HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-7-15, Page 6PAGE 6 THE CL.IN'i'ON NEW Efw, SEE TCHIE Fancy Colored. Voiles A T 1 MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring Men's Furnittling Phone 103 Opposite Public Library Brown' .4satttr1111011 WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings. Phone 67 Next Royal Bank 1 COOKS THE FOOD BUT NOT THE COOK Perfection Oil Stoves HAVE ATTAINED PERFECTION IN THE COOK'S ESTIMATION That tells the story in a Nutshell of the benefits and results of using one of our PERFECTION Oil Cook Stoves. Many makes of oil stoves have come and gone but this one goes on givng satisfaction to the owner. Buy PERFECTION Oil Stoves at Phone 53. W. H. DAVISON Successor to R. Rowland. '41, 410 FIRIMEE t 1111111111111111SS1111111.11111111111111111111111111111 1111111111 111 111111111111111 111 11111111111111111 News. SII 111111W 111MRIIVIrUlulilEMVlBVNEIESluuulllluu NunMUI111ulul111111 1IVU111110ID1l1110uluululluullu111111011.1 Women, 's Institute, The regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Wes, Shobrook on Thursday, July 27th at3 p,in. In About Two Weeks. The Entrance Exams results are ex peeted in about two weeks, so dpn't blame the printer for not having them Quite often The New Era receives published before hand, letters Communications, and news items for publication which have no signature attached, These are consigned to the waste basket, often regretfully. The name of the writer is always required by this office, not necessarilyfor publicat- ion but as a' guarantee of good faith. Married in Centralia. Dr, '0- W. '11oaupson and Miss 1.4tcy Stevens motored to Centralia on '.l'hurs clay morning hast and were quietly mar- ried at the Methodist parsonage by the Rev. A. Sinclair. They are now enjoying a motor trip, Sign Your Name. -Got A Car of Coal. Mr. J. B. Mustard secured a car load of egg coal this weak and is being de- livered to household using a furance. Purchased Farm. Mr. Percy Cole has bought Mr. W. Elcoat's farm, Tuckersmitii, near the village of Brucefield, and gets possession this fail. Lost Cow on Wednesday. Mr. Jas, Livermore lost a valuable cow at the G. T. R. track Wednesday morning when the L.H. and B. train, ran into the animal and broke its leg. The cow had to he destroyed, Big Crowd Went To Goderich. The citizens of Clinton turned out well on the 12t4 and went to Goderieli by special trains, autos and the old TR horse and buggy. The day was a pleas - Thursday, July 15th, 1920, Dear Reader, You Can Help. The Newtra asks its readers to make these columns their own, to the extent of contributing social and personal it- ems which are of interest, if you have friends visitiisg you, there is no nicer compliment you can pay your guests than to take the trouble to see that their names are mentioned in your local news paper, Call at or phone. The New Era; our number is 30; House 95, or send, by mall, Commandeer Cars A. 0. Pattison Grand Trunk agent has received notification that all open cars to be returned at once to the American coal distributing centres so that they may be loaded with coal after the small- est possible delay. On the American side a similar order has been issued for bidding the use of the open cars for any other purpose but shipping coal. This arrangement is calculated to bring a fair supply of coal to town and the coal situation should he cleared up sat- isfactorily. FOR PICNIC re. wins SEASUI' SUPPLIES 13y the daily press of Tuesday it was ant one nand ail had art enjoyable tine, Mother Dead, FOR PLUMBING - HEATING AND • ROOFING —0— Olives, Grape Juice Orange and Lemonade Lime Juice, Pickles, Marmalade, Jams R-epairing Promptly Done Phone 53 all kind in Season Fruit and Vegetables of —0- 1-1ecla Furnaces There is a Reason Ask Us. Lead Fred. W. Wigg The Corner Grocery Phone 45. .N learned that the mother of Miss Mc Dougall, C.U.i, teacher had passed away at her home in Canitington,' The deceased suffered a stroke in June and Miss McDougall went to her home be- fore school closed; SCRANTON COAL and' • Wood for Sale any who wish to leave their order for Spring delivery can do so by leaving their orders at my residence, Huron St. or Phone 155. Terms—Strictly Cash—Phone 155. E. WARD RILS1DENCE--HURON STREET L JJ MAKES /� WASH-IING EASY The Red Star 'Washer makes wash day welcome. h works . ,eo easily a boy of 6 « a sun it when load. It abolishes all the drudgery of wash day. Does the work in half the time it takes to do iLby hand. .} ED STAR Washer The Red Star Washer is easy to operate because the mechanism rides on two sets of ball bearings, The fly wheel is large. The lid is easy to lift, and you can raise the dasher from the clothes before you open the lid, so the clothes Will not come up with it or tear. The mechanism is very simple and compact, and so strong that the Red Star will Blast a generation aant always run as well as when new. Phuee snd have as send sea up, e, tilt Fid sea Item os 'stir Ions, Suit '' erdue Is a Busy Man. Besides his usual duties as a Com- mercial traveller "Shorty" Cantelon has been umpiring baseball games up ,in Bruce !Co. for the Wellington League, Mr. Cantelon has also umpired games in this district too. Were 20 Shots Up. Last Thursday evening four rinks of Hensall bowlers motored up and had a friendly game with the local bowlers'. "Chief" Whitesides of Hensall was was tfie only visiting skip to win out, Fol- lowing are the names of the various rinks;-- Clinton [teusall H, Rance Dr. Marrs Getting Old. We see in tine field day sports held in Calgary by the Hudson's Bay Store that one old Townsmen "Pat" Spald- ing won the, old man's race over 50 years of age. We showed the article to some of his former associates who seemed surprised that they get old so fast out West. Geo, McTaggart, Dr, 1 Shaw, Andy McGarva, Malcolm (McTag- gart, Torr Rance and Dick Fair all said it would he years before ,they are eli- gible for that race and hey heartily sympathizes with "Pat" in his calam- ity, Motor Headlights. The Ontario anti -headlight bylaw will become effective on July 19, This new bylaw was given assent by the lieuten- ant governor on May 19, and will aut- omatically become effective two months from that date. According to informat- ion received by the London Motor Club experiments are now being conducted to ascertain what is -the best type and style of headlight to be used, When the result of the experiments is annouced, a new uniform type of headlight will have to be installed by all motorists driving in the province. J. 5,'Cantelon J. Taylor, sk —15 J. Miller B. Potter N. Ball Dr, Axon, sk-14 J. 5, Cook A. J. Grigg 13, Hovey J. Nediger, sk--1t McNiel—Oke. • At the home of Mr, and Mrs. Win, Higgins Rattenbury street east on Thur sday evening last the marriage took place of this sister Miss Lydia Oke, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Oke of Exeter and Mr, Thos. J. McNeil. The bridal pair was unattended and the ceremony was perforated by the Rev, D. N. McCanius only immediate relat- ives being present. The bride wore a pretty gown of grey niessaline trimmed with touches of mauve. After the cere- mony congratulations were extended and the wedding feast was served, Charles—Stevenson Wedding. A pretty wedding tools place at 24 Green street, Guelph, when Edna Irene eldest daughter of Wm. J. Stevenson, formerly of Toronto and Mrs. A. L. Stew enson was united in marriage to Harold L. Charles of Elora, son of the late Mr; D. Cantelon 5, Simmons H. A. Arnold A. Hemphill, sk— 10 N. Peck P. Buchanan G. Case E. Busch, sk-10 G. Brock J: Stacey T, Farquhar A, Whitesides, sk— 14 W. Brown T. Sherritt F. Copp A, Clark W. Grant W. Goodwin A. J, Morrish, W. McLaren, sk— 24 sh— 1b Total 6.4 Total 44 Passed Away. As reported last week of the serious accident that befell Mrs. l•lamiton on the 4th the lady passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs .Edwin Jervis, Townshend street on Sunday morning. She was born in the old Court try and conning to Canada married her husband who predeceased her some 27 years ago. They first resided 4 West- ern, Ont. and afterwards went to Tees - water. Of a family of S children only then survire;,.two daughters; Mrs, Jer vis of town and Mrs. G. Theobald of Cornwall and one son E. Hamilton of Woodstock. The deceased was 89 years and 11 months old. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon a short service was held at the home of Mrs. Jervis and the body was conveyed to Teeswater Cemetery for Interment. Among the relatives here or the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. G. Theobald of Cornwall; Mrs. Alex, Hamilton of Landon, Won From Goderich REGARDING WALL 'PAPER. Prices, in general, are on a slightly higher level than last year, but noticeable mostly in the lower priced goods. We have heard, re. ports of a few low priced "spots" which how. ever, without exception have proved to be inferior goods or boasts made to distract at -- t ention from other shortcomings, these ex- ceptions we ready concede. Our new stock is being sampled and gives promise of being as varied and attractive in design and colorings as we have had in for- mer years, while our values are as good as we know where or how to buy. The W. D. Fair Co Often the eheapest—Atwaays the Best INS Don't Miss This Special Price on our Bulk Tea. We are completely sold out of line we ad- vertised last week. For this week we offer you The Royal' Blend at 60 c per tb. Special price in 5 Ib lots. Potato Substitute 2 Large illans Pork and Beans ... 35c MAKE WASH DAY . EASY No Rubbing—Just boil your clothes. When you use —Wonder Wash Peerless Washing Foro Tablets. Masks No Rub and Riuso. GET J ( M PHONE 111 NOTICE Wednesday, June 30th .being day before a holi- day our store will be open all day and in the evening so get your orders in for Iftlliday Picnic: THE HABIT OF DEALING AT NSO SPECIAL TEA PRICES sib for 60c 2 ib s for .31t..1^5 5 !lis for $2.65 Vimy Ridge Salman Per can 25e 2 cans Sardines ..,25e se PHONE ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO Minor Locals. The 12th is over for another year. 1 The League match on Friday evening between Clinton and Goderich was a win for Clinton after a- tassel for the first 5 innings. hit the 5th the home team got 4 runs and in the 7th with the bases full, Earl Cooper cleared trheni all and. made home when Bissett, the Co. town 3rd baseman muffed the throw-in. There were some glaring errors on both sides, but the Clinton 'boys did some taift hitting, getting 14 hits while Goderich collected 10. Cooper land 7 strike- outs and Levis had the same, the latter gave the only walk in the game in the 7th. Following was the line-up and score by innings.— 'Clinton—Hawkins, if; E. Cooper, p; McNeil, 311; Tasker, Ib; Draper, ss; C. Cooper, c; Johnson, cf; Potter, rf; Ful- ford, 2b. Goderich—Bissett, 311; sop, 2b; 2b; Car'rick, rf; W. Bissett, c; Bar- low, Ib; Culley, ss; Suazel, ef; Pride ham, if; Levis, p, and Mrs. F. J. Charles of Burford, Ont Goderich .-0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 1— 5 The home was nicely decorated. with Clinton ..-0 1 2 0 4 1 5 0 x-13 daisies and peonies, The Rev. R, 8. Stev enson of Stratford officiated. The bride Y 0 U R who was unattended entered the room on the arm of her brother, Cecil W. G. Stevenson, to the strains of Lohengr ill's Wedding March played by her sister i andied a bon uet of sun carr Miss Bery q set and sweetheart roses. After a dainty lupcheon the happy couple left for a honeymoon to western points, Relatives were present from Guelph, Toronto, El- mira, Princeton and' Stratford, The bride l a neice of Mrs, W. S. Downs of Clin- ton. Buyers Are Sitting Tight. Many of tate large wholesale houses report that their travellers selling cotiti ing and kindred lines are having hard times keeping within reach of sales of corresponding months a year ago. The. store keepers of the country are buy ing s_par.lngly and are not inclined, to take on anythink more than they think they can sell in average trading times. in :several instances where stores find they are overstocked. direct steps are l'eing taken to liquidate the surplus and tihere are matinees where this is being dome at no gain to the store if•tndeed they are breaking even in some of the setli',g Wholesalers claim to see noth- ing dangerous in the situation, Ranier do they welcome it, claiming that with sanity and moderation behind the plan It will work out for better business and mare of it On a lower' plane of costs' and selling prices. ROOF .,The Boy Scouts returned from camp on Tuesday and they had a fine time 1 despite the showers thrown -in, Crediton Base Ball team is here to- night in a league match. Haff of July gone now, The Chautauqua closes tomorrow night. Good programs have been pre- sented during the week. Crew Was Startled. While the passenger train n the Lon 6n the selection of your roofing material depends the appearance, value and durability of your building. • What kind of roofing could be better than 3 -ply of everlasting Shingles/ The cheapest is not usually the best although the best is usually the cheap- est. We have the best in three different grades, 2X, 3X and 5X at popular cur- rent prices. AT SRUCEFIELD—We also handle all kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Canada Fibre Board,,vCanada Cement, Yard and Soft Coal, 'etc. AT CLINTON- •— We handle all ieinds of Coad and Wood and Canada Cement. Let us have your inquiries. We think we can supply you. • GNU. R. MUSTARD Clinton & Brncefxeld. Phone for Clinton No. '14. Thune for 13rucefield 11 on 618. don Huron and Bruce branch of the 0. T. R. was wending its way cityward on Thursday the crew of the train was startled by what looked to be a man lying beside the tracks a little south of Ilensall. Thinking someone had been struck by the work train which passed shortly before the engineer brought the train to a standstill within a few fest of the supposed victim, Oa nvestigat ion the object was discovered to be only an old coat which had been left by some one who was weeding onions the pre- vious evening. w.a 10 -Day Sale Having ,made special arrangements with our Com- pany at Guelph for this salt by taking a limited number of pianos. I can quote you a price far below factory prices to you. to -day and if you are going to get a piano inside the next two years. Now is your chance. This sale is merely to advertise our goods and is good. for 1-o days only, after which the regular factory Prices will be used. ' if you can not call on us write for prices and also re- . member we can arrange to give you terms to suit so as to get i11 on this salk: Remember the name. Jonathan Hill BOX 229. Phone 216, MUSIC STORE. SEAFORTH. 014T X F RDS 111111111111111111111111111VII11VVIIIIIV111111VI11VIVIIIIl111V11IlIRV111NIfiVliIIIVVV111I111IiIVIIIIIIII IlI1111111111N1IVI111111IVIIIV11111I11111111V1I1RI111111 t Well Dressed Women will wear Oxfords this Seaaon. We are now showing beautiful new models in these comfort- able Shoes. Shoemaking is certainly an Art when it comes to making such. handsome Footwear. I Every Shoe a Picture Oxfords in Dull or Patent Leathers. Beautiful colorings in Brown or Mahogany. The new plain, narrow toe and the incitation perforated tip and vamp --Louis or Cuban Heel. Expert Fitting Service. $3.50; $4.50;.. $6.50; to $9.50, This House of Good Shoes stand these days as a safeguard at - against Shoe Values at inflated prices F 111 . eJ`-'e.7 r. ON .-"SHOES 111..A r'xaTIS'in'_ axw..aiea 110.9411