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1I4EAi TWEED �iNcoaTs—.
If the present season does not suggest a Raincoat, a
sudden downpour catching you unprepared will.
The Raincoat can be worn anywhere, at any time, the
most useful garment a man or woman can have in his or
her wardrobe. These garments are all of British manu-
facture, 'are most generously cut; ` and most carefully
4tailored. Buying them at any time here you pav the
lowest market prices when the superior manufacture
and fit, as well as the quality of material used, is con.
sidered. AT?
Never before have we shown such a large and varied
range of these garments. Among them are weights
heavy enough totakethe place of winter coats.
Custom Tailoring
Men's Furnishing
Phone 103 '
Opposite Public Library
Everybody knows `Rowlands' good old
Hardware Stand, just the place to purchase
ycr requirements for Winter.
What about cow chains, stall fixtures, web
halters, stable and feed forks, lanterns &c.
Also a full line of working mitts. Call and
see the `Silent Alamo' farm lighting plant in
Corless Vernier
Phone 53
awki °' s
f ---v
Repairing Promptly
Phone 53
t-i'e.cla Furnaces Lead
There is a Reason
Ask Vs.
We have now a complete stock of
Granetware, Tinware, Aluminium
ware and Cutlery
Washing Machines, Hand and the
Cook ;k1/3aters and the
Pumps for deep Wells and Cistern
Union Valves, Couplings, Elbows
Etc., Etc.
—We also carry a full line of
Electric Fixtures, Bulbs, Batteries,
Irons, Grills, Etc.
Call and tell us your wants. We
ire will be pleased to show you
through our Stock and quote
Sutter- & Perdue
Dry Goods and House
Phone 67
Next Royal Bank
Children Cry
New Canadian Postage Stamps.
Two new postage stamps will shortly
he issued b ythe Post Office Department
—one for 13 and ane for 15 cents.
Since our registration fee has increased
to 10 cents the combination postage
and registration fee in Canada and to
Great Britain and the United States and
certain other countries is 13 cents. To
most foreign countries It is 15 cents.
This Is the reason for the demand for
i the two new stamps. _The 7 cent stamp
which is rarely use!, will be withdrawn
from circulation.
The Clinton New Era
1 1 1111 1111II11
I101@I4111111111 1101l0ON01111. illi osenanIIBIIIHRINNIIIINq@II NIVII10111UIItII 1111IIIIII11111 10111IMININVIV!I IUW
11 It"" M�klti1 I
Watching Situation. New Sign Up
P0 LI L T R Y As the genuine Scranton Coal is tom
N ing across in very 'kited quantities we
are snaking special efforts on
—0— our people by substituting.
As the. Poultry fattening season
is at hand we are prepared to pay
a special price for properly finish-
ed Milk -fed Poultry.... ... .. .
As the grainprices are low it
will pay you to fatten your poul-
try at home this year.
Get our prices before you sell
Gunn Langlois & Co.Ltd
The up-to-date Firm
Clinton Branch Phone
N. W. Trewartha, Manager
or Holmesville 4 ort 142
Our stock of Raisins, Peels and
Fruit is just in.
Spanish Velencia Raisins 30c lir
Seeded Raisins, large pkg. , .33c
New .Currants 25c ).b
Figs, cooking ...2 lbs for 25c
New Orange, Lemon and Citron
Peel, Shelled Walnuts and Al-
monds for fall baking.
Fred. W. Wigg
The Corner Grocery
Phone 45.
7t -,(1"t we.:s'
and Wood for Sale
--- 0
any who wish to leave their order for
Spring delivery can do so by leaving
their orders at my residence, Huron St.
or Phone 155. .
Terms—Strictly Cash—Ph&ne 155,
Plalltnbers&Electriicians E. VIARD
behalf of
Local retailers are making queries
with the wholesae grocers as to the
pride of sugar bttt uo Change int price
has been .announced as yet. Consul/1*s
are only buying from day to day ex-
pecting a drop in price In the near fut
Enters the Business Life
Exeter Times:—Mr. W. 11, JOhnstoit,
who for many years taught. school in
Stanley township and who since mid-
summer has been teaching sehool at
-Sexsmith, has resigned, and hes taken
a position In the office of Harvey Tiros.
Miss N. Medd is teaching, in Mr, John-
ston's place M Sexsmith:
Minor Loisals
37 shopping days and then Chrr5t-
Days are shortening.
Sonne people are reporting of rot In
their potatoes,
In every printing office in Bruce
County the price of 50 auction sale
bills of fain stock and implements 1s
Sells Out Wall Paper Department
Last Friday Mr. W. D. Eats disposed
of his \Voll paper department to Messrs.
Wood & 'I'y'ner, of the Palace Block,
who are going into this department
extensively. This has been one of
"W. D.'s" hobbies in his business, but
thought three dealing in wall paper In
Clinton too many and therefore sold
oat to the above mentioned firm.
We have these in stock at prices that
will save you money in cotnparson
with the ridicult as price of authracite,
Orders will be taken and accounts
May be paid at I1. Wiltse's store.
Try a substitute for your fail burning
we can satisfy you.
Clutton & Brucefield.
Phone for Clinton No. 74.
P►oae for bruceftald 11 on 618.
The after effebts of measles natty be fpr
reaching, as the irritation of the re-
spiratory passages is one of the char-
aoteristics of this disease, and very
often those who have been robust,
become delicate and liable' to lung troubles,
hence measles should never be regarded
with indifference,
Measles are generally followed by an
acute attack oh the mucous membranes,
The eneesin is accompanied with a
-watery diseharge, sometimes bleeding
from the nose, a cough of a short, fre-
quent and noisy character, with little or
no expectoration, hoarsenesp of the voice,
Once the cough starts you should
procure a bottle of Dr, Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup, take a few doses a day
and Ihua prevent bronchitis, pneumonia,
or perhaps conetnnpbfon getting a foot-
hold on your system.
Mrs. Oliver Kelly, Bullielo Station
N.B., nvriies:—"Two years ago I had
the measles, and they left mo with a
bad cough. I kept getting worse until
at last 1 could not /deep. I'iy neighbor
told me of ,)r. Wood's Norway. Pine
Syrup, so 1 snit and gob a bottle, and
Wore I had, used, it my cough was alt
'1 find it a great family medicine ff7a
colds and coughs, a:u, 1 •.ow keep it in
tiro ltones%ell the lirm :"
Wo - ,pe l:.wway Pine 8yrnp is
85,,, a far; a b<ttt,,e No, at all druggists
and .tnntkr+t Put up only by 'rhe 't.
Milburn Co,. L;ittaiLd, 'Toronto, Oat.
The Massey Harris Cr. have erected
a big new sign at their ofl'ice• oat the
Club Rooms Re.Deeorated
The Pastime Club roomshave been
re -decorated anti a first-class . Job was
done. The weekly dances will soon
Eaton's Advertisement. • •
Some people have been wondering
at the non-appearance of Eaton's adver
tisement in the Toronto Globe. For a
couple of weeks back the Globe has
been printing a local and suburban edit-
ion of distribution in 'Toronto and vicin
ity and Eaton's page advertisement ap-
pears in that section.
Pres Lots of Pluck
Mr. Hugh Ross had his fifth opera-
tion in Clinton Hospital last week.
Piece by piece both 'his.legs have been
amputaed above the knee. Amidst
all his trials and sufferings he keeps
up bravely, never grumbling at ills
hard lot. IIe carte from Swift Cur-
rent; Sask., about a year ago, suffer-
ing from gangrene and since that time
has spent the greater part of the
time in a hospital. He is a marvel of
patient endurance in suffering.
Conservative Convention in Toronto
A monster Conservative convention
for the Province is being arranged to
be held in (Toronto, Dec. 1st and 2nd,
and every polling sub -division In the
Huron Old Boys on Commission Province is entitled to send a delegate.
'Sir Jan Willison.and T. A. Russell, This is the convention decided on at a
both Iluron Old Boys, have been ap- meeting in London in August but the
pointed members of the Royal .Com- date has been changed from the last
mission to study the questioin of fin- leas of October to December 1st and
a»elal assistance of Ontario Univer- 2nd . • It -is hoped every part of this
cities. Sit' John Wilson was born .riding will be fully represented at the
near Hillsgreen and Mr. Russell in convention. Clinton is entitled to send
Usborne Township, a little east of Es- four representatives, and, no doubt, a
iter. Dr, Cody is also a member of sleeting will be called later to appoint
the Commission. , men to represent the various polling
sub -divisions. The selection of a i,I�ONE 111.
Parcel Post Extension leader for the party in Provincial poli -
Thursday, Nov, 11th, 0920,
You are asked -toinvest-
igate the merits of our
stock. We invite this
with the assurance Okat
the advantage will be a
mutual one.
The W. D. Fair eo,
�7ften the Caheapest---Always the Best
ONCE AGAIN— Christmas time is approaching and now is:
the time to secure your Fruit's for that Christmas cake for the family
reunion and the rosy Housewife's pride. We have the necessary
Fruits and Peels, Nuts, etc. Now is the time to buy your supply before:
the rush.
Seedless Raisins Ib 33c
For this Xmas should be
to Buy de !tome, You
wilt find our Prices as
low as any.
Conte in and see US
Valencia Raisins ib 30c
Seeded Raisins Ib 33c
New Peels, Dates, Wal-
nut, Shortening, Spices
etc.,—•all the necessary
ingredients needed for
that cake,
Special 98
Extra $1.12
Fresh Stock on hand at
the lowest price.
Arrangements have been made tics • will be one of the natters for dis-i
Y parcels may be forwarded cession at the big convention, which a:I
direct to the Argentine Republic is expected to be the largest convention
in addition to the present service, ever held in Toronto. Ip
via the United Kingdom. The rate A Former C. C. I. Pupil
of postage will be 12 cents for
each pound or fraction thereof, and The death of Jean Dither; daughter
the limit of weight 12 pounds. The of A. P. Dishes, occurred on Sunday
•service is to be monthly, and will go , afternoon, and caused a gloom over
into effect with the first sailing in Nov- the village. Jean had been bedfast
ember, which will be that of the S. S. for about two months, and was but 17
"Citnadian Seignuer" sailing from Mon- years of are, She was of a bright and
treat on or about the lath of Novem- cheerful disitosition and will be, great-
ly missed in church, home and school.
Huron Doctors Meet
At a regular meeting of the Iluron pathy is felt. The funeral took place
County Medical Association, last Wed- to Dungannon cemetery of Tuesday.
nesday held in the Board of Trade The pall bearers being Fred Fowler,
rooms, Goderich, some 15 medical men Lorne McKenzie, Melville Culbert, Wil -
of the county were present. Two ex- lie Stothers, Tommy Webster and Par-
-cellent papers were given and proved kie Wiggins. The floral contributions
teresting and instructive add,,-ess was . were many and beautiful. The young
lin, of town, read a paper on "Encip- lady started at the C. C. I this fall and
haltic Lethargria," and Dr. Gunn, . of took sick and afterwards was able to
Clinton, read one on "Functional or be moved to her home. Her brother
Sub -conscious Intelligence of the Body Delos is in the Royal Bank here,
and Reaction to the Higher Conscious- I Can You Figure It Out
ness." Both subjects drew out ,much
discussion. All the medical sten of ! An employee on applying to the boss
Clinton were present. Dr. Gaudier is ' of an auto livery for an increase in
chairman this year and Dr. Thompson wages, claiming that his work had
is Secretary -treasurer. greatly increased, received the follow-
ing reply:—"Work" said the boss,
The Virginia Girls I "Why you don't do aryl Just look
Last Thursday evening "The Virginia here for a moment. Each year ]las
Girls" opened thefall and winter course , 365 days; you sleep 8 hours each day,
of concerts, given under the auspices ; which equals 122 days, thus leaving
of the Girls' Auxiliary, before a well- 243 days, You also rest 8 hours each
filled hall. They rendered a program day, this equals 122 days, thus leaving
of excellent music, with three violins, . now 121 days. There are 52 Sundays
cello, and bass-voil. The cello player I you do not work, leaving only 69 days,
rendered two excellent solo numbers i You have half a day each Saturday,
and then delighted the audience with ' making 26 days and leaving 43 days.
two piano solos. The first violinist You also have an hour and a hell for
gave "The Gypsie Dance" and an en- lunch daily; this taken the year round
core. Two of the ladies gave several makes a total of 28 days. This now
readings. Their singing was weak, leaves 15 days. You also get two
and In announcing their various num- weeks' vacation each year, or 14 days,
bers they. did not speak distinctly. now .leaving i day. That day being
However we will forgive them for that 1st of•July we close anyway. So where
as their orchestra numbers pleased all, do you think you earn an increase?"
1 She is survived by her parents and
two brothers, for whom much synn-
Photographs for 'Christmas Gifts
Phone 66
Most things can be anybody's gift
your Portrait is distinctively and
exclusively yours.
Just think One dozen Photos
make twelve Christmas gilts.
Your friends- can buy anything
you can give them, except your
Make that appointment to -day
hotog'rap, er
The ",CLEVP9 4I1JD"
are sold in Clinton by
The Garage that gives real Bicycle, Car and
Battery Services
Residence 140 CLINTON, ' ONT.
Phone 80 :
adds immeasurably to life's plea- .n.
sure. You can have it at once,
even if you are not a player of Y`�a
any instruments. Our talking
machines reproduce all kinds of .' J1J �r ✓
music from the latest crashing
.starches to the softest of lulla-
bies. Let us prove it to you in
person. I 1 �tieol �. 5L
Tiled if you want a piano, why
we are handling a piano which
musicians say is the best buy on
the market today. Make it your
business to have me calf an you
to demonstrate the Bell. It will
cost you nothing to have it done and If.1 can't prove to you where tire
Bell possesses more strength in build; sweetness in tone; and has
the easiest touch; and the best frlced piano containing those points. i
will give you one at one-half the price—so get busy and call me up
you stand a chance to save some money.
Jonathan Hugill
'BOX 229,
Phone 216.
The Difference in Shoes
• ......w41.1keti'6u:m ' 61 A:.++Y:7r, -"1“ `!•...+r. -,.'7.-'+•a,.••.-
'l'he.Difference.between the sort of Shoes we Sell and the
"other Sort" will be perfectly apparent to anyone who com-
pares our "Grade of Shoes with "Just Shoes,"
7'he ,Jackson ,Shies
are built up to a Standard and Not Down to a Price!' The re-
sult Is that our Shoes are more economical than uncertain
Shoes. They wear so much longer and look so much better
than "Bargain 'Shoes" that they are a better Investment Dol-
lar for .Dollar, than any Shoes which sell for less money.
The true test of Shoe value is not the first cost, but the final
cost -,--not what they cost per pair, but what they cost per year.
it is Upon this simple test of Va lue that the successful growl
ii of our Shoe Business is based.
Fano. KleiCSON
seer..VaIRSIM...7.1mmani1114 ;WA,
vr„reaemn..a.am v..t:s,A+