HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-10-28, Page 1Established 1865, Vol, 55, No.18 The S CLINTON CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY OCTOBER, 28th, 1920. s W, H, Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers: ' bscription Priceisi$2 00 per y r after uv t®v+iv ,,,,,wwvwvvwwvvwvvvvvw APPEALING TO EVERY SENSE To the Sight Jonteel Toilet articles are beautiful; To the Nose they are delightful; To the Skin they are refreshing; To the Ear, every person sounds their praise. They are put up in the following forms— J O N T E E L •-- Perfurrle, Face Powder,.. Comports Rouge Soap, Talcum, Cold Cream; Combination Cream. All delightfully refreshing and used by particular people of refinement, Sold only at W. S. R.. ETO LMEts Phm. B. THE REXALL STORE fANNIWWWWWWVVW4VVVVVVyVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWw 12.020 INCORPORATED 1855 THE MOLSONS BANK Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches Encourage Thrift hi Your Children The opening of a Savings Account for a child in THE MQLSONS BANK encourages him to save. It le a step towards that traditional first thousand dollars. Savings Departments at all Branches, H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. Vie Royal Bark OF CANADA Incorporated 1869. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Capital ... , ....517,000,000 Reserve Funds ....518,000,000 Total Assets 8587,000,000 700 Branches Special attention to Farmers' requirements. Interest paidon Deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. R. E. MANNING, Manager : Clinton Branch ct. it Favor Hospital for. . Town of Seaforth COMMITTEE IS APPOINTED TO COL. LECT DATA AS TO COSTS. Seaforth Oct, 21—There was a good representation from the various church es and organization in the town at a public meeting held in Carnegie Hall on Wednesday evening for the purpose of discussing the establishing of a hos- pital in Seaforth. The project was favor ably considered and a committee of six, Messrs, Sutherland, Neeiln, Broderick, Paskes, Brown and Merner, was appoint ed to ascertain the cost of a hospital of not mare than 10 rooms, with the ap- proximate oost of maintenance per year, Irmir THIEVES TAKE 400 ,POUNDS OF BUTTER ROB CENTRALIA CREAMERY AND THE GRAND TRUNK STATION Centralia Oct. 22.—Thieves visited the .Shamrock Creamery some time during last night and made away with some 400 pounds of butter. They did not succeed in entering the office, how ever, or Mr. Willis' loss would have been heavier. • The market place in London was warned to keep a watch for any suspic- ious crocks of butter as well as prints because the full crocks ready to go out on the cream routes to -day were all taken. The thieves also forced an entrance to the G. T. R. station here, and carried away about $10.00 in. silver. The Raincoat 0.00~~ft Fall is the time for Raincoat and , now is the time for Y 0 U to make" .i your selection,' We have Raincoats of every ap- proved fabric -- Gabadarine, Tweed etc. We guafrantee our Roincoats to do full duty, and so you see that, as usual you take no risk when you buy a Raincoat here. i�. 44.4/ 1er, "al.,a,., '"•". J?'f' 'def` The'Morri5h Clothing 1,9, A quare Oral for Every Man Seriously Injured in Fall from Tree HENSALL MERCHANT HANGS SUS- PENDED FOR FIVE MINUTES, P THEN DROPS S 15 FEET ALL MERCHANTS r ' TO BE LICENSED NEW ARRANGEMENT FOR COLLECT- ING OF LUXURY TAXES FROM NOV, I, l-tensail Oct 26.—After hanging to a limb of an apple tree for five minutes awaiting possible assistance, Milne Ran- nie, Hensall merchant and choir leader is Carmen Church relaxed his hold and feel 15 feet suffering the fracture of three ribs, a fractured ured wrist and sev- ere contusion to the face, Mr, P.annie will be laid up for some time but his in- juries are not regarded as dangerous. Mr. Ronnie had been picking apples and got out on a big branch to reach the fruit. When he slipped he was unable to reach the ladder and hung for five minutes, His calls for help were un- heard. Under the revised system of collect- ing the luxury taxes in Canada, whish comes into effect on November 1. every merchant will be under license, The plans for inaugurating the new syitem are well advanced and the special stamps will be availaitle for all mer- chants by the last day of tints month, The method to be followed it is ex- plained, will give the Intend Revenue Department a complete check on all transaction and the collection by means of stamps will stake the operation of the act much more simple. TO I:IAVE PERFORATING MACHINE Every merchant is to be supplied with a. special machine f,or cancelling the stamps by perforation and Merchants will be charged a nominal license tee of $2, They will not, however be required to pay anything for the perforating machine. Supplies of the stamps will be available at all banks and also at the war Taus local sustoms offices so, that it will not be necessary for merchants to stock up for long periods in advance. MAY REFUSE TO RENEW LICENS • ES While the statement has not been made officially that such action is con- templated it is pointed that in the case of merchants who persist in ignoring or evading tine law regarding the collect ion of luxury tax on goods sold by them it will be within the power of the de- partment under the new regulations to refuse to renew the licenses of such merchants and they would thus be un- able to continue in business, Births TAMBLYN—On Wednesday, Oct. 13th, et the private pavilion, Toronto General Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tatnblyn (nee Kit Price) 46 Dupont St., the gift of a girl (Alice Joan.) CARTER—In Clinton Hospital, on Sunday, Oct, 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Carter, a daughter, Marriages ALLEN—BELL-1n Londesboro, at the home of the bride's moither on Oct. 26th, by Rev, T, E. Sawyer, Miss Alice R. only daughter of Mrs. 5.• Bell, to Mr, Wallace B. Allen, of London. , Deaths aINNES,-10 Clinton, on Saturday, October 23rd, Atlanti Avery, wife of the late Alexander Innes, aged 79 years and 4 months. NVvA,�i4v,�ywyy�.�N4K... v.ne•.�r�.nl4/Vrv..�.lNtrlvVH/K,v�µ'+ Try The New Era 19! for Job Work in oak r New York altitude begins at sea level at Coney Island or the Battery and reaches a height of 250 feet in the northern section of rocky Manhattan. Phase 146 Estimates Given A. E. WOOD Interior and Exterior Decorating We protect your floors, furni. ture, etc., by plenty of drop sheets. Wa14 PapetrA, Mouldings, Signs, Etc. t� tr 9. M a Street Barrister Henry Cooke Dies at Goderich ,1 >r >~ * ,t MEN ANA * K' •k * 00000001)0000000 EVENTS oOVER TIM TEACUPS o * . 5 of ,t0 • 0 00000000000000c O as GENERAL BRAMWELL BOOTH, of the Salvation Army, who is now in Can- ada and will conduct the 38th annual Congress in Toronto commencing Friday of this week. • HURON DELEGATES AT W. I. CONVENTION AT LONDON Mr. Henry J. D. Cooke diekat his home in Goderich shortly before noon on Thursday, October 21, after an ill- ness of four months. For five years the was a partner in the law firm of Proud foot, Killoran & Cooke. lie was born in Goderich fifty-seven years ago and was a son of the late Major Cooke, who was right-Irandman of the late Dr. T. T, Coleman, of Seaforth at that time Colon el of the Huron battalion, The deceased studied law with the firm of Garrow & Proudfoot. He practis ed for a time in Hensall and ten years ago removed to Toronto but returned to Goderich to enter the above firm. While in Hensall he married Miss Helen Shirrey who survives, with three daugh ters. He was also an Anglican and in pot itics a Conservative and very higihly res pected in his native town. The funeral took place Saturday afternoon from St. George's Church, Over 100 Masons,un- der whose auspices the funeral was held were present, including many from Henson lodge, of which lodge the deceased was a former member. A nutn ber of prominent citizens of Hensall ware also present to pay their, last res pects. The Huron County Bar Associat- ion, also turned out in a body and re- presentatives were present from all parts of. the county also the officials. St, George's Church of which the deceased was a prominent member was well filled with'cittzens of the town, the full church of England service being rendered by the choir, and the rector, Rev, Mr. Hardy who also took the ser- vice at the graveside, The floral tribut- es were many. Tihe pallbearers were: Messrs Gallov, Pearsons and Mitchell, of Maitland Lodge No. 33. and Messrs. Bonthier, McDonald sand Hemphill, of Hensall Lodge, A. F. and A. M. Among those attending the W. 1. Convention from Huron 'County are:— _Ars R. Fitzsimons, s Clinton Mrs. L. 0. Paisley, Gunton Miss Rebecca 'Thompson, Auburn. Mrs. G. M. Elliott, Goderich Mrs, J. H. Marshall, Goderish Mrs, A. Doig, Wroxeter Mrs. iiambly, Wingham Miss Janet Lamont, Zurich Mrs, O'Dwyer, Y e �, Zurich Mrs. W. H. Lowery, Wroxeter Mrs, J. Douglas, Wroxeter .Miss E. Channey, Belgrave Mrs. B. Thompson, Belgrave Mrs. J. .1. Elliott, Wingham Miss M. Hoist, Crediton Miss M. Ketch, Exeter Mrs. A1, G. Amos, Exeter Mrs. W. Powell, Exeter Mrs. C. Zwicker, Crediton Mrs. A. Hastings, Exeter Miss S. Mains, Londesboro. Mrs. B. Herrington, Blyth Mrs, F, Little, Londesboro Mrs. J. Bennett, Walton Mr. Earl Cooper is visiting in Toron to, Mr, A. T, Cooper is in Toronto this week, Mr. Thos. Gundry of Goderich was in town on Tuesday. Mr. John Warrener of• Sarnia is spend ing two weeks 1n town. Mr, Dave Forrester of Toronto was a visitor in town this week. Reeve A. Tipting of Winghtam, was a visitor in town on Sunday. Mr, Nath1 Warrener .and family of Hensall were in town on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. John Wiseman spent Sunday with relatives in St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lockwood, of Stratford spent the week end in town. Mr. Fred Forrester 0, T. R, Agent at Dublin was a visitor in town on Mon- day. Mrs. Fred Burchill, of Brussels was calling on friends in town on Friday last, A Big Night For Masons. Mrs. Patterson, of Kingston is visit- Friday evening of this week Rt, Won. ing her mother Mrs. McConnell, Mary Bro. Dr. Fraser, of Parkhill, District Deputy for South Huron District, will pay his official visit to Clinton Lodge. A Bog night is looked forward too bg' the Masonic brethren, WOK GLANCE AT . THE LOCAL NEWS Items of Interest Picked Up Here and There About the Town. Hallowe'en Approaching, t The mysterious whisperings going on among rhe boys these days are old/ , one of many indications that Hallowe'en Is approaching, 800 Names on Voter's List. The voter's List of Clinton was post ed up last Wednesday and contains 659 names in part 1 and. 441 in part 2, There are 321 person's qualified to ser- ve as jurors. Council Meets Monday Evening. The regular monthly meeting of the Council will be held on Monday even- ing next. The year is slipping aroma and only two more regular meetings aft- er this one w$1 be held. Street. Mr. Robert Warrener is spending two weeks in Toronto with relatives and friends. Mr, and Mrs, 1•I. R. Sharp and daught Fireman broke Arm. er spent the week end with relatives in St, Marys. Wednesday morning as the specis9 grain train came down from Goderich Mrs. R. Fitzsimons is in London this some part of the shaft broke and started week attending the annual Women's in stricking the cabin, the fireman jump- stitute Convention. ed and landed alright but his ueil Mrs. Jno, Miner and daughters return turn broke his arum. He was 'brought ed from their Wester home and will here for medical attention. spend the winter here. GODERiCH TOWNSHIP Telephone increase Granted. — On Tuesday afternoon Mr. F. Dagger, Tele - hone 'Expert of the Ontario Railway aoard, was -at Clinton and granted the Goderich Telephone Co., the right to increase the telephone charge by $3. He strongly advised,the Commissioners to increase the rate to $12, but the Commissioners decided to only go $3 for the present. Miss Alice Hodge of Clinton spent the week end at Mrs. C. McPhail's and sang a solo at the church, Mr. Albert Harrison had a successful sale on Wednesday last, A good crowd and stiff bidding sent the proceeds up to over $3,000. Mr. Harrison has not decided what he will do at present. Mr. .Jas. R. Sterling and Reid Tor- i ranee have both installed the Northern Electric plants in their homes for light - in which will be a great convience. HUROeglisONIONMEmmeonmer N COUNTY Ii 1311% $ IN BRIEI° St. Helens:—Word has been received that Mr. McKenzie Webb, who went West for the harvest, had to undergo an operation for appendicitis at High River hospital. Auburn.—Mr. Hugh Hill ills cold his interest in the 11111 hardware business fo Mr. 1', 5, Hibbert who comes from Port Frances, Ont„ and will be associat- eci with Mr, Nelson"Hlll in the conduct of the business. M t ec g e d M e Mrs, October 9th at his hone at Modesto, 'Cal., Edward Tebbutt, son of the late Waiter Tebbutt, of Goderich Township, passed away at the age of 62 years. Deceased lead been in ill - health for the past couple of years, He was burled at Modesto on the 12th. 35 years ago he went South to shake his hone and is survived by Itis wife who was formerly Annie Forster, of Col- i borne and three children, 2 daughters alyd 4 son. 'rhe death of Mr, Tebbutt Card Of Thanks. .._. `causes lire first break ii, his family of The family of the late Alexander , 11, thole surviving him are; Mrs. Flays Mrs, lines wish to extend their sincere ;rs. Wilkin and Mrs, McCartney, of thanks to the man -friends and neigh- Clhltau; Mrs. Wilson in New Ontario; Y 1 f ,aderfcli Town- kindnes. duringthe ill- f3carrrc. John, A f a C burs for their ship; Lewis in 'f'uckersiitltlt, henry In ne.Ns and death of father and mother, California, anti Waigate ht the West. Miss Wallace is visiting at Toronto, 64 Years Married. Port Burwell Windsor and Detroit for I Mr, and Mrs. Henry Joyner who have the next couple of weeks, been residents here for 47 years cele Rev. D. N. McCanfus was in,Monk- brater their Guth anniversary on Wed - ton on Sunday taking the services in nesday of this week, Mr. Joyner still the Methodist church there. ( has excellent health but Mrs. Joyner Mr. Murray McNeil left last Friday has not been in good health for the afternoon fur Ontario California where the will visit with relatives for the wint- er, Mr. Emmerson Libby left for Owen past 3 weeks. May they live to celebrate their 75th anniversary is the wish off their many friends, Scaffold Fell With Three On It Sound on Saturday where he has secur- ed a position in the Knitting Factory there. Mrs. L. 0, Paisley is one of the dele- gates for Clinton attending the annual Women's Institute Convention at Lon- don this week. - Mrs, H. B. Chant returned from Tore smashed and a kneecap 'injured. The onto last Saturday evening, Her daught- 'others escaped with only a shakeup. er Mrs, E. Floody is now fully recovered , This is the first accident after all the work had been done on theupperfloor and the iron plates put in position. Return Game Christmas Day, Goderich Signal.—During the fine Mrs. Ray Rumbali�and Master Jack re weather of the past few weeks the base turned to London Monday morning aft- ball players have.had hard work to keep er spending a week or so in town. Mr. quiet and wait until next spring for the Rumball came up for the week end. Mr, and Mrs. W. Brydone were In Goderich on Saturday afternoon attend- ing the funeral of the late H. J. D. Cooke, Barrister, who died on Thurs- day last. Mrs. Clarence P. Shepherd will re- ceive with Mrs, Jaynes Shepherd at the tatters honkie on Townshend St. from three to six on Tuesday afternoon Nov- ember 2nd. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Innes and baby of Toronto were called bsal to Clinton Bethany church members will hold their annual fowl supper at the hone of S. McPhail on Friday night., Every- body is looking forward to a good tine. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Warning of Dehli spent a few days with their daughter, M s, Geo. Crooks, of the Base Line. . The first accident at the Public school occurred on Wednesday morning when Mr, Wm, Elliott, contractor Mr. D. Prior bricklayer and Mr. George i the scaffold a4 Walker helper fell from I e the school and Mr. Elliott had a thumb from her sickness. Mr. Silas McFaul returned to his pos tion in the Molson's Bank this week, after his operation for appendicits, He now is regaining his strength. baseball season to open again. Finding; they could stand the strain no longer, they arranged with the Clinton team fox a game at that town on the afternoow of Thanksgiving Day. Manager Hays had some trouble getting ateam togeth- er but with the assistance of some "colts" finally Succeeded. The game proved to be a very good one .under the circumstances, Clinton winning by the scope of 8 to 4, Batteries: Clinton.— the Cooper brothers; Goderich—May-• ney and Foley. Manager Hays says that, • last week owing to the serious condit- weather permitting the return game reilf ion of the'formner's mother, the late be played at Agricultural Park on Christ Mrs. A. lines, mas Day. Keep the date open. Barrister MacDiarmid of Lucan was in town on Friday last on court duties, For a man 79 years of age be handles his cases in a remarkable manner, and is a bright as a dollar. Mr. Thos. Tipliug of Detroit who for many years was .a well known black- smith' in town was a visitor with Mr. James Flynn on Sunday and was calling on old friends. Mr. Tipting who is 79 years old is a spy young fellow yet. Mr, Flynn bottghf him out 29 years ago last Juane, His old friends were glad to see him again. Mrs. Innes Passes Away. Within 6 days of the death of her partner in life Atlanti Avery, wife of Alexander 'tunes passed away on Satur day morning at the age of 79 years and 4 months. Deceased had only been ill for the past two weeks, She was a life long resident of this section, having spent her young life on the London Road, After iter marriage she lived on the 2nd of Stanley until moving to town 8 years ago. She leaves to mourn her loss, two sons. Mr. Jahn limes of Stanley, Mr. tim'oid limes of Toronto and Mrs. Roy Cautebon of Goderich Township and one brother, Mr. John Avery of Consort Alta, wino. is the last surviving member of the Avery family. The funeral was held on Sunday after- noon aid Use body was laid to rest in Clinton cemetery. Rev, J. E Hogg past or of the deceased conducted the ser- vices Ai the house and graveside $ • fi 'StiiiO81]H3 URI IILIM $ 1V Yo•/feet***16s61•0im,116 Willis Church - r• The annual thank offering meeting of the W. M. S. was held on Thursday last Mrs. Dr. Rutnau of Ceylon de- livered a most inspiring address. Tier tweny four years of medical practice le that country enabled' her to cone whit a rich fund of intelligence concerning conditions there, • The sister W. M. S. of the town MSS represented by Mrs White from St Pants: Airs. Beaton, front Ontario St, and Miss Potter from Wesley all of whom in well chosen words brought greetings to the meeting. Airs, Chown anti Miss Annie Stewed rendered a duet and Miss Kate Scott '8 Solo. The President Mrs, Hogg presidaei The offering amounted to 4128. The 'Bible Class held a very success- ful social evening on Frlday last, The Mission Band held its annuil thank offering meeting on Monday evening last, Their was a large attend. once and a splendid programme. The offering Was 816, Rev J, A. Ferguson 13. A Pull's t• 1 c,• the pulpit church McKillop will up o t p Cat tit , . text Sunday, O ct 3tat, t iron. t , will be thepreacher at the an1ntrSar;$ services held in that church. �,,i/