HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-10-21, Page 1' established 1865, Vol. 55, N.o.17
Titogav pray NEW ERA
CLINTON, O N T A R X O, THURSDAY OCTOBER, 21st, 1920. w.. Kerr &Son, Mors and Publishers
The SubscriptiOflPriceis
yea- after
To the Sight Jonteel 'Collet articles are beautiful; TO the
Nose they are delightful; To tbe•Skjn they are refreshing; To
the Ear, every person sounds tired• praise, They are put up
in the following forms
O N T E E L -- Perftm if,� Face PowderyComports
Rouge Soap,, Talcwn, Cold. Cream; Combination Create.
All delightfully refreshing and used by particular people of
refinement. Sold only at
W. S. v, TEO LIN/LAI-8 Phm. B.
11 120
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000
Oyer 130 Branches
The importance of a Bank •Balance, is not .only
its purchasing4value, but the independance which
its possession gives,
Deposits. of One Dollar ,or more are welcomed
at any of THE MOLSONS BANK Branches—
Interest allowed.
H. R. Sharp, IVIgr., Clinton Branch
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent.
Tile Ryal gar*
Capital ,.).t;c.:
Reserve Funds
Total Assets
Incorporated 1869. �r
.... X17,000,
A Series
of Talks
On Music
The New Era' this week commences
a series of 10 articles on "Talks of
Music" written by Prof. C. C. Laugher
of Sarnia, The Prof. wrote,a series be-
fore, while . in Bowmanvil'le, for the
James' papers which caught the fancy
of the other newspapers, and the Prof.
was induced to continue his series.
............. L.. i ,...$1x,000,000
700 Branches
Special attention to Farmers' requirements. Interest
paidon Deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. .
_„ R. E. MANNING, Manager : Clinton Branch
The New Era knows that our readers
will enjoy these short articles and they
will appear every week for the next
t0 weeks,
Wroxeter -,..Billiton Bra's. are having
a large addition built to their Woollen
Howick Twp.—Another of the old
pioneers of Howick passed away on
October 1st in the person of Fredrick
Dettman at the ripe old age of 83. He
carte to Howick over 50 years ago and
settled near Lakelet, on the 1Tt11 con-
Prof. Laugher is now musical direct-
or of the Central Methodist Church at
Sarnia, and also the. Supervisor of
Music in the public schools in that
cession. -
Gorriei—Mr. Thos. Bennett has pur-
chased Mr. Ed. James 200 acre farm ad-
joining the vilatge.
Walton—The McDonald Flax mill is
. SEAFORTH. 10000a000000000o QUICK GLANCE AT
Mr, • George McCartney, an old and
highly esteemed resident of Tucker-
smith, passed away on Friday after a
protracted illness. The deceased had
attained the advanced age of 77 years
and 2anonths. He was born in Tucker -
smith, but spent most of has .life in
Alberta, where he was one of of the
pioneer settlers in the Moose Jaw dis-
trict. Abolst eight years ago he re-
tired to live with his son, Mr, George
McCartney, in Tuckersmith. His wife
predeceased him a number of years
A very large congregation stet 'in
our church Sunday for the communion
service, 286 church ;members were
present, besides many visitors from
at work ifutilitrg the crop.
Other placed..
• Ethel.—D. Milne was judging cattle Mrs, John Ketches and family are
seep and swine at Fall Fairs, at Hep- , visiting relatives at Brantford.
worth, Collingwood, Streetville, Tara '
1''riceville and Port Elgin. At the latter
town grain, fruit and vegetables was
-Itis line. He reports the Fairs as excell-
ent with large crowds attending.
Morris Twp.—Thos, Ellis has sold
his farm on 3rd line, to Joseph Chart-
ers, of Blyth,P rice paid was $4,500.
Wroxeter. --.A movement is on foot
to erect a new skating and curling rink
this fall. as
Gorrie.—L t wer":i'
Mr. Thos. Ben-
nett sold his 150 acre farm on the 13th
concession of Howick to Mr. ,John Dix -
Card. of Thanks.
Mrs. Thomas N. Grealis and fancily
1 wish to extend their thanks to the
friends and old neighbors for their ex-
pressions of sympathy
loss of hus-
Uand •snd father, and .also to the mem-
bers of the L. 0. L. for their kindness.
'al•1 iS thettrne for a kallncoat and
now is the time for YOU to make'
your selection,
�y� ilj-It
W e hciii'e. Rt i.scOats of every ap-
.proved -fabric -_ Galliidarine,
T ive&
ate Weu�rrantee our Roincoats to 'do
Il, lull duty, and so you see that, as usual
you take no risk when you buy a
Raincoat here.
A Pleasant Evening,
The "Ramblers" a company of re-
turned soldiers, 'entertained a large
audience last Thursday evening in the
Town Hall in a musical revue which
was well "put across" by the different
performers. Many old familiar war-
p time songs were sung and the soldier
{boy with his one -string tin can gave
'many popular airs- and received many
The PAorrish Clothing C,90
A Sglldre Debt 1411' Evert Man
Try The New Era
for Job Work i
I recalls. "Billet 13" closed the per-
formance. The Rambers gave a good
-clean show and deserve a good house
where ever they appear. The Com-
pany went front here to Wingham
Motorists Should Use Care.
Work on the Provincial Highway be-
tween -Stratford and Mitchell Is now
00. •
Walton..—Armour Dundas who has
had Geo. Dundas' farm rented on the
14th Con., of McKillop, has announced
an Auction Sale on Monday 25th Inst„
as the proprittor of the farts is resum-
ing farming after 3 years absence from
Our teachers, .Miss Meths and Miss
Elliott attended. the Teachers' Conven-
tion at Goderich last week.
The funeral of the late Robt, Mc-
Cartney passed through our village on
Monday. He vests a resident of Tucker-
sndth for many years. .He was troubled
with heart trouble for a long time, and
passed away on Thursday last at the
age of 77 years. He leaves two of a
family bo mourn his loss, George, with
whom he resided, and and a daughter,
Mrs. Gaty, of Tuxford, Sask., who carne
to attend the funeral. The interment
was made at Baird's cemetery, Rev. W.
D. McIntosh officiating. The bearers
were Messrs. Robt. Murdock, Alex.
Mustard, Hugh McGregor, Edward
Pappel, Wm, Berry, Alex Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. McClary, of, West -
minister, spent the week end at the
Mr, Nelson Howes of Brantford, spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. A. McCartney,
Miss Gladys Chesney was a Thanks-
giving visitor at her home in Stratford.
Mr. Wm. tones, of Harrington, was
here on Tuesday attending the funeral
of his cousin, the late Alexander tithes,
Miss Annie Allison was a visitor at
Wingham with relatives recently:
Mrs, Butler, formerly of Clinton, an-
nounces the engagement of her dau-
ghter, Miss LnVina to Mr. Thomas
Items of .Interest Picked tJp Hee
and There About the Town.
Many Were Home.
Many of the 01d Boys and Girls.were
home from a distance for Thanksgiving
and we were glad to see them back
Teacher's Were at Wingham.
The Clinton teachers were at Wing-
Bfady, of Detroit, the marriage to take hair on Thursday and Friday of last
place the latter part of October in week attending the East Huron Teachers.
Detroit. Convention,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Livermore and little Assessment Court of Revision.
Miss.lrrs, of Toronto, were holiday The Court of Revision for the As--
s-visitors with Mr. and Mrs, A. Mc- sessntent Roll of Clinton will be held:
Cartney. on Tuesday .evening, October 26th, In.,
Miss Frances 'Cameron, spent the the Council Chamber at 8 o'clock p.m.. •
week end at her home fn Mitchell. Dr. W. S: Ferguson Dead,
Miss Maple Livermore of Toronto,
was a visitor" with her sister, Mrs. A. Dr, Walter S. Ferguson, 535 Mark -
McCartney. ham street, Toronto, a well-known me-
dicalpractitioner of Toronto, and for -
it. The latter has sold his home here to II home of Mrs. Scott.
Armour, who will take charge of the l The Women's Missionary Thankof-
mail route now run by Dan Steins on 1111 fering will be held on Sunday next when
Nov. ist Mr. Steiss is going to busy Rv. Mn. Ferguson, of McKillop, will
have charge of the services..
The Little Disciple Mission Band will
hold their thankoffering on Saturday
Among the teachers who were home
for Thanksgiving were: Margaret Ross,
Anna Bell McDonald, Louise Allen,
Grace Ross and Emma McDonald, all
were glad to be home for the glad
Lawrence Reid of Goderich, was
home for Thanksgiving.
Mr, Stewart and wife, of Stratford,
and Miss McTavish of Clinton, were
last week the guests of Miss McCully
of our village.
Harvest has nearly all been taken in.
Everything was almost a bountiful crop,
especially potatoes.
Mrs. Addison spent thanksgiving
visiting relatives at Londesboro.
Jos, McCully and son, of Colorado,
are the guests of their wide, Mn. Mc-
Cully of our village.
)Himself at the flax,
Grey Twp. —The 100 acre farm lin-
plements, crop &c of Wm. Parker 14th
Con., has been sold to Arthur Hull for
the sum of $10,700. lie gets possession
on Nov. 1st Mr. and Mrs. Parker may
make their hone at Milverton, retiring
from active farming.--
Wingham.—After the Presbyterian
church, Wingham choir practice the
members presented Miss Margaret Perr
ie with a wrist watch as a small remem-
brance prior to her departure to train as
a deaconess at Toronto. Miss Perrie was
taken completely by surprise but thank
ed her friends warmly for the gift. She
is a daughter of Rev. Dr. and Mrs, Per-
Brussels.—The brick cottage, known
as the Thos. Kelly property, Turn -
berry street South was sold last Satur-
day to Dugald McDonald, Morris Town-
ship, at $1,630. Wm. Perrie who own -
well under way and Engineer Tom re- • ed it removed to the West. ,Mr. McDon-
ports satisfactory progress. While this ! ald sold his•faros to Assent Bros. and
work is in progress motorists should will be, moving to town shortly.
use some caution and travel over B
Another car of Ano
tine live pout-
' road at moderate rate of speed. Otte
j41o4t?rist Slot }_!1OWing there was any-
' Thing being done to the road cane oyer
' Seebach's hili Monday al a fast clip and
4 narrowly averted an accident; This
may easily be overcome by using a little
Mrs. A. M. Kay, of Stratford, was in tnerly of Seaforth and Blyth, died sud-
town last Thursday visiting her newi denly Monday afternoon following an
niece, Miss Mary Kerr, Ontario St. apoplectic stroke. Dr. Ferguson, who
Mr. and. Mrs, Ray Rumba!' and Mas- 1 was 57 years old, was 111 good health
ter Jack, of London, were Thanks -1 up to the fine of the seizure. He is
giving visitors in town with Mrs. 1 survived by his wife, one son, Ivan, in
Rumball. 1 Saskatchewan, and two daughters, Miss
Mrs. 1•I. W. Gould was a visitor with Norma, on educational work in Japan,
relatives and friends in Toronto over 1 and Miss Bessie at home.
Thanksgiving, I Minor Locals.
Mr.. and Mrs. GUy Routley and dao^ i Many holiday visitors were in town
ghter, of Bright, were visitors here for Thanksgiving,
with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. The Kittle Band dance on Monday
Fred Cook. They carne to attend the
funeral of the lateThos Greens evening was a popular event.
Mr. Mansfield Cook, of Toronto, was The Assessment 'Court of Revision
up over the week end attending the will meet on Tuesday evening next. ,
funeral of his brother-in-law, the late The Virginia Girls will appear here
Thomas Grealis. on Nov. 4. They are the first concert.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Stewart, of Strat- i on the Fall and Winter Lyceum course..
ford, were visitors last week with the Have you bought your Course tickets:
Tatter's sister, Nurse McTavish. yet? A good program is prepared. See
Mr. Robt. Wilson, of Seaforth, was advt. on another page of this issue,
calling on old friends in town on Fri-
day afternoon last,
Mr. and Mrs. James McRae and
children of Woodstock, spent Thanks- and personal news as well as township
giving week end with old friends :old
relative in town items of interest.
A very successful field day was held
Friday in Ideal weather by Exeter High
ese (s—
rRobert r
try was shipped last week by S6hooi tv_ith Parkhill and. Lucan stud
Thompson, of the East Huron Produce Lents laking Pari. The track events
Ettporlutti, ,y,'3"9a,,. were mostly won by Exeter 3roMpetit-
Moneriefft—A sweed turnip, weigh- ors, Lyle Statham worthily upholding
Ithe honor of the school1 Exeter also
ing between' 18 and`2o pounds, was
grown on the. farm of Jas. . McKay, t5 S wqn. the ,tug -0f -war easily, defeating
th concession... teatt5s- from ;both - the other schools.
1 ICranbrook.a-Reeve McNabb, who in
Sufterpd the loss ofilis'separator in the 1
,baYufire 'at. D. Sanders has purchaseda
new machine -from. the Waterloo Com -
piny and it will be at work this week.
We like Jack's pluck. He had.no tnsur:
ince on •the machine destroyed' as Fire
'Jompadies wilt not 'assume' risks where1 sports an excellent ,repast was served by
tsdchlnes are moving from • one piaee I
to another. '
1.,+..1 1.
10110e•*e.00,1•0•q.e!• 18
A •
' '
ualt.r,;tt' ,rl,s.i -1 1'. :.0
lasae,an.n1111;*:trl0o Own.
Wsth dhierch'
't' Rev: E, F. McL, Simth B. A. will con
duct the services next Sunday. The pas
tpr • willa.take anniversary services at
Beechwood. '
..The :13l11le Class;.wiil hold,.a social in
the lecture• room oo. FridaY,evening at
8 o'clock, Strangers especially wel-
"lite Mission Baed.will hold ,its an-
lival 'thank offering meeting Monday
evening at 7 o'clock in the lectur
Phone' 146;- Estimates Gi
'Interior and
The Perth and Huron newspapermen
met at Goderich on Friday of last week.
We are always ready to receive local
Mr. W. Brune, of Toronto, G.T.R. Thomas Grealis Passes Away.
Detective, was renewing old acquaint- The citizens were surprised to learn
ances in town on Friday last. Mr. Brine Friday_ morning of last week
is an old Seaforth boy. 1 that Thotnas N. Grealis, of Toronto, and
Mr, and Mrs. E. B. tfumphrey and ; a former citizen had passed away in
baby of Cayuga, were visitors fora few that city the night before. Deceased
days, last week with Mr, and Mrs. F. took a chill the week, before and in -
W. Wigg. flammation of the lungs developed. The
late Mr. Grealis was born in Leland
Mn, and Mrs, Henry ethurnnd eand j and when a small boy came to Canada
Miss Emma Pfningtehome with his parents and the rest of the•
last Friday evening from
ront their visit to family, They settled in Toronto for
Eastern Ontario. 1 a short time and then came to Clinton
Mr, W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, was in 1 where the deceased lived until 4 years
town last Friday afternoon to .see his 'ago when -1;z moved his family to Tor --
Parkhill' defeated both Lucan and Exet-
er, after Exeter had won. from Lucan in
basket ball. A case of peas donated by
Exeter Canning. Company, was divided
among the winners; of these events.
Miss Vena, Hobbs, of -Lucas carried off
no less than six prizes four .firsts and
tw-o seconds. At the conclusion of the
We protect your floors, furni..
ture, etc., by plenty of drop
sheets. ,
Wall Papers,
Signs, Eta.
Isaac Street
Sheppardton.—Mr: Ed Willis has sold
hi;,farnm to Mr. Neison. • Pierson, the
price Being $3,000. ,Mr. Pierson fp-
teuds moving onto the property this
14enealL--rout station :is a busy place,
at present, Sugar beets are now coming i A. Trumper presided, and in his re-
n .large quantities.. One wagon Toad I wcIls of Wellington, that Waterloo
on Tuesday weighed ..9760 pounds, I nttlrks as chfietttan alluded to the
There have been tencarsof potatoes 1 was won. On the playing fields of Eng -
•shipped out this week and cars are still land. A ,moving picture show.. vas put
being loaded on in the local theater for. the pupils
Crediton.—Our village was without and I'htheedeathh'visitors. occurred Thursday 'at her
lights on Saturday and Sunday nights
late esidence, William street of An
owing to lack. of carbide for the gas I Wliinstatr, widow of the late Davidn
Saturday night some of the iter
lank Sat Y g r thepostmaster of
P Johns for many yeas p
chiefs had to resort to lanterns, Exeter., Three d•aughters are left to
Exeter.—Three fines 'for speeding or I mourn her loss, Miss Lila at home, Mrs.
reckless driving on Main street have i W. T. Gstodison, of Sarnia; and Mrs. C.
been contributed to the town coffers 1'. Adams of Calgary,
this week, Mr...Amos- Doupe, of Usborne Totvn-
Hay Twp. -Cate bean crop this year ship Ibst two horses valued at $400,' its
is good Mn. Schroeder had 126 bushels'
;the field during the storm on Monday
from six acres, I last, and Mr, John' Willis lost a value-
Zurieta—Mr. Herbert Uttley Iran sold' Isle cow, killed by lightning during the
his dwelling property itt the north end same storm on the farm in Stephen.
of the village to Mr, Day •Moro, of Drys'.
daie, who gets possession on Feb, 1st A Week's Holidays,
grand -dao liter little Mary Kerr. Ionto, where 'he followed his trade as
Mrs. Searle ireturned last,: ;k artel'' p Painter.. Twenty-four years ago he
Sjlaiiding lite past month with her twomarried Grace Cook, who with a family
sistsrs and brother in London.i of''three daughters, Ruby (Mrs. A.
Steep) Edna (Mrs, Hardy) and )Mary,'
Mr. and Mrs. D'. M. Scott and Mrs. all of Toronto, survive. The lata Mr.
iG. n: town on, Friday last H. Santis; of Brussels, were visitors Grealis is also survived by his aged
in Mother, hitt sister's, Mrs, Best and Mrs,
Miss Jessie '011Neii of Aylmer, was Barnes, of Toronto, and two brothers,
home for Tnanksgivin'g week end. Edward of town, and William in Tor-
Mr, and Mrs. Nixon Welsh, of Lon- onto. The body was brought to Clinton,
rental) 1 And the funerai was
don, were visitors at the two pa 1 too' do Saturday
homes over the week end. `held from the 'bottle of his `fattier -in -
Mr. Alex. McIntyre, of Wingham, was lute; Mr: Fred. Look in the afternoon
home for the week end. under the auspices of the L.'0 L., the
service lieirtg conducted by Rev. Mr,
Mr. Laurie Greig, of London, spent
Thanksgiving -at the, parental home. McKegney, assisted by Rev.' Mr. nogg.
The deceased was'also•a member Of the:
Mr. Rob't. Sheppard, df London, was I O F. The sympathy of the cotnniun
'end `to'visit his father, o the family in the loss.
up for the wee.) , ity is extended t >
Mr. James Sheppard. ' ' they have sustained. "" "'
Mn. G: Forties, of Waterford, spent 1 ,.
Aiexattrler Innen Died Sunday •ate„a.,'„
the ,Exeter pupils ,in the high school
building and addresses were delivered
l3: Mrs,. McAlister and Principal D,, J.
Wadley, There was a short musical pro
grant and at 8 o'clock all adjouned to
the town hall, where the prizes were
presented by Mrs. Gladtnan, wife of the
chairman of the school board. Rear. A.
the holiday with his mother, Mrs. A.
Mr,. Rus. Forbes, of Galt, was a week
end visitor with his mother, Mrs. R.
Mr. Ray McConnell, of Toronto, was
a visitor in town for Thanksgiving,
Miss Anna Sherbrook of Toronto, and
her friend, Miss 'Isabel Law, were visit-
ing at the parental Monte of Miss Sher -
brook, of town, over the week end,
Mr. E. Livermore, of Stratford, spent
the holiday at the parental hone and
helped the baseball boys Thanksgiving
Mr. Geo. Webber, of London, was a
holiday visitor in town with old friends.
Messrs, Lorne Deeves, of Kitchener,
and 'Bert Deeves, of London, spent the
week end at the parental hone.
1921. - iThe Piano factory is closed this week
Hewick Twp.--Dtn•ing the severe• for a holiday work is expected to coin -
electric sloes, that sweptthis tecti0n melee next Monday again.
on Monday, lightning struck into the uietl Mmrrlerl'
house of Me. Jas: Overholt on the Salt -Q y
file Line, and inflicted only minor tiant- • Last Saturday at the bride's home Rea
age, as the fire was put out before If 0,N, Mecanus united in marriage, Miss
made arty headway, • Sarah F, Turner til Isir, Abner Cosens,
' CJeborttis. •M1'. Amos Donne, of 1.31- of Whrglsasn, They ivill reside in Wing
13(1E11410M two itarses valded at 4400 hare, • Only tate inrntediate relatives of
In the field when struck by ltgntiltg. 1`he cnntrsctti•g Partes were present.
Mr, Alexander fines, a well-known
gentleman of this section for many
years, passed to his reward on Sunday
afternoon, following a stroke o1Thurs-
day last. Deceased itad not been in •
good health for the past summer. Ila
was born in Keith, Scotland, in 1842,
and when 'a small child cause with his
parents to Canada. They first settled
in Zorra but when about 15 years old)
the family moved to the 2nd of Stanley
where his father cut out a home for his
family. Later Mr, huts married his now •
bereft partner, Atlanta Avery, and they
continued to reside on the and until 3
years ago when they retired and moved
to Clinton to reside. A family of three
survive, Mr. Harold inner, of Toronto,
Mr. John Innes, on the homestead in
Stanley, and Mrs. Roy Canteton In
Goderich l'wp. The deceased is sur-
vived by one sister, Mrs. Duncan Mc-
Ewen of town. The funeral was held on
Tuesday afternoon and' the services
were conducted by Rev. Mr, Hogg, of
Willis church, pastor of the deceased,
The pallbearers were old trends of
the `deceased: W. Paisley, D. Mayen,
Dr. Grout, of Clinton, D. McIntosh, of
Brucefield, Dr. Scott, Seaforth, and 351.
Horton, Ilensall, The body was iat,i
to rest in the Clinton Cemetery. It '
is with regret that we learn that Mrs.
lmtres Is in a very critical condition, and
small hopes ate entertained for het
recovery. e.
Mr. Joe. Cudntore, of London, spent
Thanksgiving at the home of his father
Mr, Wnn. kaudstore.
Mr. Fred Rumball, of Cargill, spent
the week end with his mother in town,
Miss Mary McVlurchie left ort Tues -
slay in reStnne her studies at Varsity,
Miss Agnes Chidtey of Tarosrslo, wig
a holidaq visitor in town.
Miss SOuthe ail;,, .,f th., C.P.R. Tale -
graph CO., Stratford; spsnt the week
end with her sister's in town.
(Continued or next. Page)