HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-11-25, Page 6PAGE 6 *PI 04111111111i 11 ill The Following Are Offered At L TS/i1EN'S. AND..1, BOYS.. SU OVERCOATS See Them At MEN'S STORE cusuirn, 7,,gov;ine Men's FurisfsliSi Phone (03. v.- Opposite' Public Oskar,. WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings. . Phone 67 r , Next Royal,Bank Now 1S the time to seleCt • something for your friends in the way of a Christmas Gift. What about an "Auto Strap" Safety Razor. Per- haps you need one for your- self, ,and we have them. Can't We Get Together'? Corless & HARDWARE and ELECTRICAL Velner Phone 53 TRY Hawkins FOR PLUMBING HEATING AND ROOFING . t t Repairing Promptly Done— - Phone! '53' '1 711— —0-- keda PynvicesLeoid is'1Reilsoi'i. • efi ' ASit CtS. 1 YOUR .WANTS. 1.11 5: :' • ' .1 1 • We have now a'cOminete stock of Ginrietivare,` Tinware; 'AluminitiM, ware , and duileri. Washing MiChines,J-land and the • Electric Cook SP.044 Iii.s.aters and the Furnace Pumps for deep Wells and Cistern Union Valves, Couplings, Elbows Etc., Etc. —We also carry a full line of Electric Fixtures, Bulbs, Batteries, Irons, Grills, Etc. Call and tell us your wants. We will be pleased to show you through our Stock and quote prices. Sutter & Perdue Phstribetv&petricians Phone 10 POULTRY WANTED WEEKLY 3000 Chickens 2000 Hens 500 Ducks —0— Top prices will be paid by us for all kinds of Poultry taken at Clinton every day and at Hohnesville every Wednesday morning. We pay three cents More per Ib. for properly fattened, milk fed Chickens. • GUNN LANGLOISA CO, 111). " --agrAif 7.1 Wannkiee'lChasiian 'ThaiiperanciiUnion Everyone should know what the "Travellers Aid" is doing to assist girls and. women. travelling. Come and 'hear Dr. Sara Detwiler in Wesley Church Lecture Room on Tuesday afternoon of next week at 3 o'clock. Dr. Detwiler is a member of the World's Executive of the W. C. T, U. and has recently returned from England. A hearty invitation is extended to the Public. Afternoon tea will be served( and a collection taken for Travellers' Aid Work. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C.A.STORiA DON'T FREEZE As the genuine Scranton Coal is com ing across in very limited quantities we are making special efforts on behalf of our people by substituting. NUT COKE BRIQUETS CANNEL COAL SOFT COAL WOOD SLABS ' We have these in stock at prices that will save you money in comparson with the ridiculcms price of anthracite, Orders will b taken and accounts May be paid at H. Wiltse's store. • ' 1 Try a substifnle for yesn'faIllitrning • . ,. • W. Trewartha... Itoc„.11 Manager wie can satisfy you. •.. The uplto.ditel'Etren . • JNO. iwafiett "lien* foriclisaton Np. 7t4s,s, st. li IT. iqk E" 4 5, ,Phfolig,hr AF1,50114:14 °,a618 MAU PERSIS Our stock of Raisfis, Feels and I cd11 I" '15 1"sm'td 01." HACK 'ING- ' Fruit is just in: 1' , , r l otrad •161 111: Ns& • ' ' RACK 111,13, Spanish Velencia Raisins 30c tb ,f4t Seeded RaiSinS, largo pkg.. .133e COUGH Ntpw ... . .. 26c Oin *Y. .3 Dr.. Wood's.. NorWay Pine' Syrup: .Figs, .cooking•....Z tbs for .250 NOW Orange,' 'LemOn'' alccr Peel, Shelled Walnuts and Al- mondS for fall bakitig.' Fred. W. Wigg The Corner droery Phone 45. satevissamovntammaatonvossasom, SCR.AilViii\FE0At and Wood ler Sale any who wish to leave their order for Spring delivery can do so by leaving their orders at my residence, Huron St. or Mimic 156. Terms—Strictly Cash—Phone 155. V,AJD • The terrible, hacking, lung. racking cough that stoke tolron m spie of every- thing you have one tog ra of it, is great' dar1cr to' your 'hetiff,h, and the longei it ' stick5 tI� moke"serious the Mina& becOraeti.- The'coistant coughing keep's the Itings and bronchial tubas in' such en irritated and inflamed condition they get no dance to heal. You will find in Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, a romedY thatlooselts,A0 . , . phlegm and hbals and coothes. the lungs,' thereby fortifying them against, serious puirnonaloy disease, Mr, J. W. To, Whitely, Vermilion ilbt wish to express my thanks for what Dr. f Wood's' Norway' has done for rrie, ll'or ti number weeks I bad been suffering from a v6ry severe hacking cough, and ell the remodlea 3 trio(1 (milstr to rellove nai. • At Tag, I 13e(1111* ed 11. bottle of "I)r. 1Vood'a," and after -taking it I secured great relief, Need -leafs' tit o alw is' rferfiv. my intention'. to aleiitys tecira turifily on "Dr, Woodfa" 15 85e. and .00c. 11, NAIL,: at all dcalere,' TIM geintine',14 put bp in a yellow wrapper; 11)1110 pine trees the trade mark' nusinesetured only ,14Y`Thii, T. Milbtfrn'Co., Limited, l'ol,oltitri Ont I" he Clinton New Era 110118=121 111111111 11 1 1 1111111111111111111111111111111 Thursday, Nov, 2.5th, 192o, NR111=111111=1101111 Local News '3,11PROM11111,11111.1111111,111111113,11200111, 11111111111 Coal For Everybody. Last week E. Ward had one car oi coal and J. 13, Mustard 3 cars, Reeve Miller got a Car of coal and More is ex-' Peeled this week, Junior Girl's Friendly Society l•he ,Jtinfor GUTS Frielidly Society had fi' tea on Friday afrernoon. A sil- ver collection was taken which amount- ed to over $10.00, which was devoted to the Famine Relief Fund; COnsmencetnent Exerdises • The/Annual. Commencement Exer- cises of the .Collegiate Institcute will, be held in the Town Hall on Friday even- tng. December irth. A good program is being prepared of which a fuller ac- count will be given next week, The First 'Dance" " 3Tbe-Postlmei• Club held their first chince'of the seaSon on Tiiiirsdsy sv'ert, ing last and in , enjoyable time was spent by .those present—, P'hal$n's 0achestra supplied the music. .The Club rooms' have been recintly idecorat- ed. .., L. O. L. "At Home" . Murphy Lodge held their Annual At Home in their Lodge Room on Tuesday evening a goodly number of members and friends were..present,. Rev. 5.13. McKegney was Chairman and, the fol- lowing took part 0, the program:— . • Chairman's .Address 1113 Hydro Was Blinking Mondry evening about 6130 Hydro was off, both Ilght Alia power, twice for short intervals, Enquiry Re Shooting •The season for - shooting rabbits will again be open between Christ- mas and New Year's for one week, 'This 111 response • to an enquIWsse, oelved at this' office,' ' .' • House Not Sold •'The hbuse and lot Owned by the tate A. Wiltse was not sold on Saturday last at the Auction Sale es the reserve bid was not reachedi. The furniture, 'etc., went at a good price. • . Mli4Or Next Wednesday is December 151. Only.,2f days. more shopping days un til, Christmas, 'Wee regiclar,Meeting of the A. F. Sr. A. M. „Lodge .be,held on Friday evening. ..Eyen,the town clock refused to face the slee4 on Sunday and stopped. • lau t. Lt:isdiiceicr 1:5 Cent ti A Pound 'Every effort is being Made tri supply the re.tail dealers with Brown Lake] "SALADA" at the reduced price 01 55 cents per pound. However, it w111 take some little time„.before.ell, have it in stock, in spite of every exertion on the part of the Company, as they have tens of thousands V customers throughou Canada from the Atlantic to the Pacific Inst., Duett—Mr. and. Mrs, 0, Welsh Hem Special servies. Reading—Miss Grant Solo—Gershum Anderson Reading:—Miss Rutledge Address—Rev, C. M. Hallowell Reading—Miss 0. Cook Swiss Echo Song on Victrolia Address—Rev McCamus. Solo—Mrs. Downs Last 'Saturday- evening and Sunday Mrs. Staff _Capt. Maltby, of the S. A Force in the United States, conducted services here and was welcomed back by many of the old comrades, The Capt. was known here years ago as Capt. Nellie Banks and was a popula officer here. She was one of the first officers with the Army when they start Reading—Miss Armstrong ed in Clinton. Address—Rev. Mr. Anderson A contest also was on the program. Friday December 2nd program, course will be given in the Town Hail The second concert in the Lyceun Lunch was served at the close 01 the on the evening of December 2nd. This concert will be given by tbe Grea Lakes String Quartet, consisting o , OUT ON DEC 1ST four young men who served in the 1. A nerican Navy during the war and who have since been doing concer Whereas a petition has been re- I work in various cities of the United ceived from electors of the County of States and Canada. The Quartet is Huron, in the Province of Ontario,' most highly spoken of by those who praying for the revocation of the Order 1 hay, heard it. 01 Council which brought Part II of The Canada Temperance Act into Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto force in that County; The Annual Meeting of the Torontc And whereas such petition appears Huron Old Boy's Assoclatidn will be to satisfy the 'requirements of the Act held in room 15, Y. M. G. A., Building in form and cOntent; College Street,- Toronto, on Monday And whereas the Secretary of State evening, November 29th, commencing reports that he is of the opinion that at S o'clock. For the election of Offi the desire of the petitioners would be cers and the Transaction of Genera met by the suspension of the opera- Business. An Address on 'Huron Re tions of the Act 'in accordance with miniscences" will be delivered by Rev the provisions of chapter 30, 7-8 Ji A. Robinson- of St Philip's Church George V, "An Act to amend An Act Spadina Avenue, and a former Huron in aid, of Provincial legislation Pro- ite. Addresses will also be given by hibiting or' restricting the sale or use of prominent members of the Association intoxiiating liquors" and is satisfied Refreshments will be serve d at the that the provisions of The Ontario cine of the meeting; Temperance Act are as .restrictive.ss 'the' provisions 'of • the Canada' Temper- Former Clinton Boy Ace' *"0.1 Therefore His Excellency the GO; e;noi. Gehern al in CoUnell, o. the re- Mr, Jah14who 'H: (Tin.) O'Neill, for the past eig tomnieticlatiOn of Secraary of hteea ,.nwnthsovas a Slate'ancf.isr.pitraualtee of the • provis- member of- the Editorill staff of The Fli oe,chikev 430, ab6,,,,.e nt (Mich,) has,lef ion Flint for Windia;Ontarioto joi referred t� i 'pleated to susp'end' ihe , , n the ., editorial staff f operation of the of' The . o,The. Border Cale Canada TediperSiice'llei iii•thi.tounly„ Star and Morning San. Mrs. O'Neill of Huron, in the province•of 'Ontatio, and'd!Ofh''-iierb,de'Clar'e; the: s'iltun' ton be' Saitieixtek such asplisSionNO:tbiii thrice: daYs after the 'date' of the piii3liehtfdn 'hereof in' • the Canada Gazette' and to cinstina' as' long as the- Pi0VifitalrfaV•reinaini' as restrictive 'as The .Cinealt,,TeMperinge 'ACC' -ROOOLPHE ISOUtitakti, Clerk of the Privy Coinscil. The date of..the Canada Gazette con-. tattling the, above•was Nov, 2oth, which" will bring the O. T. A. Act into force on December • 'tv'irlf Wish him continued success in his new -location; SCOTT ACT PASSES Joins Windsor Paper Who,recently,sintierweht a serious op dation in'the• hospital at Flint,. Wil ntf 'be able' mbie tO Windsor for a few sveks,•biitarbund th'e 1st of Dec elciber th'e family an5 Mr. O'Neill's. uncle, Mr. Joh'n'McQueen, will takeup t1er'abode in. Canada. Th'e Flint Sci'aCerf6Otball' club;' of which Mr. O'Neill !lei Seen president for the last nine'Months; presented him and Mrs. O'Neill with two valuable and beauti- ful articles: of Jewellery' as farewell Mr. 'Clinton' friends Phpteltophs fpr .Christmas Gifts Most things can be anybody's gift your Portrait is distinctiVery and exclusively yours. Just think One dozen Photos make twelve Christmas gifts. Your frieriA' can bid' ar&thing yait can give them, except your photograph., • - M4ke that arm' ointrnent to -day EX2172MFAMMLITZLP=PRIT=217X22.,t2rATtrAnitteiffrtrtr4 a'aftWOI We desire to return our sincere thanks and appreciation for the businees fayors and patronage extended to us in our Wall Paper Department during the past twenty,.five years . and to announce that MESSRS./ WOOD & TYNER, have taken over our entire stock of Burlaps, Borders, Trinufiers .'arid Wall Hangings and'we.bespeak for them your cordial sup- ' port and co-operation. .44 1 Often -the heapest—Ttlwets the Best +al. ARE YOU READY For Xmas, Time Flies, You know we offer you Quality Fruits at Lowest Price Possible this year. Below we offer you Prices• For this week. Buy, your Xmas Wants at our store. ipkg. seeded Raisins 30 1 \lb Seedles Raisins ,30c lb Valencia Raisins30C 1 lb Currants 22c Special Prices 01 5 Ib Lots, WATCH FOR OUR 1921 CALENDERS . BUY AT HOME Money Saving Prices 115 Tdilot Soap Palm Olive Soap at 10c Per Cake infants Delight at 10c Per Coke 4 lbs R Oats.— .. .250 2 pkg Corn Flakes ..25c 2 lbs Tapaico 25c sib Quality Ink Ten50( 1 Bar Comfort Soap tic Special Prices on 4 or More Cakes 1 Bar Gold Soap ,. tic varasrvvvvasevoveromrdf GET THE HABIT OF DEALING AT , etc:. PHONE -111. THE STORE FOR.EVERYBODY The ",C'LEVR 1 41VD" Bicycle are sold in Clinton by J. H. PAXMAN The Garage that gives real Bicy'cle, Car and Battery Services SOLD FOR CASH OR EASY TERMS ORDER YOURS TODAY Phone 80 : Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. df,,v,v....mesnkacarsuoxooeat,s vvvvg,vvavvps MUSIC IN THE HOME adds immeasurably to life's plea- sure. You can have it at once, even if you are not a player of any instruments. Our talking machines reproduce all kinds of music from the latest crashing marches to the softest of lulla- bies. Let us prove it to you in ' person. • Then if you want a piano, why we are handling a piano which trnu§ici4114 say is the best buy on . the market today. Make it your. 'business to hate me call :• to demonstrate' the Bell:* 'It will • l'eost you• nothing' tohave it done and if I can't prove to you where the `P,P§Sesees': more .strength, in build; sweetness in tone; and has the easiest ,touchi and, the best.frIcecl, piano containing- tapas' ,goinjA, 1. will give' y'pn one a one half Ihe,prIcg7e-so get holy i'1401' I Olk`,tike anp you, siva Vciiante' soitre noher 4 . 11 • • 1. — Jonathan.g. Irt, BOX 229. MUSIC STORE. ilhone'216. SEAFORTit ornamommamipmalamell, meomenkeelleallOONON. kid arrat c.t tW4 eVcal ,ere-nce fa „0:e$ - Rh. Xe• 1, 1The Difference between the sort of Shoes we Sell and the 'olller'Sort" will be perfectly apparent to anyone who com- pares our "Grade of Shoes with "Just Shoes." • The Jackson .mastaraues are built up to a Standard and got Down to a Price! The re- ' init. is that our Shoes are more economical than • uncertain Shoes, They wear so much longer and look somuch better: than "Bargain Shoes" that they are a better Investment Dol- lar for Dollar, than any Shoes which sell for less money. ,. The trne.test of Shoe value is not the first cost, but the :final cost—not what they:cost per pair, but what they costper year. It is upon this simple test of Va lue -that the successful growf h of our Shoe Business if based, • emeinneemerreesaracterveneasemeiwwwnwavieirawavecesmscsmertrinewienwineeera 11 ThAT e, FOD. 3SieliSON J‘StiOES SAT1gti"-: