HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-9-2, Page 3l" AR THE CLIIN'T•ON NEW A Thursday, Septenllicu' grid, 1026. :ews of theDistrict AVBURi!1. Mrs, Rev, Miller has been spending a few 'clays with Mrs. Andrews ua4vtsas gorge to Varna to 'visit her 'another, ( sfirs.'Clark, ' HULLETT Mt It and Mrs. John Gtbliings motored,, to Toronto Fair this week and Also islting at Haninton. Jatees Snell and Sons have no exhibit of their famous sheep et Toronto this year. 'They have -a steady demand for their sheep that it keeps them busy without exhibiting. • Whet about',the weed • inspector! • Farmers say the roactssides are getting a disgrace, Better attehci to them Mr, BLYTH. 731ytI1 i all Fah' --Tuesday 'and'Wed- nesday, Sept, 21 and 22, Flax pullers on Monday were grant- ed g25 per acre by the Meal mills, • Mr. John Tierney commenced on •Monday his duties as junior clerk in the Bank of l•ianillton, Mss, Lillie M, Carr left for Toronto. She twill. go to' Montreal in a few days to' 1 engage in missies work le that city, Queer: Win, Mason forinerlY of, the n's Hotel Blyth, - we understand, has purchased, an hotel at Ridgetown. 000000OPOQ0000O O CANADA'S NEW 0 O FLEET COMING 0 0 O Ottawa,. August 30, ---Cable ad 0 0 vices received by t1te, naval depart 0 0 meat state that the cruiser Aurora 0 O and Destroyers Patriot and Patric- 0 0 'ion will beau commission on Oelob 0 O er 1st and will probably proceed 0 O to Canada the week. following. 0 O These three vessels together with 0 O two submarines now ids Canadian 1) O waters 'comprise Canada's new 0 ` 0 fleet, t . 0 U. GODERICH , . 0 Last SaturdayAugust 21st Mr, and 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 Mrs, Wm: Swaffield celebrated the 64th Inspector, - ,anniversary of their wedding. These — - 1 good townspeople of ours are both en - 'n • GODERICH TOWNSHIP joying good health and are active u By -new No 5 got its third reacting and I their duties. Mr, Swaffield has one of had • tehas /ear l the e t i yi the hest gardensY was finally passed o the last meeting , f0 some time, and takes great pride in of .line• Municipal Council of Goderlch 1, rowing the best samples of vegetables Township, levying the tax rates fon' 1 and fruit possible. County Township and School purposes a Goderich possible, will be interested for the year 1920 as fotiows te County in the announceinent of the marriage of rate G. mills; Highway rate 1 5-10; Miss Marjorie Sperling daughter of Mr. township' rate 2 5.10; Special School and Mrs, C. George Armstrong formerly rate ate 4 milts; Public School rate as peri of Goderich, where Mr. Armstrong r was requisition by the trustees of the cliff 1 in business, The marriage took place erent School Sections. lf'their is an -r ons, Saturday evening, Aug 14th, at other rural municipality in. the comity Chelmsford, Massachusetts, and the #!tat has a lower rate for township pee' room is Mr. Heber Merle Gabber- Chelmsford, we should like to hear from then: ) g the Municipal Council of . Goderich ley. townships should. be congratulated in I Miss Jean McEwen daughter of Mr. this trying to keep down expendition. ; P. J. McEwen of the Goderich Golleg- Mr, Rees Jenkins has taken a trip 1 sate institute, has been awarded the !opt West, Ifirst Edward Blake scholarship, 'valued 1 J'diss Marion Hibbes spent last week visiting with her sister Mrs. H. Alex - ender. 'Threshing is the order of the day at /sent. eef Mr. Fred `Leonard returned with eafortis friends after spending a few 'days with friends and relatives in and -around Woodstock and Isis ofd home HOLMESVILLE. bright, Mr. Harold Lowery of North Bay, Some sections received a nice shower spent a couple of weeks visiting at his of rain on Saturday hast. grandfather's and friends returned Mrs. James Ferguson of the 16th home on Friday last. ,concession is spending the week in Toronto at the Fair. She went with re- • latives from Blyth. The roads have been very dusty of late and pasture fields are getting very dry. Mr. Arthur Trick Is at Toronto Ex- hibition with eleven head of cattle. Mrs. George Crooks, Mrs. John Tip - lady and Mrs. F. Leonards were in Sea - forth on Monday. Miss Elvera Churchill has taken her first school near Parkhill. Miss 'Church attended Faculty last year. Two out of the three who are attend slag Model School In Clinton this terns are from Goderich Township. MissVes- ta Snyder and Miss Myrtle Powell are both from the 16th concession. The third student is Miss Winnie Nelson of the Base Lineein Hullett. Miss Zerelda Churchill left the be- ginning of this week for her school which is near St: Marys. Miss Cora Jervis' of the Base Line spent a few days with Seaforth friends this week. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Grigg of the 9th con. with extend heart felt sympathy 'to theni in the loss of their daughter Ila Myrtle who passed away in Clinton Hospital after an op- erationg for appendicts. The youn girl who was only • t 5 ,years of age and the picture of health a week be- fore but was suddenly stricken. The funeral was held on Wednesday after ,soon and interment was made in God- • ericli.cemetery.•'- u?' :,*r..new,.. (Intended for last week.) at $220, for moderns and science. She ranks fifth in general proficiency in Toronto University. Although no an- nouncement has beeh made as yet ft is believed that Miss McEwen will be a- warded the First 'Carter Scholarship for Huron County valued at nem), for her high standing: Rev.. Mr. Johnston and family re- turned hone on Monday. 'Miss Esther Trewartha is sppending a couple of weeks 'in Toronto with her grand mother Mrs. Wm. McMath. School open on Wednesday, Threshing is th'e order of the day. The next thing will be corn cutting and silo filling. Don't forget the corn roast on Friday evening at the home of Mr. Al- frer/Jervis. The Sunday School picnic is to be held,on Foresters flats on Monday after, - noon it being a holiday —Labor Day. Rey M. Fair took the services in the Methodist church while Re. Mr. Johnston has returned to take up his work again. ' Dr. Pickard and wife and three children of Brooklyn, -N. Y. were visit- ors with relatives here last week. Dr. Pickard is a cousin of Messrs. Ezra, Will and Fred Pickard. Dr. Pickard has not seen his relatives in these parts for quite a number of years as he has been preaching in the M. E. church across the line`for some time. A num- ber from here• were into the union ser vices in Ontario Street church in Clin- ton to hear him the evening he preach ed there, Dr. and Mrs. Holdsworth and son Richard have returned after spending their vacation in Our village with .the fornser's !mother. . 5EAA FORTII Mrs, 11, Davis and Miss Eva Brown of Seaforth spent a few days visiting friends et St. Marys, • A prominent resident and fatttiliar figure en the life of Seaforth was re- moved by death on Saturday when John Noble McQuaid passed away at itis Milne ln'liis Goth year, Mr. McQuaid lead not been in the enloyineent of the hest of health for some, rnontlis but was able to be up and about' the greater part of the Hine and lied just returned from a drive Saturday.. afternoon when he; collapsed and shortly after peseyn,d awayheart irouble being the cause.3'f his death. BENM1LLER Par a Consolidated School,—There was a fair attendance in the 'Benntlller school on Friday evening representative Colborne of sclidol sections2, 4 and COlbo n Township for the discussion of the: question of consolidating the three schools. Mi', Hugh Hill was chairman.. Inspector.Jordan of Last York and ln- spector.Tons of West Huron gave the principal_ address explaining the bene- fits of consoldation and the methods by which It maybe carried out, After these addresses a resolution was passed •,pppe proving of the principle of ,5onsolidat- inn and a committee of the three trus- tee boards was 'appointed to draft the agreement for the` consolidating of the three sections and to arrange for a vote of the ratepayers In each section dur- ing the first week of September. It is proposed to use the present school at Bennilier for the consolidated school putting in a good basement' which will include cloak rooms and sanitary clos- ets and otherwise fitting it up to con ply with the regulations for a two -room consolidated school, Mr. Moffatt Aiketi of Alleniered Mo bred down for over the week end, His Wife and young on who had been visit ing at the borne of the former's brother Mr. Geo, Crooks returned Roane. Mr Alvin' Townshend was at his home ;for a couple off days 'last week. fir, and Mrs, If, Adams of Brantford 330 Mr, 4id Meg, F, Leonard and Alvin were down toGrandBend, last Wed» es day. • Quite a !lumber of farmers. have had to buy hew binders this year. The price of binders is vevy high and, still going up. Recentiy there was a rise of $30 snaking the price of binders now $550. It isn't the farmers who. are snaking all the money these days, Congratulatiosss arfe extended to Mr. J. Townshend' for bis success In Winn- ing one of the scholarships given by Queens University for standing in the honour matriculation examination. Mr. Townshend has attended the C. C, I. ,e for the past four years and will be going ,on to Univesity to take a course in en- gineering. tMr. Athur Colcolougtn and wife were ^ in sone way become wounded in one renewing old acquaintances in this sect Also a Coat wing and could trot fly very well, ,Its ion last week, It has been a,'number of S e I l 9J+ wings treasured fon tip to tip five years since be has been in these parts, a feet four and a half Inches, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Adams of Brant- "Diamond C1yea" Make Shabby Apparel Di', and Mrs. Roulstot heave return Brant- ford returned home after spending a Just Like New—So fraryr ed !tome from a trip to ,Manitoultn Is- keeping liquor for sale in violation of Chi1•dren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S °'ASTORIA A Meadford despatch to the Mall and Etnpire"dated August ,211th will be In- terest to many di ou'r readers the bride being a former well known Seaforth girl -and it daughter of Rev. John Ber- ry former rector of St. Thomas church "Christ's Church, Meedford was the scene of one of the, prettiest weddings of the season when Wenonah Vivien, only daughter of the Rev. John Berry M. A, 13. D. and Mrs. Berry because the bride of Berthoud 'Clifford Bolton of Dayton, Ohio only son' of Mr. and Mrs, Darcy Boulton, of St. Louis Mo. The ceremony was performed by, the bride's father assisted by the Rev. W, A. Harp rector of' Clarksburg. The bride was given away'by her brother, Mr. Fleet- wood Berry, and looked lovely in Iter bridal robe of white Georgette and heir- loom veil of embroidered net with or- ange blossoms, She carried a sheaf of roses. The clnsrdls was beautifully dec- orated for the occasion with white and yellow flowers. The bride was a great favorite, and will be much missed in Meaford. After a honeymoon in Musko ka, Mr. and Mrs. Boulton will'resid;e in Dayton, Ohio." And c1onceeeton lost 4'ettluable 4rieer as purposes 'returning Isere In the fail, a resnli of u kiek from another horse. 1 The purchase price was $5,500, Mr. 'I'urenerry Teyp,.— An aid Arid area^ i Sgtith was it !inner Morris Township td, the West. boy who has done well her reward on Monday August 9th, in Seaforth,•--=A vary 9uiet, wedding the person of Janet McArthur widow of 1 was solemnized et they Manse Egmod- the.late George fortune, T.ieclaae4j was'ville aft Wednesday Wates Mr Walter lit his 84th year, • 1 Cale business manager 1n Seaforth for ! tine Canada Plax MJhs, Limited was un A,blinld,—Tate anniversary autd re^ :ted in marriage to Mrr W, Oughton opening of Ashfield Presbyhterie . the cez•Gmory beteg performed: by Rev, church will be held on ept, 12th when I S. lv[eLean. Rev. Finlay rtMatheson,, of St, Andrew's Church, Stratford•will occupy the pal- Winghgna.-.Mr, W;u, Austttt of Turn pit hoot nsorziiisg and evening, Mr. An- berry brought info town on Monday a pected resident of Turnbegeei passed to derson, of Lualenow, wino hue charge of stalk of corp which measured i2. feet the painting and decorating Is making and 3 inehecs --- his usual splendid )ob. I F'4rdwicit.—Pordwfch ratepayers last Exeter, --Mr, John :Blatchford' of week aipproved almost unanimously a' town last week disposed of his 400- by-law authorizing the Council to en; acne farm iu fife Township of Osborne ter into a contract with the Ontario belt! lQt 25, Coneesslon 2, to Mr, Ed. fdycleo-Electric Commission for a sup - Keith Kestte gf the slime township, The price ply cif power. The vote was 65 1s favov paid: was fat the neighborhood 'of $8- end t against. 060.00. .Belgrave,—At a congregational meet on Flora street lias been purchased by li Boiler Co. is !terve Yusltiltg along tate work on the. new bridge and dans, 'Ilia old materiel Is pretty well cleaned aWeY an41 the excavellons are being uilvle 101 the new work. Mr. Wm, taunter Is tit cliarge ;and Is arranging tat a larger force of workmen so- that the work can be• rushed along. ` Brussels The home of S, C. Wilson lug of the Presbybterfas church, South Robert McKinnon of Grey Township. :uuptou, a few days ago fife Rev. A, M. i Mr. 'Wilson and family purpose moving Boyle B. A of Belgrave was chosen t to Goderich where they are taking over STANLEY. A week ago Monday Mr. Nath Sunder cock of the 2nd 'Concession, while at his other farm on the Bayfield line known as the Richardson .farm was kicked by u horse while watering theta and has been under the doctor's care for several days. The horse struck him just beside the left eye and a little more would have hit the temple. Mr. Will McGregor left on Monday for Vars near Ottawa where he will teach school. Mrs. Fowler and Gordon visited Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Graham for a few days last week. Mr. Grieg McGregor returned home on' Monday after spending a week at Inverhuron. Miss Mary Edna McCowan is spend- ing a few weeks visiting firends at London. Mrs, Wm, Baird of Detroit is visit- ing friends and relatives on 2nd con, Mr. N. Sundercock wishes to thank Itis neighbors both on the 2nd con and on the Bayfleid line, for their good work in holding a bee and taking off the crop on both farms during the past week. It was a neighborly act which was much appreciated. _.13BLesPAVE • Mlssef ileU.'-and Susie Allison Isave gone oil a visit to their brother,. Doctor Allison of Welland, Misses Geddes of Lnekuoly are vi3it- ing with friends in the.viilage. Rey. Boyle and family stave returned after spending a few weeks at their summer cottage. Mrs, M. lsbister of 'Saskatoon is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brandon,, The storm that passed oyer Isere, Saturday evening lightning struck the 'dwve'lltng of -John McCalluttt, 9th line smashing one window all to pieces, knocking the chimney down tearing one rafter completely off, and other wise damaging the roof. Luckily rid fire started. Harvesting is all finished around here and the hum of the threshing machine i5 in our midst. The grain is turning out good, e Dyed Her Fad Children ' Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA Ton aro not experiment. ing trlten you lino 10. ;hase's (Hut- ment ro• Roaema and Skin irrita- tions. 1 relleves at once and gradu- allyy hca s the skin. Sample box 1)r. pC hase's Ointment free it you mention tills bore all clew ara2oi s E 1 ani son ,Bots Limited, Toronto HURON COUNTY NEWS IN BRIEF aster of the flock there -It is expected' a restaurant business. p. that he will accept/the call, ' Wingham— The Hunter Bridge and Wingham..-Noel ':/abbzes and his wife Indians from Saugeen reserve made i $100 for, five days work puling flax by. the acre for•'rioting and Mills. h si- Richards a 5s C. R s rues es .I3 oat crop competition under the direct -1 fon of, East Huron Agricultural Society 1 luta been completed by Robert Berry, oft St Marys and the following awards were made: R. 11. lloover, Walton 84% points; John G. ,Spier, Morris, 83 Her- man Whitefield, Grey 81% R, L. Taylor Grey 85; W. R. Moses Morris 80 0. Turnbull, and Son Grey; R. L. Nichol Morris 77 s% There were 16 entries in an and the winners have the privilege of competing at the fall fair, Toronto Exhibition and the Winter Fair. Brussels.—J. 'C. Rricharcls has dis- posed of Isis beautiful home on Turn- berrystreet to Adair Smith who it at present residing in the West but who Bruesela,-,-Tuesday of last. week Harold Scarlett, London, lost his life in Lake Erie while boating in a canoe at Port Stanley accompanied by a young lady friend. The boat upset and after doing heroic work in keeping his com- panion afloat lost his owns life. He was. only 20 years of age. The body was not recovered until Saturday morning when his father ex -Alderman Scarlett, found it n the beach abut 3 -'-miles from where, the accident occurred. Harold was teller in the Bank of Nova Scotia, -Brussels, for a while and was a hfine young fellow whose sad death will be greatly regretted, Morris Twp..—W. A; McCall,. 9th line threshed his Fall wheat last week and had over 40 bushels to the acre. He had about 600 bushes of grain` Grey Twp. -A natural curiosity was on the'prdgrann in Duncan MCTuggart's orchard 16th Con„ last week vii a crab apple tree with fruit 'and"6 blossoms at the'same'time. Northern Spies had been grafted on the tree and this variety of fruit was also in evidence. Old 'Dame Nature varies her program and It is never rnonotinoas. 1 Zurich.—The eight year old daughter of Mrs. J. Corriveau had the misfort- sine'to break her:collerbone on Nfon day. The little girt was engaged in milk- ing 'a cow which kfcked her. Brusaela.--On-Saturday August 14th in the vestry of • Augustine church. Winnipeg Rev, 'Pidgeon officiated at the wedding 'of Miss Margaret eldest daughter of 'Philip and Mrs, Attrertt, Brussels, Otst. and Arthur Hawkshaw, son of Nirs,'Ansi fia'kshaw, of Luean' 'Ont. The attendant's were Miss May Beringer sand Cline Scott. After a few days In the city guests at the Royal Al- exandra, the young couple spent a. week .at Banff before' taking up their house in Hussar Alta, where Mr, Hawk- shaw is manager of the Standard Bank. Morris Twp.—Morris. Township Vet- ere List for 1920 was first posted up, Tuesday of last week. The list contains 700 names and 485 are conspetent to serve as Jurors. Zurich. "/-urich's tax• rate for 1920• will be 26 8--e Co mills. Hay Twp.. The Hay Township Vol EXETER. Mr. George Hockey died suddenly from acute appendicitis. He had been ill for aboiit 'a week the' attend ing physicians being afraid to :operate owing to coli pticatious,: The deceased was the ehief clerk in W. Heaman's hardware store and is survtveel'by his widow and young son, his . niothea and two brothers,'; • ' C. B. Snell disposed of, his resid- ence on Andrew street t: It. N. Creech also his house occupied by Mrs, Brown to Mr. Kestte,"'• , Exeterhighschool staff and seltolars, held a successful picnic at Grand Bend, Mr. Hollingworth the contractor who has laid the new cement, Main street has been awaurded the contract for the paving of Wellington street from the G, T,'R. station to Main street. By far the best Toad of cattle l'eM'l'ng here for many yeet's has been shipped by Mr. Wesley Snell' to. Toronto who will show them dressed at the Toronto exhibition, There were 57 bullocks.. lit the load and their average weight was 1,575 pounds. These cattle were fed_on Mr. Snell's farm and from the tine they were put on grass on May 15 to the present they made an average)gatn of ers Lists have been printed and sent out s80 pounds. for posting up by the Clerk. There are Mr, John hunter while eyalkitsg in 564 perstene. entitled to vote at bout a small piece of bush in Stephen Town- Municipal elections acid elections to ship captured a young buzzard. It lead the Legislative Assembly while there are 101 persons entitled to vote at Municipal elections only there are also 501 on the jurors list. Godentele ,.John Weiss pleaded gull ty before Police Magistrate Reid, of couple of weeks isit at the home of the letter's aunt Mrs. Fred Leonard, Mr, 'Leonard accompanied them as far as ,Woodstock *Isere he was spending a few days, Our correspondent regrets that the Rewe of last week was riot sent In _ ' the Canada '1'eniperanec Act and was tends, Don't worry aboutperfect; reunite. Mr. Ed Poweii,, of. Windsor is spend- fined I)100 and costs, 'tied "Diamond Dieu," guaxaritned to give ing a few weeks in Exeter and • Grand *roxeher.---'Miss Bessie Lovell our d -d bl e 1 re rte Rev. Aliaa Lang proud r u reins coo , A Direction )3oole is iii pin:lenge. Mr. and Mrs, Tom Kernlck, have return last four years, 1lf anew, rich, fade ass oche to macs aide, Bend. brave missionary of whom we are to whether wool; silly, linen, cotton es' mixed. L n 5051 filially of Maple returned of Thursday from Afri^ ge0 &, re oat re,p , 9 •ea tinge, 1 , el ld ty draporiea evcrytiltfuyl Valley, Ont, who have been visiting ca tvitere she has been labouring for the .41aie for last week's edition of thee To match any material, have dealer e ,v a l91 9 111,l allow yott "Diontatlfl Dye" Cblor Cares, pow Eea, •etre ienoemen ed hole. tlowiclr Tidp•.- -Mr, Roht, part of tbti CONSTIPATED CHILDREN 'Chtlden who suffer from college , Hon, indigestion or any of the outer ailments, due to a clogged condition of the bowels will find prompt reheft through the use of Baby's Ebro Tab- lets; The Tablets are a mild but thor- ough axative *Well van aways 'de- paided upon to regulate the • bowels and sweeten the stomach, They are ab- solutely ad l under nat antes to bsafee entnirearely freesoifront opiagates or other injurious rugs, Conceeinenree them Mrs. Thomas A. Boutot, Lak llak er, N, B. writes: "1 ata pleased to state---- that Baby's- Own Tablets were of great help to me when my baby was suffer lug from constipation." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a 'box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, University 0estern t . London, Ontario gait andS ie ce O/ e d G'4=, i t e Fall Tenn Opens October 4th FOR INFORMATION AND CALENDAR WRITE K. P. R. NEVILLE, Regrirtrar - .t Watered Stock If we had leen paying dividends on " watered stock "--- If we bad issued stock to shareholders at lees than its par value and were asking for revenues to pay dividends on such issues 'then we would expect the public to take the position that we had no right to increased rates! But we have done neither of these things. On the contrary o'tge plant represented, in actual cash invested, up to December 31st 1919, $16,000,000 more than our combined stock and bond !swift: By turning back into the business a▪ ll surplus earnings, all idt® nerve funds, we have kept the demands upon our revenues for dividends and interest down to a minimum --lower in propor tion to the investment than any enterprise we know of. But now, with the keen competition for money, we must mak. sure of such m return on our investment as will attract new capital. An adequate rate for our service is the only means of aaccompliah®. ing this. No one has found any other solution. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA I Subscribers Can i ! Can assistAgainst the ,Nib Cost • EWSPAPER readers are familiar with We have many subscribers owing us for the the fact that, very great increases have taken place in the costoof paper during the past three and a half years, and that the puts ushers of news- papers in Canada and throughout the world have been obliged, in consequence, to increase their subscription prices. During the past four year's of increase its thecost of"newsprint, The New Era los raised its e'ubscription price once from $1.00 a year to $1.50 and the extra money went into tate high cost of newsprint. 'The New Era n the good old days was buy^ ing paper at 21/2 cents per ib, freight paid, and it has increased. up to 411/2c5 5c, and even to 6 cents and freight, to pay. Today letters from the paper mills state that paper will be 55c and maybe more—no past year or so and we alce this-ro Qppositioaaa NOW.m','tlY1.1'''14a All subscribers in the United States will have the opportunity of paying up at the rate of $2.00 a year all back debts by August 31st and on the 1st of September all awing then, their names and amounts will be handed to a Collecting Agency at the rate of $2.50 a year. Ail-Canradian Subscribers will be given the same opportunity of paying back debts wap to August 31st at $1.59 and on September lst all owing us then—the amount will be banded to the Clerk of the Division Court at Clinton to collect with all costs added. With the past accout,;s paid up in full The New Era may be able to still keep the subscri- ption price dowse until the high costs 'tight themselves. n t cat . d guarantee as to price --'twat be charged, to that For these reasons we ask all our sulaseri- our subscribers can see what the newspapers , bees to help its in paying up all back indebted. today are up against. nese. a r aaxa, NOTE—When accounts are placed in the Collector's hands The :New Ira Will not acceptpayment a hent at old rates and this rule will be adhered! too. W.a4+ :i•i