HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-9-9, Page 4i11ARDWARE' 'AGE 4 THE CLINTON NEW E .nesse ml IIONTAINS R rA fN NO MOM MAL o cls' 81 NOR ANY MINtRil a✓ /1•• at GE=1 A •Cors •aIwlsts. •soltES+guaxs' liWNAT M.SGIAT cA MMDLE s. lett Metre&SACKS'CIIAPPWtIANW e ONEQ'4U OFOR CRlareteRS) , y cyclists, 'soma PLAYERS 6SPORTSIMY OENERAay018 AS AN 10 >FY THAT'S WHAT YOU NEED for that cut, burn, sore or eczema. Ends pain, prevents blood -poison- ing and grows new skin. All dealers 50c box. ' arall Para. r ha tuber the collapse canto has been able p to stain popularity in Germany almost r unimpaired, Cardinal Logue in branding such 1 • It will be welcome news to the con - grimes as the shooting of 'Constable sumer if it really proves true, that the Brennen as wilful murder is a true price of flour is coming down, Most friend of Ireland, • people Ole agree that it has like some —0 --other' things a tong way to come, The sheaves are being gathered and vim, tee harvest promises to be a golden The recent cenfh'matiots of the mac _0_ for eilleleit tabor in inatty and many of these men could doubtless' be trade to fill the gap and be relieved of their predicament. ---0 -- The British Government hap '.offered to reconsider the question of wages on the basis of an increased output of coal coupled with the offer to refer the whole wage controversy to the industr lal Court. This looks like a distinct ad- vance toward s settlement and if reject- ed by the miners will put 'theist et a disadvantage in relate:en to public opht- ion. •I'he Rev. pr, Trevor Myles who has Just; recently returned from a ten weeks visit to the Old Land declares that pro- hibition is inevitable In Britain and That the liquor traffic is d0oned. Dr, Davies left Britain about four years ago, and he states that the change on this question in that time is almost dramatic, This at- titude, he thinks has come about larg- ely through the influence of Canada and the United' States. iltd'ustrle rine, Canada's present prosperity is as sacro orthe Russian Emperor and his cured for some time yet. family in the basement of their prison house at Ekaterinburg, on the night Sinn Fein attacks are now said to ill of July 16, 1916 will go down in his- elude the King Violence of this kind tory as one pf the most cold-blooded will not only blast the hopes of Sinnand brutal crimes recorded in history Vein but hinder the true progress of In the end it will react agliinst the Ireland. murderous gang of usurpers who are at pesent ruling Russia vdlh bloody -O~ hands. The world will rejoice when an The Board of Commerce declares end is node of Lenlne and Trotsky and That it saved the peopleple 1122 0,000,000 on their minions. the price of sugar. But it does not say that by suspending control it gave the —0— "" Miners and speculators the chance to An Akron rubber factory has laid more than recoup themselves, off fifteen thousand hands, The Ameri- can- Woolen Company recently closed its plant depriving ing twelve thousand of employment while in Canada also a num bar of industries are reported to be lay ing off a large number of hands. All this would hardly recognize the gasoline of may point to the arrival of a "slump" to -day with the product known as gaso- in some industrial,lines, and the prox- eine some years age. • itnity of the inevitable -period of re -ad- -__0— justmeut when high prices must recede A couple more gasless Sundays I in the face of a slackened demand but should be introduced to -help conserve it is disturbing to contemplate the un - the supply of, gasoline. The constantly 1 employment of many thousands on this advancing price of gasoline is a serious continent just before the approach of matter to industry, especially just now Winter Nations attained a degree of or during harvest time and the pleasure- ganization efficiency during the war to seeker and tourist should be made to a remarkable, extent, Why should not - 'economize. 1 this power of organization be directed TO--- to cope with this . new emergency? The marvel is that Hindenburg the,Some factories tray possibly be compel supreme military butcher of the Ger-led to curtail on account of lack of man nation and leader 'tit% the armies work but there IS an' unabated demand —0— Two advances in the price of gasoline line in a month is something in the nature of a hold-up. The price is too high al- ready considering the poor quality. One tedr'eeee eettlee . ,yl epee," ire iretecelee, teeeet eta . -cc CA TE "S LITTLE LIVER! PILLS A Purely Vegetable Laxative That Keeps the Stomach, Liver and Bowels lar perfect condition :rIon't take purgatives for Constipation—they act harshly—they overstrain the delicate membrane and leave the Bowels in a worse condition than before. e If you are troubled with Constipation, Indi- gestion, Sour Stomach, Dizziness, Bili-' ausness, Nervousness or loss of Appetite Oonit- Hesitate — Get a Bottle — CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS—take one after each meal and one at bedtime. A few days' treatment will put Stomach, Liver and Bowels in normal condition. Small rill Small Dose Small Price fl 6®nsiint mush bear signature /1 `�Uoliras S3 III V•e/L'AWN'rii,'j, :%iGOOD$S5 � %MOWERS1cf �."��i,oeLA) i WASHERS* XSIteiDEW. eWRINGL'RS' W4'r•W/NE% Reim s. . ,iii$BS, llEPOMUnEl letU T>L'•ERYi "" �H013B51 = etre iS EYN1N'Gvii li\\Ask. t, rREFRICite, eie E3) A 111 II T OUR WATCHWORD The "G f•' ld Medal" Label Shields You Against Unknown Hardware Goods Easy to remember! Think of " GOLD MEDAL" whoa you want the best! Look for the Gold Medal Label on any article and you will know instantly--without.ques- tion ---that it must be right. For Sale by Asn Fi '3tacladsa Hardware Naler3 German scientists declare that the mental and bodily health and ecaliotnic efficiency of the people, increased dur- ing war time as a result of the decreas- ed consumption of beer. An agitation is on foot to restrict the production of al- coholic drinks, urging shorter hours for beer gardens higher prices for al- coholic drinks and lower prices for non alcoholic beverages. It is claimed that the seburity of the state and public or- der are imperilled by beer of a high al- coholic per centage. i 1)o not suffer another day with Iteliing,131eed- ing, or l rotrnd- ing Piles. No surgleal oper- ation required, Dr. Chase's ointment will relieve you at onto and afford Misting benefit non. a box; all duelers, or Ldreiplson, Bates s CO., LImlted, Toronto, and enclose 50 stamp t paytpostage 51110 PRICES WILL NEVER REACH 1914 LEVEL " I believe that we will have high prices as compared with those before the war, but I do not believe that they will be as high as the prices that we have already seen% Such was the'prohecy of Sir Edmund Walker lest Thursday in a brief address on the Canadian System of Banking at the morning session of the Canadian LIFT CORNS! S, ��rOFF 1 • 0 Apply few drops then life soro , touchy corns off with. fingers Doesn't hurt a Litt Drop, a little I'rcezone on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then you lift it right out. Yea, magic! tie A tiny bottle of Freeze a costs but a few cents at any drug store, but is auffi- tient to remove every hard cern, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness Or irritation. le"reezono is the sensational discovery ., Cincinnati Penins. It is wonderful. --- * a: 51- M 14 5 44 a 4> 4> tt x * MEN AND EVENTS .1 41 :r. w s• * a4 e e K• e i Wholesale. Grocers Convention. "This condition may last for another generation and must last so long as the weight of war indebtedness causes un- usually heavy taxes and high rents," Sir Edmund continued. "The price of all commodities will have to be high un til we have broken the back of the war debt." FAN BUTTER AtlNU Hints for Farmers' Wives With Dairy Exh,b't'. ' HIM/. III Butter tlf lrh•st imimrt- Itnoe - Firmness Also n Strong Point—How h, C'u'e and Pttctt in Best Condition for Showing, (Contributed by Ontarle Deportment of Agriculture, Toronto.) 0 show 01' not t0 show," that la- the question many a woman thinks over as the time draws near for the holding of the annual fall fair. ',Chere ire pone who would not miss the event, and make entries in many classes; while others aro rather timid about exhibiting, especially if they are doing it for the first time. Let us take the exhibiting of but- ter. Sometimes a woman goes house from the fair feeling rather hurt be - (Melee some neighbor loolt more and higher• prices than she did. Site thought that 'ler butter was goad, but the'other meet have been con- sidered better by the one who was acting as judge. There are times when a judge has to• mark very closely to place the prllee, Score cards aro, not used at all of our fate's, nor do all Bulges use the same score card, but the one proposed by the National Dairy Council reads ata follows, as regards botnts awarded: x'lavor 45 Texture 15 Inoorpol'atlpn of ineletuee, .• 10 11 .1141 l)1)tre1'ml lt\ / . Tile teinperatsIre of the wash wafer should bb such that it will not Hittite tete butter too hail or too salt efer. Y o kirg Workthe butler by Press. ss- ing it carefully rtn(1 .evenly, A eliding ue cutting motion will tend to make the butter grea1Y, Overw¢r'kiiig should also ee avoided. Better in worked to `flake It compact acid to distribute the salt and nlolsture even- ly.. Wheal butter is crit the surface should be °lose and• the drops of moisture should be clear and very minute. The color of the 1)ultel'hauld be Oven and blight. if the butler is not werlied enough the color will be un- even, although tills is :not noticeable Ai thetime of wonting, • If the .butter' fa loo eon, tite salt should be nixed through it, and the butter placed lvltore it sii11 cone to a proper firmness before working: By doing this it 5(111 score 141g'het'for both texture And coley than 11 would If. worked 111 The soft state, The salt in the butter should be evenly distri- buted and thoroughly dissollved, 'it is better to have the . 1)utter salted very lightly than to have it over - stilled. The popular butter at the present time has mild clean flavor, close body and;light salting. The finish or packing should also be considered, In fact, the judge will notice the appearance of the exhibit before ho has had time to draw out a plug of butter on his trier. Let the prints be well 'made — solid, even, with clear-cut corners and the papers wrapped neatly. Butter tubs and boxes require a lining of parchment paper, and crocks should be in good condition, free from cracks or breaks In the glazing. Tile top of a large package should be smoothly finished and covered neatly With parchment paper. Butter for exhibition should be Made two days or more before the fair to give It lima to become set.: It should be ]rept in a clean cool place on the farm, and be brnughl to the etit' in the best possible: condition. Butter trade and cared for in this way will ,score higher then it would If made the morning teethe fair, as is sometimes the case. ,,; ge if you do dice' ,I t La o fell a Duni 9 not secure the prizes that you hope(] to win. Try ag0111, remembering the Little rhyme which says, "Good, better, best, never let it rest, Till your 110011 is better, and your better, best," —Miss Belle Millar, 0. A. College, Guelph. c General' Manager J. G. Kent, ' of the Canadian National Exhibition Toron- to, which is breaking all records this week for attendance. ,.1atl. 1 alt, Packing • 10 Toho 100 Tho li vnr of t',., Mill or 3s 1 very imporlaul 11111155 1u 4.01101(101'. It should be clean and sweet without taint 01 any kind. An objl'etionnble flavor, no mailer how slight, would prevent one 1.0034V- ing a full score. Some defects in flavor are more serious than others, but many of these could 1)0 avoided by taking a Mlle more envy, The care in t1te stable and in the separator room is just as, important as the churning or the holding of the butter atterwarcts. If a judge should find two lots of butter with the same total score he Wo' lid give the highest place to the lob with the bettei ff.uvo'. he butteris an- otherlexTtir-it of t other point that is Cakoli into con- sideration. Butter should have good body—firm and waxy. Yon have cut butter that looked good and remained firm on the plate, but you have also seen just the oppo- site to this—butter that had a greasy appearance, the drops of moisture large and milky, and it became, soft when left in the plate for a shiort time. The judge Domes across just as great contrasts when going through the exhibits and he scores accord- ingly. . To secure good texture it is neces- 'oary to mance use of suitable temper- atures and 1•o work the butter in the eight. way. Cool the cream inunedi- itely after separating and churn It at Lenlperatlu'e tlia,t will bring tite butter in nice firm grannies in 20 to 10 minutes, (Too high temperature neons soft billies and greater loss In GENUINE ASPIRIN HAS "BAYER CROSS" Tablets without "`Bayer Cross'! are not Aspirin at all Got Heart Trouble While in the Army n l hor'stllly, Septen11x r LJth, .1 920, SAVED FROM LIFELUNG MISERY And a Dangerous Operation, by Taking "FRUIT -A. EWES" Mr. II, Maxwell, Woodhouse, Alta„ writes: -"I was in thn army when I got heart trouble. The two loctore told me there was little hope for me to get better. I have doctored, with other doctors but with no relief. A year ago a friend told me to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I laughed at him, nt the time, and told him they were only a fake, but as I got worse I thought I would try a box. I have taken six boxes and can say that they are the fust thing that helped me, :4na I feel na if I were a new man. I sure ran thank them, 1411d • feel that with a few inure boxes I will be well" Where\ er there are people with weak hearts, we do nob know where they can find a remedy that will do so much le make the heart regain strength and restore it to a normal and healthy ,condition as Milburn's heart and Nerve Pills. • Price 50c, a bels at 111l dealers or' mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited. Toronto, Ont. Set genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aepirin't In a `Bayer" package, plainly marked with the safety "Baeyer Cross." The "Bayer Cross' ie your only way of knowing that you are getting genuine Aspirin, prescribed by' physicia))s for, nineteen years and proved safe by mile lions for Haadaache, Neuralgia, Colds, llheumetism, Lumbago, Neuritis, Ped fog Pain generally, Made its Canada, 1 Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets—also larger sized "Bayer" packages. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada), of Bayer Ma efaeture at; Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicaeidee While it is well known. that Aspirilt, means Bayer manufacture, to aasniat the public against imitations, She Tablets 05 Bayer Company, bide will be stanlpdb- u e r• trade mark) the "Beyer t: S E SON 001 (By REV. P. . • nLtI'ATE11, D. D., Teacher or English Bible in the Moody Bible institute of Chicago.) ((I, 1920, Western Newspaper Union.) LESSON FOR SEPTEMBER 12 THE GLORY OF r(EiGN, LESSON TETT—I Kings 10:1-11, 23 55. GOLDEN TEXT—Blessed Is every one that fonreth the Lord, that walketh in his ways.—Ps. 120:1. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL. --2 Kings 9; 1-1N. 10.14-49, PRIMARY TOP IC:• -A Queen Visits a King. JUNIOR ToP1 --The Queen of Sheba Vie;I AnI,,,"-- 501.0MON'S CULTIVATE HABIT OF SENDING IN VIEWS One of thethings that ought to become fixed abits in every house - ]told in Clinton is that of sending The New Era the news items that they may know of; tell us of your news and any 'neighborhood or other items that will be of Interest to yourself, your neighbors or your friends. • ere, 0., Meet Every lodge, church body or social' organization should have some represehtative Who will promptly and carefully after its news report- lug. If you think some organization Inas better news service than your own, it is probably because that or- ganization looks after such matters better. Wtite your items and send them in when possible. Or telephone them to No. 30, but please don't ask that long' lits of names be taken over telephone, as It not only re- quires much time, but is fruitful in possibilities of error. Above all, be early. Never 'watt till late on Thursday to send an item that eau be sent Inilays before, The New Era telephone number is 30 and at nights 93. Fix them In your mind, MRS. M. J. GORSE . 8928 union St,, Vancouver, 33.0, "I suffered with all the symptoms of Female Trouble, with chronic Con- stipation and constant )Leadaches. 1 had pains low down in rite back and sides of the body. I tried various remedies without relief, and then put myself tinder a doctor's care and he advised me to have an operation. I • refused. Then, I started taking 'Fruit•a- elves' ; and from the outset, 1 -.felt better, and this medicine has completely relieved me of all my misery and suffering. My weight was only, 148 pounds and now it is 168 pounds. 1 am free of pain and headaches and the terrible Constipation ; and what saved mo from misery Is Ude splendid fruit medicine, 'Fruit -l416,,55'." . 1.1111.31. 3. GORSE. 500. a box! 6 fo50, trial $ize 25c. At all dealers nt postpaid by t Ont. . - i Li Ottawa, ' 'ui a t vas a, I'1 k INTERMEDIATD SENIOR. TOPIC —The Climax of Is Greatxess, YOUNG PEOPLD ADULT 'TOPIC —Tests of Nationlatness. 1. The Queen of Sheba Visits Solo- mon (vv. 1, 2), Hersvisitwas 11(1 result of Solo- mon's widespread f,uue. That which leade him faluouedwas: 1. The extent of his k(ngetont (4:2.1. 25). He ruled over all the kiegd0nls from the Euphrates river to the llerli- terraneau sen, except the Ph0ene1t- tlns, but they were in alliance with him. This Wile the nenrt'ol"to the realization of the divine promise, (Gen. 16:18), that 'Israel ever en- joyed; but the fulness 01 the promised possession shall be realized when the Greater than Solonlon is king. 2. iiia greet wisdom (4:20.14). It excelled tient of the C'haldeans, Per- sians and Egyptians (vv, 80, 01). None of his contemporaries approached unto hien in knowledge. FIs. hail n SIngularlycomprehensive mind. He was (1) a morel philosopheI—sp11ke 8,000 proverbs; (2) a poet --his songs were a thousand end live; (5) It bot- anist—lie <;'::Lu of trees, from the cedar tree that Is in Lebanon oven unto the hyssop that sprhlgeth and of the wall ; (4) a zoologist—he spahe of beasts 141111 t'ntvl, end of creeping things, and of fishes. 1Ie tuns sn 111110r In intellect Le any of his uwu or nay other age. 8. The temple (ohs. 5 and (1). This incaon exact reproduction of (he tnh- ern:rele, double in 017.e. in 11111411/ rind geld. The vnlount of labor, ski.11 and d -1n u6)11n.. money xd n thbu 0xCee(inegtypendegreat o (1 C:helun.il In til:4.1, Never. before had such a costly stl'nc- ture appeared. . 4. Royal pa151e5 nd,loh>ing the tem- ple (eh, 7). Following the 01011:11 01 the temple 111 began the building of his 05111 home 1.1e WAS nearly twice ns long in building this as In buihling the Lord's house. 5. His eennnerce (1):2112S; ef. Ii Citron. 0:15, 21). His trell10c•ehtps went oust 110 1410 ns rho Tnd1,u1 (wenn, p(.1 h,l ps even to 111,1111; and ureal Fl, far as Spain. 0. Army and rocs (10:26-20; ef, 0i27). Such wealth nod greatness Would at 001111 011110 4110111:1' impost. tion, so he put his nat1011 into a state of preparedness. • All this greatness wits nseoriated with the moue of the Lord. It wits known that his fame leas tiue to his relation With the living Clod. \'n One ever itacl n greater nlissiouleJ.'y ()jlpm- tunity than lie. lileelth ((1(1 knowl- edge nlny bd powerful in Mere for the extension of the Cause of (tln'ist',f' 11. The Queen 'of Sheba' Astonished (15. 8.9), After the interview ht wliieh Solo- mon m18510r1)0 all her (ln0a(111415, she was overwhelmed with his great lvis- dom, She ltitti plied ltlm with hard questlous to see if he mule) 111011%1301 up to ]lis reputation, end found 11154 the half had not been told her. Its. The Queen of Sheba Gives Gifts to Solomon (vv, 10.13). e As wits the custom she hrcugltt gifts to Solomon, the Went, the gold of which 1.50 in value between three null four millions of dollars. This was a large girl fur Shot lime, but Shlnmon more thee revompense(1 her. lie gave her all she desireil 11011 in Witten, of his royal bonty. 'While her gift to 111111 was great, his t0 her Was greater, even 1n lu'epiite with his pre:sessions. Clod glues man thein who give their hearts onto Min ex- ceeding 11bundently nl>0ve all they ask 0r think( (leph. 2:20.)• IV. All the Earth Sought Solo•. 'mon (vv, 28'2(19. 1:lls fame nprot1d,to ail 1.1)e devil) so 01111 the people come In clear the wls. don) whleh Clod gaud to him. They r 1nn1. with their gifts of silver, *old, gitrlilenfe, spices, horses and Mules, SO 0311: silver cane* to be as conation in ,ferusalem as stare, There is a thee 1,nlni141 when the Greeter then Sol') mol shell ba icing over aii the earth, and then all lie people thereof slatll ,cult 40 IllD! 1rl111 llu • o tus nn t o shall give unto iheul- of Ills revel bunllfy. 'kltlppy, 1ldeed, 51111 all ibusa be who recognise hint mill give liner allegluutt t '0 �1 11.1 1 11I Good Consclanal), A gocd e nscloure is to the rout wliat heel 11) Is to the hotly; 11 pre - 01l re4 (:01'101at1t ease noel genet! ty with- in r us, tied more 11111(1 t•nlllitel'ltills till the c{lluulliles and nfl1I 'il nts wideh frau befall 115 from wlehoitl.---A(ldleou, Cheerful Friends, f ye( one utast have felt 111111 a eheti'fnl 1'11111(11 is like 0 sunny 41 04, Which sheets its brighlne114 all mound; 111111 1110st of Ila can, as we ehe0ae, melte tills world either a paha* Or a prison. Sir ;f, Lubbock, Better Pay The Price Don't be tempted to etl545e ebony jewelery, Par better to pay a Pair price and know exactly what you are getting. Yon will never he sorry— for as u matter of'ntonty, it is easily the moat economleal. flat has been said so c"ten that everybody by this time should know it—and yet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to get personal -1f you would like to miss that sort. altogether-- UOMI11 HERE If you would like to buy wbere nothing but high qualities are dealt in—COMB HERE And even 'at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair . R. counter Jeweler a,ffid 0115164o u er of Marriage LIeetiSei J.d Si+{ice ,111. FLOUR Ve FEED Carload of Standard Hog Feed. ©n Hand - A quantity of Slabs for Sale Phone 123 OR. F. 131. AXON DENTIST Crown cad Bridge were a.5perlalay. CI radnate of C.O.D.S., Cbieneo, and 0,0.0.101 Toronto. ayneld 011 Mondava, Haat Ise to U IDR. M. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Spooial care taken to make dental trei mens as painless as Gosuible. Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to fa- foim the public that ,he. -1e -+pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction see GODERIOH ONT 9'arae ate]d sales a apeman', Orders ef a Naw ERA odic°, rom. try aetana, Terms reasonable, Clinton,'Farmers' gala not, mounted, Medik,a1. DR. J. C. GANDIER OFFICE HOURS 1.3b p. m. to 3.30 p. 7.30p.m.to9.00p.110. "•S6 Sunday 12.30 to 1.30 Other hours by appointment only. Office at Residence, Victoria Street VV. BitYlliON10 BAL(1SIBTER SOLICITOR NOTAIL PUBLIC, ETO CLINTON H. T. RANOEI. Notary Public, Oouveyaneer, t'inandial'and Real ,Estate INSURANCE AGENT—Ropresentina 19 Piro 8545105 Companies. Division Court Office. O. D. eleTaggart M.'- IltoTaggeic Mei gara'' Bros„ 11311Ntsf3lis ALBERT Av.,•.,.,,CLI.NTON rs. General 1ltnsfEin9 BatalstSSEa - ire nitadted - � elOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts ieoned. Interest allowed a deposits The McKillop Mutual Pire lnsuratace a1l'm Barns end lleoiated Town Prep,' erty Only insured, Head Ofiee—Semioval, On armors J. Connelly, Goderich, President; Jae. ihvans, liearebweod, Vico-Prepidq?Ah rises. E. tires, Setfortb, Sscreterie Trsssurer. Agerate Alex. Leitch, No. i Clinton; 15d1war0, Ill- (Ails S�.afo ea r 1" thrills; W. Ye, Oo4cr eft; R. Jarmuth, Brodhagere bineeterie l.ne. Blasi„ Ne. 2, Seatert.h; Joke (1921 etovela, INeettiegein; James 13vonx, tvessee513" veste4, @h Ms8esMs, Clinton; Anent Ce/anolill, Gal.:Hell: D. f. McOne/e"r lieve 3, it; er� l' gets (yIlarloekiN Gee i(lc-orfne, No. 3. Seafartk1 ,-,e, --L.