The Clinton New Era, 1920-9-23, Page 3'Thursday, September 23rd, 1920,
TtI15 'C4INTQt•1, NEW .ERA..
nt:,u F Inn•iKe.
will 'be In Toronto on September
30th, There will be people in
Toronto who will hear him, but
it ,will cost them from $4.00 to
$10.00 for a single seat; but he
in your home exactly as he sings
before the tremendous crowds at
the Opera or on the concert plat-
only can do this for you; as
Caruso slags exclusively for Hie
Master's Voice.
A stock •of Caruso Records
always on hand. Call and select
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
phone No.174w; House 174 j
Fof Sautrday
5 cans Salmon
5 cans Sadines $1
5 cans Pilchards $1
W, T. V 'NEI L,
Phone 48
- Fresh Fruit Daily .�-
3iogs 819.50
'Wheat $t.95 to $1.98
'flats 85c to 87c
.Barley 40c to '45c
Buckwheat ......... $ii5 to $1.20
' flay *19.00 to $20.00
Bran •$45 ton
Shorts M. to $56
Milifeed $50.
Potatoes $2.00 bag
You are nt-
C_Z•��� y porim. when 1»
you usu Dr.
Chase's Oint-
ment -for Eczema and Skin Irrita-
tions. It relieves at once and gradu-
ally heals the skin. Sample box Dr,
Chase's Ointment free if you mention this
paper and send 2e. stamp for postage. eco, a
box; all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co.,
T.Imltod, Toronto '
Dates of Fall Fairs
Following is a list of the fall fairs in
this district issued by the Agricultural
Society Branch of the Ontario Depart
tient of Agricultural:
Bayfield Sept. 29 and 30
Dungannon Oct. 7-8
Ford'wtch Oct. 2
Lucknow Sept. 23-24
Seaforth ., Sept, 23-24
Teeswater Oat. 5-6
Wingham Sept, 30 -Oct 1
For Infants and Children
in Use For,Over 30 Years
Always bears %�?-
s �+Wif.
Signature of
County for 1920
School Fairs in 1-faron
'Oct. 4.
pct. .5,
'Oct, 8,
Where Day
no -not Duffer
another da with
Itehlh ,iilood-
Ing Piles.
surgi eel oper-
ation required,
br, Ohs>ao's Olntnseot will relieve you at 000
and afford lasting, beacon eco, a box: ai
cleaners, or Edmanaon,. Bates & Co., Limited,
Toronto. -Sample Box free 11 300 month »; taus
paper and en01o5020. stamp to pay postage,
Perhaps the surest way for Sir Auck
land Qeddes to be a disappointment its
British Ambassador to the United Stat
es Is for him to brake a brilliant success
for assuredly the British public floes
not expect It of him. The British public
is rather sceptical of families of gen-
iuses, If it gets dire out of a family iit•;t
generation it is satisfied, although the
history of the Cecils hardly ' supports
the belief that genius is not likely to be
transmitted. Nevertheless, the British.
public when it thinks of Brie; .Auckland,
Ewan and Mrs. Chalmers Watson three
brothers and a sister all important fact-
ors in the war work of the past few
years is inclined to thlitk that one or
more of thein lies been over-estimated;,
Sir Eric was the first brother to leap
into -prominence. He carne from no-
where to be one of the dominating
figures in the War Cabinet, 'Sir Auck-
land has been Minister of National
Service, and more lately Minister of
Reconstruction. Ewan operates a large
steamship company in the Mediterran-
ean, while Mrs. Watson is command-
ant of the Woman's Royal Air Force.
The American Post,
The 'British people have been taught,
by unduly nervous' instructors, that
the position of British representative
in the United States is one casting for
almost superhuman tact and transcend-
ent ability. Their view is that the ideal
Ambassador would be either Mr. Balfour
or Viscount Grey, or perhaps Lord
Reading. Ali have had important mis-
sions in the United States, and both
Mr, Balfour and Lork Reading made a
profound impression, Lord Grey was
not so fortunate, put the fault was not
his, Perhaps much of the astonishment
that has greeted the announcement of
the Sir Auckland Geddes choice was
due to the fact that Viscount Grey,
the most traetfui and diplomatic of
men, had just returned to England af-
ter having failed in his mission. It may
very well be that Sir Auckland will be
o great sueoess, that he knows the
American people and American poli-
tical conditions better than ambassa-
dors who !night be supposed to out-
rank him in finesse ant discretion.
American comment upon the selection
has been favorable. Sir Auklapd has
an American wife. Ile is no stranger
in the United States; and he fs known
and liked in Canada.
Scotch and Athletic.
Sir Auckland Geddes was born in
Scotland, and was educated at Edin-
burgh University, London Hospital and
Freiburg. His father was .an engineer
whose work took him to all parts. of
the worldy and brother Eric saw the
light in India. Both boys had a taste
for out of doors and for sports, as their
physique today will bear witness. Eric
is a somewhat bultocky figure. Auck-
land, while tall and spare, not to say
gaunt, has a tremendous pair of shoul-
ders, which contrast with his scholar,
like droop and the professional look
that is enhanced by eyeglasses, Both
played on the London Football team,
After graduating in medicine, Auckland.
One of the things that ought to
become fixed habits in every house
hold in Clinton is that of sending
The New Era the news items that
they may know of; tell us of your
news and any neighborhood or other
Penis that will be of interest to
yourself, your neighbors or your
Every lodge, church body or
social organization should have some
representative who will promptly
and carefully after its news report-
ing, If you think some organization
has better news service than your
own, it is probably because that or-
ganization looks after such matters
Write your items and send them
in when possible. Or telephone
then. to No. 3o, but please don't ask
that long lists, of names be taken
over telephone, as it not only re-
quires much time, but is fruitful in
possibilities of error;
AboVe ail, be early. Never Watt
1111 tate On Thursday to send an item
that can be sent in days before,
The New Era telephone number is
30 and at nights 95. Fix them to
your Inlnd.
Geddes, !home demonstrator and assis
tont professor of anatomy at Edinburgh
University and tater on Professor • of
anatobty in the Royal College of Sur,
goons, Dublin. From Ireland he ozone
to Canada as professor of anatomy at
McGill; How ,he Impressed the Stu-
dents there some of them might tell,
;His reputation at any rate stood very
high, and' today he would be reckoned
among the best half-dozen British an-
tliorities salt anatomy.
Soldiering • Hobby.
His professional duties were !not
strong enough to keep him out Of the
South African war, for he enlisted as a
lieutenant in the Third Highland Light
infrantry, The experience gave frim a
great Interest *in military affairs, which
he pampered as a hobby, according to
John H,` Henderson, In the New York
Evening Post, and "literally rode it to
France 1n 19'14 with the rank of major,"
There he served on the Adjutant-Gen-
era•1's staff and almost immediately dis,
tiuguished himself for his executive
ability, somethingthat had hardly been
expected of a university professor, In
4916 he was sent back to England with
the rank of Brigadler-General to take
charge of the Recruiting Department of
th'e War Office. It must be admitted
that this was no "cushy" Job. It in-
volved hardly less work than that of
Minister of Munitions, but work never
has hadany terrors for Sir Auckland
Geddes, and it is conceded that he made
a success of it. For his achievements
be was awarded his C.B. and his K.G.B.
When the Unionist Government was
formed, Sir Auckland •was made Minis-
ter of National Service. He was then
called upon to enter Parliament which
he did as. Unionist candidate for the
Basingstoke division of Hampshrre.
Many Important Posts.
It was in the crisis of 1948 that Sir
Auckland performed his most notable
service in assisting to bring to bear
the full power in men and industry of
the country. It has been said of him
that he possesses the rare gift of mak-
ing whatever work lie is engaged upon
popular, but while this may be so, it is
also to be said that Sir Auckland raised
up a host of critics. After the war he
was entrusted with the important post
of Minister of Reconstruction, which
again involved great labor, and after
holding It for some time he expressed
his desire to retire from public life and
accept the Presidency of McGill, which
had been offered him. On Lloyd
George's urging he remained and be-
came President of the Local Govern-
ment Board, which has great changes in
view, among them the establishment of
a new Ministry of Health. Now comes
the crowning honor of the post at
Washington, and if doubts are express-
ed as to his being the best available
man, it cannot be from any scepticism
as to Sir Auckland's ability., He calls
himself a Canadian, and it has always
been a belief of i anadians that they
understand their American cousins bet-
ter than do the folk of the British isles.
Canadians particularly will be "pulling',
for Sir Auckland to make good.
New Health Can be Obtained by
Enriching the BIood Supply
When a girl in her teens becomes pee
visit, listless and dull, when nothing
seems to interest her and dainties do
not tempt her appetite you may be cer-
tain that she needs more good blood
than her system is provided with. Be-
fore long her pallid cheeks, frequent
headaches and breathlessness and heart
•palpitation will confirm that she is an-
aemic. Many mothers as the result of
their own girlhood experience oan pro
nsptly detect the early signs of anaemia
and the wise -mother does not wait for
the trouble to develop .further, but at
once gives her daughter a course with
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills which renew
the blood supply and banish anaemia be
fore it has obtained a hold on the sys
Out of their experience thousands of
mothers know that anaemia is the sore'
road to worse ills, They know the diff-
erence that good red blood snakes in
the development of womanly health.
Every headache, every gasp for breath
that follows the slightest exertion by
the anaemic girl, every pain she suffers
in her back and limbs are reproaches if
you have not taken the Best steps to
give your weak girl new blood, and the
only sure way to do so is through the
use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
New rich blood is infused into the
system by every dose of these pills.
From this new rich blood springs good
health, an increased appetite, new ester
gy, high spirits and perfect womanly
development. Give your daughter Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills and take them your
self and note how promptly their in-
fluence is felt In better health,
You can get these pills through any
dealer i» medicine or by midi postpaid
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 52.-
50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co,
Brockville, Ont.
.A Chance of Your Life.
To seeure a roadster gelding, sired
by Templeton, he being a soft of Peter
the Great, the dam Eva 8, with a record
of 2.16, Not having time to train and
care for him 1 offer him at a price ybu
can clean up some money. Civet busy
and write at once or apply at Lot 22,
con. 2, Turkersmith, L.R.S. Edgar Butt
1Cippen. •
Deadly Parallel
What otic 13'aelfward-looking Premier thinks as compared with Britain's
Forward-looking Rremier's views, W a ask our readers•:. to judge` which is
Arthur Meigitcu'. ort Progress 'Lloyd George -nu Progress
' "A truly
*great future is
ahead of Can-
ada if we only
keep our
heads and ser -
thusly believe
tine .doctrine
o f work,
Work, after all
is the normal
t°eondition of
'r''s•.-�, A--0R....1d.d...a� man,-- I mean
of every man,
and it is the -best answer ,to Socialistic,
Bolsheviks. and Soviet nonsense,
The great task before the people of
Canada is to get back, riot to old con-
ditions, but .to old-time sanity of
thought apd action, to get back to our
old high. standard of living and char-
acter, standards headed down to us
by out forebears: We have been living
for tate past six years in an highly ab-
pornnl and artificial age, and the soon-
er we get to normal conditions the bet-
ted it will be for us all,
The plain duty of 'the hour is to
think straight, to take a good square,
clear-eyed look at ourselves and our
conditions, and to resolve that we will
know fora surely the wisdom of eve3y
step, that we will have none of the nas-
trums of the political theorists and
agitators, ;}tat we will not be led astray
by any ism or theory„ resolved that by
hard, honest, Intelligent endeavor, b},
less extravagant living and clew
straight thinking, we will work out our
salvation, keep pace with all that is
beet in this mew age, and recommence
the work halted 1n part by the war, and
in which we were succeeding so well,
that of making thls a great nation of
happy, contented and prosperous peo-
ple." -Arthur Meighen, at Colchester.
Business Administration Now
Taught At Western University •
"Millions • of gallant
Ymuvtg men have fought
foi:tlte•new world, !dun
dregs of thousands have
died to establish it. If
wesffillto honor the pro-
mase given: to theist we
dishonor ourselves, What
ddes••a, new world meant
What. was d
like? ft wasthe ol worldworld
,where toil for myriads of
libirest workers, men and
women, purchased nothieg better than
squalor, penury, anxiety and wretched-
ness -a woridi scarred by .slums and
disgraced by sweating, where unemploy
meat through. the vicissitudes of In-
dustry brought despair td mulititudes
of humble hrotnes; a world, where side,
by side with want, there was waste ora
the Inexattstible riches of the earth;
partly through ignorance and want of;
forethought, partly through entrenched:
;It we renew the lease of that world
we will; petray the heroic dead, We
shalt,be; guilty of the basest perfidy
that ever blagkened a people's, fame
Nay, we shall stdre up retribution for
ourselves and for our children,. The
old w.prid must and will come. to at
each. No effort can shore 11 up much
longer. If there be any who• feel in-
cljased to maintain it, Iet them beware
fest it fall upon them and overwhelin.
them and tY_feir househol'd's ilii ruin,
it should be the sublime. duty of all
Without thought of partizanship, to
help in bullttleg up "the new world,.
where labor shall have Its just reward
and indolence alone shall -suffer want."
(Sid,) D. Lloyd George, iii "The
Future.'° ,
bury school whose name did not ap-
pear with the successful candidates In
the Entrance examinations of this year
has received his certificate,
Goderich.-The Goderich Fire Conn-
pany met on Tuesday evening and elect
ed a new fire chief in succession to Mr.
Win. Thompson deceased the honor fail
ng on Mr,Wm, Tait, Mr. Simon McKay
vas elected fats lieutenant, and Mr.
Con. Stapleton second lieutenant,
Seaforth.-Tate Murless Players have
received numerous repuests for ap-
earances in various towns, including
Goderich, St. Thomas, Mitchell, Clinton
t. Marys, Wingham, Exeter and Hen -
all. They are now working on a new
lay one of the recent successes from
ew York which has not yet appeared
n a Canadian stage. -
McKillop Twp. -Tice worst fire in
his township in many years occurred
n the farms of Mr. Samuel Storey, 5th
oncession on Friday afternoon last
when his two bank barns and the entire
rop from 200 acres were completely
estroyed by fire together with the sep
rator of Mr. Archie Lamont who was
London, Sept. 22nd. Western Univer-
sity has taken another step in its Bevel
opotent by opening a special course in
Business Administration. There has l
been a crying need throughout Canada'
for years for a specialized course in
scientific business management, The i p
need has been but imperfectly and inade
quately met by correspondence courses S
from American schools and colleges. I s
The Board of Governors of Western
Univeristy recognizing the opportunity 1"`
open to them to serve the people of °
Ontario in this most important branch }
of industry have planned a four year's t
course that will satisfy the need com- ' o
pletely and efficiently, c
The extra professors necessary to
carry out 'this course of lectures have e
sought and found from among the most j d
brilliant and successful business men of a
the district,
This Crew course of studies compris-
fling as it does, lectures in Arts al well Ila
as in the spechal subjects pertaining
exclusively to Business Science, leads 10
to a Bachelor's Degree in the College of
Arts. The subjects deaiinp strictly with
business administration have been care-
fully chosen, and embrace and most
modern of business methods. They in-
clude lectures in Accounting, Law, Busi
ness Organization and Effeciency, Ad-
vertising, and the System of Credits at
present in vogue as well as the theory
of Banking, also an exhaustive study of
business mathematics and intensive
work on statistical methods. Other sub
Jects necessary to the conferring of
ireshing on tlie 'Brown farm when the
re broke out.
Hensall.-Mr. Owen Geiger has a
rge staff of men and teams employed
drawing in an unusually heavy crop
f flax this season.
Hensall-Mr. Donald Urquhart, who
has carried on grain buying and milling
over forty-two years and to whom Hen -
sail very largely owes its fame as a
grain market, has sold his oatmeal mill
and elevator to Mr. C. T. Mickle, late
of Ridgetown,
Zurich -Rev, Morris W. Ehnes, son
of Mrs. A. G. Ehnes, of the village and
well known in Zurich, who is Treasurer
of the Committee on Conservation and
Advance of • the Methodist Episcopal
boreal of the United States, and of
hicla Society have moved their general
flice from New York city to Chicago
st week. This compelled Rev. Mr..,
Ines -.and' family to also move from
wale, N. J., to Chicago.
the B, A, Degree are similar to those'0
used in the general course. w
Prospective students are required to °
be in possession of a certificate of Jun- is
for Matriculation. Dr. K.P.R" Neville; L!
Registrar of the University, will give
full information regarding this new
course to all enquirers,
� D
Goderich.-The first cargo of new
grain to arrive at the Goderich elevator
arrived on Tuesday on the Glencairn,
the cargo consisting of wheat and flax.
Seaforth,-Mr. Peter Daley suffered
a slight stroke recently but his many
friends will be pleased to learn that he
is able to be abont again,
Egmondvilfe.--The Bazaar given by
the ladies of the Bgnsondville Presby-
terian church on Friday last was a
most successful affair and largely attend
ed.The proceeds amounted to $180.
Tuckersnsith Twp. -Mr. 1•Iarry Tyn-
dall has just purchased from the Robert
13e11 Engine and Tresher Co., Lt. of
Seaforth, ne
o of their err 15-30 Imperial
tractors, Mr, Tyndall believes in power
farming and deep plowing and the also
knows the kind of tractor to buy to ac,
compllsft the result. He is using a font'
furrow gang and is plowing over an &ere
an hoar making a first class job,
/44,4blary.-Gordon MOGaVin of Lead t
* x e * * e* e r w *
Raw onions quickly relieves the
pain from an insect sting.
Oatmeal should not be bought in
Jorge quantities as it quickly becomes
Vinegar added to the water in which
fists is boiled will make the fish firm
and odd•to its flavor,
When making peach short cake, but-
ter the biscuit dough well before
spreading with peaches,
By adding one teaspoonful of corn-
starch to each cup of sugar, chocolate
fudge is sure to be smooth and creamy.
A little floor wax rubbed on dresser
or other drawers .where elle friction
copses will cause them to slide in and
out easily.
To tante rust out of steel, cover
the steel ,with sweet oil, well rubbed in,
and its 48 hours use u,islacked lime
finely powdered And rub until all the
rust disappears.
ff suet is ]belted in the oven and put
into Mrs it will keep any length Of
time, The suet is much easier to chop
if treated ift this way. Puddings will
keep better if they arc made with suet
hat ,has been Melted in the oven,
Page ;Five
AR Whitt;'. Gooch„ Ladies' and Children's Ready-to.Wear and
Canvas Footwear
Ladies' Voil•Waists, Ml at one price to clear $1,25
Ladies White Cotton Combinations reg, $2. to clear at, , $1,25
Ladles' Knit ' onrbinations-several styles to choose from
ohoice for
Children's Wash Dresses -write or colored and: wash
suits • for small boys all at clearing prices
Cotton pants for small boys to clear at 50e
Canvas shoes from $2,75 to $3.50 on sale at ...$2.5o
Canvas shoes from $2.25 to $2.75 on sale at ......... $1.95
White Shoe Polish, cake or bottle, reg. 15c size , . „2 for 25c
mall Profits ;'hone 25.
More Business
Public Notice.
On application for Revocation of
Order -in -Council bringing into force
the provisions of Part 2 of the Canada
Temperance Act in the County of
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to
section. 113 of the Canada Temperance
Act that a petition signed by at least
one fourth in number of the voters in
the Coputy of Huron will be laid before
the Honorable the Secretary of State
for Canada, praying for the revocation
of the order of i•lis Excellency, the Gov,
er or- ener
n G al of Canada, in Council,
bringing Into force is the County al
Huron Part 2 of the Canada Temper-
ance Act; and that such petition will
be deposited in the office of the Sheriff
of the County. of Huron at the Court
House hi tlse town of Goderich in said
'County on the 8th day of October,
1920, and will remain so deposited for
ten days thereafter for public examina-
tion by any person.
Dated this 22 nd clay of September,
1920, C. Seager,
Solicitor and Agent for the Petitioners.
Auction Sale
of house and lot and furniture, Tire
Executor of the estate of the late Annie
Ross will offer for sale at public auc-
tion -on Saturday the 2nd day of Oct-
ober, 1920, at 1.10 o'clock p.ns., at
the premises, the North part of Lot
Number 034 on the corner of Kirk and
Townshend Streets, in the Town of
Clinton. On the premises there is a
comfortable 7 -roomed house, lately re-
novated and in good condition, a very
desirable home for a small family. At
the sante time and place will be offered
the following furniture: -i Singer sew-
ing machine; 2 drop leaf tables; t kitch-
en table; 6 cane seated chairs; 10 kitch-
en chairs; 7 rocking chairs; old sew-
ing machine; 2 cupboards; t cooking
stove; 1 coal oil stove, 3 -burners; 2
wood heating stoves; 3 lounges; 6 wood
en bedsteads; 1 bureau; t coal oil heat-
er; 1 organ; 1 dresser; 3 wash stands;
1 writing desk; 2 book shelves; 2 small
tables. A quanfTly of preserving seal-
ers, carpets, mats, pictures, nsilk cans,
stovepipes, trays, clock, pictures, mir-
rors, dishes, crocks, flower pots,
clothes baskets, bedding, lamps, flower
stand, and •y4 cords of short wood; 1
child's crib. Terms of sale of Furni-
ture -Cash. • of Real Estate, 10 %
cash and the balance in 30 days, For
further particulars and conditions ap-
ply to W. Brydone,
Solicitor for Thos. Fraser, Executor,
Geo, Elliott, Auctioneer,
For Sale.
A pair of Beagle Hound Pups for
sale, Six months old. .Apply to New
Farm For Sale
Lot 10, 13, R. N. Con, Stanley 163
acres more or less ,is offered for sale,
Apply to N. Sundercock
R. R. No. 1, Brucefield
phone 45 on 621, Clinton,
Bonds ,s,
Offerings for the week are.-.-Prov-
Na of Ontario 6% maturing 1 93 0,
yielding 6,20%, Victory Bonds at mark
t yielding up to 6.48%, Town of Tren
ton, 5r/z%a to yield 6,75%n, Town of
Brampton, 64 %'s to yield 6.60%.
Town of ingersol 6%'s to yield 6.
All other bonds at market and in
amounts to•auit investor.
W. Brydone.
Fall Wheat Fertilizer for Sale
1 have a quantity of Basic Slag for
Fall Wheat and pasture land for Sale.
This fertilizer has been giving excel -
tent results. Tr,, some.
Apply to R. R. Sloan
Telephone 7 on 600, Clinton.
House for Sale.
8 -rums arouse, 3 -piece bathroom, a
hot .air furnace, town water, good gar-
den wind chicken !house, Apply toW.
S. Harland, on the premises, Princess St
Farm For Sale
Offers tor sale has
in the Township of
about 2 % mites froth
is well talar on,
(wells mid fowling
good and to a good
J: W, Elliott.^"Apply to
Citllfolt. , s1 W. Brydone,
Thomas Archer
farm of 125 acres
Ifuilett, located
Clinton. The farm
fenced, and watered
spring); the soil is
state of cultivation..
Berry & Cameron who have pur-
chased the machinery and equipment
from Wilson Elliott are now opened,.
for business and cum handle uli woes:',;
the line of repairs. At the old: stand on
Huron street.
Perm For Sale
Lot 31 con. 7 Hullett; choice 100
acre farm good building, wee watered
good Marchwood bush, Possession any
Hine. For further particulars apply to
R. J. Walkins
R. R. No 1 Clinton Phone 640--6
For Sale.
8 -roomed house for sale, on Harms
street. Apply to Mrs. J. Mcliveeae,
Fcr Sale.
Two size roomed houses on Fredet- '
ick St. near the new Flax Mill, will be
sold very cheap, and on easy terms.
Apply to Jacob Taylor
or C. B, Hale.
When sowing your Winter Wheat be
sureof a crop by sowing Swifts Fertifiz
er. Swifts High Grade Acid Phosphate"
is especially suited for Winter Wheat
and any quantity of it may ea secured
at our Elevator.
Give us a call before disposing of
your Wheat, Oats or Barley as we are
paying highest market prices.
W. Jenk ns &&ori
Phone 199 Residence, 131.
UflI4I q I QUJ It SY vhf"
$15.00 to Winnipeg
Plus 36 cent per mile Beyond
AUGUST 9th, lith, 16th and 18th,
stations Toronto to Scotia Jct, inclus-
ive; also all stations on Depot Harbor,
Midland, Penetang and Meaford branch-
AUGUST 9th and 16th froth all the
stations it the province of Ontario and
Quebec, kpibroke, Golden Lake, Up-
tergrove,''"T'oronto And gash,
AUGUST tltlt ani 48th, from all the
stations in Ontario, Toronto and West,
Full information from any Gran$
Trunk Ticket Agent or 0. B. /lornina
District Passenger Agent, Trponto.
John Raiisford & Son, city passese
ger and 'ticket Agents, phone 5P
A. 0. Pattisoay station agent. 4
1 Pill a Laxative. - t
2 Pills a Cathartic.
3 Pilin r, ative
This is the Way itflilburn's Laxa-
Liver Pills Work.
You won't have the old, griping,
nauseating, sickening, purgative pills
once you try Lama -Liver.
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If you are troubled with constipation
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Price 25e, a vial at all dealers or
mailed tfiree1 on receipt of price by The
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