HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-9-2, Page 4SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN CANADA
Three months , , , a „ • • , , • • • • • SI 49
year . , , , ., ,
hear., , a , , .. a 1,50
-I E* 11 t paid in advance, $2.00 per annum
Office Phone 30.
The Third Page
more effective than Sticky Fll
Catchers. Clean to handle. Sold by
• . pruggiets and Grocers everywhere.
All Methodist ministers are now
• ar o
f 1 500
getting the minimum sal $ ,
% 5 Y
which was proposed at the last meeting
of the London Methodist Conference.
A committee was appointed by the
conference to interview the various
boards of the churches throughout the
„cotentry circuits under the jurisdiction
f the LondonConference, with'
tb gettrng the Gong
ltlre required minmum salary. In many
tof;'the rural charges the committee has
ter has been given the minmum stip-
New Transportatiiolr
Just as we wrote this, headline a mon
stet motor truck sped eastward along
Campbebll street, on its way, we pre-
sume, to•Winghani. With a load of five
tons this truck will ntaloe 20 miles par
hour on fair country roads,
This machine is one of a line of mot-
or trucks operated by Silverwoods pro-
-duce dealers of London. The trucks set
out from London, come as far north
as Kincardine and netuyn, visiting towns
by the way where Silverwoods have a
1opai branch and they carry away the
cream the chickens or whatever other
' form of produce the'locat man has 'coll-
ected. On the out trip they carry a sup
ply of ice cream (in a refrigerator, of
course), empty cream cans and empty
boxes and crates for the fowl.
This means of transportation is a
substitute for railway express and
Silverwoods are so pleased with it that
tin to have 14 of the
theyarepreparing h
P .P gbig
trucks on the 'road next summer. Al
present they have only three,
With the development of good roads
on erence, wa a view the country, thls means of
,, transportation will doubtless increase,
and it may be that a large portion of the
long-distance hauling will be done with
the motor truck. At the same time
there will be a corresponding develop-
ment of automobile traffic taking the
place of the railway passenger traffic.
Here is a means of relief from the
oppression of railroads monopoly that
people little looked for a few years ago.
It is fortunate for the public that such
an avenue of escape has opened up,
, for the railways always unaccommodat-
ing and extortionate promise to become
more rather than less abusive.
Traffic rates upon the public roads
can never become extortionate because
the roads being free to all any man who
feels that he is being unjustly charged
can put on a car or truck of his own.
A serious handicap to motor trans-
portation in this northern country
is the snow in winter, There always.
will be a season during which the rail-
Ways have a monopoly of the long
haul; but nevertheless, the mdtor truck
and the auto most exercise a most sal-
utary effect upon traffic, both passeng-
er and freight.— (Lucknow Sentinel).
1v received and the minis-
dt' has. also been requested by the
nference that where a horse is kept
b the minister of a circuit that $150
bjeadded to his stipend for the keep of
the horse, 1f this is given the country
and city clergy will bbth be working on
the same financial 'basis.
. I re :r Cotton gout ev+?I:,Ipmi i(S':
safe, re ialdpvcisati ,
ane,bict„e, ,,Id ,e thros do•
aree8 of ot70 Ct3—No. 1, $5
N. 'a, 53; No. 3, 35 por baa,
Fold by all &frosts, or scat
prepaid oa reeeapt of ,prine.
i roe paa,phtet, ai Adttreesr
TORONTO. OM (Feraulr Wilfor.)
rCanadian exports of lumber wood
pulp atilt newsprint have increased by
more than 100 per cent during the last
'three years,
• Suit for $0500 against the Canad-
f tad- 1 FULL NIGHT'S Sg EEP
tan Express Co, for' a shipment of liq- l° NIGHT'S c� v7 L, 1-
uor, allegedly lost in transit, has beep •
entered by 'A. Meloche of Sandwich WAS OUT 0 F
William Moffatt general manager of
the 'imperial Bank of 'Canada predicts 5leeplessncss is caused by the nervous
$2.85 wheat, • system becoming deranged, encl. to those
While on its -regular trip from Clay- whose rest is broken by frightful dreame,
eland to Detroit the giant hydroplane
of the Aerial Express Co., With 19
.passengers was forced to the water
during, an electrical storm. The passen
gers were removed by a passing launch.
James Morrison a, returned' soldier
of Grafton is dead as a result of a run-
away accident in which he was thrown
from a buggy • •
Some 1,800 employes of the C. P.
R. of the district west of London held
their annual picnic at Galt on Saturday.
'A cargo of 42 cases of liquor was con
,;- iscated by Windsor license inspectors.
Jit was allegedly ordered by a club in
Capt. H. Allen Wilson of Montreal,
„Alfas concluded his Halifax -to -Ottawa
hydroplane flight.
roc a result s the motor car being TH•
struck by a radial car, Mrs. Jas Morris CANADIAN jc� j
.,o1 Hamilton i5 dead and her husbands - to
seriously injured,
The' federal pwrlicunent may open on IThe nee' 'Canadiatl one tent piece 1
Jan. loth according to .plaitsunder con Is now in general circulation. it is much
sideration by the Government smaller than. the cent piece now in use,• i
The second annual decoration of being only slightly larger and thicker I
soldier's graves was celebrated in than the United States cent and some
Hamilton, what larger than the Canadian. ten cent
piece. The new coins ,are noticeable
lighter than the old fasii'loned cents. due
not only to the reduction in size but al
so to a fractional variation in the cop-
per content in the alloy of Which they
ere composed.
The design 'adopted is very attractive,
()n the face side appears the ICingls
head with above it the inscription Geor
gius V Del Gra Rex end imperator," In
tlie centre of the reverse side appeal's
the words, "One Cent" with above
thein the inscription "Canada" al either
side a small Maple Leaf and below-
, them the year "1920'.
-The currency in use in Canada when
the country first passed from French to
British control was the French ecu, A
Fatigue is the result Brei+t deal of paper money was also in
of poisons produced aIle English sovereign and kindred
ise or failure
exert ithen s t sovereign
d this French
bycans t
' +
to digest food proper- money and• continued in circulation for
1y, and eliminate it
promptly with the aid
of fiver and kidneys.
nightmares, sinking and smothering
sensations, -who wake up in the morning
as tired as they went to bed, can have
their old, peaceful undisturbed, re-
freshing sleep back againby using
Milburn's heart end Nerve Pills,
Mr. r. N. • Farlane, Red Triangle
Club, Halifax, N,S,, writes;—"I was a
sufferer from nerve trouble for about
three years.I used to be so weak and
aervous, at tines, that I would be afraid
to move. Getting a full night's sleep
was out of the question, Alter using .
the second box of Milburn's Heart
and Nerve Pills I could feel quite a
change coming over me I used four
voxes in all, and I feel now as well as
ver I dill' •
Milburn's Heart and tNerve Pills are
50c. a'box at all'dealers or mailed direct
eceteipt of price by The T. Milburn
;o., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Royal Yeast
has been the
standard yeast
�n Canada, for
over 50 years, and it
is a well known fact
that bread made
with Royal Yeast
possesses a greater
amount of nourish-
ment than that
made with any
200 Veterans to
Begin Teaching
All Qualified to Asstrjme Duties
Sept. 1 — Policy Was
Some 200 ex -soldiers of Ontario will
enter upon their new duties when the
public schools of Ontario open on Wed
nesday, The entry of the war veterans
into the teaching profession is regard- in good health. The demands upon a
ed with great favor by the education de mother's health are many and severe. Whether a Reducation of
pertinent authorities because the male Her own health trials and her children's $50,000,000 in the C.N.R.
school teachers has been lately fast welfare exact heavy tolls, while hurr-
disappearing from public school life. ied steals broken rest and much indoor Deficit is Sufficient
It was one of the last acts of Hop. living tend to weaken her constitution. - Return.
H. J. Cody when ministei'�of Education No wonder that the woman at home is
often indisposed through weakness
under the Hearst Goivernment, to pro- headaches, backaches and nervousness.
vide fur the training at public expense -Too many women have grown to accept
of returned men for the teaching pro- these visitations as a part of the lot
fession. '1'o his call there was a splendid of motherhood. But pinny and varied a,
her health troubles are the cause is
simple and relief at hand. When well
Thursday, September 2nd, 1920,
G. W. V. A.Takes.Up Bayfield
Case With Good Result
The London G. W. V. A. has been sue
cessfttl in obtaining an adequate pens-
ion for Mrs, Agnes Currie, a Bayfield
woman,' whose husband was killed in
France and whose allowance from the
Government was, lately reduced to $15
a month. Commencing on September
1 Mrs. Currie will receive a pension' of
$60 a month, -.
Three months ago the case was first
brought to the attention of the London
Command through neiglslors ;s Mrs.
Currie who understood the circum-
stances. It was claimed at the time
that tihe pension for no apparent reason
and that `the woman was thus unable
to support herself and family.
Headquarters of the association took
the martter up with the provincial pens
ion office and have attained their end.
Secretary Cunciiffe, of the London
branch received word to this effect last
Cheerful Giver.
"Brain: work Is not always well coot
"Brain workers," replied harmer
Corntosssl, "is mostly too generous.
Every summer boarder we had ryas
wallet' to give me advice by the hour
on how to run - the farm, and never
charge me a cent."
The Star—The author, of this play
is a stupid atlekler for realism.
The' Manak.ir--I have noticed It.
The Star—Why he objects to '111Y
\vemang diamond rings In the scene
where I pawn my fiat to buy food for
the 'children.—TU—Bits.'
Place Nearly All Right. ''
Mistress (nervously) -,-I do hope the
place will suit you,
New Maid—Well, the house Is not
bad, and I rather like the' looks of
the policeman on the 'beat, but if I
Stay here you'll kindly take them hot*
Able pictures down. --London Tit -Bits,
"By, the way, George, what shall we
get Mabel for a wedding present? She
gave us that plush upholstered chair
that's in the attic, you know."
"I don't think we'd better send her
anything, dear. Why not let bygones
bet bygones?"—Life,
'What Do The People
Care of Home and Children Often of Canada Get for
Causes a Breakdown.
Their Million a Day?
The woman at home deep in house-
hold duties and the cares of mother-
hood needs occasional help to keep her The Government Should Decide
Y~ '11 Get
up "tired as .a doh"
and sleep is full of .
ugly dreams you need
' Sale of any
In Aha
o, Conede.ana
some time until as• the Canadian Bank-
ing system progressed, bank notes and
paper money gradually took their place.
in 1871 the first silver and copper
or bronze coins bearing the 0, and all
taken were struck. The silver were in
denominations of 50 cents 25 cents
r•I 10 cents ---the copper or bronze in
one -eat pieces. The new and smaller
fid+ c le rout pieces which are now being
444. 1- ❑':.ted are to take the place of the cop
Worth a Gaines, a Box per ones mentioned above, --The Tell•
er i- Jit.;: by the Staff of Sterling fink,
response the students including ex -
officers, sten with business experienee it is the woman's cod blood that keeps
Wren with university training, ex -N. L. g fore the end of the week, Just what
her well; when ill she must make her that award will be is the subject of con
a, s young men and married of mature 'blood rich to renew her health. The )
age and :experience, • nursing mother more than any other siderable speculation. But that the op -
Ottawa, Aug, 24.—(Staff Special
—Iron S. B. Carvell is expected back
from his coal hunt in Nova Scotia to-
day and it is generally expected that the
award in the railway's application for
increased rates will be handed out be -
These were classified according to
qualifications and assigned to courses
at the faculties of education and nor-
mal schools.
Chinese Dentists.
The only dentists of China used
to pull teeth with their fingers. They
practiced by pulling pegs from .t
wooden board until they had a ^.rip
with a lifting power of 300 or 300
l�ound8, .
steppe of Constantinople.
its its long and varied history Con-
stantinople has suffered the privations
of a besieged city thirty tildes, hut it
has been captured only thrice—hy the
Venetians and Crusaders In 1203 and
1204, by Mohammed II. leader of the
Turkish invaders in 1468, and by the
elites last year.
woman in the world line's rich blood ponents of the raise and not the rail
and plenty of it. There ie one way to ways are preparing to appeal the Be-
get this good blood. so necessary to cision to. the Governor -in -Council is
perfect health and that is through the taken to mean that the railways will
Use of Dr, Widdiams Pink Pills, These
n get all or nearly alt they ask. That
pins stake new blood and through
their use thousands of weak siting means a 40 per cent raise in freight
wives and mothers have been made rates a 20 per cent raise in passenger
bright cheerful and strong. If you are rates and a 50 per cent raise in Pull -
ailing easily tired or depressed it is a man rates. •
duty you owe yourself and your family I Should Be No increase.
to give Dr. Williams Pit9k Pills a fair I
trial. What this medicine has done for What action the Governor -in -Council
others it will surely do for you, or in other words the Government will
You can get Dr. Williams Pink Pills take on the appeal is of course another
through any dealer in medicine or by question, For the arguments against
mail at Soc a box or six for 52.50 from any increase at all at the present time
The Dr. Williams Medicine Co, Brock- are tremendous! stron
villa Ont. , Y g•
it ie pointed out that while every
Two Galician Cloys aged 9 and 11 other -lufluence is being exerted to
years have confessed to stoning a farm stopping the steady climb of the high
er to death near Winnipeg. cost of living this general raise its"rates
Forty -Eight Years in "Canada's Western Empire" '
leek, is,
A E A.{
OD e '1
J ctMG1J15
Colonel John S. Donnie, C. M. G.,
who rode the plain
Alberta, r
Saskatchewan mil Manitoba 48 years
ago, when Indians and buffalo were
plentiful, knows more about "Can-
ada's Western ]7rnpire" than airy
other man. IIe frilled and ate the
buffalo, narrowly escaped being
scalped by Indians on at, least one
occasion, suggested and built lit
Alberta the largest Irrigation sys-
tem In North America, recruited
thousands of Britlah and Canadians
An the 'United Seabee during the re -
emit war WI not bniy volunteered
for hot save,eotvioo with the Can-
a,dtan !lxpedittenery Force in Siberia.
Now the four western provisoes
of Canada lave a Population "of
2,800,000, the buffalo ate to be found
kr& in Retakes its the Canadian
tions which can only be met nod
discharged by inoreasin; her pow],
Intim .developing her vast
natural resources which, while
ample security for many times her
war debt, must bo made . odttclive
of wealth through development.
Between 1906 , end 1914 about
2,600,000 People settled in Canada,
the largest proportion in the four
Western provinces. They loft Great
Britain, the United States and other
countries for their new home, and
Col. Donnie believes that 500,000
each year may follow 'them until
these provinces have a total point.
Latton of 10,000,000, Canada, he fur.
they believes, is deetinee to be "the
keystone in the sirelt of the 11ritisll
Tdmpire," 4A
Rockies and the Indians, are
reservations, There are nearly 20;
000 miles of railway In the four
provineee, or one utile fol• each 125
persons and of 225,000000 acres of
good agricultural land, but 36,000,-
000 aores are at present occupied
and cultivated, Of the balance, 190,-
000,000 acres, .some 30,000,000 mires
He within fifteen miles of these rail-
way lines waiting for soft"ors.
"Think of it;" nays 001, Dennis "and
the world crying out for food." His
view is that while Canada has won
a standing among the nations by her
work in the recent war so that to-
day the name "Cenndfan" is re'
cognized as dtatingtlishing a Mien
of a pa'ogreeslve and virile rruntry,
Canada'b share in the great struggle
has involved her in fivattclat oblige -
(Advance 'Only)
Great Britain , .. , its.&&
United Stated ,r-: ,_.., ... ,r• • , .• ..
France ,..,,.,,,••.,,..,,.,. Zuer
House Phone. B.%
all others in Delicacy and Fragrance:.
"XI .411.
Send us a post card for a free sample, stating th:'
price y u now pay and if you use Black, Green or.
Mixeel'Tea, Addreasl Salada T tomo. in?
will have exactly the opposite effect. say "Scattered showers," instead or,
The general raise will mean that the
railways will collect 5126,000,000 let -
creased -freight.
You Pay The Bi,11s
livery cent of this will have to be
paid by the consumer—that it by every
body who eats or wears or uses arty=
thing. Nor is that the worst. The freight
rates have to be paid two or three times
before the total amount is finally col-
lected from the consumer. The manu-
facturers must pay the freight, tack it
on to his cost figure itis profit' and
pass the price on to the wholesaler.
The hatter does the same adds on an ad-
ditional freight rate, figures his profit
on the total cost to, himself and passes
it on to the retailer, The last named
makes the final additions of, freight and
profit and passes it on to the consumer,
Grows Like Snowballs.
By the time the 5126,000,000 reach-
es the consumer, who eventually pays
everything it has grown like a snowball
rolling down a hill. People who figure
such things differ as to its final size.
Some say it is twice as big, or $252,-
000,000. Others go so far as to place it
at four or five times the orignal figure.
Consequently it seems safe to say
that tine people of Canada will be call-
ed on to pay because of the increase in
railway rates 5300,000,000 per year,
or 51,000,000 for every working day.
Is that the way to cute) the climb of
the H. C. of L,? is this the time to ex-
tend a helping hand to the faltering H.
ti, of L.?
Right At The Crest,
Right now prices show a tendency
to drop a bi+t, it looks as if the crest of
the hill had been reached and sonic lit
tle relief was In sight. A boost right
now will give these prices a fresh start
and it may take years to again slob
them down.
Meanwhile it is well to ask what the
,cope ofCanadaare to get for the 55-
000,000 a day they are asked to contri-
Of the $126,000,000 which will go
to the railways the C. P, R. will get be-
tween 57,000,000 and $80,000,000,
and the Canadian National Railways will
get the remaining 550,000,000,
It Needs No Hep.
The C. P. R. does not need help, •1'o
date it has provided a yearly dividend.
It'has also piled up a neat 5492,000,-
000 against a rainy day,
The C. P. R. has not yet been called
on to touch that surplus. But It estimat
es that it may have to do it in the near
future. Consequently it is "hollering
for help" before it needs help. it is
not yet in. It has laid up half a billion
against a rainy day, and when the probs
Will Wining
Never Come
DOES this illustration pic-
ture your experience?
.Wllat is more distressing
than being unable to sleep?
Sleeplessness is one of the
first and most certain symp-
toms of exhausted nerves.
This is the warning that you need
the assistance of Dr. Chase's Nerve
Peed to restore vigor to the nerve
cells and thereby avoid the develop.elo
nzent of serious nervous. trouble. e
By improving the quality of the
blood and building up the nervous
eystam this toed cure brings new
energy and strength to the whole
Ise tante a box, d Sar 5:75, all Idealom, ole
lildnaanson, Bates 3 Co., Ltd., Toronto,
drawing from its "rainy day" fund ab'.:
comes crying to the country fox, a &sett ;
supply of umbrellas.
Consequently it all figures down 0-
the hard fact that for $3013 0019s5b.La
drawn from the pockets of the: grntlei-
the only return those people geffa S2a
000,000 applied to reducing -the deffsSfn-
on the Canadian National Railways;.
It is not enough. No natter what 1358 a
Railways Board may decide the quest •
ion es too big and wide tin -be -left fos s
court troubled by technicalities, The
Government of Canada representing flee
people who have to pay the moats; 1s
the court that should decide whether -
those people should be' midi:' tee- g'ay
5300,000,000 for alt actua4 return: ere
Doesn't hurtl Lift any corn etre. •
callus off with fingers.
Don't sulferd A tiny battle na -
rreezono coats but a few cents at az
atrug store. Apply a few drops on the
corns, calluses and "hard skin" an Poet*
tom of feet, then lift them oft:.
When I'reezone•removes cornsfreratEliie .
toes or calluses from the bottom of fed,
the skin beneath is left pink and beelike -
and never sore, tender. p? 6rs51s'taa:.-
As the market is v Nay 'high t
present you will find it ad'vrsnh s
to dispose of your largest' chickens:
Pat Hens and Old Roosters. -
We are also in the n'rast ettete :
young Ducks weighing 4 lbs. cart
also Oki Ducks and Old Turkeys.;
that are in good condition.
Get Our Prices Before You..
Gael -Langlois & Ca,.
The up-to-date Fivetar..
Clinton granch Pilloaee i»'
N. W. Trewartha, Manager.
or ltohnesviil'd 4''on permit.
.PIAN!: .
Before purchasing para • j
new piano or orgavn Plitt -''n18
show you the newest,cio: •?
signs in several • we "V+•.'''+
known and told;. establish.;,.:
ed makes, •
See ;our,.+ety1ilsh,, cttlllnr'F
aiesi is itf;th :.kiest ilia?;
g11 � .ear