HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-9-2, Page 5T4 l ' ,,'" ` M L I<!!� t➢ R� . !+i E.1; p llllrsday, �ept'el ... -. irael;ea Ry its pVHrtrVn i}a'Flte akflt(f Lilli . tun .of JN1y, and August and believes 1100 from injury. Ili tiro follow11aa :.: that tits ideal school year would be one R. ]�'° ]nt - may the by un'tetge.s Arid oOpQldto It CHILDLESS ' oil three periods, with A• week's )roll- STOPPED HER eggs for the prodrlativn of a second af! y days at the end of each period, 111,1 idea lirood. Theaie eggs are laid upon the Chit lnan Cry for Fletcher's pt'obAbly is that In the long Vacation Or spring wheat at one of the lot , er Jp4ntflof the Stem, and upon arty WOMEN the average pupil forgets rupolt that he HEADACHES of the hull^planta that•have,escaped .� has laboriously' learned and while Itis the previous attack and survJved the i. 'Irl " Read This Lotter And 'Viewpoint ala not be popular it pro- � winter, ikte effect of tiro work g trio tai- ^ iy t maggot is to cause it Wealtening.and ' P y Years of Sui�ein Ended See What Ionlfilxl Health vAbly has a good deal to caulntsnd it, hardening of the atone at trio pniltt of „ ' if !) attach, Wlrtah rest3lta in the betiding Will Do !t•olr You By Fruit -a -ties ., ,., • ,- down or breaking off of 1,110 plan{:, c AAS. AS THEY AM WItOT&, 112 HAirm Sr., Sr, Jonx, N, 13. The flax -seed aiago Is reached' in duo "It is with pleasure that I write t4 course and the insect remains•Ill that, Berwick, Ont -r'Z had organic tea}.x» ' toll •ort of the rent benefit T. rocoivod condition till the crop . is hat vested. hie, and g after taking Lydia E, d Mood Below.. are a few of rite iN»alest 3 g e when resent, Is usually hama Vegetable Com ound and Eleed - ,, • n 3.. 1.0,11,. r : As the p st, w p ., .,., Cast =-%t _s t .411.. i rerlouy „er I lfnuta end Children. 1 1��011..r n G .�: "liel',i We ads. �aPpear` wont tiro uso� of your mediuino varyniunoi'otut, great damage is"done Medicine all my tro»b ea pugged away. Poods Aro, sp- x11 Pl-f ;routired for babies. A baby)s medicine tl vn t Lit- c'L'rrtfl-a-dives"; wiade frovs frail both he fall and Spring' props and I was made titre»g and well and have _ . ,, Ing w iris public prints shown n to b t been over Since. Now we have a fine i P pared „ fazcas. I was a rear +te c!�er for e +i5 even =(,r e,..,r,Zsl,.lf I, ,.t PeYZZCd.es rimarilY pre erarY Digest ictures, Topics of the y g d very.se,icuS less ls,suriet0el by tie baby boy six months old, and I know u r, f�f gx0wn-;las a;0 rot iltortehaiigeable, ft rY&s tli0 need of b many years from,IVervo¢os11eadrrehes farmer. 4)aY. Itotnodias, -- Pyoventiod in )itis that I would not have this baby and e reined,, for the amnia Ail nients .of Infants and Children and Cpardipadiore. Itriedeverything, , r would Still be suffering if it had not WANTSU--Wotitan to work for hos- case is Bette; than cute, It ria.. been been for your remedies, l+fy husband that brot.,,,ht Cactoria vvfere the public After ye. -a of.rssearch,. 6onsulted doctors; but nothing be myself as that. our-remediessnd batid s board and vages,—Detroit found t]itLt fall wheat nuay escape at- ' , •-2gd no clai a has been mado for it that i.c rte- for over 30 Nws seemed to help ma until I triad tack -if Sown not earlier than the 2001 d y y y h -•yms.- hes ..:t >= )u"ti, Frult•a•tives of Septemve)° iiti aouthwestgtn Un- aro worth their weight in fold, and I WA'N`1T --Cook one with some Scotch recommend them 110 my friends. One c f e "� to her preferred.-lndixnapaCis. After taking several boxes, I Was tailo, of a little earlier in other parts . of my aurl# is tatting them now."-- i pna w 'N " oompletely relieved of these troubles of the Province. l lie parent flies at'e Mrs. NAPOLEON LAVIGNLr, Berwick, tj,. vml) n 1 `r + d -News, and. Have been unusually well ever on. the lying at the beginning of Ontario, Canada, Cast:oria fa a hariT lcm subctiWite for Castor Cil, Paregoric WANTED --A Fema)1; Donkey Apply since". Miss ANNIN R'ARD, ed, the pe and if Ute• dates mention- Among the Vegetable os of Lydia t Pink- r•^ ' n r . ,r c ersonally,—Yorkshire (Eng.) Post. „ ed, trio period of egg -laying is over: ham's Vegetable Compound Is its abii- o t, i n i m pas". . :Prot>:3 slid �ootai.i� �'il.:p8; Tt is pleasant, it contains p Play, b0e,abox,6for$2,50,trialsi%o,..5,q. This plan carr he Stade mors e r •t it to correct sterility n many 1iO3ther {'plum, ltaorpiliae rice o iter neaco..t atzirstauce.' 'Its WANTED,—Movie 'Theatre Piano ay At all dealers or sent postpaid by of.Sttceeas 1f a st.iip 0P wheat Is sown This fact is well established as evi rage 40 its guarantec. P?cr more than thirt;yr years it has er; no experiece necessary --New Frait-a•tiveaLimited,Ottawa, at the beglnntng of the month to dehcodbythe above letter and hundreds lbacil it constant ase for the rolief. cf Coiletr-patiou, Flatulency, York Globe, w_.-, Serve as a trap crop. The flies ray of others we have published in these i Wind Ccl'_e and Diarrhoea; allaying Iteverishaess arising WANTED --Housekeeper for a man and ti'hair eggs on these early plsnts Ire- columna. t:iere"ra: and b re atilat ii tate Stomach and Bowels aids two middle-aged children-Balti- fore the main crop r thiabon ground. In many other children once childless, s y L 611 3 g day ploughing under this strili the there are now children because of the t.re assis:iilatlon of rood; giaiag healthy and natural steep, more Sung (�(► [+ �f ( R brood is effectually destroyed and all fact that Lydia E.I'inkham'sVegetable '`..Tire Children's Ca,:fa ` '"::e 1-Tother't, T-'ziexd. WANTED,—Respectable• sales girls. HESSIAN FLY HISTORY danger is escaped, Compound makes women normal, flirts need not Apply, 'We'il teach you After the crop of all infested field healthy and strong. m m R1 b-1 ALWAYS —`" I:ea been taken off, if practicable, the if You have the slightest doubt that . --Canton Ledger, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cam• om ` � �"") a WANTED —Fifteen girls. 'A 1 Youn Some Facits Aboti 'Chit �ilClily stubble should Ury bur Sect; but if tills ound will he you, write to Lydia E, 'Apply g e,annot be done, it should be ploughed p pp y and Wilde at to a,m,—New York of the Wheats, deeplya under to prevent the Rtes Pinkham Medietne Co. (confidential) L nn, Mass„ for advice. Your ]eCter r ^P;i t C igiiY iLli'P of which are about to hutch etre to roach wilt be opened, read and answered by a Evening Mail, the surface of the ground and escap0 l• r�-, The Maggot Skugn the Dangerous foi. the production of another,brood. woman, and held in'atrict confidence. V.,,�, �, - Period—Late Sowing to Evade Wheat rid not he grown again on""'^'"`�"�`0�^""^^^"^"""•^^'"'"""' ITEMS OP INTEREST. InJttry,— [snit Crops Are Alsro the same piece of ground for at least --- 1;eCfnnwrnrled--September 33utt'en' a couple of y0at•s. As many of Lhe :!•hese mere secured from the YhOeni• Premier Drury again denied. the ru- hacks Al,ell "flax -seeds" remain fn the straw, it clan quarries and also from the moue - mor that tion, Benlah Bowman was re- is advisable to collect and burn tire taro u or which the terrWw.was built. Over Signing. (Contributed by Ontario T)ep„rtrnent•ot screenings from the threshing )I'll- p .� Years Ae'ricullure, 'Toronto.) chine. By the adoption of these uteth- Tom' were so shaped -that when the e For. l'he Methodist. church of Canada in- yluItX year complaints are ods, which Involve little trouble or temple was erected there was no aound r"e cr:Nrnce cornannr, New •roa,c cnw creased its membership br 8,9.10 till!- made of the ravages of this expense, the farmer may be reason- of a hammer heard, _ Is - Ing the past year, Total tnenrberslrip is ably sure of gelating a fall return for 8. Skilled worlcmen. Amoug the Is- now he pas 3. minute Insect, especially in his industry, as far as least as this raclites were not io be found men • rt �^ w 395,663 Canadians are planning those parts of the Province minute post 11 coneernecl.--Dr, C. J. drilled in tills kind of work, so the u, where fall wheaiis'grown. In some S. Bethune, O A C'ullegp�Cu�lph, king arranged with I1fram to furnish r, Tire 'Bell Telephone Company cer- 'to Inaugurate passenger and freight .places a large proportion of the crop capable men. Paragsp�. I ta!niy stirred up a hornet's nest when airplane service in Mexico. may be destroyed, while in others tits II. Solomon Building the Temple raphs it applied for permission to increase Tits British Royal family Is aiding amount of injury way* be slight. �+ACE COVERED its rates, the price -cutting movement. The King The insect gets !is nciure from. the I. The location—illount .iforah (11 O_ has purchased six ready mads suits of supposition that it was brought to Chron, 3:1). Tills was a suittible flies- : ucaarding to the dispatches -six Sino clothes at $3G per suit, by ly�f¢1 tion, as It was here that the Lord ap What the people want to know- is America !u straw carried by Soule � T g Y9 P `� geared to Soloniun's father, Duvitl. avers have been detailed to take the whether Mr. Morrison wants to boust Hessian soldiers, who were sant out .= rot Lloyd George if Terence Mc- Do not Sager 2, The was IS I and materials. "It Premier Drury or merely to remind the another dyta�Y with from England during the Revolution- {rr(Dfi NEARLY �i YEAR. a cubit was 1.S Inches, the temple � 3xsa y succumbs to his hunger strike• people that he !s the 'man behind the tug ornP oiiud- dry war. These troops landed oil proper was 00 feet long, 80 feet wide Mawr, quell a diabolical threat be carr- 4 gull„ _ Ing riles, No Long Island in 1776, and three ye, The nasty little pimples that cone out and 45 feet high." ill suffer LES surgical oper- later the wheat crops in the neigh- 8. The contents: (1) Brazen altar; •r_r� sal the cause of Ir@land w rby_ ation required. on the face and other' parts of the body emr:aeasuravly and the independence of Dr.Chasa's Olntnnelt will relieve you�t onao boyhood of their camp were found to aro simply indications that the blood (2) laver; (3) golden candlestick; (4) cowrtr' made impossible, The exodus of Mennonites from and afford lasting �renent. sec. a box; aal1t cherubim. P Manitoit"a because of ecent school leg- dealers, or Edrnanson, Batas a Co„ Llmtte3 be seriously injured by trio newly is out of order and requires purifying. —O_—. Toronto. sampte Box free It you in " this imported insect. Tilts account of its Ill. The Dedication of the Temple l d:rraops:rokhe number of 90,000 1islatiou in that province to which the pSperandenelose2e.StapnpWpaypoatage.• p Tlieyaxe little irritating reminders to (8:1-66), arrival in America has been disputed you that you Should tolur a few bottles tiiii East Prussia may succeed in paint- older heads of that seat took strong ob- by some investigators who declare of Burdock Blood Bitters, The dedication a the temple was J-4 Garinai)y red. jection,. promises to be a sinal! affair. 1P LJ,he Political Puzzle that it occurred on this continent When U. B. B. makes your blood pure, arranged to take place at o very favor- „ The reason !s that the younger genera- the pimples y able time. The success of an ander- 'w`�� The refuse,to go; they are too tom- many years before. However this may p pies will clear.h and our skin taking is target), determined by the tionBxrifif•on sugar in 11917 of 28% bei. the .dame of "Hessian Fly" has becomes soft laid clear. time In which it is held. This was ar• 8 I fortably settled to'sall their farms stock ( Brantford Expositor ) Mra.JamesWilliams, Waierford, Ont., irkei no.sytopathy for sugar refiners and implements at a sacrifice, as the bean universally adopted in all parts writes;—"My face was covered with ranged to take place at the most Jay. Y 'The visit of the Hon. W: L. M. King of the world where wheat is grown, pimples for dearly a year, I used ons of the several,representative gat$• zX :a disastrous slump should suddenly must if they leave in a body and to go. to Guelph a few days ago has served to It eeetonly received its scientific. .. different kinds of remedies to get rid of erJugs of the Jews. 'Phe dedicatory to Mississippi, or Mexico or 'South bring about a conditioli that Shows how name (Cecidomyla destructor) from them and finally thought there was no services consisted of the following: �y--- America whore they should have to he- impossible the present political sit ow Thomas Say, a pioneer American an- �• A friend dropped in one day 1. Bringing up the ark (vv.' 1-11). P P tomologist, in 1820. and told me I should try Burdoci .€zn x)nlarlo -,the attendance at the high girl again. Canada looks pretty good tc ion at Ottawa is of continuance. From Long Island it gradually Blood hitters. I Td so and uscd three 1'he art was God'stablesdwelling place. 3tsaols is only G.7a/o of the population, those whose outlook Is toward the ris- spread throughout the State of New bottles, and found the pimples were all The ark with the two Cables of atone The Hon. Mr, King appeared in ,York and then southward, westward disappearing from my face, and now under the mercy seat shows God _"f9n Rile tUnited States it is to.5. Now !ng rather than the setting sun. Guelph as the accredited leader of the I hurls a clear complexion aga:tl, rsanifesdag himself with his people r: Idle war is over the normal Condit- ....r-.�� ��` CaliforniaSoin,d, till i finally reached �o.are returning there ougiuf;to be a Liberal party, He was in Aye riding of Calnia in•1884. I» Canada it was B. D. ){, is manufxtured only by The on fire fiiortad of a tau' perfectly kept Weather prophets announce their Soul,, Wellington the seat of Has. Hugh associated with tits Wheat Midge due- T. Milburn Co:, Limited, Toronto, Ont. and sins atoned for by the shedding wby and subitantlal Increase in On- relictions of a cold hard winter tilts tag tha years 1854 to 1867, when the _ of flood. Following the compietfon p Guthrie, Minister of Militt4 Lt rhe Pre^ wheak•er•opa in this country were to- }iatia- year, And just when the coal men an- sent twobead-ed overnmeni•, Mr, .Guth! of tiro sacrifice,.,glrtrio temple was 611ei g tally destroyed and the farmers were with trio glory of Jehovah. -.+--d--^ nounce a price of $119 per ton, too, le ties always been elected as a straight driven to despair. , In 1866 the bile Drury Government will make a Oh the Irony of fate. Liberal until trio last election when he Bureau of Agriculture in Tomato of -an oft 2' Solomon's aimed to the people amt if it does not press the'fimber p ran and received .support as a Unionst tored prizes for the beat essays oaSUOMCie that G d pouted out to the pea .. A avif does to the fullest extent, the insect enemies and diseases of pie that Qed had chases David to M lg tit looks like a golden harvest so the candidate, all others who took that the wheat plant. The highest-•swi king, yet for certain reasons did not :a rli less -arid •aelentlass exposure is the `'break which the pessiurists have been attitude he was supposed to support was made to Prof. H. Y. l•Iind, d LBSON, allow him to build the temple, but .�� safe policy Jo1ollow. The people forecasttng is again indefinitely post- the then government in the pursuit of Trinity College, Toronto, and hill rely REV. P. A, FITMATkR, D. -D.. PrOullsed that his sou should do the a%suf tfie�truth, the war only, essay was officially published dn-1887 Teacher Of Rnskeh Bible In' the' N"dy work. Now that the work was done, poned, and ;.widely distributed, among. the JIM* Inetitats u,t,.chlcaao,) _ _ the temple was built, and the ark of ---U--^ _- O_r._ The Liberal leader speaking in Mann- taxipera'of•thlsiProvince.' The book (c.srdebwlitc, woetera oew.pwer'unism) the covenant was in its place, they jiheze :!s not match danger of dicta- Mr. Morrison the would-be dictator at in which Hon, Mr. Guthrie the m•enl- to in adislifsble production, and is could be assured that God had raised ,` orrlson Coera{ng Premier Drury of the Drury Government !s paying his .ober for that riding was asking for in- full of valuabl0 informatton•on-these• LESSON FOR SEPTEMBER 5 him up In the room of his father, enemies of wheat which Is Just as V U. F. 0, becomes a permanent respects to the newspapers. But the •creased appropriations for arilitary pur useful now as it was some sixtfyears i. Solomon's dedicatory prayer (vv. i 1 Eco in public rife it well be owing to newspapers have just as much right to poses. Ili other words the leader re Rgo THE BUILDING OF THC TEMPLIL 22.53), The ark having free. placed to r -lsdom and conciliation of . men criticize Mr: Morrison's circular letters Presenting the party that has for years iTge Hessian .Fly is _ A Small two- — a most holy place, and the address to !Jae Premier who has Lyon a very. as he,has to issue then). elected Mr. Guthrie goes into Ills rid- winged gnat, about one-eighth of an ni irieov �1axT-•i Rings 6:1; SM.. the people having been ended, the GOLDEN TXXT-Mlne house -ir I be g pours out Ills soul to God In inch In length and dark in color. Ow- king ;,hinge degree of confidence. ing and openly citicizes What he !s tatted a house of prayer for all people.— K g ---p- --+ Ing to its minute size and active IanRti7 prayer, In this prayer Solomon grate• .^+--- Last Year fire insurance companies doing, Other speeches made by the Min habits it is Seldom seen, and few, if ADDITIONAL MATERIAL-.zi, Chi -on. fully acknowledges God's goodness to titer of Militia make it quite plain that •auy, of our fanners would be able 2.2; t:rr. the past, giving glory to him, and The Hon. Arthur Melghen may be collected $40,000,000 from the people lie has burned the briges that contract- to recognise it, The female fly lays PfUNARY TOP10—God's Youea EN -ender of Canada but he did' not ob- of Canada or over ,$22 from eaCh fam- JUNIOR TOPIC—SOuinon Bubas the Pleads that ids promise t° his father ed him with the Liberal party as stith. from 100 to 1ti0 eggs, depositing Temide, lie verified (vv. 22.226). He prays that dli*t the office as the choice of the Can ity: That is a very heavy tai; to pay but them in rows of four or five on the Ood's eyes way Continually be e It does not seem likely that Minist- surface or the wheat leaf near the IN1'MbIRDIATS AND Sh`NIOR JYirlo opened alit people, 011his he Is so certain i It is by no means all as our atanual loss -Patting our Hest Into the Uouso or towards the temple which he had now AA: i lrs"-if that he is resolved not to seek through fire averages $25,000,000, er of Militia can get a Unionist noniivat ground. 1 Iotn these smart maggots ion In south Wellington. There"is no or soon ]latch out and burrow beneath GY6UNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPN! talion possession of (vt. 2133), so that =.:a Mandate from the people. Se will I ----0--- ganlratlon there for that purpose, As in the sheaf and into the stalk where _The Value of a house of Wersbip; (t) in case of contention between par. •,aWMApmre that as long as possible. _ _ The' Ailen2Schennidt Company of they absorb the juices of the plant. �_ ties rte would judge between them (vv. May other localities the people there After a time the planta •turn yellow ,) 31.32); (2) In case of being smitten -0--- Utica New York a d'epartniental clothing L Soloman a Preparation (6;1•]6). are Liberals or Conservatives or U.O,F. and die, which is Usually the first in.- br trio enemy, even though they had ,:D,a Montreal Gazette has announced store, was fined ,$24,000 for proflteer. with a certain number of Socialists. dtcalion Of the insect's, Presence. He eecwee] !rola Sing Sham: sinned, upon confession of the sin, na xfilrsel 'tion price commencing Sept, Ing, This it 18 to be noted is not lir Call After some thus t.h0 maggot be- 1, Wood for beams, ceilings, sheet- God, would forgive and restore (vv. 3.3, p g The Only opposition to file return of ar zaext of $112 per annum, or five cents ads. The Canadian Board of Colmnerca Mr. Guthrie in the last electiob tante a°pies full-grown, iris skin hardens, , Ing,- and chambers around the holy g4); (3) in ease of famine as chastise. was put out of business,. turns brown, and It forms a puparium hose, tient for sin, upon confession and i w capy. Undoubtedly many more Of _._Ow___. from a Socialist and evert then the latt- which is called the "Rax -seed" Stage, 2. Stones for the erect toundatiori. uxwspxpers will have to follow this ex- eV poiled a flinch larger 'vote than was front its resemblance in size, color prayer before the temple, (.'rod would T irl 'next ear Tire Finance Minister of Germany i tf thi • and shape t6 this seed, lin this coil- forgive and send rain (vv, 35, 36) ik arnit a et Y Y , --di------ complains that flue enforcement. of the thought POSS vie on acCoun o is being the Duty way in which people dil.ion It passes the Winf.cr, fully pro- Tia~ not hasty in charging fI4e re- Versail s will'produce batik Treaty of � v Could register their abjection to the t-;61 merchant with profiteering. Tile aaue-s of the high prices is a long way ruptcy !n Gerntafly. The )rational ob- ligation now is toxo marks a head. The conscription measure. The whole federal political situation THERE IS ONLY ONE wo ikism. When even at the present German politicians are whining worse becomes pare farcical every day and the tfte xetaii merchants are asked 50% 1 than did the brutally treated citizens of situation in South Wellington is not GENUINE ASPiRiN liounsre in many instances for 1921 goods Belgium dud: Northern France, There is one with. more impossible than litany .ftF:are compelled to charge high pr!- nothing that Germany needs so much others. The present anomalous con- ---»---- dram 1b'tteir customers. Moreover if a as to learn the high cost of war. —) �•33t;ct17i comes the retail meerhants is the 4 — dation existing at Ottawa can be rem- edled only by an -appeal to the people 1. r, Only Tablets with „ Cross" wm 20 suffer, There is always the dang Princdpa! Max. McQueen of Ryerson acid if Mr. Meighen's Government re- are Aspirin --No oer others 1 others #frit the array find{ his shelves filled School London who has been teaching. fuses the challenge It will be gutty of . :vier&-high-7priced.goods which must be for 53 years And is now !n Ills 73rd cowardice malfeasance of duty and an •44'below'.crest. year does'not.believe in the long vacat- inordinate desire for the lust of office. demand in face of the almost universal (•:: fl■ib� m �� R�� ®Ft ��N�Ti�AT� l� �, for a federal election Premier Meighen Cannot retails the respect t, the le nAd the tan people and disregard it, While the - .,, AANDadministration. SICKADA�� case of the Hon. Hugh Guthrie is pliable It reflects the character• of the whole If you don't see the "Sayer Cross'!, on thetabiets, refuse them—they are not Aspirin at / The erect Suecest�t of Carter's '�" "" all, Insist on genuine "Bayer Tablets of :Aspirin" plainly stamped with the safety Little {Jiver Pills hi due to the Som- wasston OT Every Christian, I'he nearer we upproaah to fturi in "Bayer 'eia srfo� i Aspirin prescribed by P yst ri r n notion gears and proved ! lete Satisfaetion o� all who use tht'..kll. splrit»al life and fellowship, the safe by millions for IloadaChe, Tooth• . a 1 rirL1.R, Not by purging and, wealtening the ,r; 11 �A' i ..$Otivtis,butbyxegtilatingandstrength- Stn• larger star sympathies for lirrnuirrltv,• Rud the tn01'e till FVay9al nitf tidinCtry echo, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Colds, lvourit;s, aura Fain ganerally. r ening theirs. I In the world. Tile mission of ChrIst is Bandy tin boxes of It tablots—also larger "slayer" packages, Made itt Don't Hesuato.,-..t et ;A Mgttlej.,,., he mission of, every Christian, TIP Canada, r MIM oris after eaLll Inezl and bile 'di bediilYie. They act iaXattWe 110 rite 'Bowels,, and a regular and healthy edn- Tante end lived and dit.d to save flea Worid. The disciple Is not better than Yrs irin to, the trade mark g in Catiddaj, of Bayer Manufacture, of 7LlenoaCetleaoidester 17Cifs3.ra1 ..: 'CriNoit of the syste M vdith free( Dbl, fr01t1 Constipation and r$1 his s:Cast:ir,...AnOn, _µ _ _ _, � 'Zr of SnllCgllcaei4, Willie it is well known that Aapirla Heida.elle 1"� the regi11t. They 100 strictly vegetable. An tnvfrtclvlr+ Armo, M001A Bayer mauufaoturo, to assist the DbhDll �lll 5%Iltlilrl 6080 small Pride A. huh(t of prayer unci 1t sense (rf hilrnne forge Irlvihril)lo ra' fy publfe against fmltatlohs, trio T4b16 of eager Company, Ltd,r will be ata '44 thole tlaltltloo 1"Pell 1r6bP sidpla9ut •„, a/f7 " r3rlt[i>Carrl (�ilehi'1tYt, wztlu pfC.Crat �pliae mark, . la)sayet' (i#•osa.'• , Iit�IliYlYtti" _ (4) in case of pestilence and s _1303R. If they prayed to God toward the tern. ple, God would heitr and forgive (vv. 3740) ; (5) !n Case of the coaling of the foreigner, who comes it the news of God's greatness,pral'In, towtird Jerusalem, his prayer should be heard (vv, 41-45) ; (6) In case of going alit in battle, their cause ah0uid be main- talned (vv. 42.45) ; (7) in 'case of be - Ing In captivity because of sin, Cod would bear,' their prayers and restore (r -v. 46.53), 4. Solomon blesses etre People (vv - 54.61), Oil the strength. Of the evve- nunt promises, he invokes Col's pres- ence always to be with them anti to keep them faithful, and exhorts the people to l+nve their hearts perfect he • tore Clod, walking In his emuuuuid- menta and Statutes. Pi, Sotmnon arid the lieciple offer itac- rilices.of lhariksgIving (vv. 62-10). The. joy or the People was full ; they blessed (led and the king. Poverty Treads on Heels. rirere is nothing peeps longer than a middling fortune, and nothing melts awny SOnu(,.r than n great ooe. i;uv- arty treads on the 110010 of great. acid —BJ n Cl e. rxprt+ltod riches. Y Every bay the Best Daya Wri(e it ort your heart that every tiny is tiro best dry In the yeara--- Itlilgh Waldo Emerson Eviciemd of Woaknose. iYoirtiralfl;y, AS a laai:ing yritacil}4ro, li all evidence of wChkness Xossdtis, Ilbor 2114, 1920, With the pAssing of the'Wheat Boars{ the fixed prices of wheat ceasss Death $1 14wltaerlsrsrd, At tile 404) of a Peyton la 6wit» porlitua the family Inderts a fortyrai,. black -0090 anirOtinCnnlenl In the Pro- poys asking for Sylnpat:hy, and sial- in ai-• ing that Lite "Inourning 11113)^ will be exhibited durin'g certain hours oil a special dart'. In front of the h.ouee where the person tiled there in placed, a little black table covered Willi ao black cloth, Oil Willett stands 4 .Matic Jnr, Into tills the rt tends of the runt- ily drop lituo black. urargincd vrsit.ilig cards, sornotlniea with u, few WQMd) 01 Sympathy on them. The urn is put on the table on the day of tl'e fun - 011'41 Only neon ever go to the ehurelt, yard, arld then generally follow the hearse 04 toot. Metter. Pay The Price � R ^si+~ lud a 01 U ell to e, a 17vit't be fe)np{ i i P jewrlery) no better lY pas a fart' price; ).know exa°tip what you, are petting:, Xou will never be sorry—for as a matter of money, it is easily the 1 most economical `1'tat has been said an often that everybody bq this tine should know it—and vel• there Is no Scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to getpersonal—If you would like t0 miss )bat sort altogether— tJUMH HPIRRc if you would like to buy where nothing but high qualities are dealt iu—COME HERE And even at that, no person ever i said our prices were unfair „ WJR.leounter ` bcweler e,rld'ii6fieian . fior ,mi 111nrrii<aa;e i,6iseu�r�;� J. A. FordA son FLOUR & FE'ED' Carload of Standard Hog Feed on Hwnd, A quantity of Slabs for Sale Phone 123 a DR. F. A. AXON ^ IrriN'r�t'I' crowns and 6rrdite York it Bpedlarty. T;1 raduate of C,C.D.B.,, Chicago, and 9,6,A,9y, Toronto aynetd on Kendava, Mav let to D DR. H. HOWLER, DENTIST. O!$aes over O'NEILT store, spealol oars taken to make dental Wx meat as painless eke possible, Piano Tuning 111r:•dames Doherty wishes to in- formr1he public that be to pr3i- pored t9;do - fine piano tuning,' tone regulatin and repairing, Orders lefft'et k Doherty'& phone. 61, will receive wrom.t attention, THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction rev GODERICH ONT Irbematoax Nates a apea,aft), Orders Sri e NCR true office. (Minton prr,mutly attend„ roonn ed Terms reaaonahle. '9'armore: sale not, a. Medi,,Al, DR. J, C, GANDIRR J OFFICE HOURS 1.30 P. M. to 3.30 p. tat. 7.30 P. m, to 8.00 P. r®. Suwlay 12.30 to 1.30 Other hone by appointmwat ' Office at Residence, Victoria Street BARRIS'd76 HOU01TOR NOTAR PUBLIC, EITO ar ni oN H. T. RANOEi Notary Public, Conveyancer, Vinanolal and Beat I9stattr I143UnAd`1C0 AOSM—Representing It Fire anranoo Com10511309. blvfstleu Court Office. G. 0. McTaggart Al. U. MsT&Kgar MeTaggart Broso W*Nwaus LLRERT ST, CLiNT0.1k A General Snukittq Buetsrratilll LCh®tr4F$ati . AO'TRB DISCOUNTED Draftll Issaod. Interosl ahalved a deposits The 1MMcKliiup Aulzvar Hire Insurance eoc P.ittrm aad Isolated Town Able arty Only I'nstared, iltook). 01Heo—Melo Orth, 41St 61 tx®ia f-" J, Connolly, Goderich, Prosidenta 143, 1 lkiins, Beechwood. Vice-Propid,0is1 rhos. a. Bays, Sesforth, Secrot,4 a Treasurer. stse+tte AIJ3; i Ax tett Mao, i Cliatan 14dweO WiDfs l y. skiforlie• Vi m, C 4"07. 4f raon v to, J. Yd, V84, Godortck; T. JAnnuth, Broditagers, r l�lrmwiRoe~at f '!M'41t+ kkt..6„ S�strtor�; Jap dg itetr6l[y Its� ebl Jaynes Bim, Aft"& ltwrdi * Meal ossi, cNelistti Now ilrMtocll4i J. $'a e+tle)11e.' ;lata l�a>M t°41Slda, ria►Cli 134 *~too, TAY♦!, 1, b"aaj1 ,B44 ,,_vA_ -..gid,