HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-11-4, Page 6PAGE.6 The Clinton New Era 1 DONEGAL TWEED N OATS�mm-- It the present season' does not suggest a Raincoat, a sudden downptur catching you unprepared will. The Raincoat can be worth anywhere, at any time, the most useful garment a man or woman can have in his or - her wardrobe,. These garment s are all of British im olai £acture,. are most generously cut, and most carefully ttailored. Buying . them at any time here you pav the lowest market prices when the superior manufacture and fit, as well as the quality of material used, is con- sidered.- -4r, " Never before have we shown such a large and varied range of these garments. Among them are weights heavy enough' to take the place of winter coats. ;. SEE THEM A T 1' MEN'S STORE Custom T$Illurlag Men's: Furnishing Phalne !03 Opposite PubUc Ltbrari PYREX and ALUMINUM WARE - You are invited to inspect our rme . of- P Y R E X Bread Pans, Pie Plates, Casseroles b oth round and oval, Jelly moulds, etc. I - t ..`; ti',1 „ Then we have a full line of ALUMINUM Sauce Pans, Ket- 1 ties, Pudding Pans, Rice BoilersDrhskng Cups, .Dippers, Etc. We do all kinds of Electric wiring, installation work, and re- pairs, and eery a good stock of fixtures and Appliances. Corless Venter HARDWARE and ELECTRICAL TRY Hawkins FOR PLUMBING HEATING AND Phone 53 POULTRY WANTED As the Poultry fattening season is at hand we are prepared to pay a special price for properly finish- ed Milk -fed Poultry.... , ROOFING As the grain prices are low it will pay you to fatten your poul- try at home this year. Get our prices before you sell Gunn Langlois & Co.Ltd The up-to-date Firm Clinton Branch Phone N. W. Trewertha, Manager or Holmesville 4 on 142 Repairing Promptly Done Phone 53 Hoc- la Furnaces Lead • There is a Reason �, •. �4sk Us. YOUR WANTS We have now a ce� iinete'stocli of Granetware, Tinware, Aluminium ware and Cutlery Washing Machines, Hand and the Electric Cook Stiotttaaj 1—linters and the Eurnace Pumps for deep Wells and Cistern Union Valves, Couplings, Elbows Etc., Etc, '---We also carry a full line of Electric Fixtures, Bulbs, Batteries, bons, Grills, Etc. Call and tell us your wants. We will be pleased to show you through our Stock and quote prices. Sutter & Perdue Piumber> &Etectri c#alts Phone 14? J'.rY 1rF 41T. c' i ,NEW' ER•i71T & P'EEr S WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings. Phone 67 Next Royal Bank "The Same Old„Show." Guy Bros. played hare on Monday ev- ening and put on "the same old show. its a wonder the performers don't fall, asleep repeating It for the past 25 years. "The Virgenia Girls :To -night." The- first of the fall and winter ser- ies of Concerts by the Girls' Auxiliary •takes place to -night (Thursday) when "The Virgenia Girls" Instrumentalists and singers will ,give their snappy en- tertainment. Not Buying. A commercial traveller here yester- day looking for business made the re- ,mark: "I am not selling for my house what I ought to sell. The people are not buying. The; many announcements re- cently that prices are coming down have had a bad effect on business generally." Fuel Administrator, Mr. H. A . Barrington former Fuel Controller for Ontario under the old coal control system, ha's received from the DonminIon Railway Commissioners the appointment of Fuel tAdministrator for the Province. His duties will be prac tically the same as formerly although the regulation now calls for more dras- tic penalties for breaches of the law, and the coal situation will make the of- fice more difficult than formerly: Under the new regulation retail merchants may be licensed and the fees will pro- bably be increased, - Run OnAsh Sifters. That there will be a run on ash'sift- ers whenthe cold weather sets in, .. as a result of the price of coal soaring over $20 per ton,"was the prediction made this morning among hardware and other dealers. "There will be less waste this winter. than ever before in the pro.' digal throwing out of good coal with the ashes, a prodigality noticed by the garbage men for years past," was one of the continents made. It was stated•by one of tits coal dealers that the price of il23.p'er ton was not ;uniform through- out the city as some:dealers were handl ing coal at a lower figure. Our stock of Raisins, Peels and •Children's. Coughs Fruit is just in. Spanish Velencia Raisins .30c tb ,ceded ]raisins, large pkg...33c. New Currants 25e. tit' `Figs, cooking ...2 16. for 25c New Orange, Lemon and Citron Peel, Shelled Walnuts and Al -1 rnonds for fall baking. Fred. W. Wigg The Cornier Grocery Phane.,45.,, SCRANTON COAL and Wood for Sale -O� any who wish to leave their order for Spring delivery can do so by leaving their orders at my residence, Huron St. or Phone 3SL ,:, ., Terme--Strictly Cath—Picone 155, 1. it r-3iBSIDENC 1 t1f40T' STRUT Q't liC KLY If is hard to keep tlin children from' catehhii'eo111; thiiy will'i•un out of doors; not properly wrapped, or have too Much elothingon rftidget, overheated and` cool off too atsldenlat, they get their feet wet, kick off• the; clothes at night. • The mother' cannot watch them all the time so what is site going to do? Mothers must hover neglect_ her children's Boughs or agids, but must look for a remedy on the first sign, A great many mothers are now giving their children Dr, Wood's. Norway Pine Syrup, ns- it is so pleasant and nice for them to taste, and relieves the cough Or roll in every short time. ' Mrs. S. Crowe, .R R•.•, 1 o. 5, Truro,N.S,, writes.—"Two years ado My little 'boy caught A severe eold'•'wiuclt left ltirn with a very tib cough. Ile could not rest at night, and became very rein and weak. The prescription our a tysx;ian ggave.tne dial not.help,luml, and 5 aid not:know what to do. 1'dy s star, in Manitoba, wrote inc to try X)r. WVoad'e Norway Pirie 9 rap, 1 went 't'ht, tc town and pu'chased. two .bottles, anti 1{eforc t}icy wt,re used mV ltey'u cough had d's iahppaaned, and ha lbecame strong and Well again, We alwayd know what to use now' tot coughs and colds," Pri Wood's Norway Riot, a)n'up is 85c, n d e0cf, st tbott1e at all dcaltu'a. VantAeturet 'only by Tho l . tl illioras Goc, Limited, Toronto, 111111;111111iu111111111111111111111 1111111 IIII11111111111 10111 111111 11 i1 11 til 1 11 1 1 11111 11111 01 III 1111 oral 'News ILII@gmQillliloIftisIIra1Nmogri II III IIII Minor Locals. Council .met .on Monday evening, November, The Virginia Girls are here touigh (Thursday,) 43 sltoppiligMays before Christnlas, •Price Propped, The Dominlon.Sut+*ar Refinery has re dueedthe price of sugar to 517 per hu Bred; That is one of the fit'st results Of the Government°s: action In suspeudin the order of the Eoard' of CoComplainei against,'importtstion, When artificial im pediments are removed the law Of supe ly and demand gets a chance to oper ate, Rance—Mossop Wedding. Quietly at half -past two o'clock .las Wednesday afternoon, -St. Mary's Mad gdalene's Church was the scene of th marriage of Miss Adele Holdernes dtiu Mossop, gl3ter of Mr. and Mrs, Fre Mossop, to Mr. Thomas C. Pewee, so of the late C. C. Rance, of Toronto formerly of Clinton, the _Rev,. Clrarle Darling ofllciating. °•The'bride,:who wa given away kyher father, wore a *aye suit of navy blue •and gold .hat, black fox fur, and bouquet of 'orchid There were no attendants. Mr. an Mrs. Rance left later for a trip acros the line. On their return they wi reside at the Algonquin _Apartment Tyndall avenue,` Late Mrs. Duncan Ferguson. The funeral of the late Mrs._ Duncan took L. Fergusonook place from the famil residence, 404 Russel street south' o Friday. The service was conducted b the Rev, John R. Hall and at the gray the burial service for the L. F. and L. F andE. was read by Mrs. Jas. Bare!. and Mrs. Irvine Earnshaw. The pall bearers wereF. McLean, D. Miller,, R Holland, C. Farner, J. Barclay,atld If Taylor, Interment took place at Lake view Ceunetei2y.--The late Mrs. Ferguso was better known around here as Tenni Sharp, being a daughter of the lot Robert Sharp of the 2nd of Stanley She is survived by her husband an young sons. She was a neice of Mrs Arthur Cantelon of town. Dl�llllmpllmmlp1 I@! ; porpml�IWlmilipiUNU l01pV!I@Il�lllll�lll@INUIV�IUImIIsmMI!�Omo Bazaar A Sttccess. ' Despite the Unfavorable weather on Friday last the `Bazaar was a deoided site cess from all standpoints. The various booths were full'of tell kinds of- useful and pretty things and •were soon sold to anxious bowers. Afternoon tea was served and at night a hat supper drew s big crowd., to the council chamber. The day's proceedings were elosed by' a daises in the hall at night, The Hos- pital Fund will be benefitted by the. 19- 20 Bazaar, 'Newspaper Men in Session Las&,Friday a number of the Editors of newspapers published in Perth and Huron Counties assembled in the com- fortable Board of Trade apartments in Goderich, President McBeth, Milverton presided.' Secretary Abraham, ,Stratford, read the minutes of last Meeting after which the increased rate of newspaper subscription was discussed an the form of an experience meeting and reassur- ing evidence -was forthcoming of eV peeled satisfactory results in helpictng the newspapermei out of a tight corner. over' the unexampled cost of printing paper and other necessaries. An adjour- nment was made; to the Bedford House where the visitors were the guests of the press of Goderich which hospitality was much appreciated, At afternoon session the question advertising rates was.them' oughly gone into and a rate card adopt- ed to cover the' two Counties, Among those present in addition to those al - y ready mentioned were Editors Blatch. ❑ ford, Listowel; Davis, Mitchell; McLean y Seaforth; Hall, Clinton; Smith, Wing - e ham; Kerr, Brussels, and Violater, Naftel, _Robertson and McEvoy, boder Barth ich, The Inconvenience of the railway schedule no doubt reduced the number. , The members of the Fourth Estate of Goderich were Heartily thanked by the p visiting brethren for' the courtesy nl shown. e Annual C. A. S. Meeting to be Held in November. Goderich Signal:Themonthly meet- A Former Pastor Here, Fortylfive years' ago .Rev. 11. M. Manning was stationed at Edmonton as a represenlative of the Methodist church. lie has just returned with Mrs. Manning from a visit to the West- ern city, which be left many years ago. The last time he was over the journey, when or his honeymoon trip, he went. from Winnipeg to Edmonton over land, The trip took eight. weeks. Rev. Mr, Manning did not take up any land in' Edmonton in the early days, or he might have teen wealthy. He has been living in Peterboro' for some time, but will stake itis home in Toronto for the present. lie is a brother of Rev. C. E. Manning, Missionary Secretary of the Methodist church of Canada.-- Mr. Manning is a former pastor of Wes- ley Church, . Clinton. November Rod And Gun. • Readers of Canada's national sports men's monthly >ROD AND GUN IN tCANADA will look forward with inter - 'est to the November issue which con- tains among outer interesting :stories and articles, "Where the Amber River Flows," a story of the North country written by that premier sportsman. Robert G, Hodgson. " Lobstering in Nova Scotia" is the -title of Bonnyeastle Dale's instructive contribution to this issie. The annual tournament of the Nova Scotia Guides Association is fully reported and illustrated in two articles. The sportsmen's departments fishing, guns,.: conservation and kennel are up • to their usual high standard, In addition to these interesting stories and depart- ments, A. Bryan Wifliarns the noted big gains. hunt%r,of British Colimbia gives nn interesting account of a big .gauze Vint in the niou'htains of the -Pacific ROD AND GUN 1N CAN/IDA is publish d nablttlily by -W. J. Taylor,. Limited: Woodstock, Ont. - Wilt Have $500i• The Clinton IThspital` Board wish to convey their•sfincere, and hearty !banks to all wino helped to make the Big Bazar the success that it was. The ladies expect to love $500 to the good. when all expenses are paid. They thank .the Girl's Auxiliary; the Unity Club; the Women's institute; and the Ladies Aid Socities of the different town churehes;,and to the ladies who con ducted, the Rummage and Baking sales, Then donations canoe in from Turner's church, from Middleton's'church, from Sharon church,, from 1•lolniesville, from Stanley township and front: the London, Road Ladies. l'ie Board is.exoeeding- ly;grateful to all these --Mr, S. Cooper Mr, J, •E911ott and Mt'. O'Neii's rigs helped with the Braying, all free of ,charge:- The town papers too, were not forgotten in .the,votes of thanks. The board is ,very grateful for ,all tree advertising and fbr keeping [he,basso before their readers 11 yes a apleudjd FMi':ar and.one was heard 10 say "whit! a splendid community spirit,it davelojos to Have ct the ladies of an the vicinit; working together once a year. ing of the Children's Aid Society was held on Tuesday last with a smaller at tendance Than the interest and import knee of the work deserved. The usual accounts for maintenance agent's ex- penses etc„ were ordered paid, and the Society is the fiscal year which ends with this month without having to make an overdraft in the bank, as auth orized at a previous meeting. The list of contributions and subscriptions is given herewith and it is hoped these will be an incentive to others to follow the example of these friends. in the busi Hess which calls for attention Since last meeting there have arisen a number of perplexing problems a knowledge of which would surprise thbse not familiar with the work, Some of these of course will be fairly easy of solving, while others will require it may be years of patient and thoughtful oversight if they are 16 work out In the best inter- ests of the wards concerned. Anyone professing to be interested in social ser vice and the betterment of child dife should visit a few of these meetings and, learn something of the conditions that arise In such' a wealthy and prosperous county as Flurot. The.amival meeting of the Society will be this year at Clinton, at a date to be announced early in November and an effort will be made to have representatives from as many of the. Surrounding municipalities as possib le attend and' take part in the. proceed •Ings, It is hoped that a delegation of at least' a dozen will attend from Goderich ;;Ind' anyone contemplating so doing can learn particulars from the county ;agent, Mr. Elliott, at the office in the ,court house. Watch the local papers for more definite announcement. I b '"T PilEEZE As the genuine Scranton Coal is cont ing across in very limiteddquantities we are makiug,special.efforts on behalf of our people by substituting. NUT COKE •BRIQUETS CANNEL COAL SOFT COAL' WOOD SLABS We have these in stock at prices that will Save you stoney in , comparsot with the ridiculous price of anthracite, Orders will be taken and accounts ',lay be paid at H. Wiltse's store, Try a 'substitute for your fall burning wecant satisfy you. N , la. MUSTARD Clinton !Sc l^iarorrebelil. Phone for, Clinton 1Vo, fi4. Photo, for Breeefeld• 11 on 618, 1`11111' y, Nov, 'lib, 1929, SCHOOL n OPENING means SCHOOL' TF``T BOOKS and 'SCJ QQL. SUPPLIES You are asked to invest- igate the •merits of our stock. We invite . this with' the assurance that the advantage will be a ,mutual one. T v, e,r r �,.+ D Emir eo. Often the, wheapes•-Rininys t'her8ent ONCE A GSA 1 N Christmas time is approaching and pow is the time to secure your Fruits for that Christmas cake for the family lieunion and the rosy Housewife's pride. We have 'the necessary Fruits and Peels, Nuts, etc. Now is the time to buy your supply before: the rush. Seedless Raisins lb 33c Valencia Raisins ib 30c Seeded Raisins alb 33c New Peels, Dates, Wal- nut, Shortening, Spices etc., all the necessary ingredients needed for that cake, GET "°" BROOMS OF QUALLTY Y0(3i !VI 0TT0 Special gg; Extra $1.12' For this Xmas should be to Buy at Honfe. You will 'find our Prices as low as any. Come In and see US anyway. �,•� THE 1-IABIT OF DEALING AT r.. e• BREAKFAST CEREALS Fresh Stock on hand at the lowest price, .PHONE 111. THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY • The "r L L V P 9c 4 til D" Bicycle are sold in Clinton by J. H. PAXMAN' The Garage that gives real Bicycle, Car and Battery Services SOLD FOR CASH OR EASY TERMS ORDER YOURS TODAY ,, Phone 80 , Residence 140 CLINTON° ONT. AO. MUSIC IN: THE HOME adds immeasurably to life's plea- sure. You can have it at once, evert if you are not a player of any instruments. Our talking machines reproduce all kinds of music from the latest crashing marches to the. softest of lulla- bies. Let us prove it to you in • person, ' Then if you want a piano, why we are handling a piano which musicians say is the best buy on the market today. Make it your business• to have me call on you to demonstrate the Bell. It will cost you noticing to have it done and if I can't prove to you where the Bell possesses more strength in build; sweetness in tone; and has the easiest touch; and the best Priced piano containing those points. I will give you one at one -Half the price -so get . busy.aud call me up you stand a chance to save some. money, r:a.a-�...,�: d�it:k•:,{i 71' 1, Jonathan Flugill BOX 229.• , MUSIC STORE. Phone 216. .' *fit hi I StAEoRTIi. ONT. } The. DODifference in. Shoes •.lir „� �a.:�..,r•e- :'k?r•r;m.•._.w--..rir- The Difference, between the sort of Shoes we Sell and the "other Sort" will be perfectly apparent to anyone who ' conn pares out "Grade of Shoes with "Just Shoes." i• The Jackson oes are built tip to a Standard and Not Down to a Price! The re- sult, is that our Shoes are more economical than uncertain Shoes, They wear so much longer and look so much better than "Bargain Shoes" that they are a better: Investment Dol- lar for Dcillar, than any, Slioes which sell for less money. Tle•true test of Shoe value is not the first cost, but the final cost—not .what they cost per pair, but what they cost per year, It is upon this simple test of Va lue that the successful growt it of our Slioe business is based. --"SHOES THAT SATISFY"– Y'-.