HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-7-29, Page 5Pri ay ;l`I#ul'sday, July 2tith, 4920. THE C1.1NTON NEW ERA. reovvtevenettamentasommutitantioun TItAIE Mnttl( i 1,4E C iH ut;Pr Or rat a .111, y' "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" Stands for The Best in Music "HELLYAR"------ Stands for ."SERVICE" and when conjoined guarantee ---"SATISFACTION"--- FOR MUSIC SEE. W. IL IIELI Il A JEWLER & OPTICIAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses 'hone No. 174w; Residence 174J CARTON'S CUSTARD POWDER Delicious with all Stewed and bottled fruits, and can be served hot as a sauce with all kinds of Puddings. "-TRY A PACKAGE at 15cts. W. T. O'NEIL LTHE BUB GROCER Phone 40 -- Fresh Fruit Daily — MASONS GIVE 850,990 A MOTHER'S TRIALS FOR ;1T ORKCare of Home Children Often Causes a Breakdown, Deputy Grand Masters for 28, Districts are Elected—Seven The woman at Boise deep in ltonse- hold duties turd tate cares of mother - Past Grand Masters are hood,needs occastoual help to keep Delegates to Niagara her in good health. The demands upon Convention a mother's health, are limey and severe, Her own Health trials and her children's welrare egact heavy tolls, while hurried Niagara Falls Ont. July 22._ _\'ester steals broken rest and much indoor day afternoon's session- of the .Mas- ,Ilvieg tend to weaken her constitut- onto Grand Lodge convention was tab. ' Ian. No wonder that •the woman at en up with the hearing and adoption haute is often indisposed through weak itess, headaches, backaches and tier - of reports of the grand' treasurer, grand vousnes$. `foo ninny .women have secretary and various committees, Dur i grown to accept' these visitations as a ing the past year grants for benevolent part of the lot of motherhood,' Bet purposes totalled! 9650,990, an increase many and varied as iter health troubles of $15,265 aver 1949, `The estimated are, the cause is simple and relief at Intal, When well; it .is the • woman's benevolent grants for, the ensuing 42 good blood that keeps her well when ill months,, is $71,340, 1 site must make her blood rich to re- The committee on constitution and ; new her ,health, me nursing mother laws reported that the proposed mot- more thap any other woman in the ion by Daniel McCaughin to make mem world steeds rich blood and plenty of hers below the degree of Master Mason It. There is one way to get this good. tete to vote on any motion or ap- blood so necessary to perfect health, ineligible and that is through the use of Dr. Wil - plication in their respective lodges, is liams Pink Pills, These pills stake new unconstitutional, blood and'through their use•thousands In recognition of his services as of weak ailing wives' and smothers have been made bright, cheerful and strong chairman of the committee on print- If you are ailing easily tired or depress- ing since 1914, R. 1'. Richardson was ed, it a duty you owe yourself and raised to the rank of Past Grand Reg- your family to give Dr. Williams Pink istrar. Pills a fair trial, , What this medicine The following Past Grand Mistershas done for others it will surely do for are delegates to the convention: Sir, You. John M. Gibson, Hamilton; W. R. You can get Dr, Wiliam Pink Pills White Pembroke; E. T. Malone, Tor-... through any dealer in medicine or by onto; J. H. Burritt, Pembroke; A. T, mail at 50c a box or six boxes for $2.50 Freed, Hamilton; tion. W. D. McPher_ froth The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, • 1 son, Toronto; W. H. Wardrope Handl- ton. l c's Cotton Root Compost • 4 cafe, reliable rel ieetfea inedictne- geld is threede' gooes ao. f laTg r, ocs. t0O Y 'Foldbdcreeate,f or repot rreadpmprhelct:pUDoAdppelq l . 9TNg COOK M OICINE CO, TOUITM, OIL . (rasing Maim) MARKET REPORTS Hogs Eggs Butter Wheat Oats Barley Buckwheat Hay Bran Shorts •Milifeed Potatoes Depujty Grand Masters Elected,,, Deputy Grand Masters for the tweti-1 ty-eight districts in Ontario were el- ected last night. The following list en -I tonerates the variousus districts, > the e District Deputy Grand Masters -elect, and their places of residence; Erie, J. F. Reid Windsor; Erie J. J. Vincent, Bothwell; St. Clair W. H. Hunt, Sarnia London, L. A. Bass, London; South Huron, Geo, A. Fraser, Parkhill; North Huron, W, A. Wilson, Lucknow; Wil- son, J. S. Martin, Port Dover; Welling ton, R. S. Hamilton, Galt Hamilton, FI. A. Graham, Burlington; Georgian, R J Campbell, Duntroon; Niagara, W. MIRAN COUNTY NEWS IN BRIEF P Zurich ---The Hall Dent glove factory branch -an Zurich is now turning out a large number of ladies gloves weekly and they are making arrangements to greatly increase the product of the Zurich factory. Hay Twp.—The council made a grant of $15.00 to the Dashwood scbo C. Tait, 'Bridgeburg; Toronto West ol Fair, Dr. F, .0. Hermiston, Toronto Toronto Exeter:—The Clydesdale entire 'tor se "Golden Ball" owned by Mr. J. J. Miller of near Exeter, died. last week of paralysis. The loss to Mr. Miller is around $1,000. Hay Twp.—There passed away at his home on the 15th con. Hay on Sat- urday July 15th, Mr. John Geiger, ag- ed 59 years, 5 months 'ant 14 lays. De- ceased was born in Hay Township and lived there all his life and had been sick only a few days. Hensall:-On Friday of last week a stock of titnothy was left at the Obsery er Office which :measured 4ft flinches in length. This stock was taken from Mr. Owen Geigers farts at the Y. Mr. Geiger has over 100 acres of hay, part of which is cut and if it is all like the sample left,at our office Mr. Geiger will have a good many tons of hay. Crediton:—A Sunday School Con- vention of the Crediton District was held in the Evangelical Church on Tuesday afternoon and evening. Dele- gates were present from Rodney, Dash' wood, Zurich and roderich. Several interesting addresses were delivered in the interest of Sunday School work. Usborate:—While driving a horse at- tached to a hay rake recently the line broke and Mr. Wm. Kydd of Usborne was thrown a considerable distance, when the rake struck a post. He had several ribs fractured. Exeter.—William Wilson M. P. P. of Russel, Manitoba paid a flying visit with his uncle Rev._M. J. Wilson at the James St. parsonage. He is the youngest Member of the newly elected Govern- - meat group in the Manitoba Parliament and a rising young lawyer in the pro- vince, East, Dr. E. Blanchard, Cannington; Toronto Centre, G. G. Hood, Toronto Ontario, F. C. Hoar, B6wmanville; Prince 'Edward W. J. Potts, Trenton; Frontenac, H, S. Northtnore, Bath; St. Lawrence W. 'C. Johnston, Lyndhurst Ottawa, E. S. MacPhail, Ottawa; A1go ma, Col. M. J. Frances, Fort William; Nipissing J. Fowler Sudbury; Muskoka T. E. Rice, Huntsville; Victoria, H. J. Townley, Fenelon Falls; Eastern, J. D. Harkness, Iroquois; Temiskaming, F. H. Todd, Cobalt; Brant, D. E. Russell, Brantford; Bruce T. B. McBride, Port Elgin; Grey Jas, M. Abbott, Erin. There are now in the register of the Grand Lodge 486 Lodges of which 462 are warranted and 24 are under dispen- sation. Of these seven have had their dispensations continued from 1919. Dates of Fall Fairs Following is a list of the fall fairs in this district issued by the Agricultural Society Breach of the Ontario Depart ment of Agricultural: $20.00 Brussels 50to 51 Blyth' 55c Dungannon $1.95 to $1.98 ( Exeter 85c to 87c Fordwich 400 to 48c I Goderich Sept. 8-9-10 London (Western' Fair) Sept. 11-18 o. $1.15 to $1.20 Sept. 14-15 Sept., 21-22 Oct. 7.8 Sept, 20-21 • 'Oct. 2 Lucknow ..............Sept. 23-24 $19.00` to $20.00 Seaforth Sept, 23-24 ,• $45 ton Teeswater Oct. 5-6 $55, to $56 Toronto(Can. Nat, Ex.)Aug 28 -Sept 11 M. Wingham Sept. 30 -Oct 1 $2 00 bag Zurich Sept. 22-23 Ten 'Wars Are �lr� 1 11p Anient father of the Members of the (firm was one of those wlio attended the flax machine deiuu nstratlon this week -on the 'fsradley farm 15 Kent County, John McDonald of Walton, another sawmill owner is erecting an up-to-date fIax mill himself ibis years. Ile also has been -ht the farming busi- ness'for some years, Raging. Paris July 23.—As the danger of a new European war becomes more im- minent hourly, it is interesting 1.0 note that in tilts the sepond.year of the Ver- sailes "peace," not less tltmn ten wars are raging ill various parts of Eurape and the Near and Far nest. Altogether 4,000;000 soldiers are en gaged in these wars, This Is as many as were at one time engagedin the great European conflict, • Here is a summary of the situation as it stands .nearly two years :after the signing of the armistice: Jugo-Slavtrr-1,000 Italians and 90,- 000 Jtrgo-Slays sire locked in intermit ent hostilities: Albania -50,000 Italian invaders are aneeting armed resistance from an Al- bania citizens' lbaniacitizens' army„. Poland -300,000 Poles are at death grips with 600,000 Russian Bolshevist troops In a war which may involve the whole of -Europe, Caucasus -250,000 Russians, 150, 00o Turks, 120,000 Greeks, 80,000 British, and 60.00 French troops are fighting in various- parts of that far- flung area., Syria -45,000 French 'are, battling with Syrians, China—The country is torn by re- bellion, !narked by heavy fighting. 11411 eihV Babe Every tens mother realises the tact that her baby's health aa- ponds upon her own that the very vitality of her child la infuehoed by her own physioal condition. Bow important it 1s, therefore, to guard against any deraageasent of the fediale organs, vrh a$ iindiytteq `eater! weatne. a ep y. eja oa%t'at fatlgue and itt r inabiliij' to 9'roperiy 4 ie for her child. Meant., ro)gember tha,b Lydia E. Plat Vegetable Compound bas brought health and strength to thousands of auoh mothers. Mitebell, Ind,---" Lydia B. JPinkbatn' Ve et1�able Compound helppsa ma so much daring the time I tree looltiog lorwSrd to the coming e'rdyllttl one that I am rceommond`gg it to other impotent mothers, BetFora fin` it, soma days I suffered with aeuralgleso badly that I tbon__CCbtl could not live, but after taking three bottle"! of Lydia B. Ftakha�n's Vegetable Oom pound I was entirely relieved el neuralgia, than gtt{uupd in strength ail was able to go moan and do all myhouse/Fork My baby when 7 wont old weighs 10 ponds and 1 eel etter thanhave fe9r a los time. never had any medicine do ma so muohh flood. Mrs. raker, Montmen, Mitchell, Ind, Good health daring and atter eternity is a most importsub factpr is he h mother and olid, and many le tont hare boon marred by tillLsdia Pt ltham erl oleo Co., Wrap.Maes., tolling of health, restoredu as th�p Had , Vegetable map=d. trying period by �ho use et Lydia 1St, Pinkham a Vey lin E. Pinkh etable Com oun 0001106.1110960000001111110110011111 District News. e®eittrisSe` Cetene®®oZZa*St/otteo - EXETER. COME TO CLINTON AUG. 2nd Farmers around here are consider- ably annoyed andchagrined by—the fact that hides and wool have taken a very considerable drop, add yet there is no sign of any goods, An advertisement of a clothing firms appears to -day stating that prices will be 50 to 60 per. cent. higher next spring and yet the farmers are being offered 10 cent per pound for hides and 15 cent per poundfor wool was as only a few weeks ago wool was quoted at 60 cents to 75 cent per pound and hides from 25 cents to 30 cents per pound. BAYFIELD. COME TO CLINTON AUG. 2nd Mr. George King had the misfortune on Monday morning when"he went to his' field on the Bronson line to find One of his colts which had. broken out out of the field on the side,d the road with a broken leg, On` examining the roadway it was seen that the colt had been struck by an auto, 'Miss Couglin, or Lorifi6n is the guest of her sister Mrs, (Dr) Tillmann' at the summer home, "Longue-Vue," on "the terrace, Miss I•lelene Smith of St. Marys is a guest at the Albion. ' j1'lte Misses Swan of Brucefield are summering in the White City, Mr, and Mrs. Waller of Detroit have taken Rev. Jennings cottage on Charles street for a few weeks. Miss Katie Haines of Toronto is the guest of Miss Parsons, Mrs. E. P. Lewis, of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. Dr, Wood. Mr, and Mrs. Benson, and daughter Miss Helen Benson,.and Mr, D. Benson of London, were guests of Mr. and Mrs F, A. Edwardson Saturday. ,JMr. Rex. 'Cluff, whet has been sum- mering with his parents Rector Ciuff and wife, i-- Deer Lodge left on Tues- day and will sail on Friday for Eng- land, -Mr, A. E, Miller, of Loudon who is summering in Deer Lodge is confined to the house with an injury to his ank le. Miss...Miriam Eckert of London is the guest of Mrs. McDonagh in Lake Side. Mrs, Richardson and Mrs. Northcote of London are the guests of Mrs, Chap than in Lake Side, Prof. White and daughter Miss Ev- elyn White of London are summering in Lake Side, Mrs, Hodgins and daughters Misses Dorothy and Mabel ffodgins and Mr, Lloyd Hodgins of Stratford are sum- mering in the village. Dr. W. J. Fear and Wife G. N. Wrong and wife, Alymer; Miss E. Carnes, Roy- alton, Minn., United States; Jack Todd Galt; James Cowan, Jack Doxdater, London spent the week -end guests at Miss Ferguson's. Mr, Henry Conno of Sarnia spent the week -end with his family who are sum mering in Deer Lodge, Miss Jean Middleton of Clinton is the guests of the Beacons in Deer Lod- ge. Mr. and Mrs. Griffith and Miss Ger- trude'Graham of Stratford spent the week -end with Nethercdtts its Deer,Lod go. , f Miss Iona Stothers of Blyth is visit- ing Miss Anne Abrey at. Deer Lodge. Mrs, Oliver of London is the guest of Mrs. Partridge at her summer home in L ken Side Park. Miss Mary Ward ani Mrs. Rapley are the guests of the Fitzgeralds in Deer Lolge Park:' The following are the guests at Miss Fergusons; Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Children Kitchener; Dr. and. Mrs. Mor- rison, Dr. Harry Morrison, wife and and child Miss Ruth Morrison and Mr. R. M. Morrison, Cleveland; Mrs.. Per- civa, Mr. and Mrs, Anthony Tillman, Jack Tillman, Mr. and Mrs. Doxdater, London; Nurse Rutledge, Clinton Mr. and Mrs. Alex Barr, Windsor. • Rev. H. A. Graham wife and family •and Mr. and Mrs, Gardner and fancily of Walkerville are camping on the flats. Miss Ladd and Mr. B. Richards- of Detroit are guests at the Commercial. Mr. Oliver Rhynas, of Brantford were guests of Mrs. Rhynas sister Miss Fer guson a few days thepast week. - Mr. and Mrs. J, A, Grearer Toronto spent the week -end guests -of Mrs; Grearer's parents Mr. and. Mrs.• George McTaggart in the White City.", Mrs. Wallace ;Johntton 151 Corrine and Mr; 'Ben Spencer and daughter of Saskatoon, Sask„ are visiting their par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. B, Spencer. Mrs, and Robert King and daughter Miss Ruth and' s6n, Robert King, of Halniota, Man., nee visiting friends in the village. Miss Ruby Fisher bf Kltglaener is the -guests of her stint, Mrs, F.:. A. Edwards, Car for' Sale Second hand Chevrolet car for sale. Demonstration given anytime, Gar in first ciass condition,' Roy Ball. • WINGHAM. COME TO CLINTON AUG. 2nd At a special meeting of tate Town Council the three by-laws voted on Jr- orably by the ratepayers providing for placing the water -works department under a commission; $48,5000 for builling bridge, '$6,500 for extension of waterworks north of the river were given third readings and passed, Estim- ates of the receipgs.and expenditures of the town for. the year 1920. Re- ceipts are $13,387.86. Expenditure, $48,747.86. The. rate this year Is one half mill less than a year ago. The Town rate is 21/1 mills tower than a year ago while the country rate is half mill high er the high school rate a half a mil high and the public sc000l one mill higher,• er requiritng a fate 34 mills on an assessment of $1,0110,000. Mr. Wood of Brussels addressed the Council 'brie fly in reference. to taking over the Walker and" Clegg building and mov- ing his woolen and knitting 'mill plants to Wingham. He is now.employing 20 to 25 hands and this would establish a casket factory in. part of the building and would emplof 10 hands to start with. They would ask for a fixed assess ment and excempflon of taxes except school and country rate, free water and proper drainage..Mr. Wood was request ed to place his proposition. in writing. Owing to alterations in the construe,' tion of the dant and to provide for in- spection fees' it was necessary to in. crease the $10;000 to $12,000 and a by law was passed. accordingly. The Wingham voters lists has been posted in the town clerk's office, The list this year contains names of.- 876 voters compared; with 857 last year., The number of persons qualified to serve as•jurors is 292 Miss Nettie Christie who has been in Victoria Hospital in London for some, and while there went under two serious• operations has returned to her home here, Division court was Belli here Judge Lewis presiding. A number of eases were on the docket all being adjourned with the exception of one,- Simon Mit. shell vs. Thomas Groves, The content- ion between the parties was over re' eelpls given by the plaintiff to the de- fendant. This case after a number of hours was adjourned two months, for the plaintiff. to bring more books. BRUSSELS COME TO CLINTON AUG. 2nd The greatly increased acreage given over to flax in Huron County this year has necessitated further mill facilities and there are two instances in this neighborhood of sawmill owners ex- tending x- 1 td gtheir plantshandle e in to han <t e the flax crop. Ament Brothers of Brussles who do a large stave heading and sawmill business are now constructing an addi- tion to be utilize tient to !!reit sawmilld in connection with their own flax output. The Ament 'Brothers who have also been extensive farmers for years re- port ae excellent crop of flax this year some of nearly four feet in height. The acreage Is not very great but the first contemplates going Into flax ttiore ex- tensively next year encouraged by the results on that part of their land given over to the cro>s this ,Season, Mr, Phil Phone 66, Clinton. Photographer Wanted A nurse giri for child, Enquire, Mrs. (Dr.) Butler, London Roads second house across bridge, Lost s to name of Scotch Collie answers o e "Scotty" lost. Reward offered for his recovery. Anyone found harboring dog will be presecutel. Apply to Miss A Howson, n Clinton. Car foe n o- Sole. A McLauchlan car for sale. Will sell cheap. For information apply to The New Era'. Honey for Sole. White Clover Honey for sale at 30e per Ili. address enquires to, Pitanc.•16--.1d on Colborne. Municipal Line, or A, W. Kurschehski it. R, No 2 Clinton, MIDSUMMER CLEAN UP All White Goods, Ladies' and Children's Ready -to -Wear and Canvas Footwear Ladies' Voil Waists. All at one price to clear $1,25 Ladies White Cotton Combinations reg, $2, to clear lit$1.25 Ladies' Knit ombinations—several styles to choose from choice, for $1.00 Children's Wash !Dresses—white or colored and wash suits for small boys alt at clearing prices , Cotton pants for small boys to clear at . , , .. 'SOc Canvas shoes from $2.75 to $3.50 on sale at , • . , ...$2.50 Canvas shoes from $2,25 to $2.75 on sale at $1.98. White Shoe Polish, cake or bottle, reg. 4 5c size , .2 for 25c PRICE ON SPECIAL LINES CASH AND NO EXCHANGE Plumsteel Bros, • mall Pr•olits Phone 25. illore Business Wanted. A second Giese normal Protestant teacher for no 9, S. S. Goderich town- ship beginning Sep, 1st 1920 state sal- ary, Jessie Gray sec, tres. R. R. No 3, Clinton Ont, Teachers Wanted For the Clinton Model School a holding' teacher professional certificate, First or Second Class tificate, to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of one of the present staff, also one with similar quasi fications for the four months of the Model term. Duties of both to com- mence Sept 1st, Applications closesJuly 24111, state experience qualifications and salary required, Address Applications 10 11, E. Rorke Sec, Treas, Civic Holiday. In compliance with a largely signed petition from the business men and and other citizens of this municipality I hereby proclaim Monday, August 2nd. as Civic Holiday for the Town of Clin- ton, and call upon all citizens to obser ve it as such. Thomas Cottle, ` Mayor. Notice of Registration of By-law Notice is hereby given that a by-law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town ef'Clinton on the fifth day of July 1920 providing for tate issue of debentures to the amou nt of $20000. for the purpose of pay- ing for the cost of alterations and jm- provements to the Public School and that such Ey-law registered in the Reg- istry Office of the County of Huron on the 22nd day of July 1920. Any notion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof Hurst be made within three months after the first pub lication of this notice, and cannot be - made thereafter. Dated the 22nd day of July, 1920. D. L. Macpherson Clerk NewBarber Shop in Varna. The undersigned has opened a Barber Shop in Varna, Wednesday and Satur day Evenings in the old Bank stand and solicits a share of Public Patronage. Prices moderate. W.J. Ward. Ferro For Sale Thomas Archer offers for sale his farm of 125 acres in the Township of Hullettr located about 2 r/ miles from -Clinton. The farm is well built on, fenced; and watered (wells and fowling spring); the soil is good and. in a good state of cultivation. J. W. Elliott. Clinton, Apply to W. Brydone, Clinton. EXECUTOR'S SALE at Public Auction of Farm in the Town. ship of Stanley The 'Executor of the Estate of Wil- liam Scott, deceased will offer for sale at Auction on Thursday the 12th clay of August at 2 o'clock P.M, Lot No 15. Concession4, Township of Stanley con- taining 99 acres more or less, On the premises is a good frame house and bank farts, good orchard and -plen- ty of water. The soil is clay loath about 70 acres in good state of 'cultivation; balance in pasture, Terns—The sale will be subject to a reserve bid. 10% of purchase money payable on day of sale balance 'on 150 March, 1921. Privileges for fall plowing after crop of this season full possession 15th March 1921. • For further particulars apply to. Andrew Scott, W. Brydone, Executor, Vendor's Solicitor, Brucefield. Clinton, A Chance of Your Life. roopor 'ro secure a roadster gelding, sired byboTempleton, hebeim son o f Peter pbeing the Great, tate dans Eva E, with a record of 2,16. Not having time to train and care for stint I offer Ilan at a price you can clean up some .money. Get busy and write at once or apply at Lot 22, con, 2, Tuckersmith, L.R.S. Edgar Butt Kipp en. Auto Livery. deimaawaserws 1'inle is money why waste time on the road we get you there promptly, leave orders at Gowns Auto Livery. Opposite 00‘a 1051, Churo i5 ' , Rause For Sale. 7—room house, with hydro, tows water and furnace, in good repair, yi acre of land, apply, . , +* . e:: L. at New Era Office For Sale. • 8 -roomed house for sale on Hurot. street. Apply et. A 1 to Mrs. J. Mellye ea. ��— For Sale. A Square Piano, Fisher Make, in first class condition, cheap for quick sale, Appy to 11. Bartllfl. For Sale. Two size •roomed (muses on Freder ick St. near the new Flax Mill, will be sold very cheap, and on easy terns. Apply to Jacob Taylor or C. B; dale. VICTORY BONDS Bought and sold at Market prices. W. BRYDONE. Victor Feed. We have a quantity of Victor Feed for Hogs and tattle, which will take the place of Shorts as it is impossible for In to secure Shorts this season. Try som, of this feed and we feel sure you will like it. Also in our stock is a quantity of Feed Flour, and Mixed Chop. As these two lines are good value at the present time we would advise an early purchase Having procured the agency for the Swift Canadian Co„ we are prepared ti, offer you Swift's Digestive Tankage aha also all brands of this. Company's Fer- tilizers. _ Regarding Staring Seeds our Sto:1' includes the following:—Red Claves Aieike Clover, Sweet Clover, Mae. Timothy, aslo Timothy and Aisike cthc., ed. There are a few barrels of the Pura Cane Molasses left yet. _ W.Jenkins&Son FLOUR AND FRED Phone 199 Residence, 131. GRAND TRUNK SYtLW M HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS $15.00 to Winnipeg Plus 34 cent per mile Beyond AUGUST 9th, Lith, 46th and 18th, stations Toronto to Scotia Jct, inclus- ive; also all stations on Depot Harbor, Midland! Penetang and Meaford branch- es, AUGUST 9th and 16th from alt tate stations in the Tr+'ovine, of Ontario and Quebec, Pembroke, Golden' Lake, Up- tergrove,..Toronto and Erst. • AUGUST 1 tail toll 18th, from all the stations alt utai•io, Toronto any West. Full information •Iran any Grano Trunk•Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning District Passenger Agent, Troonto. John Ransford & Son, city passer . ger and Ticket Agents, phone S A. 0. Pattison, station agent. 1 Pill a Laxative. 2 Pills a Cathartics 3 Pails a PNjrgtivee This Is• the Way ltdlilburtt's Lara- - Liver Pills Work. Yon won't sinus the old, griping, nauseating, sickening, purgative Iiille once you try Laxa-Liver. They do not knock out your system or deplete rho vitals organs, They work gently and effceiively, without r gripe 1 pain. tv rt t- 1 o If you are troubled with constipation of biliousness, driven in distrnetioit with sick headaches, if your longus to niters, your breath bad, your crit pl; zion t m . , d , stir w � t . ,tt !Middy, inn c rt y, y , y liver with a tow 'dove,{ of i\J !barn's Laxa Liver Pills Mrs. !toy Mackie, Orilla, (hl:, to 1 s: "1 tlesiro 10 express my 111:5111; I 'he relief Y have hall by twins Si is Laxa-!curt Pills. j: hail 11,1;11141W for some lane, from reietipstui.t and bad headaches. 1 !red all aorta of Cores which did me 110 horns nail I was advised to try your pills. T got grant relief niter Inking only a few doses " Puce 2St a vial 11 1. a or Mailed Mlb rn Coos Limited.lTororto. The