HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-8-12, Page 3r�'1ttSgUB, igwrR¢11�WTXQN .RATES IN CANAD Three: months . t } R f 1. .,}! R }} R a M. t $ 40 Half year Year if=.t .,ftt,..f .}. 4.5.0 'If not paid Ill advance $2.00 per ante— e Third Page mice Phone 30 THE CLINTON NEW ERA. 11II 1111 11 „ 1 "mu u I 111 I i II'II!'9 , i 11111 111 ,1 1 fB�„l;i. 'ntrnnesr. ucxnn BAKING POWDER CONTAINS -4`� MAGJI rte ALUM: fr11111 AKING r n ® ,. � b•hp r : e P01KDR �tf tfixryyll t1 '1>''• tit ,+ ��eoxrnxs/,o}W! I I I la�l vii!! II `' iillll 11111th 11111 IINIIIIIN ( iIIII 111111 KNOX CHURCH, AUBURN, CELEBRATES ITS JUBILEE' Ir The congregation of Knox church :Auburn celebrated their diamond job flee" on July 25th and 26th, On the Sabbath, Rev, Alex, MacMillan, D. D. of Toronto preached in the morning! from Deut. 8.2. "And thou shalt rem- ember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee," and in theevening Y il, 3-13; !Reaching forth,untq those' Wogs which are before." Alf the morn- tug service, he was assisted by Rev. , Cleo. Telford, M. A, of Blyth 'who con -1 .)+eyed to thecongregation the congrat- ' •ftlations of the Presbytery of Huron, and:14-Rev. .(Capt.) Wm. Fingland, M.,A. a recent'gratuate in, theology, wirm the' congregation has .given to <• theChristian' ministry Special music .'Wasburnished by the choir assisted by Miss) Matins Topping of London, Dili? MacMillan came to Auburn and Smith's Hill as pastor when he was a very young man, and it was a great pleasure for those who knew him so Well in the: earlier days` to hear his voice again. The .church was - packed with eager listeners. at both service and many were turned. away who could not find entrance, Dr. MacMillan pre- sented the congregation with a beauti- fully -bound, large -type Book of Praise ' for the pulpit. , grigl It is now sixty years since the first elders, Messrs, Joseph Dobie and Jolrrf Jackson, wire ordained, The congregation then worshipped in the •' e•ithtrog school and the village was kn- own as Manchester, The first minister was Rev, Arch. 'Currie, who. was induct ed in 1860 as the pastor of Blyth Burns duroh; Ilailevtt and 1 Manchester., The first church built of brick, was erected 'during his pastorate. The pres 'ant white brick church was built 1904 at an approximate -cost of $7.000, The comfo'rtiaiale , up-to-date ;red -brick manse was erected in 1913 for $4,200, Of this amount Smith's Hill paid $17- 00 All this property is practically free -of.debt. The ministers who successively fol- lowed Rey. A. Currie in the pastorate of the church were- Rev, J. `Stewart 186315 Rev. • S. Young, 1866-77, Rei. J. Pritchard, 1878-86 Rev. • A. MacMillan, 1887-91. Rev. Robert Hen- lerson, 1892.1901; Rev, J. R. Mann, 1908-12; Rev, A. Laing, 1912-17, and the -present minister, Rev. R. J, Ross B. A. whose induction took place in 1917. 1n, addition to bearing its fair share of ether church work, Knox has sent Mics Fingland a member of the pies e,u;f.cession, to Korea, as its representa tf on the foreign field. ?1' social gathering ivas held in the manse grounds on Monday . evening, N•hen friends from Many parts, after yeers of separation met again. Re- freshments were served in the , base ment by the ladies of the congregation. Addresses were given by three former ministers Rev, Alex, MaoMillan, D. D. Rev, J. L. Small, B. A., of Hespeler and Rev. J. R. Mann B. A., of St. Marys, and greetings 'from Smith's 'Hill were con veyed by Mr. Rod, Young. Capt. Fing- land and Rev. Geo, Telford also gave short addresses. Mr. Harvey McGee ,:sang a number of Scottish songs. and Scout Baker of Blyth contributed a 5x:out song, The Clinton Kiltie Band, LIFT OFF CORNS! • , Apply few drops then tilt sore, touchy corns off with fingers Ea potent hurt a Sat Drop a little Tireesene on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then you lift Si right aaht. Yes, magic) R^ A. tiny bottle of Preozone costa but a dew cents at any drug store, but is suds- +eleab to remove, every hard corn, soft cirri or earn between the tone, and the.rellusee, without soreness or irritation, I'hceaone is tiro sensational discovery with bagpipes, played many numbers during the evening. The proceeds of the diamond jubilee were about $500 and a fine spirit of hope and expectation was manifested The pastor Rev, R. J. Ross, and his people have every reason to be en- couraged as they go forward to the work of future, COWS Cotton Root Certpino ol1'. 4 safe, reliable reryqh nate% medicine. Bold ie thteo de. re.. oi'etre, th—No. I g sr Ivl..2, Ea; Iso, a, ss t,cr boa4 Fold by all doormat., or scat prepaid on receipt of price, nes pamphlet. er Address, TICE COOK CO, TO11011TO, OAT. (Yards Lam) Government Pays School Book Tax Two Per Cent. Will Not Be Charged Purrhasers of the • ; Books. Since June 17 -an excise sales tax of two per cent h.ss been collectable from all publishers of school books. appointed, The minister of Education has now not ified the school book publishers that this tax shoull not be charged to the ac count of the purchasers of the books, whether retailers or individual pur- chasers. The tax will be paid to -the In land Revenue Department by the pub- lishers who will receive from the De - pertinent of Education the full amount of such taxes on presentation cf•cer- tified monthly statements. PLAIN BALLOT FOR REFERENDUM "If 'roil Say Dry Ontario You Will Get it," Says Mr. Hicks—Hydro I Rates Discussed •-- Senator Prohdfoot Speaker at U. F. Cl. Picnic at Menesetung Park. Goderich July--3OTlte rain put a ser loos damper on the picnic of the U, F. 0, dubs' of ,Goipp,ryp $lid gOdeSlcll townships 'held at Menesetung Park yesterday. Lieut -Col,' ICarrnichadil, of the Drury 'Cabinet, came -up at hhobn, but weelt back again when it was de- cided to postpone the picnic, When the weather dleaeed later in the afternoon it was decided to go on•with the pro- gram; A. good crowd' attended, , "The greatest inovenhent that Amer- ica has ever seen," was the way Andrew Hicks, the U. F. O. lnember of the Leg islature for South Huron characteriz- ed the U. F, 0; movement which he said had won the respect of every citi- zen in Ontario and during the session the Conservative member from North Huron had voted every time with the Government -and the Lilteral member from Center Huron every time but once. As to hydro radials, Mr. Hicks said Mr. Drury had told him that if hydro radials were as good as they were said - to be we could not have too many of them, but the policy of the Government was that before anything was done the natter should be investigated. The flat rate for hydro power too,- was investigating and a committee had been Do Your Bowes Become Constipated ? • The cause of constipation is an inactive liver, with deficiency of bile, improper diet, and most frequent of all, a neglect to attend, with regularity,: to nature's calls, The one aim of those suffering from constipation should be to have at least ono. regular motion of the bowels every day, in otherwords, keepp your bowels open and you won't bo sick. In Milburn's Laxe-Liver 'Pills you will find just the remedy for this purpose. They arra small and easy to take, olid there is none of the griping, weakening and sickening which belong to the,old- fashioned purgatives, Mr. Jas. G. Hares, 13ox 934, Halifax N.S., writes: --'For two yearn I Sufered with constipation. I could not .get anything to euro me, and hardly any- thsng would give nic even temporary relief. One day my uncle induced me to try Milburn's Laxn-Liver Pills, and even brought me a vial. I tried thcrq without much faith, but I soon found they were doing nuc good, and atter using the second vial I was relieved of my trouble," • Price 2ue, a vial at all dealers or, mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited. Toronto, Ont. PARAGRAPHS OF INTEREST Fer students_ ft dummy typewriter has been invented having a regulation keyboard but not doing any . writing, printed lesson strips. passing through_ the rollers, • - French naanufactur€rs have obtained gutta percha from leaves'61 the cacout- choue tree, which Is said to be more durable than that obtained by tapping tree trunks, Used in dry forth for fertilizer a pow I der has been invented that is claimed, to he valuable for spraying trees and ; vegetables to kill insects when dissol vet is?cold Water. London scientists have tested olls obtainEd from antarctic sea, leopards,! seals and penguins and 'have found them useful for soap,end leather mak-' Mg and for heating purposes, . A trouble hunting electric lamp de- signed mainly for motorists is mount- ed at nne end of a long, wire coiled around a spring reel which winds it up within a' box when not in use. Tobacco has been grown a success- fully in Australia the last few years. that the growers expect to be able to supply 75 per cent of the annual cot sun -union of 15,000,000 pounds. A roll - of paper fed into one end of a new machine conies out of the other in form letters, each with a different name and address" and the machine can produce 5,000 letters an hour. Growers ill the French riviera, who ship millions of boxes of cut flowers annually, have learned that they keep fresh much longer if placed in , cold storage a clay or two before shipping, Without staking it inconveniently large a New York Winn has invented a fountain pen with a tiny incandescent lamp under its point, supplied with electricity by' a dry battery in the bar- rel, Scientists have found that various kinds of tar, lacquer, paint that will stance' high temperatures and several other products can be obtained from the blackbay tree of Western Austra- lia. Floridle has the only known deposit of gypsum in the United States south of Virginia and east of the ,Mississippi wf a. cloebtnati pates, It is wonderfu, river. sa SUESCRIPT1oNS QLrrSws op cAs di, (Advance Only) ' a Croat Britain R , . . } .. , } R e } 11� O United Stan's sr .,, ,,!% t o l l }'a es t .1+r Fran(?e Rt}tr}..,,tr,f!if f•.'s,t• 2.00 Thursday, Ali ust 12t11, 1920 ARBUK PURELYHERBAL-N, poisonous matter, ANYISEPTIC-Steps [hoot! -poison, SO8T11IN8-Esia pale the fetorti��, ala, PURE -peal 1iridyl issue MEALS all soma, 50c 4x-411 deaftn. "Why should the lean lh the Nia- gara peninsula have a moh)tgage on the Niagara power?" asked Mr. Hicks, We may not,get a flat rate, but we will get an equalization of rates." When 'the Chippewa Creek develop- ment was completed in 1921 Ontario would have the biggest public 'owfner- ship plant in the world! "As to the vote to be taken in Octo- ber on the referendum," Mr. Hicks said "If you say a dry Ontario you will get a dry Ontario and the ballot will be so plain that you won't have any trouble knowing what you are voting for," , Improve the Cattle. Charles McCurdy general live stock alesman for the Fanners' Co-aperative Ccl;mp'tny exipressed the beffeif that he 'farmers shoull raise bettee anini Is and fewer of them, There were too s a many cattle o11 the i'arni and they were not properly finished, Atbt, Cattle should be dehorned, The , American market would not take horned, cattle dehorning.'ineant half a cent a poand differenoe in the price. Our cattle were not holding up to the old standard Mr. McCurdy said he did not deserve the credit for what success the farmers had in selling cattle from the farmer to the shipping point, The dominion Govern- ment controlled the selling of live stock and a record was'kept of the weight of every animal, The U. F. 0, did 27 per cent' of business at the Union Stock- yards and there were 1$ firms operat- ing showing that the U. F, 0. did the largest business of all. ' Senator Proudfoot, who is visiting a season at his summer home at Menese- tung park, was called, on, for a short address, and had something to say on' the,,flat rate for hydro recalling his own championing of this measure in the past,. He thought the fanner in Col- borne Township should get the same advantages for cheap power as th'e men near Niagara. Sir. Adam Beck used to say: "Proudfoot is crazy and does not know what he is talking about." But he was glad to see that an association had been formed to press the flat rate s and he hoped to see the present Govern meet take it up House Phone SOL' on't Trust to Luck When ordering Tea, but insist on getting .the reliable_..— The Tea That N black, Green or Mixed NEWSPAPER WIT Nashville Tennessean. As soon as the woman learn to vote here's hoping they'll teach the men. --0---- E, W. Howe: It's odd but true. Us- ualIy the elan who hasn't much to say marries a talkative woman. Kitchener Telegraph, The only chan ce a girl to wear long dresses now is when her age is reckoned in months. —0-- Mr, Wm. Young president of theE. W. Howe, What used to be spent ori whiskey is now spent on gasoline Farmers Club Presided, but the whole' family get in on the Baso During the afternoon a baseball game line• . --- was was played between two teams most of .e-O— whom CZ E m A, You ora not exp 0 rimenD ing when yynu use Ile. Chase's Olnt- ment for Eczema and Skin Irrita- tions. It relieves at once and gradu- ally heals tato skin. Sans`de box Ar. 0hase's Ointment free if you &i tion this tmper and scud 2a. st;uup far pasta -'e. e00, a box• all 'rennin or Edninnsan, Bates K: l:a., Limited. Toronto were frohn Goderich Township Baltimore American: If Germany had land Highland piping and dancing was a Iter way she would throw those 2,000- feature, 000 tons of coal at the Allies a lump at .a time, Japanese have foundcement mortar nixed, with volcanic ashes valuable for work that is submerged in sea water. IFI•tyi •x. neon q, `F',, ry.5. FARM LABOERS WANTEE "Fare Going "--$15 to WINNIPEG. "Fare Returning"—$20 from WINNIPEG. cent per mile Winnipeg to destination: Pi cent per mile starting point to Winnipeg. GOING DATES TERRITORY From Stations in Ontario, Smith's Falls to and including Toronto on Lake Ontario Shore Line AUGUST .0, and Havelock•Peterboro Linc, • and From Stations Kingston to Renfrew function, inclusive. AUGusT16. {lFro m Stations on Toronto -Sudbury dbury direct line, between Toronto and Parry Sound inclusive . From Stations Dratted to Port McNicoll and rket n [o Bohca Boaiaduslva. . �.•- 1 1, From Stations South and Weat of Toronto is and indudiaR i?amil[on and Windsor. Ont. From Owen Sound Wg1iGr'tonP') 5E9w t3S. Winghum, Elora, Liatowd, Goderich, St, Mary's, Port Btirweit, and St. Thg,pi gr ehes. 1 8. From Stations Toronto and North to Bolton, inclusive, SPECIAL TRAINS FROM TOROltTO Full particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Aaenta. W. B. HOWARD. District Pasvenger Agent, Toronto. AUGUST and AUGUST ` senora" A Summer's Idyll Guelph Herald: Many people are in the habit of acting as if it was a case of life or death to get over a rail . way track before the train—and often death wins the race. of * M Brockville Times -Recorder. A sus- pender factory in Hamilton has closed temporarily. If the girls there only knew the precarious straits to which some men are reduced when their sus- penders break they wouldn't ilose a day's work. 0 K. Columbia Records Mr. Contpers de- clares war on the "treaty -killers." 1t would help some if he would de- clare war on the time -killers, Atchison Weekly Globe. It is pecul i better. tar that Presidents don't do b . t r Heaven knows they receive plenty of advice from the newspapers. a * * Greenville Piedmont. "Germany Has Been Called Down," says a headline, That is the softest thing Germany has been called in many years, w 0 * Pittsburg Gazette -Times Conneiti- cut is so Mort of school -teachers that prayers are being offered for an increas ed supply. increased salaries would doubtless assist in securing a definite answer to the petitions. a, * -0 Hanlitou Spectator. The - reckless automobile 'river is more to be despis- ed than the fool who rocks the boat. * _t. * Sioux City Journal. 'Calk is cheap ex cept when it is over a long listance telephone, There are someplaces which never lose their charm as- holiday resorts, and which as the seasdns pass at- tract visitors as a magnet does the needle. Such may be Claimed for 'Kenora and the Lake of the Woods. This lovely spot is within easy,ac- Oeen to all, situated as it is on the main unfit of the Canadian Pacific Railway in the beautiful Province of Ontario. lite Lake of -the Roods is a perfect earthly Paradise, 'throned in its thousands of islands -.most of which are owned by private Canadian citiz- ens who spend their summers there leading the simple life, A splendid way to see the beauties of the Lake of the Woods is to make a stay at Kenora, and from there hh'e a motor launch and 'go sailing among the islands. The Lake is studded over by a perfect archipelago, the islands numbering several thousand, some mere islets of lagged rock, oth- ers being several miles in extent on which aro built pretty bungalows and camps. Most of the islands are thickly timbered, the trees growing to the water's edge, and in the early sum- mer months water lilies, both golden yellow and pure white are found everywhere, 'Blueberries and other unlit ti'rult also grow abundantly on most of the Islands, hundreds of pounds being packed by the Indians said shipped to the different cities for consumption. Kenora !levet/ is a pretty little town built on the lake front, commanding a oplendld view of the lake. It has a large number of steers, it Public Library, and is lit by electricity. The Tourists ,totel, In the Main Street, gives tourists every comfort. There are camps on several of the kenore ,Ori Out for a Spin larger islands run by the Y.M.C,A. and the MLA. of Winnipeg, where the tourist can have accommodation at reasonable,rates, while on Coney Island there to a fine sandy bathing beach, and pavilion for dancing, Happiness seems to bo the domin- ant note at Kenora and its vicinity. everywhere one meets nutlet, of young people on pleasure bent, boal.- Ing,' hathing, or picnieing, and the stillness of the air is broken only by merry laughter, Or the song' of the birds. • The district is mach frequented by artists, photographers, and r-,oh'ts- men, each finding a wide (lett for his particular bent, Tho italic le a perfect angler's i'ara.dlse, many a Bing landed before S trout t i an ab re reek of, day to provide breakfast for the campers. Here too in their season are to be found moose and bear, as well as other big game. A abort distance out of Kentaro is an Indian Reserve, which -in a fever falling source of interest to tolirtsts' who wish to see the Red Men in their native woods. A few miles out of Kenora are the little towns of Norman and Keewatin, both of which are within walking distance, the road winding on the hjllsicle affords au uninterrupted view of the lake, every bend opening up now beauty spots. Who can ever forget the glorious moonlight on the Lake, the intense stillness broken only by the dip o7 an oar or the throb of a motor beat, when the shadows deepen on the le lands, and "when the moon see's her unwrinkled face .reflected" in the blue water? i£enora,Is redolent of romance, ie indeed like a torso poen Of perfect music where there is ne dlseordaut note and whore ao each evening closes ono can say, we have emit to the end of it pert let day, ; Pains About the Heart ANY derangement of the heart's action is alarming. Frequently pains about the heart are caused by the forma- tion of gas arising from indi gestion. Relief from this condition is obtained by the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. Chronic indigestion results from sluggish liver action, con• stipation of the bowels and ,Inactive kidneys„ -.a Deaauso nr. Chi -we'll :Kidney -Livor Pins arouse these organs' to activity they thoroughly cure indigestion and overooano the mane annoying symp. totes. Wit ever Disappoints ,w Sealed Packets Only. Tacoma Lefdger,The practice of taw ping is said in the east to be declining But the tipped are not. i o Newark Star -Eagle, What untold suffering Is caused by the outrageous price of silk shirts and corti tires * * * Detroit Free Press. We don't like' /co brag but one of the things we don't des is to keep honking the horn whenevew we happen to be stalled in a line ql motor cars. A TONIC FOR THE NERVES The Only Real Nerve Tonic is a Good Supply of Rich, Red Blood. e i "If people would only attend to their blood, instead of worrying themselves ill," said an eminent nerve specialist, "we doctors woulei not see our consulting rooms crowd- ed with nervous wrecks. More.peo- pte sutler from worry titan anything else," , The sort of thing which the specs ialist spoke of is the nervous run- down condition caused by overwork and the many anxieties of to -day. Sufferers find themselves tired, low- spirited owspirited and unable to keep $heir minds on anything. Ant), sudden noise Inuit like a blow. They are full of groundless fears, and do nor sleep well at night. Headaches and other nerve pains are part of the misery, and if all comes film starved nerves. Doctoring me nerves with poison- ous sedatives is a terrible mistake. The only real nerve tonic 16 a good supply of rich, red blood. Therefore to relieve nervousness and run-down health, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills shouI e taken. b These pitiIs make. new, rich blood, which strengthens the nerves, improves the' appetite, , gives new strength and spirits, and makes hitherto despondent people bright' and cheerful. If you are at all "oeut of sorts" you should begin taking Dr. Williams' .Pink Pills. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Brockville, Ont. BOILERS WANTED As the market is vary high rt present you will find it advisable to dispose of your largest chickens Fat Hens thud Old Roosters. We are also in the market tar young Ducks weighing 4ltbs. c2c1T. also Old Ducks and Old-Turkcyr that are in good condition. Get Our Prices Before You Goa,Il-I,anglo1 & Co., Limit k^ The up-to-date Fi:�tta. Clinton Branch Phone'! N. W. Trowartha, Manager or Holmesville 4 on 54x. PIANOS I3efore purchasing your - new piano or organ Id us show you the newest de- signs in several well- known and old establish- ed makes. INSTRUMENTS RENT- ED AT MODERATE PRICES PHONOGRAPHS See our stylish cabinet designs in the best makes. C. Hoare +e:;e.ntaaatr•.:..»m•,rm,.,vm,®eam+tasa.nmenemt. 1