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The Clinton New Era, 1920-10-21, Page 6
PA g 6 The Clinton, New Era JJ/OONEOA TWEED RAINCOATS--- the present season does not suggest a Raincoat, a sudden downpour catching you unprepared will. The Raincoat can be worn anywhere, at any time, the most useful garment a man or woman can have in his or her wardrobe. Thesegarments are all bf British mane- facture, are most generously cut, and most carefully +tailored: Buying them at any time here you pay the Lowest market prices when the 'superior manufacture tind' fit, as well as the quality of material used, is con- sidered. Never before have we shown' such -•a large and varied range of .these ' garments. Among them are weights heavy enough to take the plia'ce of Winter coats.' SEE THEM_ 'A.'T ME•N'S 'STORE Custom TsUh i 'i ' Men's' Furrfisbt» t' • Phone 103 Opposite Public Llbriry PYREX and ALUMINUM WARE You are invited to inspect our fine , of .P Y R E X Bread Pans, Pie Plates, Casseroles both round and oval, Jelly moulds, etc. Then we have a full line of ALUMINUM Sauce ' Pans, Ket- tles, Pudding Pans, Rice BoilersDriukng Cups, Dippers, Etc. We do all kinds of Electric wiring, installation work, and re- pairs, and carry a good stock of fixtures and Appliances. Corless & Venner HARDWARE and ELECTRICAL Phone 53 TRY Thursday, Oct, 211 192.0 4IiIIN 1111,111141u1n 14111111 1111 141 IIII 1111111 III II VIII 11(11 IIIIIIIIIII 1 IRI1ul1111I111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111(11111 111111III IIII 11.1111 11 Ilgpl 111111111 11 IIII 1111 111111111111 1111 I u 1111 aIVIDmIm tiol'I@df IN1t'Ionie III 1111111111111111 Improvements, 'The douse of Mrs McClineley hes been unproved with a coat of paint. $2.00 a Year Now. The New Era st$ scriptlon rate is now $2,00 per annum, with postage added 10 U, 8, While some commodities are de 'cling'in price the paper mills are still boosting their stock, 4 cents a' week for a liva newspaper is not an'extrava _gent price anyliow. Figure out what you ,can get at 5 cents and you will soon see !the correctness of this statement. :People know it, Thanitsgivirig Day Service, A Thanksgiving Day service was held In Ontario St, Methodist church, Moi day morning when Rev, Capt. S. B. Mc- `Kegney, M. 'C., Rector of St, Paul's church, preached an ,appropriate ser- mon for the occasion Rev. Mr. Ma- 1, c- 5Cainus had charge of the service and ?Rev, J. E, Hogg 'and Rev. S. Anderson assisted at the service. The choir .rend'ened'a, couple of anthems. The col- lection was in aid of the Clinton Hos- 11111.1 11 los- News • • 11111.1,11 111 1111 WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings. Phth a 67 • Next Royal Bank ` I Minor -Locals.' Excellent weather we are having, Nature has decked out the trees in the finest tints of Fall Millinery. Exeter tax rate is fixed at 36 mills this year. The Wingham Advance has reduced its size from an 8 col. paper to a 7 col. one. KIPPEN Mr, Charles Upshall who went to the west on the harvest excursion paying a visit to friends' and also taking a hand in the harvesting has returned home and is much better satisfied with a nice hone in Tuckersmith, p�l Mr. W. M. Doig barrister of Port Huron spent the first part of the week with his family here. Mr,.Doig purpos- es moving the family to the city for the winter which will provide better educational facilities for the children. The blacksmith shop in the village which was erected by the late Robert Mellis and which has stood the storms of 56 years, is now undergoing a renov ration from top to bottom, and when the job is completed it will be a shop for any village to be proud of Mr. Thos. Mellis the present owner came to the vil lage 58 years ago when a small boy, and learned his trade with the late Robt. Mellis pftQf 4Yjli9h he went away for a few years but on October Stii, t4 75 he returned to the village and started business so that during the past week Mr: Mellis entered on, his 46th year in business' in the old stand. This is a re- cord to be proud ofD11"rllig Miele years Mr, Mellis has ween .many changes es- pecially in the passing away of the noble pioneers of early days,. who with the strong al"n,' the courage of faith and the sweat of their brow filled and cleared' tie forests. at the same time lay - j • n ,the fouridatwn gf .ihe many .1eauti- fut ms w1iicn Burro andel;us oil every hanPald. Mr. F1el11t I Iioug11 h8 t6 y©iidyg fig int tlay,s gone by is stili y;olttig in nosiness and often feels its ICa13e1 t$ 131d when`ne'could say that at tie••age of s5 he was a good a man as when he was 40 '.and that the reason of this Was because Ihe wholly followed. tjteJ.ord. O POULTRY WANTED 3. Hawkins I —0— As the )Poultry fattening season is at land we are prepared to pay FOR PLUMBING a special price for properly finish- ` HEATING AND ed Milk -fed Poultry.. , , .. , .. . ROOFING As the grain prices are low it will pay you to' fatten your poul- try at home this year, ';g as° ' Get our prices before you sell Gunn Langlois & Co.Ltd The up-to-date Firm ,-- Repairing Promptly Done Phone 53 6— 'Furnaces Lead i, ,:, , ,. • There rs a reason Ask pima k, ..• . 'b 1a. , .. 1.' -YOUR WANTS " We have now a complete stock of Granetware, Tinware,• Aluminium ware and Cutlery Washing Machines, Hand and the Electric Cook SPRivri4 ';JH/raters and the Furnace Pumps for deep Wells and Cistern Union Valves, Couplings, Elbows Etc., Etc. —We also carry a full line of Electric Fixtures, Bulbs, Batteries, Irons, Grills, Etc. Call and tell us your wants. We will be pleased to show you through our Stock and quote prices. Sutter & Perdue Clinton Drench le:,ma „,, hone N, W, Tewarthet Manager -1 40" or I•iolmeav111 4 en 14 �•+seleatr et1 s7• ns,,flJV rf 'S-. a't ki. indi 11 P•E A.0 H ES' This is 'the,. Weeli :for .the 'Bes! Peaches • for Catnneig. We handle peaches direct from the Orchards at Grimsby. Buy your supply from us and save a jobber's profit. Ti2Y *A CAN ---Pure Grape Jan! -at price less than the cost of the Sugar, • Fred. W. Wigg The Corner Grocery Phone 45. SCRANTON COAL and Wood for Sale —0 -- any who wish to leave their order for Spring delivery can do so by leaving their orders at my residence, Huron St. or Phone 155. •Terms---Strietly Casio --•Phone 155. py� s'&Ele>ctvicrans 1 . aR' 1almber t Phonic 147 RESIDENCE—HURON STREET L JO t b . Jtia 441d Pt) ,,a a, , at 1".,.�x.ilaAvA51/�A1iV a 'fid COUGHtt:a • . a ,a r •t a ad H� 9 ChuIdte rlRar t,., i This disease begins like a.imple, cold in the head , that rapidly goes to the chest. The coughis at .first short and sharp, but gradually increases in severity and occurs in sudden spasms. Often. vpmiting !ollows.a severe attack of coughing, and sometimes there is nose- bleed. Mothers should neverneglect the treatment of whooping cough, for it is much more serious than most people think, as it may be followed by some gfave lung. trouble, such as bronchitis, pneumonia or' consumption, since the sufferers power or resistance are often greatly }vealcenrd •by the violent and exhausting dotiggi, On the first sign of a "whoop", Dr. WooR's Norway Pine Syrup should be administered as it helps to clear the bronchial tubes of the collected mucous and plegm; gra, Murton Leopold, New Roes, MS,writcsa- -"My three children had the whooping cough sorlrad lust winter, T thought they would, eholre. I tried ninny diffevnnta remedies, but none of them seemed to help. . it,t ]lust 1 got a bottle of Dr Wood's Norway d'ino Syrup,, and 1 was greatly surprised to soc.how quickly it helped 1hntn, 1 ehall always reeon- mennd ybtr Wonderful remedy to others,'! Dr; Wood's 'Norway Tate Syrup is an. and 60ti ' rt biittki at all drugg'ste Yard deniers, •Put up' only by: Thel Ti :Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto. f1nt, IN 11111 all III Ill 111111111 MEMO 1111111111,111 ll II III W. C. T, U. Meeting, Theregular meeting of the W. 0, T, U. will be held ;in Friday eveniisg of this week at the hoarse of Mrs. If, Piumsteel, Ontario street. Won second Prize At Goderich. W�ik Prom Goderi'eh: 'Clinton defeated Goderich in,.basebail on Thanksgiving Day'by a score of 8-4 'before a gbgd' sized audience who were tali 'fussed tip • for the occasion. The !game was good in spots and otherwise, `,and 'Pridham pulled off two circus '`catches; Clinton assumed the lead in the first innings and were never over- taken afterwards. Umpire Fulson got flowers and complimentary. Addresses from the rooters. Following was the line-up: Goderich Clinton Johnson, cf Hawkins, 2b Miller, 2b Anderson, rf Murney, p E. Cooper, p Barlow, 1b Butler, Ib Weir, s s Rumball, cf Bissett, 3b C. Cooper, c Carrick, rf Fulford, s s Foley, c McNeil, 3 h Pridham, If Livermore, if Clinton ....4 1 0 0 1 1 0 x-8 Goderich ...0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-4 Promising Industry. The Vancouver Daily World of Sep- tember 23rd spoke as follows of sons of Rev. W. E. Kerr, of that city, formerly of Ont. St. Parsonage:—in The Worlds windows this week is another display of B. C. ,Wade goods. The hundreds of people who pass daily are compelled to stop and look at a beautiful array of fine neckwear. The showing- of rich, lustrous ties is the product of the Kerr Manufacturing Co. of this city. Al- though this firm is just' one year old they are already an established factor in the manufacturing business of British Columbia, C. H. Kerr and his brother, J. H. Kerr, comprise this successful firm, Both members are returned sold- iers and are the sort of boys that poss. ess that "go -get -it" spirit, Not only do jhey nainufacture a fine line of neck - ware but considerable amount of their business consists of making Pyjamas and fine silk shirts for the trade. The J usiness donne by the Kerr Manufactu.r., Cpnipany Is not in asiy cause of the word local. Their, out -put now goes to. practically every part of Canada. This firm by the Superior quality of their geods, are advertising Vancouver in a ,substantiai way, So remember the next time you need a tie, look for a "Kerr" label. That's one way of helping a grow ing Vancouver industry: • Last Wednesday afternoon Messrs 11; 'R, Sharp, A, J. Morrish, W. Grant and Reeve Miller were at Goderich at- tending a Scotch Double tournament. Messrs Grant and Miller Captured sec- ond prize, Boy Gets Six Months in Jail. Goderich• Star,—Six months in jail is the sentence which a boy who claims Toronto as hs home is serving in the county jail for the theft of a diamond ring and a bicycle. Bad home :condit- kous caused the boy to strike out for himself, He had a job in the flax fields and Dater was employed by a Brussels gxtn'from whom he stole the ring. ' At 'Clinton he - found a bicycle at the School .01 Conn/lefce building and appropriated it and started So ride in the direction of Toronto. The loss being 'discovered the constables at Clinton was Communicated ivith and the lad was located and brought back. One of the services the County. Agent of the 'Children's Aid is 'to visit this boy and try to start him in the right direction. Sugar Took a Rapid'Adrance. Goderich Star. If y'Str'w riving along the road and saw a perfectly Co-ffd., sack of sugar on the roadway, with sugar at the present price, what would you do? This is the question which a prominent resident of this' vicinity had to decide • one evening not long ago'. Naturally, he salvaged the sug ar that is lifted the sack into the auto and 'went on his way. however sugar does not grow on the roadside all nice- ly done up in parcels and where there is a finder there must have been a loser, The loser complained to the authorities in Goderich and the High' Constable was able to get some evidence together and to get an admission from the finder though at *first he denied it that he had the sugar and had converted it to household use. A little found advt, in the paper would have saved the party concerned from a charge of theft to which he pleaded guilty on Tuesday morning before the Police Magistrate. The fine was $25 and costs and the costs amount to about $98. DiNtl 6Ssi ,�iy8dlling.• The Exal a Times .makes reference to the .Diamond Wedding of the parents of Mr. Robt, SweAY of.Sarnia but torifler- ly. ,of •Clinton•:•=—On_ Saturday, October 9th an ;event• of the: ,un- usual and interesting .nature n Burr-, ed sat the liukde of :341x, And:Mrs, James Sweet, wit>?li their 'children and grand children,with a, few friends and relat- ives asselublpd to, celebrate the .Goth anniversary of their wedding,—their Diamond Jubilee, Mr. and Mrs. Sweet are two of tine oldest residents of this district: Mr, Sweet Having been. horn some eighty years ago on' the farm,just south of the village on the London Road and Mrs. Sweet in London township moving northward into this district at the early, age of twelve walking the en- tire distance frons Se, Johns to Exeter. in one day, For the past fifty years they have continously resided in the home in which they now live, Mr, Sweet being engaged in the building trade, During that time by their kind and friendly dis- positions they have nmade'a host of friends in this and the surrounding country, Although they are now in their eighties both /dr. and Mrs. Sweet are still strong and vigorous for their age and take an active part in the life of the community. At.the wedding ban- quet they were presented with many beautiful prsents among'tiieni being a diamond ring in honor of the occasion but stili more dear to.them were the feelings of love, and affection expressed to theta by their children, grandchildren and friends in the toasts which followed 'the banquet, Of° -the twelve, children born to the union eight are living and all were present at the celebration Sam- uel and Mrs Eg,.0 of n.,,,.. Prank and Robert of Sarnia, James -of St, Cathar- CHAUTAUQUA CONCERTS $2.50 for Sale at W. D. ars plan to Subscribers open October 30th ..r' Nov.' 4 --The' Virginia' Girl's. Nov.26--Lincoln Mc Connell . , Pe i. `10== ''he Ze`dele'r Synipuoriie: Quintet Apt `-=Ro�elh:t.rlapp t� Bread: Girl's ` Auxiliary Dd '1 FaIEZE: As the genuine Scranton Coal is coo ing across in very limited quantities we are, snaking special efforts on behalf of our people by aebstituting, NUT COKE BRIQUETS CANNEL COAL SOFT COAL WOOD SLABS We have these in stock at prices that will save you,•ntoney fu comparson with the ridiculous price of suthracite. Orders will be taken and accounts May be paid lit 11. Wiitse's store. 'Fry a substitute for your fall burning we can satisfy you. Ines, Fred ofl'enetaag, Mrs, McCallum of London aind.Mrs. Ferguson of .!'Dion. , MUSTARD rs:, Brucefield. • to. Mr. and Mrs, Martz of New Bald- Phone for Clinton Na. Clinton '74. more Mich, were also present. Phone for L'rucefield 11 on 615. SC%i'OOL OPEMING means SCHOOL TEXT BOOK'S and ;SCHOOL SUPPLIES You - are asked to invest igate the merits of our stock. We invite this with the -assurance that the advantage will be a mutual one.` 'he�L�[ ., D i Pair e o s Often the eheepeet--A:rei eVi the Seat —T HE 'LITTLE THINGS—That Help on Wash Day, Have yon, tried Rhnso, Wonder Wash, Peerless Washing Compound. week, They all help and makes Wash Day Basler, 2 bars N. P. Laundry ��.soap for 30c. 3 bars Laundry soap 25c 3 pkgs Rinso 25c 2 pkgs Wonder wash 25 3 pkgs Peerless Wash- ing Compound 25c GET THE HABIT OF DEALING A▪ T" If you Want Sonmething good in COFFEE, we have it. Ask for our "LADIES' DELIGHT" it is good. Try some for next • 1 lb Black Tea ..60c• 2 lbs Black tea.. $1.16 SPECIAL 1 pkg Cream of Barley for 25c. TANGLE FOOT Fly Poison Catches the Flies,. JOI-1NSON 15 PHONE 111 PHONE ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO The "C L E V d 4 ND" Bicycle are sold in Clinton by J. H. PAXMAN The Garage that gives real Bicycle, Car and Battery Services SOLD FOR CASH OR EASY TERMS ORDER YOURS TODAY Phone 80 : Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. e- 1 -. MUSIC IN THE HOME adds immeasurably to life's plea- sure. You can have it at once, even if you are not a player of any instruments. Our talking machines reproduce all kinds of Music from the latest crashing marches to the softest of lulla- bies. Let us prove it to you in person, . , Then.if you want a piano, why We ,are handling a piano which Musicians say is the best buy on the market today. "tllake it your •lousiness to have Inc caM on you to demonstrate. the Beli, It will ..+ '..cost you nethiing,to krave•it: done 'end 11 Feint prove to you where,, the; 9e11., ,possesses more stye gthr'iin kaui'Id; sweetness.in tone; .and has the easiest touch; and '., Best frlced piano containing those points. .1 will give you ohn;1: gae-half the prkce•orso.get busy and call me upe yo. arand.a;chance to1stve-some. money.. ' i�it+' Jon• a an. ..: l'..� it .. ' BOX 229, • Phone 216. MUSiC STORE. SEAFORTH. ONT., 1000000 'Pairs Of Sii es' There are over fifteen million pair's of boots and shoes made in Ganda per year. Part of this vast quantity consists of shoes of the finest and most delicate nature for Ladies'' evening wear; some are shoes for mien to wear to ht;>.siness some for boys and girls to wear to school and to play. There are also heavy, strong boots for fanners, lumbermen and' millers. Thousands of varieties of boots and shoes are Made in Canada—the best for their purpose, skilfully and carefully made, the best value at their price, "''- Knowing that the Shoe Industry in Canada is an efficient and 'well -organized one, this store offers its customers Made -in - Canada Shoes on the merits of their style; wear, fit, finish and price, r, I'te f.eetp J2 11eKSON -"SHOES THAT SATISFY"-. WfPit