HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-8-19, Page 6'I'liii!$ CLINTON NEW Thursday, August 9th, 920.. -°aIbJIA41'll 11.1L.111'11111Jtil dIILd•Ilin.,. 11itl,il4a Poi SEE '7.4"V".r.i lSifllllatl�l_ 1. t MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring Men's Furnishing Phone ton Opposite Public Library T C•OAr� rown WOMAN'S STORE S Dry Goods and House Furnishings. Phone 67 Next Royal Bank Our Best Asset is a ScjtiSfied Customer We aim to please. Call and see our lines of general Har dware. Corless & Verner a TRY 1® Aaw i s FOR PLUMBING HEATING AND ROOFING Repairing Promptly Done Phone 53 —O— t'ecla Furnaces Lead There is a Reason Ask U. Ir, lu 1111111111' III 11'11 .i 11a,11111111111111 Dal 1111111111111111,1 411,11111111,11 loll a 1,11104111111 11i 11111 111,111 ,+peal .News 1111111. 11'1111111 ''il'diBli h 111.'01' IVY1:11•1 I111111111,1 'I! Notice to Tractolr* Owners. " A notice relative to tractors an Idgh- ways may he read on page 5 which will save further trouble, . Had an Enjoyable Day. • Last Saturday the annual picnic of of the Baptist church and Sunday WAS held at 13ayfield and an enjoyable' day was spent by all, A Car Mixup. Last Friday Evening Mr. Schoenhals new McLaughlin and Mr, Reids's Chev- olet car got into a mixup tfi Stanley and some liiw is threatened. Nearly lost a Prizewinner. Lest Saturday, one of Mr..1.J, Mern- er's prize shorthorn calves fell into a well down bn the Flax .Milt fields, and it was hard work to get It out, How- ever it was no worse for its fall and ducking. Mr, Merner has a lot of his thorobred strock on grass here at pre- sent. Work At School Being Rushed. Drove from Detroit. • A young Gorrie girl hired a Detroit taxi driver to bring her from the city to her home. on Sunday. Arriving in Cor; rie on Sunday evening he expected to receive his pay but was cooly -told by the -young lady that she had no funds. It is doubtful if he be able to collect any. He claims that he is thrqugh with ;taking Canadian girls home. PICKLING SEASON There are Several Grades of Spirit Vinegar — we handle only the X X X quality which is the Best. . • If you want to be sure of your pickles not spoiling use only •the best. Pickling Spices, Tunteric, Mustard and Ceriery Seed, Mace, and a full range of goods for pickling. • Grape Juice e t n nade' Orange and Lemonade, Ora and Lime Juice, Cooling drinks for the warm weather Mayonnaise and Pure Gct<ld Staged any who wish to leave their order for dressing for quick salads. • Spring delivery can do so by leaving their orders at lily residence, Huron St. r Phone e 156, Fred. W. Wigg. Terms --Strictly Cash—Phone 155. 1 Is Very Much Peeved. Because of continued splits in the Orange Lolges of North Huron as to where they shall celebrate July 12th `each year, and also the fact that some lodges close to Wingham seem to per- fer to celebrate With any other coun- ty but their own the members of Wing pant L. .:, L. have sent a communicat- ion to the county master requesting to allow then to withdraw from the county of North Huron. Wingham is so situat- ed that they are possibly more conven- ient to Bruce county and if they should decide to unite with Bruce orangemen it would only be natural as at the pre- sent time there are more of these breth ren who celebrate with Wingham each year than' there are•from Huron. Cod- erich would no doubt take the place of Wingham as it is such a splendid Or- ange town (5.) Wingham Advance. The workmen at the public school are rushing the work so that school may .open on time but there is still lots of work that will take a month or so to finish up. The basement is finished and the plasteres are at work on new partitions and ceilings. The old door- ways are out and will be bricked up. Returning Officer. Mr, Peter W. Scott, Of East Wawa-- nosh awa-nosh has received official nottce from Ottawa of his appointment as Return- ing Officer for North Huron for the '1,11 II 1, 11111111111 imlaopm la Tl eme Gundry Sheriff,. 11th l i 1111111 Sheriff Reynolds has appointed' Mr, Thomas Gundry as deputy sheriff in sueeeSslon to the late Mr. A, 1), Gainer on, The appointment is a very fitting one Mr. Gundry havbtg formerly been $sheriff's officer and being fatnillar with the work of the office, His official duties will not Interfere with Mr, Gun dry's business as an auetioneer, which he will conduct as usual. Helping The Veteran, SCRANTON COAL and Wood for Sale —0_ The Minister of Education in pro- posing to encourage trustee boards to engage returned soldiers by offering a special grant to ,sections employing such teachers. This mote on the part of the Minister is a commendable one, 'l'he record of Ontario teachers in the Great War constitutes a splendid page in the history of the profession, The total number of teachers who served was 573 and of this*number- 85 were killed and' 148 wounded. There Were 3.5 decorations granted for consptcious bravery and 5 other were recommend- ed for decoration. Judgments in County Court. • His 'I•londr Judge Dickson has given judgment in the following County Court cases. • Balston v. McMurchie—T,he plain tiff is Allan B. Bainton and the de fendant is Jetties McMurchie both of the village of Blyth. The action was over the removal of some plants by the de- fendant from a property of which behad been the lessee, said -property having teen purchasd by the plaintiff Judg- ment for plaintiff for $52.66 with Div ision Court costs,Defendant to have his taking of the Referendum vote on the + costs of defence on County Court 18th of April next. Mr: Scott has filled scale and to set off same against the this position in elections and Is well piaintiff'S judgment. - qualified for the work. The -Corner Grocery Phone 45, E.VOA R. POISIDINClt-•-ittMMMON '5Y MT Died Tuesday. Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Elizabeth A. 'Cudmore, passed away at the home of her son, Nir. Alex F. Cudmore at the age of 58 years and S months. Deceas- ed had been ailing for the past couple of months. Mrs. Cudmore was well known to the citizens having spent all her life here. Sh war a staunch member of the Presbyterian church and always willing to aid in time of sickness. The funeral will be held this afternoon -and interment will take place in• Clinton Cemetery. Rural Mail Boxes. ;MAKES- WASHING EASY ee Red Sts Washet makes wait day welcome. It. walks an. tenily a boy of 6 sun it when loaded. It abolishes all the drudgery of wash day. Does the work in half the time it takes to do it;by hand. A RED STAR Washer r e u The Red Star 'Washer is easy to operate because the mechanism rides on two sets of ball bearings. The fly wheel is large. The lid is easy to lift, and you can raise the dasher from the clothes before you open the lid, so the clothes will not come up with it or tear. The mechanism is very simple and compact, and so sirtang that the Red Star will last a generation Fuel always run, aswell as when new. Phone and titivt. aS Send one up, of tell std Kt these en our flew, ,;° Elliott v. Durnin David Elliott, . of Clinton sued A. E. Durnin of Luck - now for wages the price of a horse, etc. Judgment for plaintiff for 6165,- 95. 165;95. with costs. Tipiing & Mills v. Waters—An action over a transaction in hay. The plaintiff's are a Wingham firm and the defendants John A. and W. W. Walters, are farm- ers in Colborne township,' The defend ants admitted -,some liability but not to the extent claimed by plaintiff's Judg- ment for plaintiff's for $i75 and costs. YOUR REGARDING WALL PAPER. Prices, in general, are on a slightly higher level than last year, but noticeable mostly in the lower priced goods. We have heard re. ports of a few low priced 0°spots" which how. ever without exception have proved to be inferior goods or boasts made to distract at. tt exaction from ogler shortcomings, these ex. ceptions we ready concede. Our new stock is being sampled and gives promise of being as varied and attractive in design and colorings as we have head in for- rner years, while our values are as good as we know where or how to buy. The W. D. Fair eo. eaten the Cheapest—RiwaYs t * Best r BEST RESULTS Are obtained when you use our High G rade Vinegar and.,Splces, They insure long, keeping, and make the flavor you 1 Ike. ROOF Many of the boxes on the Rural Rout - es have no names on then, When the re On the selection of your roofing material depends the appearance, value and durability of 'your building. What kind of roofing could be Bette: than 3 -ply of everlasting Shingles? The cheapest is not usually the beet, gular mail carrier is not on the route mistakes are put to occur if the name is not plainly marked on the box. In order to comply with tole regulations of the Post office Department the name should be painted on each and every box and a stencle plate is sent with the name of the owner of the box, Owners of box- although the best is, usually the cheap - es will find it pays to contply_with the est. law and help in the proper way -to have his mail delivered on the time and in its! We have the best in fliree different proper box. , 1 grades, 2X, 3X and 5X at popular cur - trent prices. .!HRIEVIRIPI Applies Hero in Clinton. 1 One thing that helps to cut downn kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Canada Fibre Board, Canada Cement, Hard and Soft Coal, etc. AT CLINTON— — We handle all ITS' THE LITTILE THINGS THAT • HELP ON WASH DAY TRY,SOME Rinso Perless Tablets 3 pkgs for 25c - Ford or Meeks No Rub AT BRUCEFIELD—We also handle all production these times is the amount of time that is spent in joy -riding, Many people who in pastyears have been the steady pluggers live become enthralls ed with the pleasure of jittneying. kinds of Coal efrd Wood and 9g l The week end is no tonger ,1 timefor Qentept. • �ekt kit fof strenuous pastime. Work- ers return to their duties Monday 'morning in a worse shape than they left Saturday. Statistics now show that less work is done on Monday in factor - les thah any day in the week, and we can see evidence on all sides that these stat- isticians tell the truth. - Send in the News:. We would like it to. become a fixed habit with every reader to send' us in the news items you know• of tell us of Cholera Infantnm' your news and any neighborhood or other items that Will be of interest to is sw1F-r-n ITS RAVAGES yoprseif your neighbor, or your friends. Every lodge church body or social or- ganization looks after such matters bet- ter. Write your tents and send them in where possible. Or phone them but 'please don't_ask that a long list of nails es to be taken over the telephone as it not oitly requires much time but us- ually errors occur in lists thus given. Above all be early. Never wait until] 'the last minute fo send in an item that can be sent in early. The New Era tele phone number is 30, or at night 95. Fix It in your mind. Let us have yourinqutries. We think we can supply you. JNO. R... MUSTARD Clinton & Brumfield. ` Phone for Clinton' No. 74. Flom for Brrtee6eld 11 on 618. • oetottsasseeQ+4,soeoeYWiioereee 0 WITYI TER CHURCIlIIS. e So .g elate: feceeS®sPoslomeeei®Q@ •Raton Baptist Church Next Sunday the Pastor Rev. 'E. 0. Porde will preach both morning and evening. CHURCH NOTES The Presbytery of Mldtlattd met on Friday in Huron church, Ripley, to deal with a calf from South Mountain and Pleasant Valley in tine Presbytery of Brockville to Rev, Peter Jamieson; fore gave it a trial, and one bottle of St, Helens and East Ashfield; The relieved him. I will gladly recommend lt, to my friencla, call was accepted to take effect on the Or• I"cwler's Suxtrnot Itaa Item on rho last Sabbath of September, Tills refer= market for the past "r6 years? so wily red date is due bp sickness itt Mr. Jam- experiment with new and untried scree - loon's family. Rev, K. A. Gillian, of dies' • South Kinloss was appointed interim- Manttfaotured only by The T. Mil- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Price moderator of the vaedncy. 50 etude . ON CHILD••'LiFIE: Cholera Infantunt or Summer Com- plaint of children is one of the most common and dangerous bowel complaints during the hot summer months, and acre is no doubt that many die who could be eaved'if properly looked after on the first sign of this trouble. 1t begins with a profuse diarrhoea, the .stomach, bewelma irritated, very often :ietompauicd by vomiting and purging, and the mallet excreted from the stomach itis a bilious appearance, The child rapidly louses flesh, and is soon reduced Lo groat tangent and prostration,' On 1he. fust Wen of cholera infantum Dr. Foa•lct s 111x1raid, of Wild Sirewherry should be ednrnistr•rcd, and thus quickly offset the vomiting, purging and diar- rhoea, MMS, Norman Wynarht Indian Point, West, N `�., writes:—"1\hten my little boy was five years old Ito was taken very,..siclr with grimmer ttotnplaint, accompanied by vomiting. ile• Was sick for five days and often L did not think he would live over night,,• and nothing I gave hien did any good. A friend advised me to use Dr, Fowler's L''xtrant of Wild Strawberry. I there - per pkg 5c Wonder Wash 2 pkgs for 25c WHAT '1480116' JARS! OR JAR RUBBERS FOR CANNING DON'T FORGET TANCt.RF00T TO CATCH THE FLiES GET.' THE HABIT O F DEALING AT TEA SPECIALS 5 us bulk Tea .x•65 2 lbs bulk tea • , .$1.15' t Ib bulk Tea ... B • TRY A- BOTTLE OF ROSES. LIME JUICE A GOOD HEALTHY DRINK JOHNSON o PHtNE 111 PHONE ORDERS. CAREFULLY ATTENDED TOO The "C L B V Ft AND" Bicycle are sold in Clinton by J: H. PAXMAN' The Garage that gives real Bicycle, Car and Battery Services SOLD FOR CASH OR EASY TERMS . ORDER YOURS TODAY Phone 80 : Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. - Day Sale Having made special arrangtanents. with- our Com- pany at Guelph for this sale by taking a limited number of pianos. I can quote you a price far below factory prices to you to -day and if you are going to get a piano inside the next two years. Now is your chance. This sale is merely, to advertise our goods and is good for t0 days only after which the iegular factory Prices will be usech i1I►r, ,_.- _. �,,. If you can not call on tis 'write tit f prices and also re- -.-- we can arrange to give you terms to suit sous to get in on, this sale. Remember the name, A i Jonathan Hug ll •' .0 X 1 o eumuuuumiiluuuuumuuiuumamuo>nuunuuuuumi1111?�i�iimiiiinim�uuimiuiuim�muumnmumuuiu�mumuinimulnlluni�muuuim�mi Well Dressed Women will wear' Oxfords this. Season. We are now showing beautiful new models in these: comfort- able Shoes. ' Shoemaking is certainly art Art when it comes to makifng:such handsome Footwear. Every hoe a a''ictu`re I Oxfords in Dull or Patent Leathers. Beautiful colorings in Brown or Mahogany. The new plain narrow toe and the imitation perforated tip and vamp—Louis or Cuban Heel. Expert Fitting Service. $3,50; $4.50;. , $6.50; to $9.50. This Hoarse of Good Shoes stand these days as a safeguard a - against Shoe Values at inflated prices to 171eKSON ,,sHO,:S THAT SATISFY"--