The Clinton New Era, 1920-9-30, Page 4- 'AGE 4 4.1413111111%01111111
ChrildreCry for F etchers s
4 t+at" WM T4IM
Wei ice:
" - ,e • •es a W0.'d'0a .\:4:er-3 ,e''s-Na'aei`,o_
+laic ia1',
Ceateaia aleie-_ ' a reme':y for Isfa]its and Children.
.•"-20O&3 are speeiany atesaarad for babies, A baby's medicine
isevc 1 :bp, Rer,zedieS primarily prepared
for grown [t_•:s raes z. t :Leta -changeable. It Was the need of
a remedy fcr the common ailments of Infants and Children
that brought C.r+er'a before the public after years of research,
=and no has heen made for it that its less far over 30
Vane flan not proven.
i'autoria is a Landless cubetitute far •Castor Gil, Parer oris,
:Deeps azel. "ylt;ps. It is pleat:Ent. It contains
- neither Cpi:t;u, T,.lorl:i iio her other narcotic substance. its
age is its guarantee. For lnoro than thirty years it has
been is constant us0 for the relief of Constieffieffin, Flatulency,
Wind Cclic and Diarrhoea f allaying l e •rerisllness arising
therefereaa, and by regulating tie •Seo-= ac_t and Bowels, aids
• the aocimilation of Food; giving healalry and natural sleep.
.The Childrei:'s t she• - _ fid.
AS O R hA Lf9S•
Bears the Signature of
,, .bra
in Use For Over30 Years
l .' trot& roto • r it
Tanner Inas been outdone and Mac-
-S. -witty now holds the World's champ-
'"?ons'S119 recbrd as a long distance faster.
-- --0 .
The provincial bye -election in North
.east Toronto will be held on November
3. This is the seat vacated by the resig
nation of Hon. Dr. Cody, and if as is re
ported Mayor Church is to be a candid-
ate for the vacancy the chances of keep
Jug the constituency in the Conservat-
: ve column ought to be very good.
—0— .
Bon. G. Howard Ferguson, the pre-
• asnt leader of the Conservative plalanx
• le the Ontario Legislature, intends to
,quit the job, and Icon. Dr. Ross, of
:Kingston is mentioned as a probable
:successor. The position is not an
Inviting one at present, and there is
Britain in a regain Statement on tine
number of telephones #n the principal
countries gave the figure for .Great
ue• for v
telephones5 Y
t o.
as10 G
Brit I) two R11
same bas
hundreduuhundredof population. On the sal b ,
is, tite United States has 13,6 tele-
phones per `hundred, Canada ;arises
next with 10.8 per hundred people;
Sweden, 6.4; Norway, (1917), 4,4;
Germany (tete), 0.2; France, 1, Italy.
(1917), 3.
Hon, C; C. Ballantyne is autlaarity
for the slatenle'it that there will be no
general election until the full life of
parliament has expired. There certainly
will he no appeal to the people at an
earlier date if the government can pre-
sent 1t and with the majority it at pre-
sent possesses there is ljttle doubt that
It can. It would be a safe gamble in any
event to bet that there will not be a
general election for the Dominion Par-
liament for another year at least.
--0 ---
Next year the sixth census of the
Dominion will be taken. The returns of
previous "numbering of Israel" are as
187t 3,689,257
1881 4,324,810
189.1 4,833,237
1901 5,371,315
4911 7.206,643
not likely to be keen competition for
Belgium which was gees rally. regard-
ed as being along with Northern Franee
the cockpit of theetate war, lost 65,000
men in a population of 7,500,0'00.
Canada's loss was about the same, both
actually and propoetiolately, a fact
which demonstrates the immensity
of her sacrilic in a fight which was so
far away from her soil.
The New fork Times having in view
the recent pronouncement of Governor
Cox on tine Kish question administers
to that gentleman a rebuke under the
captain "Things Better Left Unsaid."
Cox is a political kaleidoscope. He has
been shown up as pro -German and pro -
Irish and probably would be pro -Bolsh-
evik if he thought it would get him any
The Postmaster general of Great
�;l �F �. s 't� e
The Great Success of Carter's
r v Little Liver (Pills is due to the Com-
t'� •�4e r plete satisfaction of all who use them.
r i L Ed Not by purging and weakening the
I V. SI Bowels, but by regulating and strength -
$4 ening them.
�. s
�, 1 � Don't Hesitate -Get a Mottle -
take one after each meal and one at bedtime. They act as a
natural laxative to the Bowels, and a regular and healthy con-
dition of the system with freedom from Constipation and Sick
:Headache is the result. They are strictly Vegetable.
:Sit; all lull Small lose Srlaa Pelee
Genuine must bear signature
Overseas Tra: Ae is
Sea -borne . , $1,046,000,000 _
Land -borne $1,305,000,000
:More than half this land -borne trade
':': is ultimately seaborne --but in Foreign 1,
Ships. t
" rt
of-Canadianproducts shipped
,very pound ofana
.fhrom a port outside Canadian territory
retards our maritime growth, weakens our
control of a
motional prosperity and places
.Ila p P Y
part of our sea -borne commerce in the
hands of a competitive nation.
The Navy League of Canada.
The estimate for 19f1 is 8,5 00,0000
a guess Which would pobably be a good
deal larger hut for our foreign populat-
ion. In the decade 1921-193 1, with nor-
mal conditions prevailing, Canada's
growth should exceed anything in her
past history. -
There are ruiners that Premier Meigh
en in the speech -making campatllh he is
now conducting on the Province of
Quebec anus to secure a French-Canad-
ian member for his cabinet who can -ob-
tain a seat in the House of Commons.
111 that body es et present composed
out of 82 seats held by the opposition,
62 are in Quebec while out of Quebec's
representation of 65 members there.
are only three government supporters.
This is nut it good thing for the coun-
try nor yet for the Liberal party -and it
is therefore to be hoped that Mr• Meigli
en's angling for Trench support will
produce something better than a
Thursday, September 3001, 19/0,
¶'Fruit -a -flues" Restored Her
To Perfect Health
158 PAplmamv Avis,, MosTeloAs„
"For three years, I snJJ'ered great
fiof'rt in the lower part of my body,
with swelling or bloating. T saw a
specialist who said I must undergo
an operatic/h. I refused.
X lteer•rt about "lrrruil-a•tives" so
decided to try it,
The gave great relief; and
T continued the treamont. Now my
lioaich is excellent -I ant free of
pain ---and .;: give "Fruit -a -fives" my
wannest thanks'.
60e. a box, 6 for $2,50, trial size 25e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
Fruit-a=tives Limited, Ottawa.
for him. I114 advent was heralded by
a star which guided sones from a for-
eign notion 10 seek and worship him,
pouring out their gifts to MM. These
wise men were either 'Arabian or Per-
sian aetrologers, stl,delltS of,the eters.
The appearance of an 1.111n5UOE star
attrneted their attention. Perhaps they
were acquainted with the - foments
prophocy of 'I3alnanl (Nina. '24.:17).
Doubtloas through the Inllueilce of Use
Jews whit remained in Cltnldea, or the
direct influence of Daniel extending
to this tithe, they • had become- ata-
it:alnted Mill the hope of a Messiah.
The light they had was din, hut they
lived up to Iht, beet they had. To
those who; act open the beet l•lglet,rlhet'
have,uod-always gives MOM. To those
mho refuse to act -upon the knowledge
God not only ref
es to
note, but brings luta caufuslon that
whteli they alrenciy possess (Ment. 26:
18). ;
111. I-lerod Seeking to Kill the King
(vv. 2-8). '
r• t'*h eMagi
news brought I k
struck terror to Ileroti's heart. 1110
was not alone In this, Inc all Jerusalem
was troubled with hint. The, news
ought to have brought Joy. A glimpse
at the social customs in and about
Jerusalem at that time, will enable us
to iindersttlutl why this news brought
people, The
uneasiness to the 1 1 Y were
living 41 the greatest of luxury, Fine
dresses, sumptuous foists, fine houses,
ole., lend to gross Immorality. \Ve elm
thus readily see why Ilerod and ail
Jerusalem should be troetbl•d. They
d:d not want n Savior who would
cave them from their sins; they want-
ed to continue in them. Hb'rod de-
manded of the priests uud scribes in-
formation as to where c'hrist: should be.
born. They soon were able 0, tell
hint, showing tlun they hada• techni-
cal knowledge of the Serlptures, but
no heart for the Savior set forth there-
in. The luxurionsneee of the wealthy,
the frivolities of the f'ashion•luvinn,
and the gl•nss hniaoraitties to wntell
they lea,l, nutke Jesus ('Inst unwel-
come fu tunny quarters today.
IV. The King Found (vv. 9123.
. The 'Alegi hnvitee otaaieed the de-
sired Information, started lla3nc.lialte-
ly to find the King. As so;,n Its they
left the city, the stay which had guel-
etl them from the East appears' l .1„ain
1o• lead them on. When they G end
him, they 41mr.41i1p.M1 1121. :;ate (le I's
overruling providence in nil thie. len-
dl•etls of years b:fui•u, 111e Prq.11ei. carat
that Christ nho:d,l cote" forth rrnin
Bethlehem call; :h-0:2), Cod so order-
ed Haat Mary should he brought to the
city to gees birth to ('hr101, ,lad or-
dered that the Magi should depart nn -
other war, thereby defeating (;crud's
wicked purpose. The gifts RC1` these
wise men, Cod lint into the hands of
Joseph and Mary before frolug to
Egypt. Doubtless they served a good
purpose 01 meeting their expenses 609-
ing their stay there,
V. The King Protected (vv. 1 3-10 ).
• 1' vthited nim,
To ;scup; IIet 01 s
directed Joseph to tale :nary and the
child Jesus and flee to 'Egypt. In
obedience to the heavenly vision, he
went and remained until Ilernd's death.
—0— .
The British authorities are taking
steps to see that the American steamer
Panhandle State will not be permitted
to carry out the professed determinat-
ion of its captain to land at Queens-
town despite the order of the British
Admiralty closing that port because it
has been used for the landing of arms
shipped from the United States to help
the Sinn Feiners. The Panhandle State
cannot, and will not, be permitted to
defy the British authorities with re-
gards to landing at an Irish port any
more than Archbiship Meninx was per-
mitted to carry out such a definance.
The Canadian Manufacturer's Associa
tion in its published appeal to the peo
pie enlarges on the benefits of the Nat
tonal Policy of Protection. The mem-
bers of this organization would be well
advised if they were warned against the
employment of the words National Pol-
icy. Canadians have grown tired of this
particular brand of protection, as they
have of the "adeyate protection" once
preached lit' Sir Robert Borden. Both
these brands savor of class legislation.
The reasonable requirements 015Canad-
ian industry must necessarily be con-
sidered by any government of Canada
but the country will not be satisfied if
ni such consideration regard is not first
had to the interests of the great con-
suming population.
SQ!9OLt e1. (
(Ey REV, P-, 11. FITZ WATER, D. D.,
Teacher of English Bible In the Moody
Blhle Institute of Chicago.)
Ea, 1930, Westnrn Newspaper Onion.)
Uses of Salt
]sere are only a few of the uses to
v �
salt Is pet. 11l h e
Used to sweeping earpets to keep
out moths,
Throw,; on coal firewhich1$ low
will revive ft,
Sa#t 1u whitewash nnikes it stick.
Put on Ink when freshly spilled on
a carpet will help remove stain.
Salt and soda excellent for bee
slings and spider bites.,
Salt and vinegar will remove Stains
from discolored teacups.
Salt pule out fire in a 9hinu)ey,
In water is the best thing to clean
wfiiowware and matting.
As a gargle will cure soreness of,
throat, ,
In 0250 under baking tins will pre-
vent their scorching on bottoll,
seertoseason practically every
meat 5n4 -vegetable.
Thrown on coal fire when broiling
steak will prevent bisal'ng from dripping
On fingers when cleaning fowls,
neat or fish, will prevent slipping.
Salt is Indispensable. Let us hope
Old Father Neptune curd Mother Earth
will forgive the quarrels and strifes
on earth and will alloy no "shortage"
of salt.
LESSON TEXT -Matthew •21 1-15.
GOLDEN TA:KT-Thoth shalt call his
name Jesus; for be shall save his people
from their stns, -Matt. 1:21.
Micah, 3:2; Luke 1 and 2.
PRIMARY 'I`OPIC-The Wise Men Visit
the Child Jesus.
JUNIOR TOPIC -The ,011115 jeans Es-
capes 'Prom a Wicked King,
-The Coming of tho ICing.
-The King Comes as a Little Child. .
Since we now Have Six months of
study In the Gospel according to Mat-
thew, every teacher should grasp -the
book as a whole and present each le*
son In Its relation to the central pur-
pose of the book. The central theme
of Matthew is Jesus ahrlst the King-.
the fulfiller of the bieeslanle hope.
I. The Birth of the King (1:18.25).
The Messiah was to be the seed of a
Wonsan -the son or a virgin (Gen.
8:15; Ina. 7:14). This was fu1f411ed In
the birth of ;Teens. The genealogy as
given in Matthew 1.:1.17 shows his
legal right to the throne; but had he
been that only, he 9001(1 not hate been
the Saylor from stn. IIe must bp both
humnn and divine (Ise. 0:7), The Mes-
siah wire begotten by the Italy Ghost
and horn of the Virgin Mary, thus bo-
oming Immanuel, which terns means
in all•1ts fulness, God for us; God with
us; Goci in Els.
II, The Magi Soak lerael's King (211,
The Klieg had a most heartless re -
009110n. The kinadoni Was not reacbt
Children Crl
An Englishman has invented. ani elec
tricai method for giving a person a per
111511eilt complexion by a form of tattoo
001 of the bear,au,
The oils sod the (ats are the Orin -
Haat lubricants, The mineral elle
are thin, and so .are laid, olive, and
eperin title, Caster till, neater00t,tat'
rethick, N 0th
Nothing is
lowd •a e a
better folblot speed bearings andd
light spindles 01' shafts than sperm
oil, but it is costly; f01' heavy bear -
Imes easter oil is superio• t0 this, but
It Is oleo expensive,
But there !s 'relatively little pure
lubricant .used in machinery, for 1t
Is usually Moro economical to ern -
ploy compound on, compounded for
special uses, than to use pure lubri-
cants which, after all, Etre often heav-
ily adulterated --- guru, soap lime,
alumina soda, and free acids have
their own distinct purpose to serve
in the composition of cheap oils. The
chief advantage, however, pertain-
ing to the use of compound oils is,
that the objectionable quaiitiee, 01
one kind of lubricant can be neu-
tralized by mixing dt with a lubricant
of another kind. Per instance, vego-
table and flsh oils are drying 01111,
that is, they oxidize rapidly, wed
cause gumming or clogging of the
bearings to w111c11 they are applied,
and if allowed to drop and accumu-
late upon dust, cellon weete, and
timber ire liable to develop attl in-
ternal heat that 'will cause spontan-
eous combustion. Mineral o11 does
not oxidize, neither does animal. But
mineral oils have what 1s termed a
low flashing point; that Is, they are
or ignite at a low temperature, some
at 2 1,2 degrees Pah•, i' or under.
Animal oils develop fatty acids, and
these corrode and pit the surface of
the metal which they are used to
lubricate. -Prot. John Evans, 0. A.
College. Guolab.
So that t a canoe can be used as a
tent an inventor has patented uprights
to gipport one end wit,en it is inverted
and also to hold the bottom board as a
cot, the whole being surrounded by a
canvas curtain.
Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross"
are Aspirin -No others!
Spraying With ',.!erd,atix fil+xture
Pre rn Very IElloctivo.
Kept Weil 'ell 011ed
Mucbiica�y•dtust Be ;t 1,t
If It is to 'lVoi•k Efficiently-
AnTxpert Discusses the Question
From Every Angle,
(Contributed by Ontario Department of
Agriculture, Toronto.)
ATE Blight and Rot of Pota-
toes can he prevented by
will, Bordeaux
tura Commcneo spraying
then the plants are from five to
eight inches high nitd keep the fol-
iage covered with Bordeaux through-
out -the season. Taste special caro to
sae that the spraying is very thor-
oughly done if the weather is at all
damp about the 1511 of July, as
Blight often begins about ibis time.
Md a poison when uecessat'y for pee
tato beetles-arseno.le_uf lead 'pasle
2 lbs. to each 45 gals. or the li-
quid "pray, or Parte green 2 lbs. to
40 galls., or a mixture of 2 lbs, arsen-
ate of lend paste and 1 M. of Paris
green to 40. gals, From three to
seven applleutiuws should be made,
teperidieg upon the s_eso0-- lice wet-
ter the weather the lereEer the num.
bor. Do not put off s;r:,ying because
It looks like rain. If the spray IS on
the plants half an ;tour before the
rain comes it will be dry and sunl-
,eient of It will shell to prevent In-
fection, which tykes place during or
sn0n after rain. Sada spraying
ahunld prevent not Only Late Blieht
and Roe but also Early Blight and
potato beetles.
Thorough spraying only ;s effective,
If thorough spraying is to be done
sn511010nt Bordeaux ntix11150 111tna.. oat
used. Front ;,0 to 150 gals ,,r-1• acre
should he applied at each
;f r
re itr'
and when the plants ,are logo net
less than I00 gallons per acre sl:'.olid
he used. Thorough spraying wane
tbo covering 01.0201T
oh of t1s
potato plant with Bordeaux nth01U10
in the farm of a Eno mist. This 0011
only be done when the solution is
applied with good pressure, so as to
insure covering every portion of tine
1l ratI
+ The beet
results from spray-
ing are obtained when potato spray-
ers are used which fitted with a
T -joint attachment so as to insure
covering both surfaces of tate leaves
at each spraying. When -the plants
are large it has been found that it
pays to go over each row .twice a.t
each spraying.-P1'or, J. E. Ilowitt,
0. A. College, Guelph.
Tho Importance of Keeping mach-,
If you don't see the "Bayer Cross"
en the tablets, refuse thou; --they are
not Aspirin at all.
Insist On genuine "Bayer Tablets of
;Aepirin plainly damped with the safety
"Bayer Cross" -Aspirin prescribed by
physicians for nineteen years and proved
safe by millions for Headache, Tooth-
ache,. Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago,
Colds, Neuritis, unci Pain generally.
Handy c tin boxes of 12 tablets -also
larger Beene paekagoe. Made in
Aspirin is the brad° mark (registered
in Canada), of 'Bayer Manufacture of
Mononcetfcacidester of Salleyliencid.
While it is well known that Aspirin
moans Bayer ninntifaettlre to assist the
public Against iniiltations, �;hc Tablets of
Bayer 'Company, Ltd., 1241 bo stamped
with their general 5raelo ;nark, rho
"Bayer Cross,,,
Rich, Red Blood and Strong
Nerfes Needed bo Win Out
Dye right! Don't risiz
your materiel. . Tao1t
peek -
ago k -
ago Of "Dimond )yes, , OM -
Lone directions so 511111111)
that any woman east
Iliatmond•dys a new, rich
eolor into old garments,
draperies, coverings, every-
thing, :whether wool, silk,
listen, *Alen or mixed geode.
Buy "Diamond Dyes" -no
other kind -then perfect re-
sults are guaranteed even if
you have never dyed before.
Druggist hue "Diamond Dyes
Color Card" -10 rich colors.
over 1'ts occupants should it upset, has
been invented in Europe. •
It has. been wel4 said thee life is a
race.. The full blooded man w1141
sound nerves,-' the bright-eyed, rosy
cheeked woman invariably win. The
nervous, dyspeptic man, and the ail-
ing ail:seniie woman are left behind.
Success in life is largely a question,
of good health and sound nerves. It
is never tine• shaky, undecided men
who are chosen for promotion; the
sickly looking, pale woman is not
sought after like her happy rosy
What stakes all the difference is
the condition of the blood. If your
1.100d is thin and poor, your nerves
are bound ( ] to suffer,because
have to depend upon good red blood
for nourishment. Headaches, unde-
cided will, a shrunken figure, and
pale, unattractive face tell only too
plainly that the blood is at fault,
Both Wren and women in great
numbers Have found deliveranc,
from their inferiority in life's race,
caused by inlproverished blood
through the use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. They are a remedy that
has been a household word for a gen-
eralien, because they tone up, the
whole system make the blood 'rich
and red and strengthen the nerves:
Mrs. S. B. Miller, Elmira, Ont., says:
I look upon Dr. Williams' Pink
Tills as a family ntediotnc, and have
reason to praise theism for what they
have done in our home_ Some Veal3
:Ego, while we were living to Alberta
my husband was so completely run
down that he was unable to do any
work, and even to carry a pail of
water would exhaust him. A doctor
was called in who said his heart was
affected, and that medicine would be
of little use to hint. This greatly
worried 111e and i finally urged him
to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. ile
began their use and in a short time
the smelting in his hands and feet
disappeared. We decided to return
to Ontario, but the doctor said he
could not stand the trip. But the
doctor ,vas mistaken, for through the
use of the pills, he gained such
strength as to be able to look after.
the Harvest, and in a month later
we returned to Ontario. My husband
still takes a box or two of the pills
15510e a year, and they keep hint . in
good shape. 1 have also found the
pills good for my growing daughters,
and we are never without them in
our Monte."
"One of the best things about Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills is that they do
not contain the slightest trace of
opiates or harmful drugs. While
they are overcoming disease they are
buildng up general conditions of
good ,health. You can get these pills
through any dealer in medicine, or
by nail at 50 cents a box, as six
boxes for 82.50 from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Better Pay
The Price
beery Properly Oiled.
The importance of keeping mach-
inery properly oiled may be better
realized when we By to 00111pute, it
dollars and cents, the annual sacri-
fice in machine efficiency through
friction, Oarelessness tit lubrioatio11
may easily reduce the efficiency of a
machine fully arty per cent: At the
same time the machine itself is wear-
ing "out faster, on account of the
needless friction, than owing to the
teal work done.
The microscope reveals the Chet
that the surface of the most highly
polished sbaft over made is as rough
and untrue as a rough casting ap-
ppears to the unaided eye. In pray
lice it is not possible to %shake a metal
surface that is absolutely smooth,
incompressible, or even a true circle,
hence inequalities 01 pressure at the
oearings, grinding and bearing of the
metal fibres, ceasing friction, produo
Ing factors of inefficiency and weal
attd tear. Though these faults of con
struction cannot r•e avotd.ed, we can,
he a great meastn'e, overcome dile
effect in hnaehinery, by judicious
Application of a lubricating agent,
The lubricant consists 0f 01inete
balls or globules, These readily in-
ehivate themselves between the feces
In mutual contact forming a cushion,
keeping the metals apart:, ILs uss is
not only to reduce friction, belt also
to carry away whatever excess of
Heat is generated. ARE liquids have not
sit iciest sustaining powers to be
ttgod as efficient lubricants, Some
cannot be retained between the
metals, others do not cling together
porlistenllY enough, To' resist the
londeney of the metal to tear the
lubricating him apart, these globules
etude have a .good deal et internal
strength, and intuit stick together
tvoll, They must ale° cling well to
the nietel, Or they will bo squeezed
The importation of any preparation
purporting to cure liquor, tobacco or
any drug habit has been prohibited by
The United States not only leads
the world in the production of talc• and
soapstone, but also in their manufact-
ure and use,
An unsinkable lifeboat equipped
with doors that automatically close
7\he nasty little pimples that come out
on the face and: other parts of the body,
aro simply indications that the blood
is out of order and requires purifying.
They are littler irritating reminders to
you than you should take a few bottles
of Burdock Blood ,Bitters,
When l30, B. makes your blood pare,
the pimples will 'sottish aucl year elan
becomes soft and clear.
Mre, Jantes ',Williams, Waterford, (')mi:.,
writes -"My face was 00201, d with
p#mplee for nearly a year. 1 mead
different kinds of remedies to get, rid of
them and finally thought there was 110
euro, A friend dropped in one ,lav
and told nee 1 should. try liurdoolc
Blood Bitters. I did so and used three
boli1ee, and fount, the pimpled were all
disappearing from my face, and now
Ihave a clear 00inp1'- ion again.
13, B. 13. is mailufaoturerl ably b . .
T. M.iiburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Cat.
Don't he tempted to shone; cheap
j r ce anYd itnowilexactler o 1 hat von
a fair
p Y.F
are getting,
'Z(,,1 will never be sorry- for as a
matt el of mom y, it is easily the
most economical.
felt has been said so efben that
everybody by this time should
know it -and yet there is no
scarcity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to get personal -If you would
like to miss that sort altogether -.
1f you would like to buy where
Nothing but high qualities are
dealt in -COME HERE
And even at that, no peeson ever.
saki our pr1&es were unfair
0 R. eounter
Jesvoler and 4Yptioinn
tl1'.1 5.1 1leil'9'i'ahb(' LIaJLIiS('3
Carload of Si:andard
Hog Feed on Hand
(�j quantity fl�
' of
Phone 123
DAR. fl+. lit. c5XCiri
Crown .and Itrldtte Worst a specialty, '1
raduate of C.O.D.S... Chicago, and F,0,13,8
ayaeld on Mondavi, 101,5 lit to n
!)n. ase FOWLER.,
Moos over O'NEIL'f9 store,
43, ectal cure town to msks dental tier
nnir4 Tatung
Mr. James Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that he is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing.
Orders lett at W. Doheety'e phone
21, will receive nromnt attention
Lice sloth and generail Ai:etion,e*
c OOERiot-i ONT
8atmstem sales n ape0ln0) O00ora at m
NFw Eau .11100, Clinton, peon, 5.2 anEena,
Terms reasonable. Farmers' male not.
1.30 p. m. to 3.30 p. m.
7.30 p. m. to 9.00 p. m.
Sunday 12.30 to
Other hours. by appointment only.
Office at Residence, Victoria Street
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate
1NSURANCll AGENT-Represeutinn 14 Fire
suranee Companies.
Division Court Office.
G. D. McTaggart M, D, MoTegga2
C`c'4Iagart Bre
(.;neral Banking Buslne00
Drefte Waned. Intermit .1107rd a
The McIQillIop Mutual
Fire insurance C e
Paan and Isolated Town Prof.
arty Only 'neared.
Head Oillice-Seaiortit, Ont
O;a ears
J. Connolly, Goderlch, Presidents J5 ,
rhos. S. HawoodSe*fores, Beach, tlm,
Alia. Leitch, No, 1, Clinton; 2dwsr1
i1144Y �"y Settorth• Welt. Chesney, R
monks let J. W. Yeo, Goderlch R. t
Jirreuth, Arodhsgen.
W. Rine, No. 2, Sosforgbt Johm Boas
taw*, Er,oll,aigeala 3atues Evans, L%431 .51.
wsigla M. Me,Sn'211, Clinton; Jame
Connelly, elod.rtrh. D. F, Mc Oiet l
r- 3, Sts ,forth; i• G. Crlove, N`0,
ti Robert Poxfls, liarlocki Oel
19 care lie. 1*. Seaforth, .