HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-7-29, Page 6THE CLINTON NEW ERA.. Thursday, July 211111, 1920, tlllll SEE TfHE • ate Fancy ColoredF.Voiles AT MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring Men's FurnittBtag Brown's Phone 103 Opposite Public Library ®s® 1 COOKS THE FOOD BUT NOT THE COOK Perfection Oil Stoves HAVE ATTAINED PERFECTION IN THE COOK'S ESTIMATION That tells the story in a Nutshell of the benefits and results of using one of our PERFECTION Oil Cob]: Stoves. Many makes of oil stoves have come and gone but this one goes on givng satisfaction to the owner. •l3uy PERFECTION - Oil Stoves at W. H. DAVISON Phone 53. Successor to R. Rowland. en TRYFOR PICNIC awkins SEASON SUPPLIES FOR PLUMBING HEATING AND Olives, Grape Juice Orange and Lemonade ROOFING Lime juice, Pickles, 11 'Repairing Promptly - Done Phone 53 • T --G--- Hecla Furnaces Lead There is a Reason Ask Us. Marmalade, Jams Fruit and Vegetables of all kind in Season Fred. W. Wigg The Corner Grocery Phone 45. E. W A R D RESIDENCE—HURON STRUT WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and Houle Furnishings. Phone 67 Next Royal Bank May Restrict Sales. That municipalities have the right to restrict the sale of malt products now commonly called temperance beer to only standard hotels licensed under the Ontario Temperance Act, Is the ten or of an order -in -council which will go into effect on September 1, this year This came up during the recent session of the house and is in the nature of an amendment to the 0. T. A. If it is en- forced by the municipalities it means that all restaurants, clubs and confect lottery stores which now carry the "two and a half per cent. stuff" will have to get rid of their stocks. Successful at Faculty. The Clinton students who were at- tending. the FaupiIty of Education in Toronto made a splendid record of themselves as they_were all successful in the examinations, The following got interior First class certificates: Miss Harriett Cantelon, Miss Eleanor Kemp, Harold R, Kitty, W. McGregor of Stanley, Leslie Wasuiau, and Victor Crich. Miss Elvin Churchill and Ruth McMath were granted second class car tificates on account of their age. On reaching the age of twenty they will be granted first class certificates Leslie Wasntan and Harold Kitty of town have ea"' secured schools in Toronto. SCRANTON COAL and' ,Wood for Sale ---•O-- any who wish to leave their order for Spring delivery can do so by leaving their orders at my residence, Huron St. or Phone 155. Terms—Strictly Cash—Phone 155. • MAKES „ BASHING EASY A A /non= }te Red Star Washer makes wash day welcome. It worts so easily a boy of 6 cat run it when loaded. It abolishes all the drudgery of wash day. Does the work in half the time it takes to do ittby hand. at ur RED STAR IPV,} cher The Red Star 'Washer is easy to operate because the mechanism rides on two sets *of ball bearings. The fly wheel is large. The lid is easy to lift, and you can raise the dasher from the clothes before you open the lid, so the clothes will not come up with it or tear, The mechanism is Very simple and compact, and so strong lint the Red Star will last a generation 144 ?always run as well as when new. Koss alta have to mod one up, or tall sad sea tiara se our flow. si; tter& erti Is 1111.1111111111 11 II III II III 1111111111111111111II 111111 111111111 11111111 111111111 [.Deal News uowtunmullmgdnottonn urn tallomqualllunummUmumummuunum000uuto Black Knights of Ireland. The Clinton Preeeptory of the pla.ck Knights will attend Divine •servlee in St. Paul's church on Sunday everting at 7 o'clock, Wesley ,Picnic, Tile annual congregational picnic of Wesley church was held on Wednesday at Bayfield. A very enjoyable time was Bank, 'Toronto, formerly Lieutenant or spent.. the Royal Air Force, eldest son of Many Were at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. F. 13. Hall, Cnstance; wedding to take *place early In August, Wednesdlay of this week many of 1 our eitlzens went along with the Kiltie More Prices Up. Band to swell .the crowd at the Blyth Once more Johnny will find that he celebration, has to pay a little more by the gallon for his "joy rides." The whoesale price hasadvanced two cents both for coal. oil and for gasoline. The old time coal oil will in future be sold at 40 cents a gallon and aboost has bean given to the price of gasoline. Hydro Was Off Monday afternoon Hydro blinkedat 4,15 add did not ;0105 on again for about 20 -urinates. Engagement Announced. Mr, and Mrs. They Kent of Tyndall avenue announce the engagement of Catharine to Charles S. Hall of Molsons Improvements. Mrs, Glenn is brightening up her house on Ontario street. The house of Mr. D. S. 'Clgff has been brightened up with a coat of paint. Mr. Wnt. Miller has painted his gar- age. Something New. On Sunday morning the boys of St. John's church' choir, London, who are camping bear. Bayfield will assist at the .morning service in St. Paul's church. This feature, which is quite common in. the Old Country of boy's choirs, will be something new in Clin- ton. There are 12 boys in the party. • e.. e directors of the elation voluntarily of Miss E. Louise more, mak- ingehtg a daughter of t Holmes, now of oderich, when they 1. There was ex- cellentd to get the thin er was the hitting 3 -base hit, a2 -bugger Goderich had 2 men the score by innings. Clinton ..-0 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 .+ —6 Goderich .-0 0 0 0 0 1 0.0 0-1 A Substansial Increase.. Some tune ago the Edmonton Fair Asso increased the salary Holmes to $2000 a year, Last week the same directors showed their appreciat- ion of her services as Secretary, by vol- untarily giving her her salary $300o a year. She is a native of Clinton, b Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toronto. Took Series From Goderich. The Clinton base ball team won the whole series from G won the final game on Monday night by a score of 6 to fielding by both silos. Cooper had 5 strike outs while Sanderson had none, Goderich's run was a present to them by C. Cooper when he made a wild throw to 2n 1 out. "Brown" Drap hero having a and 2 singles. Gude t on bases and Clinton 10. Following Had a Kick in it. The local License Inspector with the police under the - Inland Revenue seized a crock of rubarb.wine on Mondaythat is reported to have kick like a mule. The case is being tried to -day, One man paid a fine on Monday for being drunk on Sunday and raising a distur- bance at the Salvation Army Sunday Ev ening. He had been tasting this pre- paration. Celebrated 75th Birthday. The Stratford Beacon refers to the birthday of a gentleman well-known to many In Clinton Dr. J. A. Rob- ertson was on Saturday the receipient of hearty congratulations from many warm friends 'having on that day attain ed his 75th birthday. The event was quietly but pleasantly marked by a small family dinner when Dr. and Mrs. Robertson had as their guests a few old friends, His many Stratford friends wish hint continued good health and happiness. Dr. Robertson was bora in North Easthope and prior to coating to Stratford practised for a time in Tav- istock. He has been in the city for 48 years, 35 of which he has been Med- ical Officer of Health. Had a Lapse of Something. We won't mention his name—but he is a grocery traveller from town—while at BI•uevale with a fellow commercial utam who had a car, left it opposite. to the store our citizen was calling 00. While attending to' business another car drew up along side of tite car, and this traveller coming out went over to the outside car. lie saw things—ist the front marker was loose so he got a small bolt and fixed it up. 2nd!—hen discovered a flat tire and had it off when the owner of the car came along and thanked him for his friendly -assis- tance.• His excuse is now—that he was. dreaming that the base ball tenon was beating Zurich and Crediton,. Champion of Alberta. Last week the annual contest of the Alberta Amateur Trap Shooters was held at Edmonton, there being a num- ber of,contestants present, The cham- ionship of the Province was won by Walter G. Holmes with a score of 143 out of a possible 150. It also carries with it free trip to the international Meet to be held in Cleveland about the middle of August. The winner is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holmes, Toronto, formerly of Clinton, and a son-in-law of Mr. John Pearson, 3rd concession of Stanley. tie expects to have an opportunity of shaking hand's wi•tit his old friends in this vic- inity during his visit east, New Officers Installed. On Tuesday evening of this week. District Deputy Grand Master A. E. Clarke, of Hensall assisted by Bros. Dougall, Munn, Armstrong and Jinks installed the following offices of Clint- 0n{i, f1, 0. F. for the current year. I. P. G, —C. Draper. N. G. —Thos. Hardy. 'V. G. —R. J, Miller. Re, Sec,—H, W, Gould F. Sec,—J. Wiseman, Treas. —H, 13; Chant.. Warden —Wm, Mulch. 'Con, —0, E. Hall, I?. 5, N. G. —T. •Hawkins. 1., S. N. G. —J. L. heard, R. S. V. G —•J, Sutter. L. S. V. G. —E. Rumball. R. S. S, --T, Monaghan, . S. 5, S. —G. E. Tomlin. 10,11ap. —W, 11. liellyar. 1, 0, --L, Murch, 0. G,—LIP). Kerr. After the instalhtHon„ Itntelt was served followed by short speeches .of the D. D. G. M, ;utd,otlter ntenlbel's of, the"Order, YOUR ROOF On the selection of your roofing material depends the appearance, value and durability of your building. What kind of roofing could be better than 3 -ply of everlasting Shingles? The cheapest is not usually the best although the best is usually the cheap- est, We have the best in three different grades, 2X, 3X and 5X at popular cur- rent prices. AT BRUCEFIELD—We also handle all kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Canada Fibre Board, Canada Cement, Hard and Soft Coal, etc, AT CLINTON— — We handle all kinds. of Coal and Wood and Canada Cement. Let us have your inquiries. We think we can supply you. JNO. B. MUSTARD Clinton & Brumfield. Phone for Clinton No. 74. Phone for•Brucefield 11 on 618. DIARRHOEA TURNED TO DYSENTERY Lost 29 Pounds. Dysentery ie ono of the worst forms of bowel complaint: The pains' in the bowels are• intense, the discharges occur with great rapidity, and are very often aoeompanied by blood. It does not need to persist for any length of time until -the whole system is weakened and debilitated) and hardly any other dis- ease so qutekly undermines the strength and hrings about . a condition of prn- 11ral.ion and nt.inr collapse that eft,.n tertnitlalee 1atony', To cheek Hlti unnatural discharge, without bringing on constipation, ihrre :8 01113' 01551 1t•1111 d) X10 use and til a is Dr: Fowler's e 1i,d 1 act of Wild St rawherry. N1r, C Al Moil i. h . itiatt:.t Sash., writes:--- lhnuf are} f ?,ants ngo 1 had rr severe ul.( 11, of dinrrllneu vvh'rh lien 11 to d} tt fiery !clow :1 got bolter. I might say 1 ii,t-t s:elr for three tvr.'rl(a, 1 *eightd 141 Ihs when 'I look s'ct and weigh, rl '126 11>s. when I got It sfoppc ti. 11]li,k :t had tri,.1 rvtrynnalt- cine flint was on the 0001101 end slid not find relief until t trios1 It, howler's Extract of wild bu'awbcrry, and ono bottle relieved me. 1 think there is nothing likn it for diarrhoea or dysentery. 1 always keep some 00 hand as a person does not know when he will need ii." "Dr, Fowler's" Itus been on the market for the pest 75 years. Don't' expet'i- t 'td amo-no-re entation - . - compounds. They may bra dangerous men wt 1 some no ri 1 Deaths ..Amos —In Port Union on Friday, July 23rd, Mary Jane Washington, be- loved wile of Mr. 1C. A. Artois, in her -- — --, 74th year, COME TO CLINTON AUG. 2nd to your health, Price 5Oo, it bottle. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn (i0, Limited, Toronto, Ont. REGARDING WALL PAPER Prices, in general, are on a slightly higher level than last year, but noticeable mostly in the lower priced goods. We have heard re- ports of a few low priced "spots" which how. ever, without exception have proved to be inferior goods or boasts made to distract at - 't en tion from other shortcomings, these ex- ceptions we ready concede. Our new stock is being sampled and gives promise of being as varied and attractive in design and colorings as we have had in for. mer. years, while our values are as good as we know where or how to buy. The W. D. Pair eo. Often the Cheapest -'-Always the Best Don't Miss This Special Price on our Bulk Tea. We are completely sold out of line we ad- vertised last week. For this week we offer you The Royal Blend at 60 c per lb. Special price in 5 1b lots. Potato SubstituteN O T I G E SPECIAL TEA PRICES 2 Large 1.7.ans Pork and Beans .., 35c MAKE WASH DAY EASY No Rubbing—Just boil your clothes. Whenjou use —Wonder Wash Peerless Washing Foro Tablets. Meeks No Rub and Rinso. JO PHONE 111 Wednesday, June 30th being day before a holi- day our store will be open .all day and in the evening so get your orders in for Holliday Picnic. GET THE HABiT OF DEALING AT 1 Ib for 211,s for 5 lb sjor 60c- $1,t5 0c$1,15 $2.65 Vimy Ridge Salmon Per can 25c 2 cans Sardines ...25s PHONE ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO The "LC L E V F T AND" Bicycle are sold in Clinton by J. H. PAXMAN The Garage that gives real Bicycle, Car and Battery Services SOLD FOR CASH OR EASY TERMS ORDER YOURS TODAY Phone 80 , Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. Having .made special arrangements with our Cont, pany at Guelph for this sale by taking a limited number of. pianos. I can quote you a price far below factory prices to you to -day and if you are going.to get a piano inside the next two. years. Now is your glance. ..This sale -is merely to advertise our goods and is good for '10 days only, .after which the regular factory Prices will be used. if .you can not call on us write for prices and also re- rnember.we can arrange to give you terms to suitso as to get in on this sale. RenlemlJer the name. Jonathan Hugill BOX 229. Phone 216, MUSIC STORE, SEAFORTH. ONT. (0) X.F.0 RD S.- AIIIIIImIIIIIIIIIIIImIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImIIIIIiIIII!II!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImIIIlllllll!!VIII 112111111111IIIlllpmlllml Well Dressed ' Women will wear Oxfords this Season. We are now showing beautiful new models in these comfort- able Shoes. Shoemaking is certainly ars Art when it comes to making such handsome Footwear. Every Sh e a Picture Oxfords in Dull or Patent Leathers. Beautiful colorings in Brown or Mahogany. The new plain narrow toe and the imitation perforated tip and vamp—Louis or Cuban Heel, Expert Fitting Service. $3.50; $4.50;.. $6.50; to $9,50. This House of Good Shoes stand these days as a safeguard a. against Shoe Values at inflated prices FRED. dReKSON -"SHOES Tk1r1,T SATISFY" - 1; ._.G'. dsrs,•,..n�s...,.�.,.Rn.�rc.e,. m,.warty.,.A.mw:t., a„a..aw..0t0esersetweammetasetemostir.w..na0•, wiumA•d .EOIIsafat..1.1.iaeew:awaaemm.n.aeman 1111..w,ww.m ,munmarla,u all