HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-9-9, Page 3S11BSCR "ION Rat iN CAp1A®Aa • Tbreemonths!.,,,,R„!:.,....a 40 l:iaif year .5.!. .. f ;,!,. f..,. .7$ Year ,e.,..,,!„ „,,.,,,. 1.49 Ott not paid in advance, it2!QQ per 41111W11, -- The Third Page !'.,, -.^^+•mow.-.,•�.,-T,•�,�--++�. Office Phoens 3111. ' 'tN.pttW9nt OILItIt10 IU,LentOegN 1N 491 — t#MI11wr. _ _ • G°'RONIWan/010 A 0 Why Capital Forges Ahead of the Flag eversal of Old Order Shows Foreign Loans Are the Shrap- nel of Trade Rather than Doles fCh it o ar y. } It will be their privilege to lax out before them accurately drawn ,ehtirts of the heretofore inrecorded phases in which we are the 'actors. Front the mot al ethical, political and economic stores Of information it will be theirs to dis- cover the causes and effects arising hob) violations of the tares of nature and the rules of'prudenge and Internet- tonal morality, Vogue Its things appear now still -we can discover the misty, outlines of the great economic barrier that has been'er ected between this year 1920 and that far off age smothered in the oblivion of seeming centuries -the year 1914, Where is the cruel monarchy the smug nobility the seridum of that day. And is this new democracy that has taken its place an ideal thing unselfish and de- voted chiefly to the enforcement of the Golden Rule? Like the turning points of previous vie nen you -feel so "blue" that even the sky looks yellow, you need BEECHAM'S PILLS Contemplating with helpless pity the lig" aistt liver and poorly sting ktdneye destroy tool poisons, which affect the writhing worn of human civilization mind as nen as the body. i fo-day one may at least rejoice for the 1-argecto4 •+!.+4 Sold cute invaluable lessons posterity will be able 3;41.3 A'ty ,.m re ( k$ g" s; in Madiefna txnms 0,4 Canada. to draw from our experiences for the mdp yc,,,,,c4., In henna, better guidance of governments and the W8r1d. ;'*--"1'[ 0.1 ass, 80o - superior happiness of our decendants. � �'' r4 � rri.y,,r e. THE CLINT QN NEW ERA... FLYPADS) WILL O III,L MORE FLIES THAN / S$,. WQRTH OF ANY STICKY FLY CATCHER Clean to handle. old by all Drug. gists, Grocers and General Stores, ages 10 the developtnene of political economy from the time theocracies held uppermost place, down through the ages of caste, slavery an$ feudalism and just a little while ago the Zenith of the still lingeringphase of coinmercial supremacy through military supremacy —this present period does not separ- ate itself distinctly from that immedia tely preceding. But the change scarc- ely perceptible except in a general way has occurred as surely as it did in the transitional intervals of other epochs, .Whether the change that is now becom ing more evident startedwith our Rev- olutionary war or with the Franco-Pruss Ian War does not alter the facts. Suff- ice to say that it did not start with the recent world war but was by that great ' upheaval brought nearer completion. Slowly and yet suddenly . amid the mundane sgaabbliiag about border lines indemnities coat areas, .freedeen of the seas and others matters having an im- mediate bearing on the well-being of this generation has occurred the deeper more tasting grange In tate fnndamenta motif of political economy, Heneeferth ter many years to Conte the world will perceive arising In unexpected placeS political and eeongmie phenomena which It will be unable to explain unless the causes are studiouslytraced back thro:.gh the years to the war of 1914- 1918, The change that has occurred ap- pears to be In juxtaposition to the laws of human nature, In truth It only a more intense obedience to those laws. What is this change? It is the passing of military domination of political scot omy in lien of which is coining com- mercial lonination of military ecotonty To put it otherwise, instead of "capi tal following the flhg," as it has done ever since the foundation of the Ro- man Empire the •newepoch has been born in which the flag follows capi- tal, Here is what looks Jike the sup- reme paradox, Human nature losing its red corpuscles; strong nations slapp- ed on one cheek, turning the other. is that the meaning of the change? Are the wars of the future to be different from those of the past because they For BAKING., For pound, tea and sponge cakes, coffee cakes, angel cake, layer cakes, fruit cakes, cocoanut takes, pork ' cakes, nut cakes, short calces, macaroons and biscuits, aruilers, rolls, buns—ALL cakes-Lantic creams quicker with the butter— because it's FINE. For BEVERAGES. For tea, coffee, cocoa, lemonade, soot leer, orangeade, lemon pop end fruit punch—in fact for all home- made beverages—use LANTIC. There will then• be no wasted spoonful left at the bottom of the cup or glass--becpuse it's VINE. INE in granulation—finer than all other sweet- eners in actual use—finest in results obtained, "Fine" has many meanings to the Lantic user! in snowy ;glistening crystals of pure cane sugar -all sugar and nothing else—Lantic brings you concen- trated sweetening. And because each. crystal is fine and even, Lantic dissolves at once --it instantly delivers its great sweetening power without hesitation. Of course it goes farther. Of co"arse it costs less. Of course you will like -it fine. In PRESERVING late fruits such as pears, plums and peaches, it elimin- ates the danger of over -cooking, which robs fruit of its natural color and shape, and some of its flavor. In BAKING, Lantic creams, quickly with the butter—which makes the cake light and dainty, Creaming need not be tedious. Ila CANDY -MAKING fine granulation gives candy a soft velvety quality. Most of the highest grade chocolates and finer candies are made with '.antic.. The exquisite "velours" of the best chocolate creams comes From Lantic fineness. In TEA or COFFEE, in fact in all beverages (hot or.cold), every Lantic ciys- tal dissolves at conte, yielding readily the full sweetening of the purest cane! ATLANTXC :SUGAR REFINERIES, LIMITED , MONTREAL For :PRESERVING. For peaches. pears, plums and grapes—if you use Lantic you can smile at the old caution "Let it aim:her until ail the sugar is dissolved." While yet the fruit retains its beautiful color and attractive form,'the preserving is done!—because it's FINE. • o ' e c SVPSCRIPTIONS OUTSirog OFC t, f, , `Advance only) Great 13ritain .. ! , , $1fS United States ,,. f, f ,, 1 Prance , ... , ... ,,y.4/a Thursday,: September, 9th, 1920, shalt be fought for, ecouonur reasons and. not proltpted by chivalry or pat- rtots)n? • Scarcely so, The wars of the past were also economicwars but they were not recognized as such ander their lib era! veneer of fancy uniforms subtly framed appeals to chivalry and patrio- tism or supersltious instinct prompted by a sense of .duty to some deity, The Miser elements of revenges elf-prolect- ion and craving more comfort and lux- l'ury were thus cloaked in'former times. Man still has the same' instinctive lin- pulse for self-protection tit same tray- Ing for ease and comfort, . The call of these he will still obey. He Is as mer- cenary as, ever In fact more so because he must fight the increasing competit- ion for a livelihood due to the larger population of the earth. But the world has grown much smal- ler in the last century, The various peoples have more nearly• approached an equal plane of civilization and inteil igence with consequent ability to fore- see coming danger and to prepare to protechthemsetves. Conquest of weak- er more ignorant nations by simppte force of arms is.no tenger feasible. The love of conquest 'still abounds but the cunni:).g of one nation in a military sen- se is now 'more nearly ,offset by the cunning of the others, A new method of conquest fess ob- vious requiring more skill and exciting less desire for revenge has arisen, This stew method is coinsnerclalism, It pre- sents itself in a shape that disarms sus- picion by making the conquered think they are the beneficiaries and not the victims of conquest, indeed, they, are the beneficiaries to a much greater extent than before. Commercial con- quest must make the conquered pros- perous by development, The sole alta of military conquest was exploitation at the expense of the conquered, 'Commercial conquest looks like the Supreme paradox for this very reason. Foreign loans fur instahcne seen to be charitable doles to help the borrower. The lender is looked upon as a benefact or. at reality they are weapons to beat down barriers and gtve the lender a grip on the resources and industrires of the borrower just as secure as ,thought obtained l:v ;waled force, Dis- criminatory tariffs, insurance prefer- ence, banking favoritsnt etc. also stimu Late charity. But they are the peace - fat shrapnel of commerce, aimed at hold ing captured trade, These seen like trivial platters because they have no trail of blood to mark victory for defeat. Yet before another century shalt have passeed the world will see such momentous con- sequences resulting therefrom as to be astounded. Ta=day--rind yesterday—we have seen the world organized for the most part as a thing held together in mon- archies, principalities and republics. held together by what? Does the con- tinent of Australia, ensconced in the ntidwaters of the Pacific, send the fruits of its labor hone to the sturdy British mother on- the other side o the earth for love of the parent country? ,Or do the Indian -Empire, the Soutit African domain or the Dominion of Canada sub /nit to vicarious severeignfy out of pure fealty for the British crown? Surely not And if they do not cling to the throne f George V out of admiration and pow r which conglomerates them into a oherent empire? Is the Emppire maintained by force? If Canada Australia or India were to rise in determination to pendent govern meats 11 is difficult to conceive that England could or Would stop them, Des pite its large armies and their work in frequently putting down insurrection among the colonies the British Empire is not held together- by military power no matter what may have been the mean of acquisition of the various ter- ritorics. Aside from Ireland which is a special case the spasniodtc uprisings in various parts of the Empire have not re suited in any concentrated effort by large numbers to gain freedotn', Such up risings would probably have,' occurred even under autonomous rule. Bound By Commercial Ties Closer analysis reveals that England the,ntod:ern England—is holding to- gether the greatest empire in the his- tory of the world by the commercial genius of her great leaders. They prac- tice a marvellous legerdemain, which to outward appearnnce may seem to be a combination of scheming, diplomacy and force of arms, which Is really an uncanny sense of foresight and ability to detect real forces operating of them- selves, and take advantage of them to keep the empire safely balanced, in this process the master hands at the head of this difficult undertaking selze opportunities and use latest forces that the rest ,ttf the world does not even knew exist. An Illustration is the industrial and commercial 'development of England itself the great centres such as Blrming haus, Sheffield, Manchester lied number ous other industrial cities of the Brit- ish isles; the great 'merchant marine, lite highly developed banking •and in- surance facilities not to mention the conuuercial machinery equalled by tete other, are always pointed to as showing the wealth and prosperity the mother For CANDY- MAKING. For fudge, taffy, butterscotch, cara- mels and fondants, walnut and maple creams, marshmallows, peppermints, ,peanut bri't'tle,_ candied fruits, and of course all icings, Lantic has the call with the best candy makers becaupe. it's FINE- Excels All rt Houee' Phone 9S,1;. For Purity,/ Flavour and Aroma° 6716.. It you have not tried itq send us a post card for it free sample, stating the price you nowand if you use - Black, Green or Mixed Tea. Address Salaeda,' oroistaa land derives from the products of herelectrotyped into border lines, Future" outlying domains. The picture is usual- her! empires will exist peripherally', Petite" ly drawing life blood back from the than centripetally—the major benefit extremities and utilizing it for the !must accrue more and more to the de - extremities and utilizing It for the bene pendencies and less to the Motherlands' fit of the heart, But such a picture is a in direct contrast to the large benefits. monstrosity, It should show the arter- to the Mother Country heretofore and.: its radiating to all parts of the empire the meagre beneflts,to the dependenc- carrying energized vigor through their les, 'physique, it is this vast industrial, banking and commercial machinery in England that furnishes the capital, the initiative and the markets -to keep the colonies prosperous, Wthout British capital British pro- tection and British encouragement there would have been little develop- ment or prosperity to tell about in Australia; 'India's measure of civilizat- ion would have been muck less sign'- Hay Twp,—'the Hay township Vot- ficant and the development of Canada ars Lists have been printed and sank would have been set back by generat- out for posting up by the Clerk. Thera ions, In fact, when we 'look at an econ- the 364 persons entitled to vote at both otic the marvellous extent of Indus - Legislature elections and elections to the try and agriculture and file stupe and Legislature while there are tot persons varety of products it would l e foolish entitled to vote et Municipal elctions indeed to try to explain this progress only there are also 301 on the Juries without pointing -to the predominate list. role played by .English capital i11 brin- ing it about. i y�r ��������eo09 t s Cotten Hoot CtsulpAfuaak• d eafe, raU.zbie regnlati,frr'. mediotne. Sold in three de. a�rees of strength—No. 1, 811 No. 2, S3; No, 5, S5 per. boa Fold by all din lissts, or cant , prepaid on receipt n4 pries. Free pamphlet. as address:. THE COOK-pt"09CIpE CO.; '° Toone, 0651. (fewer onF't SC impartially speaklag the British capitalist, using his resources to de- velop the mineral and agricultural nrhe ,ureas of the world has not only built IF THEY 1NET up ,the British Empire, but has put a ---- - new sort of foundation under it by syn It is not their fault, but ti+c+ enter chronizin the element which brought of their kidneys. Fonx: rla'hlr,n S s g hent weak kidneys. about the transition from military do- resuttofmeasles, scarlet fever,'1 • philee' initiation' of commerce' to cunercial and other children's diseases. domination of the military. Tile British Doan's Kidney Pills are ) r"•: safe and very effective for kidney h-.,; army or navy now does nothing that is nest; in clhildre;; It is often very Inirrt not dictated by the needs of commerce tip make a child take a pill, but 'Mitt: either within the empire or between `'Doau'a" fh is easy; just crush ria pall, a mouthful of water, ngd the trick one of its constituent parts and a for- 1e done, as they have no unpleasant eign country, taste. That is the new order of to-day.films, 11, CIne.arsdtee+... writes: --"I havelristtaror, buDys, onoen, clever,O,,; . Other nations are laying down their the other nine, and from the time they - ?�li1'l,'c41l1 and ecpnonic development two years old they wet rho brd. p along similar lines through sheer necess sty of keeping alive. It is magnetism dev eloped to the highest degree. It seeks to make attractive the privilege of be- longing to a kingdom or an . empire. And unlike .the old order under mutter isms, commercialist converts the sub- ject dominions into the poticyenoulded who determine hone far the Mother Country may go without causitg seees sion. Formerly the Mother Country laid down its precepts backed by armed force and the only choice for the posses bions was to obey. In this lies the keynote of future empires which are and always have been simply the territorial tielintitatiots laid down by economic laws as the pol- itico -economic practices of the various ages clashed with .these laws and were I tried everything I could get to heln thrill. At last I gave up hope until my norther -in-law told me to try Doan',' Kidney Pills. My, but will you be- lieve xsieve that with ono,box I saw a difference in them. I ant on the second box and they don't wet the bed any more." Pare 50c, a box at all dealers or !nailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co„ Limited, Toronto, Ont. ••••1.0111•01.0•Mria.10111•10liVilk .0.0111.1011.61=1{1. - OILERS WANTED, As the market is v:ry high at present you will find it advisable to dispose of your largiast chickens Fat Hens and Old Roosters. ' We are also in the market for young Ducks weighing 4Ibs. eachz, also Old Ducks and Oita Turkeys= that are in good condition. • Get Our Prices Before You. Gl 'pLallgiois && Ca., Liming' The iip-trr.date Phan Minton Branch Phone.P. N. W. Trewsrtha, Manuser' or tfolinesville 4 on 1421' • "My .Back Is S Bad" p AINS in the small of the back, lumbago, rhouana.. tism, pains in the limbs all tell of defective kidney's. Poisons are being left In the blood which Cause pains and aches. The kidneys," liver and bowels must be aroused -to actton by suet treatment' as Dr. Chase's .Kidney Liver• Pills, '''here is no time for decay when the kidneys go wrong, for such de- velopments as hardening of the ar- teries and Bright's disease are the natural result. One pill a nose. 25 rents a lox, all dealers, or Ildrnaason, Bates & Co., Ltd., tosonto. PIANOS Before purchasing' your new piano or organ•let'us show you the newest de,. signs in. several well- knownand old establish= ed. makes. INSTRUMENTS RENT- ED AT MODERATE PRICES PHONOGRAPHS. See our stylish cabinet designs in the best mattes. C. Hoare