HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-8-12, Page 1• THE .CLINTON NEW ERA Established 1565, Y01. 5,5, Nch7 CLINTON? ONTARIO, THURSDAY AUGUST, 12tfo, 1920, VV, a Kerr /4 Son, Editor fend Publielme. We Want You to Look at your Label TowDay. Is it (1920 vvvvvvwwwwwwwvwvw vvyvvykovvvyavvvvvyyvvvvvw PEPTONA A Genuine Strength and Body Builder, The Ideal Tonic for Old and Young. Sold at the Rexall Store. W. S. 1=10 [..41,4006 Phm. THE REXALI. STORE V*WWWWWWWWW*WARovv~vvvvvvvvvvvVvVVVVV*VV INCORPORATED 1855 THE MOLSONS BANK Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches The Molsons Bank Assists Farmers Almost every farmer finds his money tied up in stock or crops at certain seasons. If he needs assistance he should consult our local Manager. Savings Departments at all Branches. H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. 1111M011•00..041.11•••=1•10.$ lie Royal gni* HEAD Capital Reserve Funds Tatar Assets OF CANADA Incorporated 1869. OFFICE, MONTREAL .$17,000,000 700 Branches .41 8,000,000 5870o0,000 Special attention to Farmers' requirements. Interee paid on Deposits. Safety ;Deposit Boxes to Rent., , R. E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch ats 04011.tielignikOkIgIaitRoftellis01~ Clearing at II - Half:Price. 1 ..,,.,,.. ' D... i r 1 J 11 No 'Carryi!overs! Heys - $ $ We offer these great reductions for the par- , .. pose of closing out our Str;idlilcii "itaieleso that we may if& vurr3ritheinz - - over until next season. -$15 Specipititie0Nt8 115, 20 Mens Suits in Grey Tweed, sizes 34 to 44., Regu/ar $22.00 to Clear at $15.00 These are. genuine bargains so act ;quickly if you want a cheap suit. --/r1 alinte[MIT.11$01$1 rhe Ntorrish Ciothino A Square Jett Par Every affi :=.......,.....mr.ncrainakassocimazivaxdortroacerrmineolzgainustomea.4.asemwoommivAct.varemragasor Try The New Era f r Job Work in 11 111 Middle School Exam.1 . Serbia HonorsToronto Woman Results are Announced The following list issued by the De- partment of Educetion contains the nein esin Huron of the candedat. eS who have been succeisful, in whole or in part at the Middle School Exern- illation for entrance Into the bionnal Schools The entry (Hon) shows that the candidate page4 with honors, and the entry (Sup) indicates that the candid ate requires. to write a supplemental examination in one subject in order to qualifrfor a Middle School certifi- cate, This he may do at any subsequent examination when he will be required. to obtain 69 per centum onthat subject The name of the subject will be shown on the official statement. Those who have already passed both the Lower and the Middle School exam- inations are reminded that the Normal Schools open on Tuesday, September 14 at 9 a.m. and that application there fore must be made to the Deputy Minist er of ESducation not later than Friday August 27. Application should be made at early date. If applicants will state clearly on the forms when and where they passed their examinations, they need not delay mailing such ap- plications on account of not having re- ceived their certificatees. Huron. M. E. Anderson, F. R. Archibald, M. R. Armstrong, R. Armstrong (Hon,1 E. J. Baker, P. E. Baker, 1, V. Bell, A. Baxter, M. S. Blanchard, M. E, Bennett, '1'. 0, Greery (Hon) I, 1. Carr, A. W. Cluss, A. E. Cummins, M. I. Currie (Hon) S. M. Draper, R. E. Davis A. M. Deans (lion) E. W. M. Edge (Hon) J. R Edmonds (Hon) li Edwards (Hon) M. Iti. Ford W. J. N. Finlayson, D. H. Fells, W. 'C. Gardiner, M. M. Garrow (Sup.) J. W. A. Grieg M. E. Hall, M. S, Hogg, K, Hamilton (Sup) .A. E. Hellyar (Flan) J. M, Haney, M. M. 1 -log arth, M. M. Haugh, G. lC. Hamilton (Hon) A. C. Heys F. E, Humber, L. E. Johnston, H. L. Jefferson (Hon) P, 1, Johns R. Kilpatrick (Hon) E. Keating, A. L. Lawrence, G. T. Laithwaite (lion) S. 0. Lattimer, M. E. McCall, W. L. McCutcheon, M. E. McNah S. E. Mc- Nair, E. B. McTaggart, A. la Medd, 0. I. tvlc'Clure L. A, Macklin, R, A. Me- gaw E. A. Mackay g. C. MacLean .A. J. Miller (lion) H. ,Millar F, H. Moore (sup.) R. Muir (Hon.) E. I. Musgrove (Hon.) H, S. Mitchell, W. E. Nelson C. B., Nairn, V, L. Parker, E. 0, Prid- ham, K. Pringle (Hon) J. H. Perdue (Hon) L. Robinson, H. M. Ryan (with L. S. Art), E. L. Reid (Hon.) D. C. Roth, 11. M. Stothers, D, M. Stafford, E. P. Scotchmer, L. M. Snyder, M. A. L. Shepperd, E. Sowerby, L. Sowerby, G. J. Scarlett, G. L. Sillery, J. I. Sillery (with L. S..Geog.) D. M. Staples, E. M. Sellers (Hon) F. E, Stewart, 3, B. Tay for (Hon) A. E, Thuell, F. Turnbull M. a Tigert R. 1, Taylor 0. 0 Trum- ner, E. J. Turner a G. Tucker, F. Wallis, A. Walker, M. 1, Walker, H. E, Wright, E. C. Washington, W. Weir, 13. Wheatley, W. A. Wheatley', M. 'V' Wei ktsr,elci tin g, S SUMMER WOOD Al.'b110.11tity of -lardWOOd Slabs -the best for SUnpner fireS-now on harid. Get Your -Order4 in -Will*.belt)eliVered at Your DOor. B.MUSTAkD Phone 146r: Estimateeliven Inierior and Exterior Decoraiing ••• We protect your floors, furni- turc, etc., by plenty of drop sheets. Wall Pa0ers, Mouldings, Signs, Ets. 81 Isaac Street o Who received from the Serbian Goy-• eminent the rder oJ St. Saba of the third class and also the Cross of Mercy. eminent the Order of St. Saba of the and ornamental decoration with blue and white enamelled border and the figure f the saint also executed in en- amel. On the back is the year the order was founded 1883. The whdie is mounted on a broad blue and white rib bon. Mrs. Hamilton and her sister Mrs. W. 13. Irvine, were among the orignal workers in Canada for Serbia Relief, and Mrs, Irvine has also received the Cross of Mercy. Mrs. Hamilton's first work for Serbian Relief indeed the first work for Serbian Relief done in Toronto was clone through the Suff- ragists War Auxiliary whose first large sum of money .was raised through the addresses given in Massey Hall by Mrs. Pankhurst and Mr.-Cheddo Miyatovitch, She carried on work for Serbia later through the Canadian Serbian Relief Committee, Mrs. Hamilton is the first lady to be elected and "Alderman" in Toronto. oceenainean,3e.eivesses•sts00 • WITFI TOPS CEIVIRCIIRS, • etetroonootteseautotaftese".46to Willis Church Rev. W. H. Geddes, of Ailsa Craig, took the morning service last Sunday in Willis church. St. Paul's Church Rev C. K. Masters M. l:1. Rector 'of St. Marys will conduct the church services during the month of .August. Rev. Mr. Masters was a former Chap- lain of the 58th battlion and was sever ly wounded at the battle of Somme in 5916. He was awarded the military cross for distinguished service. Baptist Church Services as usual next Sunday ducted by the Pastor. Evening's Subject, "The man who went borrow n at night." Annual S„, S. picnic. to Bayfielil Sat' stay Ang j4th, . Ontario St. Church, Rev. Mr, Wen of Mitchell occup- 0 0• 0 0 o' REV. YELLAND °°°° " n** " °° ',QUICK GLANCE ATI 0 OVER THE TEACUPS 41 PASSES AWAY 30000.0 .00000 0 0 0: THE LOCAL NEWS Forty Years in the Methodist Ministry. Ms at Exeter on Monday, (Exeter Times) The curtain closed: down on the life of Rey, J. 9, Yetiand on Monday and he passed from this earthly sphere to enjoy the fruits of his labors of forty years in the services of the Methodist ministry, Mr. Yelland was taken ill last Fernery with influenza and he new er fully recovered from the effects. For about two weeks was confined to his bed" During that time he suffered quite severely. The reverend and honored minister was born at Brenton Devon England, in 1843. His father was a 'local preach er of the Bible Christirin church, At the age of twenty-five Mr. Yelland received his credentials to preach from the Tav istock Circuit in Devonshire and came to Canada. In April ane month .before sailing for Canada he was united. in marriage to his now bereaved widow. Mr. and Mrs. Yelland first located in Bellevaile where Mr. Yelland was receiv ed into the Canadian Conference of the Bible Christian Church. He was first sent to Prince Edward Island where he was statiened at Vernon River, West Cape and Wheatley River. From there he was stationed at 'Canipbellford and Lambeth with the 13. C. church. At the time of the union of the Bible Christian and the Methodists Mr. Yellow.' Was stationed in the London Conference since that time. He has traveNed the circuits of Dover, Bayfleld, Stratford ville, Cottam, Arkona, Talbotville, Credlton, Ethel Remitter and Adelaide in the conference year 1909 that Mr. Yelland superanuated'and came to Exet er to reside. At that time he had com- pleter forty years in the active servioe of the ministry. Since coming to Exeter Mr. Yelland has identified himself with the Main Street Methodist church and followed with a keen !merest all branches of the work of the church, He was ready at all times to render what service he could and up unt1i his illness frequently sup plied for other pastors. Besides his bereaved widow he is sur vived by two sons and two daughters; John Gibbs, of London, and T. Sam- son, of Porty Perry, Misses Annie and Bessie at home. He has one brother liv- ing in Hartley, hio. • Important to Township Councils 'and to School Boards, The. Public Schools Act 1920 section 96, provides that the council of each township of Huron county shall this year levy and collect by assessment up con- on the terrible property of the public school supporters of the township the mid- sum of $600 at last for every prin- cipal teacher and the additional sum of $400 for every assistant teachef. ied the pulpit In the, morning and spoke on behalf of the Lord's Day Al- liance. He also spoke it Wesley church at the evening service, Next Sunday and the following Sabbath Rev. • Mr. McCamus will preach in Ontario street church when union services will be 0 held 'for the two weeks. 0 A cordial invitation is extended to come to the Epworth League service on Mac* night next. The pro- gramme will be in charge of the miss- ionary committee and Miss Eva Carter 0 0 will give a report of the sessions of 0 the summer school which she attended 0 at St. Thomas. 0 Mr, Harold TUrner gave a very teresting address' on his experiences cto Belgiuin at the Epworth League ser- 0 vice on Monday night. , 0 Prayer meeting on Wednesday even - 0 ing at the usual hour. The next two Stinlays onion services 0 will be held in this church and Rev. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 WHAT KIND OF STUFF IS 0 IT ANYWAY. 0 0 The'New Era has been inforin 0 ed tha( ehother adventure has p befallen a well-known issuerer 0 of lieenses, Who swears by the 0 water 'route. A marriagelicen. 0 se was issued 'and the wedding 0 ceremony was held up while 0 the minister motored to town 0 to get the issuer's signature 0 atteched to the license, which 0 had been neglected. Now many 0 are Asking what brand seine 0. people are drinking in town 0 now. If people are not care- 0 ful 'inspector Torrance is going 0 to have a busy fall campaign, b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A Chnege made., Side Shows at the fall (airs in On- tario this year are going to be thor- . oughly respectable eatertaininents • At the August meeting of the Hospit- without any of that spice of wicked- ness than has boosted the ticket office al Board the following donations to receipts in years past. Since the 'tide the Hospital were gratefutty ackni4le dged. . Mrs, Fred Ford-, Hoiniesville $5.00 Mrs. 1 C. Colclough ---------$2.0o Mrs. Geo, Tebhutt -- 1 Mrs, Hd: owarwilliame _____:t0) ,0(,) leaden( Joseph Rogers of the Provin- Mrs, 'JIM Holland -- -- -- ----$1,00 eta? Pnlice, is setting out to piece the I The, vieeffle Ben system has he„aa-ia shows in a class with sewing circles, stalled in the Hospital. Mr, Venner mothers clubs and other upholders of 0, N. McCamus will occupy the plupit, Hospital Notes, shows raked In their last harvest a new Attorney General has ascended the throne in the Parliament Buildings Tor onto and under his direction Superin- moral standards, Hereafter no side show ; did all the work. This waS a very con. siderable item, and the board is exceed. will be Ferlultlea 10 display lis Wares ingly grateful to Mr. Venner for his at a fall lair until the proprietor has obtainecit a license from the Provincial servi efts. Police and he will not get a license un- til ha has satisfied the superintendent that his "act" is throughly innocuous. The Crediton fears won from &der The new control will Also permit the ich last week. The Southern boys have ,,authoritlea to ban some f the freak to vile ail their games to be tied with shows which Are revolting in cbaracf• Zurich for the league winners, er end serve to inftPoso. • *Al Crediton Beat Coderith Miss Dell O'Neil Is holidaying in ' Muskoka. Items of Interest Peeked Up ,ifoore) Mr, P, W. Wigg Is spending a few agd There About the Town:. days at Cayuga, Miss Tilly Akan is spending her wacation at Goderich. p Mr. end Mrs, L. Witsmen are spend- ing a few days in town, Miss Agnew, of Montreal, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Geo, Plialen, Miss Mary Modeland of Seaforth is visiting in and around Oanton. The members of the Black Knights Miss Nellie Kemp has accepted a went to Brantford today to Cele/X*1ft position on the school staff at Thorld. Win Hold Picnic Saturday. The .annual S, B. picnic of the Bap- tist church will be held on Saturday to Bayflelit Many Went to Brantford. "Derry Day." Mostar Reggie McCoy of London is • visiting itis grandfather Mr. A. Wilken. coos to Crediton Friday. Miss Hut:elle Hill is spending her rho Clinton Base Ball team goes to.. holidays at Collingwad Ratiktlfa, treditori on Friday and the game wilel Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fitzsimonye- finish the schedule unless the tie game turned to Detroit on Tuesday afternoon, with Zurich has to -be played'. Mr, and Airs.- R. Rowland are away on a boat trip doWn the St. Lawrence . Machine Guns Guard Town HalL 1 River. , Mr. and Mrs. W. T. O'Neil spent a • wroath to the Town Hall so poblicaS 1 Two machine guns now guard the ap day or so in Buffalo during the past I ware. The guns came on Wednesday,. and public speakers had better te "Mekr.. and Mrs. Roy tall and Miss t to Zurich. Thelma spent a few days at Sombre and . Was well represented at Zur- Sarnia. Dr. and Mrs. Donald Ross left this ich Thursday evening last. One week enroute for their home in Swift striking feature noticed was the very Current. ' ' ' ' dusty roads with so many cars going to Mrs. Fraser of Ailsa Craig Is here the game. nursing Miss A. Ross who has been ser - 1;1 Mrs. W. Brydone have been Buys house Mair of tiullett has purchas loums try. ail, away on a motor trip going as far as . ed Mrs. Pratt's house on Rattenbaryz Brockviile, and the family have now taken- possess Rev. Mr. Snowdon took the services ion. We welcome out new citizens to, in the Presbyterian church Seaforth -town. last Sunday. First Here This Season. Mrs. Marshall is seriously ill at the home, of her daughter, Mrs. Livermore On Sunday afternoon Cant: Fred Glk Station street. lies and Pilot Smith of Toronto arrivedi Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Vietch, of Nlea- here by aeroplane and spent the after ford, were visitors in town last week noon in town. They were at Grand) for a few days. Bend in the morning and took a Italy, Miss Lottie Judd who has been visit- passenger from that place to Godericit. itig at her home in town returned to A Big Increase. Paris on Monday. Miss Alma Judd has returned to St. Referring to the Previntiill income, Catharines after spending her vacation , speaking at a luncheon- of the coms- at her home here. ell at Collingwood, lion, F. C. Biggs, Misses Stella and Daisy Copp. of Provincial Minister of Public Vifiaaressi, Toronto, are spending their holidays at stated that motor license fees for Oat:4 the parental home, i would bring in $2,000,000, while ina hos, Carrie Akan, who has bees ' 1921 they would probably be etriarged visiting her mother mice sister has re- to $3, 000,000 this being due to an in - turned to Ton.ernto. ! crease in the number of cars, and arse Dr. and Mrs. Ernest MacMillan of to an advance which it was proposed Toronto are the guests of the former's to make in the license fees. • aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Gunn. Mr, and Mrs Ralph Tiplady with Mr. , Crediton Won, Donald McLeod and wife and children ' By some solid batting and errors were visitors in Petrolia, Crediton caught Clinton cold in the - Mr. Emmerson elitchell, of Detroit, first twoinnings on Tuesday night and is spending his holidays with his , got a lead of 4 runs and had things. mother and brother in town. !easy after that despite the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Murch, of Strat- i Clinton had. the bases full on severat, ford, have been renewing old acquain- , occasions. Weir pitched four full inn- tances in and around Clinton. I ings and liad the bases full in the 5thz when- he retired in former of O'NeiC Master Lawrence Plumsteel has been laid up with blood poisoning in the hand but is now nearly better. Mrs. George Crooks and Miss Mary, of the Base Line, are spending a few days in and around Hohnesville, Mrs, W. L, 'Clubas and children of who held Clinton scoreless that inn- ings, Weir struck out 4; and walked: four. O'Neil had 2 strikeouts and hit two men hand running and got the bee. es full in the 6th and only let one ran in. Earl Cooper had 7 strikeouts, but St. Louis, Mo., are visiting with the esurfafetrcedetbityresonnelledrialagge3clpfiuelidoiuntgs, tToashkiv,- former's brother, Mr. W. D. Pair. ' Miss McConnell has bean re-engaged Crediton 'and Welsh 2Messers McCreath as teacher of the Walton Public school, And, Ba -,'ow of Goderich umpired the MisnsevMcaCtiodnnmeirls.tasu.ghEt. tmheciicre.tteytearninct, &Me and kept the game going despite the fact that 'Crediton did everything, Miss Mdllie• are holidaying at London possible to delay -the game for darkness. aiid BriUtford for the month of Aug- Following was the score,' Clinton - 0 o• 0 0 3 0 Mr,: William Bell returned to his Crediton 2 2 0 0 1 0 9 0 - duties at Toronto on: Tuesday after spending his holidays at the parental ra55ea AWay.. 'hemet. ' I . On Sunday after an illness of .thn We are- sorry to hear that Mrs, iddo , weeks,. Susannah Boyes, relict of the Crich is'seriemsly "al her home and late Mr. Stephenson, paSsed away ET Asa her many Mena hope for a lure for home of her son, Mr. A. B. Stephenson, the better. ' at the ripe age of 84 years. Deceased We are pleased to hear that Mrs. J. was born in Zneland and came to thlst B. Cook is progressing favorably at the county when 14 years did and settled 'Clinton Hospital after her operation with her parents on the Goshen Line. for appendicitis. Stanley. In 1855 She married, and 36, Mrs, C. D..Bouck and Miss Iona leave 'years ago her husband passed away. on Friday for Morrisburg to attend There was a family of three, two the Golden Wedding of Mr, Bottck's daughters, Mrs. Alex Welsh, of town, parents on Saturday. Mrs. Jos. RobbinSon of London (who. We are glad to hear that Mr. 13, J. died six weeks ago) and one S011 Mr: Gibbings who went to Detroit for an A. B. Stephenson of town, witlik operation is progressing. fine, Mrs. whom the mother has always lived' Gibbings is with 111m, The late Mrs. Stephenson, is also, Mrs. George Brown, whit has been survived; by one sister Mrs. R. Stephen - visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. 1.„ Kerr son of Stanley and three. brothers, Rob - for the past two months returned home ert Boyes Mitchell James to Torcmto on TlieSday. (15 the Goshen Line, anti Wee Lee who left here over 7 Thos. of Goderich. The funeral months ago Is back at his laundry ag- was held on Tuesday afternin,1 and the ain. Ile was some 40 days In China end services were conducted by Rev. S. then got over to the war ZoZne with Anderson, pastor of Ontario St Church the Chinese troops, me remarks that of which the deceased was a consist- clintott is good enough for him, ant member, interniont was made at Mr. Wm. Greig and sons, of Toronto the family plot 111 BayliOld 1:emetery. are visitors today with the former's The pail -bearers Wer: foto r.andsons, brother, Mr, 1'. A. Greig, It is 37 years Messrs Nornnin and. Olit Welsh, Law - since Mr, Greig was a resident here ranee. Stephenson and thaidas Wheet and he has done well with the Massy er. Among the relatives twin - Harris Co. at Toronto holding now a ante waft 1itr, and Mrs. Poyt,s, of Mit-- responsible official 'position, Mr. Jos. Robinson, M. Moore.. At Detroit on Sunday July iSth, the and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, WhedIer corner stones of the new tastminister and daughter, and Miss Vera Siepltee- Presbyterian church were laid and a. son, ail of London, Dr, McClain of mong those taking; pari in the care- WinTdisioarfamillid1137 irv.1 as: molly was Dr, J. W, Aiken, a 'brother- Seaforth. ti 1b.i a Man Th goit'OuMnids.ss BWerje. (1,3ectetikeeterd.0fbytc"vthtle. fzoleridietss dfuelri„tglietilr14,fillioinueetf't;' rittc.iieecat'stiland Dodge Bros,, of Detroit, who also gave $0,000 in cash, the tleseasid,