HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-8-12, Page 6.4. .•• PAGE 0 -"'IM SEE. THE . . NEW FALL COAT" AT • MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring Men's Furnishing Phone 103 Opposite Public Lbw, rown's WOMAN'S STORE Dry. Goods andHowie Furnishings. Phone 67 Next Royal Bank COOKS THE FOOD BUT NOT THE COOK Perfection Oil Stoves HAVE ATTAINED PERFECTION IN THE COOK'S ESTIMATION That tells the story in a Nutshell of the denefits and results of. using one of our PERFECTION Oil Cook Stoves. Many makes of oil stoves have -come and gone but this one goes on givng satisfaction to the owner, Buy PERFECTION Oil Stoves at Phone 53. W. H. DAVISON Successor to R. Rowland. TRY , awkins FOR PICNIC SEASON SUPPLIES FOR PLUMBING Olives, Grape Juice HEATING AND Orange and. Lemonade ROOFING Lime Juice, Pickles, Marmalade, Jams -1. Repairing Promptly Done Phone 53 Hecla Furnaces July Was Cold. Reports from the department of phy- sics at the O.A. C. show that the tnon- th of July was an exceptionally cold month in fact the maximum tempera- ture which was 81 was the lowest maximum on record for the past 33 years. The average ternpei•ature for July' this year was 62.36 and the nor- mal temperature for the past 32 years during the same month was 63.17 showing that July this year was 5,81 below normal. The rain falling July was 4.73 inches_ and the normal rainfall for the past 32 years for the same mon th 2.96 inches. Lost a Car. Last Friday afternoon Mr. A. Cooper discovered his Ford car was missing and visions of car thieves made the police, Crown Attorney and the owner of the car get busy. The Chief of Police 'ound it shortly afterwards exactly where Mr. Cooper had put it on Thursday afternoon, though he felt sure it was put in his garage. During the rain storm on Thursday he had run it in the Wesey church shed and forgot all about it until he wanted it on Friday afternoon, Mr. Cooper has had man); a man go in and ask 'him what "brand" he is using now. • 'SCRANTON COAL , and Wood for Sale —0— Fruit and Vegetables of any who with to leave their order for all 'kind in Season Spring delivery can elo so by leaving their orders at my residence, Hurou St. • or Phone 155. Fred. W. Wigg . Lead .• . , Terms—Strictly Cash—Phone 155. The Corner 'Grocery Phone 45. ,0001amoiopimpooftt There is a Reason Aik Us:— 'SO - to The Red Star Wa.sher makes wash day welc'otne., It watts so easily a boy of 6 tun it when loacled, It abolishes all the drudgery of wash day. Does the work in half the time it takes to do itiby hand. ex u e asher The Red Star Washer is easy to operate because the mechanism rides on two sets of ball bearings, .The flywheel is large. The lid is easy to lift, and you can raise the dasher, from the clothes bcfote you open Ihe lid, so the clothes will not crime op with it or tear. The mechanism is goy simple and compact, and so strong that the Red Star will last a generation 'aui always run as well as when new Plane trod live a. sea ere aa, call awl ee durs an out fax, THE pLitvroN NEW ..E14.A. 11 11411 1111 1111 11111 111 1111 1 1110111 1111 111111( ll1tt011tiq,0111L1 1 11111111 111 I11! 111 11111 111 1111 111 1111 .1111111111111111.111111 11111n1111,1 11111111111111111 Local News MEM )101IflIBIIIM VUEIREMOVIDIMIS1111 11 111EIEWHIRMIIIIBIRIMInit 111111 d,1111 Chasing Hawk's Again. Goets to 'Crediton Friday. The base ball team will end up the • Several of our Weal sports are phasing league game at Crediton on Friday even Hawks again at Jos, WheatleYS Chicken ing,yards Jimmy Paxman and Gillies Gil- christ so it Is reported have a ide bet u l A Few Wont to IA/Ingham, with Norman fltaimons to•see whowni s A few Of Out citizens went to Wing be the 'lucky winner at shooting the ham on Wednesday to see the horse : liawkS. races, Tonight. , Clinton Model Sehool will open Clinton Model School Opens. B The .regular weekly 13ad Concert W will be glyen this evuening, weather loedoi,1:sda Ipamorning Students. Aug,arr•til arriving Monday t a or Tuesday Aug. 16th or 17th will sec ure boarding places and await the op- ening on Wednesday, Rank Branches Opened. Returns from the various Canadian chartered banks 'indicate that during the month' of June there were thirty six new branches opened and only one branch closed which makes a net gain of thirty five new branches. The Royal Bank was the most active, opening six branches while the Notional, Montreal and Provincial opened five eoch; the Conunerce, Merchants and Nova Stot- ia three each; Hochelaga and Sterling two each; and the Hamilton and Union one each. The branch closedi was by the Merchants. Lost At...Zurich. After holding the lead at Zurich by The Blyth Standard refering to their a score of 2to 1 up to the Seventh, by day makes the following reference the balloon ascended•and the Southern to the Kilties.—The Kiltie Band of boys won by a score of Sto 2. Several Clinton numbering 25, arrived in good glaring errors and bad baserunning time and ,throughout the day gener- early in the game were features dis- ously contributed their fine music to played by the Clinton boys. Zurich the delight of everyone. had 3 men left on bases and Cooper struck out 7 and walked 2. In theBigh- Two more Guns Corning.• th innings -Clinton shut off a. score by The town Clerk has'recelved instruct a double play. Kekoa had 8 strikeouts ions from Ottawa that the Militia De- one being on Hawkins for the third out with the bases full in the second innings. He walked 5, hit • one, and left78kinen on bases, Zurich also had two double plays in first' and second innings which helped them a wIrole hit. Bert McCreath and W. Barlow of Must Be Paid For. Goderich handled! the game to -the en - To intelligently confront conditions that have already put many publica- tions out of business the local Dews papers have found it necessary to "tighten up" a bit and hereafter will charge for ail notices of nettings etc., which are not considered by the pub- Ilzhers as strictly news matter. We are repeating this item, so that it wil- not be over looked by those sending in such notices. • R 0 0 F .permitting, Takes 'Model Term. Miss Doreen Stephenson has been en 'gaged by .the Model School board to teach during the Model term from Sep- tember 1st to Dhcember 218t. One Law NottOliserved. The jaw rebarding the dimming of strong, auto lights when poising an- other car is one" which is not •generofty Obseryed according to some motorists, Band Will visit Co. Nome. , On Sunday afternoon theKittle Band will give their annual concert at the County Home. This is one of the treats the imitates looks forward too every year. •- Liked Our Band. partment are sending two more guns to Clinton. However no description of the guns have been sent and the town authorities do not know if they are light or heavy. tire satisfaction of Oil. There was a good crowd present, Following was the runs.— Clinton-00i,i10000— 2 Zurich — 0 1 0)0 040x— YOUR Hall—Kent Wedding. At eight o'clock on Saturday night, On the selection of your rooting ,St. Mark's Church Parkdale was the material depends the appearance. value scene of a pretty summer weddin,g and durability of your building. when the marriage was solemnized, of What kind of roofing could be bette: Miss Catherine Kent, nieee.of Mr, and Mrs, Thay Kent to Mr, Charles H. than 3 -ply of everlasting Shingles? Hall son of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Hail of Constance formerly of Clinton. The services was taken by the Rey. J. Ely in the absence of the rector. The bride who was attended by her uncle, wore a white French broadcloth gown, braid- ed with black and gold and black pict- ure hat with yellow rose prayer book, an old family heir -loom, Erdal which hung white ribbon streamers with sweet heart roses and eweesti peas. There were no attendants. Mrs. Thay Ken, in pearl grey georgette heavily beaded with white, and black hat, preceded AT CLINTON— We handle all the party up the aisle, Mr. Bernard kinds of Coal and Wood and Canada • Hall was his brother's best man. After Cement, a reception at the home of the bride's Let us have your inquiries. We think uhcle 88 Tyndall avenue, Mr. and Mrs. we Charles Hell left to spend their honey- Can supply you. inobn in Muskoka, the bride going - way in a navy blue accordeon pleated 210 skirt with-coatee braided with black . •JNO. B • MUSTARD . and hat to match. The out of town • Clinton & Brucefield. guests included. Mrs, M, E. Toms,• f -Corpus Christi, Teicks; Mr. A. R. Doe: latruni: ffo; BCtirlineteofinettiNo1.174in 618, Coo, of Simcoe; Mrs. C. McGregor, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nall Contanee and Miss Mary Hall of Clinton, Ont. • • TN I S. 'SOLDIER TOOK ENFORCE SCHOOL "DR.-FOWLER'S" ATTENDANCE ACT OVERSEA$ WITH !IIPA. The cheapest is not usually the best although the best is usually the cheap- est. We have the best in three different grades, 2X, 3X and 5X at popular cur- rent' prices. • • klOMMigi AT BRUCEFIELD—We also handle all kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Canada Fibre Board, Canada Cement, Hard and SOH Coal, etc, Toronto Ang. 9th ---A long step for ward in education has been taken in the Drury Government by bringing into force, "The Adolescent School attend- ance Act/' which raises the age of com pulsory attendance at school to sixteen years, with part- time attendance in cer tain class to eighteen by a recent order in council passed on the recommendat, 1011 of Hon, R. H. Grant, the Lieutenant • Governor has been adlvised to issue the necessary proclamation to make this act effective -in such a way that no undue hardslith will be brought upon municipalities or parents. Section 3 of the act which states that every adoiescen1 between fourteen and sixteen years of. age shall attend school for the full time during which the' sclio ois of the menicipailty in which he re slips are open ascii year unless legally excused will come into effect oni Sep-, tember 1, 1921, Section, 7 dealing with the attend- ance of adolescents between the ages of sixteen and eighteen will not become operative until September 1st 1923 while Section 9 making compulsory on the part of urban municipalities with a population of 5,000 and over the es- tablishment and Maintainance of part time courses of instruction will be en- forced on September 1 1922, Mr. 'William J. Packard, Shanty Bay, Ont. writes:—"Being a member of the C,E.]1., 1 have had many brilliant, opportunities of realising the beneficial results derived from the proper use of Dr. Fowler's Extraot of Wild Straw- berry. • . . Landing in England in early fall after a very wet summer lbsagbt many ot its to the doctor's offiCe, but got, little, fr any, relief there from dysentery and ievere eases of diaritioen. 1 am glad to be able to any thntl never had to call on a doctor for eithei? complaint, RAJ used freely the supply of "Dr. Fowler's" which1 had purchesed before embarking for our trip OVel'leliht. 1 can also 51.11, that many ethers can testify likewise:'1 When you are troubled with diarrhoea, dysentery,' colic, craMps, pains in the stomach, cholera morbus, summer ann. plaint or any fluxes OT 100£40TIMES Or the bowels do not delay in getting a WO: of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry and sec how quickly you 'will ,be relieved: You hialL always rely on It in time' of uced as it has stood the teat of time, having been ott the market for the past 75 years, There are so warty spurious "straw- berry" preparations gold we would ask you be sure and see that our name, The T. Milbuin Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont,, appears en the wrapper, Price 50 cote. Thursday, Aug* 1'920 rREGARDING WALL PAPER Prices, in general, are 'on a slightly higher level than last year, bui'noticeable mostly, in the lower priced goods, We have heard re- ports of a few low priced "spots" which bow - ever, without exception have proved to be inferior goods er boasts made to distract at - Lt ention from other shortcomings, these ex- • ceptions we ready concede. Our new stock is being sampled and gives promise of being as varied and attractive in design and colorings as we have had in for- mer years, while our values are as good as we know where or how to buy. The W. D. Fair eo. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Don't Miss This Special Price on our Bulk Tea. We are completely sold out:of line we ad- vertised last week. For this week we offer you The Royal Blend at 60 c per .Special price in 5 37 lots. Potato Substitute 2 Large tans Pork and Beans ... 35c MAKE WASH DAY EASY No Rubbing—Just boil 'your clothes, When you use —Wonder Wash Peerless Washing • I'oro Tablets. Meeks No Rub and Rinso. N 0 TICE Wednesday, June 30th being day before day our store will be open all day and in the evening so get your orders In for Holliday Picnic, GET THE HABIT OF DEALING AT SPECI41. tib for 2 tb S for 5 th s for TEA PRICES. 60c /RAS Vimy Ridge Salmon , Per can MIPMMOMEMMIMMO 2 cans Sardines ...25c: JOHNSON& ee. PHONE 111 PHONE ORDERS, CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO The "ICLEV11AND" Bicycle are sold in Clinton by J. H. PAXMAN The Garage that gives real Bicycle, Car and Battery Services SOLD FOR CASH OR EASY -TERMS ORDER YOURS TODAY Phone 80 : Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. .11111811.11i103.050. 10 -Day Sale Having made special arrangements. with Our Com- pany at Guelph for this sale by talcing. a limited' number of pianos. 1 can quote ydu a price far below factory prices to you to -day and if you are going to get a piano inside the' next two years. Now is your chance. This sale is merely to advertise our good s and is good for 10days only, after which the regular factory. Races :will.be used. • If you can not call on us write for prices and; also,te,.. member we can .arrange to give you terms'to suit so'vsito)get 011 this sale. Remember the.name. • Jonathan Hugill 'BOX 229. , Phone 216. ' *15 MUSIC STORE, SEAFORTH. ONT. OXIPOIRD -141 / Well Dressed, Women will wear Oxfords this Season. We are now showing beautiful new models in these comfort- able Shoes. Shoemaking is certainly ars Art when it comes to making such hands-ome Footwear. very Sh I.r.1111.101..,M*1 9, a ic ture Oxfords in Deall or Patent Leathers,' Beautiful colorings in Brown or Mahogany. The new plain narrow toe and the imitation perforated tip and vamp—Louis �r Cuban Heel, Expert Fitting Service. $3,50; $4,50;.. $6.50; to $9.50. This House of Good Shoes stand these days as a safeguard rmainst Shoe Values at inflated prices RE11). 3 It C K N —"L•MES THAT SATISFY"— .0r;avver.artovenheftroontft lavnen-tootHrokaueanel.malammerty...nstirmreampt.oulei4.0r.r.COafal s.eune. peolotlIontresOOLVOInsonnevaiNthtteal.W.Vernevreopnamitonrolnersterrol.slaximalaWIMmanalefflomst