HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-12-2, Page 3Decenbel 211d, 9920
The best and greatest thing wo.
can do in fife is to he sure that
we are instrumental • in malting
others happy, when, we, have
learned perfectly this lesson we
have mastered life's biggest pro-
There are special lines and sea-
sont especially adopted to this
purpohe such as •the XMAS
SEASON; and there are helps that
are especially adopted to ttre sea-
son—such as a good Jeweller-'
With a store full of good jewel],
ere/ and.•hindred 14ne .., ,You will
never 'understand :how ' specially
adapted,to your. Xmas require-
ments this store is until you have
seen our display of JEWELRY
of QUALITY which we are show-
W. 11 ..IIELW! R.:
Issuer of Marriage Licenses:
phone No.474w;_House 174 j
Beautiful, Fresh
and Juicy
At, 22 .Cents per Ib
* - :k. *
Also New Prunes,
New Figs
Also Layer Raisins
W:; T.
Ptione.:•LB ..
The Clinton New
ate \ews of tl ellistrict
Tile Annual meeting of the Seafortlt
Curling Club held last'night iq the
.Counollchamber was very largely . at.
tended.' Last yea r was the most suc.
cessful in the history of the club, and
the coming seasop proMises t4 be bet-
ter, The following officers were elect-
eed:—Patron, W D. Stewart, St Paul;
President, J. Beattie; Vice-president, K,
McLean; Secretary, C. A. Barber..
A well-known .and highly esteemed'
resident passed away ..unexpectedly
Wednesday at her residence on Gode-.
rto•lt Street in. the person of Elizabeth
Francis Rath; wife of Dr,- J. G. Scott,,
coroner. Thu deceased was a native
of Ireland, but spent the early part
of her life in the vicinity of Mitchell,
until her marriage, and has resided in
Seaforthrfor . over "half a century.
Mrs. Scott was in her . usual health
until' about five . weeks,- when she
suffered severe injuries from a fall and.
the shock proved too much. Her
husband and only son, H. R. Scott, of
Seaforth, survive,
* T
Bonne froin Detroit on Friday evening
from her daughters.
Mrs. Gibson's baby is reecovering,
Snakes: Were seen on :November 30th,
Is that a sign of. an open winter?:
"'....«.-w ZURICH. '—
Mr. Albert Rose, who recently
Old his farm on the 44th.Concession
to Mr. Paul Badour, moved in his
residence in the west end Of take
Mr, Robert Williams, who had been
in Zhrich,for a number of years, rec-
ently' left for Quebeer where he will
makehis home in the future.
Mr. Trefle Laporte, son of. Mr.
Charles Laporte, Bitable Line; Stan-
ley, . underwent . a serious operation
for appendicitislast• week. '
Miss Katie McDougall who has, been
visiting friends in Port Stanley return-
ed home last week. -
Mrs. A. -McDougall, of London, is
visiting her old friends in this neighbor-
Mr. H. Weston has sold his farm on
the 6th.Concession to Galpin Bros, of
Bayfield, the price was $6d00.
S Mr. Ray Cantelon of the 7th Con-
cession sold. his farm to Mr. Harris, of
Goderich. •
Mrs. William Jordan .and three child-
ren, of Glenkera, Saskatchewan, is visit-
ing her father and -mother, Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Betties. '
Grace Stirling of S. S. No, 8, re-
ceived a certificate of honor from the
Minister of Agriculture for winning the
greatest number of points at the Rural
School Fair held at Porter's Bill on
September 18th,
On Sunday evening Mr, John Beilby
Little passed away suddenly at his
home. The deceased had been sub-
ject •to smothering spells, and this
caused his sudden death. . Mew as 65
years old and is survived by a grown
up , family. The funeral was held on
Wednesday, and internment was made
at Clinton Cemetery.
lion,, Mr Bigge Decides eu All -
hound bid—ease' - To : -?lead
$750,000 more -.- Increase
Needed for Highway Scheme.
With the cost of living juste be.,
ginning to come down, the cost of
motoring is about fd go up. In
order to provide revenue' for the
;great highway ' scheme upon which
he is working, lion, P. C. Biggs, min,.
ister of public works and highways,
has decided to put .into effect an all-
round increase in motor license fees
,which, it Is' anticipated, will result
,in an increase id revenue- of about
,$750,000• •
MHntosh rMU fie The- higher fees, effective at the
William McIntosh' returned Monte on ear, ill''affect all
beginning- of° they , w
Wednesday' from Trout Creek, New
Ontario, where he had a good position
during the summer. He reports a lot
of deer being taken from that place
by the hunters; during the seasol,
and also all kinds of partridge.
' James Dallas has lately threshed a-
bout 80 busheli of alsac clover.' At the
prices it is a good paying crop,
Geo. Hili' shipped hogs and cattle
classes of cars; but the high powered
Pars' will'. have to pay a bigger share
than they have .in the past.
The Increases
On the four -cylinder car of not more
than 25 horsepower, a class that em-
braces practically all light moderately
priced 'cars; the license next year will
be $13 instead of $10, an increase of 30
from our station last week for the per cent. On heavier cars the increase
U. F. 0. varies, but will average between 35 and•
Threshing is almost finished In the X40 per cent;
neighborhood; Messrs. Collins and D. The following is the new schedule of
Swan, who have a threshing outfit, fees. 25 Horsepower or Less
finished their work last 'week. • They p
'have had a long steady season. Four cylinders , , $13
Misses Alice and 'Eliza Grey, of Sea- Six cylinders 15
Earth, are the guests of their uncle, Elght to 12 cylinders 20
Mr. Janes Moodie, of our village, Over 25 Horsepower, Up to 33
1r Four •-cyfnders $15
Mr. Stewart ,Campbell, of Granton,
wasa visitor at. the manse on Monday.
Mrs: Moses Brown and :family have
moved to Wingham- on Wednesday.
The furniture was conveyed in wag,
The. -failure of the -gas plant at, the
Methodist Church caused the closing
Of ;the special'.. services;,which.had been
annoynced., •
Mrs: iJohty Brown .and Mrs , M. Ross
returned'from,-their visit •te the Neat
on,-Meinday evening. ,
The Methodist Clfurch, Is being
painted and r, decorated;: Mr, .Wood,
of Ciihtoaohavtng:-the; contract,..
Mrs: M 'Brown'whei bqught•a•house
in Wingltatn some., time.. ago Moved
t cera' this week.:
i Mr. -Webb; of•Heesall,.is-visiting.•her
daughter, Mrs.'Shorbrook.''
Miss.. Younglilut, , of ; Auburn, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Knott.
Mrs. Ross..and, Mrs, J: BFown,• who
has. spent, the :past; two -months with
friends In the West returned home on
Monday. '
Rev. Mr, Sawyer spent Monday in
Mrs.. W.. Vodden has not .been so
well -for the. past two weeks.
The farmers -ale taking- advantage of
the fine weather that has been
they are all• seem busy ploughing.
*. ..*
Butter, - 55 cts
..Eggs .. .....................63e.
Hogs, Unsettled
Wheat .. .....a.,..'Le S4.95" to $19&
Oats5-c tai7e'
,Barley . 40% to A•:SC'
.Oucjceheet .... • ... 111:1S. ta, it.2O
Mar ; $t9:00.wto 1190.00
-terse. „SiS..,tgn
MI fed , ifs taaii-0,-
Potatoes,4 . .... •.... S;00.balrri
The Canadian' Courier, . Toronto,.
is the latest newspaper to have its'
remains safely - laid away in the •news-
paper. necropolis.. Thus, once .mote is
lit realized that
Man's a Mortal, -full of woes';
Starts a paper, up It.goesl"
Rev. Mr. McFarlane of Bayfield: who
conducted the Services in St. Andrew's
church on Sunday morning Nov. 2206.
met with a nasty accident while on his
way to Hills Green, owing to the icy con
dition of the road his car skidded into
the ditch in front of Elder McKay's.
Fortunately Mr. McFarlane escaped un-
hurt but..his car was badly damaged. 1t
took Mr, Jarrott's team and half a dozen
men to get the car on to the road again,
where it had to be left while Mr. Ander
son of the Parr Line came out in his car
and took Mr. .McFarlane on to Hills
Green. The reverend gentleman consid-
ers that he was lucky is escaping so well
es had the car turned -over the results
inigir.t easily have been much more ser -
One of the things that ought to
become fixedhabits to every house-
hold in Clinton is that of sending
The New Era the news items that
they may know of; tell us, of your
news and any neighborhood r other
items that will be of Interest, to
yourself, your neighbors or your
Every lodge, church body Or
social organization should have som
representative who will -promptly'
and carefully after its news report-
ing. If you think 'some organization
has better news service than your
own, it is probabty,,because that or-
ganization looks after such matters
Write your items and send them
in when possible. Or telephone
then? to No. 30, but please don't ask
that long lists of names be taken
over telephone, as It not only re-
quires much time, but is frultfui.fn
possibilities of error.
Above all, be earlY. Never w...
tilt late on Thursday to send an Rent
that can bes ent in days before
The New Bra telephone, number is
30 end at nights ` .. m' In
girt 9 S. PM them
Election of officers of Huron Encamp
inent Wednesday night'o last weeg re--
s'ulted as follows; Chief Patriarch, T.
Wallis; High Priest, N McAuley; senior'
Warden, W;` Patton; ,junior warden, J.
Vrootnon; F. S.'Dr. W.'F. !Clark; scribe,
J,. Newcombe; treasurer; Jas. Carrie.
On Tuesdayaftenoon Mr: and Mrs.
R'bbt; Carey and'Mr:, Lewis Carey had
ad unpleasant •experience- one which'
might have been attetided.with fatality
bad the young men not been good swim-
niers. The tWWo'had gotedown:the river
in' a boat, intending to row' up to the'
Carey, cottage, past Menesetung Park
Thdy, were carrted'down by the current'
of, the river and out Into the lake and
getting broadside to the action of ' the
action of the .water capsized. Mrs. Carey`
sank. and Robert went down to the res-
cue and g
escueand. got hold.of something and was
fortunate In finding on coming to the
surface that he had hold of his wlfe'S
clothing. The trio were only a few min
utes in the water but it was not a pleas
ant experience.,
Six cylinders 20
Eight. to 12 cylinders 25
Over 33 Horsepower, Up to 50
Four cylinders $20 ocean five times, spent a summer in
Six cylinders 30 France and Italy, visited in Western
Eight to 12 cylinders 35 Canada several times and also in New
Over 50 Horsepower York and other American cities, Mr.
Four cylinders - $30 Tomkins, her third husband, has until
Six eylinders - 33 very recently enjoyed the best of
Eight to 12 cylinders q0 health, but has been under the doc-
All electrically driven passenger tor's care for the past few days.'
vehicles will pay $15 instead of $10. Mrs. Geo. Mason is a daughter of Mrs.
Commercial Cara Tomkins.
On commercial vehicles of two -ton Wroxeter—Mrs. Win. R, Mont-
capacity or less the fee will be $13 in- gomery dropped dead Tuesday at the
stead of $10, with -a rate of $6 per home of her daughter, Mrs. Roy Mc -
ton, or fraction thereof, on' every Kersie, of Turnberry Township, with
vehicle . of over . two tons. One -ton whom' she had gone to spend the
trailers will be.licensed at $2, trail- day, Heart -failure, was the cause of
ers up to two tons $5, with a rate of .death. Mrs. Montgomery was 'in
$3 per ton on trailers of greater cap- her Gist year and -'the eldest daugh-
ter of the late Mr. • and Mrs. Gallaher,
famous oft the baseball diamond in
those clays. i•le still holds the champion-
ship of Canada for 100 yard race.
,Gorr're;_Qne,morning recently, while
3.141101 RAS .preparing
breakfast she heard-sgmething fill oil
the floor and looking around saw that
It was a burning lata from the- ceiling.'
The fire had caught, on the. paper', of
the ceiling beer the stovepipe. She
at once 'called. Mr, Walker, who, +4
Ilsatchi1ig up •a pail of water and rush-
ing to the attic above; ,soon had the
flames under control, A few more min-
utes of delay and the whole building
would have been in flames.
• Exeter: Councillor Wm. 'Ward has
;issued a writ against the town foe
damages caused to his fiilwse and
property by the . overflowing of the
water in the large tank-.
Leadbury:—Lila, Ithe ?little daugh-
ter of Thos. and Mrs, McLaughlin,
Leadbury locality, who fell with 'a
lead pencil in her hand *itch pene-
trated her face alongside her nose,
has made a tip top recovery and -there
Will not even be a scar,.
Brussels:—Mrs. Jane Thompson
has purchased the building her store
is located in from Mrs. J. G, Skene,
Seaforthi—Mrs: J. C. Laidlaw had
the,, misfortune to slip on the ice
when returning from church on
Sunday morning and fractured' her
tinkle. - -
Brussels:—D. A. Lowery, former-
ly of •Brussels, has been appointed
Bailiff for the 8th Division for the
County of York which will give him
a busy job,
Wingham:--Mrs. Tonkhis, Shuter
Street, celebrated her '87t1i birthday on
November 15th, and is, we are pleas-
ed to- say quite smart. Sh'e is
a retnarkable old lady and has travell-
ed a great deal, having crossed the"
Page Ffve
NOW is the time to look after the comfor
see that they are kept warm, and dry,
'Thaling"bnl'y No, t Quality •r'Doininion Rubbers" enables
of your feet and
us to guarantee you tale best pl'ocurable.'
choose from,
A Full line to
We carry a eolllpleterange of Men's and Boy's Overcoats
and suits and a good stock of Boots, and' Shoes at Rock ,Bot-
tem Prices,
Small' Profits Phone 25
JI o s s {",
More Business T, Ir
years,' and - was chairman of thed
for' a year or so.
Ethel. Wilford Long has' pur- ftD t ,- n ,*". +(+tt!:lp
Chased the' fine farm of W. Bray. for HAS IUAIt.R 1RGSS
the sum of'$5000, g
Morris Township:—C. K. Taylor
had the misfortune to fall through
the scatiold` -in his barn, a distance
of 14 feet and severely sprained one
of his ankles:
Zurich:—Mr, J. Hey, Jr., had the
misfortutte to Wrench his foot and
sprain his ankle while letting the
wagon out of -the barn.
Dashwood:—Mr, Geo, Kellerman, Set ermine "Beyer Tablets of Aspfrfn"
of town and Mrs.. Jackson, of Walton, nn a Brayer" package,, plainly marked were happily united in marriage hast with the safety Bayer Cross. r
Wednesday evening at the groom's The "Bayer Cross" is your only way'rw
of knowfag that you are getting genutnot
tonne.' ' Rev. W. J. Yager officiated. Aspirin, prescribed by plty'sietane 10 -
A few close relatives of both part-nhneteen years and .proved safe by mit;;,
fes were - lions for headache, Neuralgia, Colds,r
Hwere :-Mr, present. W. Orhwefn who Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritie, and for
Dain generally, Made in Canada,
has carried on a general merchant I IIandy tin loxes of 12 tablets—also
business in our town for some lar ruin is Ba eradeamearkstregistered't
years last week sold out to his father i in Cxarada), of Bayer 11lannfanture o£'.
Mr. J. W. Ortwein, who will con- i Alonoacetieaeidester of Salieylicaoid.
tau M M W Ort- .While it is t oil k th t o p'
Tablets without "Bayer Cross'!l;'i
are not Aspirin at
Mrs. Wtllimn Nesbitt and daughter,
Mary, from Medicine Hat, arrived
.tone on Tuesday to meet her mot-
her, Mrs. Acheson,
Mr; Clifton Proctor left Monday
ntos:Meg for . Toronto to study for an
electrical engineer.
The Sunday School of the Metho-
dist Church are having their annual'
'Christmas tree on December 21st.
Mrs, Holdsworth fell and broke the
small bone in hel', arm the other day
while hanging up some clothes,
The people of this country were
shocked to hear of Mr, John Little's
death on Sunday.
Mr. Fred 'Ohm left for his home
in Milverton on Tuesday.
Mrs, Acheson's many- friends hope
to hear of her speedy recovery, -
Mr. Fred Mulholland had a well
drilled and 'got water at 2558, We
believe Mr. McMath is having one
drilled noW. •
Mrs. William Mulholland returned
c,aro not
s erlmont
to when
use Dr.
..e, OHavanawont for Hezand Skill lrrita-▪ 11008••,11 rellavet et once and entail-EOZEMA
✓ allyy hifals,.thtr sato, Sample ilex nr.
Chase'! Ottltment troo if you 'mention tins
paper anti dead 2r atahip Lor postage, a8e, a
anon' all.dealers or Rddnanson, ails,* CO,
„r,. ..% ..ntmitea,xoranta • • - •••
Toys• for. _Iittle W11I1e,.
Something for the cook;
Make, With forty other things
The empty pocketbook. '
Manta for Christmas.
' Other' things being equal, it is bet-.
ter to buy plants near one's home than
to travel afar. Do not be tempted,
even by cheap offers, to go utiles
away, for counting ear fares, pecking,
expressage and lost -time, tato ultimate
cost is very likely to be more than it.
you paid a good deal higher price et
home. Of course it may itapp00 that
one grower 'or florist has a large stock
Of some one thing end Mari sell at n
low rate, but dealers usually have An
understanding with one another es-
peclally regarding holiday Price , and '
for weeks before tine holiday 'season
they have been balancing stock with
each other, so that the better' quality
planta are of an almost fixed value.'
Christina:: in Rhys of Yore,
to C
1 cere-
are n
`here 1'
montes tllid iiia v hisitir ca even
h Christmas i
smss t a
•h t
Well worth perltsing, and that ;give 0A
glitnptfea of ye ancient tines wheal:
our fotlierewat)d our fathers farefaeh
ern^ee"rbrr t "i and revelled and gave
of their'abuitdanei. ' HMSO tor whore
. Motor busses .will be•classed as. com-
mercial.vehicles and.. the. fee .based on
the combined weight of•a capacity load
'of passengers seated, the • average
Weight,,per.,person being. placd• at- 15.0
Trailers which at present pay noth-
ing will be charged from $2• .to $5.'
Electric 'passenger.;Wehicles mill be: in -i
creased, from lite' to $t'S.,
a * *•-it• s,*:rt sr. a. e a E
e 0,
younger days here, will regret'o
t' a the business r. ' v mown n s n•tn
wein will devote his time to the in- I- means Bayer manufacture, to assist the
public against imitations, the Tablets of
surance business. Bayer Company, Ltd„ will be, stamped
Brussels:—Chatham has secured a with
their trade mark, the
new industry. A deal was completed
whereby the plant of the Denby Motor l
Truck Company passes into the hands FEED'CORN tom.
of J. T. Wood & Son, of Brussels, who If you are feeding poultry,
will move their Knittting Factory to that 1 Hogs, Cattle or Sheep try some of,
city, At the last meeting of the City our Kilnl•dried `Corn which we are
of Howick Township, where she had
spent all her life':
sions and sat in•the••Reeve's and .tire
Deputy -Reeve's chairs and on the
,Council board.
• Wingham:—Mr. Peter Gowans has
decided not to accept the position of
tdwn clerk, but prefers' to continue
teaching school.
1 Cray Tosnshin:--Next year Grey
township will ouch : more - have a
Deputy 'Reevd' as• ttie' pdpulation'• is'
sufficiently' increased.'
xe cell••-Thet.manyr• • friends of
Wro :...-
•itlQ"Bll'1EFf .. V • ^Inglis Sanderson,, who i spent #
• tt t x , e e ' a . a •
* w + .1 learnt, that as a result` of the 'accident'
Auburn:—Last Sunday at the close
of 'the•• services' in the •Presbyteriail
andreh,t-the ' •questi'on of raising:Miss
Fingland's salary from 365.0 .to .3800
was- lirough't before. the, congregation.,
It was put . to a vote, The tnatority
Of votes cast favored -the raise.
Exeteti—The dWeiling comprising a
part of the estate of the late Mrs. Hor-
rell, was last -week disposed . of to Mr.
Henry John Kestle, of Stephen, tate
consideration being $1700.
Morris-Township—A case of small-
pox has beef Lepot$.d ii' 1Itlfr 'IYf!1-
ship, 3tid'the board of liealtli Ininlad`-
lately quarantined the home. The pat-
ient Robert Bird, has a very light at-
tack, it is stated.
McKillop Township.—The Directors
of the McKillop, Hibbert' and Logan
Telephone Company state the company
vain free of all encumbrances the ist
of January 4921, providing all rentals
are fortis coming in due time.
Hensalli—A splendid orchestra has
recently been added to Carmel church
Sabbath school and the music provid,
ed is being much enjoyed and will add
greatly to theinterest of the school;
Sea!°rthi-About' five o'clock- on
Saturday afternoon last Mr. George
Bunsch met with a serious accident at
tate Canada Flax Mills, 1-1e was operat-
ing a machine when his left hand was
drawn into the knives and so badly
mangled that the first finger had to be
;,Wroxeter,—Mr. John Moore, of.
Flint, Mi'cigan, Is visiting in town and
looking up the, few remaining friends
of old days, Sonne ,50 years ago Mr.
Moore WI! Bate of tate te'atting business
men of Wroxeter; he did 8 flourishing
black-sttiith .buslness at the stand now
Occupied by Messrs, N,; Witite and son,
Fie was also a leader in Sport and was
otge of ttte•boys that made, Wt'
,eetttida wee prepuied, ., t t. cwt .. r.
he sustained while'' in the air service
in. France, itwas found necessary to
'amputate his foot. ?rhe operation.
Was successfully performed in a
Montreal Hospital last week.
Grey Township: ---The fine farm of
Joseph Ames; 411t'Concessiot has .been
Sold to Johnt 'Bray & -Son; now 'resi-
dents of this township, who recent,
ly disposed of their farm, and will
get posseession at an early date.
Price was 35,000, Mr, Acnes will
probably give up farming and trove
to Ethel, He will take- a trip to the
ant Rot spring,. , u a 1,4 I.;d+iM
WIngl am--41edirge McKenzie, for-
merly of Wingham, passed away on
November 18th at the hone of his
daughter, Mrs. Roland Beattie, in
Alliston, at the ripe old age of 89
years. The late Mr. MCKenaie was
for years prominent in tate public life
of Wingham, having held all the
offices in the gift of the .people, He
was Mayor on two different' occa-
Cranbrook:—at, is said Victor Spar,
hang has purchased the Thos. Ryan
400 acre farm, West of Walton. Price
is said to be $6,500. ''Farm is a
fine one with good buildings:
Hensall:—David Dew, an old resi-
dent of this comittuiiity, passed a-
way on Tuesday, aged 5 i years and
five, days, Mr:' Dew had. been in
failing health for some time but his
death cane quite suddenly.. lie
\Vas a resident of Hensel' for natty
years and took a great deal of inter-
est In public affairs being a member
of the school board-, for a number of
Council it was decided to submit a by-
law to the people at the next Municipal
Election granting Messrs. Wood & Son Now is the time to lay in your
a fixed assessment of $7,500 on the 1 supply of Salt. We have it for
Dairy or Table use and also for
feeding purposes.
As the Flour Mills have just re-
cently been allowed to return to
their Pre war grade of Flour, we
are now prepared to supply you a
high • grade Flour` for Bread oai
pastry. Try a sack and see f r,
selling at very reasonable prices.,
SALT • .ft
Denby plant. Mr. Wood- will com-
mence .moving this 'factory on the first
of December. 11 is his intention to
enlarge it in the near future;
Goder1Ckf Isaac FISher met with a
painful:acild*ut at tile' Gbderibit Org .r:
Company. Hewes ona:'glu-
ing •nl$Ghif}e and got his hand caught
in the endless' chain`whiclf'operates the
machine, and before_ it'could' be'.•stopp=
ed one finger was so badly torn that
ft had to be amputated.' The remain -1 r
ing'i+fingdrs: were also ' badly injure r., , ) _ AK 111 C iG fnh
remain -
On account of the advanced -age of M w
Fisher the accident' proved i a severe
' Fl.Olni Al ' iFE p'`
shvC.L•t•Phone 199 Residenek 131.
Exeter:—This town has been with
out a hockeys'team 5for so -many years
that enthusiasts can hardly credit the
fact- that --Exeter will be represented in
the O. H. A. intermediate series and
Northern League senior series this
winter. "Goldie" Cochrane, formerly
of Kitehener,'is the man, behind *egun
here, and he contends Exeter will
no mean outfit. 'Cochrane is, per-
haps, better known it Hockey Circles
outside of Exeter than here, as one of
the most astute of the Older schobl of
Winter pastimers. He Was the main-
stay of the Berlin 4a th A Senjors and
inte1niadlates i'n •- "f0o5-i,-Y, 'aril laZeit
was In the professional ranks at Hough-
ton, Michingan, Berlin and Montreal.
Stephen Township:—Death cattle
with startling suddenness to Mr. John
Bowden, third concession of Stephen.
He was in the barn assisting his son in
pulping roots when he was' stricken
with paralysis and expired a_few mom-
ents afterwards, Deceased was in his
83rd year, and respected by all who
knew hint, Born in Devonslthe, Eng-
land, he came to this neighborhood 48
years ago, and for 53 years had lived
on the farm where he died, Ile is.
survived by one son, William, his wife
predeceasing hint 11 years ago,
last Wawanoelm—A quiet but pretty
event took place et the home of Mrs.
Jennie Currie, East Wawattosh, on
Wednesday, November 10th, when her
daughter, Margaret Ward, was united
marriage to Wilbert E, Kennedy,
Toronto, by Rev. Dr, Penile.
Seeforth—•-The Aminal Meeting of
the Seeforth Citizen's Band was held
in their rooms last week,. when the foie
g ,
lowin g officers were appointed for the
conning year': PresidenE--=Walter W.
G. Scott)
5ec.4reas*—G, T, Scott; Managing
Cot tttee -t. D. Reid; Wat, Hoak;
air11 M, Mc,Lc. ' "cadet---.Vlfirt. Fred-
t yyam',
tWr.O!'S PHOSPHOO reSefnd'
'rat En I,sh pre
T.o Great
sod inv
i orate
ones i g
nervoustaskss new ood
1 y
in old VeinStCm, s. Used for Nir✓ons
V8 bilhfy, Men tat dad Bra in Wo rry
b o
itdlf n
1li;3 adee , Loss of l5+i ,.!'alp... . '
Heart; oy - Memb ; 'Pike $2 rb4Sh.S,"'
the ' Mailed a' taYn•
lot $5. sasi t of all ice.draa or res 1 . p
yeynyra ce iypt,. e. f, wr teyo. yN e +v ,p yns, Jih IetnMyerd,
' ON 7r tt]17 Millie '911AI p'/d1:`.4
$16.00 oss`Winnipej
Plus Its teat per mild Beyond
AUGUST 9M( tlth, 16th and 18th.
stations Toronto to Scotia Jct. inclus-
ive; also All stations on Depot Harbor.
Midland, Penotang and Meaford brant-
et. • itfi?' i 1715
AUGUST 9th and 16th front all the
stations in the perovince of Ontario and
Quebec, 1_'&illkr9lie,_Golden false, 11p-
te31'Ove, Toroannto d bast. . elPn ai
AUGUST 11th and 18th, from all the
stations in Ontario, Toronto and West.
Pull information from any grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or C. B. Morelli
District Passenger Agents Troonto.
John Ransford & Son, city passe*
ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57i,
-A. O. Pattison, station agent.
66 101.411/11014,91/ FOLLOWS
The epidemic of "flu" left in its train
many weals hearts and serious nerve
Mfrs. L. Wilson, 63 Itidout St., King=
Ston, Ont, writes: --"Over two years ago I
was taken very ill with Spanish influenza,
followed by neuritis of the bend, high
blood preseure and congcsl.ion ef'the brain,
and 1 was left in a very weak Mate.
iity heart and nerves were so terribly
bad I would have weak, fainting spotl8
sometimes twice allay. It really seemed
to mo my heart would stop beating. I
doctored, and, they seemed to rio all they
could for me, but I grew so bad, day
after day they thought I could not got
better. ] had given up all hopes of 'ever
gutting well, as I was failing very fast.
It seemed t'o„are it was a Clod -80116 when
I looked in the paper and read about
Milburit s Ileart and Nerve Pills.. I
thought that there was a little hope
where there was a spark of lire left,
Icommenced taking
right atvay
and I am now ou my Brill box, and l
lob better. I
e say I ant a
b Y
` for
not beo
' had o >”
'it It
truly think that
our _wonderful medicine I would not
re 6oi'
Price See, a bole at all dealers
aaal1l1et! r 6 . ;byl; Tim. T. Milburn "of
Lh*ited, PotA'to Ola , '