
port and co-operation. -
The W. Do Fair eo.
Often the Cheapest---Tllways the Best
J.4:, eKtr
For Xmas. Time Fates. Yat know "we offer you Quality Bruits at lowest
Price Possible this year. Below we effer you Prices For this week. Buy,
your Xmas Wants at our store.
tpkg. seeded Raisins 30 e
1 Ib Seedles Raisins .3 oc
1 Ib Valencia Raisins3oc
1 lb Currants 22c
Special Prices in 5 Ib
Lots. .
BUY AT HOME ' 4 lbs R Oats.. 25e
Money Saving Prices In
Toilet Soap •
Palm Olive Soap at 10c 2 lbs Tapaico 25e
Per Cake
Infants Delight at 10c
Per Cake
Special Prices on 4 or
More Cakes 1 Bar Gold Soap —1 1e
2 pkg Corn Flakes ..2.50
tab Quality Bik Tea.50c
1 Bar Comfort Soap ate
The "qtr:` .L F l% s 11 4 V D" Bicycle
are sold in Clinton by
The Garage that gives real Bicycle, Car and
•;attery Serra=ceo
Phone 80 :
Residence 140
adds immeasurably to life's plea-
sure. You can have it at once,
even if you are not a player of
any instruments. Our talking
machines reproduce all kinds of
nuisic from the latest crashing
searches to the softest of lulla-
bies. Let us prove It to you in
Then if you want a plano, why
we are handling a piano which
ntiisicians say is the best buy on
the market today. Make it your
business to have me call on you
to demonstrate the 'Bell.. it will
cost you nothing to have it done and if I can't prove to you where the
Bell possesses more strength in build; sweetness in tone; and has
the easiest touch; and the best friced piano containing those points. 1
will give you one at one-half the price—so get busy and call me up
you stand a chance to save some money.
nathar�` I-�ll�
130X 229.
Phone 216.
The Difference i m Shoes
The Difference between the sort of Shoes we Sell and the
"other Sort" will be perfectly apparent to anyone 'who com-
pares our "Grade of Shoes with "Just Shoes."
• - .
(*son oes
are built up to a Standard and Not Down to a Price! The re-
sult is that ourShoes are more economical than uncertain
Shoes. They wear "so much longer' and look so much better
than "Bargain Shoes" that they are a better Investment Dol-
lar for Dollar, than any Shoes which sell for less money.
The true test of Shoe value is not the first cost, but the final
cost -not what they cost per pair, but what they cost per year,
it is upon this simple test of Va lue that the successful growl
h of our Shoe Business is based.
nasesesnantoranatessenna. acasscumursaainx aar'=emee
RED.x -
-"SHOES THAT SArt i, if"-
. Gvoellm� .. '- .Y>A94xviefnapc�R+m�%A.