HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-10-21, Page 44 The Clinton New llr¢dgy, Oct. Z ISt, 49t SALADA BUILDING, BOSTON. WORLD-W6DE NEWSY l ,SALADA BUILDING, TORONTO. THE THREE LARGEST TEA-WAREHO USES IN THE WORLD These three huge warehouses owned and operated exclusively by the Salads Tea Company, are the largest in the world devoted to the blending and packing of ten, in less than 30 years "Salads" has become a household word throughout Canada and the United States and is, indeed, by far the largest selling tea in America. Large quantities are also exported to South America and to Europe, Besides these buildings in Toronto, Montreal and Boston, other Salads offices are situated in Winnipeg, New York, Chicago, Detroit, Bugalo, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, San Francisco and London, Eng, The Company trades only fit tea and only in tea of Salads quality, Hies assuring undivided attention to the proddct: Every packet of Salado wherever bought may be relied ullon to be of exactly the-satnefine quality and to yield an unequalled cup of tea. This policy bf keeping faith with the public has been responsible for Salada's extraordinary sale. "Close-up'of the Next President of the U. S. Aia 4TEMS OF INTEREST � TENS INTEREST a 1. candidates Sugar dealers, so uncertain of Gov- 1 � - e of Harding Courtly and Commanding, Cox Dapper and Democratic- -or the Presidency are 1'It two Ohio editorial —s contrasts. in seeking to Show some of -erument, they hesitate to begin import- I these contrasts I shall not overstrain in- ing from United States, The soldiers' hospitals in Montreal are to be closed and the care of soldiers consolidated at Ste. Anne de Bellevue, The Canadian Government Merchant Marine, Limited, will enter the passen- ger business. Ste. Angele, Que., reports fresh rasp berries and new buds on cherry trees, and Wheatley, Ont„ butter beans and 1 screen door and walks in among a small blooming roses, force of secretaries. Like as not as in my own case the Senator himself is en-' 1countered in the hall. There is a small front parlor for those who must wait, and the little room in which the Senat- orI does his work, receives visitors holds conferences and issues statements to the men of the press es in the rear. Up- stairs are more secretaries. Newspaper mien chaster all day long on settees and the railing of the front porch. Dignitar- ies from afar come for a few hours and fade away. How different at Columbus) To get to Cox one enters the grounds of the State House flanked on either side by great guns and statued states- men, mounts broad granite steps, pass- er between giant pillars into spacious corridors, crosses a vest rotunda walled with fatuous historical paintings and swings open the massive mahogany deed there scarcely could be over -state- ment, To begin with the approach. Harding's headquarters are in a plain two-storey cottage next door to his own home in a quiet shady street of a country town. A lean and sleepy -look- ing policeman is the only guard. The visitor naturally looks for a bell -push but there is none, so he opens tl 6 01.0 itfeco,v, ,llt a riiriii Yrrr�rilr 4. 4,7. liS'ROR:TTINQ4 107, LAWN•�,"''.ii EIREinalna iy ; ;Q'OODS'"'4 f 3•'MOWERS5nI '- Hones ^ HOBBS ftOBLhsS rr a , �\ i do/ ,„,,v\\\ //ry,,,,"\\\ lg!INDE•R4 •REG.,RInis-=. (%G.%T.wsNkt1 \\tt 'biz''-<-.. c„.....04,6 4 1\ � HO1;tas HO1SA oar vy TDP � .rn�` �` 'ERATORS• :HARDWARE Roots 70 Oa i BS,. JPROOFING%' rn "ia OUR WATCHWORD The .saGt,id Med 1" Label Shields You Against Unknown Hardware Goods 5 Easy to remember! Think of " GOLD MEDAL" whoa you want. the best! Look for the Gold Medal Label on any article and you will know instantly—without ques'"i, tion --that it must be right, For Sale by All First-class Hardware Dealers :t Harding Mellow, Cox Metallic -- Harding Secure in His Opinions, Cox Feels Safest in His Own Experiences door of the offices of the Governor. i All the pomp and importance of high place are here. Past secretaries, under secretaries and doorkeeper one slowly penetrates to a noble room where men of fame that is nation-wide are waiting their turn to see the Governor. And the Governor is still beyond other massive doors, there secretaries, other door- keepers, Yet Senator Harding amid his simple surroundings is a courtly and command ing figure; Governor Cox, for all his magnificent setting is dapper and de- mocratic. Nothing could belittle Hard- ing or alter his grand manner; nothing' could turn Cox's level head or give him' and grand pose. Harding is very tall, rather slender Senator Harding and slightly stooped; Cox is short, stodgy and square. Harding turns to you gently amiably takes your hand warmly and holds it lingeringly, his whole manner fratftieg the question. "What can 1 do for you?" Cox turns upon you abruptly, grasps your hand tightly and shakes it briskly making a quick searching inventory of you as if wondering, "What use can make of this fellow?" • Harding is mellow, Cox is metallic, i -carding lounges leisurely in his seat and likes to throw a leg over an arm of his chair or pant a foot on his desk; Cox seldom laughs; in Cox there is no gen- ial`glow but frequent bursts of laught- er. \ Harding's grey eyes look at one frank ly; Cdx's eagerly inquiringly, About Harding's mouth Is a kind but first expression; about Cox's an eager in quisitiJeness, Harding expounds as one entrench- ed in established principles; 'Cox dis- cusses workable practices. The one's general line or thought is subjective; the other's objective. The one feels se- cure in his opinions; the outer feel't safest in his own experiences, Harding seems to preface his remarks with, "c ant going to fell you some- thing." Cox wears an alert air which Seems to be saying, "Maybell shalt hear something." They are alike in that trite spirit of eternai youthabides in the soul of each tint( at the slighest chance romps out to play in their rases. --Editor and Pub- lisher. ' 5'~.'•I1..;it! Harding Inas little liking for interrup- tion while he talks and lass for contrad lotion. "Beg pardon but are you right in your figures?" I boldly suggested at one point, Ile brushed my words aside with a broad wave of one hand and n frown for the extension of efforts which well shadowed his face but he talked on with out stop as thought I had not spoken. I tried the same trick on Cox and he broke a sentence in two rang for his secretary and said, "We will have to be sure about that." In Harding there shows no self-con- sclousness but indication that he has long ago managed to get away from himself; while Cox shows abounding faith in his own personality and in his abilities to bring things to pass, One seems to say, 'e think" the out- er, "1 do" There is restfulness and reposeful- ness about Harding only gained by those who have struggled through great efforts to a, realizations of inevitable tri- umph; Cox has the alertness and rest- lessness pt one whose successes have stimulated to stilt higher aspirations, op ened vaster visions and spurred to gran der achievements, Harding, wore a red rosebud on his coat lapel; Cox sported a big doh gem on his scare.. Harding's phone rang and he answer ed, "hello—is that you Chuck, Say Obuck drive around this afternoon and let's go to Mansfield. I haven't had a min" n vacation in four weeks." It is easy to visualize Harding enjoying the country and stopping more than once to pluck some richly tinted blossom or a tiny dower. estling in a hedge. Hard- ing could be a happy roan stretched out under a shade tree alone with a cavor• - ite book. Cox seemed happiest in the midst of his national committeemen, With him the instinct Is to turn to the tumul of busy places, to the quick but sure grasp of main chances, to the jostle of crowds to the clash of active minds and the heated atmosphere of ardent endeavor and important enterprise, There is little le l flavor of s n . e tilttento'- 1, a. n ily in Harding's talk. 'there is no home and mother sob stuff comas Prem him and yet he for years has made a paper, that every mother -in Marion wants in her bonne. The suffragettes of the nat- ion may be suspicious of Harding but most every woman in Marion County swears by him as womenkind's staunch i• N SALADA BUILDING, MONTREAL-, r. -eked t % please and serves its mission '27 2711 At. is used in millions of teapots daily,. Send us a postal for a free sample. Please state the p rice you now pay and whether Black, Green or Mixed Address Salada, Toronto. s7:a mi 1919, and which provides penalties for vent fires or which requires apparatus carelessness resulting in fires Is not as . forytthe extinguishment of fires or to i generally known and its full import realized as k should be. Section 515 ; of the Criminal' Cbde was amended by inserting the following sub -section; 1 "(tA) Everyone is guilty of an Ind dictable offence and liable to two years 1 imprisonanas who any negligence caus- es any fire which occasions lost of life or loss of property:. 'Tire person owning occupying or controlling tine premises in which such n fire occurs or on which such fire originates shall be deemed to have caused the fire thrdugfr negligence if - such person has failed to obey the re-' quiretnents of any law intended to pre - ould Not Sleep Mr. Earnest Clark, Police Offcer, 338 King St., Kingston, Ont., writes: "For three years I suffered from nervousness and sleep- lessness. I believe my condi- tion was brought about by overwork. I had frequent headaches, neuralgic pains and twitching of nerves and muscles. I had indigestion, was short of breath and easily tired, I commenced a treat. meat of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and seven boxes of this medicine cured fine of all my symptoms. I am now feeling one hundred per cent. better than I was, and have to thank Dr, Chase's Nerve Food for the, good health I am now en- toying,,, r "e Dr. Chase's Nerve hood, 150 cents a box. e for $h7E, an dealers, or illdmanaou, Paths & Co., Ltd., Toronto, Governor Cox est friend. His newsboy like hint so weil' % that the wildest demonstration made in 1. Marion the night of his nomination was made by theta. Pie does not talk of such things. I-i'e wear a rose but does not mention' !Rowers. Cox an the other hand is strikingly sentimental in his talk. One of itis min- tiest public Speeches is recalled to which+en introducing a sutger to an and lemic he said, "You will, like her voice because it chores front a. heart that has made a hone for four- babies." That is Coxifke, ale delights in the velvety taste of sentiment on his tongue but never lets• it get in the way of itis foot steps. These is a vague bnet unavoidablle impres' sills that in mattes•s of sentiment Hard- ikng says less than he feels and that 'Cox :feels less than be says, ]carding carafes a prenterrs rule In his pocket as symbol of his fife interest; Cox carries DTI his busy head a boyhood, vision of exceptional service, By Such as Harding the institutions of civilization are conserved and purif- ied by such as Cox these institutions are conceived and advanced. Criminal Code Respecting Fires _" -O -- PENALTIES PROVIDED FOR PEOPLE GUILTY OF CARELESSNESS, --013. SERVANCE OF LAWjiI--NECESSARY APPARATt S MUST BE INSTALLED WHEN ORDERED BY AUTHORIT. IES. Cod" nt to the Criminal ) fine"taw on Janne 6, j In 2 and S -Ib, carton., 10, 20 and 1004b.. bags facilitate the escape of persons in the event of fire if the jury finds that such fire or the loss of life or the whole or any substantial portion of the foss of property, would not have occurred if such law had been complied with." The Act was further amended by Sed tion 515 A which provides penalties for the refusal of any body or person to make alterations remove materials or supply apparatus with a view to fire pre ventiont waren ordered to do so by the proper authorities. Days are shortening, Outlook for business is good. t re ,.1:.:� the butter ¢.;;:sljA with the sugar' ,the Cook -Book says H, come on, Mabel, I want to go shopping. It needn't take all afternoon to make a cake! Here, let me cream the butter and sugar. Watch how "quick I can do, it ! If you'd ever used Lantic before you'd realize how quickly a fine sugar creams." Lantic is a quick -acting sweetener, because it is fine, It distributes the pure cane sweetness speedily, thoroughly and economically. It saves time in the preparation of cakes, puddings and sauces, in the cooking of presof'a,cs, its the making of candy, in the sweetening of beverages, hot or colcl. Not whiter are the snowy doilys and serviettes on the mahogany table than the tiny crystals of Lantic that gleam and glisten in the sugar bowl. Not finer is the silver with! its hall -mark. Yet, • in homes where every penny counts, Lantic goodness Helps in the saving. It does go farther( ATLANTIC SUGAR REFINERIES, LIMITED, 4 TRY MONTREAL THESE RECIPES The Lantic Library, three new cook -books on Preserving, Cakes, Candies and Desserts, will be sent to you FREE for a Red Ball trade -stark, cut from a sack or from the top panel of a Lantic carton.