The Clinton New Era, 1920-10-7, Page 2r'Ar.;.x'. 2
t *1E9
0,...atc -News of the District
Miss McLean, who has been employ.
ed to AlcMurchie'$ Bank for the past
Jew years left on Monday for Bgniond-
vTITe where site will reside for the pre-
sent. .Miss Mary MrMurchle is at Pre-
sent assisting her father in the .hank.
Citizens will 'regret to learn that Mr,
John Denholm tt seriously ill et his
home, Pinsley SL He was seized on
friday last with a spell of weakness and
Stas since been in a precarious condi-
Miss Ruth McGowan returned on
Thursday to the Western Hospital, Tor-
onto, where she is in training for a
nurse, after a two weeks' visit at her
'home here,
The U. F. 0, disposed of two cars of
}reaches and Mr. R. J; Pow'eill one
ear during the week, 1t was all first-
-class fruit and as the three cars com-
prised over 1000 bushels, this section.
should be amply supplied.,
Anniversary services were held in
St. Andrew's church on Sunday and the
speaker for the day was Rev. Finlay
\YTathieson\ of Stratford,
The cement pavement on Wellington
street from Main street to the station
was completed last week and one block
Stas been opened for traffic. The street
will be closed for two weeks longer,
!Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or
callus off with fingers
Don't gaffer' A tiny bottle of
3F'aeezone costs but a few cents at any,
dazng store. Apply a few dropon the
cores, calluses and "hard tikin" on bot.
'tom of feet, then lift them off. e
o When Preezone removes corns from the
Slues or calluses from the bottom of feet,
fib akin bttgeath ip left pink and healthyy,,
nal never Am, tender gr irrit�a s
Tenders were recently caked, for the
carrying of His Majesty's Melts over
Rural Routes No, 1 and 3, Exeter, We
understand that Mr. Thos, Laing, car-
rier for route No. 3, has been re-en-
gaged fora period of lour years at a
substantlai increase in salary. Mr, Par-
sons, carrier over Route No. 1, has IT
cepteda contract for two years, also
at an increase,
Miss Verdi Vale, of Exeter North,
had the misfortune to slip and twist
her foot, breaking one of her ankle
Exeter will be put on -the hockey
map this winter by Zurich and Exeter
roing together and entering as a Zurich
and Exeter team in the 0. H. A, and
the Northern Hockey League. With the
material that Exeter and Zurinh have
we may aapect a real fast team.
Exeter has some gd'od men this year
and Zurich with the three Hoffman
boys and a couple of others should form
a team that will stand out with the best
of tltenm, Organization will start at
once so as to get a good start.
Whit's Cotton !root Co ip'ueicat
acre, reliable re! ar.etfwj,
tnerticzne. Reid in three de,
tureen of etreugtn--No. 1,, $ ;
N'.. 2, $3; No. 3, 85 per box
Fold by all - de aiete, or gent
repaid on receipt of price,
pantphlet..j Addreset
TORIOT0, OftT. (Femr*f, Wisdom.)
• The annual sports day of the Sea -
forth Collegiate will be held on Fri-
day next. October 8th.
Mr. M. Hinton, of Detroit, turd his
sister, Mrs, Booth who were renewing
old acquaintances here after an abseece
of 35 years, returned to their houses
on Wednesday. Mr, PIllman was en-
gaged in the carriage business in Sea -
forth in the early days, and as this was
his first visit in 35years, he natur-
ally sees many changes, both in the
town and the people.
(intended for Last Week.)
Mr, J. R. Townshend left for King-
ston last week where he is entering
Queen's University to study for en-
gieeering. His brother Alvin is also in
attendance there in the same course.
We are sorry to report that Mr. Jim
Ferguson has been under the Doctor's
care for a short time.
Mr, Alvin Leonard returned to Tor-
onto to resume his studies at the Uni-
The farmers have been busy getting
their corn cut and their silos filled.
The corn crop has been a bumper one
this year.
BurniHgthe Nation's Wraith
Every Hour of the Day and Night
The Torch of Carelessness
Brings Destruction to Somebody's Property
in Ontario
The Work of Fire Prevention should appeal to the Farrier,
who is at the mercy of the Fire Demon; and to every Mer-
chant and Manufacturer who wishes to preserve the continuity
and non-interference of his business.
Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 9
to remove all Fire Hazards and take every possible precaution
to prevent Fire. yuil..FF,�:
accumulations of waste material, rubbish, boxes, brush, weeds
and conditions that create disorder.
in affiliation with
The Ontario Fire Marshal's Office, Toronto
A Purely Vegetable Laxative That Keeps the
Stomach, Liver and ,ow ifaBra perfect condition
Don't take purgatives for Constipation—they
act harshly—they overstrain the delicate
membrane and leave the . Bowels in a
worse condition than before. c If you
are troubled with Constipation, Indi-
gestion, Sour Stomach, Dizziness, Bili-
ousness, Nervousness or loss of Appetite
Don't Hesitate — Gat a game ---
A1 LITTLE LIVER. PILLS -take one after each
meal and one at bedtime, A few days' treatment will put
Stomach, Liver And Bowels in normal condition,
Smell Pill Small Rose Small Pelee
1il®6ntsensa :int ..l foo: ^; ta+aluo"oil
EE.: tilt
SINCE a 1970
STOP&I.! �[� 7�pd�►
S O O,1A►7
Howard Crich has bough a Chev-
rolet car,
Mrs, James Gemmell and daughter,
Miss Jessie, spent the week end at
Kirkton, visiting Mrs, Gemmel's mother
Mrs. Ross, who is ill,
Miss Robinson and Miss Verna Jervis
visited the Sunday School at' 'Crediton
on Rally D'ay.
Silo tilling is the order of the day
just note.
Miss Elizabeth Gould, •.of Godericit,
spent the week end with Mrs, Waiters.
5(, and Mrs. Wm. Potter, of Stanley,
spent Sunday at Mr, Thos Potter's,
Rev. Mr. Johnston took anniversary
services In London on Sunday last,
Anniversary se'h'ices on Sunday last
were largely attended. Rev. Mr. Sin-
clair preached very eloquently both
Morning and evening. Miss Oakes of
Chicago ,rendered a couple of solos
which were much appreciated. The
thankoffering exceeded more than was
asked for.
Mr, and Mrs. Douglas of Niagara
Falis are visiting friends in and around
We %'ei'e pleased fo 'she 33 Tinny of
our foemer residents here on Sunday
last among being; Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Jenkins, Mr, and Mrs. A. Wilkin, Jen-
nie and Rose Tebbutt, Mr, and Mrs,
Cliff Holland; and Mrs. Charles Hol-
land anti daughters of Clinton, Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Tebbutt of Turner's,
Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Durst and child-
ren spent Sunday at Mr. Edward Levis',
Miss Grace Tebbutt spent the week
end with her friend Miss Altalinda Mc-
Mr, Danny Gliddon and Mr. Norman
Mairs were visitors at Sarnia last week.
Got Heart Trouble
While in the Army.
Mr. H. Maxwell, Woodhouse, Alta.,
writes:—"I was in the army when I got
heart trouble. The two doctors told
me there was little hope for me to get
better. •I have doctored with other
doctors but with no relief. A year ago
a friend told inc to try Milburn's Heart
and Nerve Pills. 11aughed at him at
the time, and told him they were only a .
fake, but as I got worse I thought
I would try a box. I have taken nix
boxes and can any that they are the
first thing that helped me, and 1 feet as
if I were a new man. I sure can thank
them, and feel that with'a few more
boxes 1 will be well."
Wherever there are people with weak
hearts, we do not know where they can
find a remedy that will do so much to
make the heart regain strength and
restore it to a normal and healthy
condition as Milburn'e Heart and Nerve
Price 50e. a box at all dealers or
mailed direct en receipt of price by The
T. 'Milburn Co.. Limited. Toronto. Ont.
On Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Mc-
o-Intosh preached from the text, "Pray
for us." He spoke of prayer in the
great Forward Movement.
Word has been received of the death
of George Turner, who formerly lived
near our village, the farm now occupied
by Mr, Elliott. He leaves a wife, his
mother and brother, Wilson Turner,
and sister, Mrs. Watt, of Chatham, He
had many friends here who were sorry
to learn of his death. His mother, who
resides in Chatham, was with Mtn at
the last.
Geo. Hill went to Toronto on Sato
utday with a Toed sof hogs and cattle
from our station, The hogs brought
$20.25 per hundred. The farmers
went home with big cheques.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Caswell was buried in Baird's
cemetery on Sunday afternoon, Much
sympathy is felt for the bereaved. moth-
er and father in losing their little dau-
Wnt. 'Aikenhead treated the young
people to -a corn roast on 'I'hursda,e
evening .last, when fill had a good
Mrs, Sutherland of Nairn, is the guest
of Mrs, McIntosh at the Manse.
Harry Jackson and wife, of Chicago
have rented Mrs. Allen Douglas' house
for the winter and have moved in,
Miss Elizabeth Scott has returned
from visiting relatives at Bmt'manville.
Mr, McKee, of the U. F.'Co-operative
Department of 'Toronto, wilt deliver an
address here on Friday evening on the
subject of ''Live Stock Shipping" All
tare invited to attend,
At 10,30 Saturday morning, Sept.
25th, the marriage of Miss Elva M.
Brown, of Londesboro, (daughter of
Mrs. Ed tlaggitt, Blyth, and Mr.
Wm. Johnston, of Toronto, was quiet-
ly solemnized at Parkdaie Presbyterian
church, Rev. Geigie, officiating. The
charming pride was attired in a navy
blue tailored suit, with dainty black
and rose hat anti. corsage bouquet of
sweetheart roses, The happy couple
were attended by Miss Betty Brown,
sister of the bride, and Mr, David
Johnston, brother of the groom. Im-
mediately after the ceremony, Mr. and
Mrs, Johnston left, amid showers of
good wishes from their [navy friends,
for a short motor trip to Hamilton
and Buffalo and upon their return will
reside at 118 Edgewood Ave., Toronto.
'Rev, J. F. Knight, M.A., B.D., of
Milverton, is to conduct the anniver-
sary services in tate Methodist church
on Sunday, Oct, 17,
Rev. Mr. Leckie, a former pastor is
conducting thenniversary services of
the Presbyterianchurch on Sunday.
The services are le the afternoon and
Elva Elizabeth, the 10 year old dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. GrItliths,
who for several years has suffered from
Bright's Disease, died at two o'clock
on Wednesday morning. Tine funeral
will be held on Friday afternoon at 2.30
p.m, and a service will be held at the
house at 2 o'clock, Interment will be
made in the Union Cemetery at Blyth.
Mr, and Mrs• Griffiths wish to thank the
many friends for their thoughtful deeds
and kind words, during the illness and
death of their daughter.
Jas. Rfibards is having asphalt shing-
ling put on as a new siding to his
house. Protection outside saves the
fuel hill inside,
Miss Florence Cartwright has ac-
cepted a position in a home near High-
gate. Lchidesboro is gtvnng her young
life to other places but is not doing
much to help herself.
Mr. Norman Hunking, his wife and
child had a serious accident in Clinton
on Saturday when to slacken speed and
avoid a collision, the breaks were sud-
denly jammed and the car overturned
Mrs. Honking and the babe received
some comparatively slight injuries. We
believe he has sold the car,
Mr. and Airs. Ainsley, of Leamington
are visiting friends at Londesboro and
Mr. and Mrs. Hiles have returned
hone ;after severall weeks spent at
The Brotherhood Choir of Westfield
Methodist church are to sing at the
Thursday, Oct 96, l020
The magnificent bulldl,ng shown a Bove, andsituated at the corner of St.
Lawrence Boulevard and La Royer Str eat, Montreal, will be occupied by the
SALADA TEA COMPANY about Februa ry 1st, next. The -building at present
occupied by SALADA, at the writer of St, Paul and St, Sulpice Streets,
Montreal, was erected by them eleve n years ago, but for some time has
proved inadequate for their business.
Other SALADA warehouses ar e situated at TORONTO and
evening service of the
the Methodist church.
Anniversary of
Children. Cry
Mrs, Fred Stoneman, of Mortlack,
Sask., is visiting among friends on the
Wednesday afternoon at the Masse
Brucetieid by Rev, W, fi. McIntosh; At
2,30 tate village bell rang lopd att'et long
is the happy couple carne to the Manse,
Flowers were scattered by the bride's
friends in tile village on 91.0 walk from
the sidewalk to the manse for the wed-
ding party to watt or!. The bride was
attired in her travelling suit of navy
with hat to match, After the service
1 the young couple motored to Hensall
where they took the train to Detroit.
On their return they will reside In Kip -
pen where the :groom has a general
store. The happy couple have many
. warm friends who wish tient all joy,
in their wedded life,
Mr, J. Jarrott, near ,Kippen had the
misfortune to lose 5 tows last week.
They ate a quantity of fallen apples.
Mr. Jarrott, not knowing it fed theta
green corn which caused gas on the
stomach, 6 of them were dead In
the morning and 3 others were saved
by the aid of the vetinerary, Consider.*
Ing the price of cows it is a very sen
Taus loss.
Preparing for Winter.
Last Saturday morning Mr. Ii. B.
Chant had the drinking fountains shut
off, preparing for Jack Frost and King
Two Liquor Cases.
Magistrate Andrews had two medical
doctors from the North and one front
the South of Huron Co., both on liquor;
cases. Both were fined.
COLWE>rL—fn Tuckersmth on Oct.
2nd to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Colwell
. a daughter.
2nd and 3rd Con.
Mrs. Wm. Spear and daughter, Mrs.
McLaren, of Kent Co., visited at Mr.
John A. McEwen's last week.
Mrs. Falconer and Fred Weston, of
Bayfield and Mrs. Marton and Jack, of
Goderich visited at Mrs. John Gil-
mour's for a few days last week.
One of Stanley's young ladies, Miss
Catharine Thomson was united in mar-
riage to Mr. Jatnes Bowey of Kippers on
Friday October est, at Willis church
Mitnse, by Rev. J. E. Hogg, William
Lloyd Belton, of Hemon, Hastings Co.,
to Miss Stella lienertetta daughter of
Mr. Robert Nelson, of the Base Line,
CASTLE—in Clinton, on Thursday,
Oct. 7th, 1920, Samuel Castle, aged 81.
years, 7 months and 7 days.
GRANT—In Winnipeg on Saturday,
Oct. 2nd, Jessie Kay, beloved wife of
Mr, J, R. Grant, in her 84th year.
'COLWELL—An Tuckersmith on Oct.
4th, Mabel Gladys, infant daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Colwell, aged 2
GRIFFITHS — in Londesboro on
Wednesday, Oct. 6th, Elva Elizabeth,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Win, Griffiths
aged 10 years and 2 months,
Town Hall, Clinton
hursday Evening, Oct. 14th
Engagement Auspices of G. W. V. A.
1 Night only
MacMamar's Band
REFS WILLIAMS was Private in the 4th I M. R. S. and was gassed at B;
pauan Ridge 1le afterwards entertained the Hoes with the RAMBLER REVUE
in France for t4 months, nths, 1.11E F.VANS was a Sergeant with the 15tb Scott sh
Battalion in France, when he was wounded near Vimy in March, 1917, GEORGE
(3t a )I.A11 served as a Private with the 123rd Battalion in France, until Ai rll
1917, when he was wounded and gassed, also at Vimy, HENRI SOHIER, he
Neuter pianist of the company wn swnunded in the right leg at Loos, wl ile
s.reine as a Prieate ,with the •111.; 13;dtalinn. JERRY CONNE:R was anotter
Private in the C. tis, R. S., but luckily was not wounded. RED !JACKSON was
another "Kiltie'' private in the 13th Battalion, Ile received B machine gun
bullets in the right leg and 2 bullets in the left lei;. ills right kg was was so
badly shattered that it htui to he amputated above the knee. Ile re .!vel the
Distinguished Service Medal. TIM 1!!'',LA?1' "anottntr private" served in lienee
with the 1st Battalion, and was knocked out near Mcssines in November, 1915.
lie was in hospital for 22 monlits, recovering from shell shock and wounds,
JAt;1KSON and HEAL1EY are also owners of the 19th -1915 Canadian Mons Star,
Soldier Production
Have You Heard ?
The Soldier Chorus
Sergt. Blake
Tim Healey
Red Jackson
Geo. Goolay
oeci l ": i es- ar. 25, ' Tush be); Resry x d 75
Reserved Seats now on Sad. at Fair's Boo 'Sore
Order You Seats Now am- Save Disappointment