HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-8-26, Page 6PAGE e .,,t T kJ CLINTON NAW ERirw Thursday, August ltlth, 19 0, 4410 II UMW' E l�lL'jFitl�6il;r�'•'8 Jit:9iE711Ef1J"�ItB'fil.1418,f$� THE NEW FALL1 A T 4rr MEWS STORE Custom Ta8ordAlt Men's Furnishing Phone 103 Opposite Public Library Brown' WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings. Phone 67 Next Royal Bank 1 Our Rest Asset is a S.aftislIied Customer We aim to please. Call and see our lines ©f general Har rlw[cre, Corless Will Open a Repair Shop. About Sept ist Messrs Canterbn •& Berry will open a repair -shop in the stand formerly occupied by Wilson El- liott. Card of Thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cudmore wish to thank the friends and neighbors for their kindness during the illness and death of Mrs. Cudmore, sr. A Through Car for Toronto Fair. During the Toronto Exhibition the 0. T. R, will have a through ear at- e . der tached to the morning train for Tor- onto. This will save changing at Strut - ford. • f - -- A New Style of Marker. TRY Hawkins FOR PLUMi,;ING . HEATING AND ROOFING Repairing Promptly ! ri Done Phone 53 ---0--- i'ecla Furnaces Lead coming here as manager. There is a Reason ,01000404.10404.60 Improvements, - Dr. Gandier's house is being brigltt- ened up with a new coat of paint. Miss Thompson, isaae Street is hav- ing her house painted. 1 'n Attraction for the children. t A young goat in it box at the Express office was a great attraction for the children. It was shipped front the f lenarden Goat Faros at London to Mr. Bond, of G.oderich Two, Moving to ltlorrinbarg.' • Mr. H. R. Sharp, who has been manager here of the MoLson's Bank has releived word of bis .promotion to Morrisburg. Mr, Sharp has taken an active interdse in the Hortieeil'tural Society and in the bowling club and he and Mrs. Sharp will be much missed in town. Mr, Burwell, of Hamilton, •is Ask Us. enneeia Double Feed Doors 'rrnr 18 into+ O' of hi til."• the skies and spilling wall all oyer the floor with tile big Sunshine feed d.00rS. f�M.H 4 h f J 1 .v1 Those ;1(.71. 1- :ill a l: ,r' a 1„tge el 1...e eae wood, to,,, • Celt lu,nl a,.^nt wi'l ;,::,nv ,u..1 rt er.•1 r,,�.nv ntha.r 11;.11 9 Steal ,a vi e, ., d f.v fret ne t,let. re a P 'ere l .,a4 .5, t 4 NtyyL.rpfMA' ., w 0 n,l .z;,.r ace qg e . , tP dF ��C� li, t s.ai.�.• r.-• a101 ri;i ,'e. Sutterl'4&Perdue SVGA Will not come down for some time as the Canadian Refineries are loaded' up With high priced rawsugar, We were able to procure a limited supply which we will sell wh(le lit lasts at $2.00 less per hundred than present wholesale price, • ex., -- -GET SGME WHiLE IT LASTS. Fred. W; Wigg The Corner Grocery Phone 45. Volt t1 f3"'tl'n r fs''. SCRANTON COAL and Wood for Sale Any who' y wi air to leave their order for Spring delivery can do so by leaving their orders at my residence, Huron St. or Phone IBS. 'fs ms-St r ctiy Casia-Phone IRS. , . t t' J ltESibENCE- BURON STI8t1RT The contract for the motor vehicle lic ense markers for 1921 has been let by the tion. F. C. Biggs, Minister of Public Works and Highways. The num hers will be hyphenated. in groups of two for instance (19-73). The Can- adian born Secretary of State for New York State, Hon. Francis M. Hugo originated this hyphenated scheme. It was found after exhaustive test, that numbers so broken into groups of two were much more readily and accurat- ely seen and remembered, Fulson'a All Stars Won. •Paxies Pets carte to an untimely end last Thursday evening when Fulson's alt stars, a team collectedfrom far and wide, even out of a score of 28-9, just to show what the Pets were upgainst, Fulsons 'carne from the woodstock pro- fessionals; Cap Cook,. late of the Over- ; seas stars.; McEwen from :Mita Craig; Shepherd from Morrisburg, Rekey John stun, star of the old Ontario league team of Listowel. Middleton -from Goderieh Twp. Homes from Pharmacy College team; Wiggs of 'Cayuaga and Any Reynolds, late of the Guelph Canadian league. The all'Star's are now looking for new teams to conquer. Clinton Won. Two rinks of Wingham bowlers motored down on Wednesday after- noon and had a friendly game with the Clinton Club. The home players won out by 22 shots. Following were the players and scores:— Clinton Wingham J. Brown A. Smith R. E. Manning W. Haney W, Brydone R. Allen . 1, Miller, sk-30 W. Holmes sk-•-••1S P, Dyef • • M, McCauley F. Libby A, E. Smith • Dr, OW R. Somers H, Wiltse, sk---25L, Kennedy, sk—t5 Mrs. L• iderrnol'e biases Away. On Thursday morning last at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Livermore, where she had made her home for the past eight years, Mrs. Robert Marshall passed away in her 81 year, Her maiden name was Elie- ebeti a Gibbings, She was the third daughter of the late Samuel Gibbings, of Banstple, Devon; England, and also e neice of the late Jonas Gibbiegs, who was the first white child born in Huron, Co. She had been 11I almost a year but bore her sufferings with :a smile. She was twice married, and was the mother of seven children, six of whom are living to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother. Thefuneral was held on Sunday afternoon from the home of Mr. and Mrs, Livermore and was largely attended The, flowers Were beautiful including a pillow from the family. The services were conducted be Rev. S. Anderson of the Ontario St. Methodist church, where the deceased attended since eating to Ciliton. 1111111 11111 t 1 111111.11 11 111111 1I 11 111111111 11111111111111 III 1 111111111 111111 1 1111 Local News pi umummiiimoquiuuros muuwutiuumuuumuwl l uuuumiuumua momostuuuuummum memimuimiuminsigiummiuum rm Flax Coming In. . Wants Clinton to Play. , The Zurich 'Baseball Club are prepar big for a baseball tournament for Labor Day ,.10 have secured the Clinton team The 'good old days have been revived Here when loads offlax are being hauled into tows again, 'Arch Meeting Friday., A Royal Arch meeting will he held on. Friday evening of this week, A good et- tendanee-is requested, Coal Oil Scarce.. Since last Friday Coal o11 has been a minus quality here and it may be the end of the week before a carload gets here. . x Took in Tourney At Seaforth. On Wednesday two rinks from town tok in the tourney for Doubles at Sea - forth, They were W. Grant and N, Welsh and J. B Cantelon •and J E Cook. Went To Bayfield The organized Sunday School -classes young ladies and gentlemen of Ontario St. church held a picnic at Eayfield on Wednesday afternoon. An enjoyable afternoon was spent. A large Shipment, Although it is reported throughout Ontario that there is a shortage of eggs this is not the case around Clinton, Last week the Gunn Langlois and Co. had shipped over 9000 dozen eggs. For last Week alone the local Branch of this Co, here paid out $6500.00 for eggs and poultry and the Business is steadily increasing and are preparing to handle touch larger quantities of poultry this year than previously. Person's Ruptured On Parents having children so aff- licted may be interested to know that Mr. J. Y. Egan—Specialist of Toronto will be at the Rattenhury Hotel Clinton from 2 bit 5 p. m. Saturday August 28 instant, and will be pleased to meet any person requiring information re- garding their trouble his Latest invent- ions have gained a world wide reputat-, ion and by their use thousands hove been relieved, many cured after trying every other means, he has the testi- mony of several in this town and vicin sty to substutinte bis claim. Notice date—Don't miss this rapport unity, Canada's Population. Canada's population is estimated by the Census Brnneh of the Trade and Commerce Department at 8.835.- 102. Tire census branch has based its estimate for the year 1919 on tate known increases of population, as shown by the census of 1901 and 1911. Such calcufntions have in the past proved to be approximately correct. 'rhe estimates for the vari- ous provinces are: Ontario 2.820,00 Quebec 2,326,628 British Columbia718,660 Saskatchewan 754.090 lelanitoba 618,903 Alberta 587,770' Nova Seotia 618,761. New Brunswick 108,760 Prince Edward Island 93,728 Northwest Te'rrito•les 18,481 Yukon 8,512 It Is thought that the figure for British Columbia may be a little blgh, inasmuch as inimtgration Into the province between 1901 and 1911 was heavy, but showed a falling off in war years. Saskatchewan, it Is also noted, claims a population of 833,000, or an increase of nearly 100,000 in slightly more than two years. Estimates of city populations based on figures prepared for leen' assessment pufposes include the following: - Montreyal and outskirts, 743,964; , Toronto, 473,829; Vancouver} 102,- Phone for Clinton No, 74. 560. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618. for to play; Saw Wingham Win. Merssrs F,.W Wigg, J. B, Cantelon,' .Geo. Robertson,' A McGarva and J. L. Kerr were at Brussels on Monday and saw Wingham win their district from Teeswater by a score ef 8-3. Cargill Players Stop Here. Mr. Cargill, Manager of the Cargill baseball team took thet, players to Lon don last week as a treat on his for win- ning the district to see a big league game. The boys stopped here for a short time and Fred Runiball their first base man showed then the popular places here, , Minor Locals. Next Wednesday Is September ist, Toronto Fair open on Saturday of this week. The weather man reminded us of the coming winter on Sunday, It was a trifle chilly all day, Now is the time notice to the public is being given as to posting of voters lists, Next January if you find your name is not on the roll don't kick, This is the time to see that it is on. August Rod And Gun. The latest available Game Laws of each Province including the Internat- tionel Migratory Birds Act are includ- ed in Rod and Gun in, 'Canada for Aug- ust. This issue of Canada's sports- men's ;monthly contains seven blooded stories of adventure with can- oe, gun, rod and trap in Canada. In ad- dition to these stories.of fact and fict- in'there are the usual high class Guns and Ammunition Department for the "gun crank" the Angling Department for the Waltonian and the Kennel and 'Conservation Departments for the ad- mirers of the canine and lovers of true sport. A. Bryan Wiliialns,the well known big game hunter takes the read- er on another "leg" of thehuntbig trip into the hills of British Columbia, after sheep and goats. Rod and Gun in Can- ada is published monthly by W. J. Taylor, Limited Woodstock Ont. YOUR R O On the selection of your roofing material depends the appearance, value and durability of your building. What kind of roofing could he better titan 3 -ply of everlasting Shingles? The cheapest is not usually the best although the best is usually the cheap- est. We have the best in three different grades, 2X, 3X and 5X at popular cur- rent prices. rl tt AT BRUCEFIELD—We also handle all kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Canada Fibre Board, Canada Cement, Hard and Soft Coai, etc, AT CLINTON— — We handle all kinds of Coal and Wood and Canada I. Cement. Let us have your inquiries. We think we can supply you. ( YARD. B. MUSTARD Clinton As Brucefield. • Author of "Beautiful Snow." - I The best known of the several poems entitled "Beautiful Snow" was published anonymously, and its auth- orshlp,'so far as we know, It still in doubt; That there were many claimants to the authorship Is borne out—In an exaggerated for•rn—by the ' etetez etChambers' Journal, thayt some one gam public invitation ' itelie ,arty 80'e fo Iii%. mitvilk 01 ez iiilfful Snow" to attend a meet.--' i Meg in Chicago, and 750 authors turn- e�} upt num h."' wa,r ding regrets, j , A at ratkerrr the enterteTee, of ..eho , ee.eu,ng, e t0 be >-olca about four 1 gen : e;u of London, England, 'nig)decided-to give a dinner party, each of the four tozuy.'i te the most dig= a.greegylg.mail 11e knew. On l.lae ap- pointed date, Sir William Harcourt was ushered in and all four gentle- men rushed forward to greet elm as their gues.l, 'rho story was an inven- tion of political opponents probably, for Sir William was not a disagree- able man, but quite` the reverse. • Preparing for Cnnaide Comm. Though the Canadian census will not be taken until June, 1921, pre- parations will spur begin, as it is a huge, slow lash to organize unci tip - paint coniinlasioters and enumerators in every electoral district. en 191.1 there •were 9,703 enunterietors. The appointments this tine will be made by the Civil 'Service Commission on and the o rattou t. rt ort o member of Par- liament a �- ltamenl will be eliminated,1 Trophy for Chatham. The captured machine gun No. 6658 ban been allotted to the etty of Chatham, and it is now in Toronto Waiting shipment to the WesternOn- tario city, TIA's Is the ntac Nino gun whicl, was captured by the late 0091, Miner, V,C„ the Chatham hero, who has placed the name of that elty amour; those deserving the highest boner for War aehfevonaents; DIARRHOEA TURNED TO DYSENTERY Lost 29 Pw ods, REGARDING WALL PAPER Pries, in general, are on a slightly higher level thanflast year, but noticeable ]mostly in the lower,priced goods. We have `heard re- ports of a few low priced "spots" which how- ever, without exception have proved to be inferior goods or boasts made to distract at- t ention from other shortcomings, these ex- ceptions we ready concede. Our new stock' is being sampled and gives promise of being as varied and attractive in design and colorings as we have had in for- mer years, while our values are as good as we know where or how to buy. The W. D Fair eo. Often the eheapest_Pliways the Best BEST RESULTS Are obtained when you use our High G rade Vinegar and Spices. tong, keeping and make theflavor you 1 Ike. ITS THE LIT'N.E. THINGS THAT HELP ON WASH DAY TRY SOME Rinso Periess Tablets 3 pkgs for 25c Ford or Meeks No Rub per pkg 5c Wonder Wash 2 pkgs for 25c PHONE 111 WHAT :Asolitr JAR OR 5 us bulk Tea JAR RUBBERS • 2 ib s bulk tea They Insure. TEA SPECIALS FOR CANNING DON'T FORGET TANGLEFOOT ,TO CATCH THE FLIES GET THE HABIT 0 F DEALING AT SN .. $e.65 ...$1.15. 1 lb bulk Tea ... 60er TRY A BOTTLE OF ROSES LIME JUICE A GOOD (HEALTHY' DRINK PHONE ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO The "C ,l, E V p1 AND" Bicycle are sold in Clinton by J. H. PAXMAN The Garage that gives real Bicycle, Car and Battery Services SOLD FOR CASH OR EASY TERMS ORDER YOURS TODAY CLINTON, ONT. Phone 8© . Residence 140 Having made special arrangements with our Com- pany at Guelph for this sale by taking a limited ,number of pianos. 1 can quote you a price far below factory, prices, to you to -day and if you are going to get a piano inside the next. two years. Now is.your chance. This sale is merely to advertise our -goods and is good for 10 days only, after which the regular factory Prices.will be used,, r 1 ; If you can not call on us write for prices. and also..re- member we can arrange to give you terns to suit.so as to get in on this sale. Remember the naive. Jonathan Hugill BOX 229. • Phone 216. MUSIC STORE. SEAFORTH. ONT. Dysentery is one of the Wast forme of lig bowel complaint, The pains in the bowels are intense, the discharges occur with great rapidity; and are very' often accompanfcd by blood, It tinee...not need to pers'st -for any length of time until the whole systree is weakenedi and debilitated, and hardly any other dim - eerie so quickly undermines the strength and brings about a condition of pro- stration and utter collapse thtal, often erminalt•s fatally. I'o cheek iito 'tumatural discharge, Without bringing on constipation., tiara is only one romrdyn Fn a+e, and. firs is 1)rrhowler'a Ex tract. of Wild Strawberry. r ry. Mr, (;, W MrVa„h, Mama', Sask., writes:—"About e'gli1: rears ago I Karl severe n11',•1, of diarrhoea which tinned 10 dyw•nitry before 1 got better, 1 tight sny I at,; sjok for three weeks, 1 weighed 114 Ilan, when 1 took s'els and weighed 126 11,:?, when 1 got it stopped. tlhnh Iliad tried every Medi- cine rnu that, as of 1 art and id Wart the to d not find. relief until 1 tried Dr. howler's I+xltnt1 o1 Wild Strawberry, and nee bottle relieved. tee. I think. there is nothing like it Inc diarrhoea or dysentery, 1 always keep mune on hand as a person floes not know when he will need it." ".Dr, Fowler's" has been on the market for 'the ,est 75 years. Don't experi- ment with inane no•name-no-teputntion compowids. They may be dangerutie to your 1slthe Trice bde, a battle. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co,, Limited, '.Forouto, Ont. OXIPO/iDS nummmuumimomuiouumumulummuuimmuummmummuuuomivamuuuu miimmmumimmmiuuum1mmiuimumuuumuimuuiuumuum Wel Drestied Women will wear Oxfords this Season. We are now showing beautiful new models in these comfort- able Shoes. Shoemaking is certainly an Art when it comes to making such handsome Footwear. ienn Vvery Shoe a ict'a"Naafi 1 Oxfords in Dull or Patent Leathers. Beautiful colorings in Brown or Mahogany. The new plain narrow toe and the imitation perforated tip and vamp—Louis of Cuban Heel. Expert Fitting Service. P R $3.50; $4.50;, . $0,50; to $9.50. This House of Good Shoes stand these days as a safeguard a. - against Shoe Values at inflated prices 'ri pcf 'We —"SHOL'S Tata" ,BWWdm60MW9Yf.TilmcMQ oolBueklrcWYeeYniM.epmv.qw-Y',O.1oYJfnday.K1CM1tY5tmm.{n . ,. - 00.v�QLibM90.fi'�,YEd,Fs'NSA11NiW1A/a1:5B. nm4TT.FfiMlltl