HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1920-7-15, Page 2011°A.GE 2 i Loeate THE OLIN ON NEW ERA. Thursday) July 15.th, i9/0, ews of t he tMstrictJ' WROXETER women TOWNSHIP ` 'Qotic a large number from this hfis local ieAft'er' a b rief i. lln ess Mrs, r s, D; R ae Sep ; 1HsitYtit rt on. Sleh .reeentiY the d d l or BW ' "idly were down to Gran • utbig 11,F,0, picnic on last Monday. Mr, passed t' -'tough a critical operatign'an d ..and, Mrs. Robb, Pearson, Mr. and Mrs, had no strength to combat, with a ser 'Will Lobb, Mr, and Mrs, Jim Ferguson,. tons attack of pneumonia, Deceased Mr, Will Churchill and wife Cliff Dave whose maiden name was Margaret Geo - ,• Churchill and family, Mr, and Mrs,'.rgtna Rutherford was in. her 67th year ?Henrynider, Frank Lobb and wife and and was a' daughter of the late William hay ':47r, and Mrs. Sinclair all were at the :Rutherford one of -the pioneers of How .'p icnie and report a good time. ( ick, Since her marriage to David Rae g A lar a number were In Goderich for she had spent her life on their iland In 'Dominion Day celebration also Bayfield � Howick. She is survived by her tus ,,,attracted many. The rest like ourselves , and a daughter Mrs, Henning, Saskakcli- 'tayed at horoe and worked. es usual, ; e vn, atat two, also Jo sons ohn of Eady Wad Mr, and Mrs. George Pearson and tit • tie Miss Margaret of Wayne, web re. I Liam of Wroxeter and John of Calgary iam interment will place lace in Wroxeter turned home a week ago after spendinga Cemetery Saturday afternoon. .fortnight ,Rahe parental home. The farmers are at their haying. LEADBURY, "there has been considerable sweet clov There was a large crowd at the picnic l grown this year. The red clover and • held in McCulla's Grove near Leadbury asMr lo'b'e a township under the auspices Mr, and Mrs,, crop. Welsh of Toron McKillop f`to are visiting with relatives. of the U.F.O. and the Women's Institute ' Needless to say Goderich Township this afternoon. 'interesting addresses was well represented at the orange cele were given by J. W. King, U.F.O. can - :Illation In Goderich on `Monday al- didate for North Huron; Charles McGur thought the rain kept many at home, dy, 1.),P.O. salesman at the Union Stock Mrs, Davis and children of Toronto yards West Toronto; Mr. McKee of this been visiting for a couple of weeks Toronto; Robert McMillan of Seaforth at the home of Mr. Ed \Vise, They also and others Mr. McGee soloist of Auburn 'spent a few days at Harry Hibbs on the gave several solos. Music was furnished 'a Mb. , by the Goderich orchestra for the dime - Mrs. Chas, Leonard and. two children ing It the pavilion. . ';iron) Bright are visiting at the home of The lawn social held on the lawn of 9her brother-in-law F. Leonard. , Robert Scarlett, McKillop on Thursday The fine shower that we have had evening under the auspices of the Lad- -will be of great value to the crops as les Aid Society of CavairChurclt, Win - train was badly needed, throp was a decided success despite the About a mile of stone road has been' unfavorable weather. `Sate on the Base Line which is the bound eery between Goderich and 1•iullett Town ships. Crushed stone: ie but on the bot- ^dom and fine gravel on top, This should .nhake a very fine road way. We under -.stand that part of the Bayfield road is al ^4o to be done in the same way, We hope•that Chautaugua which is in 'Clinton this week will be well patroniz • .ed as it at rare opportunity to hear such line speakers and concert parties as are .in the, programme. - !Mr. and Mrs. Henry Snider and fans -:Ily are away on a motor trip visiting -with fiends in Stratford, Woodstock, Brantford and other points. Fred Leonard had the misfortune to "inose one of his heavy horses last week. The Fall Wheat promises to be a very :good crop this year but sprirg wheat 'Es not a very good crop this year. Bar - :ley is not very good ,but where there 'is mixed grain it seems to be very good:. :Some fields of oat.s are going to be a • "good length while other fields are going to be short. • .A baby son arrived at the Home of war. and Mrs. J. T. Turner last week. KIPPEN The union picnic of the Methodist and Presbyterian Su ndoy schools ools ha s held In Bayfield on Wednesday. It was an enjoyable afair and was largely attend ed. m • Mises Bertha and Carrie McKenzie of Toronto aid . Mr; A, W. Johnston of the salve city are spending their vacat- ion at their respective parental homes here, Mr. and Mrs, McConnell and sou Mtl- ler• motored over from Detroit for a .few, days visit with Ms.. 'McCo nell's parents Mr, and Mrs. John Whiteman,` Mr. McConnell has returned home but his wife and daughter will remain for a few.weeks. Mr. and Mrs. 'Campbell, of Acton, who have • been visiting 'their sister, Mrs. ,lames McDermtd, returned to their home this week. GRAND BEND Dr. and Mrs. 'Cline and family of Lon- don are occupying "As -a -c -us" for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Forbes and fancily of London have moved into their cottage and feel very much at home. Mrs. W. B. OilYer also Miss Edythe Peddle, were London visitors on Tues- day. Mrs. M, Hamilton, Miss B..1. Hamil- ton. Mr. and Mrs, Dr. Coupland, of St, Marys called on W. B. and Mrs. Oliver of Sunday. RRUCEFIELD. Misses Jessie and Gertrude Grainger -are spending their vacation in "Inver .Huron" in a cottage by the lake. Wheat promises to be a great crop. 'There is a large acreage in the country. Spring wheat is a very yoor - crop in this locality. Barley looks good. The :wheat harvest will soon be on, .Sohn Mustard received a car of coal 'last week, It was soon delivered in your village, price being 515 per ton. Robert Murdock has been given the contract of carrying the trail of the trural route. Mr. 1 alker resigned the • I,osition. The salary is $600 per year. ;Ile will begin in August. Children• Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA EXETER. L. . L. 924 attended the celebrat- ion in Goderich yesterday in goodly numbers and all were delighted with the program. Mrs, S, T. Woods and young daugh- ters left for a visit to Muskoka. The Donhiinion Ghmutauqua opened here Monday with a splendid attendance and amost attractive program. Mr. Car vett Well gave a very graphic lecture on seven years experience in the jungle illustrated by Stereopticon views, Mrs. William Hawkshaw of Detroit is visiting Mrs. Newell. Mr. Wright and party -from London paid a week -end visit at the home of Mrs. Knight, Miss Pearl Love, who has spent the last year teaching in Vandura, Sask„ spent a few days with Miss Maude Hor ton before going to Guelph to complete her course to elementary agriculture and horticuitur8. Mr. Henry Luther, who has been rent ing Mr. John Willis farm on the third of Stephen has purchased the farm of Mr, Robert Horney on the fourth of Usborne. - Mrs. Truinper and children have re- turned from London. Dr. Roulston is in London attending a special course in dentistry. Miss Reta Rowe has gone to Guelph to take a special course in agriculture. Rev. Austin Duplan, of Walkervllie, called on friend's here this week. Dr. Cliye McAllister and his bride, from Winnipeg are staying with the former's parents Rev, and Mrs, McAl- lister. $!N CE I 970 iY it 30 sropsCOUGHS HULLETT Miss Elizabeth Johnston, .Dictaphone Operator at the Hudson Motor . Car - Company and Miss, Margaret JOhnstoll Stenographer at the Genera) Avla`1Ozl Supply Depot," are holidaying at their home on the2nd con. of tlullett, ing from. Julie 10 Jahnary, L. KM report ed having Mitt sevetni interviews with Mr, Richmond of the Bell Telephone re -better terms between Blyth and 13511 Co„ stating that the Sell would In future give #l00 more than last year. Moved by Win, Moon and Robert Me - Gee that unless the, Co., receive 50 per cent from the Bell Co., that, an appeal be, made to the Railway )3oard, Carried, Mr, Metcalfe, Revs, Telford and Haw- kins were appoi ted tcommittee. to draft a resolution of sympathy with the immediate relatives of.the late Mr. Elder conveying to them the respect of the subscribers and appreciation• of his vices as Secretary-Treasuirer. during his tern, of office 'Carried. Moved and adopt ed that the following hours be reserved exclusively for business viz: ---from 6 to 8 a.m. from 12 to 2 poll. and from 6 to 8 p.m, The following were nominated as members of Board of Commissioners for current year:—Dr, W. J. Milne, John Ellis, John Fingland, R, 13. Mc- Gowsn Mid John Brigham. The last 2 withdrew leaving the outer three elect ed by acclamation. HOLMESVILLE. Mrs, N, W. Trewartha returned from Toronto on Monday accompanied by her another and Mrs, McMath. Miss Fair of Toronto is visiting her sister Mrs. Johnston. Quite a nunbef• from here took In the glorious twelfth in Goderich. Mrs, S. T. Walters and Mr. J. Cud - more are getting in new furnaoes. Mrs. Stock was to Milverton Saturday to see her mother who is i11.' The contractors have commenced put Ong in concrete for the large roe bridge to be erected here. A splendid ball game Was played on the grounds here on Monday night be- tween Zurich and Grand Bend, Zurich winning out by 5-1 score. From the way the 'Bend boys played they will be heard from again. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes and family of St. James street, London have moved into their new cottages about completed and is preparing to erect a third. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Greb and family also Mr. and Mrs, YTracey and family of Kitchener are settled in their fine summer homes for the summer. Guests are arriving daily at all the hotels. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mollard arrived here on Tuesday after spending the win ter in 13. C. and the South. Mr, Cooper of London sold 16 lots for G. C. Eccleston on July 1st.. A large number from here went to Zurich on Tuesday 'light to see the Huron League ball .game between Zur- ich and Crediton The result was 15 to 0 for Crediton. Quite a number left for Goderich on Mr. Douglas Stewart of Toronto is - the 12th, both by rail and auto, All visiting his parents here. ?report a fine time. Mrs. Reg. Elliott of Norwich is visit - Wm. McQueen of Toronto is the ing relatives here. guest of his parents in our village, Mr. -W. D. Sanders Local magistrate, Wm. Swan has One to Toronto to assist in medical work It a hospital un- til the openhig of the medical school in the fall. iffiv. Smith of Exeter Is the guest of ,Sher 'sister, Mrs. Hoener. left for a two months trip to Seattle and Vancouver. The local branch of the Jackson Manufacturing Company is running at full capacity, having orders, enough to keep busy till February, next year. The f `iG L E V E 1 AND" Bicycle are sold in Clinton by J. 1-i. PAXMAN The Garage that gives real Bicycle, Car and Battery, Services SOLD .FOR CASH OR EASY TERMSORDER YOURS TODAY Phan n 80 : Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. Western. University London, Ontario its -nc� Sciences � Summer SchOo1 July 5th to August 13th, FOR INFORMATION AND CALENDAR WRITE K. P. lt. N1!VILLE, Rzglati'ar Mrs, Alcock has been under the Dr. care since going to'Toronto. M?.'Russel Foster.ltq suffering. f roan sceptic poisoning and is under the Dr. care since returning' home. i Miss ElvA',troctor passediher A.T,C. M. exam with honors. Miss Marion Alcock Is visiting with her aunt and cousin In Toronto. She vlsited her uncle Mr. John Kennedy In Guelph on the way down'. Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Lashbrook and Miss Reta of Mitchell were upon Sun- day. BLYTH Mr. J. C, 1•leffron has repurchased the butcher business sold by hint to Mr. John Garniss some monis ago. The'marriage took place very quiet ly on Saturday July 3rd at Clinton, of Mrs, Edith E. McElroy, of Blyth to Mr. John R. Bell, of, Morris. Rev. S. Ander son, a former pastor of the couple con- ducted the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs, Bell will reside in Blyth. Mr. D. McCowan has an exceptionally fine crop of aafafa this year. One strand that he measured was 4f 8 inches in length and the field throughout was of average growth. A number of the citizens were at the C. P. R. on Saturday to see Reeve Cutt who was on his way home from the hospital in Toronto. The Reeve is con- valescing nicely, which tact is most gratifying to his friends in Blyth. It was with profound' sorrow that the news was received on Friday acorn ing 1st that Mrs Wm, McGowan of East Wawanosh had passed away. For some months health, but of late It was thought she was improving and when death calve its suddenness was a shock to the entire community. 'The late Mrs. McGowan whose maiden name was Agnes Dodds, was born in Blyth 56 years ago and her entire life was spent In the village and neighberhood. She was married twenty-nine years ago to her now bereft husband and to this union born two sons and one daughter Messrs. Dodds and George and Miss Gladys, all at .home. Besides her .im- mediate family her•mother, Mrs. James Dodds, and two sisters, Mrs, Win, Rob- erton, Wingham, Miss Cassie and broth- er Mr, Jas. McC. Dodds, Blyth survive. Friday June 25th there passed from our midst one of the old pioneers of this section in the person of M'rs. Ab- igail Nesbitt, She had been in her usual health up to Sunday June 13. Apparent- ly she had gotten up and had her break fast and performed her usual morning work, FIer daughter Mrs. A. B, Carr on returning from clutch called t osee her as was her usual custom. On entering the house she found her another partly lying on: the lounge in an unconscious condition, She at once rhm.nconed the doctor and friends and the. doctor at once pronounced It a stroke of paralysis as shecould not move her right arm or leg. She lingered until Friday June 25th never baying regained consciousness or power of speech. The funeral took place on Monday, 25th services being held at the home Revs. Telfer and Mc- Cormick officiating. Mrs. Nesbitt' was married to her de -ceased hus- band 60 years ago and at once come and settled on the farm now oc- cupied by their son, Robert. They both experienced the hardships and privat- ions of clearing up a bush farm. Twenty eight years ago they moved into Blyth. and laved retired life, Mr. 'Nesbitt passiing away five years ago. Since that time Mrs. Nesbitt has been practical ly alone. She was the mother of eight children 5 boys and 3 girls, four of whom are still living—Mrs. A. 13. Carr, towns; Robert Morris; Maurice, Detroit, and Mrs, McKenzie, Toronto, in religion Presbyterian and whenable send site was ont missed, attending the .serifices. Telephone Annual Meeting,—The an nual meeting of Blyth Telephone Co., subscribers stet in industry Hall, with Mr. Fingland in the chair, and Miss Elia Metcalfe, Secretary, Minutes of last an- nual meeting were read and adopted on motion of J, N. Campbell and Wm, Laid law, Auditor's report after considerable Price 25, a vial at all dealers or discussion was adopted, It was decided e eels here, istl5 eleuneni in Sunday Scitool wgrk., Mrs. Jellies Eisley spent the past two Rev. A, 13, Hinson presented a very int weeks with her daurghter at SL Mary's, teresting report front the Sunday, rite funeral of the late Mrs, Lee (Sr) Sphools twelve out of the fifteen in the was we11 attended on friday, ess'n haying reported and showed a to Itat enrollveragement in 'a1.115nece 5Sphools of i376. ntenor iak➢ ! Aaitent4 Mrs,(i'Johu Mdedamfiing ans/dweeson Wilfred Schools using graded lessons 6 Schools with -Missionary secretary10 Schools giving missionary tnstruptona 1.lAf nSc7h ools observing ,,,,e cisi on " day 5 Schools g)v t6Temperltce instruct - of London are guests of Miss A, Bell. The Woolen's Missionary society met at the home of Mr, Richard Curter on Wednesday when. over 40 were present, he to et at i i society. TheLadles A d Tuesday, home of Mrs. Crawford on Y. Several ear' loads from around here spent Tuesday in Goderieh, Miss:Jee, Maines•of'the Chicago re- turned to e-turned'to her duties after speeuding a week w11;:.Aher mother here,. Mrs, 'Brown of Brantford is spending a month with her bother 'here Mrs. (Dr.) Young, • Miss Brigham left for Toronto on Monday to spend a couple of weeks. WINGHML The Masonic order here held a spec nal meeting' to receive the resignation of Mr. J, A. Morton as secretary of • the order here for 35 years. While they accepted the resignation it was with great regret. An address was given to Mr. Morton upon his resignation as sec ertary and a purse of 1+200 was pre- sented to him in appreciation. Mr. Mor ton's eyesight is failing and he could no longer hold the position. The L. 0. L. attended divine service in full regalia in a body on Sunday eve- ning at 8 o'clock at St. Paul's Church, Rev. Mr. Snell preached the sermon. On Monday morning a number of new mens bers were initiated here. BRUSSELS. Brussels has changed the date of its annual• celebration to July 22 on ac- count of Blyth advertising one for the 28511 of July, Galt Klltie Band and the Guelph Jazz Band have been engaged. The program will include baseball match es athletic sports, concert, etc, The annual Orange sermon was preached in St. John's Anglican Church Sunday morning by Rev. Mr. Mess. Mrs. John Coates had the misfortune to fall from a board on which she was standing while doing some papering in her home and injured one of her limbs quite seriously. Last Monday David Ross celebrated his 94th birthday and received the hearty congratulations of many friends. While the oldest man in this locality and a resident of town for nearly 50 years he is quite active and able to get about, Miss Robertson teacher. at Moncrieff, was presented with an ivory tolet set by the pupils of the public school and a necklace from the Presbyterian Church choir on removing from the locality. ' The tank of oil has arrived for Brus- sels streets and will be appiied at once. R. J. McLaughlin and Miss Luella, eldest daughter of D. C. and Mrs, Ross were united in marriage at the home of the bride, "Rose Villa," on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. A. J. Mann performing the ceremony, The couple left by auto mobile for London and other points. They will make their home in Brussels. Do Your Bowels Become Constipated? The cause of constipation is an inactive liver, with deficiency of bile, improper diet, and most frequent of all, a neglect to attend, with regularity, to nature's calls. The one aim of those suffering from constipation should be to have at least ova regular 'notion of the bowels every day, in other words, keep your bowels open and you won't be sick, Yn Milbttrn's Laxa-Liver Pills you will find just the remedy for this purpose. They aro small and easy to take, and there is none of the gaping, weakening and sickening which belong to the old- fashioned purgatives.1 Mr.Jae. 8.Iiarris, 13ox 434 Ilalifax N.S., writes: "tor two years it suffered with constipation. I could not get anything to cure me, and hardly any- thing would give me even temporary relief. One day my uncle induced ?no to try Milburn's Lama -Liver Pills, and even brought me a vial. x tried thorn without =oh faith, but I soon found they were doing inn good, and atter using the second vial I was relieved of rey trouble, " Deputy Sherriff of Huron County Dead Alexander Cameron Had Reached 76th Year—Goderich Police Sergeant Dead Goderich July 12—The death oc- curred this morning of. a well-known resident of Goderich and throughout Huron County Alexander D. Cameron, deputy sheriff of this county following a lingering illness, The deceased who was -in his 70th year was born to Wa- wanosh Township near Lucknow and. in his younger days was one of the lead ing young men of that district. For a number of years he was tax collector BAYFIELD. Rev. Mr, Flogg of Clinton preached in St. Andrews on Sunday last Our citizens nearly all visited Coder icic on July 12th and it was our L.O.L. lodge that got first prize for the best banner on parade, _ Rev. Mcfarlane will spend his vacat- ion in Scotland with his relatives this summer, Casey Atkinson is the latest to build a new cottage of the terrace re- cently purchased from Mr. Thompson. Dr. Metcalf's new cottage is almost completed. Tourists are coming in very slowly some say they the being hampered by General High Cost. Schools with regular bi:,iiness meet- ings 2 ,a' • Scholars Church members 546 Scholars became members during year 36 Number of books in Libraries 977, Number of Canadian perfodicals87 Number of non Canadian perl' 189 Amount contributed to misslonS$533. Amount contributed for Socials and 13 0 'School purposes e 7 .0 sir p p HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. John McKenzie of this village recently held a faintly reunion. When a large number of their relatives were present. Among the number were Mr, and Mrs. Aldrid McKenzie and son of Medicine Hat, Alberta, Mr. and Mrs. K. McKenzie and Mr. and Mrs. •Jas Hall, of Ayr. Mr. Boaz, of Kellfield Sask„ a brother of Mrs. McKenzie of Tucker - smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKenzie of Stanley the last two sons leing ac- companied by their children. Miss Mary Carlisie had the misfort- une on Tuesday, while coming down the ,steps at her home to slip and fracture her wrist very badly. Mrs, S. 13. Humeston is suffering from blood poisoning in her hand, Mrs. Nesbitt has rented her premises on Richmond street south to Mr. Wil- liam Henry and in the course of a couple of weeks intends going to De- troit, where she has a daughter and son living. A number of residents on Main) street rather than have the street unoiled, purpose getting in oil and having it put on opposite their homes and places of business as the dust of late has really been; unbearable. Agood deal of discussion arose over the fact that a number of non Canadian periodicals are coming info some of our schools. Also the question of Teacher Train- ing came up for discussion. "The worth of a child" was the sub- ject, of an interesting address by MT. James Mitchell of Goderich which wase followed by an address by Miss Taggart of Toronto "The Glrl in our midst" a round table conference was also con ducted by Miss Taggart when a num- ber of questions relating to S,'S, work were discussed including S.S. finances missions and the summer school in Un ion S.S. work. The opening exercises of the evening meeting were led by Rev 'E. 0. Porde of for his township and later was appoint Clinton followed by the report of theno ed deputy sheriff for the county, which minating committee which included the position he had held for the past 20 two following resolutions. years. Besides his widow be leaves two daughters, Mrs. McDonald, of Lucknow and one son in Calgary. The funeral will be held on Wednesday burial taking place in Lucknow Cemetery, Another well-known resident has died in the person of Mr. Conway Murphy, police sergeant, following a few months illness. The deceased was in his 55th 'year and he had been connected with the police force of the town for some Iis to be taken on Oct, 25 of this year oil years. Besides his widow he leaves two the question of prohibiting the inhpor of tation of liquor into our province, The sons, Bert of Wingham, and John, Stratford. Sunday School workers assembled in convention in Knoa Church Auburn call upon fathers and mothers aunt others who are priviliged to vote to use this privilege themselves and influence as many others as possible to vote for the referendum and thus protect our child ren from the evil of intemperance. A very illuminating address was giv en by Rev. W. J. Campbell of Colborne on Prayer in the Sabbath School. Deaths The closing address was by Miss HAMILTON. -111 Clinton on Sunday Taggart `the Sunday School pivot" she mentioned a number of pivdts used July t4t1n, Mary Ann Temple, relict of in S.S. work dwelling especially on the the late W. R. Hamilton, of Teeswater, important positioli of the teacher the aged S9 years and It months, influence of biose personality will abide when their may have been forgotten. Sunday School The singing was led by the village union choir assisted by Miss 'Robertson' Convention at Auburn who sang a very appropriate solo in the afternoon and Miss Jackson who sang to The annual convention of the Auburn the evening. Sunday School Association, was held in The association is fully organized fot Knox 'Church on Wednesday June 3o the coming year Mr. George Currie of Resolved that we the Auburn Dis- trict union S. S. Association here and now met in convention extend a hearty vote of thanks to the members of the presbyterian congregation for their'cour tesy in allowing us the use of their church for the purpose of holding the conven tion. That where as the referendum vote CZEMA You are not c x pe riment- Ing when you use Dr. Chase's Oint- ment for Eczema and Skin Irrita- tions. 1t relieves at once and gradu- allyheals the skin. Sample box Dr. pa per an( send se stampffor postage. amention ede lsa box; altdealers or Edn,anson, Batas & Co„ Limited. Toronto th. In the past convention was held in the winter but the "flu" epedimec dur ing the last two winters has made it necessary' to hold the convention in the sununer season. There was a good number of S.S, workers present and en Its Inventor has obtained a patented joyed the programme which was help {or a complete kitchen that occupies a tut and interesting. After the opening - space but four feet square yet included exercises led by Rev. R.J. Ross presi- dent 13. F. Swantz presided and in his stove, sink, table, set of sbeives and opening remarks emphasizedthe evangel stand of drawers. Nie was elected president and.superin- tendent appointed for all the depart- ments. The offerings amounted to twelve dollars and seventy five cents. LONDESBORO. Miss Rena and Lydia Reid of Ffarlock pupils of Miss Alice Belt, were among the successful candidates at the recent piano examinations In connection with the Toronto Conservatory of Music Miss Rena. taking honors in the Primary and Miss Lydia honors in Elementay. Don't forget the grand ice creast soc- ial to be held on the lawn of Mr, Jos- eph Carter on the evening of Friday July 23rd to be given under the aus- pices of the Methodist choir. Everybody come and enjoy a good time. Mr and Mrs Jno, Moon and son of ?nailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Go., Limited, oronto, Ont. 1.q change the date of the annual tdeet- Toronto and Mr. Hoffman of Sebring vine are visiting at Mr, Geo, Moon's. Mr, and Mrs. Jim. Morrison of Toron to are visiting at Mr. Harry Moon's. Rev. Mr. Sawyer preached a splen- did seermou to the Orangemen on Sun day. The church was very prettily de- corated with flowers and ferns for the special service. Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Sawyer are at pre sent at St• Thomas attending summer school. Miss Ester Lyon is visiting in St. Thomas at present. Londesboro was well represented at Goderich on the 12th. Mr. Loundesbtry has sold his car and purchased a new one. The women's Institute will hold a plc nic on the lawn of Mr, Wilhite, Brigham on Aug. 5th civic holiday. Everybody come, Bring your'luncit and have a good time. Mrs. Brogden spent Sunday in Lon don. Mr. Will Fiegiand Will preach at the Methodist churelt on Sunday 18515 both Morning and evening, Miss Edith Sampson t'etureed to Chat halt after her holidays with her par - This Mark on Harvest Tools A Small Thing to Look For But a Big Thing to Find Half the job lies in having the right -tool. if it's a Hay Fork, you want a fork that feels right, has theright spring and balance, the sterling good quality that makes the work go faster and easier. • All Sensible Farmers insist Upon "a GOLD. MEDAL" Harvest T ols With GOLD MEDAL Tools, you know you can de- pend on good hard service. No wasting time because of poor, defective tools, in haying time, when the moments are precious. l3uy tools with the Gold Medal Label—and get good steel, right temper, tough hickory, proper fit and heft. Foxle by 111 4 irstmCC ss Hardware Dealers