HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-9-9, Page 1Established
86$, Vol.. 5$, No.1I CLINTON, ONTARIO, THy•RSDAY SEPTEMBER 9.th, 1920
W1 I•l, Kerr & ,Soni Editors aad Publisher*,
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Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent.
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Reserve Funds , , .. $18,000,000
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Special' attention :to Farmers' requirements. Interest
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... $17,000,000
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Try The New Era
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Rev. Mgr. M'Gee Dies
Altera Long Illness
Was Pastor of St. Joseph's R. C.
Parish, Stratford, 13 Years -
Was a , Former Priest at St.
Augustine for Four Years.
Stratford Sept. 6 -Right Rev, Mon
signor C. `E, McGee pastor of St, Jos
eph's RomanCatholic Church died at
6.30 this evening, following an,
l illness
of severamorths. "''he sad tidings were
made known to the citizens by the toll-
ing of the church bell. Although it
was known that the monsignor's Condit
ion was very serious his death has caus
ed general mourning throughout the
city. For thirteen years he had been
parish priest here and.Was loved by his
parishioners ana'revered by the eitiaens
in general, i•Ie was a man of striking
personality a vigorous speaker and the
narked brogue of his native land was
delightful to hear, As a recognition of
his faithful services a year ago he was
raised to the dignity of.,monsignor.
Monsignor McGee was born at Castle
Cotner, Kilkenny, Ireland and was ed
ucated at Carlow 'College. He was or-
dained on May 19. 1383 and came inn
mediately to London and was sent to
Stratford for six weeks while the local
priest was in retreat. Returning to Lon
don he acted as curate from October
to the following June at St. Peter's
Cathedral. He then returned to Strat-
ford and was curate here for. two years
tinder the late Dean Kilroy.
He left here in April 1886 for Cor-
uiina, Latnbton County, to be parish
priest where he spent two years and
three months. While there he built the
new St. Charles Church at Courtright,
From Corinna he was moved to St.
Augustine Huron County where he
spent four years and then to ,;Maidstone
Cross, where he labored for twelve
years. On °June 1, 1907 he came to
Stratford as parish priest and his past.
orate has been marked with great suc
Deceased was Chaplin of the Knights
of Columbus and chairman for some
years of the separate school board, Rev.
Father Lowry stationed near Chatham
is a nephew and a sister resides here.
L14. With the
s Base Ball
A `,°n League,
Toronto Base Ball Tean Won at
The Sinicoes Z0 Toronto but called
a Goderich team with only one Goder-
ich player, 8111 Barlow .on It, won the
tournament at Zurich on Labor Day.
We know the Goderich papers will be
full of '"tow our team won" Cad we will
give their write-up next week,
• iu the Morning the Zurich boys lost
to Toronto by a score of 4.-2. Zurich
had an imported battery for the holi-
day as they had a league match to play
the next day,
Zurich - 1 0 00000'1 0-2
Toronto - 00.20.0200x 4
Clinton was badly trimmed by Credi-
ton when Bill Matz tied them up in
Knots. He had 10 strikeouts while Coop
er had an off day and only had 3. Credit
on won by a score of 9-4.
Crediton - 3 0 1 2 0 3 0 0 x 9
Clinton - 0 0.3 0 0 0 0 1 0 - 4
The Toronto team won from Crediton
in the final game by a score of 11-4.
Toronto - 2 1 5 3 0 0 0 0 x- 11
Crediton - 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0- 4
. isesmeseeemosee®ss®eee
) :de.s000eaorsioessa,saa“kaa
' Willis Church' -
' 'Tile pastor's subject next Sunday are:
Morning -"The message of Flowers"
In the Evening- "The glorious Gospel
of the Blessed God,"
Goderich.=,Mrs. J. Lynn brought
one into the Signal office the other
day 'which holds the record so far this
season. it weighed 18 ounces and the
largest circumference was 14 inches.. It
is of tate Peach Blow variety and Mrs.
Lyon says there are twelve or more to
a hill all big potatoes.
A Quantity of I-Iardwood
Slabs -the best for Summer,
fires ---now on hand.
Get Your Orders in
Will be Delivered at Your
Door. •
Phone 146 Estimates (iuen
A. E �aaa
interior and
1)eeora ing
We, protect your fiect'e, furl.
ture, eta„ by tatenty of droit
Wali Papers, '"; .
Signs, Etc.
81 Isaac Street
Zurich 4, Stratford 4.
Stratford and Zurich last Thursday Ev-
ening played a tie game 4 to 4 in the
semi-finals of the North Wellington
Baseball League 'There was a large
crowd out. The score.
Stratford too Doo 201---4 7 3
Zurich 000 600 210-4 8 3
Johnston and McKenzie; Kekoa raid
Umpires -horning' of Palmerston
and Kemp of Listowel.
Stratford Wins Round.
Turich Sept 7.-A semi-final base-
ball game between Stratford and Zurich
played on the local diamond to -night
was won by Stratford 6-4. Zurich has
one of the best diamonds in Wsetern
Ontario and an enormous crowd assem-
bled to witness the game. O'Dwyer took
the box for Zurich and pitched a fault-
less game until the end of the seventh
inning. Dubrough for Stratford was hit
quite freely but the bangles carne at un-
fortunate times fur the locals. In spite
of the fact that Zurich had 10 clean hits
to Stratford's seven they, lost the game
inei t inningwhen the lighter
ine gltw g
team garnered four runs, Excitement
was tense In the ninth inning with the
score 6-4 four men on bases and Brown
who had previously. bit three two -bagg-
ers at bat, but,instead of the much -de
sired hone, run lie hit a grounder to
first base and the game was over. Line
Stratford -Mackenzie c.; Dubrough
p.; Moore, 1st; Hannigan, 2nd.; Rich-
ards, s.s.; McRae, 3rd; Walker rf.;
Edw,rds, ef,a,Livermore, If, •
Zurich-Brotvn c.; O'Dwyer, p,; D.
A, Huffman, 1st.; Wurnt, end.; L. Huff-
man .ss.; C. W, Huffman 3rd; Calfas
rf.; Siebert, If.; Kekoh, cf.
Zurich - 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 - 4
Stratford - 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 -. 6
Umpires= -Kent and Washburn. '
I0 O000R,Q0000000
Council met on Tuesday evening of
this week with Mayor Cottle in the
chair and Reeve Miller And pouticildors
Middleton, McMurray, Johnson and
Wiltse present,
Clerk Macpherson read a letter from
R. Hunter, Superintendent of Cemetery
resigning his position on the 11th of
September unless salary was raised.
Councillors McMurray and Middleton
moved that resignation of Mr. Hunter
be accepted. -Carried.
A letter was read from Mr, W.
Doherty, re certain streets around.his
property', and asks that they be closed
anti was willing to rent same. '
On notion of 'Councillor Wiltse'and
Reeve Milier, the letter was fyled. --
The Secretary of the Clinton Kiltie
Band wrote asking for free hall rent for
their monthly concerts during the fall
and winter months.
On motion of Councillors Wiltse and
Johnston the Kiltie Band was granted
35,00 for each concert as in letter -
A letter from the Bell Telephone Co.,
in regards to the new proposed rates
was read and also 'a letter from the
City of Toronto asking to oppose the
sante raise in rates.
On motion of Councillor Jonitston
and Reeve Miller, the matter was laid
on the table for further consideration
A teegram was received by the
Mayor from the Fuel Controller Har-
rington asking what atnnunt of coal
the public buildings, hospital and the
schools had. The Mayor
wired back
that' there was no coal and 5 or 6 cars
would be needed.
Reeve Aliller, of the Street 'Com-
mittee recommended that some tile be
put in the ditches at various places
around town and a few, blocks of cem-
ent at corner of Albert and Whitehead
The report was adopted by Council.
Councillor McMurray, of the Ceme-
tery Committee reported that the new
rates to take effect at once was as fol-
law•s Digging adult graves $5.00;
children under t0 years 34.0o. The
Committee recommended that Mr, Hun-
ter be given an increase of $8.00 a.
month for balance of year to February
151h, 1921.
'Che report was adopted on motion
of Councillors McMurray and Middle-
Superintendent Chant reported that
the Postoffice Department had written
that they would pay $75.00 for light-
img big lamp at postotlice park;
Councillor Middleton of the Park
Committee, recommended that the
Sports Committee be given the power
to spend a sum of money in fixing up
the baseball grounds this fall at the
The Finance +Minister gave his re-
port which • 106y be read. In apother
Mr, John Deeves' addressed the
'Connell in regards to the keeping of
pigs,but Mayor Cottle stated that the
matter was for the Board of Health to
deal with, .
Clerk Macpherson, who is also a
member of the Board of Health, spoke
about the Bylaw and the disagreement'
between the two citizens, Councillor
Willis brought up the question of re-
vising the bylaws, and bringing them
uptodate, • -
On notion of Councillor Johnston
and Reeve Miller the Pig bylaw is to
be revised to make the distance 30 ft.
and sent to Government to be con-
firmed, ---Carried,
Council adjourned.
By beating Elora.at Wingham in the
N. W. B. A. semi-final Wednesday the
Wingham baseball team tied up the
round and Will now play a sudden death
game in Palmerston on Saturday Sept-
ecnber 11, at 3:30 p.m. Both teams
readily agreed -'on the grounds that the
play-off would take place on and thus
released the N. W. B. A. executive from
having to order them to a. neutral play
ground but could not agree on the um-
pires: The officials for Saturday's ganne
will be appointed by the association ex-
ecutive, In to -days game Morden for
the home club pitched - a wonderful
game and had ten strikeouts against his
opponent's eight, Wingham had ten
clean hits which netted theni nine runs
while Elora had but seven and were
successful in getting a run across the
plate. -.
Judson and' 11, Johnstone each had
a hone run. Washburn . of I-larriston
and Daum of Palmerston umpired.
Elora 000 100 000-1 7 9
Wingham.....,.012.030 03.0-9 40 5
The Stratfod city team 15y winning
from Zurich in the semi-finals of the
N. W. 13. A. has qualified to go to the
Wingham=Elortt play off on Monday
and Wednesday the 13th and 1591 and
should a tie nCeur will hove tri play 611
the 46111 t0 be Mile togo into 0. B, A,
A, sent -finals against the winners of
the PI, A. 13. A. on Saturday the 18th
et Hamilton.
Will Stay Hare.
The Molson's Bank has changed its
plans and Mr, Sharp will remain here as
Manager much to the pleasure of his
many friends and customers.
Rabbit Shooting,
Miss 'Isabel Gunn is visiting in Tor-
onto this week,
Mr. John Schoenitals was a visitor in
Toronto last week, -
�y�t Master Billy Hovey was a visitor
(Toronto during the past week.
Miss i'ieteher of Durham is the guest
of her sister, Mrs. F, W. Wigg.
Mr, Jack Turnelle of Toronto was It
visitor In town over the holiday.-
./ Master Joe 1-lIgglns was a visitor at
ronto during the past week.
AMrs, Geo, Brown of Toronto is visit
g her daughter Mrs, J, L, Kerr.
Miss Cameron, Milliner, returned to
town this week for the fall season.
Kt' Miss ,iessie O'Neil returned to her
'sbhnol duties at Aylmer on Monday.
Mr. John Cunningham is spending
his' holidays at Toronto and Peterboro.
Mr, and Mrs. L. Trouse of -Woodstock
were visitors here over the Week end.
}(Mr. Frank Pennebaker of Toronto
has been visiting at the parental hone.
,11r, Hugh. Milder of Brooklyn N. Y.
is visiting his daughter Mrs. T. Hawk-.
'sate Messrs Earl and t:ecil Cooper are
Milting in Toronto Exhibition this
+bliss Emma Doan of Buffalo has been
visiting her sister the Misses Doan of
Miss Sharman, of Winnipeg, was the
guest of Miss J. Holmes during t
he past
Mr, and Mrs. Yates of Goderich were
calling on old friends in town on Wed-
Mr. Gordon Cunningham was a visit
it in Toronto for a fete days during the.
past week.
ysir. and Mrs, Matter or Ridgetown
were visitors with Mr, and Mrs: Sharp
this week.
�. Mr. and Mrs. Win. C. Bezzo and
babe visited friends in Stratford over
the holiday.
Miss Maggie Richardson was a visit-
or in town with her cousin Miss Lizzie
Air. ;nd Mrs. Chas. McKinnon and
daughter left last Thursday for their
hone in Fort William.
Rabbit shooting opens uponOttob-
er 15 and is good for a month with
anextra week a Christmas buti . i
t s
stated that new game lawsktmay be itIu
ed which may lengthen the 555106,
Goderich District -
The Financial District Meeting and
Coniexional Conference of the Gode-
rich District will be held in the Ont
ago St, Methodist Church, Clinton, on
Monday next.
A ,large delegation is expected from
the various churches in the District
and a special program is provided,
The `morning session wilt be devot-
ed to the :Ministers and Laymen and
the afternoon session will be open to
Mrs, J. Armour and Miss Eileen of
Detroit have been renewing old acquaint
anus in town this week.
Ay;liss 1-f. Argent . of tate C. 14. R,
office staff was a visitor at the paren-
tal home over the holiday:- .
Mr. and Mrs. Morrison, of •Detroit,
were the guests for a few days of Post-
master and Mrs. Jas, Scott.
Mrs, Marjory Pyattisol, of Toronto,
is holidaying with her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Walter Manning.
Mrs, J. F. Mustard and family return
ed to Toronto. after spending the holi-
days in Clinton and Bayfield,
Airs. Sutherland • and Miss Mattie
Sutlterlancl,'of fiensail, were the guests
of Mrs. McGarva on Sunday.
a N1rs. W. S. Lawrence of Ottawa is
visiting with her sister Mrs. James
Holland and the Misses Whitely.
Mrs. W. H,' Kerr returned, to her
hone. in Brussels after • spending a
month with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kerr,
Mr, and Mrs. Morrison and Miss
Morrison, of Heinsall, visited with
their brother, Mr, Ed. Morrison on
,.AM'. Silas Mclauis, of the Moison's
Bank staff spent the week end at tris
hone In Exeter. Alvin Leonard was
visiting with hint,
Mr. and Mrs, C. Mhtrtlmer Bezzo, of
Kitchener, spent the week end with his
another, Mrs. M. A. 136560 and other
friends in Clinton and Goderich,
hit'. T'ho's. Hawkins was in Hamilton
'Ger the week end to•bid good-bye to
his sister who left Labor Day on her
Journey to Japan as a Missionary.
Mit 'i', Hawkins and Harriet spent the
6k end at Toronto and Hamilton
Maclelin returned with therm after Sports Cortuinittee Will Spend.
spending the past two months with bar $175 or so on the Diamond
grandparents in Hamilton.
Motor ,,Trip ,..
to Montreal
Rev. T. E. Sawyer, of Londesboras
Lives a Description of the
Good Roads Travelled
We are pleased to give the following
brief account of a twelve hundred mile '
motor trip which we made in July, to
Montreal and return. The party con-
sisted of Rev. W., E. Millson and wife of
London and Rev, T. E, and Mrs. Sawy-
er of Londesboro. We used a Ford tout=,.
;lig car now running its third season
and it stood the test well.
It is a thing to be desired to know
your own country fairly well and a mot
or trip affords a splendid opportunity
to see both the city and country. And of
ter our visit to the eastern part of On-
tario we have a greatly Increased pride:
in the fine agricultural land of the West.
ern part of the province.
Since there is such an aroused inter-
est in the good roads policy of the -
government and because we were so in-
timately and deeply concerned about
the roads as travellers we paid. close-
loseattention to what we saw and felt. The
roads from London via Woodstock and
Paris to Hamilton is abominable, the
Worst long stretch that we had to•
travel over, The Highway from Mon -
treat to 'Toronto relieved us of all an-
xiety except the fear f a summons.
•i'he scenic beauties of the route were
very fine and 'added much to the pleas-
ure of the trip, The road from Toronto
to Kingston is very good and in many
places, there were evidences of good
work being done. The road froth King
sten to Montreal tuns along the bank of
the St. Lawrence River v.iVch is always
in sight and the ever changing scenery
was a Constant delight. A great deal of
work is being done 1'51 unix roadway is
being widened, many farnicrs were; m,v
ing their fences back the roadbed is
also being broadened the. grads ars
being cut down and cro4ced and rough'
places straightened and levelled many
new wide culverts are being 1.1 in :and
fine new bridges are being buiii, :..,ny
miles will be completed this year but it
is safe to say that in two years this.
will be as fine a provincial highway and
scenic route as We can boast of and any
one taking the trip will not be disap-
pointed. One of the strange things is
that there is no bridge over tate Ottawa
river to the island of Montreal as a
Western entrance to the l'.anadian
Metropolis. The Province of Quebec has
certainly been careless and shortsighted
in policy in this respect. The only
means afforded for crossing was by a
scow ferry propelled by a motor launch
alongside, This has to be done twice
and the day we crossed fifty cars had
been ferried ave,'. While speaking of
roads we night say that on leaving Mon •
treal we crossed 'Victoria Bridge and
took the splendid King Edward high-
way to the. American border at Rouse's
Point at the stead of lake Champlain
and travelled over the state road, thro
ugh Malone and Potsdain, a part of the
Million dollar highway to Ogdensburg
on the St. Laurence. This part has been
built six years and is in splendid con
clition. It is built of asphalt and is a
good demonstration of its quality.
In the neighborhood of Prescott we
passed the little blue church famous in
the annals of Methodist history and in
the cemetery there we gazed upon the
Monument erected to the memory of
Barbara Beck. Later we noticed the
historic spot of Chryslers Fant and
on our return jounrney through Prince
Edward County we drove through Ado!
phustown where the first Methodist
1 in Ontario was built, While at
Pont' Hope we visited Rice Lake and.
found our way to the little cemetery
where a splendid monument has recent-'
ly been erected' to the memory of Jos-
eph Scrlven, Author of "What a Friend
we have in Jesus."
We found much pleasure by having
our meals in picnic style in pleasant
places along the way.
for Next Year's Sport
Stratford Beacon. -Mr, R. A, t3luff
stunned Itonte Saturday night after
all, ; • °,w , •'..N 1 about a month's trip to England. He
The program is as follows:- reports London is assuming its normal
9,30 a.m. -. General Business; Dis-
cussion Of the Unit 'System,
2,00 to 2,10 p.111, --Devotional Ex-
ercises. Intercession.
2,30 to 3 p.m.-'Cnmlexional Officer
on Iiethod, Opportunity and Progress,
3,00 to 3,15 - District Connexinal
Officers Field Day, Distrilct Secretaries,
3. t 5 .1 3.30 --Financial Report of the
District in the -Methodist National
Campaign. Rev. 0, N. McCamus.
3.30 to 4 -'-- District 1~varsgclistic
Campaign. Rev. H. D. Moyer.
4 to 4.15 -- Planning for Disll'let
Evangelistic Campaign. Open biscus-
lot);4.15 to 4.30 Address- "The
aspect. The yoyage was unusually
Miss Helena Middleton returned last
tvt.ek from her trip to the battlefields
and the old County land Spent the week
end with her parents, 'Councillor and
Mrs, Chas. Middleton, Miss Jean Middle �
ton of Toronto was also home for the
week end.
Mr, and Mrs. R. 13. Cater, Miss Eva
Carter and Mr, mid Mrs, W. S. Downs
visited over the week end with Rev,
T. W. Hafi'lewootl and family,,at Leb-
anoint also ailing On other intends in
the vlently of Listowel and at Monk;
lou. The party went by motor car.
Stewardship of 3,1fe" Continued or Pigit 6.
•file sport's Committee met last week
and received the Secretary 'I'reasur•er's
report for the celebration held here on
August and, °6
The balance tit the bank will run to
close $300. and tate Committee deeded,
to expend about 3175.00 in trying 10
make the baseball grounds a credit to
the tovn.
Work will be eontmenced a5 soon a§
possible and the diamond will be levell-
ed ftp and as mach done to the outfield
is possible.
The tr'easurer's statement will be ,
published next week. �y
Nati A Cory Roast.
The young people p1e of St.Paul's
clinrch Isaid la corn roast at the river
batik oto Weetttcsday evening,'