The Clinton New Era, 1920-8-26, Page 1tsstabllshed 9865, Vol. 55, No.9
'�, 13: Kerr Ilk Soo, Editors and Publishers.,
Want You
to Look at Your Label ToDay. Is it 1 92 0
WWWWWWWWWWW9pWWWW,0 WWW40WvvosV V Ww+v'1POos9vV Vow,,
To the Sight Jonteel Toilet articles are beautiful; To the
Nose they are .delightful; To the Skin they are refreshing; TO
the Ear, every person sounds their praise. They are put up
in the following forms—
J O N T E E L* Perfume, Face Powder, Compacts
Rouge Soap, Talcum, Cold Cream i Combination Cream.
All delightfully refreshing and used by particular people of
refinelnent. Sold only at
W. S. 14, I-10 L M ' Phtn. B,!'+
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000
Over 130 Branches
Farmers needing money while waiting to market
crops or stock are invited to consult with the
Manager at any of THE tytOLSONS BANK
Branches. Savings Departments at all Branches.
H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent.
Royal Bark
Incorporated 1869.
Reserve,,Funds , , ..818,000,000
Total Assets ;1587,000,000
700 Branches
Special attention to Farmers' requirements. interest
paidon Deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent.
R. E. MANNING, Manager . Clinton Branch
The Buckingham
Bridge Reopened
New Style of Structure Designed
by County Engineer Patterson
(Goderich Signal)
Buckingham bridge a new structure
of cement replacing the old wooden
bridge over the Eighteen Mile River in
Ashfied was declared completed last
Friday afternoon and will soon be ready
for traffic. The bridges of unique con-
struction the only one of its kind so
far ln.the county , and is the creation of
Mr. Roy Patterson, the county en-
gineer, who has received many com-
pliments upon its design.
The "christening" took place in the
presence of quite an assembly of the
people of the neighborhood, In 'the
gathering also were Warden Petty,
• County Clerk Holman, Reeve Hackett,
Ex -County Oouncillors Ford of Clin-
ton, and Connolly of Goderich and the,
county engineer, Mr. Patterson, After
a Splendid supper prepared by Mrs,
Buckingham had been enjoyed ice
cream 'refreshments were furnished by
the contractor Mr, Thomas Sandy and it
is doubtful if anything was ever so
plentifully dealt out or so thoroughly
After all had more than satisfied the
inner man, County Clerk Holman gave
a few congratulatory words in praise -of
the engineer ;" the contractor and work-'
men and called upon Warden Petty and
the other gentlemen named who ail
spoke in terms of praise of teh beauti-
ful structure. Mr. Pattersou'in acknow
!edging the compliments showered tip
on him stated that the new bridge was
I of a type which he hoped woultl be in-
1 traduced geeteially in the county,
IA bevy of pretty girls from the neigh
borhood assisted. Mrs. Buckingham, and
they all deserve praise for the way
they served the refreshments and help-
ed to entertain tate company.
Exeter August 20.—By a vote of
about three to one Exeter ratepayers
to -day approved a by-law authorising
the raising of $8.000 for coustratction
of concrete pavement on Wellington
street from. the main thoroughfare to
the Grand Trunk. On the main street
concrete has already been laid,
Caws. eanise a meteeseeetmR
i u
church -'
�� � A • �� I The pastor p1111 Areach urxt Sun-
Morning subject—"The World's Cry
for Christ,"
Evening—"Deep Catlett) unto Deep."
1Baptid Church
Rev, E. O. Porde will close his work
here on Sunday. Services at 11 a.m.
and 7 p.m. The Baptist church choir
of Auburn will lead the singing at the
evening service.
Boy's School Suits at
5.00 and 810.00
For Saturday, Aug.28
SPECIAL NO. 1 at t $5.00
Consists of 20 Boys Suits in medium, dark
and .lig{ht Tweeds, in the latter are some
guaranteed all wool. Your choice Saturday
A f-.3gust 28th for $5.00,
SPECIAL NO. 2 at $10.00
Consists of 25 i:;oys Suits in a variety of pat,
terns, sizes 28 to 35. Your choice Saturday'
August 28th for $10,00.
The Morrish Clothing r:,(2,
A 4gfore Deni ler Pill/11'3' piR
Try The New Era
" A Quantity of Hardwood
Slabs—tile best for Summer
fires—now on hand.
Get Your Orders in
Will he belivered at Your
for Job I. i
Phone 14h Estimates Given
Inieritsr and
Wo protect your floors, rural -
tura, etc., by plenty of the.;
t}if Papers,
8igA'is, Ewe.
a,sa?u Se
Hope to Pay All • 4 0 00 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0'0 0 oo
tales they soli! tel when they return will
Creditors of Loan a OVER THE TEACUPS o fill a fairy book,
U a very happy gathering wee' Cele
in Full
0 rated at 11le home of Mrs, M. A. Bezyo
u 000ao4aooa000
Over, the week end, Mr. W, iI, Benzo of
Financial Expert Experts ver O Qrs, H. Trick, of St, Louis, Mo„ 3s g g present also R,
Los. An les Oral, 1?eln items of interest Picked (J Here
Standard Reliance Clain*visiting Mr, and Mrs, Hawke, IL Bezzo and wife of London, !sane Bee A
Will Be 141et. Miss Leola Heaslip, of Cayuga, IS zo and wife of Stanley Township, Mrs, and There About the Town,
the guest of Mrs T W. Wigg, Ellison of Stratford and Mrs: Fred
Toronto August 23, --The Standard
Reliance Loan Corporation Inquiry
will be resumed let September or --as
soon as possibe after the long'vacation
at Osgoode Hall.
Col. W. S. Dinnick nifty not beee-
amined aggro as his health is Said to he
poor. It reported that he has gone to
England to live,
According to F. C. 'Clarkson ,the
flnanelal expert the receiver hopes to
pay creditor depositors and debenture
holders in full, but liquidation luny take
He does not look to shareholders to
receive anything on their investment,
Creditors under $25 have already been
paid off and con siderable "compassion
ate allowances" made.. The liabilities
at the time of liquidation were: Deposit
ors and deposit receipt-holdors, $1,248
000. Debenture holders $4,024,578,
The share capital of ,the defunct cor-
poration was given et j, 2,644, 020.
Publishers Met
At Stratford
Decide to Increase Rates Owing to
Mounting Costs
Some Iwo dozen newspaper. then pub-
lishers of weekly newspapers in Pertly
and Huron counties met for confer-
ence in the chamber of Commerce at
Stratford, On Friday morning officers
were elected for the :Pert!, and Huron,
Counties Newspaper Assonlation and
consideration was given of the sub
scriptioe rates for weekly newspapers.
Publishers of weekly newspapers in
common, with the publishers of dailies
have been sore pressed by the paper
makers and have been obliged to meet
other abnormal costs of production.
They are now paying as a fact $125 a
ton for newsprint paper mid costs for
wages ink and other factors entering
into the production of a weeklynewspap
er have advanced abnormally.
After listening to an address by May
or Hunter of Kincardine who is also
the publisher of the KincardineReporter
1,1 Zits Sigel* that the subscription
price for weekly newspapers should be
$2,00 per. year from and after October
1 next Subscribers in arrears who have
not paid up by that time will be charg
ed the increased 'rate for arrears as
well as for the period due in advance.
The officers elected this morning
Mr, Geo. M. Elliott,. Chiidreu's Aid
Agent of Huron Co., wee in town on
rs, Robt. Wash is visiting her
s i t Wallaceburg.
Misses Mary Harper and Mary Me-
Douald, of Toronto, are the guests of
the former's aunt, Mrs, Guy Jones.
Mr. Harrison,. of London, is the
guest of Mr, J. A. Irwin at Burke's.
Mrs. R. E. Manning and sister, Miss
Fisher, have been visiting at Detroit.
Deaconess Ester Moffat, returned to
her home in Montreal, after visiting
the Misses 'Irwin. '
Miss Ruby Irwin attended the wed-
ding of her brother, 1Sev. Robt. Irwin
to Miss Sipes at Plattsville on Wednes-
Mr. and Mrs. P. Maper, of Toronto,
are the guests of Miss Forence Cussing
• ne,
e are sorry to hear that Miss Helen
odhway, teacher in the Public School
is threatened with typhoid fever, Her
many friends will hope for a speedy
Mr, and Mrs. W. Plumsteel and dau-
ghters are expected ,to arrive in Tor-
onto about the first of the week from
their western trip and will spent a few
days at the Toronto Pair.
Mr, A. J. Morrish has been on the
"aged and infirm list" having damaged
his knee while --bowling at Stratford
last week.. He has had to use a, cane
to help get around.
e Mr. Leo Flynn, of the Royal Bank
teff, at Hamilton has been home for
his holidays and will take some more
enforced holidays having damaged his
M•r. J. J. Hunter of Kincardine gave
the New Era tt call last'Thursday even-
ing while est route to Stratford to at-
tend the Printers Convention on Fri-
Rev. and. Mrs, S J. Alien of Itderton
accompanied by there daughter Mrs.
Turner and two children, and Messrs
A. E. and Way Allen Motored to Clin-
ton last .Thursday afternon. Mr. Way
Allen had only returned on Wednes-
day from India where he had been
with the Y, A4, C.A.
Miss Murray, of London is visiting
iyith relatives, and friends in and around
es. Geo. Roberton leaves this week
rote Grand Forks after spending.a mon
th or so with her' sister.
Mr, Frank Libby, of Owen Sound is
its Clinton this week,
were 'Honorary president W. R. Davis f Mr, and Mps� Fred W. Pelee of Poplar
Bluff, Mo., were visitors. Intown,
this week with the, tatter's -grandmother
Mrs. Jas. Smith, Ontario Street.
Miss Bertha Webster of Auburn , is
visiting her Aunt and Uncle Ms,'And
Mrs. G. E,,Ssiviile, r)
Crown Attorney Seager was in town
on Friday.
Mrs. J. Cook and Miss Elva are visit
l' rig in Toronto.
Mrs. Ayers returned to her home in
the States after visiting her sister, Mrs.
J. Ransford,
Mitchell Advocate. president; Malcolm
Macbeth Milverton Sun; vice-president
J. W. Vanatter Goderich Star; secre-
tary -treasurer Alex Abraham. executive
committee, the officers rand Messrs.
W. H. Kerr of the Brussels Post; H.
Davis Mitchell Advoeatf; C. V. Blatch-
ford Listowel Banner.
The Members of the conference were
entertained at luncheon in W. G.
Brown's roosts adjolnislg the Chamber
of Commerce quarters by the Stratford
newspaper mens and the employing prin
ters of the city, Mr. Chaeles Dingman
presided; and Mayor Stevenson who Mrs. Lattorneil, of St. Thomas has
been visiting her brattier Oot:
was present welcomed the press men H. B.
Miss Owen of New York is the guest
of her cousin, Col. 11 B. Combe,
on behalf of the city, }ssforntal speech-
es were made afterwards by a number
of the delegates.
Consideration of the Franklin price
list for lob printing was up for dlscus-
sioh and acepted:
With the
Base Ball
ori League
Zurich Wins District
Zurich defeated Crediton on Tuesday
night by a score of 6-4 end wins disc
trfet. They will play Stratford in the
fleet round.
Goderich Beat Crediton
Crediton Baseball got eland busup on
'rincrsday night ie ticeL o. town whets
they were beaten by a score of 14-4.
Wiggins' pitched for the winters, while
the Southern boys had to use four
hitchers in six innings, A win would
have made a tie with Zurich but they
didn't win.. '
Clinton . +.
Won host P.O.
i2 4
h. 7
S 9
5 12
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston of Petrone
wisp have been spending the past week
at the home of Mr. Jas. Cornish motor-
ed home Tuesday, and were accompan
led by Miss Edith Cornish.
Misses Hattie Trick and ,Ida Cor-
nish spent part of last week in London,
Rev, R. B, Stevenson of Stratford
was a visitor over the week end at the
home of his sitter Mrs. W. S. Downs,
Dr, P. A, McDonald of South Ednioit
ton, is renewing old acquaintances in
Mr, John Ransford was in Toronto
on MYionday.
-.Mr. Jack Hodge sof London, Beg, is
visiting his sister Miss Alice Hodge,
He arrived In Canada on Friday last and
saw active service with the English
yyj Mrs. McHardy Smith of Toronto is
iliiewing old acquaintances in town.
Mr. Robt. Moore of Hanover spent
the week end in town.
ars, fe, Marshall and master Bert
fturned frosn . Kingston last Friday
after a months' visit. It is reported
that Bert was breaking the fishing re-
cords down there on the black bass.
Miss E. Aft. Clsidley of 'Toronto lsas
been renewing old acgaintances in
town during the past week,'
Rev. delight -ere' Ru . J, 1?.' iiupig. and d girte rS re.
Unmet! from their 11011deyg last 1 ridgy.
Messrs 0 p 'Libby anti Fred Jackson
are away on a motor holiday trip. The
Brown and two ,daughters Misses Eva
and Helen Brown of Brantford, a Sow Clan,, At Zurich ,
pleasant time was spent the visiting Many from here went to ZZurieh on
members of the family returning to Tuesday night to see tate 'Zurich and
their homes on Monday and Tuesday. Crediton baseball game,
A Unique- Anniverrsar Two Rinks At St,. Marys.
Two rinks of Clinton bpwlers were
On Saturday Aug. 14th 1920 Mr, and at St. Marys on Wednesday attending
Mrs: D. 13. Bouck of Bouck's Hill, coup the rink tournament there.
ty of Dundas celebrated the 60th an- Vi.lted hayfield,
niyersary of their wedded life. The The Girls Auxiliary spent Wednesday
event was rendered quite extraordinary •
from the fact list in a family of eight evening at Bayfield, They wen£ over for
children four boys and /our girls they tea and all had a good time at the take- •
were permitted to meet on this oecas- I side,
ion without a break in the family dr -Issues A Challenge.
cle and at the old home where they I Fulson's All Stars (with blood in
were all born, Besides the immediate their eye) issues a challenge to may
family there were 26 grandchildren and team or make up except the league
ten great grandchildren, Mr. Bouck who players, in town to a game. Mr. Fulsoa
is eighty three years old will make arrangement for dates etc.
conies of U. ' B. Loyalist
stock and Mrs. Bouck seventy Arrested At Sarnia.
eight years is a wee bit of ould Ire- Shortly after 8 o'clock Thursday morn
land coming from Belturbit, County ing an American visitor who had
'Caveu when she was but ten years old been warned twice by the local police
The oldest son is fifty -bine and the about his fast driving went through
youngest daughter forty. Seventy-five town at a rate of over 5o miles an hour'
sat down' to the wedding dinner, serv- and the police wired ahead and shortly
ed on the lawn, sixty-seven of whom after 12 o'clock word came that he
were immediately connected with the was at Sarnia Chief Fitizmons left to
family and the remainder close friends bring the gentlemen back to stand his
of the aged couple. After dinner the trial.
King, the Jubilee couple, the old home, Mrs. Cr ch Passes Aawy.
the family circle, our sister 'ida, who
has sacrificed her life for her parents,
and the grandchildren and great god-
children, were aptly toasted by mem-
bers of the family. Mr, Wm. Bouck,
Morewood, creditably performed the
dupes of toastmaster. '
During their united journey through
life they have witnessed great changes
in the social and particle life of Canada
and many are the stories they can tell
of the joys and sorrows of pioneer
days in this country,.
We believe it le very rare in the hon
ily histories of this Dominion that a
Diamond jubilee celebration takes place
under suck suspicions circumstances
as the above. Principal C. D. Bouck of
Clinton Model School is a son and his
fancily attended the event,
Keeping Gown Appearances.
"1 suppose I ought to wear my last
year's clothes," remarked the con-
scientious than,
"Don't worry," rejoined the tailor.
"After you have worn these a week ac'
an. they will look as If they were at
least a year old."
LUCKY 011010E,
"I'll tell you, old than, Peggy le a
bright girl. She's 1rrnese enough for
two." „ ttik %*: kr. 1.":"Mr n, .r 54.,-«•
' .11on sbus s tho very girl for you,
szty boy," .
Mental Fatigue.
As mighty a momenta appear
Mon llltc to wait and loom;
Yet they seem always glad to hear
The motion to adjourn.
Cried So Mush.
Wifry---Tbny haven't lhnuelo or e
nem for tee baby In (he apari•ttent
above yet.
1lttSthy---Well, they ought te,huvtt 550
tllflicully. '.i'he noighilnru have Bulled
It everything they could thit:k :t1,
Firm 155 a Reck.
"I heat' the editor of the i'lunkthiln
Palladium is 5111110 a Feller"
Yep," assented old lop eremite se
the Grocery Lyceum, "h0 ishvisae tom,
rat tntcosnps'osnlsing eland on anything
that nobody is otiposing,"•--.lnit;o, •
8lerbert—1 hems ticat yrurr oink
broke only one pinto ynstorday.
Ilobert--That's right.
Yferbert---]Tow's thni;1
Itoberi---It -Wise the futti. one.
A Clifdtgo invenlor's device for test-
sperk plugs encloses them in att sir
fight sllamber equipped with a lens
for obtervation and 3 pressure gauge
Mrs. iddo Crich Passed away last
Thursday after a long and painful suff
Bring. Besides her husband she is sur-
vived by a son and daughter, The fun-
eral was held on Saturday and inter-
ment was made in Clinton Cemetery
Rev. S. Anderson pastor of Ontario Sr.
church conducted the services at the
house and graveside. Much syympathy
is expressed to the benefit in their loss.
"Jitora Paragraphs
The last rose of summer will sewn he
left blooming alone.
Have the Poles written against War-
saw as the French wrote against Ver-
dun, "They shall not pass?"
These cool nights snake the aver-
age householder dream of an empty
coal bin only to wake up and fines that
the dream is a horrible reality.
It is estimated that the rate increases
'Sow before the Railway Board would
impose an added burden of from one
to six hundred dollars per year on every,
family in Canada. .\
'It does not pay to kick against the
pricks, Such conviction must be birrne
on the mind of the Hamilton man whie
has Just been fined $2,000 for neglect-
ing or refusing to snake ,his income tax
return to the Dominion Government,
There are six vacancies iri the Sen-
ate. Those vacancies will be filled for
life by appointees of a Government
whose days are numbered—and whit"
if it had not the nusnbering of its ow
days wouldn't havve even the life pre
pact which it has.
The Meighen governmeltt has de-
cided to do away with the parliamentary
under-secretaries of State and Militia,
positions for which there may have
been some excuse in war days but are
manifestly an excrescence lit these pip.
Mg tines of peace.
Wyoming was the first state of grant
women the elective franchise' that
was in 1869. The women had to wait 24
yeyars for the next state .Colorado,.
Then in 1896 -tali and Idaho Pett into
line and. four years later Washington
gave them the ballot. By 1914 the wog
then had won the right to vote in le
states, Iu11 suffrage means that oyer 20,
000,000 women voters will be entitled,
to cast the ballot for president as cont
pared with the number eligible to vote
in 1916, _, • t
Lusa of water from automobile cool-
ing system by evaporation is claimed
to be prevented. by a radiator cap of
several flat, circular ehamhers, wilds
condense the vapor and return it ae
A new vacant bottle is made entirely
of metal and cannot be Injured by rough
handling or changes In temperature of
its Contents. ,
Sheet metal splints adjustable to ear-
lous sixes have beets patented by a Vir-
*rola :elegem for temporaril•a dressing
broken limbs,
An English railway Is ex e>luenii
wita toc live driven by a Internettrrta9
combustion engine using Heavy 'fuel off •
which hes hauled freight trains at a
speed of 30 utiles 1511 hour and passetga
or trains twice as rapltily. . -