The Clinton New Era, 1920-8-19, Page 3"."
Three months PAPP l'APPPPIA" PPPOP $ 40
NW year P P • 0 It 0 0 • • r * $ .7$
Year PPP!! • PPPopppppp.“ 1.50'
-If not paid In advance, $2.00 per alulnin-
Office Then!. 30.
• 5" tono.
Air Apr Air"' AMY Aillir"
Aar Air Aar Ar
OVER 500
• mAcip N
Twelve -Dollar Coal
'Editorial from the Washington Post.
Twelve ddilars a ton and upward for
bituminous coal is a crline against the
-American public. It cannot be justified
upon any other ground except the rule
of action- which governed Capt. Kidd
and the late Jesse James. It is pro-
fiteering of the most obnoxious sort,
because it takes advantage of the absol-
ute necessity of the public for fuel and
coins that necessity into dishonest &l-
The complaint which has aroused•
the indignation of the people and stirr
ed the Department of Justice to action
is to the effect that in some parts of
the country public utilities and other
industries have been unable to secure
coal except at exorbitant rates; that
these rates range from $12 to $15 a
ton; that coal companys 'report theer
inability to supply Coal upon contract
at the agreed price so that these con-
sumers are forced to buy spot coal in
the open market at robber prices. The
cupidity of the operators Is held res-
ponsible for these conditions by some,
by others it is charged to car shortage
excessive exports curtailed production
and a variety of reasons. Attorney
(lettere; Palmer has taken steps to dis-
cover the actual reason underlying it.
The operators advance. what appears
to be a good alibi. They assert ;that the
average price of bituminous coal at the
mines is $3.50 to 54 and that speculat-
ion and competitive bidding by con-
sumers who are forced to bur. at my
price are responsible for the fancy
prices quoted. The speculator they al-
lege, is the man who make? the big pro-
fit not they.
And it must be conceded that • the
report of the Federal Trade Commiss-
ion covering the bituminous coal in-
siltistry for flie month of April, bears
Out this statement. II shows from re-
turns of 812 operators reporting that
the average price of coal at tine mines
Was $3.26 a ton and the average cost of
production $2.76 giving the operator
an average gross profit of 50 cents a
ton. Out of this 50 cents must come
other charges such as selling costs
and interests in order to ae-iye et the
net profit.
All of which emplieelees th,e eaNessity
'of ascertaining accurately who is 'ties-
peFsible for the profitering in coal' and
Of putting a stop to it at once. If some
'tine is juggling the distribution of cars
so that a scarcity of coal is• created in
certain localities; or if, operators are
thus enabled to speculate at a big profit
or if any other chicanery is resortedi to
for boosting prices the Department of
Justice should lay the plotters. The
fuel situation in one phase or another
has been a disturbing element s31 dur-
ing the reconstruction period.folIoWing
the end of the War, It is high time that
it should be cleared up for good and
all, Otherwise the American people
must confess their inability, to provide
themselves with an adequate supply
of a vital necessity of lifeeof which
Nature has laid a most abundant store
at their very *ors,
Dates of Fall Fairs
Following is g list of the fall fairs in
this district issued by the Agricultural
Society iiiranch of the Ontarjo Depart
Went of Agricultural:
Brussels . ..... . . Sept. 14-15
Blyth ..... • Sept. 21.22
Dungannon Oct. 7-8
fExeter Sept. 20-21
ifordwich Oct. 2
Goderich ...... ......, .Sept. 8-9-10,
London (Western Fair) ..Sept. 11-18
Lucknow Sept: 23-24
Seaforth Sept, 23-24
Teeswater . .. Oct. 5-6
Toronto(Can, Net, Ex.)Aug 28 -Sept 11
Wingham ,Sept. 30 -Oct 1
Zurich Sept. 22-23
Many people ouffer terribly - with
pain in the stmnach, after every meal
they eat.
Dyspepsia and indigestion keep them
in constant misery. -
'Why not use that old reliable Burdock
Flood Bitters,' a remedy that has been
on the market for the peat 40 years
and obtain perfecteadd permanent relief.
Mr. H. FL Collins, Norton, N.B,,
writes: -"I was with the overseas forces
for four years and. two months, and in
'October, 1918, I was unfortunate enough
to bo wounded and taken prisoner.
I was a prisoner for 234 years, and the
food they gave no was not good, at
times, and after a few months I found
that I was suffering from indigestion,
Wheu I came home in July, 1910, I
was nearly a wreck. lives told to use
Burdock Blood Bitters-. I did so and
found great relief, and can now eat
Without fear of pains Ind sickness. I
would recommend 13.,B. B. to all who
suffer frcnn indigestion."
Manufactured only by The T. Mil-
burn Co.; Limited, Toronto, Ont.
The Ontario Safety League is doing
a valuable work in educating.the public
to methods which may bring about a
lessening of the number of accidents,
and tenders the following advice on
"How to Upset a Canoe"
I Always ride le the swells of a
passing steamer,
2 Change seats frequently.
3 Stand up when you wave to your
friends on shore.
4 Reachw11over when picking wat-
er lilies,
5' Transferring a pass.mger is re-
6 Othar methods failing, rock the
You aro not
expo riment-
n g when
you use Dr.
Chase's AMA-
ment for Bezema an akin Irrita-
tions. It rellevetr St ode 11110greeea,
any heals the skin. Sample box Dr.
Chase's Ointment free if you mention this
paper rind send Se. stamp for postage. 600. a
box • all dealerS Or litliminson, Bates & Co„
Limited. Toronto
Decoration Promisee to Be Feature et
winter Frock -,let Is Prime
Style authorities continue to flirt
with 'fringe in the general lineup of
dress trimmings. Many smart winter
frocks will feature this ter of deemen•
time and the greatest possible variety
of fringes is sliown. Jet Is ielprinat
favorite both for daytime and ,evenIns
dross trimming. Silk fringes of all
sorts are used, and one of the very
LIFT CORNS OR rieberAellbraleinIfira.
Sialiita faille or velvet, according to
CALLUSES OFF choice, ilia Itmaybe* RS oeide oteeso
narrow 58 the ineldt1111
tates. Ribbon fringe may be bought
by the yard at the dress tellnining
counters In most of the big shops, but
making It at hone of ribbon that ex-
actly matches the dress lt is to trim in
a very simple matter.
Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or
callus off with fingers
Den% stigeri 13, tiny bottle of
P5005.0110 costa but a few touts at any
elrug titote. Apply a few drape on the
toms, eallutiee and "hard ekiti" en bot-
tom of feet, ViOn lift there elf. e
When Preezolie run:towel emus from the
ieee or eallueee /tom the bottom of feet,
lite ,akin beneath is left pink m01 healthy
and 510005 gore, 0-tdoz' or ireitato,ti.
Make Your Own Dress TrImreinge.
Dress trimmings that are economical
but pretty and up to the inihute in
style can be made at home by any
woman who wants smart but inexpen-
sive trimming for her dress. Good
color combinations and rather coarse
embroidery stitches compose many of
the ttewest and most effective trim-
mings. Some suggestions for tile
home, needlewoman are given; Long
and short stitch done with embroidery
tIIk.sets off a silk -dress that is
trimmed with cording, One row of it
In henna colored silk set close to it
tingle rote of cording sets OE at bine
taffeta wonderfully.
A weft Virginia chemist is the inven-
tor of Ilyrdaulic press 10 squeeze the
life from disease germs in-lianift Clods
by shibjectin% the latt.5 to a pressure
of froni 20,000 (0 10,000 poutids to
the square irieh.
. . ,
Third Page
••-,s A
Every tQc
•Packet, of -
Clettn to handle. Sold by all Drug-
gists, Grocers and General Stores:
(Appropriate apologies.)
Abou Ben Soakein .frnay his tribe
decrease I )
Awoke one night with a new scheme
to fleece
The Dear Public -and thus add to his
When he saw by aid of t,00niight
throught the pane,
Satan himself writing in a hook of
Shame. '
Exceeding profits had made Ben Soak -
em bold,
.And to the Devil in the room he said:
"What writest thou?" Old Satan raised
his head
And slyly winked. Then pricked a
pointed ear
And answered, "The name of every
profiteer - -
Who soaked the people in this high-
priced year?'
"And Is mine one?" said Soakem;
"Perhaps sol"
Replied. the Devil. Seek= spoke more
And, passing the buck said with an
injured air;
"Write me as one with profits only
Thursday, August 1 9th, 1920.
fairl" • • Trying Time for Newspepere.
The Devil wrote and vanished. 'rim.
next nig 1
:He came again with manner gay and
bright ! •
And showed the names of many a fut:
use gaest,
And MI Ben SOakein's name led all the
Hydro Analasell.
In a report Just issued by the Provin
cial Hydro Electric Commission the cust
tamer's dollar to one of the municipal-
ities in the Niagara system is followed
through 'with this result:
Twenty-seven cents goes towards
operation etc,. of municipal system,
Twenty-three cents meet interest
sinking fund and renewals.
Forty-three cents to provincial com-
mission for power.
Seven- cents remainder in the pan
i ticular municipality chosen is surplus.
Tracing again forty-three cents which'
goes to the provincial system, distribut
Iion is as follows,
.Fourteen cents goes to interest sink
ing and renewal.
Twenty-eight cents is applied on op-
eration, maintenance, etc. municipeity the Niagara slant.
One cent surplus remaining is cred-
ited! in the provincial commission's
books to the municipality as operating
the surplus.
Addressing a .meeting Of the repre-
sentatives of Western Ontered dailies
at Kitcherer, John Ai, Inc manger
of the 'Canedian Daily Newspapers As-
sociation predieted there will be a null),
ber of 'newspapers forced. out of busi-
ness as a result of the conditions thr-
ough which they' must pass but he de-
clared tharbose that weather the
storm will be better and more firmly es
teblished as a result of the trying ex-
perience they wilt be forced to under
go, The dominant factors which 'will
contribute to the testing • time for
Canadian newspapers he summed up in
a quotation of the pest present and
predicted prices of newsprint. News-
printewhich is today posting 8110 a
ton will $130 a ton about Oc-
tober' lst. These pvicef when contrast-
ed with $36 a ton for newsprint in
1916 an increase of 261 per cent will
be an important factor which will con-
tribute to the cicising of some newspa-
pers. He declared there are some in,en
who are in close touch with the news-
print situation who predict that news,
print will soar to $160 and $170 a ton
before next year. Coupled with this
Mr. Imrie pointed to the mounting
cost of labor which bas already 'in.
creased, 100 per cent in the coming
period. These are compelling factors
which every newspaper must face at
the present time and Mr. Imrie declar-
ed that unless wise planning and deep
thinking are resorted to both indivilual
ly and collectively by newspapers many
newspapers will go under before ethe
peak is past.
re.060 Ceati011 000$ Cfrapkniniti.
• Disks of glass that can be revolved
safe, reliable
medicine. 5,4.1 itt three de.
ereee of etreeitte-tio. 1,
Ni. 2, 53; No. 3, 35 per bon
Bold by all droplets, or sent
00 freoi:5' MeV. •• pt 0.Afthrrer:
THE COOK re-,nociete co,
Towne, 0111. thumb
by a Motor have been designed in Eng:
land to be inserted in automobile wind
shields the idea being that they will
shed rain and snow and provide clear
vision for drivers,
h -t
triiiter to -speed lip on the con-
struction of equipment required toil
the .rapldly expanding traffic. on the
Casadtan Pacific Railway, large ex -1
tensions are being made at the Anglia,
-Shops In Montreal, which are already
the most -elaborate and comprehen-
sive of their kind on this Continent.
These.extengions will cover a quar-
ter of a million square feet and are
expected -to cost approximately a
million dollars. The largest addi-.
tsis2,L.r II 1112)41 to;_tts asketeL
7-BliE shop, amountitieto 71,000 sql.Hire
fie, while over 58,000 square feet
val be added to the lobomotive
-slants, and 42,400 to the freight car
ishops, The following are the ch-
. tailed particulars of the extenetokL:
• Localaollve extenelonn
to the Locomotive Shop will ebnsist
e of alai addition at each send, of the
, Teresent shop to give an eclditlep,e1
floor .azea of 5.8,800 .squam feet, Tho
'eonstreetton will he nr•1 feerse eon.
floor Will he placed on the West q.14
'Zirtertsion and yrooa block floor 011
concrete In the wig end extension,
:The east shop extension Is io be used
:as a running shed, and for this sea -
loon pits with mill type smoke jacks
will be hastened. All of the sky-
lights will be constructed in wood as
[metal 'has been found to deteriorate
'very rapidly, and fur the Burne rea-
son mill type ventilators will be
used throughout. this shop.
Freight Car Shops-Con:lists of an
extension to the oration latiltiing et
the west end, 1.00 feet wide be 400
feet long, giving 10 additional floor
,area of 42,400 square Inc: The
construction Will be steel frame, con-
; erete foundation, brick wail, wood
floor and roof 8111111er to present
h ildi
Patten' Storage.- This inane will
be extended at the west end '.5 feet,
and will be 50 feet In width, and is a
three -floor fireproof build.r,g. Tee
eonstruetion will be steel irttiisC, eon-
crete foundation, brink walla, meet
sash, concrete roof and Dome.
Passenger ear Sitepe,---Conststs of
an extension of 102 feel by 101 feet
I) e wren $ttop 0 and 4, And 137 fo_ei,
1, NI le:tweet Shope 1 and a:
oi.;, 137 Is Tee rapt este Nami-
bian oi shop three, giving' a total in-
ert...0.3nd arts, of • Logo :Num c006.
The (24511i.t.1,1•0011 will be come -eta
fostudation, ,brielt typo
roof, roma els and Minit,e 1tOoro
Them) shops wIll be all served
suBsourrioNs OUTSIDE OF cm*DIAIt
(Advance Only)
Great Britain 10.....•...•0$.1,10,9,. $iak ' 1
United States ... — ,, , . . ..., . ,. ,2.tift 1 t
FranCe I, , . , -,.. VW.
Pure, Clean,
Economical I
Sla1=• ii0.1141••••••
Preserved & sold o
Sealed air-tightpaelt
to preserve its natiwr;
Used 35254r
Milllops Tea -Pots Daiir
Healthful Horne Exercises.
Kleking the dust. '
Lowering the voice.
Lifting the ban,
Walking .he boards.
Running on time, •
Jumping Jupiter.
Shoving the queer.
Wringing wet.
Shouting for joy.
Moving van.
Building hopes,
Toeing the line.
Wrestling with the question.
Mending the ways.
Practicing what you preach.
Hiding your light under a bushel,
Nes' Health Can be Obtained by
Enrichng the Blood Supply.
When a girl in her teens becomes
peevish listless and dull when nothing
seems to interest her and dainties do
not tempt her appetite you may be cer-
tain that she needs more good blood
than her system is provided with Be-
fore long her pallid cheeks, frefuent
headaches and breathlessness and heart
palpitation will confirm that she is an-
aemic. Many mothers as the result of
their own girlhood experience can.'pro-
minty detect the early signs of anaemia
and the wise another does not wait for
Mac trouble to develop further, but at
once gives her daughter a course, with
Dr. Williams Pink Pills,which renew
the blood supply and banish anaemia be
fore it has obtained a hold on the sys-
Out of their experience thousands of
mothers know that anaemia is the sure
road to worse ills. They know the dif-
ference that good red blood makes in
the development of womanly health.
Every headache every gasp for breaeth
that follows the slightest egertion by
the anaemic girl, every pain she suf-
feres in her back and limbs are reproach
es if you have not taken the best steps
to give your weak girl new blood and
the only sure way to do so is through
the use of Dr. Williams Pinb Pills
New rich red blood is infused into
the system by every dose of these pills.
From this new rich blood springs good
health, an increased appetite, new eller
gy high spirits and perfect womanly'
,development.i Give your daughter Dr..
Williams Pinf Pils, and taye them S•bur-
self and -note how promptly their influ
ence is felt in better health. '
Williams Pink Pills and take them any
dealer in medicine or by mail postpaldat
50 cents a box or six boxes for 82 50
from The -Dr. Williams Medicine Co_
Brockville, Ont.,
A Pennsylvanian is the inventor of a
perforated metal cover to be slipped on
cigars to prevent their ashes falling.
(1) Some of the inachinery in the Angus Shops.
(2) Cars for passenger service turned out at Angtis Shops.
from the present transfer table, the
pit of which le being, extended.
Car Blee.tticei 1.111op,-This Is tt
new building 62 feet wide by 362
feet long, giving a floor erne of 23,-
000 square feet, The construction
will be steel frame, concrete founda-
dons, with brick walls and tread proof
inastle. floor,
Planing 61111 Sheiter.,--A shelter
126 feet by 144 feet, long Will be totatIt
on the west and of the present plan-
ing mill for the purpose 01 keeping
nutterlal under eovar-ma a weather
protection and will give An area or
11' 000 square feat for ibis perpepe.
Dry Ellne-Pour new -Malls will be
gilded to the present west Sal kibe,
inereesing 011e3 apes by 7,400 athastse
teat The onnetturtion 11111 to ape.
cial with ventilating, duets th walls
bidet in brick and concrete founda-
Track SCale..-41 new lleaVy sCrV'eo
tapered floor track settle will he In-
stalled at tibe west end, ot scapto.
city large enough to we:nb, focoi,to-
dyes, The construction will be of
the most modem terse with self -m.
%ieterlig beam, settle shelter mut
cotterete pit. The floor of the setVe
will he steel beams and stand% with
a mastic eegAti platform,
Trsolte. -. A reuntbet of -Iran
0/150508 and additions will be ino•'5
at both ends of the yard 61 provide
extra ear cep:telly Theee will stir,' 1 e
Metalled a50.101: metheatmal coal,hg
111;1311 as well nim it now smoctp;Do
the Ilse of switeh'eg etginos,
Could Not Sleep
Mr. Earnest Claris, Police
Officer, 338 King.St., Kingston,
Opt., writes:
"For three years I suffered
from nervousness and sleep-
lessness.,, I believe my condi-
tion was brought about by
-overwork. I had frequent
headaches, neuralgic pains and
twitching of nerves and
muscles, •I had indigestion,
was short of breath and easily
tired. I commenced a treat-.
rnent of Dr. Chase's Nerve
Food, and seven boxes of this,
medicine cured me of all my
symptoms, I am now feeling
one hundred per cent. 'better
than 1 was, and have to thank
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for
the good health I am now en.
Dr. falteetee Verve Peed, 50 cents a bee,
a for 52,78, 811 &Were or eikintentem,
leatta Co., eafil., Toronto,
Toronto Star; Religious differetermre
have made trouble in the /keine-ni1a4=w
vention, They are sometimes anneal teme
bad as religious indifferences,
Toronto Telegram:: Beth:dere ,Aaeloifei
shop Mannix, Lindsay Cana -Raid eweiwt
one thing and another- "Britiste'e ever'.
has to sten for a lot of things-ad-AL...ewe
Detroit Free Press: TheRussian It:Lecke
dee not place much faun in Hie
but theywird be wise if th•yy remenaltee
what comes after pride and a equartet,
Detroit Free Press. A fifteen:-yern524Z4
boy in Cincinnati tried to steal arneeee.,
phant from a circus. Evidently,
been reading that magazine-edxfcceee
bout going after big things,
Kingston Whig: 0000et'wdt' lo,s,p gitt•• -
covered that tobacco smoke is eok -
jurious tofrogs.The mostinjurious thing :
to frogs we know of is the fact eihne,...
they have ediblellegs,
Harrisburg News. Speak ram harsh: .-
ly against, the profiteer lest penreernedahe
your neighbor.
—0 --
Kingston Whig: How fortunate -0.0**
frogs. Always full of hope and losakz-al
with greenbacks.
Buffalo News: Mary had 1 littieleente
being all the hotel woutd give her fed•,. -
a dollar.
Toronto Mail and EmpireT. ie. 1.115/
Conner intimates that Ulster stareuer
the late war, 'if so Meter did a gent&
deg to .encl it than ,Mr. O'Conneet7e
Kansas City Star: The time fa trs'7:to.•
used car is just before you move so' 'Om`
people in the new neighborhood naill
think you were Ole one who used! hi.
' As the market is v'n•y higfs at"
present you will find it advisable -
to dispose of your largest chietem.;
Fat Hens and Old Roosters..
We are also in the market tor -
young Ducks weighing ;tbs. cpsalu
also Old Ducks and Old Turkey!..;
that are in good condition.
Get Our Prices Before Ydna
flufi-Langlois &
The np-lo.dato Friar.
Clinton Branch Phoa l:
N. W. Trewartha, Manager
or Holmesvllle 4 on ea51...
Before porchasiinpyourm..
new piano er orgaudet,ns,
show you,. die•.newest.t164
sigma, in several
kOowes:‘Enui. old • estallolis&
ed rnaltem,
See our stylish cabinet.
designs in the best•makes.