HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-7-29, Page 3.,,,,r. ro",effir,; frTJT THE CLINTON NEW U* HOW YOU CAN TELL GENUINE ASPIRIN 011ty Tablets with "I3ayer Cross'! are Aspirin—No others! There is only one Aspirin, that marked 'with the "Bayer Croaa"—all other tab• lets are only acid imitations. Germine Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" have been prescribed by physicians for "ipe:teen years and proved safe by nfil- lien$ for Pain, headache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis. Bandy tin boxes of 12 tablets—also larger `Bayer" packages, can be had at any drug store. Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered int Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaeet'ieaeidester of Salicylieacid, While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company, Ltd., will be stamped mita, their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." • 'clitoral Paragraphs Asa result of meeting the demands of the railroad employe$ for more pay American railway managers say freight rates roust be increased by over t8 per cent. Thus the merry sport of "pas, sing the buck" and making the public the goat goes merrily on, And yet peo ple wonder why prices do not cone dawn I W. J. Bryan has declined with thanks the Prohibition nomination for the Pre- sidency of the United States, Being a "dry" man he knows enough to get in out of the wet. --SS--- The New fork Sun and Herald obser- ves that Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democ- ratic nominee for vice-president, is a handsome man. Even if he has no other qualifications for the office this one will be quite sufficient to cor- ral the woman vote for him. The divinity which doth hedge about a king was missing when the electrical workers at Buckingham Palace refus- ed to turn on the lights when a din- ner function was on until their demand for more pay was acceded to. And the King just like Davy Crockett's cion, cane down when the gun was pointed at him, ---SS-- Hon, Parley Parker Christiansen, lawyer candidate for the U. S, Presid- ency of the Farmer -Labor party, intends conducting a strenuous fight, "a nation wide 24 hour day seven-day week town hall, street corner and front porch cam- paign." He is also breezy in his use of language as is seen by the fact that he speaks of the 'Committee of Forty -Eight as being "coupon -clipping intellectuals, and "pink -tea uplifters." He certainly gets away to a good start, What sort of a finish will he make? --OD-- Life is certainly worth living these days. What with cool invigorating weather the sweet fragrance of new - mown clover, the song of the harvester and the lawn -plower being heardin the land, and the table laden with such tooth -some delicacies as cherry, blue- berry, green apple, gooseberry and rasp berry pies, what more could be wished for? There are so many enjoyments for the stay-at-homes that it does not seem worth while going to the worry and ex pense of seeking professional summer resorts. Chiictxen- Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST®RIA, --®S The C. P, R. could probably pay he increased wages proposed for rail- waymen and still make a profit with- out increasing freight rates, The Gover nment roads, however, would have their deficits increased by the amount of the new wage bill. The question is whether he public should pay the new wages is the Federal treasury (which means n taxation) or in higher rates, --SO-- Germany says she will protest the crossing of her country by Allied tro- ops going to the help of the Poles ag- ainst Russians. But she ought to be the ast to object if such crossing is a "mili- ary necessity." She forgets that she thus used Belguim; and in doing so treated a solemn international agree- ment to which she was a party as a "scrap of paper," What Is sauce for the goose ought to be sauce for the gand- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA Visitors to Belgium are astonished at he recovery, outside of the Ypres sect - on which that industrious little nation hows. An economic, Survey recently ompleted by the British department f overseas trade shows that in Belgium ailroad tracks have been almost entir- ly restored to pre-war conditions most the canals are working; 'coal product n' is almost at pre-war level; devastat d factories are re -equipped and produc g; agricultural lands have almost fully covered. only an improve nent in ex- hange rates is believed necessary to eed the country back to complete res - ration. What is saving Belgiumds less tation and more work. IDAYSU100L I�ssoN C YA'Plai A. ., !'1 1 "� ANN. f3 7 � i k, ! . Y A Tauber of Gnallalp Inlblq in t)e M tod Y Bible Inotltute or CmcaeO,), (Copyright, fele, Weeders Newspaper Colon.) LESSON FOR AUGUST T 1 DAVID BRINGS THE ARK TO JE- RUSALEM. ' LESSON TEXT --1s Sam. 6:1-19; Pa. 24: 5-10. GOLDEN Tearer —Latter into lis gates With thanlcagiving, and into Ilia courts with praise.—Ps, 100:4. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL—Er, 2500- 52; II Sons. 6;6-25; Ilei. 5:2-10. PRIMARY TOPIC-7hank)ng God, ,111 NIOR TOPIC—The Ark of God Brought to Jerusalem. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC —What Use Ark Meant to Israel, YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC —Making Religion Central. The ark was a symbol of the pres- ence of God in Israel, It represented God's throne, the place fi`om which he communicated his will to the people through the priest (Ex, 2;7:22; Psalms 80:1). I. David's Unsuccessful Attempt to Bring Up the Ark (1'v. 1-5). This is an example of a wrong way of doing a right thing. That the ark of the Lord of Hosts, the symbol of God's presence, should be brought to the very center of the nation's life was a decision worthy of all praise. H surely met God's approval. David gath- ered together the representative 1005 of the flatten in order that the :neve- meta might be a national one. That David was sincere in Ih!s measure NM - not he doubled. bol he was Busty null inconsiderate, God had expressly d creed that the Kohalhltes should bear the arlc upon their shoulders (No1,. 4:14, 15; 7:0; 18:3). leer thiol to place it 00011 upon a new e:111't was.0 900111ve violation of Goal's command- ment. Though Daviel was sincere, his sincerity did not atone for disohcdi- enee to Goal's Word. The dictum that it matters little what you d0 lust so you are honest and sincere, i4 one of the Devil's blackest lies, it unaltered much in this case, and always does. David cannot be excused on the ground op- portunity n e - p of ignorance, because alae 1 P had lite portunity to know. God cannot he blamed for nap's ignorance when 1,0 has given biro the law and the abiliry to understand it. II. God Vindicates His Law and Holl• nose (vv. 6-9). The people Were very joyful us they Moved on toward .Jerusalem with the ark, but suddenly there was a stop to their jubilant voices and music. Al some rough place in the road the oxen stumbled and Uzzah, anxious for the precious freight on his cart, reached forth his hand to steady ft, This re- sulted in his being stricken with death. Ignorance does not make e man im- mune from the death which is in the tench of the heavily chal'ged electric wire; neither does It in the case of the violation of God's laws. Even those who were -designated by the Lord to carry the ark were not allowed to touch it with their hands. Since the ark was God's dwelling' place among men, they needed to know that he was hely. God's judgment was severe, but Id'E more so than they deserved. This awful visitation of just judgment struck terror t0 David, Well It might, for he was in the path of disobedience. The Lord's presence has no terror for these who obey his word. I11. The Ark of God in the House sf Obed-Edom (vv. 10-12). The presence of Telnovah always brings blessings. The heroes where, God le welcomed are always blessed. Obed-Iddon woe not better personally than Uzzah and David, but he openly received the Lord and properly related himself to him. What had been death and dread to others was life and bless- ing to him. IV; The Ark Brought to Jerusalem With Great Jay (vv. 13-10). Just as was to be expected the first hitch arising out of the granting of suf- frage to woolen in the United States hasrisen over the age question. Miss Margaret Hill McCartes, of 'Topeka, Kansas, announces that she will seek in the courts to upset the ruling of a board of registrars under which her name was kept off the poll lists because she would not tell her age, She dealer ed her years "as more than 21," and she contends that this should satisfy the law. She is right in` her contention In Canada it is sufficient as to age quali fication for a voter to be able to swear that he (or she) is of the full age of 21 years and nothing more should be neces sary, If there is more than one Mary Brown or Helen Hunt on the list in any particular polling sub -division, the place of residence is sufficient iden- tification without raising a question which to women of certain (or certain) age, is always objectiouable. ALWAYS TEEMING WITH LIFE �awlM Td� Few People Know This Large closes of pills for the IIveic nre t,m ,t as ef- ficiczl,t 103 *mall doses. H-• • dose puxges its 'Way through the sys- tem fast, but does trot cleanse thorovighiy. The small dost (if r'dghtt) acts gently on the liver, and gives it just the slight help it needs to do its own work, and do it well. Take one pill regularly, until you know you are a41 right. CARTER'S (TTLE' - IVER PILLS +j'epulne b`e'lirs 'S/gnetue'd" �2•C•��crtrrrs Colorless faces often eIios the absence. of lion in the blood. Carter's Iron IIID fY1rAR9 11018, 1.1;e G2r11"#4tion. __3JIiSII a. daorulCes uneven ace).' paw, oix paces (v 115). David made the start and when cont ivied of God's approval he made offerings These were both burnt and peace offerings, typifying the self -dedication of pilo offerers and their tbanskgiving (I Chroh 3.0 :1), '14 5 The (vv. 1 ), Joy d' great, David'st 2.D people ,coined hint With greet shouting r et. and with the sound of the tat w p 3. Michel's criticism (v. 10). Even though David went to excess in his ex- ptessiOn of joy., it was Wrong ie her to criticize, for God seems 1'o have, saw, honed lfavid s rebuke of her (h 23). 4, The grind eelnhration (vv, 17.19). As a i'01 en Of his gratitude to G011, Davld'gtnerously treated the people. a, The King of glory, the Lotti Je- sus Christ,.coming (ilselms 24;7.10). This was not the psalm'composed by David for the ocetisloll of bringbhg Ito the arae ; that Was Psalm .101 (see 1 Chien. 10). Itis strange that such a eaggestion should have been Intl&le,'l'bo 'Pwenty-fourth Psalm pictures Christ RR the coning and triumphant Ring. At that time the gates shall open. to him'atid the King of glory 'shull come in. Self -Judgment. Turn thine eyes unto •thyself, -and beware thou judge not the deeds of oth'a'• plea, In judging of others s man- lnho'eth in vain, often erreth, and easily sinneth; but In judging and examining himself, he always 9,9000lb fruitfully.—Tlhomas.a Kemple, Nelms of Animals, Birds, er insect. Never Cempletsly Stilled in the Jungles el Malay. One may as well try to deeacribe with justice the crater of an active volcano. as to describe the jungle of Malay. From without one sees a dense for- est of very Irregular height and of tbs most' vivid green imaginable. Here and there towering above the others one sees immense trees, 200 feet high, or more. - From without the jungle looks impenetrable, and so It is, except by well-defined tracks, or by hacking one's way through, as I have done, for 150 miles. Within the jungle all is gloom, ex- cept overhead, where one can wee a misty light that filters up through the delicate foliage. All the treee shoot straight up, there being practically no horizontal branches from them. In fact, there are no trees that resemble the oak or other short -trunked trees, The ground is nearly always damp or even Slushy In places, and Infested with land leeches that crawl up one's clothing and gorge themselves on your blood. The atmosphere is steamy, but far cooler than out in the open. I have taken the temperature just within the Jangle, and found It to be about 80 de- grees, but on placing the thermometer out in the sun it has rapidly reached the temperature of 148 degrees. Early In 'the morning the jungle re- sounds with the cries of the monkeys ink 'waking up, About 9:30 theme cease and the ordinary day noises of birds, and the steady hum of insects' prevail. The frequent tap of woodpeck- ers, the croak of huge treefrogs and the call of the peacock and arras pheasant re-echo through the jungle. !Every now'and then one hears a famil- iar cock -o -doodle -deo and the clucking of c hen and Imagines one must be near a farm, until it is realized that it is only the jungle foul, the ancestor of all domestic poultry. Toward sunset, about silo o'clock, there suddeniy bursts out a perfectly deafening din of buzzing and shrieking insect's, It is no exaggeration to atate that the noise of the insect life et sun- set make, it practically Impossible to hear oneself speak. This continues un- til about seven o'clock, when darkness has set in and then it dies sway eon- siderably, Throughout the night -one hears all kinds of queer noises tisat were absent during the day. With luck, you may hear the growl and roar of a tiger, hunting some poor animal. Frequently one been; a great commotion among the birds and inon- keye that had been sleeping in same tall tree, as their slumber le dtsturined by a snake that bas cllmleed ftp and caught one of them. A e0pr(nton ;wand le the despairing shriek of a jungle fowl caught by acme wildcat. Occa- atonally one's sleep to tltsturbed Inc a loud crashing of trees and the trum- peting juhgle toefns with plife tand death, day and night. ---0. Cervoth Wells, 15 Amiable People., Amiable people, though often subject to imposition in their contact with the world, yet radiate so much of sunshine that they are reflected in all appreei salve hearts.—•Deh1Zy. Greatly Troubled Ith Weak Hearin Wash Day and Backache Through one cause or another a large majority of the people nen troubled more or less, with some form of heart trouble. Mrs. James Blair, Maynooth, Ont., writes, under date of January 2nd, 1:,20: "1 feel it my duly to let you know how much benefit I have received through using your Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I was greatly troubled with a weak heart, and I doctored with three different doctors but as soon as 1 stopped their medicine I was as bad as ever. I purchased foie' boxes of -your pills last spring, and I had not taken two of thecal before). began to feel better, and after using the four I have not been troubled since." On the first sign of any weakness of the heart alilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills should be taken so as to regulate and stimulate it, and this being done the whole system will be restored to a normal, healthy condition. Price 50e. a box at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited. Toronto. Ont. WASH day is the least well - come day of the week 31a most homes, though sweeping day is not much better. Both days are most tryingon this back. The strain of washing, ironing mod sweeping frequently deranges the kidneys. The system is poisoned and backaches. rheumatism, pains In the limbs result. :Kidney action must be aroused -e the liver awakened to action and the bowels regulated by much, .treatment Chase's 1{idno. -Lier P1I as Dr, C 1' p y v U5. This favorite prescrlptlon of the well- known itoceipt Boole author will net fail you in the hour of need, One pita a dose, 26e a box at all doalert, er Edmansen, dates J: CO3, Ltd., Eoxeate. Siiperebundanee. 09, speech is free,men truly state, But we'd be in a serious way If .11 the business had to wait Tall everybody hid his say. Thursday, July 26t11, 1920, CLINTON Monday August 2nd. ;The annual Celebration will be held on the Recreation Park, Clinton, on above date when a most interesting program will be presented LEAGUE BASE BALL MATCH Zurich Vs: Clinton Dry Wit. "Pa what is dry wit?" "Dry wit, my son, Is the clever staffmen demand from ethers when they're sober. It's infinitely harder to think of than the stuff tlaey'U laugh at when they're drink- ing." at 3 o'clock Dye That Skill, Coat or Blouse ClirztonKiltieBand "Diamond Dyes" Make Old, Shabby, Faded Apparel Just Like New. Don't worry about perfect result's. Use "Diamond D es," guaranteed to givo n new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, xx ed whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mi goods,—dresses, blouses, stookinga, skirts, ehildren's coats, draperies, --everything! A Direction Book le m package. To match any material, have dealer show you "Diamond Dyc'? Color Card. Has been engaged for the day and will provide choice music. He Calculates Time by It. "Does your watch keep good tinge?" "Splendid. I cam depend on it al. ways to be about 15 minutes fust" • IM -'mutt. "How does a needle bath feel?" "Jisot new -new " He Found Them. "I have often heard that if a feller frau the country got lonesome here la Kay See," remarked the gent from' Jinhpson Junction, "all he bad to do to And somebody he knowed was to go over on Twelfth street. It'e a plumb feet, too! I tried it yesterday. I had been 1n the city three days, and was getting klndn hungry for the sight of a familiar face, and so i sn'nta'ed over on Twelfth. And inside of half an hour I had been tarlcled I.y 'seven fellers from my honer 105010 for money to get beck there on."—Knnsr',s City Star. CULTIVATE HABIT OF SENDING IN MS MacDonal d Juvenile Pipe Band of London Composed of 10 Members will take part in the program, afternoon and evening. Better Pay The Price Tug -of -War open to Goderich Tp., Stanley, 1-1u1 lett and Tuckersmith One of the things that ought to become fixed habits he every house- hold in Clinton is that of sending The New Era the news items that they may know erf; Nell as of your news and any neighborhood or other items that wilt be of interest to yourself, your neighbors or your friends. Every lodge, church body or social organization should have some representative who will promptly and carefully after lks news report- ing. If you think some organization has better news service than your own, it is probably because that or- ganization Looks after such matters better. Write your items and send them in when possible.• Or telephone thein to No. 30, but please don't ask taken names bee lists of that long s over telephone, as it not only re- quires mucin time, but is fruitful in possibilities of error. Above alt, be early. Never Walt till late on Thursday to send an iteral that can be sent in days before, The New Era telephone number is 30 and at nights 95, Fax them in your mind.aaemeativa oma..., PA ADE Prizes BEST TRADES FLOAT: 1st 100 lbs. flour donated by J. A. Ford and Son; 2nd $5.00 of Ridgeway Tea donated by W. T. O'Neil. DECORATED AUTO: 1st $5 by McTaggart Bros; and 10 lb. roast of beef by Butler Bros. DECORATED BICYCLE: $2.00 box of cll0colates by Murray Mc- Neil; 2nd $1.50 box of chocolates by F. Bersford. 'BEST COMIC: 85.00 hat by A. J. Morrish. BEST REPRESENTATION of any Organization or Society in Parade lst $5.00 donated by Mayor Cottle; 2nd, $3.00. BEST alu dDRE at ALLIED o OS $5.00, by W. R.0nter;2pdME: let la goods valued at. $3.00 by W. Johnson & Co. Brown;. C. B1;Ss ADuplex$l0 lmt 3 5 S outfit vaued at $.7by W. Dur- ham shavingR. Ho1,nes;. 3rd, Pearl handled jackknife by Harland Bros. MORNING Races BOYS' BICYCLE RACE (under 16 years) : 1st, Tire and tube valued at 85,001 2nd, Tire, valued at $3.00; 3rd, Tube valued at $2.00, all Good Year tree, donated by J. H. Paxman. SLOW AUTOMOBILE RACE (For Fords only): $ Martin gage, valued at 85.00 by W. J. Nediger; 2nd, SLOW AUTOMOBILE RACE (Any Other Make) 191, Auto tube by H. Bartliff valued at $0.75; 2nd, Set of 4 Spark Plugs bs' Bart Levis. VETERANS' WIVES 50 yds.: 1st $5.00 jardinere by A. T. Cooper. VETERANS' RACE (240 yds.) fat, box of cigars valued at $4.00; 2nd; box of cigars valued at $2.75; donated by Wilson Elliott.. RELAY RACE (4 men) : 1st, $4.00; 2nd, $2.00 donated by the Rat tenbury` Hotel. , North Star Flour Ladtp THE MYSTERIOUS LADY will be on the streets morning; at the Park afternoon and evening (and at the Street Carnival, unless, captured);' You roust address her as "Are ybu the lady el the North Star Flour?" if given correctly she'. will answer "Yes" and you will win the 100 lbs. of "North •Star" Flour donated by Mr. John Sclhoenhals, , • FOR THE BEST LOO1& NG COUPLE ON GROUNDS; R. Fitz- fordl�to judgeSon co plesOen beforebtheroast grand stand at 3 Johnp.Rens-' Afternoon Races. MARRIED WOMEN'S RACE: Regina broom valued at $1.25, by George McLeunnan. YOUNG LADIES RACE, over 18 years, 50 yds., (Open); lat 519x. Coffee valued atBt $3.25; edonated by F W. Wigg " 519 s, Repeater MATRIMONIALas donated s H , IK a fes knife and ttnlvorsal knife, g JUVENILE RACES BOYS' under 10 years. BOYS' under 15 years, 500yarda: let ds: t50e. and and, 25c, GIRLS under 10 years, 50 yards; 1st, 500. 21111. 25m GIRLS under 15 years; 50' yards, 1st 50c. and 25e. SENIOR RACES FAT donated by S. Castle; 2nd,box of) cigars donated by la,Marshalyards, lat, 1015.) l 100 YARDS (open) let $3,00; 2nd $2.00. OPEN TO C. I. STUDENTS POLE VAULTING: let, $2.00; 2nd, $1.00. 100 YARDS OPEN: let, $2,00; and, $1.00. Don't be tempted to cboone cheap jewelery. Far better to pay a Pale price and know exactly what von are getting, Yon wilt never be sorry --Por as a matter of money, it is easily tho most economical, Teat has beau saki an often that everybody by his time should know it—and yet there le no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to get personal—If you would like to mise chat sort altogether— COME HERE If you would like to buy where nothing but high qualitiee are dealt in—COME HERE And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair W.R. Gaunter Jeweler and Optician uer. of Marriage Licenses. 1. A. Ford & Son FLOUR & FEED Carload of Standard Hog Feed on Hand !1 A quantity of Slabs for Sale Phone 123 DR. F. IL AXON DENTIST - Crown and Bridge Work n Specialty., ra0nato of C.O.D.S.,. Chicago. and 51,0,D,0' Iloronta ay*l'eld ou Mondays, May Int to e DR. H. FOWLER, DENTIST. O>Hoee over O'NEIL'S store, Sleeial ear. taken to make dental net "tent se painless se 000419le. Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- , fora the public that be is pro - pared to do tine piano tuning, • toe 1'egtIsatin , and repairing. a1dWillireceive' at poo t attentlono THOMAS GUNDRY Live stack and general Auction gel• GODERIOH ONT retmetore a.speotal%! Orders of o NEW ERA cornea, Clinton, ottani Uy sbtoaaa . Terms reasonable. Farmer's' male note ,counted Dancing Pavilion on Grounds & Good Orchestra 110.50 p. m. Grand Carnival and Street Parade Ad ntiesiioinl a Afternoon & E<reiting, 25c;Children. under 12 15c. Aut. v� obatt:,u t a 6.",411.): aj .n..1 ,l r;n a r ,, n a,ad riN.MEl �+x fit,^. (1'� VJ'J�u Nhsl.•r .a '.ail .......�.,,_......,..,-�w,.. .a.. �,..«.,4 .... .�--...-..._ - Medit.ai• DIt..1. C. CANDIES OFFICE HOURS 1.30 p. m. to 3.30 p. set. 7.30 p. in. to 9.00 p. so. &anew 12.30 to 1.30 Other hours by appointment only. Office at Residence, Victoria Street W. Bu%YDON BARRISTER SOLICITOR IOOTAR PUBLIC, TONETO CLAN H. T. RANCE Rotary Public, Financial Conveyancer, Estate INSUBAtiOB sub Dao Companies.0tina 14 Fire Division Court Office. , G. D. McTaggart M. D. MaTaggos McTaggart Bre. $J1Niif ERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON . Qenere Baa1king . Basltciew transacted ,ilOTEB D113000NTED Drafts leaned. Interest allowed e dem:mite The McKillop Mutual .1Plre Insurance Co. Perm and Isolated Town Prep' erty only Insured. (lead 011Ice--Beidorth, Out Otl%.re J. Connolly, Goderich, President! Jas. &'ass, Beechwood, Vtco-Prosideptt Thos. E. Heys, Seafortb, Secretary. Treasurer, Agents Alex. Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edware iitpcii y, SQaferth; Wm. Chesney Req mon�l o >� . villa; J. W. Yew Ged rlc4• JarMuth, Brodhages. >kwiieuxns Witt. ate No. a, Soaforth; Jobs float,. needs, 2rmdhfal��ani James Evans, Nseelth. steeds CA. Mallsw w Mateoo; .Valetta CeaaNY. liaderleht D. r, Me0rP1I l nool, gi fort *; J. O. Grieve, Mal, •5 11FAOluti Robert Ferris, ilettooki O'wi McCsrtne, fin. 3, Seaiortlt. _... ,. 'j;1i• d . ... . .r.l a. .j'ta,rv��