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If the present season does not suggest a Raincoat, a
sudden downpour catcbing you unprepared will,
The Raincoat can be worn anywhere, at any time, the
most useful garment a man or woman can have in his or
her wardrobe. These garments are all of British menu -
facture, are most generously cut, and most carefully
tailored. Buying them at any time here you pav the
lowest market prices when the superior manufacture
and fit, as well as the quality of material used, is con-
Never before have we shown such a large and varied
range of these garments. Among them are weights
heavy enough to take the place of winter coats.
Custom Tallortne
Men's Furnishing
Phone 103
Opposite Public Library
We handle and are -Agents for the Famous "BARRETT"
Company Roofing and other preparations.
Remember iie 1, 2, and 3, ply Everlastic Rubber Roofing
and the 1, 2, and 3, ply Panamoid Rubber Roofing
are Manufactured solely by "BARRETTS"
Any orders received for grades not in stock always receive
prompt attention.
Corless & Venner
Dry Goods and HOW
Phone 67
Next Royal Bank
Thursday, Oct. 7th, 1920
.101111 11111111111111 1111f11 1 11 11 III 11
11101111111 1 111101011111111111 Ill 111111 0111111 1111111111 111 11 111
°cal News
Ge to Seaforth. House Bod.
The auction sale of the :household
effeels of the late Annie Roas was held
on Saturday afternoon last and Auction-
eer lULiolt got, good prieea for the
goOds sold. The house was sold to
Mr, Thos, .11erman, of town, for $800.
The 0, C 1. Students, Will take in the.
Field Day sports of Seaforth 0, 1, on
Friday afternoon, The Girl's lasket
ball team have made some "terrible"
bets that they will win,
Train was Late.
The trate 'diie here at 11.18 a.m. A Good Month Ahead,
There is no need as yet to begin
reciting "The melancholy days are
come" etc, ' One of the best months
lit the whole Canadian year ,is as yet
in its infancy.
from Toronto did not arrive until 0tfter
12 tni'Monday morning, Some part of
Use engine broke when at Norval and
another engine had to be substituted.
A Quiet Wedding.
At the Willis church Manse last rF1-
No Cut in Class.
day, Rev. J. E. Hogg, tied the matri-
Contrary to some reports there has
monial knot between Mr, William Lloyd been no drop lo the price of glass in
Belton, of Henson, Hastings Co., and any form. One t.itee\inent dealer stet -
Miss Stella Hamlett% Nelson, daughter ed that be had every reason to believe
of Mr. Robert Nelson, of the Base Line that' glass would remain high until
Hullett. The young couple are follow- spring and there was no indication of
ed to their home by the best wishes a drop even then. The reason given
of a large circle of friends, was that the demand was very great.
May be Caught, Not Shot,
In _explanation of the game law re -
Boost The Hospital Bazaar, Oct. 29.
The ladies who have already canvass-
ed for the Bazaar report a generous re-
sponse. Some streets have not yet
been reached, but the canvassers are
still on their rounds,. Ladies will have
charge of the following Booths—Hotne
made candy; Home made Cooking;
Fancy work, dolls etc; Sale of Samples;
Rummage Sale; Produce and Vegetables
A pound shower booth; a parcelltost
Bryant—Melne Wedding.
On Wednesday September 22nd a
very pretty wedding took place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mathes,
when their eldest daughter, Etta was
married to John E, Bryant of Stratford.
Promptly at 10.30 the bridal couple
took their places under an arch of aut-
umn leaves and flowers. The bride wore
a gown of silver g.2y silk crepe de eh -
in& over plait and carried u bootet of
Ophelia roses. litr only ornament was
a striwg of pearls the gift of the grbotn.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
R McCormick, Immediately after the
. .
HARDWARE and-ELECTRIGAL wedding dinner was served ilia happy
couple left by motor for Clinton, taking
iltie train there for Stratford where they
will reside, The bride travelled in a tell -
lowed suit of navy serge with mink coil,
ette over a blouse of ping georgette
ri Hawkins
Repairing Promptly
Phone 5.3
Phone 53
tileda Furnaces Lead
• There is a Reason
Ask Us.
Feed Doors
There is no danger of hit-
ting the sides and spilling
coal all over the floor with
the big Sunshine teed doors.
—0 ---
As the Poultry fattening season
is at hand we are prepared to pay
a special price for properly finish-
ed Milk -fed Poultry.. .. • • • • •
As the grain prices are low it
will pay you to fatten your poul-
try at home this year.
and large black hat, The bride was the
recipient of many beautiful and use
ful gifts showing the high esteem in
which she is held by her many friends.
Guests. were present from Chicago, St.
Cathaaines, Toronto and local points.
The Bride resided in town for some
time a year or so ago.
Mission of the Clergy.
A mission of the clergy of the Dean- was the statment of a local deale5Wed-
eries of Perth, 'Huron .and the south nesday morning. He did not expect
much change in the situation until the
closing 'of navigation next.inonth. lie
thought he had a, couple of cars be-
tween here and the mines on the road.
__since the above was put into type
Mr. Ward received s car of Nut Coal
and is delfyering it to -day and others
are expected any day. It is selling at
garding hares, the Act states that hares
may be otherwise caught outside of the
shooting season, but they may not be
hunted for. It is stated that the cot-
ton -tails are not as plentiful as they
might be and it is thought that the
larger hares are destroying the snsalLer
species. , I week. They
You are asked to invest-
igate the merits of our
stock. We invite this
with the assurance that
the advantage will be a
mutual one.
The W. D. Fair o.
Often the elleapest—TilwaystheBest
—THE LITTLE THINGS—That Help on Wash Day. Have 370n.
tried Rinso, Wonder Wash, Peerless Washing Compound. Try some for next
all help and makes Was
Little Coal Coming. 2 bars N.
That little coal is coming into town
Silo Filling
I Having
part of the Deanery of Bruce was het
on Wednesday and 'Thursday of last
week b Goderich when a large num-
ber of the clergy were Present. The
meditaticins, which were on the spirit-
ual life of the clergy were taken by
Rey. Dr. McIntyre, of Toronto. After
the close of the, mission the Bishop of
the Dioeese, de. Williams addressed
the clergy on the Advent Mission to be
helit in all the parishes of the Diocese
in De'cember.
Disttict News'
Minor Locals.
Purchased a new
E e Cutter I am
---- • repared to v11 Silos for a limited
Gunn Langlois &Co.Ltd:time.
Get our prices before you sell- Gilson ns ag
The up-to-date Firm
.• • • • • •
, •
Clinton Branch
N. W. Trewartha, Manewar
or Holmesville 4 on 142
These doors will admit a
large chunk of wood, too.
Our local agent will
zhow you this and
many other "Sunshine"
advantages, Send for
free booklet.
MC larYt
1a i
Sutter & Perdu
The Black Knights held their regelar PlULLETT
meeting *last Friday evening. I Following is the report of S. S. No.
Council met on Monday evening.
5 Hullett for September. 4th Class—
me rain on Feld* last.
Evelyn Gibbings, Alberta Snell, Warren
Gibbiligs, Lames. Snell, Alvin Cartwright.
The next public holiday will bp on 3rd—Harry Hugh Radford, Ncr-
the 18th-L-ThanksgiYing Day. ma Snell, Alberta Nutt, Herbert trod.'
The Co. School Fairs end up on Fri- den, Donald Snell, Charles Brown. 2nd
day of this week at Bluevale.
—Ivan Carter, Gordon Snell, Fred Vod-
Repairs have been made on the roof den, Ernest Brown, Willie Stevens. ist
df the McKay Block.
—Edwin Radford, Grant Snell. Primer
Work is progressing at the School (a)—George Radford, Lorne Brown.
but lack of materials have been the ford.
., 1. Cornish, Teacher.
er :)—Jack Stevens, Carl Rad -
main cause of the delay.
At two dollars per year a weekly
newspaper costs the subscriber scarce-
ly four cents per issue—one cent less
than you pay, for an ice cream cone,
Fined For Blocking Roads.
Wingham Advance — John Watson
was fined two dollars without costs at
the police court Tuesday morning for
blocking the road. Watson had stop-
ped. on a narrow piece of road to have
a talk with a friend in a motor truck
which be met. A motorist came along
and wanted past, but it. was only after
considerable tooting that Watson
horse took fright at the bridge hill and
ed his horses and wagon. The practiee mov-
got on the side of the road, striking
of blocking. the road, both. by stopping
'some trees and freeing itself from the
to talk and by heavy wagons that re-
,en Mrs. Stanbury was thrown out
fuse to ive an inclrof road.to a motor -
and bad her back injured, but is able to
This is the Week for
Telt sero.
1 • *
Peaches for Cansiing.
We handle peaches direct from
the Orchards at Grimsby. Buy
your supply from us and save a
jobber's profit.
TRY A CAN—rure Grape Jam
at price less than the cost of' the
Fred. W. Wigg
The Corner Grocery
Phone 45.
and Wood for Sale
—0 --
any who Wish to leave theft' order for
Spring delivery can do so by leaving
their orders at any residence, Huron St.
or Phone 155.
Torma—Strietly eneli--Pbont 165,
...s..NcE_Hutog STREET
Mr. William J. ,Packard, ;Shanty
Bay, Ont. writes:
o portunitles of realizin the beneficial
results 'derived from t e proper use
of Dr, Fowler's Extrant of Wild Straw-
Landing in England in early fall after
a very wet summer brought many tif u8.
to the doctor's offiee, but got little, if
any, relief there from dysentery, and
severe cases of diarrhoea, I mai glad
to be able to say-thati 1 never bad to call
on a doctor for either complaint, as I
used freely the supply of "Dr, Fowler's"
which 1 had purchased before embarking
for our trip oversees, I can also eat,
that many others can testify likewise,"
When you aro troubled with diarrhoea,
dysentery, colic, 'erainps, pains in the
stomach, cholera, morbus, summer eotri.
plaint or any fluxes or looseness of the
bowels de.uot delay in getting a bottle
of lir, Fowler's iEatraet of Wild Straw-
berry and ecu how quickly you will be
You van alweye'rely on it in time of
need as it has stood the 1 bit, of time,
having been on the market for the past
75 yeare,
The U. F. W. 0. spent a very pleas- 1
ant afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wm.
Lawson at Summerhill, and had an en-
joyable outing.
Mr, Frank Lane visited with his sis-
ter in Ltcan.
Mrs. McMichael is visiting her dau-,
ghter, Mrs. Milton Wiltse.
Mrs. Win. Stanbury met with, what
might have been a serious accident,
last week while driving to town. Her
3 bars Laundry soap Sc
3 pkgs Rinso
2 pkgs Wonder wash 25
If you Want Something
good in COFFEE, we
have it. Ask for our
it is good.
3 pkgs Paerlesi Wash- Flies,
'tsg Compound 25c
1 lb Black Tea ..60e.
2 Ihs Black tea.. VAS
pkg Cream of Barley
for 25c.
Fly Poison Gatches the
get around again.
est that wants by, is an all too frequent
one, and the fine of two dollars in this
case is just a nominal one to serve as
a warning.
The Court House is Alive Again.
Wingbani ratepayers to -day approved
a by-law granting concessions to the
William Gunn company, of Saginww,
. Goderich Wm, Lane, Co. which is to op.erate .a large factory
Clerk, who retureectlast week after It
here., for the manufacture of phono-
trip of seven or eight -weeks inWest-
graphs The vote was 226 in favor and
tern Canada, gives. a good report of 12 against.
crops and business conditions general- 'The hy-law provides for a loan of
$19,000 for 10 years duly secured and
ly in the West, In some parts of
Manitoba and Saskatchewan there were fixed itasusamapt $10,000 for seven
years. The. company Is taking 'over a
crop faitures, but on the whole the
Prairie Provinces have had excellent Ione] fact'ory building. a half block of
LicatdsistrDavis' o;grf a
ittigeavryislatencid Is'r}teyds
1tticiciSli of the machinery now there. OP-
structure,aed will make use of
he never saw more beautiful eripPs in erations wit commence almost at once.
hit life. At the Coast he spent several About loci buds will be employe&
weeks with his son, Mr, W. Stewart
!This is considered one of the best i
Lane, who practises law there, and saw dustries yet secured by Winghani,
„n -
a good deal of the Industrial interests
along the coast. tie saw old friends at
different points along his route, which
included Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton
"ir LEI/F.14W D" Bicycle
are sold in Clinton by
The Garage that gives real Bicycle, arxr and
Battery Services
Phone 80 : Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT.
There Are rio many spurioze "etrete-
berry" preparation's 'sok1 we mould oh
you be sore andseen it al, 10. r name,
The T. vltlhssn o., Limited, Portniae,
Ont., appears on the wrappe: Price to the eVetiMg's entertainment,
80 ectite,
..••1 • • • • • • l• •
"Boys Parliament will be held in Ex-
eter about the last of October. Several
and Calgary, and had te good time—
delegates were nominated last Sunday
but is glad to be home again, end voting will take place in two weeks
Hervest Supper and Concert. .. This is a splendid training for the boys
and those attending. last year speak
The anneal harvest supper and con- highly of it,
cell or St. Paul's church was held 011
Mr. and Mrs. R, J, Howard and fam•
11511 51111 was a °°'"Piete succes *''' Drysdale' of lieesall called on friends in
evening in Owen's Memori,al ily, of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs, M. G.
every wily. Supper was served from town on Sunday.
6 tn 8 o'clock and during that Period Potato digging is the order of the
the 'members of the YoungPer'.)1
leisI day' end every grower fin a glowing re
Society were kept very ho'sy looking ' ,
port nf the crop to make. Apples are so
after the large gathering. At 8 o'clock
I plentiful that farmers are giving them
Rev. S. E. McKegney took the chain',
' Away to anyone wishing to pick them,
and announced an informalPr -oe
ram 1 The amnia( meeting of the Bible Sec
which included vocal solosb• v
Miss i iety was held Sunday evening when
Agues Holmes and Mr, Emmerson Litihy
; Rev. R. 1 Bowels, field secretary of the
reading by Miss Ola Cook, of Hensel!! u.c_.,..
13 $ gave e talk on the great work
and a Well rendered choree. Shortdone ititotithout the wood. The haat.
dresses. 011 the various departments of !
ness part of the program resulted ie
the Church work, were given by Mr. 3 '
the 0...1etii.,,, lei' ".1\e. 1,'die wing officers:
ilansfortl, Mr. C. D, Boitek, Mr, Chas,. I pfeaidei,t j. K, or.,,,,, ,,..,,,,itatytreasat
Middleton, Col, 1411de and Col. 10:1011The, I ern 0. .., it, t„,,,n„,, .1 ,,i,‘ee, iidivara,
Phaten's Orchestra cootrtboted liberally Bli.b„, ateybail, ei,„1,,,, velidia„g and Oa.
Weller, sr.
adds immeasurably to life's Plea-
sure. You can have it .at once,
even if you are not a player of
any instruments. Our talking
machines reproduce all kinds of
music from the latest crashing
marches to the softest of tulle-
. bias. Let us prove it to you in
Then if you want a piano, why
we are handling a piano which
musicians say is the best buy on
the market today. Make it your
• business to have me call on you
to demonstrate- the Bell. It will
cost you nothing to have it done and if I can't prove to you where the
Bell possesses more strength in build; sweetness in tone; and has
the easiest touch; and the best traced piano containing those points. I
will .give you one at one-half the price—so get busy and call me Up •
you stand a chance to save some money.
*44.1f.'",.:;.:4,,., • –_ 0!,
.JOnathan HugilP
A '
BOX 229. *
Phone 214.
• I :
i 5,000,000 Pairi
of hoes
There are over.fifteen million pairs of boots and shoes made in
Canada per -year. Part of this vast quantity consists of shoes
of the finest and most delicate nature for ladies' evening wear;
some ape shoes for men to wear to ,business; some for boys and
girls to wear to school and to play. There are also heavy,
strong boots for farmers, lumbermen and miners. Thousands
of varieties of boots and shoes are Made in Canada—the hest
aCotroltellreirprpiteterp. ose, skilfully and carefully Made, the best value
Knowing that the Shoe Industry in Canada
is an efficient and well -organized one,
this store offers its customers Made -in.
Canada Shoes on the merits of their style,
wear, fit, finish and price,
FRE' ..1171eKSON