HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-11-11, Page 3Office Phone 3O., The Third Page House Phone 95,, The Clinton New Ertl Thursday, Nov, 11111, i9•Eo. alp V., " - '+ arc e� rry no'ry-r-*•--r't i;'rjieixopcieteryori'nionaledic aOld 1 Ve !el'reparatlaaf ed-,' ' A e.intitrgoodbyllct 1 -1 tare e 9 chi and IIoivels efJ a r--- - �1i01 )"+TheretlyR onietmglide• t r:. Giteerfalaeet andi'W5t.line na, ip, :rash{ter Optlttm,,io:h tries *. j tr;inenai-0'rIZArl ,, R''l ��y�) ,,., th!Ik� Repraf9klld.Sift..` •C,•w,. pvrnarn ,r,-.4 ra3znASA, 'into Nil ilia,' ilirbounada: NrItnared,pr entrgnwifla% ,Ahs Remeclyfor CCnstipation andArat filo. Turd Feverishness ap" YD5.rvOt,ST; r, 11. eesftltin§therelco or pec�S,ianti�l�e oig,/ f rraYiV. 2 r 1.11e Crxrnur=yoirnn v VioNTEkcy JP)ko t,pr 4e, I� 1 ;I or Infants and Chiltllm en. Ot ars " row That Genuine Cast®ria Always Bears the Signature of �,9 H Over Thirty Yeses CYA WHAT YOU N DO 1N LONDON Peter O'Donovan formerly of Toronto Saturday Night) in London Express; The nice tiring .About Sunday in London Is that you can do Almost anything you Like Suchas walking Around in your White spats if You have that sort of Feet or Slitting in the park in your Silk hat and Raising it from Time to time and Saying How d'ye do Your Grace So the American tourist Next you Can write about it to The folks In his Home town or You can eat seven!Light meals Containing roast beef and Plumpudding and Leading to insolvency and gout. Which both Hang on Fine old family Trees. Or you can ride around in Buses and d ct � Give the con u or so ey r, a t ,ir Ol Many pennies that he Sags at fhe Knees and 5j fJ H Then you can come down To the office on Monday morning feeling. Happy Because all that is lit , lyaw» Exact Copy of Wrapper. WORLD-WIDE NEWSY STEMS OF INTEREST The Dominion leeds farmers are to organize a branch of the Farmers' party. The hog cholera outbreak in Went- worth county is less serious than first reported. Ensile and Earnest Boutin brothers were found asphyxiated In their lunch waggon at Sherbrooke. Inability of the C. N. Rys. to fur - coal nista cars causes Imminent serious 1/ 141 THE CE rITAU;n±�C�OMPANY, rIEW YO},1?11�14�;, �C�N V. INEMMFlti'r' i "�i YYi'i:S:::% shortage in the Prairie Provinces. i Over Hamilton Chamber of Commerce op For another week poses measured telephone service but Thank you. P. O. D. would let the Bell Company have a rea- sonable increase In tariff. 1 COWS Cotton moot Compo.t91i% With practically unlimited demand as Asafe, reliable repuiatie5 for Canadianrapes in the U. S. marketI�; r:. » medicine. sold io thruo de. g roes of ettuugth—iVo. 1, t1; Niagara district has only 4,500 acres of i''= 'f `Na. 2, 53; No, 3, S5 per bo' �`• /' Fold by all drpgtats, or eent vineyards on its 200 square miles of � •%D prosaic! ea rceerpt A pprice, suitable land. 4 iron pamplaOOKIVet. (CINE osa; �y: 3'ttli COOK McDICINE CO., Ex-Kiaser Wilhelm has decided to ' TORONTO, ONT. (Penrnli adrtr.) grow a full beard. I The British Government's Enterg- Direct negotiations on the Adriatic ency Powers Bill has received Royal as- issue will begin between Italy and Jugo- sent. Slavin early In November. JTOPPED NEN IIEADACRES Years Of Suffering Ended By "Fruit -a -tines" 112 FllAnesi ST„ ST. Sous, N. B. "It is with pleasure that I write to tell you of the great benefit I received from the use of your medicine "Fruit -a -dives", made from fruit jwices.1 I was a great suj%rcr for many years from Nervous Headaches and Constf ation: I tried everything, consulted doctors; but •nothing seemed to help me until I tried "Fruit-a-tives". After taking several boxes, I was completely relieved of these troubles and have been unusrialy well ever since", Miss ANNIE'WARD. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25o. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit -a -tires Limited, Ottawa. Increased Demand For Small, Coins Says Mint Officials "1 Am Having a 'Terrible Time, I Simply Cannot Sleep" giE - ERHAPS it is something you have 'will find yourself sleeping well ana naturally. P been eating?t� 1 "So many of my girl friends have told me "No, it is not. I am always care- about using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for ful about what 1 eat, particularly in the even- sleeplessness, headaches, nervousness and s„ such troubles that 1 have the greatest confi- ing".Are you often that way. ? Th;4 dence in it." "Yes, two or three nights a week, and I .p.. "I-Iow does it act?' am getting worse all the time." "It is a restorative, makes the blood rich, "Is it your nerves?" feeds the nerves and builds up your system "Yes, I suppose it is, for after any little in every way so that the benefits are lasting." excitement 1 am sure to have a sleepless night, "How long will I have to use it? " and I do not know anything much worse than "Oh, 1 suppose two or three months. It tossing in bed, unable to sleep." takes time, you know, to get exhausted "Do you have headaches? " nerves fully restored. It will not be long, "Yes, often, more especially after a restless though, before you find yourself sleeping night." well, enjoying your meals and entirely fret "Why don't you try Dr, Chase's Nerve from headaches," Food? That is what nearly everybody uses' "Say, I believe 1 will try it, for 1 do suffer for nervous troubles these days," I most terribly when I cannot sleep, and then "1 don't know just why, unless because I am so tired out next day. have a dread of taking any drug that is strong Dr Chase's Nerve Food, 5n cis. a box, enough to produce sleep," "Butm' dear, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food all dealers, or i;drl ass oz5 o a the ttCo., tad., ` reduce sleepin,that way. It is only Toronto. On every genuine wilt not p after using it for a time and after the restore• the, xr �raf'm5oldis Ker.^i signature �3ortt; atlti�r.Chase, five influence is felt by the nerves that you M.D.. the i' • f FIVE AND TEN CENT PIECES AND NEW ONE CENT COIN PROVE MORE POPULAR THIS YEAR collectible on the difference in price of the igoods returned, and those suppl ied in exchange a sales slip or invoice prepared accordingly being delivered to the customer, 4. When Taxable goods are return- ed and sintillar articles' of Tess value are delivered in exchange refund of the tax represented by the difference in the price between the two transactions will be made under the conditions defin ed by Section 2 above. (Sgd.) George W. Taylor, Asst, De- puty Minister, Inland Revenue. Ottawa Nov 2:—A tremendous in- crease in the dernand for small coinage is reflected in the output of the royal mint here for the present year. Last year the total number of coins of all denominations turned out by the mint was approximately 27,000,000, For the first ten months of the present year that number has already been exceeded and almost a million a week is now being turned out. Last year there was a heavy demand for the larger coins, such as half dollar and quarters. This was due, it is said, partly to the fact that owing to the high cost of silver and the large percentage of the metal in the Canadian coins, a considerable business in melting and reselling Canadian coinage sprang up along the border and on the other side. This year the demand is largely for five and ten cent pieces, and for the new one -cent copper coin. For the later there has been a tremendous demand, especially from Montreal and Toronto. This increased demand itis said, is larg ely due to the inauguration of seven - cent car fare in these cities. A further reason given is the prevaleney of large sales of 98 -cent articles. Since May last when the new cop- per was struck, upwards of seven mill ion of these coins have been turned out entailing the use of about 75 tons of copper. Newspaper Wit Kingston Whig. Eventually, no doubt pedestrians will wear bumpers. Brockville Recorder- Times. Seeing that Rev. Mr, Spraeklipn's speed launch was not really burned, the R. and T. hazards the guess that it must have been scorching, Salt Lake City. They got all our m.nay and then 'lowered the prices. Brooklyn Eagle: Descending prices, like falling stars, always seetn to fail in some other place. Buffalo Commercial._ Sylvia Pank- hurst has returned home, In other words she has been sentenced to six months In prison. New York World. One has to admit that the New York police department has the most magnificent collection of clues in existence. Colorado Springs Telegram. Balls made from newspapers and soaked in kerosene are said to be a substitute for coal. Now is the time'to subscribe. Bay City Times -Tribune. There's a law in Michigan which stakes it com- pulsory to tell the truth in advertising. Flow will this affect the office -seekers? Inland Revenue Dept. Answers an Important Query WHY ANAEMIA PREVAILS Into a Crockery Tea riot Put a teaspoonful of the genuine for every TWO cups. Pour on freshly BOILING water and let it stand for five minutes. THE RESULT will be the most Ilipplect flavoured tea you ever tasted. , e7e` ATTENTION TO Better Pay STATISTICS OF CANADA'S FARMS The Price The Strenuous Conditions of Life To -day Are Responsible IN COMING CENSUS MORE ATTEN- • TION WILL BE PAID TO INDIVID- UAL FARMS -11,000 ENUMERA- TORS. Ottawa Nov. 3.—Every person alive in Canada on June 5. 1921 will have his or her name appear in the census re- cords compiled by the Dominion Bur- eau of Statistics. Two hundred and thir ty commissioners one in charge of each Federal constituency, and eleven thous and enumerators will be employed to accomplish this feat. In the cities and towns it is expected that the work will be concluded in two weeks but it is an ticiputed that four weeks will be necess ary to clear up all the rural enumerat- ion areas. Enumeration Areas The plan being followed is to have each constituency divided into enum- Jeration areas In cities and towns; each enumerator will have from one thous and to twelve hundred persons to tabu- s Au late, and he will be paid according to the number of names obtained by him1 FLOUR & FEED, Tire rural enumeration areas are being divided however, so that the enumerat- or in charge of each will stave to secure from six hundred to one thousand names with all particulars asked for by the department, For Scattered Population. Mothers who remark that girls to- day are more prone to anaemia than the girls of a generation ago, should look back at the surroundings in which they and their companions lived. They would easily see the reason in life's alt- ered circumstances to -day. Now the school -girl's life is more strenous; her more, numerous' studies are a severe tax upon her strength. Also girls, enter business soon after leaving schoo;—tit an age when they most need rest and outdoor life. Their womanly development is hampered by the stress of working hours, hurried and often scanty- meals, Girls are more liable to bloodlessness to -day but there is this consolation that, whereas doctors forst erly regarded anaemia as often incur- able the cures are now counted in tens of thousands. Such medicines as Dr. Williams Pink Pills have restored to good health thousands of weak anaemic girls and women simply because they contain the elements necessary to stake new rich, red blood which means good health and vitabty,. When your daughter's strength fails and pallor, breathlessness and backache disclose her anaemic condition, remem- ber that you can make her well and as- sure her healthy development by giv- ing iving her Dr. Williams Pink Pills are es- pecially helpful its the many ailments that result from watery blood. They make women and girls well and keep them well. This is amply proved by the case of Miss Eva MacKinnon Gianunis, Oats who say's: "As a school girl 1 grew very pale and would take dizzy spells and sometimes vomiting. My condition was such that 1 was not able to attend school regularly and my moth er was very much worried about my condition. Finally she decided to give me Dr, Williams Pink Pills and f took these for a considerable time gradually gaining strength until 1 was perfectly well it is some years since I took the pills and lime enjoyed the best of health, and i ata certain pale, sickly girls will find new health if they give Dr. Williams Pink Pills a fair trial." You can procure Dr. Williams Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or they will be sent you by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 by writing direct to The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. IMPORTANT RATING FOR GOVBR- ANCE OF DEALERS IN CASE WHERE GOODS ARE RE- TURNED. The following copy of a latter from the department of -Inland Revenue and Customs at Ottawa, is self explanatory and should prove of interest to New Era. Ottawa, Ont. 8th September 1920, connection with collection of the Luxury Tax on goods- subject to the Provisions of Section 19BB, Sub- sections 1 to 3, of the SPECIAL War Revenue Act, the attention of the de- partment has been drawn to the necess ity of establishing regulations for the governance of dealers in cases where such goods are exchanged for those of greater or equal value, The following regulations are therefore established in respect of such cases viz. 5. in goods upon which the Luxury Tax has been paid are returned by the purchaser to the vendor and exchanged for other Taxable Goods of equivalent value no tax is collectable upon delivery of the exchanged articles. 2. If Taxable Goods are "charged" to a customer receiving sante ern appro- bation the vendor is held responsible and must account for the Tax to the Crown. If such goods are subsequently returned to the vendor as unsatisfactory or for other reasons the vendor may at the ensuing quarter, each of which shall terminate on the last day of March June, September and December res- pectively, file application supported by affidavit, for refund of the amounts thus repaid to customers during the currency of the quarter, attaching there to the receipted invoices of purchasers for the amount of ''tax repai<l. When tie Don't be tempted to choose cheap jee •1ery. Eur better top y a fair price and know exactly what Vtcra site getting?, will ue'er be sorry—for sea matter' of m'math?oney, it is 'math? the moat aonornilcal. Ttat tis been said so often tlt^e& every ody by this time shoutgt know it and le here is nes scarcity orf cheap jewelry Au the land Now to get personal —If you woul& like to miss *bat sort altogether— COME HERE If you would like to buy whet* nothing but bigh qualities are dealt in—COME HERE. And eaen dl that, no person e'bek said our prices were unfair 0 W . cotsr ter Jeweler lfrld OI►t true II Cr et Marriage Licenses Sass Carload of Standard I, Hog Feed on Hand. ' rte•= -.-0 In the northern parts of Manitoba, A quantity Of Slabs for Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Col- umbia, where the population is very scattered the Mounted police will assist Sale in getting the returns. They have always Phones a 123 been very efficient enumerators in the' JN • A. R%e1N past. In the northern parts of Ontario DR. t1EY'A and Quebec, far from railroad and ST steamship the department will have to Crown and Bridge wore a Specialism: depend on the church missionary soc- i ralorentot C.O.D.S... Chicago, mea n.b.rlici let"les and Hudson's i Bay company fact- aytleld au NMay ay Isd. to D or t 5. Dn. II. FOWLER, this decenial census there will be i a special schedule for population. The DENTIST. census -taking begins on the morning . Offices over O'NEIL'S store, of June t and the name of every person t Speoial care taken to make dental meat as painless se noseibie. n iredl, alive on that date will be ;taken some ty- time during the following few weeks. THOMAS (SUN®R ti" This census will include a record of Live stook and general Auction re'*, all animals in cities and towns, as well G'O®i�IOH OI!!� as a record on all market gardens, pout t,ormatnsa eblsa a .550110). 0.00',- tf . try and apiaries. This is a new feature, Nnw ani ot600, ollnton pcc.0 h7 atLanea Terme resaoeahle. Ferman oats not. but its importance may be seen in view anted of the statement made after the 5915' census to the effect that more honey was then being produced in Toronto and suburbs than in all the rest of Can- ada put together. What cities Ind towns can do and do in the way of producing Ot foodstuffs will be a matter of definite Ot The Penitentiary Commission has held its preliminary meeting in Ot- tawa. All merchants selling articles coni- IIat no soma ing under the luxury tax must have Is n� ,5 al's missed or that there :eaCstownenrolly, Goderich,Presidantl:7,licenses on November 1, duplication, Supervision over the na, Beechweod, Vice-Prositt,,,,,. , 1s.E.Hays,Seaforth, Sccrstsay eutii•eworkisofcourse,exercisedbyI, w '" "' r" 11•'1 ? :., , C: Jill d �• V Jr 1tlSe Donrinlon statistician, Ivtr, 12: H;�;,�,,,tas.. w"" Asaia FOR FLETCHER'S ,. t''i Coats but the special officer in charge Alai, Leitch, Me. 5 Clinton; ilA 5*5i 4 a 0 1. 1, S?cihtrn C'ntat9o.. as. Co. customers information as a result of this census. Report of Each Farm There will be an individual report for every farm, in Canada. In the previous census agricultural returns were ex- tended over four different schedules. By craving an individual return for each Notary Public, Conveyancer, farmer it is hoped to secure better co- Financial and Real Estate ordination, closer revision and great- LNBCRANOE AGENT—Remounting 14Fire er privacy. Nobody but the enumerator suranoe Companies. sees each report. In this report will ap- Division Court OOlee. pear the name of the farmer the farm C D. McTaggart Al, O. MoTaggsau tenure the average values, crops, num- ber of animals, etc. A special report is secured now on ErRIdICERS agriculture every year as it is too its-' ALBERT Irl. CLINTON portant to know of the progress and DR. J. C. GANDIER OFFICE HOURS 1.30 p. m. to 3.30 se. en, 9.30 p. se. to 9.00 p. sa Sunday 12.30 to 1.30 her hours by appointment ce at Residence, Victoria Streea W. BiliNDON Ev BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTAE PUBLIC, ETO OL/N17014 H. T. RANO El McTaggart Br. prosperity of agriculture to permit of General Banking Dualuseg the record befog taken only every ten 11 transacted years. Featuring this year's census will ',TOTES DIHOO'QNTS)D be the securing of special reports on it 1 Drafts tuned. Intorestetilowed in rigation, Indian farins, blind and deaf + • deposits a persons and the nuniber of trading es- ....ca tablishments in Canada wholesale and The eKiliop .to1.�-rwikal retail. I Fire InSUT Gte eo. Census commissioners and enumerat- I Harm and ..eolnted Town Prop' ors will pe expected to report to Ot- ! ;,•es only insured. terve each day vacant houses, the names ..L# —,.. of last tenant and new aaddre;;eS Head Otliee—geafOrth, O1t1 where obtainable, so thatt.,.e depart- . •.•:.e,,.u. — Y - n en may follow the^ Officers "" t ",' t t Y ,.c up to be sure claim papers have been examined art. have been tt?ti* ed that their supply Will found Correct a cheque In payment roll bA so, off, Mr. Janice Doherty wishes to lo. Rowels, flrodltMaael Palates llvaas, lips:�. be issufd. ;ii aM. sc �nts, Cti.ti, d. 3 1 taxable cods are ret+ - Jolts Elliott,Eihotlmanager of Standard, token the Public that he 's nrr• w,c,vdi f g .,rued aYicl I e IIIA tendet'ed bi 54th psled to do fine &yarn? �un ng, r y,.,tolip, Gadmniahe IB. l EAc "rsaft,C Bank, a. Bf i v t � ,,1,, s, iii orWtl J, t+a (4titt'rdh :usi e, similar articles of greater',,iti; are sap- aniwal bwquetto the Batievilte Gheesc, Orderseieftnat fir. Dolscet� a Ilhor 2 to lism Robert Peat'.t$, H.i;) s.1.t IMS plied in exchange tltery ore, tie tax is hoard and dairymen of the district, 6'1, wilt kocelve vitottitit ait'entiri Mlt,Btprtne, Niro. 3..SesIorit'ti. will beV, 5, S. MadPilnil. ' 149,110'Fufttlg Hinckley, sdaforth• Wei. Chesney, mendr�iat J. W. (ileo, Godorlchi R. (# Jarmuth, Drones/et Directors Wis. Kinn. No. 2, Sesfor,Algl Jobs One.