HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-9-9, Page 6PAGE 6' E THE NEW FALL MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring Men's Furnishing Phone 103 Opposite Public Library .3.41.1296 ..N1:.rc.edm�Nht(iJiP ++'t !t� •'x� lur�ai. rown's The Fly Season is now at its Worst. Try a gallon of owl Crenoid Fly Destroyer for the sake of your horses and cattle. — SEE OUR LINE OF ELECTRIC GOODS — TOASTERS — 3 -HEAT GRILLS — CAN. WESTINGHOUSE IRONS ALSO A FULL LINE OF LAMP BULBS C rtes Verner HARDWARE and ELECTRICAL Phone 53 t,. 1 • WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings. Phone 67 Next Royal Bank TH CLINTON NEW .ER!r, -al till 111111lpiplit 11111 011111 Ill 0 111111111 III 1111111111111111allall1lllti1111111111 11rlll I III 1111I 111lo1 i11111111I1111111 I III11 L,o�at News IlVlll➢MITI@IiUNF9VIIV@'IIWNIUICVII3311 dull 410111111 140 IMIIIIQUWVIWINIWEVINVmVW@VpEVIIIWV HIMEMEWU ll uln Married at Manse, Sacred Band Concert Sunday, On Wednesday by Rev. J. 1:. Hogg, ti quiet 'wedding took place at Willis hutch Manse `when Mr, Andrew Cord on Sturgeon and Miss Katie Kitfer both of Bayfleld were united in marriage, ,.melted 'by a, Horse., While loading a concoct of horses last Tbursda/ Mr, Fred Wallis was kicked in the stomach by one of the an- units, Fortunately no serious damage was done and Fred is able to be around again, Sister Dies in West. Mrs, 13, •J. Gibbings received word that her sister Lillian Andrews wife of Mr. L. E, McKenzie of Spirting,- Man,, had died in the Carman l hospital, Be- sides her husband she is survived by five children, the youngest being e baby of 14 weeks old. The deceased• was born in Olinton and was married in the west. Her mother has been resid ing with her, Judges At Goderich Fair. Mayor Cottle and D. C, Cantelnu were in Goderich Wednesday acting as Judges on Fruit and Flowers, Bowlers Took A Holiday. The Clinton Bowlers certainly cele- brated Labor Day. One bowler re- marked to tho New Era that you could - mit get a rink up at the greens on Mon day. An interestingg Article. On page 4 this week an interesting article written by Miss Belie Miller of the 0, A. College, Guelph on "Farm Butter at Fairs" gives many useful hints to Farmers wives with dairy Ex- hibits. It is well worth reading. _s y@.,,,;,74, Offered College Principalship, TRY H��Y7}pfir,ak is .�. M . FOR. PLUMBING HEATING AND ROOFING Repairing Promptly Done -Phone 53 aal iii"e,cla Furnaces Lead There is a Reason Ask Us. 1 Double Feed Doors There is no danger of 'hit- ting the sides and spilling coal all' over the floor with. the big Sunshine feed doors. - (r„ LIN.;=v v; h.l These doors will ftdrnit n large chunk of wood, Lon. tint' Intal agent will v' icu tuts a,td i.i,',y.t.atan t.,• ''50 h15!O ne" Ivan s;;. Send for frc.c. l a s.lel, off fc t "'"a ao,R ' t m` rt w.+ ». ;r.,..r.+.7 ✓,a P. a .,.,,at, w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Over The Teacups NextSunday evening after the Chir cit services the 'Clinton lClltie Pard will give their :annual Sacred band concert weather permitting, Minor Locale Council met on Tuesday Evening C.C.I. opened for the fall term on Tuesday. Man)' attended the baseball tourna- ment at Zurich on Labor Day. 'three rinks of Clinton Bowlers were at Blyth last 'i'hursday evening; Goderich Fair Is attraction. of people tw'day and more will go up on Friday. The Clinton Kittle Band goes td Brus sets fair next'• Wednesday. ABeauty Spot. The horticultural park at the G. T, R, station is certainly a, beauty spot now and must stake a favorable im- pression on the travelling public. Mr, 11. R. Sharp, Secretary of the H. S. and Mr, Blondy Cook put in many an ex- tra hour there and are now well repaid for their work, One thing that would add more to the park is that the long grass along the sidewalks coming to the station should be cut. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mr. Fred Owen of Nev York is in town this week. 'Mr, and Mrs. Percy Cole were visit- ors at Toronto this week. Messrs Jack Butler and Dan Cook spent Labor Day in Buffalo. Miss McKinnon from Alberta is visit Ing her cousin Mrs. F. W. Wigg. Miss Greta Chesney of Stratford is assisting Miss Cameron at her. Millinery shop. Mrs M. Taylor and son John are taking in the Toronto Exhibition and also visiting other friends. Miss Amy Gould of Toruitto was visiting at the parental home of Mr, and Mrs. IL W, Gould over the week end, Mr. and Mrs Tunney 31r. and Mrs. Dan Cook, and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Butler visited at Wingham on Sunday. ---- Dr. Field Public School Inspector Some Went to Zurich. `for east Huron has been offered the Quite a few wen(; to Zurich to see principalship of the college at Monteith the semi final gamma iietween Zurich ' New ")itario now being established by and Stratford last Thursday evening. I the Ontario Government, The Doctor has the officer under consideration, The gave went 10 innings with the score .4-4, Minor Locals. ' The Labor Day holiday passed Order Held Up. quietly. Following a request from a retail Miss Edna McCaughey will resume off merchant .the order in Council which provides that municipalities may pass by-laws to restrict the sale of malt bev- erages known as temperance beers to the keepers of standard hotels, licensed under the Ontario Temperance Act, has been revoked and will nut cane in - i to operation until. November t. The !original order in !Council was effective I September 1. This has been done in or , der to allow retail merchants particul- arly grocers and soft drink .parlors to I prepare a case against the grnhting of her classes for piano for the -fall term. The Ontario Street Epwath League held -a corn roast on the river flats on Monday evening. Does It Pay to Advertise. 'To the merchants who says not he should have been at the station last week to see the'mail bag handled by the local carrier to the postofflce of a well-known departmental store. With the price of paper to -day no -firm is doing needless advertising these •daysr 1 this right to municipalities. _. _ .. Saw Stratford Win. M i A couple loads of baseball fans motor C iii. ax e n Cry ed to Zurich on Tuesday to see. tbe Stratford and Zurich game and all de - FOR FLETCHER'S • clare it was the best game"of the seas- ~ C A S 7 0 R1 A on. Both teams played snappy ball. Stratford will meet the winners of the Elora—Winaghtun series. 1IWere 2 Down. I 'Three rinks SU of.bovilers were at Blyth last' Thursday evening and when the scores were added up Blyth was 2 up.. I Grocers, Now Stay Open. t' Wednesday afternoon of h•-ts week the grocery stores started to stay open Will not come down for some time i after the summer half holiday. The as the Canadian Refineries are loaded up with high priced raw sugar, We were able to procure a limited supply which we will sell wh+le it other stores awe taking Septenmber. Sell Excise Stamps. Notification has been sent. out from Ottawa that arrangements have been made appointing all branches of chart - Mr; and Mrs. S. S. 'Cooper returned from their trip to the Ckl County on Tuesday evening. They report a deltriht trip while in England, Ireland and Scot land. Mr. Cooper visited his aged Moth er and the outer members of the fam- ily, The following were holiday visitors at the- hone of Mr. M: T. Corless. His mother, Mrs. Melissa Corless, df Bur- gessville, his sister, Mrs. R. N. Palmer, of Beechville, another sister, Mrs, A. T. Walker, with daughters, Muriel and Lola and A. T. Walker, M, 9. P, for South Oxford. Thursday, Septelnbe 9th, 1920' Flower Show. Clinton Horticultural Solelety will hold a Flower Show in Town Hall on Friday and Saturday Sept; 10th and 11 th. 2 9.m. to 10 p.m. Phalen's' Orches- tra in the evenings. The cut flowers will be sold at 9.30 pan. Saturday even ing and the Proceeds in aid of the Hos- pital, Admission Free,. Exhibitors wish- ing to have plants or flowers called for please notify Mrs, James Chowen or Miss Cunningham. A Pleasant Evening. The hone of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Roz ell, Rattenbury st. west was the scene of a pleasant gathering Wednesday ev- ening Sept. 1st the guests of honor be- ing Mr. and Mrs, Roy 9lumsteel; and ,the occasion being the fifth anniversary "' of their wedding. About .'• :. y guests were present, and the evonijn'g spent in ' games and social chat;Coicludin * 6 with a dainty lunch and/th'e presentation of a handsome carving set and other valua- ble reminders to the guests of honor; and the singing of "Auld Lang Syne." lasts at 62.00 less per hundred than-' eyed banks throughout the country ag- present, wholesale, price. ents of the Inland Revenue Department for the purpose of selling excise stamps —OE'r SOME WHILE IT LASTS---- issued under the Special War Revenue .r Act 1915, and amendments thereto re- ceiving a discount of one per cent for their services. It is considered that this Fred. W. AT VViggr regulation will be to the great conven- ience of the public and allow theta to The Corner Grocery avoid the congestion of people going es Phone 45. to the inland Revenue department 10 bay stamps of all quantities,,; . r . SCRANTON COAL •a nd Wood. for Sale any who wish to leave their ordei for Spring delivery can do so by leaving their orders at my residence, Flut0i\ St. or Phone 166. sTa4ai"a'il iV 1 at I oft ii l i ' Sutter kk Perdue,. Terwe -Strictly Cask--Phono OB. Es . ARRel atD1lNCA-4011(iki 11`IWIT. DR. AITKEN RESIGNS CHARGE AT KIPPEN. Approved Devices. - Within a fe1e days the Provincial De pertinent of 1•ligheays will Issue a fist of approved devices for eliminating the glare from automobile headlights. For some time past various devices, subunit- tett by tnanuacturers Have been under going careful testing to determine whe- ther they deflect the light -to the t'bad- bed as, required by the Act. A number have failed to satisfy the experts but there will be a sufficient number of ap- proved devices to give the motorist a good range of choice, The testi has been in charge of Prof. Laisg, of the University of Toronto, '1'h•s publicat ion, of the list will be s notice to motor, tete that the Department is ready to en force the law. Kippen Sept, 8— At St. Andrew's church on Sunday the pastor Rev, Dr, W. C. Aitken announced Itis resignation of the Kippen, Hill's Green and Blake charges. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Hamil- Hard and Soft Coal, etc. ton and Mrs, Hamilton of Goderich will AT CLINTON— — We handle all take charge of the service and the foil- kinds of Goal and Wood and Canada owing Sunday Dr. Aitken will preach Cement. his farewell sermon. Let us have your inquiries, We think While he has been under pastor here we an supply you. for over three years Dr. Aitken has been a faithful preacher a wise counsel for and an earnest leader in all branches of work in his church.as, d along literary lines .among the people generally, Un- ion prayer meetings between the Metho dists an(I,Presbyterians have prospered under his Joint leadership -with the Methodist minister, He intends to take a furlough of a year and will go into the faculty of education at Toronto. Mrs, Aitken's invariable kindness and helpftilne.ss,have endeared her to every one, She is a daughter of the late Rey. Ghosen Bowie a missionary in Syria, YOUR ROOF SCHOOL OPENING means SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS and SCHOOL SUPPLIES You are asked to invest- igate the merits of our stock. We invite this with the assurance that the advantage will be a mutual one. The W. D Fair eo Often the cheapest—MUways the Best magnmasonliNINIIIIINNIS BEST RESULTS Are obtained when you use our high G rade Vinegar and Spices. They insure - long, keeping and snake the flavor you 1 ikg, 49rthttell�# TEA SPECIALS WHAT :MOOT JARS) OR JAR RUBBERS FOR CANNING On the selection of your roofing material depends the appearance, value and durability of your building. What kind of roofing could be better than 3 -ply of everlasting Shingles? The cheapest is not usually the best although the best is usually the cheap- est. We have the best in three different grades, 2X, 3X and 5X at popular cur- rent .prices. 1 AT BRUCEFIELD—We also handle all kindsof Rough and Dressed Lumber, ?made Fibre Board, Canada Cement, ITS THE LITTLE THINGS THAT HELP ON WASH DAY TRY S,0f t1E Rinso . Perless Tablets • 3 pkgs for 25c Ford or Macks No Rub per pkg 5c Wonder Wash 2 pkgs for 25c Mr. J. H. Thomas M. P. president of the Trades Union Congress of Great Britain, in his openingaddress at the congress now In session at Portsmouth predicted the hardest winter for British labor in many years. He cited the bad trade outlook as a convincing reason for industrial peace. Silo Filling Having Purchased a new Gilson Ensliage Cutter, 1 am Prepared to vII Silos fora limited time. ' TERMS REASONABLE , SATISFACTION GUARANTEED FRANK ANDREWS CLINTON — ONT JNO. B. MUSTARD Clinton & Brucefield. Phone for Clinton No. 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on GIS. THIS SOLDIER TOOK L' " OVERSEAS WITH RIR Dir, WilPakard, Shanty l3ay, Ont„ writes;—liam.3."Beincg a member Of -tile C,1;,P„ I•have had many brilliant opportunities of t'ealiizing1, the beneficial results derived from - rho proper use of J)r. Fowler's l xtrea of Wild Straw- berry, . T,amling in ltugland in early fall after a•very wet summer brouibt,many of us to the doctor's oft'iee, but got little, if any, relief there from dysentery and severe casts of diarrhoea. I am glad to be able to say that 1 never had to call on a doctor for either complaint, as I used freely the supply of "17r. Fowler's" which Iliad purchased before endbarking for our trip oversees. T. can also say that many othere San testify likewise," When you are troubled with diarrhoea, dysentory, colic, cramps, pains in the stomach, Sbolera morbus, summer con. plaint or any fluxes or looseness of the bowels do not delay in getting a bottle of Dr. Fowler's i3etreet of Wild Straw- berry and sec how quickly you will be relieved. You can. always rely on it in time of need Ai it has stood the test of time., having been on the market for the past 75 years. There aro so many vpusioue "straw- berry" preparations sold we would ask you be sure and see that our name, The T. Milburn Go., Limited, Toronto, Out.t appears., on the.wrapper, Pries 50:cenle, DON'T FORGET TANGLEFOOT TO CATCH THE FLIES GET THE HABIT 0 1' DEALING AT IINSON 5 us bulk Tea ...$x.66 2 ib s bulk tea • , .$1.16 1 lb bulk Tea ... 60c' TRY A BOTTLE OF ROSES LIME JUICE A GOOD HEALTHY' DRINK 15 PHONE 111 PHONE ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO W OI,.oIZOSS. .. ... ....._ ....._.. The "P L E V F t AND" Bicycle are sold in Clinton by J. H. PA.XMAN The Garage that gives real Bicycle, Car and "Battery Services SOLD FOR CASH OR EASY TERMS ORDER YOURS TODAY Phone 80 • Residence 140 ._CLINTON, ONT.._ ....,.,......... . ... .......i slaving ma.de special arrangements -with our 'Com- pany at Guelph for this sale by taking a,limited • number. of pianos. I can quote you a price far below factory prices to you to -day and if you are going' to get a piano inside the next two years. Nosh' is'your chance. This sale is merely to advertise our goods and is good for -10 days only, after which the regular factory Prices will. be used. • :041 If you can not call on us write for prices and also re- member we can arrange to give you terms to suit so as to get in on this sale. Remember the name. Jonathan' = Hugill. BOX '229. Phone 216, • MUSIC STORE. SEAFORTH. ONT. S3 ri'j''... oe vs In buying shoes (and everything else as well), it's, value :you. want. Imported shoes cost more because of the freight, duty and exchange. These things don't add to the value of a shoe. They only increase its cost. 'i'his store has a mission in life. 'That is to give you the best values. Made -in -Canada Shoes are today better value, grade - for grade, than shoes imported froth any country. They -re- flect the very latest and best styles and shapes. The material' is honest. , Worknhanslhip is high grade. And so, because the prosperity of this store depends upon service to our customers, we sell and recommend Made: -in -Canada Footwear, knowing that we can thereby give you the best value and satisfaction. FRED. .17AeKSON -"SHOES THAT SATISFY" - 111.2.1115