HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-10-7, Page 1THE CLINTON NEW £RA Established 4 X6S, Vol, S5, I\10,15 C L I N T O N, ON TA R I O, THURSDAY OCTOBER, 7th, 1920, W. H, Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers. he Subscription is $2. vV vvvervvv,novvwvWvw,evvvvvW APPEALING TO EVERY SENSE To the Sight Jonteel Toilet articles are beautiful;l To the Nose, they are delightful; To the Skin they are refreshing; To the Ear, every person sounds their praise. They are put up in the following forms J O N T E E L -- Perfume, Face Powder, Comports Rouge Soap, Talcum, Cold Cream; Combination Cream. Al1• delightfully refreshing and used by particular people of refinement. Sold only at W. S. IR+, TIO LME$ Phm. B. THE REXALL STORE vvvvvwvvvvvowVyv , ieV' vvv INCORPORATED 1855 0.1300 THE MOLSONS BANK Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches We invite a call from farmers seeking a good Banking connection giving courteous and efficient service. Savings Department at all Branches. H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. 'De Boal Bat OF CANADA ,.. Incorporated 1869. ' HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Cajltitai .... $'17,000,000 Reseryie Funds Total Assets TOO Branches Special at ent' o 1 to Farmers' requirements. Interest paidon Deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. R. E. MANNING, Manager . Clinton Branch , , , . $113,000,,000 $5S7,o0o,oeo Tete jqiflcoal Fallisis the time for a Raincoat and now is the time for Y 0 U to ina,ke. Yalu:. selection; We have Raincoats of every ap- proved fabric -- Gabadarine, Tweed etc. We guarantee our Raincoats to do full duty, and so you see that, as usual you take no risk when you buy a Raincoat here. ll COUNCIL irEETING Council met on Monday evening with Mayor Cottle; in the chair and Reeve Miller, Councillors, McMurray, Lansford, Johnson, Wiltse, Nediger and Middleton present, Minutes of last meeting were rend and confirmed, A letter wns read from Mr. It, R. Sharp, Secretary of the Horticultural Society, asking For a grant of $50 of which 430 would be paid Back inR Bali ren ts, A letter from Proudfool, Kiloran and Cooke, re a ditch running in front of Jos. Rands, property, which has caved in. A letter from the Government Fire Commissioner, re. Fire Prevevention Day. On notion of Reeve Miller and Councillor Johnson, moved that the letter of the Horticultural Society be fyled, brought out some discussion. 'Councillor Wiltse asked why the motion 'was put before the Council without any reason, The Society had done good work in the town, Council- lor Johnson, stated that these request's were *ming pretty regular, taxes were high and money could be spent to bet- ter advantage, Reeve Miller said that some parts laid been beautified and places was a waste of money. Council- lor McMurray, askedif the Society was short of money, but the Mayor could not give the necessary information. Councillor McMurray thought that if it was the case, the Council should take up the question, ' • An amendment was presented by Councillors Wiltse atd.Nediger, that the horticultural Society be given a grant equal to ]tall rent for two nights, in place of regeest from Mr. Sharp. The vote was taken on the amendment and was lost on the following divisiou— Nay—Miller, Langford, McMurray and Johnston. Yea—Nediger and Wiltse. The motion was carried. The matter of the Rands duck was left in the hard of the Street Com- mittee on motion of Reeve Miller and Councillor Langford. The Tetter from the Dominion Fire 'Commissioner was laid on the labia on motion of Councillor Johnson and Nediger. Councillor Johnson, who is t.;hairntan of the Fire and Water Com- mittee, reported that Clinton had a very small lire loss and the Fire Mar- shall of Ontario, who visited the town recently, was very much pleased with Clinton's showing, Messrs. S. Kemp and 11, Gould, on behalf of the employees of Doherty Piano Factory, addressed the Council upon fixing a culvert arts sidewalk near the Factory. The Street Committee will. look into the natter. Reeve Miller, Chairman of the Street i Committee, recommended that a light be put- on Welllington street between Orange and 'fsaac street; and one on Isaac street between Dunlop and Jos- eph street; that Council pay one halt of expense of a drain, about 150 feet, on lie westerly limits of the down from t e. Towler Farm,Mr. Turner will do tine work. The report was adopted. Councillor Langford, chairman of the Property Committee, stated that new furnace Was placed in cellar of I:Ia1L and On ;notion of Councillor Langford and Nediger, the Mayor and Treasurer ware authorized to pay for the furnace' when it was in working order and der- tilled too by the Property Committee. 'Carried, • Finance Minister Wiltse spade Ms report of receipts, and expenditures fair. September. The items may be read on. another page. Tate• first stiting of bhe Court of Re- !vision will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 28th, Council adjourned. i' Theo- � Clothing At Swine 184;4j Iter Every Miall • .: .ir..�ew rw eovx, � .w,..m rr. ,�rarrm�mwx..KM'. `oXeti+a+ins,evxe,+�-a�,r�w ^d'�eenm.m.•-:w+t••*.:,rent rt., The iNew for Job Work Phare 146 Estimates Given A. F. W000 Interior and Exterior Decorating Wo protect your floors, furni- ture, -etc., by plenty of drop sheet's: Wall Papers, Mouldings, Signs, Etc, 81 Isaac St>'r et WEST HURON TEACHER'S ASSOCIATION 43rd ANNUAL MEETING TO bE HELD IN GODERICH THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14 and 15. The Forty-third annual' meeting of the West Huron Teachers' Association will be held, iia the Victoria School at Goderich next Thursday and Friday, October 14th and 15th, commencing the 14th at 10.a,n1. Following is the program for the sessions; TiiURSDAY MORNING 9.30—Opening exercises, Reading Minutes. 9.45—Music in our Schools—R, R. Redmond, Belgrave. 10.15—Entrance and Graduation Ex- aminations. (a) Grammar and Cont- position—J. P. Hume, 13. A., Goderich C, I. 10.45—(b)Arithmetic and Spelling_ Inspector J. E, Toni, 11.05—(c) History and Geography_ Wm. McKay, Hensel', 14.25—(d' Literature—Miss M. Jean Ready, Woodham, 11,50—New Business and Announce. nients THURSDAY AFTERNOON 1 30—Reading of Minutes. 1.45—Oral Composition—Miss 1. 11. 35 n; u k s• * K x * * 11, MEN AND EVENTS 'fir �t * 9F # iE 9F 3 to A Mayor Church, of Toronto, will not be a candidate in North-East Toronto . at the coming bye -election. His Worship made a definite statement to that effect on his return from Ot- tawa. 0000000000'0000000 OVER THS TEACUPS o O O Sharman. 000000000000000 • Miss Greta Chesney was in Stratford 1 2.15—Representation, colors— Mr. S, K. Davidson, Normal School, London on Monday. 3.00—Teachers' Federations—Miss' Rev, S. E. McKegney, M.C„ is in I. E. Sharman paid W. H. Johnston. Toronto this week. 3.30--Readleig for Beginners—Geo, Mawsou Report of delegates to the 0. E. A,— Miss Jean S. Murray and W. 11. John- ston. Asnounconients and New Business. THURSDAY EVENING On Thursday evening an entertain- ment will be held when the following addresses will be given. President's address—"Opportunities for Service"—kliss Jean S. Murray, "Health in the Schools"—Education .J)e arbmen t Representative;e- "Great Painters, Ancient and Mod- ern"—Mr, S. K. Davidson, Other items will he Weal and instru- mental music. Committee—Goderich teachers and Inti;pector Toni, FRIDAY FORENOON ' Sino—Opening Exercises; Reading of Minutes; Report of Auditors; Elect- ion of Odicers; Report of. Resolution Committee and discussion; School Re- gulations and Reports. 10,00—Busy work for Junior Class- es—Miss Pearl Tiernan and Miss Mar- garet Peck, 10,30—Pictorial Perspective—S. K. Davidson, London, 11 00—Supervised Play and Games —Miss G. A. Hodge, '13. A., Goderich 11:30—The Gaspe Peninsula -Miss C. Le Tousel, Goderich. FRIDAY AFTERNOON t.30—Reading Minutes. ' 1.25—The Teacher's Relation to the Trustees—F. Ross, Dungannon. 2,15—Agriculture to Schools and School Fairs—G, S. Howard, Dashwood Question Drawer. God Save the King, C. C. I. Field Day Friday, Oct. 15th The annuai Field Day of the Clinton • Collegiate Institute will be, held on Friday, October 15th in the Recreation Park, Clinton. The sports will begin at 9 o'clock, to the nforeing the inter - form and championship events will be run oft'. In the afternoon inter-colleg- late games of Base ball and basket -ball will be played. with Seaforth. The Col- legiate colours can be obtained at the school or will be sold on the grounds the clay of the sport, Following are the events; GIRLS Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lockwood were in town over the week end. Miss Maud Torrance was in Toronto last week to here Caruso Sing. Mr, and Mrs. .las, Paxman and On are visiting with relatives in P'eterbozo. Mrs. C. Hawke, of Townsend Street will be at home the 1st Thursday of every mouth. ' , :lir, Earl O'Neil who is on tale road travelling, spelt the week end at the parental home, Mr. Gordon Irwin who las a been 1 station agent at London, was it visitor in town this week. Mrs. C. C. Rance of Toronto, has been visiting her brother Mr. W. Jack- son and other friends. Mr, W. R, Counter is renewing old acquaintances at Simeoe and taking in the sights at the Fair. Mr, and Mrs, Wilson Irwin from near Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mrs. Argent of Princss street, Mrs, Joe. Webster and babe, of Au- burn, returned home on Monday after a weeks' Visit with Mrs, G. E. Saville. Airs. C. '1i, Bartliff and Miss Annice Bartliff returned on Monday after spending the past summer in Toronto. Mr. A. Miller who has been the guest of his sister Mrs. W. R. Counter left fpr Brantford and Simcoe before return- ing to 'Chicago. Mrs. T. T. Murphy of Goderich spent the week end in town with old friends and was here for St, Paul's church Harvest services, Rev. and Mrs, Eric Anderson of Wel- ,burn have been visitors with the form- ers parents, Rev, and Mrs, S. Anderson at the Ont. $t. Parsonge. Mrs. H. B. Chant was called to Tor- onto this week owing to the illness of her daughter Mrs. Ed. Floody. Mr. Floody has. only recovered from illness. f—a---5o yard dash—Seniors b-50 yard dash—Juniors 2.3 legged race-interform 3—Candie race—open —• ,__ 4—Relay rade---tn[erforhl 5—Baseball, 5-innings--listerforni 6 ---Throwing basket ball for basket, Sr, and Jr, 7--71hrowtng based, distances—Sr, and Jr. 8—Basket ball—intercollegiate BOYS—Sr. and Jr. Shot Put. Running Broad jump Relining hop,step and jump Running high jump 500 yard dash Pole vault Relay race (interform) Pest tricycle race �54 mlle, race 220 yard dash Throwing the base bail Open to all Says of the 1.0110o! 3 -legged race Wheelbarrow! Med Stow bicycle raee Blyth Standard,= -The Standard is pleased to intimate that the condition of Mrs. (Dr.) Blackall is somewhat im- proved and hopes are now entertained for her ultimate recovery. • Mr, and Mrs, J. Alle11 and little dau- ghter, of Ottawa, Were the guests of Mrs. Thos, Jackson and other friends in - town. Mr, and Mrs. Alien just return- ed from St. Louis where they had been attending a druggist's convention. Mr. Thos. Wigginton was in Lucan over Sunday visiting his sister, Mrs, Hodgens, Mr. Hodgens, who was in- jured at London Fair, was able to be moved home vast Thursday and though still in bad shape, he is expected to fully recover, -:M Moved. Mr, A. E. Wood and family have moved to rooms in the "Palace block. Wingham FahPostponed. Owing to Friday being such a dis- agreeable day Wingham Fair was post- poned with Thanksgiving Day Oct, 18th, An Llnjoyalsle Evening. The dance and card party put on by the Kite Band last Friday livening was an enjoyable one. despite the rain, Tire Band expects to hold another shortly. Geed Roods Hike Postpones,, The weatherman decided that he was "Lass" nn Priday last and the Good Roads Hike (rote Stratford to Goderich was called oft, Word was not received r,1 the cancellation of trip, until nearly Loon. 'rile "hike" Is postponed for a year. .Clinton Pupils. i at University Last week the students from Town returned back to college, Clinton is well represented at the various colleges and Universities in the province, At Queens in Kingston Mr. Alvin Towns- hend and Mr, J. R, 'Townshend who secured a scholarship last year are at- tending. Both art sons of Mr. . Albert Townshend of Goderich Township. Both are taking a course In engineer- ing. At Western University at London there are Laverne '�,hurchill who is stinting for law and Is in his third year, Fred Thompson and Cresswell Ander- son of town are each s'tudying medicine there, • The majority of the students are at University however Mr. harry Shaw is in lits fourth year in Political Science. !Hiss Kate McGregor, Margaret McTagg- art are also completing their courses this year Miss Janet Smith of Luean who was a C.C.I. student is taking a course in moderns as Is Miss McGregor, Miss Snaith is also in her last year, Miss G. E. Wallis and Harry Potter are, each in third year in an Honour Science course. Alvin Leonard and Ersk ine Levans are in an Honour Science course of Science. J. R. Taylor of Stan- ley is taking the second year in his course of Mathematics and Physico, S. J. Allis now of Ilderton but formerly of Ontario Street parsonage is in his third year, Carman Powell another for neer C, C.'1. students is in his fourth year. All these students are enrolled in Victoria College in connection with the University. Hairy Rance of town is in his second year in the General course, Foster Copp h,as cbmplpeted two years in the study of medicine and is now in his third, Roy Grebe* a former C.e.1, student is in the third year, Kirk Lyon of Londesboro who received his Collegiate ,staining hero is another ane studing nedi'cine. Mr, Manley Shipley who had taken one year at University before going overseas entered the second year in Biology and nvedtca1 sciences. Willis Cooper er has started in at the school of applied Science where Percy Wheat- ly formerly of town is stiedyhig L. A. McKay of scholarship fame is continu- ing his course in classics. ;Mss Cora Jervis and Ethel Wasman are each taking the course at Toronto Normal for a first class certificate also Miss Stothers of Blyth. Miss Mary McMurchle Is continuing her modens course and Miss Jean alurchie has entered University this fall to take a course in Commerce and finance. Miss Marion Gibbings has en- tered the Moderns course. We think the list of students from a town the size of Clinton is a very creditable showing. Goderich Seaforth and Wingham each have a goad number of students at University. Huron Coun- ty has one of the largest number of students intending University of an COunty in thee. Province of Ontario, considering the size of its towns, This speaks well of the various collegiates. Besides the number of Clinton stud- ents who are attending University in Toronto there are quite a number who are teaching in that city, Mr. Leslie Wasman and Harold Kitty who attended Faculty Iasi year are each teaching now. Miss Harriet Cantelon has secured a position on the occassional teaching staff Miss M, A. McLeod of Goderich who was formerly science •sepecialist at the C. C.. 1. is teaching at Riverdale Collegiate. Besides those who are en- gaged in teaching there are a large num ber of girls in business and office work. OftSAlow®e•••oloe••« ▪ wi'I'tl THE CHURCHES 4 er R. ,tett3Oil.tlr• ..•••Mess•• Willis Church Next Sunday the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed at the morning service. Pre -communion service was held In the church on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, Rev, Dr, Larkin, of Seaforth, was the preacher, The pastor's subject on Sunday evening will be "A Mighty Man of Valour," Wesley Church Rev. A. E. Millson, 13. A., of Auburn will preach in Wesley church next Sunday evening. Next Sunday afternoon and evening Rev. Mr. McCamus will preach anni- versary seriltona at Westfield, on the Auburn circuit. St.•Paul's Church Last Sunday Thanksgiving harvest Home services were conducted by the Rector, Rev, S. B. McKegney, The choir iiad special nutsic for the occas- ion and the thank -offering exceeded. the $200,00 mark. 04..4; w jt.. 'ihe Nnl Lc,t. t r,: .t will hold their ]rafal; r ; ;vicek, Oct, 58 to 23rd .and have • •'intoes down for an objective Of $503 Puller particulars will Inc given next week, QUICK GLANCE AT THE LOCAL NEWS items of Interest Picked Up Hexer arra There About the Town.. Brightening Up. The store fropt of Fred, "Jackson is being brightened up by the paint brusle of Jos. Copp. Two More Papers Unite. The Mitchel! Advocate has purchas- ed the Recordi..? of that town and takes over the business on November 1st. The First Snow. October 1st saw a few flakes of. snow—but we hope the coal bins 'will be filled up before the snowstorms conte. Expect to Open Some Rooms, The School Board expects to open from four to six rooms at the school. on 'Monday next. Work is progressing along all right and a good job is being made. Will Give an Address. Mr, McKee, of the U. F. Co-operative Department, will address the local U. F. 0. branch in the Agricultural Office on Thursday event* next Oct 14114 on "Live Stock Shipping. A11 interest- ed are cordially invited to attend. IAuto Upset. On Saturday afternoon while making a turn at the corner of Rattenhury and Albert. streets, the auto owned by Mr; Norman Hunking, of Lomcitsbo•o, turn- ed over and Mr, and Mrs. flunking and baby got a shake-up, The car was damaged to a considerable ex- tent. Pummel Saturday The funeral of the la e 'Chas. E, Hovey was held on Saturday afternoon and was largely attended by old friends of the deceased, Rev, S. E. McKegney,. Rector of W. Pauls church had charge ofs services .e vtces at the house and grave- side, The pallbearers were Messrs W. Bry•done, C. B. Wale; 11, T, Rance. C. Middleton; F. Pickett. and Jas. Scott. Passed Away. Thursday morning Mr, Samuel Cas- tle, sr, passed away at 'the ripe age of St years, 7 months and 7 days. De- ceased has been ailing all year, and has been quite sick during the past week. The funeral will be' held on Saturday afternoon and will be private. Fuller particulars of the deceased will be given, next week, A Spiritual Conferenck. A spiritual Conference of the Min- isters of Goderich District was lieid in Wesley church on Tuesday. There were two sessions and a good attend- ance. The chairmen of the District„ Rev, S. Anderson, presided. It was re- solved that revival services should be conducted at several eenli'es On the co-operative plat. Pleased With "The Ramblers." '-'° The Brussels Post of this week re- fers to the Concert Company winch conies here next Thursday evening until er the G. W. V. A. Tuesday evening a company of returned soldiers designat- ed as "Tine Rambles," appeared in the ,Town Hall and gave a unique program) of song, story .instrumentals. dunces samples of trench life, &c. that caught the, audience, There is a "go" about Me show that is infections and the talent oompares favorably with many a more pretentious company, Notice was Skirt and advertising matter inadequate but were they returning a full house could be safely promised, Don't miss tine Ramblers,—See bigadvt, on page a:, Died in Winnipeg, Last Saturday evening, Mrs. John It Grant, passed away at her home, 9ta Hoene street, Winnipeg, in her S4ttt year. She had been in failing health, for the past few years but by good care and pluck on her part she had pulies5 through serious attacks, Burial toots place Tuesday afternoon. The subject of this notice was twice married, her• first husband being John Kay, who for a number of year's carried on business in Brussels and sleeps in 'tate cemetery there, J, R. Grant and Mrs. Kay were united in marriage over 45 years ago Cid renioved to Winnipeg in 188S. Yu -a. Grant is survived by her husband, dile son (Postmaster Kay, Stratford) and 3 daughters (Mrs, W, II. Kerr, Brussels, and Misses Nessie and Jessie, at home.) The members were in attendance at the last sad rites. The IOng life of deceased may be summed tip as the embodiment of industry, kindliness, vivacity antra tender sympathy and love, possessing a ready hand for every good work anti, word of encouragement, comfort, unroll advice, She was a loyal Member of tins Presbyterian church and filled in her long life so that its memory will Inc skeet and evergreen. Mrs, Grant wits, •;, in Scotland. The deceased is grandtttotiter of J, L, Kerr and an altos: of Mr, Wr11. Grant, Mrs. J. 'Hunter and Miss L. °rant of town