The Clinton New Era, 1920-11-25, Page 4PM* 4. The Clinton New Era NERVES ALL GONE TO PIECES "fruit-a-tives Conquered Nervous prostration It. R. No.4, GRAM= PLAINS, MALI, "In theyear 1010, I had Nervo+as ?rostrmitoyr in ,its worst forint dropping from 170 to 115 pountls, Ttae doctors had Sao Nolle of nay ;et"aatrcry, and everi6utedicine I tried proved useicyss until a friend induced me to take o"Pruit•a-tives". X began to mend almost at once, and never had such good health as I have enjoyed the past eight years. I am never without "Fracil-a-lives" in Me house". JAS. S. D)✓LGAT.Y. 5Qc. a boys, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit -a -lives Limited, Ottawa. wen 'Hamilton Thnes: We are told that yvagessiand tobacco will soon be sup- plied to the prisoners to Kingston Penitentiary. Then Ivo may . have people breaking into it, , P( ord1 your Chris al of 15 QC T MSS AGITATE AGAINST . REGULAR EXAMS. Sir Robert Lalconer, Toronto University Expects Cbange In Present $yatesm, Toronto, Nov, 1.i,r-The agitation ag- ainst the regular examination systema IS making itself felt, even at the Un- tverstty of Toronto, as ;Sir )lobert Falconer states to the Union Press Bureau that while he sloes not thiuk thein Will abandon 'the regular exam- inations, they may reduce the number and length of them ii some eases, The newspaper representative ask- ed Sir Robert about the relation of education to salaries, i "it is often alleged that the man 1 without much education semis to cto better materially under present .day conditions than the educated person," 1 said the journalist, and cited•the case I of a Janitor getting more than a law i..clerk. 1 May of Country "There are many such positions as that mentioned, which ,require no high degree of 'education for their satis- factory performance," President Pal- ' coneyagreed, "but this has no bear- . "='mac^°=.•- Wtfft�t ing on the need education for other positions, real question is suhelher the country thinks that tine positions for which eddcraion is nec- -- t rsonal Greei y aids ir41 An ordinary card at tary message. But a own message goes tmas good will. the holiday season carries an personal card carrying one of with an intimate feeling of We have ready now a 'particularly good.- assort - samples of Fine Art Christmas Cards. It will be advantageous to place orders at the ear Iiest possible date. 4. eNew Era job Deparirnent CLINTON .. imMieW,FMAEit' OMMMM tester t7 Y tt V)-4 ws "My, You Ar Looking 66ES, I am feeling fine, too." "And how is baby?" "He is just dandy and as good as can be." "And what have you been doing to ,�±oo k so well?" 7w ' P" "Oh, I got run-down nursing baby and i, began to get discouraged I was feeling so miserable. I suppose it was my nervous condition that got baby resties73, and Hien, of course, it worried me trying to look after him." "I thought you looked so worn-out whenlast time." I was in "` "Well, I was feeling so discouraged that I sent for mother to come and she was not here aday before she had me using Dr. Chase's s Nerve Food." i'''' "I should have told you about it, for . we always use Dr. Chase's Nerve Food when any of us get nervous or run-down." ' r "For the first few days I could not see that it was doing much good, but soon I found myself sleeping better, and feeling less worried and irritable during the day. eh erten !" My appetite improved and as I gained strength baby seemed to sleep better and be less trouble. He is just fine now and as good -natured -as any baby ever was." "How do you take the Nerve Food?" "One pill after each meal and at bed- time. I will soon be able to discontinue lasing it, but want to be sure that my sys- tem is thoroughly built up before quit- ting." "That is great. It gives me more con- fidence than ever in Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and that is saying a good deal, * didfor me. when I had you know what it w that nervous breakdown. Has your mother gone home?" "Yes, and I teli,ou it was a lucky day for me whenshe citme to the rescue with her help and good advice. Her experience with Dr. Chase's Nerve Food proved to be a blessing for me." Dr: Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a hex, all dealers,or Edmanson, Eates ht Co., Ltd., Toroto. On every box of t'hegenu- ine you will find the portrait and signa- ture of A. W. Chase, M.D., the famous Re- ceipt Rook author. 7'h ursday, Nov. 25th, 19 essary are worth llleintatning,- (or if so they must atiarla a rerlsooabte tiv log to them, " Sir Robert then referred to the pos- Ition of the school teacher as an out- standing example Of work that required (nigh education, and yet w:4, poorly paid, Material Tendency It was suggested to Sir Robert that the war had tended to emphasize the material ;side of life, and he was ask- ed if he (lid not think that students were being divertej to the more mat, erial sciences' and *away frool the arts and, letters, including ,:ijt.uch studies as the clessins in the case at least of the men students. , "At is toe 5000 to$S)' what the per. manent effects.will be,". replied :Sir Robert, "Of course, men, who have lost several years and are mature will try to coniplete their professional oeuyses as soon as posslbie." Mental Alertness it was thea that • SMr Robert was asked about the enrunin:atoll system, aiid the case of Columbia Univers sity was referred to, where they have been trying a "mental alertness test" on the lines employed , in, examining soldiers during the . war, Instead of. tlae ordinary Written examinations . It was in reply to this that the President said the number and length of the examina- tions at the University of Toronto nsigls,t be reduced in• the future. WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT BABY'S OWN TABLETS Once a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets for, her little ones she would not be without them. They are the ideal home remedy • for the baby; being guaranteed to be abso- lutely free from opiates or other harmful drugs. They are a gentle but thorough laxative and have been proved of the greatest aid In casse of constipation, indigstion, colic, colds and simple fevers. Concerning them Mrs. Ernest Gagne, Beausejnur, Que., writes: "i have used Baby's Own Tablets for constipation and colic and have found them so successful that t would not be without therm. I would strongly recommend every mother to keep a box in the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medictnee Co., Brockville, Ont, ORIGIN OF SOME * FOOD PLANTS * T a \. M. * * * * * r! t• a B: Spinach is a Persian plant. Filberts come from Greece. Quinces came frons Corinth, The turnip came from Rome, The peach came from Persia. • The nausturtiuns came from Peru. Horse radish is a native of England, Melons were found originally in Asia, Sage is a native of the south of Eur- ope. Sweet marjoram is a native of Port- ugal. The bean is said to be a native 'of Egypt, Damsons originally cause from Dam- ascus. ' The pea is a native of the south of Europe. • - Coriander seed calve originally frotn tine East, 9.11$11t The gooseberry is iudtgenous to Great Britain. ' Ginger is a native of the East and West Indies. Apricots are indigenous to the the plains of America, The cucumber was originally a tropical vegetable, Pears were brought from tete East by the RoniAng, The walnut is a native of .Persia, the Caucaasus and China, Capers originally grew wild in Greece and Northern Africa. Garlic cane from Sicily and the shores of the Mediterranean: Asparagus was originally a wild sea- coast plant of Creat Britain, The clove is a native of the Malacca islands, and also is the nutmeg, Cherries were known itt Asia as far hack as the seventeenth century , The tomato is n native of South America, and takes its naive from a Portuguese word. Rheum tism Neuritis, Sciatica, Neuralgia. e� eton9 s Rheumatic Capsules Have broarrat loo?. health, to ha tt•t)lion am tferera. A healthful, snonppyy-saving remedy, We 1 known for fifteen years, prk- by}tdoQtore, sold by drug - Sts, scribed1.00 a b . Ask our agents to lot' f tut kelge, q� o W. "C t A p�t o�d =at oM me ff e LOCAL AGENT — J. E. HOVEY SUFFERING OF YOUNG WOMEN This Letter Tells How It May be O'yercome--All Mothers Interested, Toronto, Ont,— "I have suffered ered since I wan a echooj girl with pain in any left side andwtth cramps, grouting worse each. Year until I was all run down. I am a children's nurae,and I was so bad at times that I was unfit for work. I tried sev- eral doctors and pa- tent medicines, but was only relieved for a idlest time. Some rthe dootorswanted to perform an oper- at'on, but any father Objseted. Finally 1 learned through ny mother of Lydia 13, Rinkjsaai's Vepttnble Compound, and how than kf ,- ..• .a that I tried it. 1 ant relieved 'nem nein and cramps, t nd feel as if it hes tined nay life. You ma use my lettor to "alp ether women, as 1 am only len glad td recommend the msdicine,"—JaAN K1eta ' 42 lllamford Ave., Toronto, Ont. OUR who are troubled as Mies Kent was should immediately seekrestoratlen to health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Those who need s eciaa1"advice may write to Lydia 11. Pinkham Medicine" Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass. These letters will be opened read and answered by a woman and held m strict confidence. Hamilton Herald: Down come fabrics at the mills. By spring the ultimate consumer will be getting else benefit of fhe drop, Landon Advertiser, Harding kiss- ed his wife when his election to the position of president was atsubunced, Most men, having become so popular, would have been out kissing other men's wives, • THIS WILL MAKE YOU SNIFF During the moments Wien 13111 Sneautit is not wooing tate anuses, he smashes baggage on the London, Huron and Bruce, abroad a tfaln wlileh wends its Way northward every evening, Some time ago Bill told a wierd Story of a cow which, refusing to budge, stood in the track and'stuck out its tongue at the oncoming train, The trait was forced to stop, while the engineer and fireman fumed and raged because their engine was not - Bill's Latest "blot long atter our adventure with the row, • the engineer, and bremen, who were still feeling sore on account' of rite indignities which had been heap- ed an their engine," said Bill, speaking in poetical language, "thought they saw an opportunity to revenge themselves on the animal kingdom. It'wa's just before dusk wlien the engineer saw a small animal crawl on the tracks a little way ahead, 0, Jin Ulcer Lost me 6 Months Rag "Pour yeers back," writes Mr, R. Howard, of 13racebridge, On t.,"ascratoh on my leg turned to an awful ulcer. It took six months treatment to cure me. told al while I was laid up, never earnint, at." 'Rose Hy, an injury started inflam- mation and ulceration on my other leg, ISnowing about Zam-Buis, however, this time f acted very differently. 1 used Zam=Bnk alone, and not only was the uloorspeedllyand thoroughly healed, but 1 didn't. loco ,day!' wor whlls the curd was iii procto',." Got this, grand healer today I All l'rugglats and Stora,, faro., or Zautd3uk Cay., Toronto, Oh ! That I'd used am -Bu Fore Hamilton Spectator: it looks as if Scotland will continue to be ;a "wet nurse for a poetic child, Tot;onto Start Ruirenige sales, it is announced, ane getting popular, Maybe folks like the sound of the first syllable. "'The fireman tooted the whistle, but Kingston Whig: The ultimate can - the four -footed c'sbst ref emulating the sumer' must understand that sight anal actions the cow, refused to move, sound travel a great deal faster thee "Hal" bre athed the engineer, "because pri